remembering CHris STREET 20 years later, iowa reCalls an iCon. SPORTS THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 MOnday, deCeMber 10, 2012 NEWSPAPER •DAILYIOWAN.COM • TELEVISION 50¢ Rift erupts in UI college Contract- On Dec. 7, all members of the UI College of Education Faculty Advisory Committee resigned. less Mason by Cassidy riley On the evening of Nov. 7, five ab- ten by Mike Morony and
[email protected] unknown faculty members stained. Volker Thomas, the heads n the college placed ballots A few of the Staff Council and The University of Iowa in faculty mailboxes ask- weeks Faculty Advisory Commit- College of Education is ing for a vote of confidence after the tee of the college. Crocco resets goals facing what some officials or no confidence in Dean vote took said she turned the com- call a crisis. Margaret Crocco. The bal- place, ments over to Vice Presi- UI President Sally Mason to “This is the most dra- lots were found the next Crocco Crocco dent for Human Resources matic set of circumstances day. There were 91 votes was made dean Sue Buckley out of con- concentrate on communication, that I’ve ever been part of,” distributed and 65 re- aware of cern that the comments outreach to Iowa Legislature. said Stewart Ehly, UI psy- turned. Of those returned, some negative comments chological and quantita- 44 voted no confidence, about her leadership that by niCk Hassett tive foundations professor. 16 voted confidence, and were left on a survey writ- sEE eduCation, 5
[email protected] State legislators have expressed mixed reac- tions to the news that University of Iowa President Sally Mason is Hillel, CHabad pusH for diversity working without a contract.