SUNDAY, JULY 27, 2014 | YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1874 | $1.50 Lake City Reporter LAKECITYREPORTER.COM Reaching Sales tax Infinity Con SUNDAY out to holiday draws EDITION teach 1D coming 1C 200+ 7A Hotel owners: Fire fee undue burden Say 71% hike should at least be put on hold. By TONY BRITT
[email protected] Local hotel owners are questioning a proposed 71 percent fire assessment rate hike and urging city officials to postpone the increase. The proposed rates would jump from $.0758 per square foot to $.1293 per square foot. Local hotel owners Nick Patel and PJ Patel, who are also business partners, said they can’t understand how the 71 percent rate hike was determined. “We have not received the data yet,” Nick Patel said. “We requested the data, hopefully we’ll get the data to analyze it further. We were shocked to see that hotels are going to have to bear the brunt of the increase when every- one [else] is going down.” The proposed assess- ment for commercial estab- lishments decreased about 10 percent, and the pro- posed rate for industrial/ warehouse space dropped 42 percent. City officials said the study was done scientifi- cally, and in a fair manner. They say there is little to no flexibility now to reduce the proposed rates. PHOTOS COURTESY | PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY EMILY LAWSON “The purpose of the fire BACKGROUND: Stories in 1927 and 1928 editions of the Lake City Reporter describe an unusual archaeological find alongside U.S. 41; CENTER: The assessment study is to site’s purported discoverer and his two sons; LEFT, RIGHT: An admission ticket to the site; FOREGROUND: Supposed mummified human remains.