
How useful are air cleaners/filters? Air filters may remove some pollutants from the air, but have limitations. They are usually not the best way to and Moisture (CO) fix an indoor air problem. Filters must be properly sized for a given area. No single filter removes all types of pollutants. NOT recommended are CO is a serious health risk that can easily " generators." Their ability to clean air is be prevented. Carbon monoxide builds up in the questionable and they produce ozone which can blood and can cause headache, dizziness, nausea, be toxic and dangerous for asthmatics. (see Mold in the home is not a new issue, but recent and death. CO is produced by anything in your "Indoor Air Facts No.7 - Residential Air Cleaners" news stories have increased concerns over mold. home that burns fuel. Furnaces that are not properly at www.epa.gov/iaq/pubs/airclean.html or call the EPA Mold requires moisture to grow. When household tuned up or vented are the most common source Hotline at (800) 438-4318). materials such as carpeting, fabric, sheetrock, or of CO. Other sources include portable (e.g., kerosene Healthy Homes: wood become damp, mold can grow and release or propane gas) heaters, gas grills, back-up generators When should I have the air in my home tested? spores. When inhaled, these spores can cause irri- and . In general, air testing is not the best way to identify tation and allergic reactions. Musty smells may signal an indoor air quality problem. A thorough visual mold, mildew or rot. Keep from entering The following precautions are very important inspection is often able to identify sources of indoor your home by maintaining the roof, checking and when running these devices: air that should be eliminated. Air testing cleaning drainage systems regularly (down spouts usually provides data that raises more questions and gutters), and repairing any damage to exterior •Never operate a portable gas heater, gas grill or than answers. This is because there are no standards How to Discover if You Have a Problem with: siding. The basement may need a back-up generator in the home or garage.This for indoor air pollutants and because most pollutants and bathrooms should have a ventilation fan. has been a major problem after storms that are normally present in homes at very low levels. • Mold Quick action is needed following flooding or cause power outages. Companies that do indoor air testing are not certified. • Carbon Monoxide plumbing leaks. Carpets and furniture that are wet However, if you want to have your home’s air tested, • Radon for over 24 hours will grow mold. To prevent • Do not use a gas oven to heat your home you can go to the American Industrial • Asbestos mold growth, dry out any water-soaked or damp Association’s website: • material within 24 hours. Items wet longer than • Do not leave a running www.aiha.org/consultants consumers/html/consultantslist.asp. • that, may need to be discarded. Hard (non-porous) inside an attached They publish a list of consultants who specialize • that can worsen surfaces that water cannot seep into, can be garage. in indoor air quality. cleaned with warm soapy water (see EPA mold fact sheet • Furnaces should be For general information on People spend most of their time indoors, with www.EPA.gov/iedweb00/pubs/moldresources.htm). checked and cleaned indoor air, call or go online: much of this being spent at home. However, annually, making sure that your home’s air can contain a variety of pollutants Identifying mold/moisture problems does not the furnace is ventilated such as chemicals in oven cleaner and need to be complicated. Look for obvious signs properly to the outside. Connecticut Department of Public Health , and different types of mold. In some of water damage (stains, warping of wood) and (860) 509-7740 cases, the levels of these pollutants can be high mold growth (musty odor; often looks fuzzy, vel- Despite these precautions, CO can still occur in www.ct.gov/dph/ieq enough to increase the risk for health effects. vety and discolored - green, brown or black). any house without warning. It is strongly recom- Children’s risks for developing asthma are greater Sometimes mold occurs in hidden areas (inside mended that all homes be equipped with at least EPA Indoor Air Hotline (800) 438-4318 in homes that are damp or where there are walls or air ducts) if these areas had been wet in one carbon monoxide alarm. The alarms are www.epa.gov/iedweb00 smokers. Poor air quality may be obvious - you the past. Many home inspectors are now experi- available at most hardware stores. If you suspect may notice bad smells or see smoke. However, enced at looking for mold/moisture problems. Air CO poisoning in your home, leave the house testing is not recommended: the results are usual- Developed by: other dangers, such as carbon monoxide or radon, immediately and call your local fire department. Connecticut Department of Public Health are not obvious and require testing to detect. ly not clear because mold spores are everywhere (See "Carbon Monoxide:The Quiet Killer" at 410 Capitol Avenue MS #11EOH and there are no air quality standards for mold. http://www.ct.gov/dph/co ). PO Box 340308 This fact sheet provides information on the (see "Mold in the Home: Health Concerns" at Hartford, CT 06134-0308 ). (860) 509-7740 most common indoor air pollutants and lets you www.ct.gov/dph/mold www.ct.gov/dph know where you can get more information. Fact sheet revised 5/2017 outside can lower pollutant levels. Install local •Remove carpeting from the bedroom Radon Formaldehyde exhaust over workbench if hobbies or home •Avoid steamcleaning; it wets carpets. repairs involve frequent use of chemicals. • Use a HEPA filter on vacuum cleaner. •Keep , cleansers, and other • Reduce moisture and keep below 50% household chemical products in a separate, Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that F ormaldehyde is a common indoor air pollutant due well-ventilated area that is out of the reach of can enter a home when it is present in bedrock to its presence in many consumer products (, children. Consider keeping children out of the and soil. Elevated levels can increase the risk of carpeting, and some insulation products). area where chemical-containing products are lung cancer. It is recommended that all homes be High levels of formaldehyde can be irritating to the being used. tested for radon and those above the action level eyes, nose and throat. Homes with large amounts Other Indoor Air Issues (4 picocuries per liter or 4pCi/L) in the lowest of new formaldehyde-containing products may have For more information on pesticides call the U.S. occupied area have a radon removal system elevated levels. When possible, "air out" products EPA at 1-800-858-PEST. For information on indoor installed. Testing devices are available at hardware (carpets, particleboard furniture) prior to use or and chemical products contact the stores. A list of firms that remove radon is available ventilate areas that have been remodeled until any EPA Indoor Air Hotline 1-800-438-4318. Remodeling precautions: from the Connecticut Department of Public Heath odors go away.When purchasing plywood or parti- Radon Program (860) 509-7367 or on its website: cleboard, ask for grades that emit lower amountsf o Construction within the home www.ct.gov/dph/radon formaldehyde. formaldehyde foam insulation Smoke may release lead , asbestos, (UFFI) was once a problem in some Connecticut mold spores and . homes. It is no longer a health concern because its Asbestos use was discontinued many years ago and what Secondhand smoke, also known as environmental To prevent indoor air pollution from remodeling: remains in homes no longer releases formaldehyde. (ETS) is an indoor hazard to non- • Identify where lead paint, asbestos and mold For more information go to: residents, especially children. It is highly exist before remodeling. http://www.ct.gov/dph/ieq. recommended that people not smoke in the pres- • Use low-dust practices: mist surfaces Asbestos is present in many homes built prior to ence of children. ETS is a known irritant that can before sanding and cover the floor and 1970. The mere presence of asbestos does not trigger asthma attacks and increase the risk of res- furnishings with sheeting; use present a major health risk. However, it should be Household Chemicals piratory infections and lung cancer in non-smokers. barriers to contain dust in the work area. checked to ensure that it will not release asbestos •Provide ventilation. fibers. Long-term inhalation of asbestos fibers can • Allow paints and glues to dry completely increase the risk of lung cancer. The most common Allergens, Biological Pollutants before re-entering the area. place for asbestos in older homes is the insulation Household cleaning products, personal care prod- Visit the Connecticut Department of Public around and boilers in the basement. This ucts, pesticides, paints, glues, hobby products and and Asthma Heath website to learn more about these spe- insulation usually looks like white plaster/ fabric solvents can release potentially harmful chemicals cific precautions. wrapping. If the asbestos is in good condition (no into the air. In certain cases, these chemicals may Typical household dust can contain allergens such rips, tears, breaks)t i i t sl no ikely to release fibers cause irritation to eyes, nose, or throat or increase as pet hair/dander and insect remains (dust mites, Mercury Spills: and does not need to be removed. Such material the risk of long-term health effects. Some ways you roaches). These biologic pollutants can cause res- should be inspected periodically to assure good can reduce exposure to these chemicals include: piratory problems and asthma attacks. Mercury thermometers and blood pressure condition. If remodeling or plumbing work • Use household products according Pet hair and dander can be reduced by gauges contain enough mercury that, if requires asbestos insulation to be disturbed, the to directions (e.g., do not spray near regular vacuuming with a HEPA vacuum. broken, can release mercury into the air. asbestos must be removed by a licensed company face; wear protective gloves). Wood floors are easier to keep clean Rapid cleanup is important to prevent this • Decrease use of products with harm- prior to the work. Asbestos may also be present in of biological pollutants than carpets. potential exposure. Visit the Connecticut floor tiles and exterior siding. In these cases, the ful chemicals and find alternative, Department of Public Heath website asbestos is in a solid form and should not release safer products. Dust mites are microscopic insects commonly www.ct.gov/dph/mercury to learn about fibers unless dama ged. For information on which • Purchase products in small quantities or only the present in homes. Control of dust mites requires proper cleanup procedures. companies are licensed to inspect and clean up amount needed so that there will be little left frequent cleaning. The following are added pre- asbestos, call the Connecticut Department of over. Use the least amount of chemical product cautions for asthmatics: Replace old mercury thermometers with newer Public Heath Asbestos Program at (860) 509-7367 (e.g., pesticides) possible. types that do not contain mercury. Discard or visit its website: www.ct.gov/dph/asbestos •Provide adequate ventilation. Open windows • Encase mattress and pillows in dust proof zip- your old thermometers by bringing them to and doors to increase natural ventilation. Using pered covers your town’s chemical waste collection day. bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans that are vented •Wash all bedding once a week in hot water