|HAO WATATU WITHUS009889208B2 NUMMIT (12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No. : US 9 , 889 ,208 B2 Hanes et al. (45 ) Date of Patent: Feb . 13, 2018 ( 54 ) LIPID -BASED DRUG CARRIERS FOR RAPID (52 ) U . S. CI. PENETRATION THROUGH MUCUS CPC ...... A61K 47 /48815 (2013 . 01 ) ; A61K 9 / 1271 LININGS ( 2013 . 01 ) ; A61K 31/ 704 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; A61K 4776911 (2017 .08 ) ; A61K 49 / 1812 (2013 .01 ) ( 71 ) Applicant: The Johns Hopkins University, 8 ) Field of Classification Search Baltimore , MD (US ) CPC ...... A61K 9 / 127 See application file for complete search history. (72 ) Inventors : Justin Hanes, Baltimore , MD (US ) ; Kannie Wai Yan Chan , Baltimore , MD (56 ) References Cited (US ) ; Michael T . McMahon , Columbia , MD (US ) ; Ming Yang , U .S . PATENT DOCUMENTS Townson , MD (US ) ; Tao Yu , Baltimore , 4 ,997 ,652 A 3 / 1991 Wong MD (US ) 5 ,013 ,556 A 5/ 1991 Woodle ( 73 ) Assignee : The Johns Hopkins University , (Continued ) Baltimore, MD (US ) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS ( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer , the term of this WO 9207866 5 / 1992 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 WO 9742962 11 /1997 U . S . C . 154 ( b ) by 321 days . (Continued ) ( 21) Appl. No .: 14 /397 , 828 OTHER PUBLICATIONS ( 22 ) PCT Filed : May 6, 2013 Deosarkar, et al. . , “ Polymeric particles conjugated with a ligand to VCAM - 1 exhibit selective , avid , and focal adhesion to sites of ( 86 ) PCT No .: PCT/ US2013 / 039731 atherosclerosis ” , Biotech . Bioeng ., 101( 2 ) :400 - 7 (2008 ) . $ 371 (c )( 1 ), (Continued ) ( 2 ) Date : Oct . 29, 2014 Primary Examiner — Gollamudi Kishore (87 ) PCT Pub . No. : W02013 / 166498 ( 74 ) Attorney , Agent, or Firm — Pabst Patent Group LLP PCT Pub . Date : Nov . 7 , 2013 (57 ) ABSTRACT (65 ) Prior Publication Data Mucus- penetrating liposomal nanoparticles and methods of making and using thereof are described herein . The nano US 2015 / 0086484 Al Mar. 26 , 2015 particles contain one or more lipids, one or more PEG conjugated lipids, and optionally one or more additional Related U .S . Application Data materials that physically and/ or chemically stabilize the (60 ) Provisional application No . 61/642 ,776 , filed on May particles . The nanoparticle have an average diameter of 4 , 2012 . about 100 nm to about 300 nm , preferably from about 100 nm to about 250 nm , more preferably from about 100 nm to (51 ) Int . CI. about 200 nm . The particles are mobile in mucus. The A61K 9 / 127 ( 2006 .01 ) liposomes can further contain one or more therapeutic , A61K 4748 (2006 .01 ) prophylactic , and / or diagnostic agent to be delivered to a ( Continued ) (Continued )

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LIPID - BASED DRUG CARRIERS FOR RAPID nanoparticles contain one or more lipids, one or more PENETRATION THROUGH MUCUS PEG - conjugated lipids , and optionally one or more addi LININGS tional materials that physically and /or chemically stabilize the particles . The concentration of the PEG - conjugated lipid CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED 5 is from about 8 mole percent to about 30 mole percent. The APPLICATIONS liposomes can be prepared by any means known in the art. This application is a 371 application of International The nanoparticle have an average diameter of about 100 nm Application No. PCT/ US2013 / 039731 , filed May 6 , 2013 , to about 300 nm , preferably from about 100 nm to about 250 which claims the benefit of and priority to U . S . U . S . Ser . No. nm , more preferably from about 100 nm to about 200 nm . 61/ 642 ,776 entitled “ Lipid -Based Drug Carriers for Rapid The particles are mobile in mucus. “ Mobile ” as used herein Penetration Through Mucus Linings ” filed May 4 , 2012 . means particles which travel a distance of at least over 10 times its radius (about 100 nm ) in a 20 second movie , which STATEMENT REGARDING FEDERALLY corresponds to about 0 . 1 um - / sec . SPONSORED RESEARCH OR DEVELOPMENT The liposomes can further contain one or more therapeu This invention was made with government support under tic , prophylactic , and / or diagnostic agent to be delivered to grant no . EB015031 awarded by the National Institutes of a mucosal surface, such as the CV tract, the colon , the nose , Health . The government has certain rights in the invention . the lungs , and /or the eyes . The liposomes can further contain one or more CEST agents to allow real time imaging of the FIELD OF THE INVENTION 20 particles in a live animal . The particles may also further contain an imaging agent, such as a fluorescent label . This invention is in the field of liposomal nanoparticles Finally , the particle may contain a mucus - disrupting agent . for drug delivery , particularly mucus- penetrating liposomal The particles may contain one or more of the agents listed nanoparticles . above . 25 The liposomes can be combined with one or more phar BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION maceutically acceptable excipients to prepare pharmaceuti Mucus is a viscous and adhesive substance that efficiently cal formulations . The liposomes can be administered by a traps and removes pathogens , hazard particles, and conven - variety of routes of administration , such as enteral or par tional drug or gene carriers from mucosal surfaces , including enteral, as well as topical or pulmonary . those that cover the female reproductive tract, GI tract , lung, 30 airway and eyes. To deliver therapeutics efficiently across BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS the mucosal surfaces , drug or gene carriers must be able to penetrate the mucus barrier to avoid the mucus- induced aggregation and rapid clearance . FIG . 1 is a schematic of mucus -penetrating liposomal Different strategies have been proposed to render drug or 35 nanoparticles formed from phosphatidylcholine (PC ) , gene carriers muco - inert by covalently or non -covalently PEG2000 -DSPE , cholesterol, and Rhodamine- PE having modifying particle surfaces with a dense coating of low encapsulated therein a CEST agent (barbituric acid ) and molecular weight (MW ) poly ( ethylene glycol) (PEG ) , a doxorubicin . hydrophilic , neutrally charged molecule that efficiently FIG . 2A is a graph showing the diameter of the liposomal shields particles from strong adhesion to mucus . Prior for - in nanoparticles as a function of time (hours ) for liposomal mulations of mucus -penetrating particles (MPP ) are mainly nanoparticles containing different amounts of polyethylene based on biodegradable polymers , of which the hydrophobic glycol (PEG ) . FIG . 2B is a graph showing the polydispersity segment serves as the loading vehicle for poorly soluble of the liposomal nanoparticles as a function of time (hours ) drugs . However, it remains challenging to encapsulate water for liposomal nanoparticles containing different amounts of soluble agents ( e . g , such as antibodies or growth factors ) in hydrophobic polymeric particles , especially for 45 PEG . those with small sizes at sub -micron scale such as MPP. FIG . 3 is a schematic showing the penetration of mucus Lipid -based systems, such as liposomes , have been stud - penetrating particles compared to non -mucus - penetrating ied as means for effective drug delivery, particularly for particles . hydrophilic or water- soluble agents . However , these systems FIG . 4 shows the relative signal intensity as a function of are generally unable to achieve efficient transmucosal deliv - 50 frequency offset from water for liposomal nanoparticles ery mainly due to the strong hindrance by the mucus mesh . prepared with different amounts of PEG - conjugated lipid . The intense interactions between delivery particles and mucus constituents might also induce unwanted decompo DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE sition of the particles or the encapsulated payloads. INVENTION There exists a need for a drug delivery systems which can 55 rapidly penetrate mucus which overcomes the limitations I. Definitions discussed above associated with polymeric systems. Therefore , there is a need to provide a drug delivery “ Liposome” , as used herein , refers to vesicles or particles system , particularly a lipid -based system , such as liposomes, which possess a lipid bilayer enclosing an aqueous com which can rapidly penetrate mucus which overcomes the 60 partment. limitations discussed above associated with polymeric sys - “ Nanoparticle, " as used herein , generally refers to a tems and methods of making and using thereof. particle of any shape having an average diameter from about 1 nm up to , but not including, about 1 micron , preferably SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION from about 5 nm to about 500 nm , most preferably from 65 about 5 nm to about 300 nm . In some embodiments , the Mucus - penetrating liposomal nanoparticles and methods particles have an average diameter from about 100 nm to of making and using thereof are described herein . The about 300 nm , preferably from about 100 nm to about 250 US 9 ,889 ,208 B2 nm , more preferably from about 100 nm to about 200 nm . other materials , which protects epithelial surface of various Nanoparticles having a spherical shape are generally organs/ tissues , including respiratory, nasal, cervicovaginal, referred to as “ nanospheres ” . gastrointestinal , rectal, visual and auditory systems. " Spu " Mean particle size ,” as used herein , generally refers to tum ,” as used herein , refers to highly viscoelastic mucus the statisticalmean particle size ( diameter ) of the particles in 5 secretions consist of a variety of macromolecules such as a population of particles . The diameter of an essentially DNA , actins and other cell debris released from dead cells spherical particle may be referred to as the physical or in addition to mucin glycoproteins. “ Sputum ” is generally hydrodynamic diameter. The diameter of a non - spherical present in the pathogenic airways of patients afflicted by particle may refer preferentially to the hydrodynamic diam - obstructive lung diseases , including but not limited to , eter. As used herein , the diameter of a non - spherical particle 10 asthma, COPD and CF . “ CF mucus” and “ CF sputum ,” as may refer to the largest linear distance between two points used herein , refer to mucus and sputum , respectively, from on the surface of the particle. Mean particle size can be a patient suffering from cystic fibrosis . In some embodi measured using methods known in the art , such as dynamic ments , the mucus is non - ovulatory human cervicovaginal light scattering. mucus (CVM ) . " Monodisperse ” and “ homogeneous size distribution , " 15 "Mucus Degrading Agent, ” as used herein , refers to a are used interchangeably herein and describe a plurality of substance which increases the rate of mucus clearance when liposomal nanoparticles or microparticles where the par - administered to a patient. Mucus degrading agents are ticles have the same or nearly the same diameter or aero - known in the art . See , for example , Hanes, J . et al . Gene dynamic diameter. As used herein , a monodisperse distri Delivery to the Lung . in Pharmaceutical Inhalation Aerosol bution refers to particle distributions in which 75 , 76 , 77 , 78 , 20 Technology , Marcel Dekker, Inc. , New York : 489 -539 79 , 80 , 81, 82 , 83 , 84 , 85 , 86 , 86 , 88 , 89 , 90 , 91 , 92 , 93 , 94 , (2003 ) . Examples ofmucus degrading agents include N - ace 95 % or greater of the distribution lies within 85 , 80 , 75 , 70 , tylcysteine (NAC ) , which cleaves disulfide and sulfhydryl 65 , 60 , 55 , 50 , 45 , 40, 35 , 30 , 25 , 20 , 15 , or 10 % of the mass bonds present in mucin . Other mucus degrading agents median diameter or aerodynamic diameter. include mugwort, bromelain , papain , clerodendrum , acetyl “Mobile ” as used herein means particles which travel a 25 cysteine , bromhexine , carbocisteine , eprazinone , mesna, distance of at least over 10 times its radius (about 100 nm ) ambroxol, sobrerol, domiodol, denufosol, letosteine , in a 20 second movie , which corresponds to about 0 . 1 stepronin , tiopronin , gelsolin , thymosin B4 , neltenexine , umº/ sec . erdosteine, and various DNases including rhDNase . "Hydrophilic ” as used herein refers to substances that The term " surfactant” as used herein refers to an agent have strongly polar groups that readily interact with water . 30 that lowers the surface tension of a liquid . “ Lipophilic ” refers to compounds having an affinity for The term “ therapeutic agent ” refers to an agent that can be lipids . administered to prevent or treat a disease or disorder. Thera “ Amphiphilic ” refers to a molecule combining hydro peutic agents can be a nucleic acid , a nucleic acid analog , a philic and lipophilic (hydrophobic ) properties small molecule , a peptidomimetic , a , peptide , car " Hydrophobic ” as used herein refers to substances that 35 bohydrate or sugar, lipid , or surfactant, or a combination lack an affinity for water; tending to repel and not absorb thereof . water as well as not dissolve in or mix with water. The term “ treating ” or preventing a disease , disorder or “ Pharmaceutically acceptable , " as used herein , refers to condition from occurring in an animal which may be pre compounds, materials, compositions, and/ or dosage forms disposed to the disease , disorder and /or condition but has not which are , within the scope of sound medical judgment , 40 yet been diagnosed as having it; inhibiting the disease , suitable for use in contact with the tissues of human beings disorder or condition , e. g ., impeding its progress ; and reliev and animals without excessive toxicity , irritation , allergic ing the disease , disorder , or condition , e . g . , causing regres response , or other problemsor complications commensurate sion of the disease , disorder and /or condition . Treating the with a reasonable benefit / risk ratio , in accordance with the disease or condition includes ameliorating at least one guidelines of agencies such as the Food and Drug Admin - 45 symptom of the particular disease or condition , even if the istration . underlying pathophysiology is not affected , such as treating “ Biocompatible ” as used herein , generally refer to mate the pain of a subject by administration of an analgesic agent rials that are , along with any metabolites or degradation even though such agent does not treat the cause of the pain . products thereof, generally nontoxic to the recipient, and do The term “ targeting moiety ” as used herein refers to a not cause any significant adverse effects to the recipient . 50 moiety that localizes to or away from a specific locale . The Generally speaking , biocompatible materials are materials moiety may be, for example , a protein , nucleic acid , nucleic which do not elicit a significant inflammatory or immune acid analog , carbohydrate , or small molecule . The entity response when administered to a patient. may be , for example , a therapeutic compound such as a “Molecular weight, " as used herein , generally refers to the small molecule , or a diagnostic entity such as a detectable relative average chain length of the bulk polymer, unless 55 label . The locale may be a tissue , a particular cell type , or a otherwise specified . In practice , molecular weight can be subcellular compartment. In one embodiment, the targeting estimated or characterized using various methods including moiety directs the localization of an active entity. The active gel permeation chromatography (GPC ) or capillary viscom - entity may be a small molecule , protein , polymer, or metal . etry . GPC molecular weights are reported as the weight- The active entity may be useful for therapeutic , prophylac average molecular weight (Mw ) as opposed to the number - 60 tic , or diagnostic purposes . average molecular weight (Mn ) . Capillary viscometry The term “ therapeutically effective amount ” refers to an provides estimates of molecular weight as the inherent amount of the therapeutic agent that, when incorporated into viscosity determined from a dilute polymer solution using a and /or onto particles described herein , produces some particular set of concentration , temperature , and solvent desired effect at a reasonable benefit /risk ratio applicable to conditions . 65 any medical treatment. The effective amount may vary " Mucus, " as used herein , refers to a viscoelastic natural depending on such factors as the disease or condition being substance containing primarily mucin glycoproteins and treated , the particular targeted constructs being adminis US 9 , 889 , 208 B2 tered , the size of the subject, or the severity of the disease or preferably from about 20 to about 80 mole percent. In some condition . One of ordinary skill in the art may empirically embodiments , the concentration may be from about 40 to determine the effective amount of a particular compound about 70 mole percent, preferably from about 40 to about 60 without necessitating undue experimentation . mole percent. The terms “ incorporated ” and “ encapsulated ” refers to 5 1 . Fatty Acids incorporating , formulating, or otherwise including an active Fatty acids , or fatty acid residues when they form part of agent into and /or onto a composition that allows for release, a lipid , are a diverse group of molecules which can be such as sustained release , of such agent in the desired prepared synthetically or synthesized naturally by chain application . The terms contemplate any manner by which a elongation of an acetyl- CoA primer with malonyl -CoA or therapeutic agent or other material is incorporated into a 10 methylmalonyl- CoA groups in a process called fatty acid polymer matrix , including , for example : attached to a mono Sunsynthesis . Fatty acids are made of a hydrocarbon chain that mer of such polymer (by covalent, ionic , or other binding terminates with a carboxylic acid group ; this arrangement interaction ) , physical admixture , enveloping the agent in a confers the molecule with a polar, hydrophilic end , and a coating layer of polymer, incorporated into the polymer, nonpolar, hydrophobic end that is insoluble in water. The distributed throughout the polymeric matrix , appended to 15 carbon chain , typically between four and 24 carbons long , the surface of the polymeric matrix (by covalent or other may be saturated or unsaturated , and may be attached to binding interactions ) , encapsulated inside the polymeric functional groups containing oxygen , halogens, nitrogen , matrix , etc . The term “ co - incorporation ” or “ co -encapsula and sulfur. Where a double bond exists , there is the possi tion ” refers to -the incorporation of a therapeutic agent or bility of either a cis or trans geometric isomerism , which other material and at least one other therapeutic agent or 20 significantly affects the molecule ' s configuration . Cis other material in a subject composition . double bonds cause the fatty acid chain to bend , an effect that is compounded with more double bonds in the chain . II. Mucus- Penetrating Liposomal Particles Most naturally occurring fatty acids are of the cis configu ration , although the trans form does exist in some natural Mucus -penetrating liposomal particles are described 25 and partially hydrogenated fats and oils . Other major lipid herein . A liposome is a synthetic vesicle or particle contain - classes in the fatty acid category are the fatty esters and fatty ing a lipid bilayer . Liposomes can be used for drug delivery. amides . The major types of liposomes are the multilamellar vesicle 2 . Glycerolipids (MLV ) , the small unilamellar vesicle ( SUV ) , the large Glycerolipids are composed mainly of mono - , di- , and unilamellar vesicle ( LUV ) , and the cochleate vesicle . 30 tri -substituted glycerols , the most well -known being the Liposomes have been pegylated , e . g . , prepared from fatty acid triesters of glycerol, called triglycerides. The word PEG - conjugated lipids, to prepare stealth liposomes for " triacylglycerol” is sometimes used synonymously with intravenous administration . The PEG extends the blood " triglyceride” , though the latter lipids contain no hydroxyl circulation time which reduces mononuclear phagocyte sys - group. In these compounds, the three hydroxyl groups of tem uptake , i. e . , stealth liposomes. Such liposomes typically 35 glycerol are each esterified , typically by different fatty acids . contain about 3 - 7 mole percent PEG - conjugated lipids . In Additional subclasses of glycerolipids are represented by contrast , the liposomes described herein are mucus penetrat - glycosylglycerols , which are characterized by the presence ing . It has been found that significantly higher concentra - of one or more sugar residues attached to glycerol via a tions of PEG - conjugated lipids are necessary to impart glycosidic linkage . Examples of structures in this category mucus - penetrating properties . The concentration of PEG - 40 are the digalactosyldiacylglycerols found in plant mem conjugated lipids is typically at least about 8 or about 10 branes and seminolipid from mammalian sperm cells . mole percent, for example from about 8 or about 10 to about 3 . Glycerophospholipids 30 mole percent, preferably from about 8 or about 10 mole Glycerophospholipids , usually referred to as phospholip percent to about 20 mole percent. ids , are ubiquitous in nature and are key components of the A . Lipids 45 lipid bilayer of cells , as well as being involved in metabo The liposomes described herein contain one or more lipid lism and cell signaling . Most phospholipids contain a components . Lipids are naturally occurring, synthetic , or diglyceride, a phosphate group , and a simple organic mol semi- synthetic molecules that include fats , waxes , sterols , ecule such as choline ; one exception to this rule is sphin fat- soluble vitamins ( such as vitamins A , D , E , and K ) , gomyelin , which is derived from sphingosine instead of monoglycerides , diglycerides , triglycerides , phospholipids , 50 glycerol. and others . The structure of the phospholipid molecule generally Lipids may be broadly defined as hydrophobic or amphi - consists of hydrophobic tails and a hydrophilic head . The philic small molecules ; the amphiphilic nature of some 'head ' is attracted to water, while the hydrophobic “tails ' are lipids allows them to form structures such as vesicles , repelled by water and are forced to aggregate . The hydro liposomes, or membranes in an aqueous environment . Bio - 55 philic head contains the negatively charged phosphate logical lipids originate entirely or in part from two distinct group , and may contain other polar groups . The hydrophobic types of biochemical subunits or “ building -blocks ” : ketoa - tail usually consists of long fatty acid hydrocarbon chains . cyl and isoprene groups . When placed in water, phospholipids form a variety of Using this approach , lipids may be divided into eight structures depending on the specific properties of the phos categories : fatty acids, glycerolipids , glycerophospholipids , 60 pholipid . Lipid bilayers occur when hydrophobic tails line sphingolipids, saccharolipids , and polyketides ( derived from up against one another, forming a membrane of hydrophilic condensation of ketoacyl subunits ) ; and sterol lipids and heads on both sides facing the water. prenol lipids ( derived from condensation of isoprene sub Glycerophospholipids may be subdivided into distinct units ). classes , based on the nature of the polar headgroup at the The concentration of the lipid is from about 25 to 99 mole 65 sn - 3 position of the glycerol backbone in eukaryotes and percent, preferably about 25 to about 95 mole percent, more eubacteria , or the sn - 1 position in the case of archaebacteria . preferably from about 20 to about 90 mole percent, most Examples of glycerophospholipids found in biological US 9 ,889 ,208 B2 membranes are phosphatidylcholine (also known as PC , TABLE 1 - continued GPCho or lecithin ), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE or GPEtn ) and phosphatidylserine (PS or GPSer ). Phospholipids In eukaryotes , phospholipids are generally classified into Abbreviation CAS No . Name Type two types: diacylglycerides and phosphingolipids. Examples DMPG - NA 67232 1 ,2 -Dimyristoyl - sn - Phosphatidylglycerol of diacylglycerides include, but are not limited to , phospha 80 - 8 glycero - 3 [Phospho tidic acid (phosphatidate ) (PA ), phosphatidylethanolamine rac - ( 1 - glycerol . . . ) ( Sodium Salt ) ( cephalin ) (PE ) , phosphatidylcholine ( lecithin ) (PC ) , phos DMPG - NH4 1 ,2 - Dimyristoyl- sn - Phosphatidylglycerol phatidylserine ( PS ) , and phosphoinositides, such as phos - 10 glycero - 3 [Phospho phatidylinositol (PI ) , phosphatidylinositol phosphate (PIP ) , rac - ( 1 -glycerol . . . ) phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate (PIP2 ) and , phosphati (Ammonium Salt ) DMPG 1 , 2 -Dimyristoyl - sn - Phosphatidylglycerol dylinositol triphosphate (PIP3 ) . Examples of phospingolip NH4NA glycero - 3 [Phospho ids include, but are not limited to , ceramide phosphorylcho rac - ( 1 - glycerol. . . ) line (Sphingomyelin ) (SPH ) , ceramide 15 ( Sodium / Ammonium phosphorylethanolamine (Sphingomyelin ) (Cer - PE ) , and Salt ) DMPS -NA 1 , 2 - Dimyristoyl- sn - Phosphatidylserine Ceramide phosphoryllipid . glycero - 3 Other phospholipids that can be used are shown in Table phosphoserine 1 below . ( Sodium Salt ) 20 DOPA -NA 1 , 2 - Dioleoyl - sn Phosphatidic acid glycero - 3 -phosphate TABLE 1 ( Sodium Salt ) DOPC 4235 1 , 2 - Dioleoyl- sn Phosphatidylcholine Phospholipids 95 - 4 glycero - 3 Type phosphocholine Abbreviation CAS No . Name 25 DOPE 4004 - 5 1 , 2 -Dioleoyl - sn Phosphatidyletha DDPC 3436 1, 2 -Didecanoyl -sn - Phosphatidylcholine 1 glycero - 3 nolamine 44 - 0 glycero - 3 phosphoethanolamine phosphocholine DOPG -NA 62700 1 , 2 - Dioleoyl- sn Phosphatidylglycerol DEPA -NA 80724 1 , 2 - Dierucoyl- sn Phosphatidic acid 69 - 0 glycero - 3 [Phospho 31 - 8 glycero - 3 -phosphate rac - ( 1 -glycerol . . . ) ( Sodium Salt ) 30 ( Sodium Salt ) DEPC 56649 - 1 , 2 -Dierucoyl - sn Phosphatidylcholine DOPS -NA 70614 1 , 2 - Dioleoyl - sn Phosphatidylserine tadal39 - 9 glycero - 3 14 - 1 glycero - 3 phosphocholine phosphoserine DEPE 988 -07 1 , 2 - Dierucoyl- sn Phosphatidyletha ( Sodium Salt ) glycero - 3 nolamine DPPA -NA 71065 Phosphatidic acid phosphoethanolamine 35 1 , 2 - Dipalmitoyl- sn - DEPG -NA 1 , 2 -Dierucoyl - sn Phosphatidylglycerol 87 - 7 glycero - 3 -phosphate glycero - 3 [Phospho ( Sodium Salt ) rac - ( 1 - glycerol . . . ) DPPC 63 -89 -8 1 , 2 -Dipalmitoyl - sn - Phosphatidylcholine ( Sodium Salt) glycero - 3 DLOPC 998 - 06 1 , 2 - Dilinoleoyl- sn - Phosphatidylcholine phosphocholine glycero - 3 40 DPPE 923 -61 - 1 , 2 - Dipalmitoyl- sn - Phosphatidyletha phosphocholine glycero - 3 nolamine DLPA - NA 1 , 2 - Dilauroyl- sn Phosphatidic acid phosphoethanolamine glycero - 3 - phosphate DPPG - NA 67232 1 , 2 - Dipalmitoyl- sn - Phosphatidylglycerol ( Sodium Salt ) 81 - 9 glycero - 3 [Phospho DLPC 18194 1 , 2 - Dilauroyl - sn Phosphatidylcholine rac - ( 1 - glycerol. . . ) 25 - 7 glycero - 3 45 (Sodium Salt ) phosphocholine DPPG - NH4 73548 1 , 2 -Dipalmitoyl - sn - Phosphatidylglycerol DLPE 1 , 2 - Dilauroyl- sn Phosphatidyletha 70 - 6 glycero- 3 [ Phospho glycero - 3 nolamine rac - ( 1 - glycerol . . . ) phosphoethanolamine ( Ammonium Salt ) DLPG - NA 1 , 2 -Dilauroyl - sn Phosphatidylglycerol DPPS - NA 1 , 2 -Dipalmitoyl -sn - Phosphatidylserine glycero - 3 [Phospho 50 glycero - 3 rac - ( 1 - glycerol . . . ) phosphoserine (Sodium Salt ) ( Sodium Salt ) DLPG -NH4 1 , 2 - Dilauroyl- sn DSPA - NA 108321 1 , 2 -Distearoyl - sn - Phosphatidic acid glycero - 3 [ Phospho 18 - 2 glycero - 3 -phosphate rac - ( 1 -glycerol . . . ) (Sodium Salt ) ( Ammonium Salt ) 55 DSPC 816 - 94 1 , 2 -Distearoyl - sn Phosphatidylcholine DLPS -NA 1 ,2 - Dilauroyl- sn Phosphatidylserine glycero - 3 glycero - 3 phosphocholine phosphoserine DSPE 1069 1 , 2 - Distearoyl- sn Phosphatidyletha ( Sodium Salt ) 79 - 0 glycero - 3 nolamine DMPA -NA 80724 - 3 1 , 2 - Dimyristoyl- sn - Phosphatidic acid phosphoethanolamine glycero - 3 -phosphate 60 DSPG -NA 67232 1 , 2 -Distearoyl - sn Phosphatidylglycerol ( Sodium Salt ) 82 - 0 glycero - 3 [Phospho DMPC 18194 1 , 2 - Dimyristoyl- sn - Phosphatidylcholine rac - ( 1 - glycerol. . . ) 24 - 6 glycero - 3 ( Sodium Salt) phosphocholine DSPG - NH4 108347 1 , 2 - Distearoyl -sn - Phosphatidylglycerol DMPE 988 - 07 1 , 2 -Dimyristoyl - sn - Phosphatidyletha 80 - 4 glycero - 3 [Phospho glycero - 3 nolamine 65 rac - ( 1 - glycerol . . . ) phosphoethanolamine ( Ammonium Salt ) US 9 , 889 , 208 B2 10 TABLE 1 - continued derivatives with an amide - linked fatty acid . The fatty acids are typically saturated or mono - unsaturated with chain Phospholipids lengths from 16 to 26 carbon atoms. Abbreviation CAS No. Name Type The major phosphosphingolipids of mammals are sphin 5 gomyelins ( ceramide phosphocholines ), whereas insects DSPS -NA 1 , 2 - Distearoyl- sn glycero - 3 contain mainly ceramide phosphoethanolamines and fungi Phosphatidylserine have phytoceramide phosphoinositols and mannose -con phosphoserine taining headgroups. The glycosphingolipids are a diverse ( Sodium Salt ) Egg family of molecules composed of one or more sugar residues Sphingomyelin linked via a glycosidic bond to the sphingoid base . Examples empty of these are the simple and complex glycosphingolipids such Liposome ??? Egg - PC Phosphatidylcholine as cerebrosides and gangliosides . HEPC Hydrogenated Egg PC Phosphatidyl 5 . Sterol Lipids High purity choline 5 Sterol lipids , such as cholesterol and its derivatives, are an HSPC Hydrogenated Soy PC Phosphatidylcholine important component of membrane lipids , along with the HSPC Hydrogenated Soy PC Phosphatidylcholine LYSOPC 18194 1 -Myristoyl - sn - glycero - Lysophosphatidyl glycerophospholipids and sphingomyelins. The steroids are MYRISTIC 24 - 6 3 - phosphocholine choline all derived from the same fused four- ring core structure . LYSOPC 17364 1 -Palmitoyl - sn - glycero - Lysophosphatidyl Other examples of sterols are the bile acids and their PALMITIC 16 - 8 3 - phosphocholine choline LYSOPC 19420 1 - Stearoyl -sn - glycero - Lysophosphatidyl- 20 conjugates. The plant equivalents are the phytosterols , such STEARIC 57 - 6 3 -phosphocholine choline as B - sitosterol , stigmasterol, and brassicasterol. Milk 1 -Myristoy1 - 2 Phosphatidylcholine 6 . Prenol Lipids Sphingomyelin palmitoyl -sn - glycero 3 MPPC phosphocholine Prenol lipids are synthesized from the five - carbon - unit MSPC 1 -Myristoy1 - 2 - stearoyl- Phosphatidylcholine precursors isopentenyl diphosphate and dimethylallyl sn - glycero - 3 25 diphosphate . The simple isoprenoids ( linear alcohols , phosphocholine diphosphates, etc . ) are formed by the successive addition of PMPC 1 - Palmitoy1 - 2 Phosphatidylcholine myristoyl- sn - glycero - 3 C5 units , and are classified according to number of these phosphocholine terpene units . Structures containing greater than 40 carbons POPC 26853 1 -Palmitoy1 - 2 - oleoyl- Phosphatidylcholine are known as polyterpenes. Carotenoids are important 31 - 6 sn - glycero - 3 30 simple isoprenoids that function as antioxidants and as phosphocholine POPE 1 - Palmitoyl- 2 -oleoyl Phosphatidyletha precursors of vitamin A . Another biologically important sn - glycero - 3 - nolamine class of molecules is exemplified by the quinones and phosphoethanolamine hydroquinones , which contain an isoprenoid tail attached to POPG -NA 81490 1 - Palmitoyl - 2 - oleoyl- Phosphatidylglycerol a quinonoid core of non - isoprenoid origin . Vitamin E and 05 - 3 sn - glycero - 3 [ Phospho rac - ( 1 - glycerol) . . . ] vitamin K , as well as the ubiquinones, are examples of this ( Sodium Salt) class. Prokaryotes synthesize polyprenols ( called bactopre PSPC 1 -Palmitoyl -2 -stearoyl - Phosphatidylcholine nols ) in which the terminal isoprenoid unit attached to sn - glycero - 3 phosphocholine oxygen remains unsaturated , whereas in animal polyprenols SMPC 1 - Stearoyl - 2 Phosphatidylcholine ( dolichols ) the terminal isoprenoid is reduced . myristoyl- sn - glycero - 3 " 40 7 . Saccharolipids phosphocholine Saccharolipids describe compounds in which fatty acids SOPC 1 -Stearoyl - 2 - oleoyl Phosphatidylcholine are linked directly to a sugar backbone , forming structures sn - glycero - 3 phosphocholine that are compatible with membrane bilayers . In the saccha SPPC 1 - Stearoyl - 2 Phosphatidylcholin rolipids, a monosaccharide substitutes for the glycerol back palmitoyl- sn - glycero 45 bone present in glycerolipids and glycerophospholipids . The 3 - phosphocholine most familiar saccharolipids are the acylated glucosamine precursors of the Lipid A component of the lipopolysaccha rides in Gram -negative . Typical lipid A molecules In some embodiments , the lipid component is one ormore are disaccharides of glucosamine , which are derivatized phospholipids. In some embodiments , the lipid is , or con 50 with as many as seven fatty - acyl chains . tains , phosphatidylcholine (PC , e . g ., egg PC or hydroge B . PEG -Conjugated Lipids nated soy PC ). The concentration of the phospholipid is The liposomes also contain a PEG -conjugated lipid . The from about 25 to 99 mole percent, preferably about 25 to lipid can be conjugated to PEG itself or a copolymer about 95 mole percent, more preferably from about 20 to containing PEG , such as PEO - PPO copolymer available about 90 mole percent, most preferably from about 20 toss55 under the tradename PLURONIC . Other materials, such as about 80 mole percent. In some embodiments , the concen polymers , surfactants , nucleic acids , proteins , etc . , can be tration may be from about 40 to about 70 mole percent, used in place of or in combination with PEG provided the preferably from about 40 to about 60 mole percent. material enhances or facilitate diffusion through mucus . 4 . Sphingolipids The PEG - conjugated lipid can be a pegylated form of any Sphingolipids are a complicated family of compounds 60 of the lipids discussed above . In some embodiments , the that share a common structural feature , a sphingoid base PEG - conjugated lipid is a PEG - conjugated phospholipid . In backbone that is synthesized de novo from the amino acid particular embodiments , the PEG - conjugated phospholipid and a long - chain fatty acyl COA , then converted into is PEG -phosphatidylethanolamine (PEG - PE ) . The concen ceramides, phosphosphingolipids, glycosphingolipids and tration of the PEG -conjugated lipid in the liposome is at least other compounds. The major sphingoid base of mammals is 65 about 10 mole percent, for example , about 10 to about 30 commonly referred to as sphingosine . Ceramides ( N - acyl- mole percent, preferably about 10 mole percent to about 20 sphingoid bases ) are a major subclass of sphingoid base mole percent. US 9 , 889 , 208 B2 12 The molecular weight of PEG can vary. In some embodi The density of the coating can be varied based on a variety ments , the molecular weight of PEG is from about 500 of factors including the surface altering material and the Daltons to about 10, 000 Daltons, preferably from about 500 composition of the particle . In one embodiment, the density Daltons to about 5 ,000 Daltons, more preferably from about of the surface altering material, such as PEG , as measured by 1 ,000 Daltons to about 5 , 000 Daltons, most preferably from 5 TH NMR is at least . 0 . 1 . 0 . 2 . 0 . 5 . 0 . 8 . 1 . 2 . 5 . 8 . 10 . 15 . 20 . about 2 ,000 Daltons to about 4 , 000 Daltons . In particular 25 , 40 , 50 , 60 , 75 , 80 , 90 , or 100 chains per nm². The range embodiments , the molecular weight of PEG is about 2000 Daltons. above is inclusive of all values from 0 . 1 to 100 units per C . Stabilizer nm². In particular embodiments , the density of the surface The liposome can also contain one or more stabilizers . 10 altering material , such as PEG , is from about 1 to about 25 Stabilizers are components or additional components in the chains/ nm² , from about 1 to about 20 chains/ nm² , from liposomes that reduce or prevent vesicle destabilization about 5 to about 20 chains /nm² , from about 5 to about 18 and / or opsonization and concomitant release of encapsu chains / nm², from about 5 to about 15 chains/ nm , or from lated agents or drugs . For example , stabilizers , such as about 10 to about 15 chains/ nm² . The concentration of the cholesterol and other materials . enhance the mechanical 15 surface altering material, such as PEG , can also be varied . In strength of the lipid bilayer. Other materials include one or particular embodiments , the density of the surface - altering more of the lipids described above . material ( e . g ., PEG ) is such that the surface - altering material The concentration of the stabilizer ( s ) is at least about 5 ( e . g . PEG ) adopted an extended brush configuration . In mole percent, preferably at least about 10 mole percent other embodiments , the mass of the surface - altering moiety more preferably at least about 20 mole percent, most pref - 20 is at least 1/ 10, 000 , 1/ 7500 , 1/ 5000 , 14000 , 1/ 3400 , 1/ 2500 , 1/ 2000 , 1/ 1500 , erably at least about 30 mole percent. In some embodiments , 1/ 1000 , 1 /750 , 1/ 500 , 1/ 250, 1 /200 , 1/ 150 , 1/ 100, 1/ 5 , 1/ 50 , 1 /25 , 120 , 1/ 5 , 1/ 2 , the concentration of the stabilizer is from about 5 mole % to or % 10 of the mass of the particle. The range above is about 50 mole % . In particular embodiment, the concentra - inclusive of all vales from 1 / 10 ,000to % 10 . tion of the stabilizer is about 25 , 50 , or 70 mole percent. In 2 . Ability to Penetrate Mucus a more particular embodiment, the concentration of the 25 The liposomal nanoparticles described herein exhibit stabilizer is about 25 mole percent. ? ????enhanced transport through mucus, such as non -ovulatory In some embodiments , the stabilizer is cholesterol and is human cervicovaginal mucus (CVM ). In some embodi present in a concentration as described above . Other suitable ments , the liposomal nanoparticles travel through mucus, stabilizers include ganglioside Gmi. In other embodiments , the stabilizer can be the PEG - conjugated lipid and thus an 30 such as human cervicovaginal mucus, at certain absolute additional stabilizer or stabilizers is not required . diffusivities. In certain embodiments , the particles may D . Properties of Liposomal Nanoparticles travel at diffusivities of at least 1x104, 2x104, 5x104, 1x10°, 1 . Surface Density of Polyethylene Glycol (PEG ) 2x103 , 5x103, 1x102, 2x102, 4x102, 5x10² , 6x102, 8x102, Surface density of poly ( ethylene glycol) (PEG ) on nano 1x10 ' , 2x10 ' , 5x10 ' , 2 , 1, 0. 9 , 0. 8 , 0 .7 , 0 .6 , 0 .5 , 0 .4 , 0 .3 , 0 .2 , particles is a key parameter in determining their successful as35 ofor 0 . 1 um ?/ s at a time scale of 1 s. In contrast, non applications in - vivo . The controlled delivery of drugs to penetratingpenetrating particles hayhave a diffusivity of at least about mucosal surfaces is challenging because of the presence of 1x10 - 4 umº/ s . the protective mucus layer, and the mucus - penetrating lipo The ability of the particles to diffuse through mucus can somal particles show promise at improved drug distribution also be evaluated qualitatively by visual inspection . In some retention and efficacy at mucosal surfaces. The dense coat - 40 embodiments , the concentration of PEG is about 10 mole ing of PEG on biodegradable liposomal nanoparticles can percent and at least 50 , 60 , 70 , 80 , or 90 % of the particles allow rapid penetration through mucus because of the are mobile in non - ovulatory CVM at 2 hours and at least 30 , greatly reduced adhesive interaction between mucus con - 40 , 50 , 60 , or 70 % of the particles are mobile in non stituents and liposomal nanoparticles. ovulatory CVM at 15 hours . The particles exhibit little or no The concentration of PEG - conjugated lipid in discussed 45 aggregation . In other embodiments , the concentration of above with reference to the mole percent of PEG - conjugated PEG - conjugated lipid is about 20 % and at least about 75 , 80 , lipid . The amount of PEG can also be described in terms of 85 , 90 , 95 , 96 , 96 , 98 , or 99 % of the particles are mobile in surface density . Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR ) can be non - ovulatory CVM at 2 hours and at least about 80 , 85 , 86 , used to assess the surface PEG density on PEG - containing 87 , 88 , 89 , 90 , 91 , 92 , 93 , 94 , 95 , 96 , 97 , 98 , or 99 % of the liposomal nanoparticles described herein , both qualitatively 50 particles are mobile in non -ovulatory CVM at 15 hours . The and quantitatively ( PEG peak typically observed - 3 .65 particles are well dispersed with little or no aggregation . ppm ) . In some embodiments , PEG surface density can be In certain embodiments , the particles comprising a sur controlled by preparing the particles from a mixture of face - altering agent that inhibits the adsorption of fluores pegylated and non -pegylated lipids. For example , the sur cently labeled avidin , wherein the particle adsorbs less than face density of PEG on liposomal nanoparticles can be 55 99 % , 95 % , 90 % , 70 % , 50 % , 40 % , 30 % , 20 % , 15 % , 10 % , precisely controlled by preparing particles from a mixture of 8 % , 6 % , 5 % , 4 % , 3 % , 2 % , 1 % , 0 . 5 % , 0 . 1 % , 0 .05 % , or PEG - conjugated lipid and non -PEG -conjugated lipid . Quan 0 .01 % of the amount of fluorescently labeled avidin that is titative ' H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR ) can be used adsorbed by a corresponding particle lacking the surface to measure the surface PEG density on liposomal nanopar - altering agent, as calculated by average maximum fluores ticles. Multiple particle tracking in human mucus and the 60 cent intensity . study of mucin binding and tissue distribution in mouse In certain embodiments , the particles contain a surface vagina revealed that there exists a PEG density threshold , altering agent that affects the zeta - potential of the particle , which is approximately 10 - 20 mole percent, for the lipo - wherein the zeta potential of said particle is between - 100 somal nanoparticles to be effective in penetrating mucus . mv and 10 mv, between - 50 mv and 10 mv, between - 25 mv This density threshold may vary depending on a variety of 65 and 10 mv, between - 20 mv and 5 mv, between – 10 mv and factors including the lipid or lipids used to prepare the 10 mv, between - 10 mv and 5 mv, between - 5 mv and 5 mv, particles , particle size , and/ or molecular weight of PEG . or even between - 2 mv and 2 mv. US 9 , 889 , 208 B2 13 14 3 . Stability Formestane , Fostriecin , Hispidin , 2 - Imino - 1 - imidazoli The mucus- penetrating liposomal nanoparticles are physi- dineacetic acid (Cyclocreatine ), Mevinolin , Trichostatin A , cally and chemically stable . “ Physically stable ” , as used Tyrphostin AG 34 , Tyrphostin AG 879 , and analogs and herein , means that the particle size and /or polydispersity derivatives thereof. remain constant over an extended period of time. 5 Examples of gene regulators include , but are not limited In some embodiments , “ physically stable ” means the to , 5 -Aza -2 '- deoxycytidine, 5 - Azacytidine , Cholecalciferol change in the average diameter of the particle is less than 10 , ( Vitamin D3) , Hydroxytamoxifen , Melatonin , Mifepristone, 9 , 8 , 7 , 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , or 1 % over, 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , 12 , 16 , 20 , 24 , Raloxifene , all trans -Retinal ( Vitamin A aldehyde ) , Retinoic 30 , 36 , or 48 hours . In particular embodiments , the change acid , all trans (Vitamin A acid ) , 9 -cis -Retinoic Acid , 13 - cis in the average diameter of the particles is less than 10 , 9 , 8 , 10 Retinoic acid , Retinol (Vitamin A ) , Tamoxifen , Troglita 7 , 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , or 2 % after 48 hours. zone , and analogs and derivative thereof. In other embodiments , " physically stable ” means the Examples of microtubule inhibitors include , but are not change in the polydispersity of the particle is less than 10 , limited to , Colchicine, Dolastatin 15 , Nocodazole , Pacli 9 , 8 , 7 , 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , or 1 % over , 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , 12 , 16 , 20 , 24 , taxel, docetaxel, Podophyllotoxin , Rhizoxin , Vinblastine , 30 , 36 , or 48 hours . In particular embodiments , the change 15 Vincristine , Vinorelbine (Navelbine ), and analogs and in the polydispersity of the particles is less than 10 , 9 , 8 , 7 , derivatives thereof . 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 or 1 % after 48 hours . Examples of other antitumor agents include , but are not The particles preferably show little or no aggregation , limited to , 17 - Allylamino ) - 17 - demethoxygeldanamycin , remaining well dispersed when introduced into mucus . 4 -Amino - 1 , 8 - naphthalimide , Apigenin , Brefeldin A , Cime E . Therapeutic , Prophylactic , and /or Diagnostic Agents 20 tidine , Dichloromethylene -diphosphonic acid , Leuprolide 1. Therapeutic Agents (Leuprorelin ), Luteinizing Hormone- Releasing Hormone , In some embodiments , the particles have encapsulated Pifithrin - a , Rapamycin , Sex hormone- binding globulin , therein , dispersed therein , and /or covalently or non -cova - Thapsigargin , Urinary trypsin inhibitor fragment (Bikunin ), lently associate with the surface one or more therapeutic and analogs and derivatives thereof. agents . The therapeutic agent can be a small molecule , 25 ii . Nucleic Acids protein , polysaccharide or saccharide , nucleic acid molecule In some embodiments , the agent is one or more nucleic and/ or lipid . In some embodiments , the agent or agents are acids. The nucleic acid can alter , correct , or replace an hydrophilic or water - soluble . endogenous nucleic acid sequence . The nucleic acid is used i. Small Molecule Therapeutic Agents to treat cancers, correct defects in genes in other pulmonary Exemplary classes of small molecule therapeutic agents 30 diseases and metabolic diseases affecting lung function , include , but are not limited to , analgesics , anti - inflammatory genes such as those for the treatment of Parkinsons and ALS drugs, antipyretics , antidepressants , antiepileptics , antiopsy - where the genes reach the brain through nasal delivery . chotic agents , neuroprotective agents , anti - proliferatives , Gene therapy is a technique for correcting defective genes such as anti -cancer agent, anti - infectious agents , such as responsible for disease development. Researchers may use antibacterial agents and antifungal agents , antihistamines, 35 one of several approaches for correcting faulty genes : A antimigraine drugs, antimuscarinics, anxioltyics , sedatives , normal gene may be inserted into a nonspecific location hypnotics, antipsychotics , bronchodilators , anti - asthma within the genome to replace a nonfunctional gene. An drugs , cardiovascular drugs , corticosteroids , dopaminergics , abnormal gene can be swapped for a normal gene through electrolytes , gastro - intestinal drugs , muscle relaxants , nutri - homologous recombination . The abnormal gene can be tional agents , vitamins, parasympathomimetics , stimulants , 40 repaired through selective reverse mutation , which returns anorectics and anti - narcoleptics . Nutraceuticals can also be the gene to its normal function . The regulation ( the degree incorporated . These may be vitamins, supplements such as to which a gene is turned on or off ) of a particular gene can calcium or biotin , or natural ingredients such as plant be altered . extracts or phytohormones. The nucleic acid can be a DNA , RNA , a chemically In one embodiment, the liposomes contain an anti - tumor 45 modified nucleic acid , or combinations thereof. For agent. Classes of antitumor agents include , but are not example , methods for increasing stability of nucleic acid limited to , angiogenesis inhibitors , DNA intercalators / cross- half - life and resistance to enzymatic cleavage are known in linkers , DNA synthesis inhibitors , DNA -RNA transcription the art, and can include one or more modifications or regulators , inhibitors, gene regulators, microtubule substitutions to the nucleobases , sugars , or linkages of the inhibitors , and other antitumor agents . 50 polynucleotide . The nucleic acid can be custom synthesized Examples of angiogenesis inhibitors include , but are not to contain properties that are tailored to fit a desired use . limited to , Angiostatin K1- 3 , DL - A -Difluoromethyl - ornith Common modifications include, but are not limited to use of ine , Endostatin , Fumagillin , Genistein , Minocycline , Stau - locked nucleic acids (LNAs ), unlocked nucleic acids rosporine , ( + ) - Thalidomide , revlimid , and analogs and (DNAs ) , morpholinos, peptide nucleic acids (PNA ) , phos derivatives thereof. 55 phorothioate linkages , phosphonoacetate linkages, propyne Examples of DNA intercalators/ cross - linkers include, but analogs, 2 - O -methyl RNA, 5 -Me - dC , 2 - 5 ' linked phos are not limited to , Bleomycin , Carboplatin , Carmustine , phodiester linage, Chimeric Linkages (Mixed phosphoroth Chlorambucil, Cyclophosphamide , cis - Diammineplatinum ioate and phosphodiester linkages and modifications) , con ( II ) dichloride ( Cisplatin ) , Melphalan , Mitoxantrone, Oxa - jugation with lipid and peptides , and combinations thereof. liplatin , analogs and derivatives thereof. 60 In some embodiments , the nucleic acid includes inter Examples of DNA - RNA transcription regulators include, nucleotide linkage modifications such as phosphate analogs but are not limited to , Actinomycin D , Daunorubicin , Doxo - having achiral and uncharged intersubunit linkages ( e . g . , rubicin , Homoharringtonine, Idarubicin , and analogs and Sterchak , E . P. et al ., Organic Chem ., 52: 4202 , ( 1987 )) , or derivatives thereof. uncharged morpholino - based polymers having achiral inter Examples of enzyme inhibitors include , but are not lim - 65 subunit linkages ( see , e . g . , U . S . Pat. No . 5 ,034 , 506 ) . Some ited to , S ( + ) -Camptothecin , Curcumin , ( - ) -Deguelin , 5 , 6 - internucleotide linkage analogs include morpholidate , Dichlorobenz- imidazole 1 - B - D - ribofuranoside, Etoposide, acetal, and polyamide- linked heterocycles . Other backbone US 9 ,889 ,208 B2 15 16 and linkage modifications include, but are not limited to , analogs. Inhibitory RNAs modified with 2' - flouro (2 '- F ) phosphorothioates , peptide nucleic acids , tricyclo -DNA , pyrimidines appear to have favorable properties in vitro . decoy oligonucleotide , ribozymes , spiegelmers ( containing In some embodiments the nucleic acid includes one or L nucleic acids, an apatamer with high binding affinity ) , or more sugar moiety modifications , including , but are not CPG oligomers . 5 limited to , 2 - O -aminoethoxy , 2 - O -amonioethyl ( 2 ' -OAE ) , Phosphorothioates ( or S - oligos ) are a variant of normal 2 - O -methoxy , 2 - O - methyl, 2 - guanidoethyl ( 2 ' - OGE) , 2 - 0 , DNA in which one of the nonbridging oxygens is replaced 4 '- C -methylene (LNA ) , 2 - 0 - methoxyethyl) ( 2 -OME ) and by a sulfur . The sulfurization of the internucleotide bond 2 -0 ( N - (methyl )acetamido ) ( 2 -OMA ). dramatically reduces the action of endo - and exonucleases Methods of gene therapy typically rely on the introduction including 5 to 3 ' and 3 to 54 DNA POL 1 exonuclease , 10 into the cell of a nucleic acid molecule that alters the nucleases S1 and P1 , RNases , serum nucleases and snake genotype of the cell. Introduction of the nucleic acid mol venom phosphodiesterase . In addition , the potential for ecule can correct, replace , or otherwise alters the endog crossing the lipid bilayer increases. Because of these impor - enous gene via genetic recombination . Methods can include tant improvements , phosphorothioates have found increas introduction of an entire replacement copy of a defective ing application in cell regulation . Phosphorothioates are 15 gene , a heterologous gene , or a small nucleic acid molecule made by two principal routes : by the action of a solution of such as an oligonucleotide . This approach typically requires elemental sulfur in carbon disulfide on a hydrogen phos - delivery systems to introduce the replacement gene into the phonate , or by the more recent method of sulfurizing phos - cell, such as genetically engineered viral vectors . phite triesters with either tetraethylthiuram disulfide ( TETD ) Methods to construct expression vectors containing or 3H - 1 , 2 - bensodithiol- 3 - one 1 , 1 - dioxide (BDTD ) . 4 The 20 genetic sequences and appropriate transcriptional and trans latter methods avoid the problem of elemental sulfur ' s lational control elements are well known in the art . These insolubility in most organic solvents and the toxicity of methods include in vitro recombinant DNA techniques , carbon disulfide. The TETD and BDTD methods also yield synthetic techniques, and in vivo genetic recombination . higher purity phosphorothioates. Expression vectors generally contain regulatory sequences Peptide nucleic acids ( PNA ) are molecules in which the 25 necessary elements for the translation and / or transcription of phosphate backbone of oligonucleotides is replaced in its the inserted coding sequence . For example , the coding entirety by repeating N - ( 2 - aminoethyl ) - glycine units and sequence is preferably operably linked to a promoter and /or phosphodiester bonds are replaced by peptide bonds . The enhancer to help control the expression of the desired gene various heterocyclic bases are linked to the backbone by product. Promoters used in biotechnology are of different methylene carbonyl bonds . PNAs maintain spacing of het - 30 types according to the intended type of control of gene erocyclic bases that is similar to oligonucleotides, but are expression . They can be generally divided into constitutive achiral and neutrally charged molecules . Peptide nucleic promoters , tissue - specific or development- stage - specific acids are typically comprised of peptide nucleic acid mono - promoters , inducible promoters, and synthetic promoters . mers. The heterocyclic bases can be any of the standard Viral vectors include adenovirus, adeno -associated virus, bases ( uracil, thymine, cytosine , adenine and guanine ) or 35 herpes virus , vaccinia virus , polio virus , AIDS virus , neu any of the modified heterocyclic bases described below . A ronal trophic virus, Sindbis and other RNA viruses , includ PNA can also have one or more peptide or amino acid ing these viruses with the HIV backbone . Also useful are any variations and modifications. Thus, the backbone constitu - viral families which share the properties of these viruses ents of PNAsmay be peptide linkages , or alternatively , they which make them suitable for use as vectors . Typically , viral may be non -peptide linkages . Examples include acetyl caps , 40 vectors contain , nonstructural early genes , structural late amino spacers such as 8 -amino - 3 ,6 -dioxaoctanoic acid ( re - genes , an RNA polymerase III transcript, inverted terminal ferred to herein as O -linkers ) , and the like . Methods for the repeats necessary for replication and encapsidation , and chemical assembly of PNAs are well known. promoters to control the transcription and replication of the In some embodiments , the nucleic acid includes one or viral genome. When engineered as vectors , viruses typically more chemically -modified heterocyclic bases including, but 45 have one or more of the early genes removed and a gene or are not limited to , inosine , 5 - ( 1 -propynyl ) uracil (PU ) , gene /promoter cassette is inserted into the viral genome in 5 - ( 1 - propynyl ) cytosine (pC ) , 5 -methylcytosine , 8 - oxo - ad place of the removed viral DNA . enine , pseudocytosine , pseudoisocytosine , 5 and 2 - amino Gene targeting via target recombination , such as homolo 5 - 12 '- deoxy - B - D -ribofuranosyl ) pyridine (2 - aminopyridine ) , gous recombination (HR ) , is another strategy for gene and various pyrrolo - and pyrazolopyrimidine derivatives , 50 correction . Gene correction at a target locus can be mediated 4 - acetylcytosine , 8 - hydroxy - N -6 -methyladenosine , aziridi- by donor DNA fragments homologous to the target gene nylcytosine , 5 - (carboxyhydroxylmethyl ) uracil, 5 -bromou - (Hu , et al. , Mol. Biotech . , 29 : 197 - 210 (2005 ) ; Olsen , et al. , racil , 5 -carboxymethylaminomethyl - 2 -thiouracil , 5 -car - J. Gene Med ., 7 : 1534 - 1544 (2005 ) ). One method of targeted boxymethylaminomethyluracil , dihydrouracil, recombination includes the use of triplex - forming oligo N6 - isopentenyladenine , 1 -methyladenine , 1 -methylp - 55 nucleotides ( TFOs) which bind as third strands to homopu seudouracil , 1 -methyl guanine , 1 -methylinosine , 2 ,2 -dim rine / homopyrimidine sites in duplex DNA in a sequence ethylguanine, 2 -methyladenine , 2 -methylguanine , 3 -methyl - specific manner . Triplex forming oigonucleotides can cytosine, N6 -methyladenine , 7 -methylguanine , interact with either double - stranded or single -stranded 5 -methylaminomethyluracil , 5 -methoxy -aminomethyl - 2 - nucleic acids. When triplex molecules interact with a target thiouracil, beta - D -mannosylqueosine , 5 -methoxycarbonyl - 60 region , a structure called a triplex is formed , in which there methyluracil, 5 -methoxyuracil , 2 -methylthio - N6 -isopente are three strands of DNA forming a complex dependent on nyladenine , uracil - 5 -oxyacetic acid methylester , uracil - 5 - both Watson - Crick and Hoogsteen base - pairing . Triplex oxyacetic acid , oxybutoxosine , pseudouracil , queosine, molecules are preferred because they can bind target regions 2 - thiocytosine , 5 -methyl - 2 - thiouracil , 2 - thiouracil, 4 - thio - with high affinity and specificity . It is preferred that the uracil, 5 -methyluracil , N -uracil - 5 -oxyacetic acid methyl - 65 triplex forming molecules bind the target molecule with a ester, 2 , 6 -diaminopurine , and 2 ' -modified analogs such as, Kd less than 10 - 6 , 10 - 8 , 10 - 10 , or 10 - 12 . Methods for but not limited to O -methyl , amino - , and fluoro -modified targeted gene therapy using triplex - forming oligonucle US 9 ,889 ,208 B2 17 18 otides ( TFO ' s ) and peptide nucleic acids (PNAs ) are number of different materials can be used to adjust tonicity . described in U .S . Published Application No . 20070219122 For example , the USP 29 -NF 24 lists five excipients clas and their use for treating infectious diseases such as HIV are sified as “ tonicity ” agents , including dextrose , glycerin ; described in U . S . Published Application No. 2008050920 . potassium chloride; mannitol; and sodium chloride See , for The triplex - forming molecules can also be tail clamp peptide 5 example , United States Pharmacopeia Convention , Inc . nucleic acids ( tcPNAs ) , such as those described in U . S . United States Pharmacopeia 29 -National Formulary 24 . Published Application No. 2011 /0262406 . Rockville Md. : U . S . Pharmacopeia Convention , Inc. ; 2005 : Double duplex - forming molecules , such as a pair of 3261; Day, A . Dextrose . In : Rowe R C , Sheskey P J and pseudocomplementary oligonucleotides , can also induce Owen S C , eds. Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients . recombination with a donor oligonucleotide at a chromo - 10 5th ed . Washington D .C . : American Pharmaceutical Asso somal site . Use of pseudocomplementary oligonucleotides ciation ; 2005 : 231 - 233 ; Price J C . Glycerin . In : Rowe RC , in targeted gene therapy is described in U . S . Published Sheskey PJ and Owen SC, eds. Handbook of Pharmaceu Application No . 2011/ 0262406 . tical Excipients. 5th ed . Washington D .C .: American Phar 2 . Diagnostic Agents maceutical Association ; 2005 : 301- 303 ; Price JC . Glycerin . Exemplary diagnostic materials include paramagnetic 15 In : Rowe RC , Sheskey P J and Owen SC, eds. Handbook molecules, fluorescent compounds , magnetic molecules , and of Pharmaceutical Excipients . 5th ed . Washington D . C . : radionuclides. Suitable diagnostic agents include, but are not American Pharmaceutical Association ; 2005 : 301 - 303 ; limited to , X - ray imaging agents and contrast media . Radio - Armstrong N A . Mannitol. In : Rowe R C , Sheskey PJ and nuclides also can be used as imaging agents . Examples of Owen S C , eds. Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients . other suitable contrast agents include gases or gas emitting 20 5th ed . Washington D . C .: American Pharmaceutical Asso compounds, which are radioopaque . Liposomes can further ciation ; 2005 : 449 - 453 ; Owen S C . Sodium Chloride . In : include agents useful for determining the location of admin Rowe RC, Sheskey PJ and Owen SC , eds . Handbook of istered particles . Agents useful for this purpose include Pharmaceutical Excipients . 5th ed . Washington D . C .: fluorescent tags , radionuclides and contrast agents . American Pharmaceutical Association ; 2005 : 671 -674 . 3 . CEST Agents 25 Mannitol is an example of a GRAS listed ingredient CEST agents are agents that can rapidly exchange protons accepted for use as a food additive in Europe , included in the with the surrounding water during an MRI. Examples of FDA Inactive Ingredients Database ( IP , IM , IV , and SC suitable CEST agents include, but are not limited to , L -ar - injections ; infusions ; buccal, oral and sublingual tablets , ginine , barbituric acid , many analogs of barbituric acid with powders and capsules ; ophthalmic preparations ; topical replacement of the hydrogen at the 5 position by an organic 30 solutions ) , included in nonparenteral and parenteral medi group , glycogen , glucose , myoinositol, glutamate , creatine cines licensed in the UK and included in the Canadian and many polycationic peptides ( e . g . , poly - L -lysine ) . In NaturalHealth Products Ingredients Database . A 5 .07 % w / v some embodiments , the agent provides an offset from water aqueous solution is isoosmotic with serum . of at least 2. 0, 2 .5 , 3 .0 , 3 .5 , 4 .0 , 4. 5, 5 . 0, or greater from Minimally hypotonic formulations , preferably ranging water. In particular embodiments , the offset is about 5 . 0 35 from 20 - 220 mOsm /kg , provide rapid and uniform delivery ppm . In some embodiments , the agent is L -arginine , poly of MPP to the entire vaginal surface , with minimal risk of L - lysine , or barbituric acid . In particular embodiments , the epithelial toxicity . There is a higher osmolality in the colon , agent is barbituric acid . such that vehicles with an osmolality above that of blood plasma ( generally considered isotonic at ~ 300 mOsm /kg ) , III. Pharmaceutical Formulations 40 leads to improvements in distribution in the colon . The range for improved colon distribution with a hypotonic vehicle in For those embodiments where the one or more therapeu - the colon is ~ 20 mOsm /kg -450 mOsm /kg . tic , prophylactic , and / or diagnostic agents are encapsulated A . Pulmonary Formulations within a liposomal nanoparticle and / or associated with the Pharmaceutical formulations and methods for the pulmo surface of the liposome, the percent drug loading is from 45 nary administration of active agents to patients are known in about 1 % to about 80 % , from about 1 % to about 50 % , the art . preferably from about 1 % to about 40 % by weight, more The respiratory tract is the structure involved in the preferably from about 1 % to about 20 % by weight, most exchange of gases between the atmosphere and the blood preferably from about 1 % to about 10 % by weight. The stream . The respiratory tract encompasses the upper air ranges above are inclusive of all values from 1 % to 80 % . For 50 ways , including the oropharynx and larynx , followed by the those embodiments where the agent is associated with the lower airways, which include the trachea followed by bifur surface of the particle , the percent loading may be higher cations into the bronchi and bronchioli . The upper and lower since the amount of drug is not limited by the methods of airways are called the conducting airways. The terminal encapsulation . In some embodiments, the agent to be deliv - bronchioli then divide into respiratory bronchioli which then ered may be encapsulated within a liposome and associated 55 lead to the ultimate respiratory zone , the alveoli , or deep with the surface of the particle . lung, where the exchange of gases occurs . The formulations described herein contain an effective Formulations can be divided into dry powder formula amount of liposomes (“ MPPs ” ) in a pharmaceutical carrier tions and liquid formulations. Both dry powder and liquid appropriate for administration to a mucosal surface , wherein formulations can be used to form aerosol formulations . The the pharmaceutical carrier is adjusted to be hypotonic . One 60 term aerosol as used herein refers to any preparation of a fine skilled in the art can routinely adjust tonicity of pharma- mist of particles , which can be in solution or a suspension , ceutical carriers, once the desired tissue to be treated is whether or not it is produced using a propellant. identified , based on the preferred tonicity ranges described 1 . Dry Powder Formulations herein . Dry powder formulations are finely divided solid formu Tonicity is the “ effective osmolality and is equal to the 65 lations containing liposome carriers which are suitable for sum of the concentrations of the solutes which have the pulmonary administration . Dry powder formulations capacity to exert an osmotic force across the membrane . A include , at a minimum , one or more liposome carriers which US 9 ,889 ,208 B2 19 20 are suitable for pulmonary administration . Such dry powder Particles having a mass median aerodynamic diameter formulations can be administered via pulmonary inhalation (MMAD ) of greater than about 5 microns generally do not to a patient without the benefit of any carrier , other than air reach the lung ; instead , they tend to impact the back of the or a suitable propellant. throat and are swallowed . Particles having diameters of In other embodiments , the dry powder formulations con - 5 about 3 to about 5 microns are small enough to reach the tain one or more liposome gene carriers in combination with upper - to mid -pulmonary region (conducting airways ) , but a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. In these embodi- may be too large to reach the alveoli . Smaller particles , ( i . e ., ments , the liposome gene carriers and pharmaceutical carrier about 0 . 5 to about 3 microns ) , are capable of efficiently can be formed into nano - or microparticles for delivery to reaching the alveolar region . Particles having diameters the lung . 10 smaller than about 0 . 5 microns can also be deposited in the The pharmaceutical carrier may include a bulking agent alveolar region by sedimentation . or a lipid or surfactant. Natural surfactants such as dipalmi- The precise particle size range effective to achieve deliv toylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC ) are the most preferred . ery to the alveolar region will depend on several factors , Synthetic and animal derived pulmonary surfactants include including the tap density of particles being delivered . Gen Exosurf a mixture of DPPC with hexadecanol and tylox - 15 erally speaking, as tap density decreases , the MMAD of apol added as spreading agents , Pumactant (Artificial Lung particles capable of efficiently reaching the alveolar region Expanding Compound or ALEC ) — a mixture of DPPC and of the lungs increases. Therefore , in cases of particles with PG , KL -4 -composed of DPPC , palmitoyl -oleoyl phosphati - low tap densities, particles having diameters of about 3 to dylglycerol, and palmitic acid , combined with a 21 amino about 5 microns, about 5 to about 7 microns , or about 7 to acid synthetic peptide that mimics the structural character - 20 about 9 . 5 microns can be efficiently delivered to the lungs. istics of SP - B , VenticuteDPPC , PG , palmitic acid and The preferred aerodynamic diameter for maximum deposi recombinant SP - C , Alveofact — extracted from cow lung tion within the lungs can be calculated . See, for example , lavage fluid , Curosurf - extracted from material derived U .S . Pat . No. 7 ,052 ,678 to Vanbever, et al. from minced pig lung , Infasurf - extracted from calf lung Microparticles cannot diffuse through mucus even if their lavage fluid , and Survanta extracted from minced cow 25 surface is muco - resistant. However, mucus - penetrating par lung with additional DPPC , palmitic acid and tripalmitin . ticles can be encapsulated in microparticles to impact upper Exosurf, Curosurf, Infasurf , and Survanta are the surfactants lung , and subsequently release the liposomes . In some cases , currently FDA approved for use in the U . S . the particles are spherical or ovoid in shape . The particles The pharmaceutical carrier may also include one or more can have a smooth or rough surface texture . The particles stabilizing agents or dispersing agents . The pharmaceutical 30 may also be coated with a polymer or other suitable material carrier may also include one or more pH adjusters or buffers . to control release of one or more active agents in the lungs . Suitable buffers include organic salts prepared from organic Dry powder formulations can be administered as dry acids and bases , such as sodium citrate or sodium ascorbate . powder using suitable methods known in the art. Alterna The pharmaceutical carrier may also include one or more tively , the dry powder formulations can be suspended in the salts , such as sodium chloride or potassium chloride . 35 liquid formulations described below , and administered to the Dry powder formulations are typically prepared by blend - lung using methods known in the art for the delivery of ing one or more liposome carriers with one or more phar - liquid formulations . maceutically acceptable carriers . Optionally , additional 2 . Liquid Formulations active agents may be incorporated into the mixture as Liquid formulations contain one or more liposome carri discussed below . The mixture is then formed into particles 40 ers suspended in a liquid pharmaceutical carrier. Suitable suitable for pulmonary administration using techniques liquid carriers include , but are not limited to water , saline , known in the art, such as lyophilization , spray drying, and other physiologically acceptable aqueous solutions con agglomeration , spray coating , coacervation , low tempera - taining salts and / or buffers, such as phosphate buffered ture casting , milling ( e . g ., air - attrition milling ( jet milling ) , saline (PBS ) , Ringer ' s solution , and isotonic sodium chlo ball milling ) , high pressure homogenization , and / or super - 45 ride, or any other aqueous solution acceptable for adminis critical fluid crystallization . tration to an animal or human , which is adjusted to the An appropriate method of particle formation can be desired hypotonicity . selected based on the desired particle size, particle size Preferably , liquid formulations are isotonic relative to distribution , and particle morphology desired for the formu - physiological fluids and of approximately the same pH , lation . In some cases , the method of particle formation is 50 ranging e . g . , from about pH 4 . 0 to about pH 7 . 4 , more selected so as to produce a population of particles with the preferably from about pH 6 . 0 to pH 7 . 0 . The liquid phar desired particle size , particle size distribution for pulmonary maceutical carrier can include one or more physiologically administration . Alternatively , the method of particle forma compatible buffers , such as a phosphate buffers . One skilled tion can produce a population of particles from which a in the art can readily determine a suitable saline content and population of particles with the desired particle size , particle 55 pH for an aqueous solution for pulmonary administration . size distribution for pulmonary administration is isolated , Liquid formulations may include one or more suspending for example by sieving. agents , such as cellulose derivatives , sodium alginate , poly It is known in the art that particle morphology affects the vinylpyrrolidone, gum tragacanth , or lecithin . Liquid for depth of penetration of a particle into the lung . Accordingly , mulations may also include one or more preservatives, such dry powder formulations is processed into particles having 60 as ethyl or n - propyl p - hydroxybenzoate . the appropriate mass median aerodynamic diameter I n some cases the liquid formulation may contain one or (MMAD ) , tap density, and surface roughness to achieve more solvents that are low toxicity organic ( i. e . nonaqueous ) delivery of the one or more active agents to the desired class 3 residual solvents , such as ethanol, acetone , ethyl region ( s ) of the lung . For example , preferred particle mor - acetate , tetrahydofuran , ethyl ether , and propanol. These phologies for delivery to the deep lung are known in the art , 65 solvents can be selected based on their ability to readily and are described , for example , in U . S . Pat . No . 7 , 052 , 678 aerosolize the formulation . Any such solvent included in the to Vanbever, et al. liquid formulation should not detrimentally react with the US 9 ,889 , 208 B2 22 one or more active agents present in the liquid formulation . ?inates , such as sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate ; dialkyl The solvent should be sufficiently volatile to enable forma - sodium sulfosuccinates, such as sodium bis - ( 2 - ethylthi tion of an aerosol of the solution or suspension . Additional oxyl) - sulfosuccinate ; and alkyl sulfates such as sodium solvents or aerosolizing agents, such as a freon , alcohol, lauryl sulfate . Cationic surfactants include, but are not glycol, polyglycol, or fatty acid , can also be included in the 5 limited to , quaternary ammonium compounds such as ben liquid formulation as desired to increase the volatility and / or zalkonium chloride , benzethonium chloride, cetrimonium alter the aerosolizing behavior of the solution or suspension . bromide , stearyl dimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride , poly Liquid formulations may also contain minor amounts of polymers , surfactants , or other excipients well known to oxyethylene and coconut amine Examples of nonionic sur those of the art . In this context, “ minor amounts ” means no 10 factants include ethylene glycol monostearate , propylene excipients are present that might adversely affect uptake of glycol myristate , glyceryl monostearate , glyceryl stearate , the one or more active agents in the lungs. polyglyceryl- 4 - oleate , sorbitan acylate , sucrose acylate , 3 . Aerosol Formulations PEG -150 laurate , PEG - 400 monolaurate , polyoxyethylene The dry powder and liquid formulations described above monolaurate , polysorbates , polyoxyethylene octylphenyle can be used to form aerosol formulations for pulmonary 15 thether , PEG - 1000 cetyl ether, polyoxyethylene tridecyl ether, administration . Aerosols for the delivery of therapeutic polypropylene glycol butyl ether, Poloxamer® 401, stearoyl agents to the respiratory tract are known in the art . The term monoisopropanolamide , and polyoxyethylene hydrogenated aerosol as used herein refers to any preparation of a fine mist tallow amide . Examples of amphoteric surfactants include of solid or liquid particles suspended in a gas . In some cases , sodium N - dodecyl- alanine , sodium N - lauryl- iminodipropi the gas may be a propellant ; however, this is not required . 20 onate , myristoamphoacetate , lauryl betaine and lauryl sul Aerosols may be produced using a number of standard fobetaine. techniques, including as ultrasonication or high pressure The formulation can contain a preservative to prevent the treatment. growth of microorganisms. Suitable preservatives include , In some cases , a device is used to administer the formu - but are not limited to , parabens, chlorobutanol, phenol, lations to the lungs . Suitable devices include , but are not 25 sorbic acid , and thimerosal. The formulation may also limited to , dry powder inhalers , pressurized metered dose contain an antioxidant to prevent degradation of the active inhalers , nebulizers , and electrohydrodynamic aerosol agent( s ) . devices. Inhalation can occur through the nose and/ or the The formulation is typically buffered to a pH of 3 - 8 for mouth of the patient. Administration can occur by self - administration upon reconstitution . Suitable buffers include , administration of the formulation while inhaling or by 30 but are not limited to , phosphate buffers, acetate buffers, and administration of the formulation via a respirator to a patient citrate buffers . on a respirator . Water soluble polymers are often used in pharmaceutical B . Topical and Ophthalmic Formulations formulations . Suitable water - soluble polymers include , but Topical or enteral formulations can be prepared as aque are not limited to , polyvinylpyrrolidone, dextran , carboxym ous compositions using techniques is known in the art . 35 ethylcellulose , and polyethylene glycol. Typically , such compositions can be prepared as solutions or Sterile solutions can be prepared by incorporating the suspensions ; solid forms suitable for using to prepare solu active compounds in the required amount in the appropriate tions or suspensions upon the addition of a reconstitution solvent or dispersion medium with one or more of the medium prior to injection ; emulsions, such as water - in - oil excipients listed above , as required , followed by filtered ( w / o ) emulsions, oil- in - water ( o / w ) emulsions, and micro - 40 sterilization . Generally , dispersions are prepared by incor emulsions thereof, liposomes , emulsomes , sprays, gels , porating the various sterilized active ingredients into a creams or ointments . sterile vehicle which contains the basic dispersion medium The carrier can be a solvent or dispersion medium con - and the required other ingredients from those listed above . taining , for example , water, ethanol, one or more polyols In the case of sterile powders for the preparation of sterile ( e . g . , glycerol, propylene glycol, and liquid polyethylene 45 injectable solutions , the preferred methods of preparation glycol) , oils , such as vegetable oils ( e . g ., peanut oil , corn oil, are vacuum - drying and freeze -drying techniques which sesame oil , etc .) , and combinations thereof. The proper yield a powder of the active ingredient plus any additional fluidity can be maintained , for example , by the use of a desired ingredient from a previously sterile - filtered solution coating , such as lecithin , by the maintenance of the required thereof. The powders can be prepared in such a manner that particle size in the case of dispersion and / or by the use of 50 the particles are porous in nature , which can increase dis surfactants . In many cases , it will be preferable to include solution of the particles. Methods for making porous par agents , for example , sugars or sodium chloride, to adjust the ticles are well known in the art. tonicity . Pharmaceutical formulations for ocular administration are Solutions and dispersions of the active compounds as the preferably in the form of a sterile aqueous solution or free acid or base or pharmacologically acceptable salts 55 suspension of particles formed from one or more polymer thereof can be prepared in water or another solvent or drug conjugates . Acceptable solvents include , for example , dispersing medium suitably mixed with one or more phar- water, Ringer' s solution , phosphate buffered saline (PBS ), maceutically acceptable excipients including , but not limited and isotonic sodium chloride solution , which are then to , surfactants , dispersants , emulsifiers , pH modifying adjusted to the desired hypotonicity . The formulation may agents , and combination thereof. 60 also be a sterile solution , suspension , or emulsion in a Suitable surfactants may be anionic , cationic , amphoteric nontoxic , parenterally acceptable diluent or solvent such as or nonionic surface active agents. Suitable anionic surfac - 1, 3 - butanediol. tants include , but are not limited to , those containing car - In some instances , the formulation is distributed or pack boxylate , sulfonate and sulfate ions . Examples of anionic aged in a liquid or semi- solid form such as a solution ( eye surfactants include sodium , potassium , ammonium of long 65 drops) , suspension , gel, cream or ointment. Alternatively , chain alkyl sulfonates and alkyl aryl sulfonates such as formulations for ocular administration can be packed as a sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate ; dialkyl sodium sulfosuc solid , obtained , for example by lyophilization of a suitable US 9 , 889 , 208 B2 23 24 liquid formulation . The solid can be reconstituted with an esters , benzyl alcohol, benzyl benzoate , cyclodextrins, glyc appropriate carrier or diluent prior to administration . erin monostearate , poloxamer , povidone and combinations Solutions, suspensions , or emulsions for ocular adminis - thereof . In one embodiment, the non - ionic surfactant is tration may be buffered with an effective amount of buffer stearyl alcohol. necessary to maintain a pH suitable for ocular administra - 5 " Emulsifiers” are surface active substances which pro tion . Suitable buffers are well known by those skilled in the mote the suspension of one liquid in another and promote the art and some examples of useful buffers are acetate , borate , formation of a stable mixture , or emulsion , of oil and water. carbonate , citrate , and phosphate buffers . Solutions , suspen - Common emulsifiers are : metallic soaps , certain animal and sions , or emulsions for ocular administration may also vegetable oils , and various polar compounds . Suitable emul contain one or more tonicity agents to adjust the isotonic 10 sifiers include acacia , anionic emulsifying wax , calcium range of the formulation . Suitable tonicity agents are well stearate , carbomers , cetostearyl alcohol, cetyl alcohol, cho known in the art and some examples include glycerin , lesterol, diethanolamine , ethylene glycol palmitostearate , mannitol, sorbitol, sodium chloride , and other electrolytes . glycerin monostearate , glyceryl monooleate , hydroxpropyl Solutions, suspensions, or emulsions for ocular adminis cellulose , hypromellose , lanolin , hydrous, lanolin alcohols , tration may also contain one or more preservatives to 15 lecithin , medium -chain triglycerides , methylcellulose , min prevent bacterial contamination of the ophthalmic prepara - eral oil and lanolin alcohols , monobasic sodium phosphate , tions . Suitable preservatives are known in the art , and monoethanolamine , nonionic emulsifying wax , oleic acid , include polyhexamethylenebiguanidine (PHMB ), benzalko poloxamer , poloxamers , polyoxyethylene alkyl ethers , poly nium chloride (BAK ), stabilized oxychloro complexes ( oth - oxyethylene castor oil derivatives, polyoxyethylene sorbitan erwise known as Purite® ), phenylmercuric acetate , chlo - 20 fatty acid esters , polyoxyethylene stearates , propylene gly robutanol, sorbic acid , chlorhexidine , benzyl alcohol, col alginate , self- emulsifying glycerylmonostearate , sodium parabens, thimerosal, and mixtures thereof. citrate dehydrate , sodium lauryl sulfate , sorbitan esters , Solutions, suspensions , or emulsions for ocular adminis - stearic acid , sunflower oil , tragacanth , triethanolamine , xan tration may also contain one or more excipients known in the than gum and combinations thereof. In one embodiment, the art , such as dispersing agents , wetting agents, and suspend - 25 emulsifier is glycerol stearate . ing agents . Suitable classes of penetration enhancers are known in the In still other embodiments , the liposomes are formulated art and include , but are not limited to , fatty alcohols , fatty for topical administration to mucosa . Suitable dosage forms acid esters, fatty acids, fatty alcohol ethers , amino acids, for topical administration include creams, ointments , salves , phospholipids , lecithins , cholate salts , , amines and sprays , gels , lotions , and emulsions . The compositions may 30 amides , complexing agents ( liposomes , cyclodextrins, contain one or more chemical penetration enhancers , mem - modified celluloses , and diimides ) , macrocyclics , such as brane permeability agents , membrane transport agents , macrocylic lactones , ketones , and anhydrides and cyclic emollients , surfactants , stabilizers , and combination thereof. ureas , surfactants , N -methyl pyrrolidones and derivatives In some embodiments , the liposomes can be administered thereof, DMSO and related compounds, ionic compounds, as a liquid formulation , such as a solution or suspension , a 35 azone and related compounds , and solvents , such as alco semi- solid formulation , such as a gel , a lotion or an oint- hols , ketones, amides, polyols ( e .g ., glycols ). Examples of ment, or a solid formulation . A “ gel” is a colloid in which the these classes are known in the art. dispersed phase has combined with the continuous phase to An " oil” is a composition containing at least 95 % wt of a produce a semisolid material, such as jelly . lipophilic substance . Examples of lipophilic substances In some embodiments, the liposomes are formulated as 40 include but are not limited to naturally occurring and syn liquids , including solutions and suspensions, such as eye thetic oils, fats , fatty acids, lecithins, triglycerides and drops or as a semi- solid formulation , such as ointment or combinations thereof. lotion for topical application to mucosa , such as the eye or " continuous phase” refers to the liquid in which solids vaginally or rectally . are suspended or droplets of another liquid are dispersed , The formulation may contain one or more excipients , 45 and is sometimes called the external phase . This also refers such as emollients , surfactants , and emulsifiers. to the fluid phase of a colloid within which solid or fluid “ Emollients ” are an externally applied agent that softens particles are distributed . If the continuous phase is water (or or soothes skin and are generally known in the art and listed another hydrophilic solvent) , water -soluble or hydrophilic in compendia , such as the “ Handbook of Pharmaceutical drugs will dissolve in the continuous phase (as opposed to Excipients ” , 4th Ed . , Pharmaceutical Press , 2003 . These 50 being dispersed ) . In a multiphase formulation ( e . g ., an include , without limitation , almond oil , castor oil , ceratonia emulsion ), the discreet phase is suspended or dispersed in extract, cetostearoyl alcohol, cetyl alcohol, cetyl esters wax , the continuous phase . cholesterol , cottonseed oil , cyclomethicone, ethylene glycol An “ emulsion ” is a composition containing a mixture of palmitostearate , glycerin , glycerin monostearate , glyceryl non -miscible components homogenously blended together . monooleate , isopropyl myristate , isopropyl palmitate , lano - 55 In particular embodiments , the non -miscible components lin , lecithin , light mineral oil , medium -chain triglycerides, include a lipophilic component and an aqueous component. mineral oil and lanolin alcohols , petrolatum , petrolatum and An emulsion is a preparation of one liquid distributed in lanolin alcohols , soybean oil , starch , stearyl alcohol, sun small globules throughout the body of a second liquid . The flower oil , xylitol and combinations thereof. In one embodi- dispersed liquid is the discontinuous phase , and the disper ment, the emollients are ethylhexylstearate and ethylhexyl 60 sion medium is the continuous phase . When oil is the palmitate . dispersed liquid and an aqueous solution is the continuous " Surfactants ” are surface -active agents that lower surface phase, it is known as an oil -in -water emulsion , whereas tension and thereby increase the emulsifying , foaming , when water or aqueous solution is the dispersed phase and dispersing , spreading and wetting properties of a product. oil or oleaginous substance is the continuous phase , it is Suitable non - ionic surfactants include emulsifying wax , 65 known as a water - in -oil emulsion . Either or both of the oil glyceryl monooleate , polyoxyethylene alkyl ethers, poly - phase and the aqueous phase may contain one or more oxyethylene castor oil derivatives , polysorbate , sorbitan surfactants , emulsifiers , emulsion stabilizers , buffers, and US 9 ,889 ,208 B2 25 26 other excipients . Preferred excipients include surfactants , formulation , the water- base percentage is about 60 - 75 % and especially non - ionic surfactants ; emulsifying agents , espe the oil -base is about 20 - 30 % of the total, with the other cially emulsifying waxes ; and liquid non - volatile non -aque - percentages being the emulsifier agent, preservatives and ous materials , particularly glycols such as propylene glycol. additives for a total of 100 % . The oil phase may contain other oily pharmaceutically 5 An " ointment " is a semisolid preparation containing an approved excipients . For example , materials such as ointment base and optionally one or more active agents . hydroxylated castor oil or sesame oil may be used in the oil Examples of suitable ointment bases include hydrocarbon phase as surfactants or emulsifiers . bases ( e . g ., petrolatum , white petrolatum , yellow ointment, An emulsion is a preparation of one liquid distributed in and mineral oil ) ; absorption bases (hydrophilic petrolatum , small globules throughout the body of a second liquid . The 10 anhydrous lanolin , lanolin , and cold cream ) ; water - remov dispersed liquid is the discontinuous phase , and the disper - able bases ( e . g . , hydrophilic ointment ) , and water -soluble sion medium is the continuous phase . When oil is the bases ( e . g ., polyethylene glycol ointments ). Pastes typically dispersed liquid and an aqueous solution is the continuous differ from ointments in that they contain a larger percentage phase, it is known as an oil - in -water emulsion , whereas of solids . Pastes are typically more absorptive and less when water or aqueous solution is the dispersed phase and 15 greasy that ointments prepared with the same components . oil or oleaginous substance is the continuous phase, it is A " gel” is a semisolid system containing dispersions of known as a water- in - oil emulsion . The oil phase may consist small or large molecules in a liquid vehicle that is rendered at least in part of a propellant, such as an HFA propellant. semisolid by the action of a thickening agent or polymeric Either or both of the oil phase and the aqueous phase may material dissolved or suspended in the liquid vehicle . The contain one or more surfactants , emulsifiers , emulsion sta - 20 liquid may include a lipophilic component, an aqueous bilizers , buffers , and other excipients . Preferred excipients component or both . Some emulsions may be gels or other include surfactants , especially non -ionic surfactants ; emul- wise include a gel component. Some gels , however, are not sifying agents , especially emulsifying waxes ; and liquid emulsionsbecause they do not contain a homogenized blend non -volatile non - aqueous materials , particularly glycols of immiscible components. Suitable gelling agents include , such as propylene glycol. The oil phase may contain other 25 but are not limited to , modified celluloses , such as hydroxy oily pharmaceutically approved excipients . For example , propyl cellulose and hydroxyethyl cellulose; Carbopol materials such as hydroxylated castor oil or sesame oil may homopolymers and copolymers ; and combinations thereof. be used in the oil phase as surfactants or emulsifiers . Suitable solvents in the liquid vehicle include, but are not A sub - set of emulsions are the self - emulsifying systems. limited to , diglycolmonoethyl ether ; alklene glycols , such as These drug delivery systems are typically capsules (hard 30 propylene glycol; dimethyl isosorbide ; alcohols , such as shell or soft shell ) comprised of the drug dispersed or isopropyl alcohol and ethanol . The solvents are typically dissolved in a mixture of surfactant( s ) and lipophilic liquids selected for their ability to dissolve the drug . Other addi such as oils or other water immiscible liquids. When the tives, which improve the skin feel and /or emolliency of the capsule is exposed to an aqueous environment and the outer formulation , may also be incorporated . Examples of such gelatin shell dissolves , contact between the aqueous medium 35 additives include , but are not limited , isopropyl myristate , and the capsule contents instantly generates very small ethyl acetate , C12 -C15 alkyl benzoates , mineral oil , squalane , emulsion droplets . These typically are in the size range of cyclomethicone, capric / caprylic triglycerides, and combina micelles or liposomes. No mixing force is required to generate the emulsion as is typically the case in emulsion Foams consist of an emulsion in combination with a formulation processes . 40 gaseous propellant or gas - emitting component. A “ lotion ” is a low - to medium - viscosity liquid formula - Buffers are used to control pH of a composition . Prefer tion . A lotion can contain finely powdered substances that ably , the buffers buffer the composition from a pH of about are in soluble in the dispersion medium through the use of 4 to a pH of about 7 .5 , more preferably from a pH of about suspending agents and dispersing agents . Alternatively , 4 to a pH of about 7 , and most preferably from a pH of about lotions can have as the dispersed phase liquid substances 45 5 to a pH of about 7 . that are immiscible with the vehicle and are usually dis D . Enteral Formulations persed by means of emulsifying agents or other suitable Suitable oral dosage forms include tablets , capsules , solu stabilizers . In one embodiment, the lotion is in the form of tions , suspensions , syrups , and lozenges . Tablets can be an emulsion having a viscosity of between 100 and 1000 made using compression or molding techniques well known centistokes . The fluidity of lotions permits rapid and uniform 50 in the art. Gelatin or non - gelatin capsules can prepared as application over a wide surface area . Lotions are typically hard or soft capsule shells , which can encapsulate liquid , intended to dry on the skin leaving a thin coat of their solid , and semi- solid fill materials , using techniques well medicinal components on the skin 's surface . known in the art . Formulations may be prepared using one A " cream ” is a viscous liquid or semi- solid emulsion of or more pharmaceutically acceptable excipients , including either the “ oil- in - water ” or “ water- in -oil type” . Creamsmay 55 diluents , preservatives, binders, lubricants , disintegrators , contain emulsifying agents and/ or other stabilizing agents. swelling agents , fillers , stabilizers, and combinations In one embodiment, the formulation is in the form of a cream thereof. having a viscosity of greater than 1000 centistokes , typically Excipients , including plasticizers, pigments , colorants , in the range of 20 , 000 - 50 , 000 centistokes . Creams are often stabilizing agents , and glidants , may also be used to form time preferred over ointments as they are generally easier to 60 coated compositions for enteral administration . Delayed spread and easier to remove . release dosage formulations may be prepared as described in The difference between a cream and a lotion is the standard references such as “ Pharmaceutical dosage form viscosity , which is dependent on the amount/ use of various tablets ” , eds. Liberman et . al. (New York , Marcel Dekker, oils and the percentage of water used to prepare the formu - Inc . , 1989 ) , “ Remington — The science and practice of phar lations. Creams are typically thicker than lotions, may have 65 macy ” , 20th ed ., Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore , various uses and often one uses more varied oils /butters , Md ., 2000 , and “ Pharmaceutical dosage forms and drug depending upon the desired effect upon the skin . In a cream delivery systems” , 6th Edition , Ansel et al. , (Media , Pa. : US 9 , 889 , 208 B2 27 28 Williams and Wilkins, 1995 ) . These references provide physicochemical characteristics of the material to be information on excipients ,materials , equipment and process entrapped and those of the liposomal ingredients ; (2 ) the for preparing tablets and capsules and delayed release dos nature of the medium in which the lipid vesicles are dis age forms of tablets , capsules , and granules . persed ; ( 3 ) the effective concentration of the entrapped The liposomes may be coated , for example to delay 5 substance and its potential toxicity ; ( 4 ) additional processes release once the particles have passed through the acidic involved during application / delivery of the vesicles ; ( 5 ) environment of the stomach . Examples of suitable coating optimum size , polydispersity and shelf- life of the vesicles materials include , but are not limited to , cellulose polymers for the intended application ; and ( 6 ) batch - to -batch repro such as cellulose acetate phthalate , hydroxypropyl cellulose , ducibility and possibility of large - scale production of safe hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, hydroxypropyl methylcel- 10 and efficient liposomal products . lulose phthalate and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose acetate Formation of liposomes and nanoliposomes is not a succinate ; polyvinyl acetate phthalate , acrylic acid polymers spontaneous process. Lipid vesicles are formed when phos and copolymers , and methacrylic resins that are commer - pholipids such as lecithin are placed in water and conse cially available under the trade name EUDRAGIT® ( Roth quently form one bilayer or a series of bilayers , each Pharma, Westerstadt, Germany ) , zein , shellac, and polysac - 15 separated by water molecules, once enough energy is sup charides . plied . Liposomes can be created by sonicating phosphati Diluents, also referred to as “ fillers , ” are typically neces dylcholine rich phospholipids in water. Low shear rates sary to increase the bulk of a solid dosage form so that a create multilamellar liposomes , which have many layers like practical size is provided for compression of tablets or an onion . formation of beads and granules. Suitable diluents include, 20 Continued high -shear sonication tends to form smaller but are not limited to , dicalcium phosphate dihydrate , cal - unilamellar liposomes. In this technique , the liposome con cium sulfate , lactose , sucrose , mannitol, sorbitol, cellulose , tents are the same as the contents of the aqueous phase . microcrystalline cellulose , kaolin , sodium chloride , dry Sonication is generally considered a " gross ” method of starch , hydrolyzed starches, pregelatinized starch , silicone preparation as it can damage the structure of the drug to be dioxide , titanium oxide , magnesium aluminum silicate and 25 encapsulated . Newer methods such as extrusion and Moza powdered sugar. fari method are employed to produce materials for animal Binders are used to impart cohesive qualities to a solid ( e .g ., human ) use . dosage formulation , and thus ensure that a tablet or bead or In some embodiments , liposomal particles are prepared granule remains intact after the formation of the dosage using a conventional thin film hydration and extrusion forms. Suitable binder materials include , but are not limited 30 method . The lipid , PEG -conjugated lipid , and stabilizer, if to , starch , pregelatinized starch , gelatin , sugars ( including present, are dissolved in an organic solvent (e .g ., chloro sucrose , glucose , dextrose , lactose and sorbitol ), polyethyl- form ) at pre - determined molar ratios. A small proportion of ene glycol, waxes , natural and synthetic gums such as a labeled - lipid , such as rhodamine labeled PE (Rho -PE ) , can acacia , tragacanth , sodium alginate , cellulose , including be added to the mixture to enable visualization of the hydroxypropylmethylcellulose , hydroxypropylcellulose , 35 liposomal particles via fluorescence microscopy . The mix ethylcellulose , and veegum , and synthetic polymers such as ture is placed in a rotavap with reduced atmosphere pressure acrylic acid and methacrylic acid copolymers , methacrylic to evaporate the organic solvent. The resulting lipid film is acid copolymers , methyl methacrylate copolymers , amino - hydrated , such as with phosphate buffered saline ( PBS ) , alkyl methacrylate copolymers , polyacrylic acid / polymeth - while agitated using a water bath sonicator to form multi acrylic acid and polyvinylpyrrolidone . 40 lamellar vehicles (MLV ) . The suspension is subsequently Lubricants are used to facilitate tablet manufacture . extruded through polycarbonate filters with pore sizes of 400 Examples of suitable lubricants include, but are not limited nm and 200 nm to generate unilamellar vehicles (LUV , i. e . , to , magnesium stearate , calcium stearate , stearic acid , glyc - liposomes with single bilayer membrane ) . erol behenate , polyethylene glycol, talc , and mineral oil . Disintegrants are used to facilitate dosage form disinte - 45 IV . Methods of Using Mucus - Penetrating gration or " breakup ” after administration , and generally Liposomal Particles include, but are not limited to , starch , sodium starch glyco late, sodium carboxymethyl starch , sodium carboxymethyl- The mucus -penetrating liposomal nanoparticles described cellulose , hydroxypropyl cellulose , pregelatinized starch , herein can be used to deliver a variety of therapeutic , clays , cellulose , alginine , gums or cross linked polymers , 50 prophylactic , and / or diagnostic agents . In some embodi such as cross - linked PVP (Polyplasdone® XL from GAF ments , the agent or agents are hydrophilic or water - soluble , Chemical Corp ). such as hydrophilic small molecule drugs, monoclonal anti Stabilizers are used to inhibit or retard drug decomposi- bodies and other protein -derived products . These agents are tion reactions that include , by way of example , oxidative difficult to load into polymeric nanoparticles due to the reactions. Suitable stabilizers include , but are not limited to , 55 hydrophobic nature of the particle core . This hydrophobic antioxidants , butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT ) ; ascorbic core is necessary in order to facilitate particle formation . In acid , its salts and esters ; Vitamin E , tocopherol and its salts ; contrast, the lipid -based MPP described herein can be read sulfites such as sodium metabisulphite ; cysteine and its ily loaded with hydrophilic and hydrophobic substances . derivatives ; citric acid ; propyl gallate , and butylated When particles are formulated , lipids self -assemble into hydroxyanisole ( BHA ). 60 bilayer membranes , forming a lipophilic shell for hydropho bic payloads, and entrapping an aqueous solution with IV . Methods of Making Mucus- Penetrating hydrophilic payloads in the center . Liposomal Particles The drug - loaded lipid -based particles described herein are able to diffuse rapidly and remain integral in human cervi The liposomes described herein can be prepared by a 65 covaginal mucus (CVM ). The lipid - based MPP are expected variety of techniques known in the art. The method selected to cross the mucus barrier timely to avoid aggregation or is dependent on a variety of factors , such as: (1 ) the removal by mucus, and thus can distribute more uniformly , US 9 ,889 ,208 B2 29 30 stay longer and providemore effective treatment for diseases magnetic chemical shift of the bound water molecules on mucosal tissues, such as cervical cancers and sexually allows them to tolerate much faster exchange rates with the bulk water while still while still remaining in the interme transmitted diseases (STD ) as well as diseases of the colon , diate exchange regime, thereby providing much more effi nose , lungs , and eyes. cient saturation of the bulk water signal and much greater The particles described here can also be used to provide 5 CEST sensitivity . an improved method for evaluating temporal retention and CEST can be used to monitor drug delivery at a desired spatial distribution of the particles in the animal . Previous site from the mucus -penetrating liposomal particles methods to evaluate the temporal retention and spatial described herein . For example , CEST can be used to monitor distribution of nanocarriers dosed in animals mostly the vaginal drug delivery of liposomes for local treatment of required labeling the carriers fluorescently and dissecting the 10 cervical tumors by coencapsulating diamagnetic CEST con animals for observation and quantification . In contrast , by trast agents and drugs within the liposomal particles encapsulating a CEST MRI contrast agent, in the lipid -based described herein . In vitro and in vivo images with PEG MPP , the carriers were monitored using CEST MRI tools in coated liposomes show frequency offsets further from water live animals over time. (at 5 ppm ) than previous designs . The integration of CEST A . Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST ) 15 and pegylated liposomal nanoparticles provides a non - inva Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST ) is a mag - sive and quantitative way to evaluate the performance of netic resonance imaging (MRI ) contrast enhancement tech - these particles in vivo in preclinical studies . nique that enables indirect detection of contrast agents with exchangeable protons . Contrast agents with exchangeable EXAMPLES protons including , but not limited to , L - arginine , barbituric acid , many analogs of barbituric acid with replacement of - Example 1 . Preparation of Mucus- Penetrating the hydrogen at the 5 position by an organic group , glyco Liposomal Particles gen , glucose , myoinositol, glutamate , creatine and many polycationic peptides have been identified as potential in Liposomal particles were prepared using a conventional vivo CEST agents. Exogenous agents , such as diagnostic thin film hydration and extrusion method . 12 mg of a agents or contrast agents, can also be used for in vivo 25 mixture of phosphatidylcholine ( PC , e . g . , egg PC or hydro imaging . CEST technology has a number of indispensable genated soy PC ) , PEG - phosphatidylethanolamine (PEG -PE ) features , such as the possibility of simultaneous detection of and cholesterol (CHOL ) were dissolved in chloroform at multiple ‘ colors ' of agents and of changes in their environ - pre - determined molar ratios. A small proportion of Rhod ment ( e . g . pH , metabolites , etc . ) through MR contrast a mine labeled PE ( Rho -PE ) was added to the mixture to CEST exploits the ability of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 30 enable visualization of the liposomal particles via fluores (NMR ) to resolve different signals arising from protons on cence microscopy. The mixture was placed in a rotavap with different molecules . By selectively saturating a particular reduced atmosphere pressure to evaporate the organic sol proton signal ( associated with a particular molecule or vent. The resulting lipid film was hydrated with phosphate CEST agent) that is in exchange with surrounding water buffered saline (PBS ) while agitated using a water bath molecules , the MRI signal from the surrounding bulk water 35 sonicator to form multi- lamellar vehicles (MLV ) . The sus molecules is also attenuated . Images obtained with and pension was subsequently extruded through polycarbonate without the RF saturating pulse reveal the location of the filters with pore sizes of 400 nm and 200 nm to generate CEST agent. The chemical exchange must be in the inter - unilamellar vehicles (LUV , i . e . , liposomes with single mediate regime where exchange is fast enough to efficiently bilayer membrane ) . saturate the bulk water signal but slow enough that there is To load CEST agent ( barbituric acid (BA ) ) , the lipid thin a chemical shift difference between the exchangeable proton film was hydrated with PBS buffer containing 25 mg/mL BA and the water proton resonances. The magnitude of the before annealing and agitation via sonication . To load drug CEST effect therefore depends on both the exchange rate (doxorubicin (DOX ) ) , the MLV suspension was mixed with and the number of exchangeable protons . PBS buffer containing 2 mg /mL DOX before sonication and CEST has three main advantages over traditionalmolecu - extrusion . lar imaging techniques : ( 1 ) the image contrast is controlled 45 Though the thin film hydration and extrusion method was with radio - frequency (RF ) pulses and can be turned on/ off at employed , liposomal particles can be prepared using other will; ( 2 ) The molecules of interest, in some cases , can be methods known in the art and should exhibit similar prop directly detected , eliminating the need for contrast agent to erties as long as the composition of the liposomal particles be delivered to , and to specifically react with , the molecule does not change . of interest ; ( 3 ) A variant of the CEST technique , known as 50 A scheme of the composition of liposomal particles is PARACEST, may be much more sensitive than traditional shown in FIG . 1 . molecular imaging techniques and should be able to detect nanomolar concentrations . PARACEST typically relies on Example 2 . Characterization of Liposomal Particles water exchange between the bulk water and water bound to paramagnetic Lanthanide complexes . Saturation of the Lan - 65 The size and zeta -potential of liposomal particles were thanide ion bound water resonance leads to attenuation of measured using dynamic light scattering and laser Doppler the bulk water signal via water exchange . The large para electrophoresis , respectively . Data are shown in Table 2 . TABLE 2 positions of liposomal particles and their basic characterization

Size Molar Ratio ( % ) Sample (Z -ave ) Polydispersity Zeta Potential (PC :CHOL :Rho - PE :PEG -PE ) Abbreviation ( d . nm ) Index (mV ) 0 . 28 : 0 .72 : 0 . 002 : 0 .00 0 % PEG 222 0 . 41 - 2 . 5 0 . 26 : 0 . 68 : 0 . 002 : 0 .05 5 % PEG 160 0 . 16 - 2 . 0 US 9 ,889 ,208 B2 31 32 TABLE 2 - continued Compositions of liposomal particles and their basic characterization Size Molar Ratio ( % ) Sample ( Z - ave ) Polydispersity Zeta Potential (PC :CHOL : Rho -PE :PEG - PE ) Abbreviation (d . nm ) Index (mV ) 0 . 25 : 0 . 65 : 0 . 002 : 0 . 10 10 % PEG 175 0 .06 - 2 . 2 0 .22 : 0. 58 :0 .002 : 0 .20 20 % PEG 132 0 . 15 - 1 . 6

The size of the liposomal particles of all tested compo lying epithelium . “ Mobile ” was defined as those particles sitions ranged from 130 to 230 nm , well below the mesh which traveled a distance of over 10 times its radius ( about dimension of human CVM ( estimated to be > 500 nm ) . 100 nm ) in a 20 second movie , which corresponds to 0 . 1 Higher ratio of PEG -conjugated lipids reduced the size of 15 um ? / sec . the particles , likely due to the formation of liposomal Typically , PEGylated liposomal particles ( e . g ., stealth micelles . A high proportion of cholesterol was used to liposomes for intravenous injection ) are composed of ~ 3 to enhance the stability of the liposomal particles. 7 mol % PEG - conjugated lipid molecules . However , to enable particles to penetrate human mucus , it was found that Example 3 . Stability of Mucus- Penetrating 20 a higher proportion of PEG ( i . e . , 10 - 20 mol % ) is necessary . Liposomal Particles Example 5 . Evaluation of Mucus - Penetrating To test the stability of the liposomal particles of different Liposomal Particles for Chemical Exchange compositions, we incubated the particles in phosphate buff Saturation Transfer ( CEST ) ered saline (PBS ) at 37° C . and monitored the change of size 25 and polydispersity over time , as shown in FIG . 2 . The size Animal Preparation and polydispersity index (PDI ) of the particles were steady C57BL /6 mice were given Depo - Provera ( 3 mg/ mouse ) for all the experimental groups for over 48 hrs . However , the by subcutaneous injection on the right flank 4 days prior to PDI of liposomal particles with no PEG was consistently tumor inoculation . Luciferase expressing C3. 34 cells were higher than other experimental group , indicating their poorer 30 then implanted into the intravaginal cavity of mice , and quality and weaker stability as compared to the PEGylated bioluminescence imaging was used to monitor the growth of the tumor. ones . CEST Imaging Example 4 . Diffusivity and Stability of Liposomal Mice were anesthetized using isoflurane and positioned in Particles in Mucus 35 a 11. 7 T horizontal bore Bruker Biospec scanner , and were imaged before and after intravaginal administration of 20 ul The diffusivity of the liposomal particles with different of BA /DOX PEGylated liposomes . compositions in human CVM samples was evaluated . 0 .6 ul CEST images were acquired through collection of two of diluted liposomal particles were added to 20 ul freshly sets of saturation images , a water saturation shift referencing collected , undiluted human CVM . Samples were stored at 40 (WASSR ) 6 set for BO mapping and a CEST data set for room temperature and at different time points , 20 sec movies characterizing contrast . For the CEST images : tsat = 3 sec , were acquired to record the trajectory of the particles . The Bl = 4 . 7 uT, TR = 5 sec , with offset incremented from – 6 to + 6 qualitative observation of the mobility and the stability of ppm ( 0 . 3 ppm steps ) with a fat suppression pulse . The the liposomal particles are summarized in Table 3 . acquisition parameters were : TR = 5 . 0 sec , effective TE = 21 . 6 45 ms, RARE factor = 8 . The CEST images were acquired every TABLE 3 30 min after the liposome administration up to 2 hrs . Data Analysis Compositions of liposomal particles and their basic characterization MR images were processed using custom - written Matlab scripts with the CEST contrast was the magnetization trans Proportion of moving particles 50 fer ratio ( for NH PMTRasym % = ( S -Aw - SAW ) /S0x100 % ) (Qualitative Observation ) protons at Aw = 5 ppm . Sample 2 hr * 15 hr * Stability FIG . 3 is a representation of the rationale for designing 0 % PEG 0 % 0 % Heavy aggregation liposomal nanoparticles for imaging particle - based therapy 5 % PEG 20 % 10 % Aggregation of cervical tumors . 10 % PEG 80 % - 30 - 70 % Some aggregation 55 The results of the in vitro CEST imaging for various 20 % PEG - 100 % - 90 - 100 % Well dispersed liposomal particles are shown in FIG . 4 . The in vitro CEST * Time post sample preparation . contrast for these liposomes coated with 0 % , 5 % , 10 % and 20 % PEG was 53 % , 27 % , 25 % and 23 % respectively at 5 Liposomal particles without any PEG coating were ppm . These particles were stable over 2 days in vitro with no strongly immobilized and heavily aggregated by mucus . 60 significant change in the size and PDI as described above . Incorporating PEG -PE facilitated the diffusion as well as the FIG . 4A shows the optimization of CEST contrast for stability of the particles in mucus. The higher the proportion liposomal particles containing 30 , 50 , and 70 mol percent of PEG - PE , the more liposomal particles were freely diffu - cholesterol. Liposomes with > 10 % PEG and 50 mol % of sive , and more uniformly dispersed in mucus. Specifically , cholesterol were stable and have high CEST contrast . The liposomal particles with 10 % or 20 % PEG remained mostly 65 CEST liposomes could be visualized using MRI after local mobile and intact in mucus for at least 15 hr , long enough for administration and their distribution could be traced over 2 particles to penetrate the mucus layers and reach the under - hrs . The liposomes were located close to the opening of the US 9 , 889 , 208 B2 33 34 vaginal cavity (RO11 ) , and seemed to stay in a distal region fatty acids, glycerolipids, glycerophospholipids, sphingolip (ROI2 ) inside the vagina . The contrast in ROI1 and ROI2 ids, saccharolipids , polyketides ; sterol lipids and prenol increased right after administration and over the first 60 min . lipids . Interestingly, the contrast in ROI2 was much higher than that 7 . The liposomal nanoparticles of claim 6 , wherein the in ROI1 at 90 min post- administration , and it is higher than 5 one or more lipids is a phospholipid . that of pre - administration . This indicated that liposomes 8 . The liposomal nanoparticles of claim 7 , wherein the could be retained inside the vagina for at least 2 hrs. phospholipid is phosphatidylcholine ( PC ). We claim : 1 . Mucus penetrating liposomal nanoparticles having an 9. The liposomal nanoparticles of claim 1, wherein the average diameter between 130 nm and 300 nm , comprising 10 stabilizer is cholesterol. one or more poly (ethylene glycol ) (PEG )- conjugated lipids, 10 . The liposomal nanoparticles of claim 1 , wherein the one or more lipids, a stabilizer, and one or more therapeutic , concentration of the stabilizer is from about 10 mole percent prophylactic , and / or diagnostic agents , to about 40 mole percent of the total of the PEG - conjugated wherein the concentration of the one or more PEG lipids , the lipids , and the stabilizer. conjugated lipids is between about 8 mole percent and 15 11 . The liposomal nanoparticles of claim 1 , wherein the about 30 mole percent of the total of the PEG - conju liposomal nanoparticles further comprise a therapeutic gated lipids, the lipids, and the stabilizer , and agent, prophylactic agent, diagnostic agent, or combinations wherein the concentration of the stabilizer is from about thereof. 5 mole percent to about 65 mole percent of the total of 12 . The liposomal nanoparticles of claim 11 , wherein the the PEG - conjugated lipids, the lipids, and the stabilizer, 20 aagent is a therapeutic agent. wherein at least 50 % of the liposomal nanoparticles are 13 . The liposomal nanoparticles of claim 12 , wherein the mobile in freshly collected , undiluted human cervico therapeutic agent is an antitumor agent . vaginal mucus (CVM ) at 2 hours and at least 30 % of 14 . The liposomal nanoparticles of claim 13 , wherein the the liposomal nanoparticles are mobile in freshly col antitumor agent is doxorubicin . lected , undiluted human CVM at 15 hours . 25 15 . The liposomal nanoparticles of claim 1 , further com 2 . The liposomal nanoparticles of claim 1. wherein the prising a chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST ) concentration of the one or more PEG - conjugated lipids is agent. from about 10 mole percent to about 20 mole percent of the 16 . The liposomal nanoparticles of claim 15 , wherein the total of the PEG -conjugated lipids, the lipids , and the CEST agent is barbituric acid . stabilizer. 30 17 . The liposomal nanoparticles of claim 1 , wherein the 3 . The liposomal nanoparticles of claim 1 , wherein the liposomal nanoparticles further comprise an imaging agent . one or more PEG -conjugated lipids is a PEG -conjugated 18 . A method for administering a therapeutic , prophylac phospholipid . tic , and /or diagnostic agent to a patient in need thereof, the method comprising administering an effective amount of the PEG4 . -conjugated The liposomal phospholipid nanoparticles is selectedof claim from3 , whereinthe group the 35 mucus- penetrating liposomal nanoparticles of claim 1 . consisting of phosphatidic acid , phosphatidylethanolamine , 19 . The liposomal nanoparticles of claim 1 , wherein the phosphatidylcholine , phosphatidylserine , phosphoinositi concentration of the stabilizer is between about 20 mole des, ceramide phosphorylcholine , and ceramide phosphory percent and about 40 mole percent of the total of the lethanolamine . PEG -conjugated lipids , the lipids , and the stabilizer. 5 . The liposomal nanoparticles of claim 4 , wherein the 40 20 . The liposomal nanoparticles of claim 1 , wherein the PEG -conjugated phospholipid is PEG -phosphatidyletha concentration of the stabilizer is between about 30 mole nolamine (PEG -PE ) . percent and about 40 mole percent of the total of the 6 . The liposomal nanoparticles of claim 1 , wherein the PEG - conjugated lipids , the lipids , and the stabilizer . one or more lipids are selected from the group consisting of * * *