And then my mum took me to hospital Kevin Murray 2005 Copyright © Kevin Murray, 2005 All rights reserved. This book is copyright. Other than the purposes and subject to the conditions described in the Copyright Act 1968, no part of it may in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, microcopying, photocopying, recording or otherwise) be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted without prior written permission of the author. First edition 2005 Murray, Kevin Bruce, 1950- . And then my mum took me to hospital. ISBN 0 646 44755 6. 1. Murray, Kevin Bruce, 1950- - Childhood and youth. 2. New South Wales - Biography. I. Title. 920.71 Hardcopies of this book can be obtained from the author at 47 Alameda Way Warriewood NSW 2102
[email protected] Contents Introduction My first Guardian Angel (1951) A sting in the tale (1955, 1974) The undefended tentacle (1959) Just horsing around (1960) A cracker of a time (early 60’s) Mistaken identity (1960) A curly situation (1962) Flights of fantasy (1958 - 1963) The puny pugilist (1963) To pee or not to pee (1964) An electrifying experience (1964) Ramblin’ Rose (1965) A Mass debate? (1966) The itch to hitch (1966) Brake of Dawn (1967) Losing my religion (1968) Hungry for adventure (1968) Love is sharing an ambulance (1970) Bombora blues (1973) Brainwashed in Bali (1975) The Sussex Street volcano (1976) The lone hydrangea (1978) Sotto voce (1980) 1 Dedication I dedicate these tales to my long-suffering mother who appears to have first learnt of some of these adventures from reading the proofs of this book! I hope now she’ll understand why I didn’t tell her of them at the time.