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50F5ca1493ef7.Pdf.Pdf BASKETBALL W__',.ion. 20, 1993 3S M'i'·Srl3·lj:1if1;'.sW;'J1fW COLLEGE TOP 25 University 01 low. basketball Defense saves Expectations player Chris Stteet was lUlled In B thra.\lshlcle accldAnt n"tlt the Highlander Inn -", Hoosiers on road did not limit • Cheaney's 33 he" to 008t tt>e Cn<nsoo lido. • KenlOOCy stlut GOwn Ai8bOma star Ja~ ROOIr"lI>CN1. who Ie80n the SEC helps beat Purdue witna 24.5--poIntscoringa'fflmg!. WEST LAFA VETTE, Ind. Robinson ~ !4 !)(MIS In the Chris Street (AP) - Indian .. 's tllldemarit oe- tn! I\a!f as AI4bama racea to a Iense was ja.~1 0 lillie beuer than !S·DOInl eee. tlUt.ne was I'IelCltOJUst tree tl'lfOYo-S H'I the second halt, Purdue's. especially when it • His work ethic Anet l.akmg a 46--44 leBd. the lode counted. didootSCO(lIano!heftlcidgo&lUflIJl was key to success CaJbcn Cheaney scored J3 JIJ$()II Caf'!e't Upped In II rd>ound Wlttl points Tuesday night and Ihe sec- 5:29 fttnalntng. ay li\a1 lime. ken. By Oon Ooul. ond-ranked Hoosiers held Big lud<y had ~ It.! pressote oef_ to Ten JCOring leader Glenn Robin- lriuera21.4run. OUAO,ClTY IIMfS $(In to three points over ihe last ei&ht rrunutes 10 bellI Ihe No, IJ Maryland 89, Whl'n Chris SI!'"C'('[ lin;t SI~n(."{J No. 12 Oklahoma 78 III I'la~' t>as~C'It-1l1l ftlT Ihc l 'n.· Bcltermakcrs )4-6S. "We played 10Ugh defense AAlflMORE - M~ 5IlUl CIO>W' \l,'l"lIlty,,(h'W8, tTllUI"fIJIIIU~! Iowa Cltv do ......n the stretch." !.aid Chc.a1'lcy. No_ 12 Oklahoma', hllh,~"d ll"'~\lmC'J. h('\! 1:'>c-lil: .. 811 l)i"lh" IndIana's senior forward whose O'foo~ an(! E~ Bums $COfM 22 "Ihcr h'WII~f\",I1r.Hb w~W hll.;.1 four litJ'llig.h1 free throws in the poIn\.'lIll~II'leT~I\8Ite.;tarour 1'\l'rf111\y"""lj~}flh('H"wh')'C:s closing seconds preserved the gamelo$!ngstreail. when SIn:.:1 I\h;nllficd 11 ~1VY~r>CI (9,5) never tralIeiI ..ne.- Y\~\I riji:u~'! 11,,\1 t'I<' ouv "I' victnry, Indiana's Ihird in II row weakness tn bill game. he he- limiting Oklahoma 10 31 points If'I the lh",..·llds whc ""'ulu w,,(l hil(J onthc road, l"anl~' Oh~':$.-I&lwith l"hBntling fhe IIr.il haII_ The Sooners n 2-4). -..ho ;\1,,\ hU$Ilt'.~ul wn,)wl.lUl,iprt1tl- Street dies in accident Lcd by ("heaney's 11·[0(·15 wl'akncs.s InlU a sln:ngth, ~lnwtl"at>8\Jon-bmt97,7paOnts a~l~ Ilt'l'cr lx' mudl nlllft' than ('(lQtill1w (rom Paae 1~ lihoolltlg from lhe field. Ihe Hoo- per pme ~, n"'L8de 22-01·63 IlIlI1 c"cn Ilpplied tcyhLSper- .111:1\'C'rntlc IligTcn pll!.ycr • .At hook, He hil hIS Hrd lind J4th sie:rs hil 51 percent for the 83rne: shot..s(35per;ern)_ t-t-::C he nlll1hrt'x· .. dc-f,'os'''" S4,m.!l.llif~. - the lirsl lime a Purduc oppo-- M&ryt6f"ld was Clltlglng to " ~S-41 c(.ns-eculivcfrccthro""'5 In Ihe: ~[.'rp;.'r llr ;l p..'hllh~·J rdxlundC'f nenl topped 50 percenl thi~ sea· lead When Bum~ 011 a ll'm!'C·OOIllt(liar A fl'w months lifter he arrived Hawkeyes' 65·56 loss itt Duke, Stn.'\!{,wh,lwaslllkd III;' lit 1(1""111.StrC\:t sr.d a rew high to Man II 14,4 I'\ItI tl'Lat made It 59·45 hrtllking a 24--ycar old school re· H!lh 12: I J \crt. Bum:. nGd seven lr:!lli,' a.:c),knr I"Ut"SdIl)'mgnl. S('hool chUm! were caught in a '"'" Robinson's IIISI baskel (;ul oord for cn~tiye acturacv a.t poIn\-$lnthe _ge arod fr~~ II eon_ Indiana's lead - once a~ hig as 1'>o.'1:am(' ll1 "I',hal pJlrkcd car .....ilh rt'W open Ine foul line, ' h:m OrlC orthc bl".ucr pl3yelN in guaN) )OIInny RnOOes !oCOfea SI.l 62-5) ""ilh o...cr -\0\1 mudl, Illu,'h 11\(11\' Illinc!"!'>o(all"'Ohollc bc\·tnlgcs_ II Ihelcngue." 15 - ~o ju~, str&lgtll. Street was named Ihe mosl inn!.:d Il'ad!: of ~blicity and three mlnu1cs 10 go. Bul the Pur- Ii) Ihl~ 'O(:a.<.,ln - IH~thml at -- valuablc Sirecr~ talents landed him a prumptl'U him 1(' he suspended hm,\ _ Stn."C[ I\ll.\l t'I<.'(:\,m" Ih,' player.tthe spot on the Big Ten "U,sl"r team ~~~rt~fo~r~':nd~ila~~~, uU:d No.9 CiotinOlllli 103, IlRW ·H-:<C'nl,'lt,'nall':;lI.kr and ror f('lIf snmeJ; C'IIrlyin his fresh- i~~ San Juan Ihat tr-.w~led Eumpi:' last sum· i-I(lI)$icrs ~ored 10 o( Il'Ie,r finlll Chicago Stale 43 .....a.~ -dl,'n hl~ •••,,)- h' t'>co..,\m\1nl1 ntall season ShOO(oullasl mer lind he averaged 13 flOinls 12 points on fmc Ihrow.\.. CINCINNATI _ CoM BIoo..lnt turned Ih .. t-o.'S: plah" ,"'n pn.JoI.hll;cdt-~. II "'asa (;url\'!ulrmle$$ mOnlhand his Rnd 10.6 fct)ounds per game. Aftcr a basket by Matt I'amler hl5"-"JII'>omr::--«><n.,p~ollh'" o;eason ILlto a pel'SOfUll prac:tk:e th.. St31....'fh,"'·a. lrl~'IJcn(, th.· kino (If thing Ihat ~7.4 percent As it 5()pltomore, Street bfought Purdue (ll·J, 2-J Big session. SoCOI'lngII cateel'h!gt\ 20 }',.t...~:.,f II ""'!lSallnt.ulahk h' ClIUld happen 1\' ~lmost any col+ shooling started all JO gamt:s and ranked Ten) ....Ithln 6b-S~, the BoI' ..:hl....' ..'T.,rt. lege Iud, h~tIil Wl~apparent Ihlll DOInl.t., touch from thlflllniheleaguc in rebound- ~c~~~~e~c~:!c~~~~.nu (16,2, TM 60,0:01111 ,,'CW'i was UC'S b!f. l[,~ nOllh:u ~tfl._'\'1 dldl1" p._lS· II t>.llhcn:dSIn:-t'1 as much or '"S ges.t smu & 58'poIOt vlClOl)' OVei" ~'S,~ ~,l1ml'pN~1>IL-,dgith Ik .....3.'1 marl'than whalel.'cr inadc- Cheaney hit four straight free WlIgfllStBtflIn 1976. _1L_--·~~~2~;~~~He 5UTled in 15 g.ame:<:for iJ a:\)()d--('n,'u~ qua"eftladt:LS-:J <.(uacu:lIhe had on Ihc courl. Il'Irows and Grl'l Groham and accur-dL1' at Iowa as.l!. freshman liner being ~'nt"r iJt Indiam'lil IhgN School I)-.Jmon a~iley addtd t W{) apicrx No, 10 Seton HaJl66, iIWllSlh('Ia.<;llImeNIJi;namc II'ICfree Il'Irow linc ....ere: both named lo....a·s pft:p plilye:r oflhe: _I Illl'>..~rt'\:f'\.1llt·J h\',(1 hilnuful "f in Ihc final 1:27 .,nd Punlul' was Villanova 61, OT .....as l',·er eonncctclfWJlh thlll Ie-1m beSl~. ycarin 1990, n" l!tll'n I (r'Ntla!! prllgnmls A: tyDC I,fut(·i(t.;-nl. nC\le;r ab!c: to calch up. EASt RUlHERfORD. N.) - Seton He earned honoral"llc mention C.-fOOl'S, he' had dc,'C:nT Quick- He committed to Iowa ::Iftcr Hal made jv51 I~ref! flelO goal~ OY~ ,\\lor tho'll ddl'rminalion ano all-Bigien honu~ lasl YCilr iJ3 II No.4 Kentucky 13. toe glWTle's ~ IS fOlnutes, bUt Lhe lW~.~:lnU.l Jt"I.·enl ~h,)()l1ng c~'c, hLsjunior year in at Indlanol. dri\' .. fOf 1-....--rfecll~ln produccd a sophomore :md was eOl13idered AlRbtmll S9 lOth-lailke<:l Pr.ri:1tS made 12·0',14 BUllhc:n' W;l$ a (.'m:X'll\1\',' High School. when: he earned hard-nl>x'\i, rcwhlH: haskelball oncoflhel'lrishl. u['!-and-com- all·state honon in both basket- rUSCAlOOSA. A18, _ Jamal free r.torows !nC)ver\11TIeto l'IOI<I on ~f\.-1r\.: Wllhlll tNC' k1\j l!'Iii( nUllk Mashoom s-c;ore(J 24 pain!$. ana No, 4 v~~a fOl'CM me oYefIlme ~ plnyef wNllwa"et,I hisfl!ot,uf'ied in~ star:; mlh.e Rig Ten hall Bnd 100thali. USA Today hlnlHlt'l'llll hiS 1,-amllllllt':l'. n:-\-t'r 4uil. m(\l- Kp.ntucky I'H!Id AJaMma WllllOUI a !\r:1d Lance Miller~ on a dr\w wM 2! "He !ll~t!S. us c\lL'f)'lhiog we named him to lIS 19!19 311- goal for nWl!!mlfoUleSIn the seco-w:I ~Ie" Ina' ~·L'U\p..·tltl\'l'nl-s.~ l':nllC' nat~'J "Pf'Il\S1n1t rlaYl'rs anJ w:alll in a player." DllVi~ said AmeriCi!n Icam as 1] Quar1erhlck. ,'ul \'\'C1l ,.nIh h,~ ..''''" ,.. :Int· L·;lmct.l Ihc unJyil1jl,arl.'n..'"IC'illtl;\1"l mlll'-:; l-h-lmJ ,','nler ,\ell: farl rrior til In~'stan ofl"e 11,}....2·9J aner Street e~)mpICled 11foott->ul1 'lr{\j"lf'l.~mllt,\lRl~hL'S ~ason. "Hi:; l\hilill~"S are unhm- can.:er tb,at tncluded Clossin, for h:hl an .mgmng batik f"f Ih,' Then' ....en: J.u.....ns Ilf i!.30lCS lIed and his Jemc:anor mak ... 4.271 yard;>:and ~4 I,'uchdol"ns. HIGH SCHOOL GIRLSc:_'__ ~ ~"~1:';.';l_<:o,n-::Ind-.1-hlllf fl'~' 10 whIch e3rl llr ~'mc Cltht'r It! tops CenlTBl ,~, "hh:h,'nl',·,lul.l !l,rat> th,' m.,~ [,Iwa player "''I'ukJ plk up g,lt', P8m G<Iy'5 5tfO<li IIr5I Mit t\l(l~ rt·tx'unJ~, Whlll- Earl Md r..;en It'nl1gst~tl$tll's dnl)' 10 h!lye thc day pOOe<I ROC'I\1SiN([ 10 a 45-39 ....", ail-Hilt Tcn, SI\"C'c:'( Wloln mOilt "r uppoI,lsil1&l:Qach sit Ihere ann· Tonight's game is postponed oyer Oavenoort CCn\r<II .,., gltl$ fIOn, Ih,',r hi::lJ·lo-hc.'u) ballkS.
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    Eastern Illinois University The Keep January 1993 1-21-1993 Daily Eastern News: January 21, 1993 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1993_jan Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: January 21, 1993" (1993). January. 8. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1993_jan/8 This is brought to you for free and open access by the 1993 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in January by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Candidate Pinned An Eastern student makes a bid Eastern wrestlers for Charleston's highest office. defeat SIU-E. Page5 Page 12 inton Big-name bands edges may rock Eastern By JOHN FERAK able." Kirk said. renewal Campus editor Open dates in McAfee Gym­ (AP) nasium are also being looked into Jefferson Clinton was Big-name bands like Jesus in hopes of bonging a second act ted the 42nd president Jones, the Black Crowes and Spin - or "sideshow" act - to the United States on Wed­ Doctors top a University Board weekend. in a sunsplashed ceremo- wish-list of bands it hopes to CosL for the spring concert lhe Capitol, ushering in a bring to the 1993 spring concert. bands is ranging anywhere from eration of leadership and "We will bring a good act here $40.000 for the Black Crowes Lo g to "face hard truths and to Eastern." said Brad Kirk. UB $10.000 for Soul Sound. ng steps.·· President. "We want to improve "Whoever we bring in il'JI 'ting a weak economy, a UB 's image and gel more respect probably cost at least $15 to Ilion federal debt and a from students.
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