Annual Report of the State Geologist for the Year 1908
OEOLOOICAL SURVEY OF NFW JERSEY ANNUALREPORT OF THE STATEGEOLOGIST For the Year 1908 TRENTON, N.J. _ACCR_LLI_H & QUIGLEY, STAT_ PRINTerS. 19o9+ NEW JERSEY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CONTENTS. PAGE. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS, .............................................. V Bo,xaO OV MANAGErs, . ............................................... ix LETT_ OF TRANSMITTAL, . .......................................... xl Administrative Report, ........................................... 1 PART I.--Further Notes on the Changes at Manasquan Inlet, by Henry B. Kiimmel, . ........... ................... 17 PART II.--The MineHilland Sterling Hill Zinc Deposits of Sussex County, New Jersey, by Arthur C. Spencer, ......... 23 PART IIl.--Building Stones of New Jersey, by J. Vohley Lewis, ..... 53 PART IV.--Notes on the Mineral Industry, with Mineral Statistics, by Henry ]3. Kfimme] ................................ 125 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS, .............................................. I47 INDEX............................................................... 155 iii NEW JERSEY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATES. PAGE. PLATE L--Changes at Manasquan Inlet, ........................ 2o PLATE II.--Map showing distribution of building stones and quarries, ...................................... 56 PLATE III.--I. "Field-Stones." Old house at Campgaw ........... 58 2. "Field-Stones." Modern house at Morristown, .... 58 3. "Field-Stones." Modern cottage at Far Hills ....... 58 PLATE IV.--t. Pompton pink granite, natural size and colors,. ..... 64 2. Haskell gray granlte-gneiss,
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