’ . the Rockefelk r family I Cuba and Porto Rico. Mrs. H. R.' ' Bowman Wise. Mrs, Alton Carter "Charlie Chaplin may be knight- PLAINS McGee, Porto Rico; Mrs.. M. M. Jen- New-, when they bought gasoline, kerosene, PLAINS, 1 -ank I im- I mid Mrs. Robert West, of Richlaud ed” item. All e did over hen kdl advenwr&s Oct. s.—Mrs. nings, Cuba; Mrs. Mae McGill, Cuba. was get gas other products of .--pent Friday in Macon. crowned. TWINS natural ami nr. inari entertained the Young Ma- The next club meeting will be held LA-•'''£ OFTH& i D. ¦¦ with Mrs. Everett on 3d Reese Smith and children spent | jSSi industry trons club Thursday afternoon. The Spann the .fay Clive Barton ¦ ¦ ¦ Monday the master builder. broad veranda where the tables were afternoon in October atkr the week-end pleasantly with rela- No sooner had Cap’n Pennywinkle 1 'round in open mouth w:•:• r. PEANUTS placed was bright with autumn flow- 3:30. tives in Dawson. >,ure Spike that he was Due to increasing Relief told Starfish going Continued) grid the fact of the j To Be Ye. ; s ago mi American missionary ers foliage plants. Aller the Mr.. Robert We.-/] of Richland : to put hi» and his brother into jail' into demand made upon the lighting plan: ; FOR (Copyright, 1921) introduced the Virginia peanut games of progressive rook, a salad] was INDIGESTION for eating up so many oi Mr. Fish- it has by - the guest of her sister, Mrs . (,1: :. Ai first the Chinese wwe sus- course was served. The puests in- ben deemed advisable the i

ap- . etman’s oysters, when a shadow : >us called tie “foreign dev- E. Jr., council to install a more powerful] Bowman Wise this week - pi< and it cluded Mrs. Timmerman, Mrs. •/ ? pearod over the.” .ends in the water. il nut.” Alvin Timmerman. Mrs. M unie Bn d engine, which has already been pur- Misses Pearl and C.vnthia Langforc C Spike, stopped rubbing tummy; ¦ ¦ his 'flji 'i some one told them, “The ley, Mrs. Ernest Spann, Mrs. Em- chased and delivered and will be in- j and Helen Smith have apartments ami made icr cover, but he was too [YOU I crop.” an early i AND pe. uut i> a profitable Now mett Harper, Mrs. Binyon McGarrah, stalled at date. with Mi:’. J. R. Logan where thej Hal Ind } ied i m j 6 ship:'- u- 13*2.000,000 pounds Mi . Jack Slappey, Mrs. Bowman Work on the residence being built ' ’ moved Monday. Beul-a’ns t. .. and if there is anything in creation by G. W. 4 Hot yearly. Mrs. Montgomery . -c water Rivet?, it. is starfish, op LEARN FROM EDISON of peanuts ' Wi.-e, Joe William . Mrs. Thad where him Miss iv:.;n Cook,' who is in train ¦ UH B that Hal - \ ' r-fuel of .. home was destroyed by fire last. year, cially nice fat starfish with ¦ Wise, Mr.-. Alton Carter, Mr S. H. ing at the hospital here-, spent Sat ’ ———d Sure Relief OUR < prvgre Show people how an idea is being pushed and ’t i.-- : HE- oyster re you I THAT FEAR IS I Timmerman, Mrs. Bill Armdd. forward urday and Sunday al her home neat ’> flavor. Bes c.mid or in a sei- A the nearing '“jack Rcbinso.l,’’ or F.upm-: device will benefit them delightful event of week rapidly completion. (Ihurch Hill. 5 GREATEST ENEMY. fish way, and opposition van- evening Mrs. Nannie Spann gone a] Columbus,” anytlii ,g E:.< that will was the dinner on Thursday has on I Mrs. LD. Wliitside from near Ma or is what we are all 25f some length to relatives at eon, i; the guest of her daughter. hair, ail—only Spike no INVEI . i. EDISON hat after. or of Mr. Fletcher which came as a Richland. Mrs Thoma- Morgan. and had BULL hair; ¦Koxt.' didn'. ilai -my Spikes ¦ iusi n pleasing surprise on his birthday. Mrs. Dean Ross and little daugh- Lirtie Mi-ses Gladys and Catherine BANNER LUMP -a-.y ,-,f have | A bull worth Ska,ooo i> the center i ’ The centerpiece of the prettily ap- ter. Louise Ross, left,' Tuesday to Logan -wore cherry brother (also smelling dels ' by fear. ‘Th: people been | ¦ i visitors to their Mr. in —— I . oysters) and before you could iy frightened out of good tineunnce : pointed table was a basket of lovely join Ross Sanvannah where: ] grandmother, Mrs. Stapleton, in Am j _ county Brockton, Mass. His > : Harding,” down he went , er: arily fair at roses. Covers were laid for Mr. and they will make their home. , . ericus Friday and Saturday. “President so.” is King Sergis Pontiac too. Fear of t e wolf makes name Koni-; Mrs. Ernest Spann, Mr. and Mrs. J)e- Friends of Mr. and Mrs. T. M and Mrs. Cook, I people | gi%at- Mr. Bob who have Cap’n Pennywinkle turned to Tub i stop buying. Then business stag-. 1 gen. His owner claims he is the ! Witt Howell, Mr. Earl Carter, Mrs. Lowry will learn wit pleasure ot , made their home at. Plains the past i. in the country. Spann. Terrapin. “Now. I'ub,” said he, ii nates. Hard t mes fellow. st Holstein bull Della Fletcher and Mis-- Joe the improvement in the condition of ten months have returneel to their Time come when meat can- you blockading t <¦ in is by fear. wiil t)n Friday evening Norman their baby (laughter, Louise, in Moun at they- I ever catch The pes ist ruled end. Man, fully Mur- old home Cusseta where will CHATS WITH again, you won t ha.c nothing but the nabnlism will civ-. ray, Walter Kennedy, Robert Lee, tain Rest, S. where Mrs. Lowry in future. Cross-Roads Optimism is ab- his food re-ide the B Spike for an excuse. No need to ho. sence of tear. Get rid of our fear, iliz< d, will get all from lab- Michael Logan, Edwin Kennedy. went some weeks ago. Edgar Sanborn, of Americus, spent him down any more. So you k¦< be optimistic, and prosperity will oratories. Then more attention will; Thad Jones, Henry Bagwell ami li Messrs. Claude Shirley, Jeff Shirley Sunday here with his sister, Mrs to prize kss prize ; out of the way of traffic or 1'11; return. Edk cn rea-¦m-s. be paid humans, T. Marshall entertained at a barbe- and Hawkins, all of Townville, S C. Linton Godwin. you a lift into the fisherman’s net, He is right. The same is also animals. cue at Magnolia Springs. After din make up a party visiting Mr. and 1 Mrs. L. P. (’r.appell, who has beer YOUR B sure as you’re a turtle.” itrue of every activity of men and WALKING ner they played dropping the hand- Mrs. Shirh-y at his home near Plains I' a patient at the hospital here so; ' promised that Ise v, u’d • great The world's champion walker, Ed- i ; kerchief and games of other days James Reese, of was ome * Tub i I , women. Fear, the paralyzer. morieus, a time is convalescing at the home good, so the visitors turned back is back of mo t failures. Conquer ward Payson Weston, is 82 years old. The honor guests were Misses Floy; J business visitor Io Plains this week | I of her mother, Mrs. Mary Markette * ns to the Cross Roads to ,-ei if the the devil of fear, develop confidence but he will try to walk 500 miles in | I Howell, Irene Murray, Laura Cun Elder Smith, a former residen: of i at Sumter. GAS MAN K; sword-fish had got his no out o: in your abilities, and you will sue- ¦¦i': days. , ningham, Ella Maude Murray. Grace Plain;:, more recently of Townville, ¦ J Mrs. DeAlv; that, I ,R, Reeves and i f ¦ the trunk of the tangle-weed tin. -Iceed. A’ age, must old gentlemen Montgomery and Evelyn Walters S. ('., is here An a visit. Grey spent, Sunday with relatives ir ; Bp' He had. and it would have b. • Barring remote instances of good sit nlacidly on the porch. Mr .and Mrs. Ralph Wise acted as .Mr and Mrs. B. W. Bacon aid. G: I ’mrry district, Webster county B; a wonder if he hadn’t, with Mr. Saw luck, there can be no success with- The reason Weston is act ive in his | chaperones. children were in Americus We.lne<-j R. Arlington, Shiloh, age ¦ Mrs. R. of ¦Fish and, Mr. Hammer-Fish and out and : chi is because the exercise of ’j The Plains Literary club met with day. home a self-confidence fearlessness. returned Monday after pleas- gas Paddy Piddock twho is the beC RICH walking has kept him fit. He dis- ! 1 Mrs. Nina Carter on Monday after- .Mi/ Annie K., (/ Vidalia ant visit to her daughter, Mrs. Lila 'You blackens my knew) r theory work, L borer you ever all w rkin Personal fortunes cannot become eves the that hard noon. Plans for securing a lot and '¦as the j/uesi or Mr. and Mrs. Will’ Chambliss, Mrs. Lucy Coogle return- cooking utensils,' exclaimed Paddy’ ago: us prematurely, for long-dis- e on him. L was Piddoik who | ; too great, : ays C. W. Barron, veteran the building of a club bouse at an Thomas for a day or two this week. ing with Miss Arrington for a a housewife the other day. hole.-, l-’g walking last, g. bored out t in the rm-k I financial writer. tance is the word in early- date were discussed with much Mr:-. French has many' friends in stay! Post Office boxes. her,l Ifvouvoungstersdun’tßcxt week's | for the I His argumelit i- that excessive ac- work. intere:' and enthusiasm. Jno. B. Flair.: who ahva; s welcome her most Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Harper spent We investigated and one ¦There was a letter there now for h: rd work. If vou youngsters don” I cumulation of wealth is not an evil , Clark came before the club with a cordially. Monday plcastant’/ with relatives al look at her gas range was Cap’n Pennywinkle, from the Fair- unless the w- ol.'-, is put to an evil believe it. try to duplicate Weston’s proposition concerning a lot owned R S. Oliver attended the regular’ Preston. Pennywinkle tore i'. enough. it had not been I Queen. Cap’n ,'ofp. job—walking 500 miles in six days. by him. w ich the club with other mcetiiig of the Miss Snann, from neat once its contents, commissioners of Chri sine E open at and red Walk two miles a day, to - been properly in The Rockefeller.. world’s richest keep in cfers, will take under consideration. Sv.bii county in Americus Monday ;: Weston, :> visit'.,'. the cleaned while the Wigglefins all waiter’ ¦ is in home of family, have just given millions for good health and live long. • The following program was given: Mrs. Laura Wise, Dr. and Mrs Mr. J. B. Clarke this week. weeks, perhaps in months. medical education in China. Tha ¦ 1 he top burners were dirty BANNER LUMP putting wealth to good use. It must and greasy, the holes to the ) lease the Rockefellers. Also, the consumers who contributed the I Hair mixers were partially and when the gas WEAK; RUN-DOWN TWELVE STARS IN CECIL B. DE gwas lighted it burned with a MILLE’S PRODUCTION. “THE ! llong, yellow, smoky flame. Carolina Lady Get So She Could WOULD SPREAD AFFAIRS OF ANATOL.” Twelve stellar players and a sup- An hour later you Just Drag.—“Cardci Emit Me porting cast of unrivalled quality—- 1, wouldn’t, have known that Up,” that’s the record set by Cecil B. De- Sba Declares. Taste a matter range. Ihe holos to the air masterpiece, is Mille’s latest Paramount of THE GOOD NEWS i mixers Kernnrsvilje, N. C.—ln an Interest j “The Affairs of Anatol,” which will had been cleaned out tag regarding Cardul, ths shown at the Rylander theatei ‘ and the burners had been Btatemsnt Rauch, Os Vs., be ¦Woman’s Tonic, Mrs. Wesley Mabe, of Mrs. next Monday and Tuesday. The ros- ¦ washed in a strong solution near here, recently said; “I have Highly Elated At Results Os ter reads like the screendom’s who’s tobacco quality oi hot water and washing known Cardui for years, but never i who. The phrase “all-star cast” is a ! knew its worth until a year or so ago. Taking Taniac much abused one, but it adequately ’ soda and then carefully I was in a weakened, run down con- i describes a cast that includes Wallace I rinsed and replaced. When dition. I became draggy—didn't eat cr •I am. so thankful f

WANTED—You to bring your ¦ FOR SALE—Purebred White Rocks tires; Wyandottes, and tubes ty me when you need I and White Cockerels, j or exchange for purebred Bl- repairs. Pelham Wilder at Ameri-.I will hens of cus Battery Co.—3-6t. I same breed. Apply Agricultural Col- ; lege- 24-ts CAN FURNISH two or three pounds ; THE MINES *we represent are not |. of fine butter each week. Phone represented by any other dealer in | 420. i Americus. Clark’s Transfer. Tele- 3-3 t phone 303. 5-31 WANTED—You to phone 10 and tell With every pound of Candy sold E;I Pelham Wilder to send for your WE WILL HAVE other Coal as soon Chocolate Wednesday we A? | tires and tubes to vulcanize and re-. i as it arrives from the mines that we pair, at Americus Battery Co., Pel- ! will ¦ -11 for $9.50 per ton. A good will sell one 75c Broom forj ham Wilder.—3-6t. 1 coal. Clark’s Transfer. 5-3 t | FOR SALE—Bulbs, Dutch and Ro man Hyacinths and Narcissus. WANTED TO RENT—Four or ! Americus Seed Suply Co. —28-ts. f’ five-room house; one with chicken yard and cow lot. Ad- 1 j WHEN YOU THINK of Coal, think dress care Times-Re- ¦ of Banner Lump. 5-31 cordoviXitechxdh ) j -r. r.- • i ¦ FOR SALE—Chromo heater; good I I as new; oak kitchen safe, new I style; bargains. Phone 600. WANTED—One room and kitchen- ¦ ette, furnished or unfurnished.; j FOR SALE Ford roadster, 1916 '-O' Mrs. Head, Windsor Hotel.—4-3t. jj model; good ' condition. R. D. Campbell, LaCrosse, Ga.—s-2t. ups NO ONE CAN'SUPPLY you with| Cj.-O Zr Ate * close to school and church. Phone | IJ. L. Griffin, Route 8.-—3-3 t. V W or AND LARGER ASSORTMENT AT 60c TO wife Wallace Carter, Ander-| | j 80c rviile, G:-.- -30tf. ! BANNER LUMP—The coal that sat- 1 are; isfies. 5-3 t I UnlxF. no finer candies made than those of LITTLEFIELD & STEER, » f FOR RENT—-First floor apartment, I of Knoxville, lean. We carry their complete line and hive installed , 618 South Lee street. Phone 411 ' the n r I —3O-Gts . trie lights; sink in kitchen; to a .'>w ca “ LIN or F!VE SPECIALS AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES no family AS?6Rfm11.1? cUAMJit.b.AN^PJ°'wWhyl pay“V,$1.50k°n pound T in f . ~, . ’ couple; of more than two a C for Chocolates Fancy . ~, . ’" FOR BENT— First floor rooms, elec-j : taken, 408 Jackson St. Phone Boxes, when you cun get diese tor 60c and 85c pound. You can’t eat ".i\,\ v BLACKENED FRENCH MUSI ARD 17p the box ¦' ' lights; in • • trie sink kitehen; to a 605. , PEAS. This year s pick 7 ** Per Jar couple; no family of more than tow' ‘ CHOCOL NUTS Pound OYSTERS—In Cans; Georgia taken. 408 S. Jackson St. Phone WE HAVE exclusive sale of Bahru i ATE-COVERED f I’AILCANDIES GO 5. ~ > 4-3 t ji Lump Coal in Americus. Clark’s -HOCOLATE-COVERED FRUITS n nrg BRAZIL NUTS, Fresh Chief Brand. 19, ¦ Transfer. 5-3 t Slock, NOTICE—I have opened a homy CHOCOLATE CREAMS Per Pound Per Can boarding ALL KINDS OF house at 516 Spring street; : OUR HIGH GRADE COAL. Banner . , £ BAR CANDIES ' A 7OU D-irL er< nt iz-,n r» K. c Apply to ’'a/f" C. P. Trice for rates, 1lof like quality. Price $lO cash. At From °in“bOc to il85c Pound Chocolate; creams-inside; only M?- 3vt] Clark’s Transfer. Telephone 303. delicious this week 77„ I 1 iHDnrn I FIRE. LIFE, CASUALTY Assortment of I 4 Different Kinds , Fresh; Always Properly Displayed - INSURANCE : A Phones 224 and 354 HERBERT HAWKINS I MIZE GROCERY CO., WE CHARGE AND DELIVER 14 ' 16 » ft - Planter B««»k Btildi.g