Asteroid Science 2019 (LPI Contrib. No. 2189) 2086.pdf AN OVERVIEW OF HAYABUSA2 MISSION AND ASTEROID 162173 RYUGU. S. Watanabe1,2, M. Hira- bayashi3, N. Hirata4, N. Hirata5, M. Yoshikawa2, S. Tanaka2, S. Sugita6, K. Kitazato4, T. Okada2, N. Namiki7, S. Tachibana6,2, M. Arakawa5, H. Ikeda8, T. Morota6,1, K. Sugiura9,1, H. Kobayashi1, T. Saiki2, Y. Tsuda2, and Haya- busa2 Joint Science Team10, 1Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan (
[email protected]), 2Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA, Japan, 3Auburn University, U.S.A., 4University of Aizu, Japan, 5Kobe University, Japan, 6University of Tokyo, Japan, 7National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Japan, 8Research and Development Directorate, JAXA, Japan, 9Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, 10Hayabusa2 Project Summary: The Hayabusa2 mission reveals the na- Combined with the rotational motion of the asteroid, ture of a carbonaceous asteroid through a combination global surveys of Ryugu were conducted several times of remote-sensing observations, in situ surface meas- from ~20 km above the sub-Earth point (SEP), includ- urements by rovers and a lander, an active impact ex- ing global mapping from ONC-T (Fig. 1) and TIR, and periment, and analyses of samples returned to Earth. scan mapping from NIRS3 and LIDAR. Descent ob- Introduction: Asteroids are fossils of planetesi- servations covering the equatorial zone were performed mals, building blocks of planetary formation. In partic- from 3-7 km altitudes above SEP. Off-SEP observa- ular carbonaceous asteroids (or C-complex asteroids) tions of the polar regions were also conducted. Based are expected to have keys identifying the material mix- on these observations, we constructed two types of the ing in the early Solar System and deciphering the global shape models (using the Structure-from-Motion origin of water and organic materials on Earth [1].