The Gypsies of Hungary
THE GYPSIES OF HUNGARY Struggling for Ethnic Identity Helsinki Watch Human Rights Watch New York $$$ Washington $$$ Los Angeles $$$ London Copyright 8 July 1993 by Human Rights Watch. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Library of Congress Card Catalogue No.: 93-079631 ISBN: 1-56432-112-6 Cover photograph: copyright 8 Csaba Toroczkay. Roma men at a July 13, 1993 demonstration, the largest of the post-war era, held in Eger, Hungary to protest skinhead attacks against Romas. Helsinki Watch Helsinki Watch was formed in 1978 to monitor and promote domestic and international compliance with the human rights provisions of the 1975 Helsinki Accords. The Chair is Jonathan Fanton; Vice Chair, Alice Henkin; Executive Director, Jeri Laber; Deputy Director, Lois Whitman; Staff Counsel, Holly Cartner; Counsel, Julie Mertus; Research Associates, Erika Dailey, Rachel Denber, Ivana Nizich, and Christopher Panico; Associates, Pamela Cox, Christina Derry, Ivan Lupis and Alexander Petrov. Helsinki Watch is affiliated with the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights, which is based in Vienna, Austria. HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH Human Rights Watch conducts regular, systematic investigations of human rights abuses in some sixty countries around the world. It addresses the human rights practices of governments of all political stripes, of all geopolitical alignments, and of all ethnic and religious persuasions. In internal wars it documents violations by both governments and rebel groups. Human Rights Watch defends freedom of thought and expression, due process of law and equal protection of the law; it documents and denounces murders, disappearances, torture, arbitrary imprisonment, exile, censorship and other abuses of internationally recognized human rights.
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