Welcome to Family Moo Do Academy. You have taken the first steps on the path of learning the ancient Martial Art of Tae Kwon Do. Senior Master Anthony Boyle, 7th black belt, has over 35 years teaching experience and he and others in your class will bring their experience to you. We know that the strange terminology and ways can be confusing at first, but do not be afraid to ask. Before you know it, you will feel as comfortable as those who have gone before you.

DEFINITION OF “Tae” means “foot” or “to strike with the feet”. “Kwon” means “hand”, or “to strike with the hand”. “Do” means discipline, art, or way. Hence TaeKwonDo (foot-hand-way) means literally “the art of the feet and the hands” or “the art of kicking and punching”. However, different schools and or styles may impose different variations on the formal definition. For example, some styles add the words “self-defense” to the literal definition and/or throw in some form of the phrase “physical and mental training”.

TAEKWONDO CODE OF CONDUCT There are some rules of courtesy and conduct that should be followed in the dojang. Pay attention to the rules. In class, techniques and weapons will be practiced which could injure you and your partner if they are not performed with the necessary focus.

The skills learned in Taekwondo are to be used to prevent conflict and violence. Never should a Taekwondo student initiate or start physical conflict, and the techniques of Taekwondo should be used only as a last resort in self-defense or in the defense of another person. Essentially, students are expected to be model citizens and work for the betterment of their community.

• Wear a clean uniform. Women/girls wear an undershirt. • Do not wear watches or jewelry – they may scratch or cut your partner. (Plain wedding bands without stones are an exception). • Pay attention to hygiene, especially keeping fingernails and toenails cut short. • Keep the dojang (training school) clean. • No horseplay in the dojang. We are here to train. If you arrive early, use the time to stretch, practice forms, or ask questions. • Be on time for class. (if you are late to class, walk BEHIND everyone. Do not walk in front of others. Take your place in the back row.) • Always bow when entering and leaving the Dojang. • At the start of class, line up in order of belt rank, those with the same rank line up older students first. • Bow to your partner before any partner exercise to show respect. Page 1 of 38 © 2014, 2018 Family Moo Do Academy last updated 4 October 2018

• If you need to adjust your uniform, always turn away from the flags, fix your uniform, then return to your position. • If you need help fixing your uniform, go to the highest ranking student for assistance. • If you need to leave the Dojang during class (to use the restroom, for example), ask the instructor’s approval first. Try to take care of this before class to avoid interruptions. Get a drink before and after class. • Stand still when the instructor is talking or instructing. Do not fidget or talk to others. • Always respond to the instructor’s questions with “Sir, yes sir!” or “Ma’am, yes ma’am!” If you do not understand, ask. • If the instructor asks for your help with something, bow to the instructor after the task is given and before you do it. • Don’t be hesitant to ask other students for help, assistance with forms, or explanations. Arriving a few minutes early is a great way to get questions answered. • We only have class two hours a week but you must train and practice at home so the forms and movements begin to feel normal and natural. • Always try to be the best YOU can be.


Upon entering the "dojang" (training hall) students shall bow as a sign of respect for the training area. If the class has already begun before you enter, you will, after bowing, wait for the instructor's acknowledgment of your bow and his permission to join the class. Whenever you leave the Dojang, you should also bow (facing in).

When class is to officially begin, the instructor will ask us to line up according to rank and seniority and “bow in”. The bowing in commands (see page 5) are then given in Korean by either the instructor or the highest ranking student.

During class, proper respect and discipline must be maintained at all times and Dojang etiquette followed by all members. The chain of command of ranks must be followed at all times.

If a student must leave the Dojang before the class is over, he must get permission from the Head instructor, unless he received permission prior to the class.

Do not wear shoes in the Dojang. No one is permitted to chew gum or eat in the Dojang. There shall be no food or drinks in the Dojang training area. Consider the Dojang as your home and treat it as such. The Dojang is a respected place where the "Way" of the martial arts is taught.

Students should exercise care to keep their uniform clean and pressed at all times. Students shall respect their own bodies and keep themselves clean. Fingernails and toenails should be clipped and kept short to help prevent injuries to oneself and other students. No metal of any sort, except eye glasses or a wedding ring, should be worn during class. No head-bands or other articles of clothing should be worn, other than the Dobok (Uniform) and Tee (Belt).

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Every participant must participate in warm up exercises before training in order to prepare the body and mind. Failure to do these exercises could result in pulled muscles and a lack of concentration on the part of the student.

At the end of class, students will again line up according to rank and seniority. The commands are the same as during the opening ceremony, except that when bowing to your instructor(s), you say “kahm sa hamnida” (thank you), and the instructor replies with “cheon maneyo” (you’re welcome).

Never ask to learn advanced techniques or the next form. The instructor will teach you what you are qualified to learn at your level. It is disrespectful to ask for additional training when you may not yet have perfected what you are presently working on.

Instructors should be addressed as Mr. (Mrs., Miss.) followed by his or her last name, or for Masters (4th Dans or above) as Master, followed by the "last name". Example; "Master Boyle”. Masters should NEVER be addressed by their first names. It is a sign of disrespect.

FIVE TENETS OF TAEKWONDO 1. Courtesy - Show respect to their instructors, to higher ranking students, and to all others. Be polite and encourage a sense of justice. Students must constantly look within themselves and not be quick to judge others. 2. Integrity - Be able to define right and wrong and have the conscience, if wrong, to feel remorse. Within the dojang one must be honestly making an attempt to do whatever the instructor asks. If you are asked to do 20 pushups, for example, do not only do 10 because the instructor is not watching. Outside the dojang, students must not misrepresent themselves or rationalize their poor behavior (give excuses). 3. Perseverance – Nothing worth having comes easy. Perseverance and patience are required to excel at anything, Perseverance means sticking to it. If you fail the first time, or even the hundredth time – try again. Be confident that you will eventually succeed as long as your purpose is worthy. 4. Self-control – This is extremely important inside and outside the dojang – for example during free sparring or in one’s personal affairs. Good self-control in free sparring enables you to execute stunning techniques without injuring your partner. Good self-control in daily life allows you to work comfortably and confidently with others. 5. Indomitable spirit – Do not be afraid to be yourself and trust your judgment. Indomitable spirit is what enables you to keep your ideals and your identity in the face of overwhelming pressures. It is the strength to reject the things that “everyone else is doing” if you believe them to be wrong.

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• Children will greet their parents when entering the home and tell them good-bye when leaving the home. • Children will at all times be respectful to their parents and other adults. • Children will at all times be truthful. • Children will strive for a good relationship with their brothers and sisters. • Children will willingly help with household chores. • Children will report to their parents when they have completed assigned tasks. • Children will be responsible for the upkeep and neatness of their own rooms. • Children will practice daily cleanliness in the matter of hair, teeth, and body. • Children will abide by their parent’s decisions. • Children will not interrupt adult conversations. • Children will refrain from rowdy behavior at home. • Children will possess an active mind, body, and spirit. • Children will diligently study their schoolwork both at school and at home. • Children will, at all times, show respect for their school teachers and their peers.

VOCABULARY • Choonbi: “Get ready”. Cup your hands and bring them slowly upwards in front of you to chest height. This symbolizes gathering your Chi or positive energy. Then you push your hands downwards with closed fists to belt level. • Cha-ryuht (pronounced char-ee-ut): “Attention” position; face the front with feet together and arms by your sides in a double downward punch position. • Kyeong-ryeh (pronounced kyung-yea): “Bow.” • Bah-ro: return to starting position • Shee-jahk: “Start” or “begin”. • Shee-oh: stand at ease. Stand with your hands behind your back, feet shoulder width apart. • Kuh-man: stop • Ki-Hahp (pronounced key-up): the shout or yell. • Poomsae (pronounced poom-say): patterns or forms. • Dwi-ro do-ra: turn and face the other way • Jang Nim: School Owner (Master Boyle.) • Sah boom nim: Master instructor • Kyo su nim: Instructor • Keuk-gi hyang haeyo: face the national flags. • Kahm Sa Hamnida (pronounced Kam-sam-ni-da): thank you – say to your instructor at end of class. • Cheon maneyo: You’re welcome

SPARRING TERMS • Kyorugi: free sparring. • Han bun kyorugi: one step sparring. • Chung: blue. • Hong: red. • Chunjin: slide step forward • Hoojin: slide step backward • Kalyo: Break/separate • Kaesok: continue Page 4 of 38 © 2014, 2018 Family Moo Do Academy last updated 4 October 2018

• Seung: win • Jwa woo hyang woo: competitors face each other by turning to the right and left, respectively • Il-hweh-jon, ee-hweh-jon, sam-hweh-jon (1st round, 2nd round, 3rd round)

EQUIPMENT • Dojang: the place where you train. • Dobok: your taekwondo uniform. • Tee: taekwondo belt. • Hogoo: chest protector.

BOWING IN/OUT (WHAT WE SAY AT THE BEGINNING AND END OF CLASS): • Keuk gi hyang ha yoh (face the flags) Kyung-yea (Bow) • Kwan Jang Nim (face Grandmaster Boyle) Kyung-yea (Bow) • Sah boom nim -or- kyo suh nim (face master/instructor) Kyung-yea (Bow) • Face the black belts (name them if you can as “Mr. ____ and/or Mrs. ____”) Kyung yea (Bow)

COUNTING: 1. Hannah 8. Yadul 15. Yeol-dasot 2. Dool 9. Ahope 16. Yeol-yasot 3. Set 10. Yeol 17. Yeol-ilgope 4. Net 11. Yeol-hanah 18. Yeol-yadul 5. Dasot 12. Yeol-dool 19. Yeol-ahope 6. Yasot 13. Yeol-set 20. Suh-mool 7. Ilgope 14. Yeol-net

30. Suh-roon 40. Mah-hoon 50. Shin 60. Yeh-soon 70. Il-hoon 80. Yeo-doon 90. Ah-hoon 100. Baek

The stress in “hanah” “dasot”, and “yasot” is on the first syllable, in “ilgope, “yadul”, and “ahope” is on the second syllable.

Korea uses two systems of counting—the native Korean numbers (above), and a system derived from Chinese called Sino-Korean numbers. The Sino-Korean numbers are used to number poomsae, or forms (for example, Taeguk il-jang or Palgwe ee-jang) and rounds of sparring (e.g. sam-hweh-jon):

1. il 2. ee 3. sam 4. sa 5. oh 6. yook 7. chil 8. pal 9. koo 10. ship

BELT RANKS at FAMILY MOO DO ACADEMY For those of you who are brand new to our school, all of the colored belts you see in class can be confusing. As each of us advance in our training and skills, we advance through the ranks of TaeKwonDo through testing for the outward sign of our inward progress, our belt (the Korean word is pronounced "tee" or "dtee") shows our individual rank.

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While specific belt details can vary between schools, almost every school advances students in steps called "gups" (pronounced "gup" or "goop"). A new student at his or her first testing typically earns his or her Yellow Belt.

For the beginner, the belts we use at Family Moo Do Academy are as follows:

9th Gup - Yellow Belt 8th Gup - Yellow/White Belt 7th Gup - Green Belt 6th Gup - Green/White Belt 5th Gup - Blue Belt 4th Gup - Blue/White Belt 3rd Gup - Brown Belt 2nd Gup - Brown/White Belt 1st Gup - Red Belt

Dan Bo - Red/White Belt (these students are considered black belt material, and at some schools it was a black belt called a T-black. The "T" meant "temporary".) 1st Dan - The first actual black belt worn by our students. You also have earned the right to have black trim on your uniform. Belt is black with one Gold embroidered bar or stripe on one end. 2nd Dan - Black with 2 bars. Student must be 1st Dan for 1 year before he can be considered for testing for 2nd Dan. 3rd Dan - Black with 3 bars. Student must be 2nd Dan for 2 years before he can be considered to test for 3rd Dan. 4th Dan and up. With each advancement in rank, another year is tacked on to the time required in the student's present rank before he or she can test again.

TESTING FOR THE NEXT BELT LEVEL At certain times throughout the year, opportunities are offered to test for the next belt level. This is typically scheduled on a Saturday and lasts all day long, with a break for lunch. There are certain expectations required to reach each belt level. Your instructor will inform you of what you need to know for your belt test.


I shall observe the tenets of Tae Kwon Do. I shall respect all instructors and seniors. I shall never misuse Tae Kwon Do. I shall be a champion of freedom and justice. I shall strive to build a more peaceful world.

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BASIC TAEKWONDO BLOCKING TECHNIQUES Makki means block • Downward block - Bring the outside of the forearm down (with fist closed) below the waist in order to protect against leg & lower body strikes. The fist of the other arm is at the belt. Quick and powerful. • Rising block - Bring the outside of the forearm over the head to protect against high attacks (i.e. axe kicks). Arm should be at a 45 degree angle with fingers of fists facing to the front • Inward block – Starting near the ear, bring the outside of the forearm "inside" across the face in order to protect the head from opposite side attacks. The arm is bent at approximately 45 degrees with the fingers of the fist facing toward the face. • Outward block – Starting at the torso level, bring the outside of the forearm level with the shoulders to protect the head & upper body. The arm is bent at approximately 45 degrees with the fingers of the fist facing toward the face. • Knife hand block – Can be outward or inward, use an open knife hand to block instead of a fist. Used to block and grab an opponent. • Double knife hand block – front hand is brought up next to the head and rear hand is extended to the back. Swing both hands forward. Front hand stops with palm facing down at shoulder height, arm slightly bent and positioned at an approximately 45 degree angle; rear hand stops with palm up in middle of torso. Knife edge of the hand is the blocking surface.

BASIC TAEKWONDO KICKING TECHNIQUES Chagi (pronounced Chaggi) means Kick. • Front Kick (Ap Chagi) - Useful for hitting the opponent in the torso region. Pull toes up and kick forcefully with the ball of your foot. • Round Kick (Dollyo chagi)- Used most frequently, especially for sparring. Pull the kicking knee to the chest while pivoting the foot on the floor 180 degrees. Snap the leg out forcefully, kicking with the top of the foot, toes pointed back to avoid damaging them. Return by placing kicking foot or in rear. • Front Foot Round Kick - Use the forward foot to execute a round kick (versus using your rear leg). • Axe Kick (Naeryeo Chagi) - Useful to striking the opponent's head or collar bone. Bring leg up straight in front and then powerfully force down, heel first and toes pulled back, without slamming into the floor. • Side Kick (Yop Chagi) – Good for aiming at the knee • Back Kick (Dwi Chagi) - Very powerful. Raise knee of kicking leg to the front and pivot 180 degrees on the ball of the standing front leg while looking over your shoulder to view your target. Powerfully kick to the rear with the heel of the foot.

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• Crescent Kick – (Inward and outward). Facing the front, lock the knee and lift and swing the leg inward (or outward) in a semi-circle. Kick with the sole (Inward) or side (outward) part of the foot.

BASIC TAEKWONDO STANCES Seogi (pronounced soggy) means stance. • Ready Stance (Choonbi Stance) – The stance commonly used to begin forms and training. o Stand with the feet one shoulder length apart, head & body facing forward o Raise the arms up in front of you gathering positive energy then force them down in front, hands as fists, slightly bent and just below belt level. Do not hunch shoulders. o Fists should be down around belt level and they should be a fist-size away from the body. • Walking Stance (Ap Seogi) – o Take one step forward as in a regular "walking" step. The rear foot stays in place. o The front foot is pointing straight forward and the rear foot points slightly to the side. o The distance between the two feet is about one foot's length apart. • Forward Stance (Apkubi Seogi)- This is an offensive stance. (Also called front stance) o Take a long step forward with the front foot, two shoulder widths apart. o The feet should be wide enough apart to provide a good foundation of weight support, even if someone leans on you (1½ shoulder widths apart) o The knee of the front leg is bent so it is directly over the knee and supports most of the weight. The foot faces forward o The rear leg is straight and the foot faces forward with the heel on the floor. o The body faces forward towards the opponent. • Back Stance (Dwitkubi Seogi)- This is a defensive stance. o Most of the weight is on the back leg with the back knee slightly bent. o The front foot points forward while the back foot points 90 degrees to the side. o The two feet are about two shoulder widths apart. o The body is facing the side to show a smaller target to the opponent but the head still faces the front.

• Horse Stance (Juchun Seogi)- Used often during training. o Stand with the feet two shoulder lengths apart, knees bent to almost 45 degrees. Look like you are riding a horse. o The feet, body and head face forward while keeping the back straight. o Fists are on the belt. o If punching in this stance, do not let the shoulders move – keep the back straight as if you are against a wall. • Cat or Tiger Stance - Used for quick snap kicks. o Similar to the back stance but the front foot is very close to the rear foot and only the toes/ball of the front foot are touching the ground (the rear foot is flat on the ground).

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• Fighting Stance - This stance is used for sparring/fighting and not in forms. o The body should be faced to the side showing a smaller target to the opponent. o Feet should be placed similar to walking stance, with weight equally divided between both legs. Balance on the balls of your feet when moving. o Generally, the front foot will be at 30-50 degrees and the rear foot at 50-70 degrees. However, don't worry about degrees and angles. Pick a foot position that is comfortable/natural for you and that you can use to quickly react to or initiate an attack. o Both arms are raised up in front of the torso - lead fist head high ready to block or jab, rear fist neck/chin high - ready to block or punch. o Head faces forward towards the opponent.

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US Central Taekwondo Association

Headed by Great Grandmaster In-Hui Won. His name is written In Korean lettering in the yellow area at the top of the seal. The Banner the eagle is holding says “tae” and “kwon.”

Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, and Missouri

International Hapkido Federation Became the "International Hapkido Federation" after Chang Young-Shil started teaching in 1960 and then opened his own school in 1968.

Military Combat

The techniques are still referred to as Hapkiyoosool, the art is Hapkido.

Moo Duk Kwan Federation

Practices Soo Bahk Do, a martial art developed from ancient techniques by founder Grand Master Hwang Kee. Founded in 1945 Moo Duk Kwan means School of Martial/Military Virtue

Yellow Fist – Justice, Military Strength and Virtue 14 Laurel leaves on each side of the wreath represent the 14 states of South . The 6 berries represent the 6 continents of the world on which Taekwondo is practiced today.

Blue text says “Moo Duk Kwan.”

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US Flag – Liberty

50 stars represent the 50 states; the 13 stripes represent the thirteen original colonies. Red represents the blood shed for our country and our freedom, and white is the purity of the people. Blue signifies vigilance, perseverance, and justice.

South Korea Flag Name of flag: Taeguk-ki (“ki” means flag in Korean) When hung, the red part of the (Um-yang) is on top. The white background symbolizes "cleanliness of the people". The (Um-yang) Taegeuk represents the origin of all things in the universe, holding the two principles of yin and yang in perfect balance—the former being the negative aspect rendered in blue and the latter as the positive aspect rendered in red. Together, they represent a continuous movement within infinity, the two merging as one. Red (hong) is Heaven, Blue (cheong) is Earth. Trigrams: From upper left, clockwise, FIRE (wisdom, west, autumn), HEAVEN (justice, east, spring), WATER (life, north, winter), EARTH (fertility, south, summer). Each has three bars, two are broken in different places and one is unbroken. The trigrams also symbolize Taeguk/Palgwe poomsae 1, 3, 6, and 8.

Han Moo Kwan Founded in August of 1954 One of the nine original kwans (schools) of taekwondo.

The word Han means Korea, Moo means Military or Martial, and Kwan means School; together Han Moo Kwan means "Korean Military School". (Blue text says “Taekwondo Han Moo Kwan.”) This form addresses the needs of the adult who wishes to practice a power form designed for personal combat. This fighting art is used strictly for self-defense using only bare hands and feet, no weaponry, to fend off attackers Depicts olive leaves for peace, Korean Dragon for power. Depicts a Korean Dragon carrying a dragon orb known as the Yeouiju (You-joo) in its mouth. Whoever could wield the Yeouiju was blessed with omnipotence and creation at will, and that only four-toed dragons (who had thumbs with which to hold the orbs) were both wise and powerful enough to wield these orbs.

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Kukkiwon World Tae Kwon Do Headquarters

A large building or arena in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, where Tae Kwon Do is practiced all of the time.

Blue text says “.”

Korea Tae Kwon Do Association

World Tae Kwon Do Federation The World Taekwondo Federation is the International Federation (IF) governing the sport of Taekwondo and is a member of the Association of Summer Olympic International Federations (ASOIF).

The WTF was established in South Korea on May 28, 1973, at its inaugural meeting held at the Kukkiwon with participation of 35 representatives from the world. The WTF, which only governs the function of Taekwondo competitions and related support services, should not be confused with the World Taekwondo Headquarters, also known as Kukkiwon

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THREE TYPES OF POOMSAE (All begin with defensive blocking techniques that are followed by counter attacks.)

1. World Taekwondo Federation forms (Taegeuk 1-8) 2. Traditional forms (Palgwe 1-8), 3. 9 Black Belt forms (from Koryo to Ilyo)

Poomsae meanings: they originate from the book 'I Ching', a Chinese oracle. The I Ching has 64 hexagrams, a combination of two sets of three lines, closed or broken (trigrams.) The closed lines represent Yang, the open lines Yin. The unity of Yin and Yang in the is called Tae-guk. This explains the term Poomsae Taegeuk. The eight trigrams together are called Pal- gwe as in Poomsae Palgwe.

Taegeuk Taegeuk, when loosely translated, means Great Eternity or Eternal Greatness. The idealisms of Taegeuk, which every student should learn are: pacifism, unity, creative spirit, future spirit, and eternity. The Taegeuk has the same symbolism as the Palgwe. The "Taegeuk Poomsae integrates the methods of attack, defense, forward movement and retreat, control of the speed of movements, and the intensity of the actions. The directions and lines of movement are represented by the eight symbols of 'Palgwe.' The overall purpose of Poomsae is to control the breathing to be synchronized while executing techniques requiring great speed.

1. (8th Geup)- Heaven 2. (7th Geup)- Lake 3. (6th Geup)- Fire 4. Taegeuk Sa Jang (5th Geup)- Thunder 5. Taegeuk Oh Jang (4th Geup)- Wind 6. Taegeuk Yook Jang (3th Geup)- Water 7. Taegeuk Chil Jang (2th Geup)- Mountain 8. Taegeuk Pal Jang (First Geup)- Earth

Palgwe The term Palgwe is loosely translated as Eight Powers of the Universe, and these eight Palgwe poomsae are based on these conceptual powers of Heaven, Mind, Fire, Thunder, Wind, Water, Mountain, and Earth. "The idea of Palgwe embraces different symbols and includes all opposing concepts and images. They grow through the process of constant change...in an endless state of development. These forms are meant to give the student an understanding of the basic principles of Taekwondo, which are characterized by contrast-change and coming together, conflict and harmony- thereby corresponding to the idea of Palgwe".

1. Palgwe Il Jang 4. Palgwe Sa Jang 7. Palgwe Chil Jang 2. Palgwe Ee Jang 5. Palgwe Oh Jang 8. Palgwe Pal Jang 3. Palgwe Sam Jang 6. Palgwe Yook Jang

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Black Belt Forms The color black is created when all the colors of the light spectrum have been absorbed into an object. That object has "taken control" of the colors and retained them. If one color was to "escape", the object would no longer be black. The student has mastered the nine grades of Taekwondo. He/she has "absorbed" all the knowledge of the color ranks and has overcome or "mastered" those levels of training.



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Taekwondo Basic Form 1 (also called Kicho 1)

Start in the Ready or "Choonbi" stance

1. Turn 90 degrees to the left into a forward stance, left foot forward, left arm downward block 2. Step forward with right foot into a forward stance right hand middle punch 3. Turn 180 degrees to the right into a forward stance, right foot forward, right arm downward block 4. Step forward with left foot into a forward stance left hand middle punch. 5. Turn to the left 90 degrees forward stance left foot forward left arm downward block. 6. Step forward with right foot into a forward stance right hand middle punch 7. Step forward with left foot into a forward stance left hand middle punch 8. Step forward with right foot into a forward stance right hand middle punch Ki-up! 9. Turn 270 degrees counter clockwise step into a forward stance left foot forward, left arm downward block 10. Step forward with right foot into a forward stance right hand middle punch 11. Turn 180 degrees to the right into a forward stance, right foot forward, right arm downward block 12. Step forward with left foot into a forward stance left hand middle punch. 13. Turn to the left 90 degrees forward stance left foot forward left arm downward block. 14. Step forward with right foot into a forward stance right hand middle punch 15. Step forward with left foot into a forward stance left hand middle punch 16. Step forward with right foot into a forward stance right hand middle punch Ki-up! 17. Turn 270 degrees counter clockwise step into a forward stance left foot forward, left arm downward block 18. Step forward with right foot into a forward stance right hand middle punch 19. Turn 180 degrees to the right into a forward stance, right foot forward, right arm downward block 20. Step forward with left foot into a forward stance left hand middle punch.

When the Instructor says "Bah Ro", turn and face the Instructor.

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Taekwondo Basic Form 2 (Kicho 2)

Start in the Ready or "Choonbi" stance

1. Turn 90 degrees to the left into a forward stance, left foot forward, left arm downward block 2. Step forward with right foot into a forward stance right hand face punch 3. Turn 180 degrees to the right into a forward stance, right foot forward, right arm downward block 4. Step forward with left foot into a forward stance left hand face punch. 5. Turn to the left 90 degrees forward stance left foot forward left arm downward block. 6. Step forward with right foot into a forward stance right hand rising block 7. Step forward with left foot into a forward stance left hand rising block 8. Step forward with right foot into a forward stance right hand rising block Ki-up! 9. Turn 270 degrees counter clockwise step into a forward stance left foot forward, left arm downward block 10. Step forward with right foot into a forward stance right hand face punch 11. Turn 180 degrees to the right into a forward stance, right foot forward, right arm downward block 12. Step forward with left foot into a forward stance left hand face punch. 13. Turn to the left 90 degrees forward stance left foot forward left arm downward block. 14. Step forward with right foot into a forward stance right hand rising block 15. Step forward with left foot into a forward stance left hand rising block 16. Step forward with right foot into a forward stance right hand rising block Ki-up! 17. Turn 270 degrees counter clockwise step into a forward stance left foot forward, left arm downward block 18. Step forward with right foot into a forward stance right hand face punch 19. Turn 180 degrees to the right into a forward stance, right foot forward, right arm downward block 20. Step forward with left foot into a forward stance left hand face punch.

When the Instructor says "Bah Ro", turn and face the Instructor.

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Taekwondo Basic Form 3 (Kicho 3)

Start in the Ready or "Choonbi" stance

1. Turn 90 degrees to the left into a back stance, left foot forward, left arm outward block 2. Step forward with right foot into a forward stance right hand middle punch 3. Turn 180 degrees to the right into a back stance, right foot forward, right arm outward block 4. Step forward with left foot into a forward stance left hand middle punch. 5. Turn to the left 90 degrees forward stance left foot forward left arm downward block. 6. Step forward with right foot into a horse stance right hand middle punch 7. Step forward with left foot into a horse stance left hand middle punch 8. Step forward with right foot into a horse stance right hand middle punch Ki-up! 9. Turn 270 degrees counter clockwise step into a back stance, left foot forward, left arm outward block 10. Step forward with right foot into a forward stance right hand middle punch 11. Turn 180 degrees to the right into a back stance, right foot forward, right arm outward block 12. Step forward with left foot into a forward stance left hand middle punch. 13. Turn to the left 90 degrees forward stance left foot forward left arm downward block. 14. Step forward with right foot into a horse stance right hand middle punch 15. Step forward with left foot into a horse stance left hand middle punch 16. Step forward with right foot into a horse stance right hand middle punch Ki-up! 17. Turn 270 degrees counter clockwise step into a back stance, left foot forward, left arm outward block 18. Step forward with right foot into a forward stance right hand middle punch 19. Turn 180 degrees to the right into a back stance, right foot forward, right arm outward block 20. Step forward with left foot into a forward stance left hand middle punch.

When the Instructor says "Bah Ro", turn and face the Instructor.

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Taekwondo Basic Form 4 (Kicho 4)

Start in the Ready or "Choonbi" stance

1. Turn 90 degrees to the left into a back stance, left foot forward, left arm downward block 2. Step the left foot forward slightly and out to a front stance, while executing a right hand middle punch 3. Move into a left foot back stance, left arm rising block 4. Turn 180 degrees to the right into a back stance, right foot forward, right arm downward block 5. Step the right foot forward slightly and out to a front stance, while executing a left hand middle punch 6. Move into a right foot back stance, right arm rising block 7. Turn to the left 90 degrees forward stance left foot forward left arm downward block. 8. Step forward with right foot into a forward stance triple right hand middle punch 9. Step forward with left foot into a forward stance triple left hand middle punch 10. Step forward with right foot into a forward stance triple right hand middle punch Ki- up! 11. Turn 270 degrees counter clockwise into a back stance, left foot forward, left arm downward block 12. Step the left foot forward slightly and out to a front stance, while executing a right hand middle punch 13. Move into a left foot back stance, left arm rising block 14. Turn 180 degrees to the right into a back stance, right foot forward, right arm downward block 15. Step the right foot forward slightly and out to a front stance, while executing a left hand middle punch 16. Move into a right foot back stance, right arm rising block 17. Turn to the left 90 degrees forward stance left foot forward left arm downward block. 18. Step forward with right foot into a forward stance triple right hand middle punch 19. Step forward with left foot into a forward stance triple left hand middle punch 20. Step forward with right foot into a forward stance triple right hand middle punch Ki- up! 21. Turn 270 degrees counter clockwise into a back stance, left foot forward, left arm downward block 22. Step the left foot forward slightly and out to a front stance, while executing a right hand middle punch 23. Move into a left foot back stance, left arm rising block 24. Turn 180 degrees to the right into a back stance, right foot forward, right arm downward block 25. Step the right foot forward slightly and out to a front stance, while executing a left hand middle punch 26. Move into a right foot back stance, right arm rising block

When the Instructor says "Bah Ro", turn and face the Instructor.

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Taekwondo Basic Form 5 (Kicho 5)

Start in the Ready or "Choonbi" stance

1. Turn 90 degrees left into back stance with left foot forward, left down block

2. Move up into left cat stance, outward block left arm

3. Step forward into right forward stance, right middle punch, left middle punch, right upward block

4. Turn 180 degrees clockwise into back stance with right foot forward, right down block

5. Move up into right cat stance, outward block right arm

6. Step forward into left forward stance, left middle punch, right middle punch, left upward block

7. Move 90 degrees counterclockwise into left forward stance, left down block

8. Step into right forward stance, right high punch, left high punch, right hook punch to midsection

9. Step into left forward stance, left high punch, right high punch, left hook punch

10. Step into right forward stance, right high punch, left high punch, right hook punch. Kiup!

11 – 20. Turn 270 degrees counter clockwise, repeat 1-10

21 – 26. Turn 270 degrees counter clockwise, repeat 1-6

When the Instructor says "Bah Ro", turn and face the Instructor.

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Taegeuk Form 1 - Il Jang

Start in the Ready or "Choonbi" stance

1. Turn left 90 degrees into a walking stance with left foot forward, left downward block 2. Step forward into walking stance with right foot forward, right hand middle punch 3. Turn right 180 degrees into a walking stance with right foot forward, right low block 4. Step forward into walking stance with left foot forward, left hand middle punch 5. Turn left 90 degrees into a front stance with left foot forward, left downward block, right middle punch 6. Turn right 90 degrees into a walking stance with right foot forward, left inside block 7. Step forward into walking stance with left foot forward, right hand middle punch 8. Turn left 180 degrees into a walking stance with left foot forward, right inside block 9. Step forward into walking stance with right foot forward, left hand middle punch 10. Turn right 90 degrees into a front stance with right foot forward, right downward block, left middle punch 11. Turn left 90 degrees into a walking stance with left foot forward, left rising block 12. Right front kick, foot placed down into walking stance with right foot forward, right middle punch 13. Turn right 180 degrees into a walking stance with right foot forward, right rising block 14. Left front kick, foot placed down into walking stance with left foot forward, left middle punch 15. Turn right 90 degrees into a front stance with left foot forward, left downward block 16. Step forward into a front stance with right foot forward, right middle punch, Ki-up!

When the Instructor says "Bah Ro", turn and face the Instructor.

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Palgwe 1 - Il Jang (HEAVEN)

Meaning: "View Rightly".

The general meaning of this form and associated trigram is Yang, which represents Heaven and Light. Also, this trigram has a relationship to South and Father. This Poomsae should be performed with the greatness of Heaven.

Start in the Ready or "Choonbi" stance

1. Turn left 90 degrees into forward stance with left foot forward, left arm downward block 2. Advance into right foot forward stance, right arm outward block 3. Turn right 180 degrees into a right foot forward stance, right arm downward block 4. Advance into left foot forward stance, left arm outward block 5. Turn left 90 degrees facing front into left foot forward stance, left arm downward block. 6. Advance into a back stance, right foot forward, right arm outward block. 7. Advance into a back stance, left foot forward, left arm outward block. 8. Advance into a forward stance right foot forward, right arm middle punch, Ki-up 9. Turn to the left 270 degrees pivoting on right foot. 10. Assume a back stance left foot forward, double knife hand inside-outside middle block with left hand. 11. Advance into back stance right foot forward, right arm outward block. 12. Turn to right 180 degrees into back stance right foot forward, double knife hand inside-outside middle block with right hand 13. Advance into back stance left foot forward, left arm outward block. 14. Turn to the left 90 degrees into left foot forward stance, left arm downward block 15. Advance into right foot forward stance, right knifehand strike to neck. 16. Advance into left foot forward stance, left knifehand strike to neck. 17. Advance into right foot forward stance, right arm middle punch. Ki-up 18. Turn to the left 270 degrees pivoting on right foot 19. Assume left foot forward stance, left arm downward block. 20. Advance into right foot forward stance, right arm outward block. 21. Turn 180 degrees to the right, right foot forward stance, right arm downward block. 22. Advance into left foot forward stance, left arm outward block.

When the Instructor says "Bah Ro", turn and pivot on right foot, turning body to left, return to ready stance.

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Taegeuk Form 2 - Ee Jang

Start in the Ready or "Choonbi" stance

• Turn left 90 degrees into a walking stance with left foot forward, left arm downward block • Step forward into front stance with right foot forward, right arm middle punch • Turn 180 degrees to the right into walking stance with right foot forward, right arm downward block • Step forward into front stance with left foot forward, left arm middle punch • Turn 90 degrees to the left into walking stance with left foot forward, right arm inward block • Step forward into walking stance with right foot forward, left arm inward block • Turn 90 degrees to the left into walking stance with left foot forward, left arm downward block • Right foot front snap kick, landing in front stance with right foot forward, right arm face punch • Turn 180 degrees to the right into walking stance with right foot forward, right arm downward block • Left foot front snap kick, landing in front stance with left foot forward, left arm face punch • Turn 90 degrees to the left into walking stance with left foot forward, left arm rising block • Step forward into walking stance with right foot forward, right arm rising block • Turn 270 degrees to the left into walking stance with left foot forward, right arm inward block • Turn 180 degrees clockwise, pivoting on left foot and moving right foot into walking stance with right foot forward, left arm inward block • Turn 90 degrees to the left into walking stance with left foot forward, left arm downward block • Right foot front snap kick, landing in walking stance with right foot forward, right arm middle punch • Left foot front snap kick, landing in walking stance with left foot forward, left arm middle punch • Right foot front snap kick, landing in walking stance with right foot forward, right arm middle punch. Ki-up

When the Instructor says "Bah Ro", turn and face the Instructor.

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Palgwe 2 – Ee Jang (LAKE)

Meaning: "Feel Rightly”

The associated trigram of this poomsae represents the Lake or water. Also, related to the symbol is South East and the relationship of the youngest daughter. The movements of this Palgwe are aimed to be performed believing that man has limitations, but that we can overcome these limitations. The Lake and its water symbolize the flowing and calm nature of the martial artist. This form is to reflect those attributes.

Start in the Ready or "Choonbi" stance

• Turn left 90 degrees into a front stance left foot forward, left arm rising block • Right front kick, step down in front stance right foot forward, right arm middle punch • Turn right 180 degrees into a front stance right foot forward, right arm rising block • Left front kick, step down into a front stance left foot forward, left arm middle punch • Turn left 90 degrees into a back stance left foot forward, low double knife hand block, left hand forward • Step forward right foot into back stance middle double knife hand block, right hand forward • Step forward left foot into a front stance left foot forward, left arm rising block • Step forward left foot front stance middle punch. Ki-up! • Turn to the left 270 degrees pivoting on right foot, front stance left foot forward, left arm rising block • Right front kick, step down in front stance right foot forward, right arm middle punch • Turn right 180 degrees into front stance right foot forward, right arm rising block • Left front kick, step down into a front stance left foot forward, left arm middle punch • Turn left 90 degrees into a back stance left foot forward double fist downward block, left hand forward • Step forward right foot into back stance, reinforced outward block • Step forward left foot forward back stance, outward block • Step forward right foot front stance middle punch. Ki-up! • Turn to the left 270 degrees pivoting on right foot into a front stance left foot forward, left arm rising block • Front kick right foot into a front stance right foot forward right arm middle punch • Turn right 180 degrees into a front stance right foot forward, right arm rising block • Front kick left foot into a front stance left foot forward left arm middle punch

When the Instructor says "Bah Ro" turn and pivot on right foot, turning body to left, return to ready stance and face the Instructor.

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Taegeuk Form 3 - Sam Jang

Start in the Ready or "Choonbi" stance

• Turn left 90 degrees, walking stance left foot forward, left arm downward block • Right front kick dropping foot into a right forward stance, right arm middle punch then left arm middle punch • Turn right 180 degrees, walking stance right foot forward, right arm downward block • Left front kick dropping foot into a left forward stance, left arm middle punch then right arm middle punch • Turn left 90 degrees, walking stance left foot forward, right knife hand strike to the neck • Step forward into walking stance right foot forward, left knife hand strike to the neck • Turn left 90 degrees, left foot forward back stance, left knife hand middle block (single knife hand) • Move into left foot forward front stance, right hand middle punch • Turn right 180 degrees, right foot forward back stance, right knife hand middle block (single knife hand) • Move into right foot forward front stance, left hand middle punch • Turn left 90 degrees, walking stance left foot forward right arm inward block • Step forward into walking stance right foot forward, left arm inward block • Turn left 270 degrees, walking stance left foot forward left arm downward block • Right front kick dropping foot into a right forward stance, right arm middle punch then left arm middle punch. • Turn right 180 degrees walking stance right foot forward right arm downward block • Left front kick dropping foot into a left forward stance, left arm middle punch then right arm middle punch. • Turn left 90 degrees into walking stance left foot forward, left arm downward block, right arm middle punch • Step forward into walking stance right foot forward, right arm downward block, left arm middle punch • Move into left front kick landing in a left walking stance, left arm downward block, right arm middle punch • Move into right front kick landing in a right walking stance, right arm downward block, left arm middle punch. Ki-up!

When the Instructor says "Bah Ro", turn and face the Instructor.

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Palgwe 3 - Sam Jang

Meaning: " Think Rightly”

This trigram represents Fire. Related to this symbol is also East and the relationship of the Second Daughter. Fire contains a lot of energy. The symbol behind the fire is similar to the symbolism of the water in that both can aid and both can destroy. This form is intended to be performed rhythmically, with some outbursts of energy to reflect fire's rhythmic and energetic dualism.

Start in the Ready or "Choonbi" stance

1. Turn left 90 degrees into a front stance left foot forward, left arm downward block 2. Step forward right foot front stance right arm middle punch 3. Turn right 180 degrees into a front stance right foot forward, right arm downward block 4. Step forward left foot front stance left arm middle punch 5. Turn left 90 degrees front stance left foot forward left arm downward block 6. Step forward right foot forward front stance, right arm rising block 7. Step forward left foot forward front stance, left arm rising block 8. Step forward right foot forward front stance, right arm face punch. Ki-up! 9. Turn to the left 270 degrees pivoting on right foot back stance left foot forward, double knife hand middle block 10. Step into right foot forward back stance double knife hand middle block 11. Turn right 180 degrees back stance right foot forward, double knife hand middle block 12. Step into left foot forward back stance double knife hand middle block 13. Turn left 90 degrees back stance left foot forward left arm outward block 14. Pivoting 180 degrees to the right (but not stepping), pivot on feet to a right foot forward back stance, right arm outward block 15. Step backward with right foot into left foot forward back stance, left arm outward block 16. Step backward again with left foot into right foot forward back stance right arm outward block 17. Step backward again with right foot into left foot forward back stance left arm outward block 18. Pivoting 180 degrees to the right (but not stepping), pivot on feet to a right foot forward back stance, right arm outward block 19. Turn to the left 270 degrees pivoting on right foot into a front stance left foot forward, left arm rising block 20. Step forward right foot forward into front stance, right arm face punch 21. Turn right 180 degrees into a front stance right foot forward, right arm rising block 22. Step forward left foot front stance, left arm face punch Ki-up!

When the Instructor says "Bah Ro", turn and face the Instructor.

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Taegeuk Form 4 - Sa Jang

Start in the Ready or "Choonbi" stance

• Turn left 90 degrees, left double knife hand middle block in back stance • Step forward, right reinforced spear finger thrust in right front stance • Turn right 180 degrees, right double knife hand middle block in back stance • Step forward, left reinforced spear finger thrust in left front stance • Turn left 90 degrees, left knife hand high block and right knife hand temple strike (both at same time) in front stance • Right front kick, left middle punch in right front stance • Left side kick • Right side kick • Step down into right double knife hand middle block in back stance • Turn left 270 degrees, left outward outer forearm block in left foot forward back stance • Right front kick (don't move forward), step back into left foot forward back stance, right inward block • Turn right 180 degrees, right outward outer forearm block in right foot forward back stance • Left front kick (don't move forward), step back into right foot forward back stance, left inward block • Turn left 90 degrees, left knife hand rising block and right knife hand temple strike (both at same time) in front stance • Right front kick, right back fist strike (to opponent's nose) in front stance • Turn left 90 degrees into left walking stance, left inward block followed by a right middle punch • Turn right 180 degrees into right walking stance, right inward block followed by a left middle punch • Turn left 90 degrees into left front stance, left inward block, right middle punch then a left middle punch. • Step forward, right inward block, left middle punch and then a right middle punch in front stance Ki-up!

When the Instructor says "Bah Ro", turn and face the Instructor.

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Palgwe 4 - Sa Jang

Meaning: "Speak Rightly”

This trigram represents Thunder. Also, the trigram is strongly connected to northeast and the relationship of the Eldest son. Thunder comes from the sky and is absorbed by the earth, thus, according to the beliefs of the I Ching, thunder is one of the most powerful natural forces. This poomsae is associated with power and the connection between the heavens and earth. This poomsae is intended to be performed with power resembling the Thunder for which it is named.

Start in the Ready or "Choonbi" stance

• Turn left 90 degrees into left foot forward back stance, left outward block and right high (rising) block at the same time • Remain in back stance, right uppercut punch to chin (underneath left arm) while pulling left arm towards right shoulder. • Move the left foot toward the right foot and assume a ready stance, left cross knife hand strike • Turn to the right 180 degrees right into right foot forward back stance, right outward block and left high (rising) block at the same time • Remain in back stance, left uppercut punch to chin (underneath right arm) while pulling right arm towards left shoulder. • Move the right foot toward the left foot and assume a ready stance, right cross knife hand strike • Turn left 90 degrees, back stance, double knife hand middle block • Right front kick, front stance, left palm block under right elbow, right spear finger • Turn counter clockwise 360 degrees, twisting right arm counter clockwise (as if getting out of a wrist grab), into left front stance, left side hammer fist • Step forward, right front stance, right middle punch Ki-up! • Turn left 270 degrees, into left foot forward back stance, left outward block and right high (rising) block at the same time • Remain in back stance, right uppercut punch to chin (underneath left arm) while pulling left arm towards right shoulder. • Move the left foot toward the right foot and assume a ready stance, left cross knife hand strike • Turn to the right 180 degrees right into right foot forward back stance, right outward block and left high (rising) block at the same time • Remain in back stance, left uppercut punch to chin (underneath right arm) while pulling right arm towards left shoulder. • Move the right foot toward the left foot and assume a ready stance, right cross knife hand strike • Turn left 90 degrees, back stance, double knife hand middle block • Right front kick, front stance, left palm block under right elbow, right spear finger strike. Form fist, twist and pull right arm up at 90 degree angle bent at elbow • Turn left 360 degrees into left front stance, left side hammer fist • Step forward, front stance, right middle punch. Ki-up! • Turn left 270 degrees, horse stance, left downward block Page 27 of 38 © 2014, 2018 Family Moo Do Academy last updated 4 October 2018

• Turn 90 degrees left and shift into left forward stance, right middle punch • Bring left foot back to middle, step with right foot into horse stance, right downward block • Turn 90 degrees right and shift into right forward stance, left middle punch.

When the Instructor says "Bah Ro", turn and face the Instructor.

Taegeuk Form 5 - Oh Jang

Start in the Ready or "Choonbi" stance

• Turn left into front stance, left low block • Left foot comes back next to the right foot, left hand hammer fist downwards to bridge of the nose • Turn right into right front stance, right hand low block • Right foot comes back next to the left foot, right hand hammer fist downwards to bridge of the nose • Turn 90 degrees left into left front stance, left inward block, right inward block • Right foot front kick into right front stance, right hand backfist, left inward block • Left foot front kick into left front stance, left hand backfist, right insward block • Advance right foot forward into right front stance, right hand backfist Ki-up! • Moving left foot, turn 270 degrees counterclockwise into left back stance, knife hand middle block (single knife hand) with left hand • Step into right front stance, right elbow strike (right fist to left palm) • Moving right foot, turn 180 degrees all the way to the right into right back stance, knife hand middle block (single knife hand) with right hand • Step into left front stance, left elbow strike (left fist to right palm) • Turn left 90 degrees into left front stance, left hand low block, right inward block • Right foot kick into right front stance, right hand low block, left inward block • Turn left 90 degrees left into left front stance, left high block • Right side kick and right hand punch together into right front stance, left elbow smash into open right hand • Turn right 180 degrees into right front stance, right high block • Left side kick and left hand punch together into left front stance, right elbow smash into open left hand • Turn left 90 degrees into left front stance, left low block, right inward block • Right front kick, hop forward and land in an X-stance while executing a right backfist to the nose. The right foot is flat and the left foot should be behind the right on the ball of foot. Ki-up!

When the Instructor says "Bah Ro", turn and face the Instructor.

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Palgwe 5 - Oh Jang

Meaning: " Order Rightly”

The trigram associated with this poomsae represents Wind. The trigram is also related to southwest and the relationship with an eldest daughter. The I Ching promotes that wind is a gentle force, but can sometimes be furious, destroying everything in its path. As such, it is intended that this poomsae is performed like the wind: gently, but knowing the ability of mass destruction with a single movement. The performer and audience should be aware of the duality of the form.

Start in the Ready or "Choonbi" stance

• Step back with left leg into right front stance, scissors block (left outward block, right down block) • Turn left 90 degrees, left foot forward back stance, double knife hand low block • Step forward, back stance, double knife hand middle block • Step back into back stance, left downward palm block • Step forward, front stance, right middle punch • Turn right 180 degrees, right foot forward back stance, double knife hand low block • Step forward, back stance, double knife hand middle block • Step back, back stance, left downward palm block • Step forward, front stance, right middle punch • Turn left 90 degrees, left front stance, scissor block (right outward, left down block) • Step forward, front stance, reinforced outward block • Step forward, front stance, reinforced outward block • Step forward, front stance, right spear-finger with left palm block under elbow Ki-up! • Turn left 270 degrees, left front stance, left outward block, reverse double punch • Chamber front leg in crane stance, side kick with punch, step forward into front stance, right elbow smash into left palm • Step forward, back stance, double knife hand middle block • Turn right 180 degrees, front stance, right outward block, reverse double punch • Chamber front leg in crane stance, side kick with punch, step forward into front stance, left elbow smash into right palm • Step forward, back stance, double middle knife hand block • Turn left 90 degrees, left front stance, scissor block • Step forward, back stance, double fist low block • Step forward, back stance, double fist low block • Step forward, front stance, right middle punch. Ki-up! • Turn left 270 degrees, back stance, double knife hand low block • Step forward, back stance, double knife hand middle block • Step back, back stance, left downward palm block • Step forward, front stance, right middle punch • Turn right 180 degrees, back stance, double knife hand low block • Step forward, back stance, double knife hand middle block • Step back, back stance, right downward palm block • Step forward, front stance, left middle punch

When the Instructor says "Bah Ro", turn and face the Instructor.

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Taegeuk Form 6 - Yook Jang

Start in the Ready or "Choonbi" stance

• Turn left 90 degrees into left front stance, left low block • Right leg front kick, step back into left back stance and do a left outward outer forearm block at same time • Turn right 180 degrees into right front stance, right low block • Left front kick, step back into right back stance and do a right outward outer forearm block at same time • Turn left 90 degrees into a left front stance, right knife hand block • Right roundhouse kick and place kicking leg down just ahead of the left foot • Turn left 90 degrees and step into a left front stance, left high section outer forearm block, right middle punch • Right front kick and land in a right front stance, left middle punch • Turn right 180 degrees into right front stance, right high section outer forearm block, left middle punch • Left front kick landing in a left front stance, right middle punch • Turn left 90 degrees into a Choonbi/Ready stance, cross both hands over your head and do a slow double low block • Step forward into a right front stance, left knife hand block • Left roundhouse kick. Ki-up! • Place kicking leg down next to right foot, turn right 270 degrees clockwise into a right front stance, right low block • Left front kick, step back into right back stance, right outward outer forearm block • Turn left 180 degrees into left front stance, left low block • Right front kick, step back into left back stance, left outward outer forearm block • Move your right foot, turn left 90 degrees into a left foot forward back stance, double knife hand middle block • Stepping back into right back stance, double knife hand middle block • Stepping back into left front stance, left middle palm block, right middle punch • Stepping back into right front stance, right middle palm block, left middle punch

When the Master says "Bah Ro", move your right foot backward (in line with your left foot) and face the Master.

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Palgwe 6 - Yook Jang

Meaning: " Contribute Rightly”

The trigram associated with this poomsae represents Water. Also, there is a relation to West and the relationship with a Second son. The movements of this poomsae are intended to be performed like water; flowing, powerful and cleansing. Sometimes standing still like water in a lake, sometimes thriving as a river, sometimes powerful like a waterfall. The water is to symbolize calm and cleansing, while also possessing the attribute of being violent and destructive.

Start in the Ready or "Choonbi" stance

• Turn to the left 90 degrees, back stance, double knife hand middle block • Right front kick, step forward into right front stance, middle punch • Turn to the right 180 degrees, back stance, double knife hand middle block • Left front kick, step forward into a left front stance, middle punch • Turn left 90 degrees left, left low block, followed by left knife hand rising block with simultaneous right knife hand strike to neck • Right front kick, hop into an X-stance, back fist. Ki-up! • Turn to the left 270 degrees into left foot forward back stance, double knife hand low block. • Shift into left front stance, wedge block (spread middle block) • Right front kick, step forward into a right front stance, double middle punch • Turn right 180 degrees, back stance, double knife hand low block • Shift into right front stance, wedge block (spread middle block) • Left front kick, step forward into left front stance, double middle punch • Turn left 90 degrees into left foot forward back stance, double knife hand middle block • Shift into left forward stance, left knife hand rising block with simultaneous right high section palm heel strike • Right front kick, step forward into front stance, back fist. Ki-up! • Left front kick, step forward into front stance, left high block • Right side kick, step forward into back stance, double knife hand middle block • Pivot 180 degrees to left into left foot forward back stance, double knife hand middle block

When the Instructor says "Bah Ro", turn and face the Instructor.

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Taegeuk Form 7 - Chil Jang

Start in the Ready or "Choonbi" stance

• Turn left 90 degrees into left cat stance, right middle palm block • Right front kick, step back into left cat stance, left inward block • Turn right 180 degrees into right cat stance, left middle palm block • Left front kick, step back into right cat stance, right inward block • Turn left 90 degrees into left foot forward back stance, left double knife hand low block • Step forward, back stance, right double knife hand low block • Turn left 90 degrees, move into left cat stance, right reinforced middle palm block, turn shoulders left and bring right fist to left shoulder (getting out of wrist grab), turn shoulders back to front, right backfist to nose; left fist remains palm down under right elbow • Turn right 180 degrees into right cat stance, left reinforced middle palm block, turn shoulders right and bring left fist to right shoulder (getting out of wrist grab), turn shoulders back to front, left backfist to nose; right fist remains palm down under right elbow • Turn left 90 degrees, place right foot next to left foot, bring your hands into a chamber position on your belt, left hand grabs right fist at stomach level, slowly extend your arms outwards to chin level • Step forward with left foot into left front stance, double scissor block (left arm does an outward block and right hand does a low block at same time, then swap to do right outward block and left low block) • Step forward with right foot into right foot stance, double scissor block (right outward block, left low block, then swap to do left outward block, right low block) • Moving left foot, turn left 270 degrees into left front stance and do a wedge block (spread middle block) • In front stance, reach up and grab head of your imaginary opponent with both hands, bring hands down & bring right knee up (knee strike to opponent's head) • Step down into right forward stance and then move left foot behind right into an X- stance, twin upset punch. • Chamber both hands on left hip, then moving left leg back into right front stance, execute low X-block • Move right foot, turn right 180 degrees into right front stance, wedge block (spread middle block) • In front stance, reach up and grab head of your imaginary opponent with both hands, bring hands down & bring left knee up (knee strike to opponent's head) • Step down into left forward stance and then move right foot behind left into an X- stance, twin upset punch • Chamber both hands on right hip, then moving right leg back into left front stance, execute low X-block • Turn left 90 degrees, move left foot into left walking stance, left side backfist to temple • Open left fist, right inward crescent kick to palm of hand. • Land in a right horse stance, right elbow strike into open palm of your left hand • Bring left foot up into right walking stance, right side backfist to temple • Open right fist, left inward crescent kick to palm of hand • Land in a left horse stance, left elbow strike into open palm of your right hand Page 32 of 38 © 2014, 2018 Family Moo Do Academy last updated 4 October 2018

• Left single knife hand middle block • Step forward into right horse stance, right side punch. Ki-up!

When the Instructor says "Bah Ro", bring right foot to original position and turn and face the Instructor.

Palgwe 7 - Chil Jang

Meaning: " Have Ability”

The trigram associated with this poomsae represents a Mountain. Also, it represents the northwest and youngest son. The symbolism behind the mountain is the indomitable and majestic nature that all mountains possess. This poomsae is intended to be performed with the feeling that all movements are this majestic due to their unconquerable nature.

Start in the Ready or "Choonbi" stance

• Step forward with left leg, front stance, double low block • Right front kick, step forward into right front stance, double outward block (fists facing you) • Left front kick, step forward into left front stance, high X-block • Right side kick, step forward into back stance, double knife hand middle block • Turn left 270 degrees into left foot forward back stance, outward block • Shift to front stance (do not take a step), right high punch, left high block • Right side kick, step forward into back stance, double knife hand low block • Shift to front stance (do not take a step), right middle punch • Turn right 180 degrees into right foot forward back stance, outward block • Shift to front stance (do not take a step), left high punch, right high block • Left side kick, step forward into back stance, double knife hand low block • Shift to front stance (do not take a step), left middle punch • Turn left 90 degrees into left front stance, low X-block, chamber hands on right hip, high X-block • With a twisting motion of the wrists, grab with open hands (left hand on top) and pull to right hip, followed by right high punch. Ki-up! • Pivot counter clockwise on left foot to face the opposite direction, stamping right foot down into right horse stance, right down block. (Your left foot will turn 270° CCW.) • Look left 180 degrees, slip into left front stance, left cross knife hand • Turn left hand vertical, inward crescent kick to palm. • Land in right horse stance, elbow smash to left palm • Look left 180 degrees, retreat into left horse stance, left low block and right single mountain block • Shuffle backward into left foot forward back stance, double knife hand middle block • Shift to left front stance, right middle punch. Ki-up!

When the Master says "Bah Ro", turn and face the Master.

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Taegeuk Form 8 - Pal Jang

Start in the Ready or "Choonbi" stance

• Step forward with left foot into back stance, twin fist guarding block • Slip into left front stance, reverse middle punch with right hand • Double jump front kick. Ki-up!, land in left forward stance, left inward block, double punch (right hand first) • Step forward into right front stance, right middle punch • Turn left 270 degrees, left low block and right single mountain high block (at same time) in reverse front stance (look towards direction of low block) • Move left foot into (forward) left front stance, bring left fist up and towards your right shoulder (as if you grabbed opponent and are bringing him towards you), simultaneously with slow right uppercut (underneath left arm) to imaginary opponent's chin • Turn 180 degrees right, stepping with left foot in front of right, into reverse front stance; right low block and left single mountain high block (at same time), look towards direction of low block • Move right foot into (forward) right front stance, bring right fist up and towards your left shoulder (as if you grabbed opponent and are bringing him towards you), simultaneously with slow left uppercut (underneath right arm) to imaginary opponent's chin • Turn counter clockwise 270 degrees, pivoting on left foot, into left foot forward back stance, double middle knife hand block • Move left foot into left front stance, right middle punch • Right front kick, step back down into original position, step back with left foot, bring right foot into cat stance, right middle palm block • Turn left 90 degrees, left foot in cat stance, left double knife hand middle block • Left front kick, step down into right front stance, right middle punch • Move left foot back into cat stance, left middle palm block • Turn right 180 degrees, right foot into cat stance, right double knife hand middle block • Right front kick, step down into right forward stance, left middle punch • Move right foot back into cat stance, right middle palm block • Turn right 90 degrees, right double fist low block in back stance • Left front kick, don’t put leg down, jump right front kick, Ki-up! • Land in a right front stance, right inward block, double punch (left hand first) • Turn left 270 degrees, left single knife hand middle block in back stance • Move left foot into left front stance, reverse elbow strike with right arm, reverse backfist to the nose with right fist, middle punch with left hand • Move right foot and turn 180 degrees to the right into a right foot forward back stance, single knife hand middle block • Move right foot into right front stance, reverse elbow strike with left arm, reverse backfist to the nose with left fist, middle punch with right hand.

When Instructor says "Bah Ro", bring right foot back to center and face the Insturctor.

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Palgwe 8 - Pal Jang

Meaning: "Conduct Rightly”

The trigram associated with this poomsae represents the Earth. Also, there is a representation of North and Mother. The associated trigram of this poomsae Yin. Yin, here, represents the end of the beginning, the evil part of all that is good. This being the last of the poomsae Palgwe, it represents the end of the circle and the cyclic nature of the Earth.

Start in the Ready or "Choonbi" stance

• Turn left 90 degrees, front stance, left low block • Bring left foot back into left walking stance while pulling left hand up and around in a circular motion (as if escaping from a wrist grab) to execute high front hammer fist to the bridge of the nose. • Step forward into right front stance, right middle punch • Turn right 180 degrees, front stance, right low block • Bring right foot back into right walking stance while pulling right hand up and around in a circular motion to execute high front hammer fist to the bridge of the nose. • Step forward into left front stance, left middle punch • Turn left 90 degrees, left foot forward back stance, double knife hand middle block • Step forward into right front stance, reinforced spear finger strike • Twist spear hand as if escaping from a wrist grab. Turn counter clockwise 360 degrees into left foot forward back stance, left side back fist • Step forward, front stance, right middle punch. Ki-up! • Turn left 270 degrees, left foot forward back stance, left cross knife hand strike • Move left foot inwards (into a shallow walking stance) and twist knife hand while pulling it towards the jaw, as if escaping from a wrist grab. Shift left foot back into left horse stance and execute left backward elbow strike with open knife hand • Shift left foot 90 degrees counter clockwise into left front stance, left outward block, right middle punch • Turn right 90 degrees, shift left foot into horse stance, chamber hands at left hip • Bring left foot to right, turn right 90 degrees, step into right foot forward back stance, right cross knife hand strike • Move right foot inwards and twist knife hand while pulling it towards the jaw. Shift right foot back into right horse stance and execute right backward elbow strike with open knife hand. • Shift right foot 90 degrees clockwise into right front stance, right outward block, left middle punch • Turn left 90 degrees, shift right foot into horse stance, chamber hands on right hip • Bring right foot back to center and look 90 degrees left, while bringing hands to left hip (right on top). Immediately shift them to the right hip (left on top) as if grabbing a belt and bringing it towards you. Lift left foot into crane stance, hands at hip. Left side kick, step down into left front stance, right elbow smash to left palm. • Bring left foot back to right, look 180 degrees right while bringing hands to right hip (left on top). Immediately shift them to left hip (right on top). Lift right foot into crane stance. Right side kick, step down into right front stance, left elbow smash to right palm.

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• Make a 180 degree box turn into left front stance, spread block followed by twin upset punch • Step forward into right front stance, spread block, twin upset punch • Step forward into left foot forward back stance, left knifehand inward block • Twist left hand down (as if going over attacker’s arm) while pivoting on left foot 180 degrees clockwise into right horse stance. Strike backwards with right elbow (open knife hand) while chambering left elbow. • Look left, slide left foot back and 90 degrees counter clockwise so feet are like ready stance. Bring open hands together (left over right) and push down at belt level as if pushing down on a belt grab. • Lunge left into horse stance, execute twin elbow release from a “bear hug” grab, bringing elbows and open hands up to shoulder height. • Skip step to the right into horse stance, left punch over the right shoulder, right backward elbow strike. • Skip step to the left into horse stance, right punch over the left shoulder, left backward elbow strike. Ki-up!

When the Instructor says "Bah Ro", bring left foot to right and return to ready stance.

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TaeGuek 1

Taegeuk Il Jang - 8th Geup - Heaven Taegeuk 1 jang is represented by the "Keon" symbol, which symbolizes the paradise and the light. "Keon" is also used to represent the beginning of the creation of the universe. Taegeuk 1 jang constitutes for its part the beginning of the drive in Taekwondo. This form is characterized by its facility of execution, since it is made up mainly of basic movements.

TaeGuek 2

Taeguk Ee Jang - 7th Geup - The Lake Taegeuk 2 jang is represented by the "Tae" symbol, which means the interior force and external softness. "Tae" is also the lake, from where emerge from the depths of the treasures and mysteries. The movements of this form should be carried out by considering that each one has limits but which it is in spite of very possible to exceed them.

TaeGuek 3

Taeguk Sam Jang - 6th Geup - Fire Taegeuk 3 jang is represented by the "Ri" symbol which means hot and radiant. "Ri" is also associated with fire. The movements of this form should thus be carried out in a way of rhythm, with explosions of energy, such as a flame.

TaeGuek 4

Taeguk Its Jang - 5th Geup - Thunder Taegeuk 4 jang is represented by the "Jin" symbol, the thunder. One associates also power and dignity with it. This form should thus be carried out with a great power but also while letting show through calms immutable that which controls its fear of the storm.

TaeGuek 5

Taeguk Oh Jang - 4th Geup - Wind Taegeuk 5 jang is represented by the "Seon" symbol, which represents the wind, forces soft which can despite everything become a furious destroying power. The wind which often changes direction and of intensity, this form in is one of contrast, its soft movements intersected with action more energetic.

TaeGuek 6

Taeguk Yook Jang - 3rd Geup - Water Taegeuk 6 jang is represented by the "Gam" symbol, which represents water. Page 37 of 38 © 2014, 2018 Family Moo Do Academy last updated 4 October 2018

The movements of this form should be carried out like the water, sometimes calm like a lake or agitated like a river.

TaeGuek 7

Taeguk Chil Jang - 2nd Geup - The Mountain Taegeuk 7 jang is represented by the "Gan" symbol, the mountain. Like the immutable mountain, this form should be carried out with the feeling that all its movements are majestic.

TaeGuek 8

Taeguk Stake Jang - 1st Geup - Earth Taegeuk 8 jang is represented by the "Gon" symbol, the earth. This form is the last before the passage to the black belt, it is also a revision of the fundamental concepts learned in the preceding forms. It is the foundation for the training of the advanced forms.

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