Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 4, 2010, no. 26, 1289 - 1298 A Generalization of the Implicit Function Theorem Elvio Accinelli Facultad de Economia de la UASLP Av. Pintores S/N, Fraccionamiento Burocratas del Estado CP 78263 San Luis Potosi, SLP Mexico
[email protected] Abstract In this work, we generalize the classical theorem of the implicit func- tion, for functions whose domains are open subset of Banach spaces in to a Banach space, to the case of functions whose domains are convex subset, not necessarily open, of Banach spaces in to a Banach space. We apply this theorem to show that the excess utility function of an economy with infinitely many commodities, is a differentiable mapping. Keywords: Implicit Function Theorem, convex subsets, Banach spaces 1 Introduction The purpose of this work is to show that the implicit function theorem can be generalized to the case of functions whose domains are defined as a cartesian product of two convex subsets S, and W not necessarily open, of a cartesian product X × Y of Banach spaces, in to a Banach space Z. To prove our main theorem we introduce the concept of Gateaux derivative. However, it is enough the existence of the Gateaux derivatives of a given function, only in admissible directions. Let S ⊂ X be a subset of a Banach space X, and x ∈ S. So, we will say that the vector h ∈ X is admissible for x ∈ S if and only if x + h ∈ S. In order to define the Gateaux derivative of a function in admissible directions in a point x, the only necessary condition is the convexity of the domain of the function.