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Revegetation Chapter 7 Revegetation Chapter 7 Revegetation Table of Contents 7-1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1 7-2 Site Preparation ................................................................................................................................ 2 7-2-1 Weed Condition Evaluation and Control ............................................................................................ 2 7-2-1-1 Control of Annual Weeds ............................................................................................................. 2 7-2-1-2 Control of Biennial and Perennial Weeds ..................................................................................... 3 7-2-2 Topsoil Preservation ........................................................................................................................... 3 7-2-3 Soil Testing ......................................................................................................................................... 3 7-2-4 Soil Amendment ................................................................................................................................. 6 7-2-5 Seedbed Preparation ............................................................................................................................ 7 7-2-6 Tree Protection .................................................................................................................................... 8 7-3 Plant Material Selection................................................................................................................... 8 7-3-1 Seeding ................................................................................................................................................ 8 7-3-2 Temporary Seeding ........................................................................................................................... 11 7-3-3 Trees and Shrubs ............................................................................................................................... 12 7-4 Plant Installation ............................................................................................................................ 12 7-4-1 Drill Seeding ..................................................................................................................................... 13 7-4-2 Broadcast Seeding ............................................................................................................................. 13 7-4-3 Hydroseeding .................................................................................................................................... 13 7-4-4 Interseeding ....................................................................................................................................... 14 7-5 Mulching ......................................................................................................................................... 14 7-5-1 Straw Mulch ...................................................................................................................................... 15 7-5-2 Rolled Erosion Control Products ...................................................................................................... 16 7-5-3 Hydromulch ...................................................................................................................................... 16 7-5-4 Compost ............................................................................................................................................ 17 7-6 Maintenance .................................................................................................................................... 17 7-6-1 Temporary Irrigation ......................................................................................................................... 17 7-6-2 Replacing Dead Trees and Shrubs/Spot Reseeding of Bare Areas ................................................... 19 7-6-3 Protecting Vegetation from Animal Predation .................................................................................. 19 7-6-4 Weed Management ........................................................................................................................... 19 7-7 Post-construction Monitoring ....................................................................................................... 20 7-8 References ....................................................................................................................................... 21 October 2018 City of Durango 7-i Storm Drainage Design Criteria Manual Revegetation Chapter 7 Tables Table 7-1. Viable Topsoil Composition for Colorado Native Plant Establishment in Upland Areas ......... 5 Table 7-2. Characteristics of Mature Compost Suitable for Soil Amendment ............................................ 6 Table 7-3. Reference Restoration Seed Mix ................................................................................................ 9 Table 7-4. Ornamental Restoration Seed Mix ........................................................................................... 10 Table 7-5. Street Parkway Ornamental Seed Mix ..................................................................................... 11 Table 7-6. Planting/Seeding Schedule for Upland Species ....................................................................... 12 7-ii City of Durango October 2018 Storm Drainage Design Criteria Manual Chapter 7 Revegetation 7-1 Introduction Revegetation and final stabilization are essential components of any projects that involve significant ground disturbances. What is “Final Stabilization?” Final stabilization can be achieved in a variety of ways including hardscaping, landscaping, sodding, seeding, and This is a regulatory term from the xeriscaping. Final stabilization is required for projects that City’s MS4 Permit: have one acre or more of disturbance under the MS4 Permit and the City’s Stormwater Quality Permit and is also “Final stabilization” is the necessary for smaller sites to prevent ongoing erosion from condition reached when all ground areas that have been disturbed. surface disturbing activities at the site have been completed, and for Revegetation is especially important adjacent to waterways all areas of ground surface and on steep slopes where erosion potential is high. disturbing activities a uniform Revegetation also is critical to the proper functioning of vegetative cover has been detention basins, retention ponds, wetland basins, and established with an individual plant riparian areas. Because of Colorado’s semi-arid climate, density of at least 70 percent of pre- prevalence of introduced weeds, and difficult soil conditions disturbance levels, or equivalent encountered on many projects, revegetation can be permanent, physical erosion challenging and requires proper planning, installation, and reduction methods have been maintenance to be successful. employed. This chapter provides minimum requirements for revegetation of upland areas using native plants. For many projects, a Landscape Architect will develop a landscape plan including irrigated and non-irrigated area. Article 4-6 of the Land Use and Development Code (LUDC) addresses landscaping and buffering requirements and should be consulted when developing landscaping and revegetation plans for a site. In addition, the City of Durango Tree and Shrub Guide, published by the Parks and Recreation Department has information on trees and shrubs that are suitable for Durango’s climate and includes information on fertilization, planting details, planting windows, and City landscape regulations. For projects involving waterways and drainage Landscaping and Buffering improvements, the City recommends that engineers include a revegetation specialist (i.e., Article 4-6 “Landscaping and Buffering” of the ecologist, landscape architect, and wetland LUDC establishes landscaping standards that scientist) who is experienced in restoration protect and preserve the appearance and ecology and local native plant communities as character of the City, maintain and improve the part of the overall project team to assist with walkability of the City's streets and sidewalks, project planning, direction, construction improve the compatibility of abutting uses, observation, monitoring, and long-term protect the ecological and recreational value of maintenance supervision for revegetation aspects the City's natural resources, and conserve of drainage projects. The Revegetation Chapter scarce water resources through requirements of the UDFCD Manual provides extensive regarding the planting of native and drought- information on revegetation of riparian and resistant trees and shrubs. wetland areas including soil preparation This article applies to new development, methods, planting methods, installation details, redevelopment and substantial improvements and other useful information for wetland and to property and includes landscape and riparian projects. When using the guidance in the buffering requirements and tree protection UDFCD Manual, a local specialist should be requirements. involved for plant selection since some of the species that are recommended along the Front October 2018 City of Durango 7-1 Storm Drainage Design Criteria Manual Revegetation Chapter 7 Range may be undesirable in Durango or may not be
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