Photo gallery of the Process and Result of the Reform to the Electoral Law and the election of Magistrates and Magistrates Owners and Alternates of the Supreme Electoral Council.

Call for the presentation of candidates to occupy the positions of Magistrates or Alternates to the Supreme Electoral Council. 08/04/2021

1 Installation of the Special Commission of Constitutional Mandate for Electoral Matters. 12/04/2021

Independent Liberal Party (PLI). 21/04/2021

2 Caribbean Unity Movement (PAMUC). 21/04/2021

3 Conservative Party(PC). 21/04/2021

Conservative Party (PC). 21/04/2021

4 Alliance for the Republic Party (APRE). 21/04/2021

Alliance for the Republic Party (APRE). 21/04/2021

5 Liberal Alliance Party (ALN). 22/04/2021

Nicaragua Liberal Alliance Party (ALN). 22/04/2021

6 Constitutional Liberal Party (PLC). 22/04/2021

Constitutional Liberal Party (PLC). 22/04/2021

7 Alternative for Change Party(AC). 22/04/2021

Alternative for Change Party(AC). 22/04/2021

8 Nicaragua Ressistance Party (PRN). 22/04/2021

Nicaragua Ressistance Party (PRN). 22/04/2021

9 Yapti Tasba Masraka Nanih Asla Takanka Party (YATAMA). 22/04/2021

Yapti Tasba Masraka Nanih Asla Takanka Party (YATAMA). 22/04/2021

10 Christian Unity Party (PUC). 23/04/2021

Christian Unity Party (PUC). 23/04/2021

11 Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) 23/04/2021

12 Indigenous Multiethnic Party (PIM). 23/04/2021

Indigenous Multiethnic Party (PIM). 23/04/2021

13 Liberal Autonomous Party (PAL). 23/04/2021

Liberal Autonomous Party (PAL). 23/04/2021

14 Liberal Nationalist Party (PLN). 23/04/2021

Liberal Nationalist Party (PLN). 23/04/2021

15 Yapti Tasba Masraka Raya Nani Movement (MYATAMARAN). 23/04/2021

Yapti Tasba Masraka Raya Nani Movement (MYATAMARAN). 23/04/2021

16 Christian Nicaraguan Pathway (CCN). 26/04/2021

Christian Nicaraguan Pathway (CCN). 26/04/2021

17 Citizens for Freedom Party (CxL). 26/04/2021

Citizens for Freedom Party (CxL). 26/04/2021

18 Democratic Restauration Party (PRD). 26/04/2021

Democratic Restauration Party (PRD). 26/04/2021

19 Moskitia Indigenous and Progressive Party (MOSKITIA PAWANKA) 26/04/2021

20 -

First Report of the Special Commission of Constitutional Mandate for Electoral Issues. 23/04/2021

Primer Informe de la Comisión Especial de Carácter Constitucional para Asuntos Electorales. 23/04/2021

21 Segundo Informe de la Comisión Especial de Carácter Constitucional Electoral Matters. 29/04/2021

Special Constitutional Commission for Electoral Matters delivers to the First Secretary of the National Assembly a report on the registration of candidates for magistrates of the Supreme Electoral Council and the opinion of the consultation process on Electoral Reforms. 29/04/2021

22 Election of Magistrates and Alternates to the Supreme Electoral Council. 04/05/2021

Approval of the Bill for Reforms and Additions to the Electoral Law, Law 331. 04/05/2021

23 Swearing in of Magistrates and Alternates to the Supreme Electoral Council - 06/05/2021

Magistrates and Alternates to the Supreme Electoral Council - 06/05/2021

24 President of the Supreme Electoral Council

Vicepresident of the Supreme Electoral Council