FEEFHS Quarterly A Journal of Central & East European Genealogical Studies _, . Michael · c"" .._.,Lemberg Verkäuter ....,,,..., , • .1 ... /, / ,/' • "' •...... Jltlllat n1 Oo. L> f trßbt f{octle Volume VI, Numbers 1-4 US$30.00 1998 FEEFHS Quarterly Volume 6 FEEFHS Quarter(v Volume VI, Numbers 1-4 FEEFHS Quarterly Who, What and Why is FEEFHS? Editor: Thomas K. Edlund.
[email protected] Thc Fcdcration of East Europcan Family History Socictics Managing Editor: Joseph B. Evcrctt.
[email protected] (FEEFHS) was foundcd in Junc 1992 by a small dcdicatcd group of Editorial Assistant: Daniel Schlytcr.
[email protected] Amcrican and Canadian genealogists with diverse cthnic, rcligious, and national backgrounds. By the end ofthat ycar, clcvcn socictics FEEFHS Executive Council: had acccpted its concept as founding mcmbcrs. Each ycar sincc then 1998-1999 FEEFHS officers: FEEFHS has doubled in size. FEEFHS nows represents nearly two President: John D. Movius, c/o FEEFHS (address listed below). hundred organizations as members from twenty-four states, five Ca-
[email protected] nadian provinces, and fourteen countries. lt continues to grow. Ist Vice-president: Dunean Gardincr, C.G., 12961 Lake Ave., About halfofthese are gcncalogy socictics, others arc multi-purposc Lakewood, OH 44107-1533.
[email protected] socicties, sumame associations, book or pcriodical publishcrs, archivcs, 2nd Vice-president: Laura Hanowski, e/o Saskatchewan Genealogical librarics, family history ccntcrs, on-line scrviccs, institutions, e-mail Society, P.O. Box 1894, Regina,