Houston's Gay Rights Job GRAPHIC ARTISTS CHRISTMAS DAY Rob Clark
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• \WQ _-----CONTENTS Volume 10, Number 40 December 21-27, 1984 11 TWTNEWS--------~~--~--------------------------- Goy Rights Job Discrimination Ordinance Fundraisers . 27 COMMENT~----------------------------------------__ Letters to the Editor 29 VIEWPOINT--------------------------------- ..,...-_ Miss Goy Texas Pageant '85 by Norma 'Kristie 33 BOOKS---------------------------------- _ The Divine Bette Mid/er by James Spada Reviewed by David Fields 37 VINYLFLASH _ Branski Beat-Goy Music Comes of Age by Mardi Coleman 38 MOVIES _ Runaway, Starring Tom Selleck Reviewed by O. Flores Alvarez City Heat, Starring Clint Eastwood & Burt Reynolds Reviewed by Harry Deutsch Starman, Starring Jeff Bridges Reviewed by O. Flores Alvarez Breokin' 2-f/ectric Boogo/oo, Starring Shabba-Doo Reviewed by Harry Deutsch 42 INTEAVIEW _ Adolfo "Shobbo-Doo" Quinones, Star of Bieokin' 2 by Blose DiStefano 44 SHOWBIZ _ Tuff Turf 2010, Murray Head, Rita Mae Brown. by Jock Varsi 46 BACKSTAGE ~------------------------------- Dena Kaye, The Country Express Bond . by Rob Clark 54 FEATUAE _ Confessions of a Christmas Crazy by Randy Ruhlman 59 HOTTEA _ Shaye Stephens Wins Texos Newcomer of the Year . by Chuck 67 SPOATS _ Alley Boys Lead in Son Antonio's JansPeople Bowling League. 73 STAASCOPE _ December New Moon by Milton van Stern 89 CLASSIFIED _ Wont Ads and Notices 101 CALENDAA _ Special One-Time Only & Non-Profit Community Events 103 THEGUIDE _ Texas Business / Club Directory 112 CAATOON _ Happy Holidays by R. Campbell 'wrCOVEA _ Sugar and lights and Everythi~g Nice Photograph by Joson Mathews TWT (ThisWeek in Texas) is published weekly by Asylum Enterprises,Inc.. at 2205 Montrose, Houston, Texas 77006, phone: (713j 527-9111. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of its staff. Pu~lic~tio~ of the name or photograph of a~y person or organization in articles or advertising in TWT is not to be construed as any md,cat"on of the sexual orientation of s~,d person or organization. Subscription rates: $60 per year, $40 per half year. Rates cover cost of flrst-cl~ss postage. Back issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. First-classpostagepaid at Houston, Texas.Copyright © 1984 by Asylum Enterprises, lnc. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute. TWT DECEMBER 21 - DECEMBER 27 1964 PAGE 7 I!', HAPPY HOUR! ALL WEEKEND LONG FRI, SAT & SUN (OUR GIFT TO YOU!) CHRISTMAS EVE 25,DRAFT \~O~~' ALL NIGHT LONG (GIFT NO. MO, TO YOU!) ~~nIJt J>~ WE OPEN AT 6PM v ~~ CHRISTMAS DAY, JOIN YOUR FRIENDS AT THE GALLEON - ~ 1301U:V~CA- 4;'~~~"'-- I Merry Christmas from the Staff and Managament: Randy Speighta, Glen Hartness, Jim Oligher, Ray Gonzales, David Freeman, Mike Love, Lee Overbay, Jamaa Kleitches, Bobby Archer, Angel Trevino, Guy Scruggs, Michael CraWford, Daniel Orozco, Randy Mintin, Dan Kaeze, Robert Tebert end Jim Mey. \iJ)d ~ THIS WEEK IN TEXAS EWS Weekly Circulatian: 20.000 HOUSTON OFFICE (713) 527-9111 2205 Montrose ble makers. They say they are only Houston. Texas 77006 keeping the peace. We perhaps stay DALLAS OFFICE (214) 521-0622 silent. After all, our rights are not taken 3920 Cedar Springs Dallas. Texas 75219 from us. Maybe God loves us more than others, maybe we are more blessed PUBLISHER/EDITORChuck Patrick than others. We're safe, we are making FEATURESEDITOR/ART DIRECTOR Blase DiStefano ASS1STANTSTO THEART DIRECTOR progress. Rob Clark. Carlos Palma. Fred Hinton "The voice of a small nation is not TEXAS ENTERTAINMENTEDITOR Rob Clark MERRY CHRISTMAS heard. Its existence as a nation is shaky NATIONAL SHOWBIZ EDITOR Jack Varsl Former President Jimmy Carter addresses a crowd of 400 at best. Why should we weaken our NEWS/SPORTSEDITOR Chuck Patrick at Rothko Chapel on December 10. ART EDITOR Mitch Bartlow PRE-CHRISTMAS TWT NEWS photo by Hollie Hollister relations with another government by POETRYEDITOR O. Flores Alvarez criticizing it." CONTRIBUTING EDITORS TEA - DANCE Carter's address lasted about an O. Flores Alvarez. Jim Boone. Mardi Coleman. Harry Deutsch. Bonnie DombroskI. David Fields. CHRISTMAS EVE JIMMY CARTER hour. Then he fielded questions from Weldon Grahame. Tom Greenwell. the audience. One question of par- Crlstopher Hart. Hollie Hollister. George Klein. Dean Malone. Milton van Stern 9 PM BACK IN MONTROSE ticular note concerned the upcoming ADVERTISING ART DIRECTOR Mitch Bartlow HOUSTON - Former President Jlrn- city vote on Houston's gay rights job GRAPHIC ARTISTS CHRISTMAS DAY Rob Clark. Fred Hinton. Carlos Palma. my Carter came back to Montrose last ordinance. Carter tactfully declined Hek Cavazos. Mardi Coleman. SANTA'S BALL week-his first visit to Houston since comment, but not for reasons you Eric Harden. Lucian Rinando the 1980 campaign. His visit was extra TYPOGRAPHERS might guess. Tobi Chapman. Eric Harden 9 PM significant to gays and lesbians, since He simply stated he did not have STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERS it was his administraion that was the enough background on the issue and Scott Tovlor. Jim Haml~on. Oscar Mendiola. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Michael McKinney. Scot Roberts. first to openly affirm in its party plat- felt it would be "poor form for him to Hollie Hollister. Blase DiStefano NEW YEAR'S EVE form that discrimination against homo- guess an answer." CIRCULATION MANAGER Bobby Lamb sexuals was wrong. STATEWIDEDISTRIBUTIONSteve Miles 9 PM RECEPTIONISTAlicia Murphy At his address at Rothko Chapel on AUSTIN AIDS DEATHS $6 COVER the Montrose Campus of the Universi- SALES ty of Saint Thomas, Carter seized the ARE COINCIDENTAL EXECUTIVESALESMANAGER FREE CHAMPAGNE opportunity to talk once more about Jim Veteto AUSTIN - Three homosexual men human rights. Appropriately, the event died of AIDS in the Capitol City last Advertising rates are available on request by tele- GUEST DEEJAY: phoning the salesperson in your nearest City. from marked the occasion of the 36th annlver- week, and two more cases of the di- 10am-Spm. weekdays. CASEY JONES sary of the United Nation's Declaration sease were confirmed, Debbie Graves DEADLINE FOR ALL ADS: of Human Rights. Friday. one week prior to publication. of the Austin American-Statesman A crowd of over 400 heard him reaf· reported on December 14. AUSTIN Scott Taylor. (512) 926-0253 firm, "Human rights is more precious Although Dr. Phil Zbylot, chief of DAUAS/FORT WORTH than the air we breathe. The lack of community preventative medicine for Alan Gellman. (214) 521-0622 HOUSTON/GALVESTON human rights is incompatible with the Austin·Travis County Health De- Scot Roberts. (713) 527-9111 decency and democracy:" partment said, "We're seeing exponen- SAN ANTONIO/CORPUS CHRISTI Tim Ramm. (512) 734-5961 'Carter then went into a story which tial growth in the number of cases," was almost indistinguishable from Wesley Hodgson of the Texas Depart- country to country, Hollie Hollister of ment of Health said, " the three TWT NEWS/Houston reported. deaths were just a coincidence," ad- CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Dallas Bureau-Steve Miles "An ambulance goes by our house. ding, "Austin doesn't nearly .have as Houston Bureau-Scot Roberts We ask, what is it-another child has many cases as Houston and Dallas." TWT MAGAZINE starved to death next door? We hear Hodgson also concluded that part of A Division of the reason for more cases surfacing is ASYLUM ENTERPRISES, INC. knocking doors at night, at the house The Corporation of a young man or woman who has a result of better reporting of AIDS in spoken out. We are told they were trou- Travis County. PAGE 11 PAGE 10 TWT DECEMBER 21 - DECEMBER 27 1984 TWT DECEMBER 21 - DECEMBER 27 19B4 "Austin is looking at such small A second bill "to raise the minimum numbers, you could almost make a drinking age to 21 is certain to pass," similar correlation with Houston's she predicted. "If Texas doesn't pass earlier cases," Gordon R. Reeve, chief this bill it will lose all of its federal fun- epidemiologist with Houston's Health ding for highways." The bill would raise Department, added. the age to 20 beginning this September The history of reported AIDS cases and up it another year to 21 the follow- in Austin traces back to 1982 when ing year in 1986. Travis County counted its first local A third bill which the lobbying effort AIDS case. The next year, in 1983,three of BOAT must deal with concerns the more cases were confirmed. promotion of alcohol, such as half-price So far this year, 16 cases have been drinks or two-for-one drinks during hap- confirmed with two to four more cases py hour. "Some states have already as possibilities. Three AIDS victims are abolished happy hour," Naylor noted. currently being treated in local "Texas could be next." I hospitals, TWTNEWS/Austinlearned. Even more frightening to bar owners The Travis County death rate from Is a law now In place In several other AIDS runs close to 50%. To date there states which holds a bar owner or have been ten AIDS deaths-six in the bartender liable If a patron gets lntox- past year. All of the people in Austin Icated on a bar's premises and then who were diagnosed with AIDS in 1982 later becomes Involved In a traffic ac- and 1983 have died, researchers said. cident or f~tallty due to drunkeness In Local health agencies have been keep- the owner's bar. Ing records on the disease In the "To keep you updated, BOAT will Capitol City only since 1982. start publishing a newsletter to keep everyone abreast of what the Texas LOBBYIST SPEAKS Legislature Is up to," Naylor said. "We will also open our BOAT office In Austin TO BAR OWNERS by the time the legislature convenes.