Kayak Guide V4.Indd

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Kayak Guide V4.Indd Kayak Rentals A KAYAKER’S GUIDE TO THE COASTAL SALT PONDS OF SOUTH COUNTY, RHODE ISLAND Arthur R. Ganz Mark F. Bullinger KAYAKER’S GUIDE KAYAKER’S Salt Ponds Coalition Salt Ponds Coalition www.saltpondscoalition.org Stewards for the Coastal Environment South County Salt Ponds Westerly through Narragansett Acknowledgements Th e authors wish to thank the R.I. Rivers Council for its support of this project. Th anks as well to Bambi Poppick and Sharon Frost for editorial assistance. © 2007 - Salt Ponds Coalition, Box 875, Charlestown, RI 02813 - www.saltpondscoalition.org Introduction Th e salt ponds are a string of coast- Today, most areas of the salt ponds ways of natural beauty, ideal for relaxed al lagoon estuaries formed aft er the re- are protected by the dunes of the barri- paddling enjoyment. cession of the glaciers 12,000 years ago. er beaches, making them gentle water- Piled sediment called glacial till formed the rocky ridge called the moraine Safety (running along what is today Route Like every outdoor activity, proper preparation and safety are the key components of an One). Irregularities along the coast- enjoyable outing. Please consider the following percautions. line were formed by the deposit of the • Always wear a proper life saving de- pull a kayaker out to sea. Be particu- glaciers, which form peninsula-shaped vice and visible colors larly cautious venturing into sections outcroppings, which are now known • Check the weather forecast. Th e ponds that are lined by stone walls - pulling as Point Judith, Matunuck, Green Hill, can get rough over and getting out becomes probli- • Dress for the weather matic in these areas. Surging water Charlestown Beach, Quonochontaug, • Sun block, hat, sun glasses can compromise stability and boat- Weekapaug and Misquamicut. • Rain gear, dry clothes, suitible ing traffi c can also be concentrated in Sand from the ocean fl oor was car- insulation layers these passages. ried along by the waves and deposited • Don’t forget water and energy food • Paddling at night or in cold weather along these peninsula-like areas and • Insect repellant requires greater planning and prepa- • Be sure your craft is in good condition ration shoreline. Energy from the wave ac- • Know your capabilities - even on a • File a fl oat plan tion scuff ed-up the sand and held it in calm day wakes from large power • Proper lighting is required suspension, and as waves broke, sand boats can really rock a kayak • Carry a compass & charts settled out creating beach areas. Long- • Travel with a buddy or group • Exposure equipment is a must shore currents deposited sand across • Carry a cell phone and/or a portable • Keep an eye on where you put in. It’s VHF radio easy to loose track of where you left the outcroppings forming sand bars, • Take care around the breachways. the car when paddling on the larger which ultimately separated the salt Currents intesify in these areas and can ponds. ponds from Block Island Sound. Winnapaug Pond Westerly Fast Facts: Length - 2.4 miles Parimeter - 6.5 miles paddle Acres - 476 Boating traffi c - moderate Launch Sites: State Beach - 1 right-of-way 1 (free off season) Winnapaug Pond, Westerly, RI. Access: Winnapaug, known as Brightman and shallows where you can hop out Th e only public access to the pond is Pond by the locals, is one of the small- and stretch you legs. down a path to a state owned, but not de- est and shallowest of the breached salt Winnapaug Pond is shallow with veloped clearing across Atlantic Avenue from Misquamicut Beach. Kayaks may ponds. It is located behind the Misqua- many sand bars that can trip up mo- be dropped off on the pond side of the micut barrier beach, which is highly tor boats and sailboats. Because of this, street for launch, but all parking must be developed. Set back from the houses, you are less likely to encounter heavy done at the State Beach Lot. State Beach restaurants and amusements that line boating traffi c than you might in the pass or day parking is required during the barrier along Atlantic Beach is a other ponds. It is, however, one of the the beach season, otherwise parking is free. Off -season (Labor Day through beautiful salt pond rimmed with salt- few salt ponds to permit personal wa- Memorial Day weekend) parking is al- marsh along the south shore. Most of tercraft , so keep an eye (and ear) open lowed at the old Westerly Town Beach the northwestern end of the pond is to avoid speeders. Most of the pond has north lot, but unlikely during the busy held in trust by a variety of land trusts gental currents, but the tides and cur- beach season. Town parking passes will and conservation groups. For genera- rents in the breachway should be han- be required. tions, this was the site of the Winna- dled with caution - particularly south Contact Information: paug Day Camp, where many learned of the bridge where the channel is lined Westerly Police 401-596-5299 to swim, sail and appreciate the salt with rock walls on both sides and the DEM Marine Patrol 1-800-498-1336 pond ecosystem. currents accelerate. Midway down the pond is the Westerly Recreation 348-2628 state’s third largest aquaculture farm. DEM Burlingame Headquarters Oysters, quahaugs and scallops are cul- 322-7337 tivated there. Passing kayakers can get a free tour if the owner is on site. Th ere are many small islands to cruise around Quonochontaug Pond Westerly and Charlestown Fast Facts: Length - 2.6 miles Parimeter - 7.7 miles paddle Acres - 746 Boating traffi c - moderate 1 Launch Sites: Free state launch 1 Quonochontaug Pond, Westerly and Charlestown, RI. Quonnie Pond, as it is aff ection- barrier beach to the south which can be to the reduced current. Caution should ately known, is a mostly pristine coastal accessed via paths through the dunes. be maintained to avoid larger boats lagoon shared by the Town of Charles- Th e beach was once lined with houses transiting the area. Most of the rocks town (eastern) and the Town of West- and the original Weekapaug Inn, but are either clearly visible or marked, oth- erly. Quonnie contains a variety of aft er the ‘38 hurricane building was erwise Quonnie is a relaxing and pic- pleasures for kayakers. curtailed and now practically all of the turesque paddle. Th e Quonochontaug Breachway barrier beach is owned by private land is a prime fi shing area for blues and trusts and conservation interests. Access: striped bass. Th e Quonnie saltmarsh At the far western end of the pond Public access is limited to the State-run immediately to the east of the breach- is the lovely community of Weekapaug, Quonochontaug Breachway at the end way contains a maze of channels from with “Judges Rock” sitting prominently of West Beach Road. Parking is free but space may be limited due to competition which you can get up close and per- in front of the Weekapaug Inn. Sight- with pleasure boaters. Most of the more sonal with a great variety of waterfowl seers will enjoy looking at the beautiful convenient access points are restricted and shore birds that seasonally migrate Victorian summer cottages of a bygone for used by the various neighborhood through this important corridor of the era. Along the northern shore are the associations and Fire Districts. Atlantic Flyway. Just west of the breach- summer colonies of Haversham, Shel- way is a shallow channel which leads to ter Harbor and Shady Harbor. Th e rock Contact Information: the remains of the U.S. Life Boat sta- formation in front of Shady Harbor is Charlestown Harbormaster tion, that was destroyed by the Hurri- appropriately named “Picnic Rock”. 401-364-6610 (VHF Ch 16) cane of ’38. Th is also is a great pullout Kayakers are urged to use extreme DEM Marine Patrol 1-800-498- 1336 for a refreshing ocean swim a few steps caution in the breachway area. It is ad- away. Quonnie also has an expansive visable aft er launching to paddle north Westerly Police 401-596-5299 Ninigret Pond Charlestown 5 Fast Facts: Length - 3.75 miles Parimeter - 12.5 miles paddle Acres - 1,600 Boating traffi c - Heavier 4 3 Launch Sites: 2 6 Ninigret 1 conservation area Charlestown 2 breachway 3 Town beach Kayak center 4 Ocean House 5 1 Lavin’s Landing 6 Ninigret Pond, Charlestown, RI. Access: Also known as Charlestown Pond, designated as conservation area for pas- Th ere are no free public access areas on this 1600-acre coastal lagoon is located sive recreation. Th e western end is the Ninigret Pond. entirely within the Town of Charles- Ninigret Conservation Area, controlled • State Beach passes or day parking is town, and is South County’s largest salt by the R.I. Department of Environmen- required both at the Ninigret Con- pond. A small channel under the Creek tal Management. Th e areas further east servation Area (East Beach Road) Bridge connects Ninigret to Green Hill are part of the Ninigret National Wild- and Charlestown Breachway D.E.M. Pond in South Kingstown. Th e pond is life Refuge. Th e U.S. Fish and Wildlife facilities (Charlestown Beach Road) • Town Beach parking fees are re- bordered on the south by barrier beach- Service also controls over 600 acres on quired for the launch behind the es, to the west by Quonochontaug, and the north shore of the pond. Refuge Town Beach Lot on Charlestown on the east by Charlestown Beach. Th e property on both sides of the pond are Beach Road Charlestown Breachway in the south- spectacular sites for birding.

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