Englan St Paul S Cathedral Ium E
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TO ROADS CLOSED SATURDAY 05:00 - 21:00 ROADS CLOSED SUNDAY 05:00 - 14:00 ROUTE MAP ROADS CLOSED SUNDAY 05:00TO W E-R 12:30 42 ROADS CLOSED SUNDAY 05:00 - 18:00 THE GHER KI N CANNING RATCLIFF LIMEHOUSE WEST BECKTON BANK OF WHITECHAPEL TOWN BECKTON ST PAUL S LLOYDS BUILDING SOUTH CUSTOM HOUSE ROYAL OPER A ENGL AND Limehouse DLR LEAMOUTH Beckton Park DLR SOHO CATHEDR AL DLR PARK HOUSE Custom House DLR Prince Regent Cyprus DLR Gallions Reach DLR Cannon Street BROMLEY Mansion House Royal Victoria DLR Blackfriars DLR COVENT Temple Monument DLR Tower Gateway POPLAR LEA MOUTH East India ROUNDABOU T ExCEL UNIVERSI T Y SEE MAP Tower Hill NATIONAL GARDEN SOMERSET Blackwall DLR OF EAST LONDON PORT R AIT HOUSE MILLENIUM BELOW DLR Poplar GALLERY BRIDGE SOUTHWARK THE TOWER Westferry DLR DLR BLACKWALL Embankment ROTHERHITH E THE MUSEUM CLEOPATRA’S BRIDGE OF LONDON LONDON WAPPING T UNNEL OF LONDON West India NEEDLE SHADWELL LONDON CI T Y BANK OF BRIDGE DOCK L A NDS Quay BILLINGSGATE AIRP OR T M ARKET ST. TATE MODERN HMS BELFAST ST PAUL S TO WER MES’S BRIDGE ENGL AND ROYAL OPER A THE O2 PR ESTO NS BL ACK WAL L HORSE SOUTHWARK RO AD T UNNEL GUARDS J UBILE E CATHED R AL PAR ADE LONDON GARD ENS OHO DE SIGN EYE ST JA MES’S HOUSEMUSEUM WESTFE RR Y PARK CENOTAPH RO AD ET KEY A STRE COUNT Y N VICTORI L QUEE L Westminster HALL I H S LAMBETH HILL Triathlon Route. ’ ER Roads Closed WESTMINSTE R T E SUNDAY 5thHA LLAUGUST | 05:00-12:30 SOMERSET P CASTLE BAYNARD ST Sunday 05:00 – 14:00 ROAD CLOSURES COVENT Due to the nature of a cycling event there will be We recommend you plan your day to avoid travelling UPPER THAMES STREET HIGH TIMBER ST Triathlon Route. Victoria Enbankment will be closed in both directions, as will Upper Thames Street, Lower Thames Street and Byward Street to Tower Hill. HOUNO OPPORS TUENITY for vehicles or bicycles to during the road closure times. If you must travel we strongly Roads Closed This closure includes the cycle super highway between Blackfriars Bridge and Tower Bridge. access the closed roads and the cycle super highway recommend you allow extra time for your journey and plan Saturday during the times outlined. The red and blue lines on the your route in advance. 05:00 – 21:00 NORTH TO SOUTH Sunday Those north of the closure wishing to head south can do so by crossing the river at Westminster Bridge. Alternatively, access across the river is map above detail the route of the event and the QUEENHITHE ARK BRIDGE 05:00 – 18:00 possible by travelling along the A13 and using theG RotherhAitheR TunnelD or LondonE BridgeN. times that these roads are closed. NATIONAL Traffic Route SOUTHW USIN LANE ACCESS POINTS O C No Entry Under marshal control local traffic can cross over Southwark Bridge from the south, heading northwards to gain access westbound along SUNDAY 5th AUGUST 05:00 – 12:30 PO RT RUpperAI ThamesT Street as far as High Timber Street only. MILLENIUM GALLE RY BRIDGE SOUTHWARK.