Cystic Fibrosis Centre: University Hospital Llandough Design and Access Statement DRAFT - October 2018 Prepared by: Harri Aston and Mark Farrar Address: The Urbanists, The Creative Quarter, 8A Morgan Arcade, Cardiff, CF10 1AF, United Kingdom Email:
[email protected] /
[email protected] Website: Issue date -- | -- | -- Drawing status DRAFT Revision - Author - Checked by - All plans within this document are reproduced from Ordnance Survey with permission of the control- ler of Her Majesty’s Stationary Office (C) Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution/civil proceedings. Licence No 100054593. Produced By: In Association With: 00 CONTENTS 01 - Introduction 02 - Site Context 03 - 1.1 - -- 2.1 - -- 3.1 - -- 01 Introduction Cystic Fibrosis Centre: University Hospital Llandough | Design and Access Staement 5 01 Introduction Cystic Fibrosis Centre: University Hospital Llandough STATEMENT PURPOSE This Design and Access Statement has been produced LEGISLATIVE CONTEXT to accompany a planningapplcation for the retention and 1. Explain the design principles and concepts that have been extension of the existing All Wales Cystic Fibrosis Centre As a result of the Planning (Wales) Act, Design and Access State- applied to the development; (AWCFC), at University Hospital Llandough. ments (DAS) are now required for the following types of develop- ment only: THE DEVELOPMENT 2. Demonstrate the steps taken to appraise the context of the development and how the design of the development takes All planning applications for “major” development except those The development proposed in the application includes: that context into account for mining operations; waste developments; relaxation of condi- • External works to improve the visual appearence of the tions (section ’73’ applications) and applications of a material 3.