Palouse Ranger District Map 1 of 4

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Palouse Ranger District Map 1 of 4 Nez Perce-Clearwater PURPOSE AND CONTENTS OF THIS MAP National Forests 117°0'0"W 116°52'30"W 116°45'0"W ALL TRAVEL INFORMATION116°37'30"W ON THIS MAP PERTAINS TO OVER SNOW116°30'0"W USE ONLY 116°22'30"W 116°15'0"W 116°7'30"W Groomed Snow Trail Point Appr. T hisma shows p Na tionalForest System roads, Appr. Distance Between 1 4 Palouse Ranger Palouse Ranger Locations (Long & Lat) 5 N a tionalForest System andtrails, area son Groomed Snow Trail Points 6 RVP -116° 23' 19.184" 46° 51' 16.076" A N a tionalForest System lands thein Lochsa -Powell RVP CHW 4.6 miles District District Snow Trails CHW -116° 19' 19.582" 46° 51' 26.292" R a ngerDistrict and adjacent area swhere CHW I 1.6 miles useby over-snow vehicles isallowed, restricted, I -116° 17' 26.264" 46° 51' 34.968" TJunction rail I CHE 1.9 miles 10 11 12 Map 1 of 4 prohibited or pursua CFR36to nt 212.81. CHE -116° 16' 2.603" 46° 52' 35.573" 7 8 CHE J 5.7 miles J -116° 11' 31.733" 46° 54' 21.112" L M 1.8 miles L -116° 8' 8.076" 46° 54' 37.345" Over Snow !O PointInterestof 1 Designationarea over-snowor for aofroad,trail, 4 M N 2.4 miles M -116° 6' 38.558" 46° 54' 1.898" 5 motorvehicle use should notbe interpreted as 6 Vehicle Use Map N E 4.2 miles O -116° 5' 41.628" 46° 53' 35.146" 1 encouraginginviting or use,implyto thaor the t T railhea dparking 4 !/ N -116° 7' 35.304" 46° 53' 25.274" 7 N GCB 1.1 miles 9 road, trail, or area or is passaroad,trail, sa or ble, fetravel.for A 2017-2018 GCB -116° 6' 59.194" 46° 53' 16.074" ! S ea sonalwea therconditions and natural events M O 1.0 miles ! ! S kiTrails E -116° 11' 11.275" 46° 51' 36.710" ! ma yrender designated routes and trailsimpassa ble O P 4.4 miles D -116° 12' 24.513" 46° 50' 28.259" ! ! for extendedfor periods. Designated area sma ycontain E D 3.5 miles C -116° 13' 32.223" 46° 50' 7.859" ! da ngerousimpassa or bleterrain. GroomedSnow Trails Idaho Panhandle National Forest D C 1.4 miles A -116° 10' 37.996" 46° 47' 35.286" ! America's Great Outdoors ! E A 5.1 miles B -116° 10' 23.405" 46° 47' 30.094" ! OversnowVehicles Prohibited 10/1-11/15 A ERO 2.5 miles ERO -116° 11' 36.961" 46° 48' 19.376" ! 1 ! ! ! ! Hume Creek T hisover-snow vehicle use ma identifies p ! ! H -116° 7' 0.253" 46° 47' 52.874" 4 1 ! P EB 0.5 miles Emida 5 13 2.494 mi thoseroads,and trails, area sdesignated thefor 15 8 7 ! ! OversnowVehicles Prohibited Yea rlong S -116° 5' 3.476" 46° 47' 59.634" 18 17 ! ! ! 14 9 ! ! 0.39 mi EB PCI 2.2 miles 1 ! ! ! ! over-snowvehicle under CFR36 for212.81 ! 4 ! ! ! F -116° 6' 56.381" 46° 49' 31.104" ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 7 ! ! PCI F 0.5 miles ! ! ! ! thepurpose enforcingof the prohibition at36 4 ! 9 ! PCI -116° 7' 17.679" 46° 49' 27.575" 5 ! ! Views ForestBounda ry !! ! Q R 0.4 miles ! CFRThis 261.14. isalimited purpose ma Other p. EB -116° 7' 12.895" 46° 50' 23.520" 6 PAR K ING East Dennis Loop ! R F 2.4 miles ! publicroads areshown informafor tionand P -116° 7' 21.820" 46° 50' 35.947" !! ! ! 2.44 mi ! ! ! ! 3 ! F G 0.25 miles ! ! naviga tionpurposes andonly arenot subject ! Q -116° 6' 0.619" 46° 50' 40.322" ! 7 ! ! ! 7 ! ! ! ! ! to designationto under the Forest Service travel G H 2.3 miles R -116° 5' 50.830" 46° 50' 21.358" E ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 377 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ma nagementregulation. G -116° 6' 57.247" 46° 49' 24.372" ! Big Loop H S 2.9 miles ! ! ! 3 ! 2.12 mi 7 ! Parking -116° 10' 27.427" 46° 47' 14.465" ! ! H B 4.1 miles ! 7 T HESEDESIGNATIONS APPL YTO NATIONAL FOR EST ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Dennis Mountain ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! S Y S T EMROADS NATIONAL , FOR ESTSY S T EMTR AILS , B F 7.5 miles ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1.2 mi ! Palouse Divide! 3 ! ! ! ! ! ! ANDAR EASON NATIONAL FOR ESTSY S T EMLANDS . ! ! ! ! 8 ! ! 47°7'30"N ! ! ! ! !! !! ! ! ! ! 3 ! 3.75 mi IDAHOST ATELANDS DESIGNATIONS HAVE BEEN ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 2 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Palouse Divide ! 3 47°7'30"N 3 ! ! ! INCLUDEDASCOUR A T ESYCONT . ACTTHEIR OFFICES ! !!! ! ! 9 ! ! ! ! ! 8 ! ! ! ! ! 4 ! 3 FORCOMPL ETECUR R ENTINFOR MATION. ! ! ! ! 4 ! ! 0 ! ! ! ! ! Sampson Trail ! ! ! ! 0.18 mi ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! 4 3 ! ! ! ! ! ! 9 4 ! ! 3 ! ! HWST6 Y ATE IDAHO ! 4 ! mi 0.15 3 ! ! ! ! 9 ! ! 3 4 ! B ! ! ! 4 ! ! ! ! 7 ! Logger's Saddle ! B ! ! 3 4 7 ! ! ! ! A 8 ! 2.99 ! mi ! ! ! 3 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 23 24 ! 22 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 19 20 ! ! ! ________________________________________ ! ! ! ! ! ! Cheryl Probert, Forest Supervisor ! ! ! Little Loop ! 0.83 mi Potlatch Loop 1.59 mi DEFINITION INFORMATION OVER -SN OWVEHICLE motorA vehicle - tha is t Meadow Cr Loop SOURCES 3.54 mi Nez Perce-Clearwater designedusefor over-snow and tha runs taon tracktracks or and/oraski skis, or while usein 1 National Forests 3 3 4 Palouse Divide Ski trails overVehiclessnow CFR (36 212.1). tha are t50 8 9 4 3 4 3 incheswide less whichor meet this defintion are 0 1 S tateHighwa y ForestBounda ry IDP NF Ownership Lolo Pass Visitor Center a llowedtheon groomed system.trail Trail Type NP-Clw NF Ownership PR IVATE 208-942-3113 Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests !!! ska teski PR IVATE US DAFOR ESTSER VICE 27 26 25 PROHIBITIONS 30 29 Lolo, MT 59847 !!! ungroomed US DAFOR ESTSER VICE S T ATE 21200 Hwy 12 West Difficulty It Is prohibited to possess or operate an over- 3 9 snow motor vehicle on NEZ PERCE- 2 ea siest 5 Lochsa Ranger District CLEARWATER NATIONAL FORESTS other than 0 0.5 1 2 Miles moredifficult 208-926-4274 in accordance with these designations (36 CFR F mostdifficult 261.14), as per the Clearwater National Forest Kooskia, ID 83539 Over Snow Vehicle Use Map. 502 Lowry Street T hisma does p notdisplay other facilities and a ttractionstheon NEZ PER CE-CLEAR W ATER Palouse Ranger District N ATIONALFOR ESTObtain S . forest visitor 47°0'0"N 208-875-1131 informa tionfromthe nationalloca l forest office. 47°0'0"N Potlatch, ID 83855 ViolationsCFR36of are261.14subject atofine of 1700 Hwy 6 imprisonment up$5,000, to months,up6to for or both (18 U.S.C. 3571(e)). Thisboth 3571(e)). U.S.C. prohibition(18 applies North Fork Ranger District rega rdlesstheof presence absence or signs.of 208-476-4541 Designatedroads, trailsand area sma yalsobe Orofino, ID 83544 subjecttemporary,to emergency closures, and 12730 Hwy 12 visitorsmust comply with signs notifying you suchof restrictions.nationalA forest ma yissue anorderto closearea or aroad,temporarytrailon ba sisto protectthe healife, sa or fety lth, forestof visitors or thenaturalcultural resourcesor thesein area s. S uchatemporary and/oremergency closures are consistentwith the Travel Ma nagementRule (36 CFR 212.52 (b), 36 CFR36 CFR subpart261(b), 212.52 B). IT IS UNLAWFUL TO SNOWMOBILE ON PLOWED 382 382 ROADS OR ANY ROAD DRIVEABLE BY 382 CONVENTIONAL MOTORIZED VEHICLES, REGARDLESS OF THE TRAVEL DESIGNATION 7 L 382 8 9 10 DISPLAYED ON THIS MAP. 9 10 11 12 8 382 L 512 M OPERATOR RESPONSIBILITIES J Operatingamotor vehicle Naon tionalForest J M 512 3311 S ystemroads, Na tionalForest System andtrails, 1965B N 15 O in areain Na son tionalForest System lands ca rriesa 18 17 16 13 382 17 16 15 14 382 !O grea terresponsibility tha operating n tha vehicle t in 382D GCB acity other or developed setting. Not mustonly the 1965 1965A O CHE 3206 T raveland recrea tewith minimum impact. vehicleoperators know applicaand all follow ble 3202B 382 46°52'30"N trafficlaws,you need showto concern thefor !O 46°52'30"N 382 3311 R espectthe environment and the rights of environmentasas well other forest users. The 3203A 3202 N 382 3 misusemotorof vehicles ca lea n dtheto temporary 8 others. GCB2 C or perma or nentclosure anyof designated road,trail, 4765 4 3203 382E 7 !O I Educa teyourself andplan prepare before you area Asor a motor . vehicle operator,you arealso 6 E 4 22 4765 20 21 go. subjectStateto traffic includinglaw, State 3204 4763 19 !O 20 21 22 23 24 requirementslicensing,for registration, and RVP !O CHW Allow for futurefor Allow use ofthe outdoors by lea vingit operationtheof vehicle 3217 bettertha you n found it. Q 3217B 3311 P Motorvehicle use, especially over-snow motor !O vehicleuse, involves inherent risks tha ma t yca use 382 Discoverthe rewa rdsresponsibleof recrea tion. D EB propertyda ma ge,serious injury,and possibly R C For moreFor informa tionTreaon dLightly!, goto dea Riders should drive 382 F www.trea or ll ca utiouslyand anticipate rough surfaces and 27 30 29 28 PCI !O fea tures,such as snow, mud, vegetation, and 27 26 25 3 29 28 3 G wa tercrossings common remoteto conditions. 1 ALWAYS REMEMBER TO RESPECT PRIVATE LAND! 1 Pa rticipantsvoluntarily assume responsibility full PROTECT YOUR PRIVILEGE. STAY ON DESIGNATED thesefor da ma ges,risks, and da ngers.Motor ROADS AND TRAILS AND IN DESIGNATED AREAS. vehicleoperators should take catimes at reall to 5 4 2 7 ERO T heDepartmentU.S. Agricultureof (US DA) protectthemselves and those under their 2 0 !O 0 4 2 prohibitsdiscrimination its programsall in and responsibility.
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