C.275.M.192.1939. Geneva, October 2Nd,1939. NUMERICAL LIST OF

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C.275.M.192.1939. Geneva, October 2Nd,1939. NUMERICAL LIST OF LEAGUE OF NATIONS (Communicated to the Members of the League.) C.275.M.192.1939. Geneva, October 2nd,1939. NUMERICAL LIST OF DOCUMENTS DISTRIBUTED TO THE MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE No.9 (September 1959) Official number SUBJECT Ca67.M.98.à939,V ( P 0.167(a) .M.98(a) .1939.V( Maemdum No*2 Election of Members of the Permanent Court of international Justice for the period January 1st, 1940 to December 31st, 1948.-- Letter from M. Algot Bagge. C.170.M*100.1939»VI, Index. Permanent Mandates Commission (36th Session) (June 1939).- Index to the minutes and report of the session. C.231.M.153.1939.XII International Committee on Intellectual Co-ope- ration (21st Session, July 1939).- Report. C.250.M.169.1939 Numerical list of documents distributed to the Members of the League No,8 (August 1939). C.251.M.170.1939.V & Annex (C.P.J.I.,Series E,No,15) Permanent Court of International Justice.- 15th Annual report (June 15th,1938-June 25 th, 1939), and note by the Secretary-General. C,252.M,171.1939.VII State of war between France, The United Kingdom and Poland, on the one part,' and Germany, on the other.- Communication from France. C.253.M.172.1939.VII Communication from Afghanistan, C.255.M.173.1939.VII Communication from Argentine. C.256.M.174.1939.VII Communication from Mexico. C *257*M*175.2)939 ■> VII State of war between France, the United Klngdcnt and Polaad, on the one part, and Germany, on tte other,- Communication from the United Kingdom. C» 259.M»177«1939 »VII Communication from Latvia, C«260.M.178.19395XI and Annex @ Laws and regulations concerning traffic in opium and other dangerous drugs.- Curacao. C.262.M.180.1939,VII State of war between France^the United Kingdom and Poland, on the one' part, and Germany, on toe other-- Communication from the Dominican Republic. C •265.M«182.1939oIID A * 1 Estoniaa- 12th Annual repbrt of the Trustee of the 1927 loan, (July 1st, 1938-June 30th, 1939). C.266.M.183.1939.XII and Annexes. International Institute far the unification of private law5 Rome»- Note by the'Socretary- Generalj annual report for 1937-38 and 1938-39, statenentsof receipts and expenditure for 1937 and 1938, and budgets for 1939 and 1940. Atl(a).1939 m A.1(b),1939 m @ A.1(c).1939 Convocation of the Assembly.- Tele gramsfrom the Secretary-General A.6.1939,Ann. I ' ‘_ <. Ratification of agreements and conventions con­ cluded under auspices of the League.- 2oth list by the Secretary-General«, A.18.1939,XII, Corrigendum II • ■ • International assistance to refugees.- 2nû corrigendum to tho repo? t of the High Commis- ■ - sioner to the Assembly,,- A,28*1939 »X • • • • * F_lnancial s 1 tuation of the League on August 31st_! 1939a- Mémorandum by the Secretary- General* @ Dutch text only, one copy only distributed to, each Member of the League. @@ Distributed to those Members of the League not represented on Council. Distributed to those Members of the League represented on Counc11» - 3 - C.L.127,1939.VIII and Annex Improvement and reduction of cost of transport to raise the standard of living»- Note b;v the Secretary-General and list of questions, C .L;128,1939,XI International opium convention and Protocol (February 1925).-» Application to Burma. C.L.129.1939.XI® Agreement concerning the suppression of the ftanufacture of Internal trade in and use of pre­ pared opium and protocol (February 192 5).- Application to Burma, C.L.130.1939»XI@ Agreement concerning the suppression of opium smoking (November 1951).-» Application to Burma. C.L.131.1939.XI Convention for limiting the manufacture and regulating the distribution of narcotic drugs and Protocol of si mature (July 1931).- Appli- cation to Burma. C.L.132.1939,V and Annex (June 1939) Draft conventions and recommendations/adopted by the International Labour Conference (25th Session)Note by the Secretary-General and text C.L.133.1939,V Reservation to which the Mexican Government desires to subJect its accession to the Conven­ tion for the prevention and punishment of terrorism (November 1937).- Observations of Haiti. C.L.134.1939.V Conventions concerning workmen^ compensation for occupational diseases (June 1925 and June 1934) adopted by the International Labour Conference (7th Session and 18th SessionT»- Denuncia tion by the Netherlands of the 1925 convention and ratification by the Netherlands of the 193 4 convention. C.L.135.1939,V Protocol for the amendment of the preamble, of Articles 1.4,and 5 and of the Annex to tie Covenant of the League (September 1938).- Ratification by Bulgaria. C __________ @ Distributed to those Members~and^Non”Members "parties to the agreement - 4 - C.L.136.1939.V Convention for establishing facilities for finding employment for seamen (July 1920) "adoptee by the International labour Conference (2nd Session)3- Ratification by Mexico» C.L.137,1939»V Convention limiting hours of work in coal mines (revised June 1935 ) adopted by the International Labour Conference (l9th Session),-- Ratification by Mexicoe C «.L. 138.1939, V Convention con cerning the minimum requirement of professional capacity for masters and offi­ cers on board merchant ships '(October' 1936) adopted by the International Labour Conference (21st' Session)^- Ratification by Mexico, C„L.139.1939,V Convention concerning statistics of wages amd hours of work in the principal mining and manu­ facturing Industries, including building and construction and in agriculture (June 1938) dopted by the International Labour Conferen ce (24th S e s s i o n ) Ratification-by Australia* C^Lt140.1939.V Optional clause provided in the Protocol of signatur ë concerning the statute of the Per­ manent Court of International Justice (Decem­ ber 1920)»- Renewal of acceptance by Greece. 1939 PSoSiEtiS!£I H ô S e?rOffilthe United Kingdom Government, C.L.142.1939,Y and Annex Note by the Secretary-General and communication from the French Government, C.L.143.1939,V and Annex Note by the .Secretary-General and communication from the Australian Government, C eL.144.1939»V and Annex General Act fee the pacific settlement OÎ7 international, dispute# (September, 1928) Note by the Secretary-General and communica­ tion from the Australian Governmentc - 5 - C.L.145.1939.XI @ Convocation of the Conference for the adoption of a Protocol to extend to dlhydrocodelne and its salts certain provisions of the convention for limiting the manufacture and regulating the distribution of narcotic drugs Note by the Secretary-General* C.L.146.1939.V Convention concerning the IJabllity of the shipowner in case of sickness, Injury or death of seamen (October 1936),adopted by the inter­ national Labour Conference (21st Session).- Ratification by Mexico » C ,L .147,1939.V and. Annex Optional clause provided in the Protocol of signature concerning the statute of the Perma­ nent Court of international Justice (December 1920),-~Note by the Secretary-General and com- munication by the New Zealand Government. C .L.148,1939«V and Anne x Note by the Secretary- General a ni communica­ tion by the South African Government. C.L.149.1939.VIII @@ Reservation to which the Netherlands Government desires to subJect the application to the Nether­ lands Indies of the convention concerning the unification of road signals (with Annex) of March 1931) » - Note by the Secretary-Goneral. C.L.151.1939.X League budget fcæ 1940.- Telegram from the Secretary-General. DOCUMENTS ISSUED BY THE OPIUM SUPERVISORY BODY. O.S.B/statement 1939/6tli Supplement. Estimated world requirements of dangerous drugs in 1959.- 6th Supplement to the Statement of the Opium Supervisory Body, Distributed to those Members and Non Members parties to 1931 Opium Convention, Distributed to those Members arfl Non Members parties to the convention which have not replied to Secretary-Generalrs letter of December 28th,1938» @@@ Confidential document, - 6 - SPECIAL DOCUMENTS Official Journal,20th Year, Nos. 7-8 (July- August 1929^ 6 Official Journal, Special Supplement No,192 Ta »6.1939, Annex I), World economic survey^- 8th Year (1938/39). Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, Volume XX, No » 9 (September 1939)„ BoEn216 Epidemiological report,/1.8th Year, No-8 Monthly Summary , Volume XIX, Noa7 (July 1939)® Monthly Summary, Special Supplement (August 1939 ) m Registration of Treaties, No„215 (August 1939) Treaty Series, Volume CXCII (Nos 4458-4484) Treaty Series/Volume CXCIII (Nos,4485-4500) and Ain ex XLVTI. @ French text only, English text distributed previously. @@ English text only, French text distributed previously..
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