123123 https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-9095.v20-171976 Revista do Instituto de Geociências - USP Geol. USP, Sér. cient., São Paulo, v. 20, n. 4, p. 22-26, Dezembro 2020 Angiosperms from the Early Cretaceous sediments of India Angiospermas de sedimentos do Cretáceo inicial da Índia Chinnappa Chopparapu1 , Rajanikanth Annamraju2 , Pauline Sabina Kavali3 , Sarah Gonçalves Duarte4 .(Andhra Loyola College, Department of Botany, Vijayawad-52008, Andhra Pradesh, India (
[email protected] 2Ushodaya Apartments, Tarnaka, Hyderabad, India (
[email protected]). 2Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India (
[email protected]). 4Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Agronomy Institute, Soil Departament, Seropedica, RJ, BR (
[email protected]). Received on July 2, 2020; accepted on October 27, 2020 Abstract This study presents the first report of angiosperm macrofossil assemblage from the Early Cretaceous sediments of India, containing a fruit, a spike, a petal, leaves, and an axis from the Krishna Godavari Basin. This assemblage provides clues to angiosperm evolution and ecology during the Early Cretaceous of India. The described enigmatic forms are compa- rable to fruits of Trapa, and palm leaves and spikes of Potamogeton. The fossil material also includes ribbon-like leaves with a small axis; fossil remains suggest affinity with the monocotyledon group and support recent morphological and molecular phylogenetic studies to establish the divergence of this group from dicotyledons, during the early Cretaceous. Fossils described in the present study suggest an affinity for an aquatic environment that appears to be ideal for some early angiosperms. Keywords: Angiosperms; Evolution; Early Cretaceous; India. Resumo Este estudo constitui o primeiro relato de assembleia de macrofósseis de angiospermas a partir dos sedimentos cretáceos iniciais da Índia.