1954 the Witness, Vol. 41, No. 46. October 7, 1954
The WI ESS OCTOBER 7, 1954 10# publication. and reuse for required Permission DFMS. / Church Episcopal the of Archives GOLDEN ALMS BASIN 2020. guard it carefully when it is loaned POLICEby the national office of the Auxiliary to receive diocesan United Thank Offerings. It Copyright is always used at the General Convention Service when the Offering is received THE CHURCH AND THE CITIZEN SERVICES The WITNESS SERVICES In Leading Churches For Christ a~nd His Church In Leading Churches NEW YORK CATHEDRAL CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL (St. John the Divine) EDITORIAL BOARD Main & Church Sts., Hartford, Coin., 112th St. & Amsterdam Sunday: 8 and 10:10 a.m., Holy Corn- Church School; 11 am. Sun. HC 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; Cho. Mat. WILLIAxM B. Spor'roun, Managing Eitor; munion; 9:30, Morning Prayer; 8 p.m., Evening Prayer. 10:30; Ev 4; Ser 11, 4. Wkdys HC 7:30 JOHN P. BnOWN, KENNETH R. FORBEs, Weekdays: Holy Communion, Mon. 12 Wed., and Cho HC 8:45 GORDON C. Gx~nAm, Raw=E H~sn- (also 10 noon; Tues., Fri. and Sat., 8; Wed., 11; SInE, GEanGE H. M.&CMURRAa, PAUL. [HD); Mat 8:30; Ev 5. The daily Thurs., 9; Wed. Noonday Service, 12:15. offices arc choral cxc. Mon. Moo" REn., JosEPH H. Trruss, Columnists; CLINTrON J. Kaw, Religion and the Mind; CHRIST CHURCH THE HEAVENLY REST, NEW YORK MASSEY H. SHEFEXED Jn., Living Liturgy. Cambridge, Mass. Rev. Gardiner M. Day, Reetor 5th Avenue at 90th Street Rev. Frederic 'B. Kello"g Chaplain Rev. John Ellis Large, D.D. CONTRIBUTING Enrrons: Frederick C.
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