Tauranga Moana / Te Arawa Ki Takutai Partnership Forum Meeting Held on 29/07/2020
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te tini a tuna KAITUNA ACTION PLAN 2019-2029 A plan of action prepared by Te Maru o Kaituna MOEMOEĀ – OUR VISION E ora ana te mauri o te Kaituna, e tiakina ana hoki m3 ng1 whakatupuranga 3 n1ianei, 3 muri nei hoki. The Kaituna River is in a healthy state and protected for current and future generations. MIHI Ko Kaituna te awa tupua Kaituna our guardian Ko Kaituna te mauri ora Kaituna our life force Ko Kaituna te awa tūpuna Kaituna our ancestral river Ko Kaituna te oranga whānui Kaituna our sustenance Ko Kaituna te awa honohono i te tangata Kaituna a connector of people Mai uta ki te tai From the lakes to the sea Tēnā koutou katoa, Na te Maru o te Kaituna i tukuna mai ai e mātou te mahere hohenga o tēnei ngahuru ki te mea ko porowhiua he tuna hei kaiārahi. On behalf of Te Maru o Kaituna we provide this ten year action plan titled Te Tini a Tuna as a working guide towards achieving our future vision for the Kaituna River. Ngā mihi, Dean Flavell, Chair of the Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority Approved 27 September 2019 CONTENTS About this plan 3 Action Plan purpose 3 Guiding principles 4 PART ONE Plan theme 4 Te Upoko o te Tuna Developing this plan 4 Overview Plan linkages 5 Geographic scope 5 Introducing our actions 8 Criteria for prioritising actions and projects 10 Action and project details 10 PART TWO Acronyms / Abbreviations 10 Te Puku o te Tuna Priority Action 1: Take collective responsibility for improving Our Actions the health and well-being of the Kaituna River and its tributaries 11 Priority Action 2: Create a network of healthy and diverse Kaituna habitats and ecosystems 17 Priority Action 3: Connect our communities and visitors to our river and to our projects 23 Enabling Action 1: Collect good information about the Kaituna River and its tributaries 29 Enabling Action 2: Establish a Kaituna River restoration and enhancement fund 32 Plan implementation 35 How plan progress will be reported 35 PART THREE Te Taharapa o te Tuna Implementing and Monitoring this Plan Te Tina a Tuna Kaituna Action Plan 2019-2029 1 PART ONE – OVERVIEW Te Upoko o te Tuna ‘Te Upoko o te Tuna’ means ‘the head of the eel’. This part of the plan sets the course or direction for the Action Plan, in particular; its purpose, intended use, and linkage with the Kaituna River Document. 2 Te Tina a Tuna Kaituna Action Plan 2019-2029 ABOUT THIS PLAN In June 2018, Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority approved the strategic road map, the Kaituna River Document (Kaituna, he taonga tuku iho – a treasure handed down). The Kaituna River Document, which took effect on 1 August 2018, has the following vision: E ora ana te mauri o te Kaituna, e tiakina ana hoki mō ngā whakatupuranga ō nāianei, ō muri nei hoki. The Kaituna River is in a healthy state and protected for current and future generations. Action Plan purpose The purpose of this Action Plan is to ‘give life’ to the Kaituna PRIORITY ACTION 1: Take collective responsibility for River Document. improving the health and well-being of the Kaituna River As the name suggests, this plan is about action: the work that and its tributaries we will do collectively to achieve this Vision. It is about targeted action in key areas over the next 10 years. PRIORITY ACTION 2: Create a network of healthy and In other words, Te Maru o Kaituna will focus on a few things diverse Kaituna habitats and ecosystems and do them really well. This plan has three priority actions: PRIORITY ACTION 3: Connect our communities and visitors to our River and to our projects This plan also includes two enabling actions: ENABLING ACTION 1: Collect good information about the Kaituna River and its tributaries. ENABLING ACTION 2: Establish a Kaituna River restoration and enhancement fund. Each action has a series of projects, which are a mix of new and existing initiatives. These are summarised in Part Two of this plan. Te Tina a Tuna Kaituna Action Plan 2019-2029 3 Guiding principles Developing this plan While implementing this plan, Te Maru o Kaituna will be The following informed and guided the development of this plan: guided by the following principles: • The Kaituna River Document (including matters raised in • Kia whakakotahi | Integrated thinking and action submissions to the proposed River Document). We will take a holistic and whole systems approach • Workshops with Te Maru o Kaituna. to improving the health of the Kaituna River. • Feedback from surveys, meetings and drop-in sessions held in • Kia whakapiri | Collective action relation to the draft action plan. We will work together to effect positive change for the Kaituna River and all it sustains. • Any relevant outstanding actions from the 2009 Kaituna River and Ōngātoro/ Maketu Estuary Strategy. • Kia whakamārama | Collective enlightenment We will share information / stories / data to build • Relevant iwi and hapū management plans. our collective awareness and understanding about • Projects listed in the long-term plans, annual plans and work the Kaituna catchment. programmes of relevant councils. • Kia whakamana | Community empowerment • Council research and monitoring reports. We will encourage our communities to lead and/ or be part of projects within the Kaituna River catchment. This includes tangata whenua, local care groups and schools. Plan theme This plan is uniquely ‘Kaituna’ and as such, the tuna / eel is interwoven throughout this plan. For example: • The title of this plan (Te Tini a Tuna) refers to the “abundance of tuna”. This is what we expect to see from implementing this plan. • The structure of this plan aligns with the parts of the tuna: – upoko (head) – puku (stomach) – taharapa (tail) Explanations are provided at the start of each part of the plan. • The cluster of priority actions in this plan are inspired by what a tuna needs to thrive: – good quality water; – good habitat and, – good connection or passage through the Kaituna catchment. 4 Te Tina a Tuna Kaituna Action Plan 2019-2029 Plan linkages The following diagram shows the linkages between the Kaituna Action Plan, Kaituna River Document and council plans, processes and decisions. Influence of The Kaituna River Document Tapuika Claims Settlement Act Te Maru o Kaituna River Authority The Kaituna River Document The Kaituna Action Plan Kaituna, he taonga tuku iho - a treasure handed down Te Tini a Tuna Vision, Objectives and Desired Outcomes Resource Management Local Government Potential funding sources Act 1991 Act 2002 TMOK budget Million Metres Streams & Trees DoC Community Fund Resource Planning Long Term Plans Tiaki Wai Fund Consents Documents Bylaws Wai Ora Fund Must have regard to Must recognise and provide Other Decisions DoC Mātauranga Kura Taio Fund The Kaituna River The Kaituna River Document Must take into account NZTA Document the Kaituna River Document TECT Geographic scope The geographic scope of this plan is the same as the Kaituna River Document. In the context of this plan, “our River” relates to the Kaituna River and its tributaries, starting from Te Waipuna – the headwaters at Ōkere Falls to Te Kōngutu Awa – the river mouth at Te Awa o Ngātoroirangi / Maketu Estuary. This includes all rivers and streams flowing into the Kaituna River catchment. In total, there are approximately 1,197 kilometres of waterways in the Kaituna catchment. A number of projects within this plan involve land within the catchment. This is because activities on land have an impact on the environmental, cultural and spiritual well-being of the Kaituna River. Te Tina a Tuna Kaituna Action Plan 2019-2029 5 Legend Motiti Island Marae Location Co-governance Area A Pāpāmoa Urban Areas Tauranga District Territorial Boundary State Highway 5 Landcover 6 Kaituna R iver Agriculture 2 1 Maketu Indigenous Vegetation Te Puke Forestry 7 3 am re St Horticulture ra 10 ou ik a W 4 The co-governance area approx. 8 582km2, is co-governed by the W statutory body Te Maru o Kaituna a m 9 ir m apukao a Strea e a m r e Paengaroa (The Kaituna River Authority). t r S t i S r a oe Stream ia e There are other marae outside the co-governance h a m a W a p u area which have associations with marae inside a n r e a h it but have not been shown here. p m w a a a r R e r a t P m S a Ohui Stream e a r t g S n i a k m a a . a g p re n i t K k S a KILOMETRES a e a a n P o o i r k h a Ō t a a o h n W u i St rea m Stream iri Stream ar oi am gat m an ta M O am Stre tream r ga u S e en ur v er a i Te R oong k R po U a n paua Stream u ata it m er Tau iv a i R K eam it Str K ra epapa iwi Pa Tor St m Western Bay of rea a m m re ea t Plenty District tr S S ia to a para Strea a n am hau m Ru O e O hi Stream tr ri S ka m i a ru ip e u angorewa R P r r Rotorua M iver t u S H i Lakes District r O tream u n hi S o e Angakaka p p a u g n S a t M r e a Kaharoa m 11 Priority wetlands (Project 7) Ōtaramarae 1.