22013013 WagnerWagner SeahawksSeahawks FootballFootball WWagneragner SSeahawkseahawks ((2-4)2-4) (1-1(1-1 NEC)NEC) ............................................. aatt DDuquesneuquesne DDukesukes ((2-2,2-2, 00-0-0 NEC)NEC) SSaturday,aturday, OOctoberctober 112,2, 22013013 - 11:00:00 pmpm AArthurrthur JJ.. RRooneyooney FFieldield ((2,200)2,200) PPittsburgh,ittsburgh, PPAA Wagner Quick Facts Location: ............................................Staten Island, NY Free Live Webstream at necfrontrow.com; Live Stats at goduquesne.com; Live Twitter Updates @wagnerathletics President: .....................................Dr. Richard Guarasci The Wagner Seahawks will look to ride the momentum gained by their stirring 23-20 win at Sacred Heart Athletics Director: ................................. Walt Hameline last week when they travel to the Steel City to meet the Dukes of Duquesne in a 1:00 pm NEC clash this Head Football Coach: ............................ Walt Hameline Saturday at 1:00 p.m. The last time these teams met was on Nov. 17, 2012 on Staten Island. With the Record at Wagner: ........................... 215-131/33rd year NEC Championship on the line, the Seahawks pulled out a 23-17 win to claim their fi rst-ever NEC title. Overall Record: .................................................... Same Media Relations: .......................................John Beisser Maley’s Game-Winning FG Caps 23-20 win at Sacred Heart The Green & White rode the leg of junior kicker Bryan Maley (Eagle River, Alaska/Chugiak) at Sacred Beisser Offi ce Phone: ..........................(718) 390-3227 Heart, as the Alaska native nailed a 32-yard fi eld goal and a pair of 45-yarders, the latter splitting the Beisser Email:
[email protected]@g uprightsuppright with four seconds left to play, providing Wagner with the thrilling win.