digital BDV English Edition 2013, n. 1-4 digital BDV Bulletin Dei Verbum English Edition 2013, n. 1-4 Contents Editorial Thomas P. Osborne “… The ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat” (Gen 8:4) 2 Forum Father Mark Sheridan, osb The Bible as read by the Fathers of the Church 3 Prof. Dr. Thomas Söding Exegesis as Theology, Doing Theology as Exegesis: A Difficult but Necessary Alliance 15 Prof. Dr. Florian Wilk Hermeneutics of the Bible from a Protestant Perspective 23 Projects and Experiences Sr. Anna Damas SSpS Experiences with Bibliodrama in Papua-New Guinea 34 Federation News CBF Message to the Holy Father on the Occasion of His Election to the Papacy 36 Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, N. 174-175 37 Message of the Executive Committee of the Catholic Biblical Federation 38 The CBF welcomes a new associate member from Peru! 48 New Subregional Coordinators for Central Europe and Southern and Western Europe 48 Father Jan Jacek Stefanów, SVD appointed new CBF General Secretary 49 Biblical Pastoral Publications 50 BDV digital is an electronic publication of the Catholic Biblical Federation, General Secretariat, D-86941 Sankt Ottilien,
[email protected], Editorial Board: Thomas P. Osborne and Gérard Billon Liga Bank BIC GENODEF1M05 IBAN DE28 7509 0300 0006 4598 20 -- 1 -- digital BDV English Edition 2013, n. 1-4 Editorial can congress in Peru in August, the BICAM trien- nial plenary assembly in Malawi in September, the subregional meetings in Warsaw in Septem- ber and in Maynooth near Dublin, with the active “… The ark came to rest on the moun- presence of a delegate of the General Secretariat, tains of Ararat” (Gen 8:4) witness to the renewed spirit of communication and solidarity within the Federation.