N1n1gret National Wildlife Refuge Complex Nin1gret
N1N1GRET NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE COMPLEX NIN1GRET NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE BLOCK ISLAND NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE SACHUEST POINT NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE SALT MEADOW NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE TRUSTOM POND NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE CHARLESTOWN, RHODE ISLAND ANNUAL NARRATIVE REPORT CALENDAR YEAR 1984 I U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE SYSTEM REVIEW AND APPROVALS NINIGRET NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE COMPLEX Charlestown, Rhode Island ANNUAL NARRATIVE REPORT Calendar Year 1984 SUaJL^-' Refuge Supervisor Date 3/au — t . ^ ; • Regional Offic^Approval Date ! 5 f: r NINIGRET NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE Charlestown, Rhode Island ANNUAL NARRATIVE REPORT Calendar Year 1984 U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE SYSTEM 1 INTRODUCTION Ninigret National Wildlife Refuge, established in 1971, is located in Charlestown, Rhode Island, approximately 30 miles south of Providence. The refuge contains 407 acres and borders Ninigret Pond, a salt pond located behind a barrier beach and open to Block Island Sound via a breachway. The refuge comprises a diversity of habitat types. Grassland, forest, shrubland, wooded swamp and barrier beach combine to create an interspersion and diversity of resources for many wildlife species. The refuge contains approximately 3 miles of shoreline on Ninigret Pond and provides habitat for numerous waterfowl species. Black ducks, mallards, Canada geese, and diving ducks winter in large numbers on the pond. Bald and golden eagles, ospreys, and many other raptors can be observed on the refuge. Common terns breed on a refuge island in the pond. Visitor use is greatest during the summer months from tourists seeking the cool shore breezes and ocean water.
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