

BASKETBALL W__',.ion. 20, 1993 3S M'i'·Srl3·lj:1if1;'.sW;'J1fW COLLEGE TOP 25 University 01 low. basketball Defense saves Expectations player Chris Stteet was lUlled In B thra.\lshlcle accldAnt n"tlt the Highlander Inn -", Hoosiers on road did not limit • Cheaney's 33 he" to 008t tt>e Cn<nsoo lido. • KenlOOCy stlut GOwn Ai8bOma star Ja~ ROOIr"lI>CN1. who Ie80n the SEC helps beat Purdue witna 24.5--poIntscoringa'fflmg!. WEST LAFA VETTE, Ind. Robinson ~ !4 !)(MIS In the Chris Street (AP) - Indian .. 's tllldemarit oe- tn! I\a!f as AI4bama racea to a Iense was ja.~1 0 lillie beuer than !S·DOInl eee. tlUt.ne was I'IelCltOJUst tree tl'lfOYo-S H'I the second halt, Purdue's. especially when it • His work ethic Anet l.akmg a 46--44 leBd. the lode counted. didootSCO(lIano!heftlcidgo&lUflIJl was key to success CaJbcn Cheaney scored J3 JIJ$()II Caf'!e't Upped In II rd>ound Wlttl points Tuesday night and Ihe sec- 5:29 fttnalntng. ay li\a1 lime. ken. By Oon Ooul. ond-ranked Hoosiers held Big lud<y had ~ It.! pressote oef_ to Ten JCOring leader Glenn Robin- lriuera21.4run. OUAO,ClTY IIMfS $(In to three points over ihe last ei&ht rrunutes 10 bellI Ihe No, IJ Maryland 89, Whl'n Chris SI!'"C'('[ lin;t SI~n(."{J No. 12 Oklahoma 78 III I'la~' t>as~C'It-1l1l ftlT Ihc l 'n.· Bcltermakcrs )4-6S. "We played 10Ugh defense AAlflMORE - M~ 5IlUl CIO>W' \l,'l"lIlty,,(h'W8, tTllUI"fIJIIIU~! Iowa Cltv do ......n the stretch." !.aid Chc.a1'lcy. No_ 12 Oklahoma', hllh,~"d ll"'~\lmC'J. h('\! 1:'>c-lil: .. 811 l)i"lh" IndIana's senior forward whose O'foo~ an(! E~ Bums $COfM 22 "Ihcr h'WII~f\",I1r.Hb w~W hll.;.1 four litJ'llig.h1 free throws in the poIn\.'lIll~II'leT~I\8Ite.;tarour 1'\l'rf111\y"""lj~}flh('H"wh')'C:s closing seconds preserved the gamelo$!ngstreail. when SIn:.:1 I\h;nllficd 11 ~1VY~r>CI (9,5) never tralIeiI ..ne.- Y\~\I riji:u~'! 11,,\1 t'I<' ouv "I' victnry, Indiana's Ihird in II row weakness tn bill game. he he- limiting Oklahoma 10 31 points If'I the lh",..·llds whc ""'ulu w,,(l hil(J onthc road, l"anl~' Oh~':$.-I&lwith l"hBntling fhe IIr.il haII_ The Sooners n 2-4). -..ho ;\1,,\ hU$Ilt'.~ul wn,)wl.lUl,iprt1tl- Street dies in accident Lcd by ("heaney's 11·[0(·15 wl'akncs.s InlU a sln:ngth, ~lnwtl"at>8\Jon-bmt97,7paOnts a~l~ Ilt'l'cr lx' mudl nlllft' than ('(lQtill1w (rom Paae 1~ lihoolltlg from lhe field. Ihe Hoo- per pme ~, n"'L8de 22-01·63 IlIlI1 c"cn Ilpplied tcyhLSper- .111:1\'C'rntlc IligTcn pll!.ycr • .At hook, He hil hIS Hrd lind J4th sie:rs hil 51 percent for the 83rne: shot..s(35per;ern)_ t-t-::C he nlll1hrt'x· .. dc-f,'os'''" S4,m.!l.llif~. - the lirsl lime a Purduc oppo-- M&ryt6f"ld was Clltlglng to " ~S-41 c(.ns-eculivcfrccthro""'5 In Ihe: ~[.'rp;.'r llr ;l p..'hllh~·J rdxlundC'f nenl topped 50 percenl thi~ sea· lead When Bum~ 011 a ll'm!'C·OOIllt(liar A fl'w months lifter he arrived Hawkeyes' 65·56 loss itt Duke, Stn.'\!{,wh,lwaslllkd III;' lit 1(1""111.StrC\:t sr.d a rew high to Man II 14,4 I'\ItI tl'Lat made It 59·45 hrtllking a 24--ycar old school re· H!lh 12: I J \crt. Bum:. nGd seven lr:!lli,' a.:c),knr I"Ut"SdIl)'mgnl. S('hool chUm! were caught in a '"'" Robinson's IIISI baskel (;ul oord for cn~tiye acturacv a.t poIn\-$lnthe _ge arod fr~~ II eon_ Indiana's lead - once a~ hig as 1'>o.'1:am(' ll1 "I',hal pJlrkcd car .....ilh rt'W open Ine foul line, ' h:m OrlC orthc bl".ucr pl3yelN in guaN) )OIInny RnOOes !oCOfea SI.l 62-5) ""ilh o...cr -\0\1 mudl, Illu,'h 11\(11\' Illinc!"!'>o(all"'Ohollc bc\·tnlgcs_ II Ihelcngue." 15 - ~o ju~, str&lgtll. Street was named Ihe mosl inn!.:d Il'ad!: of ~blicity and three mlnu1cs 10 go. Bul the Pur- Ii) Ihl~ 'O(:a.<.,ln - IH~thml at -- valuablc Sirecr~ talents landed him a prumptl'U him 1(' he suspended hm,\ _ Stn."C[ I\ll.\l t'I<.'(:\,m" Ih,' player.tthe spot on the Big Ten "U,sl"r team ~~~rt~fo~r~':nd~ila~~~, uU:d No.9 CiotinOlllli 103, IlRW ·H-:<C'nl,'lt,'nall':;lI.kr and ror f('lIf snmeJ; C'IIrlyin his fresh- i~~ San Juan Ihat tr-.w~led Eumpi:' last sum· i-I(lI)$icrs ~ored 10 o( Il'Ie,r finlll Chicago Stale 43 .....a.~ -dl,'n hl~ •••,,)- h' t'>co..,\m\1nl1 ntall season ShOO(oullasl mer lind he averaged 13 flOinls 12 points on fmc Ihrow.\.. CINCINNATI _ CoM BIoo..lnt turned Ih .. t-o.'S: plah" ,"'n pn.JoI.hll;cdt-~. II "'asa (;url\'!ulrmle$$ mOnlhand his Rnd 10.6 fct)ounds per game. Aftcr a basket by Matt I'amler hl5"-"JII'>omr::--«><n.,p~ollh'" o;eason ILlto a pel'SOfUll prac:tk:e th.. St31....'fh,"'·a. lrl~'IJcn(, th.· kino (If thing Ihat ~7.4 percent As it 5()pltomore, Street bfought Purdue (ll·J, 2-J Big session. SoCOI'lngII cateel'h!gt\ 20 }',.t...~:.,f II ""'!lSallnt.ulahk h' ClIUld happen 1\' ~lmost any col+ shooling started all JO gamt:s and ranked Ten) ....Ithln 6b-S~, the BoI' ..:hl....' ..'T.,rt. lege Iud, h~tIil Wl~apparent Ihlll DOInl.t., touch from thlflllniheleaguc in rebound- ~c~~~~e~c~:!c~~~~.nu (16,2, TM 60,0:01111 ,,'CW'i was UC'S b!f. l[,~ nOllh:u ~tfl._'\'1 dldl1" p._lS· II t>.llhcn:dSIn:-t'1 as much or '"S ges.t smu & 58'poIOt vlClOl)' OVei" ~'S,~ ~,l1ml'pN~1>IL-,dgith Ik .....3.'1 marl'than whalel.'cr inadc- Cheaney hit four straight free WlIgfllStBtflIn 1976. _1L_--·~~~2~;~~~He 5UTled in 15 g.ame:<:for iJ a:\)()d--('n,'u~ qua"eftladt:LS-:J <.(uacu:lIhe had on Ihc courl. Il'Irows and Grl'l Groham and accur-dL1' at Iowa as.l!. freshman liner being ~'nt"r iJt Indiam'lil IhgN School I)-.Jmon a~iley addtd t W{) apicrx No, 10 Seton HaJl66, iIWllSlh('Ia.<;llImeNIJi;namc II'ICfree Il'Irow linc ....ere: both named lo....a·s pft:p plilye:r oflhe: _I Illl'>..~rt'\:f'\.1llt·J h\',(1 hilnuful "f in Ihc final 1:27 .,nd Punlul' was Villanova 61, OT .....as l',·er eonncctclfWJlh thlll Ie-1m beSl~. ycarin 1990, n" l!tll'n I (r'Ntla!! prllgnmls A: tyDC I,fut(·i(t.;-nl. nC\le;r ab!c: to calch up. EASt RUlHERfORD. N.) - Seton He earned honoral"llc mention C.-fOOl'S, he' had dc,'C:nT Quick- He committed to Iowa ::Iftcr Hal made jv51 I~ref! flelO goal~ OY~ ,\\lor tho'll ddl'rminalion ano all-Bigien honu~ lasl YCilr iJ3 II No.4 Kentucky 13. toe glWTle's ~ IS fOlnutes, bUt Lhe lW~.~:lnU.l Jt"I.·enl ~h,)()l1ng c~'c, hLsjunior year in at Indlanol. dri\' .. fOf 1-....--rfecll~ln produccd a sophomore :md was eOl13idered AlRbtmll S9 lOth-lailke<:l Pr.ri:1tS made 12·0',14 BUllhc:n' W;l$ a (.'m:X'll\1\',' High School. when: he earned hard-nl>x'\i, rcwhlH: haskelball oncoflhel'lrishl. u['!-and-com- all·state honon in both basket- rUSCAlOOSA. A18, _ Jamal free r.torows !nC)ver\11TIeto l'IOI<I on ~f\.-1r\.: Wllhlll tNC' k1\j l!'Iii( nUllk Mashoom s-c;ore(J 24 pain!$. ana No, 4 v~~a fOl'CM me oYefIlme ~ plnyef wNllwa"et,I hisfl!ot,uf'ied in~ star:; mlh.e Rig Ten hall Bnd 100thali. USA Today hlnlHlt'l'llll hiS 1,-amllllllt':l'. n:-\-t'r 4uil. m(\l- Kp.ntucky I'H!Id AJaMma WllllOUI a !\r:1d Lance Miller~ on a dr\w wM 2! "He !ll~t!S. us c\lL'f)'lhiog we named him to lIS 19!19 311- goal for nWl!!mlfoUleSIn the seco-w:I ~Ie" Ina' ~·L'U\p..·tltl\'l'nl-s.~ l':nllC' nat~'J "Pf'Il\S1n1t rlaYl'rs anJ w:alll in a player." DllVi~ said AmeriCi!n Icam as 1] Quar1erhlck. ,'ul \'\'C1l ,.nIh h,~ ..''''" ,.. :Int· L·;lmct.l Ihc unJyil1jl,arl.'n..'"IC'illtl;\1"l mlll'-:; l-h-lmJ ,','nler ,\ell: farl rrior til In~'stan ofl"e 11,}....2·9J aner Street e~)mpICled 11foott->ul1 'lr{\j"lf'l.~mllt,\lRl~hL'S ~ason. "Hi:; l\hilill~"S are unhm- can.:er tb,at tncluded Clossin, for h:hl an .mgmng batik f"f Ih,' Then' ....en: J.u.....ns Ilf i!.30lCS lIed and his Jemc:anor mak ... 4.271 yard;>:and ~4 I,'uchdol"ns. HIGH SCHOOL GIRLSc:_'__ ~ ~"~1:';.';l_<:o,n-::Ind-.1-hlllf fl'~' 10 whIch e3rl llr ~'mc Cltht'r It! tops CenlTBl ,~, "hh:h,'nl',·,lul.l !l,rat> th,' m.,~ [,Iwa player "''I'ukJ plk up g,lt', P8m G<Iy'5 5tfO<li IIr5I Mit t\l(l~ rt·tx'unJ~, Whlll- Earl Md r..;en It'nl1gst~tl$tll's dnl)' 10 h!lye thc day pOOe<I ROC'I\1SiN([ 10 a 45-39 ....", ail-Hilt Tcn, SI\"C'c:'( Wloln mOilt "r uppoI,lsil1&l:Qach sit Ihere ann· Tonight's game is postponed oyer Oavenoort CCn\r<II .,., gltl$ fIOn, Ih,',r hi::lJ·lo-hc.'u) ballkS.

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