2013 NFCA Directory

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2013 NFCA Directory 2013 NFCA Directory Four-Year Institutions ____________________________________ 4-71 Two-Year Institutions ____________________________________ 73-86 High Schools _________________________________________ 88-115 Travel Ball __________________________________________ 117-147 Affliates-Individuals ___________________________________ 149-157 Affliates-Businesses, Clubs & Sponsors ___________________ 158-162 Affiliates-Umpires ____________________________________ 164-165 Members-International _____________________________________ 166 NFCA Bylaws ________________________________________ 168-189 NFCA Board/Staff ________________________________________ 191 NFCA History _______________________________________ 192-193 NFCA Hall of Fame/2012 Coaching Staffs of the Year ________ 194-196 NFCA Code of Ethics ______________________________________ 197 The National Fastpitch Coaches Association is pleased to bring you this 2013 Directory of Information. The information contained within is based on our membership files as of February 7, 2013. Please contact us throughout the year concerning address, telephone or e-mail changes. Volume 18, No. 1 Made available one time per year by the National Fastpitch Coaches Association, 2641 Grinstead Drive, Louisville, Kentucky 40206. Phone: 502/409-4600; Fax: 502/409-4622. Members of the NFCA receive the directory for free; non-members can purchase for $10. 4 Four-Year Institutions A Scottdale, GA 30079 Alabama in Huntsville, -A- Work 404/471-6475 University of tdigirolamo@agnesscott.edu Les Stuedeman, Head Abilene Christian University NCAA III, NFCA A 205 Spragins Hall Bobby Reeves, Head Member Since 2012 Huntsville, AL 35899 Box 27916 Work 256/824-2204 Abilene, TX 79699-7916 AIB College of Business stuedel@uah.edu Work 806/786-3379 Kim Wright-Jones, Head NCAA II, NFCA S bobby.reeves@acu.edu 2500 Fleur Drive Member Since 1994 NCAA II, NFCA SC Des Moines, IA 50321-1799 Member Since 1991 Work 515-246-5375 Melanie Carter, Asst. jonesk1@aib.edu 205 Spragins Hall Bruce Cozart, Assoc. Head NAIA, NFCA MW Huntsville, AL 35899 1315 Oakwood Ave Member Since 2012 Work 256/824-2194 Raleigh, NC 27610 melanie.carter@uah.edu Work 919/516-4171 Akron, University of Member Since 2005 bcozart@st-aug.edu Julie Jones, Head Member Since 2012 289 Union Street Alabama State University 297B Athletics Field House - Telma O'Neal Hall, Head Debby Abbott, Asst. Softball 915 S. Jackson Street ACU Box 27916 Akron, OH 44325 Montgomery, AL 36106 Abilene, TX 79699 Work 330/972-7578 Work 334/229-4503 Work 325/674-5357 jj39@uakron.edu toneal@alasu.edu debby.abbott@acu.edu NCAA I, NFCA ME NCAA I, NFCA S Member Since 2013 Member Since 1996 Member Since 2005 Teddy Abbott, Asst. Julie Pratt, Asst. Destinee Sanchez, Asst. 2117 Old Ironsides Road Softball Office 915 S Jackson St Abilene, TX 79601 Fieldhouse Montgomery, AL 36104 softball@acu.edu Akron, OH 44325-6302 Work 334/229-4503 Member Since 2013 Work 330/972-4943 dsanchez@alasu.edu jpratt@uakron.edu Member Since 2012 Adelphi University Member Since 1998 Breanne Nasti, Head Stephanie VanBrakle, Asst. Center for Recreation and Sport Alabama at Birmingham, 1201 Coliseum Drive 1 South Avenue University of Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 Garden City, NY 11530 Marla Townsend, Head Work 205/348-4400 Work 516/877-3959 Bartow Arena - East Tower svanbrakle@ia.ua.edu bnasti@adelphi.edu 1530 3rd Ave South Member Since 2012 NCAA II, NFCA E Birmingham, AL 35294-1160 Member Since 2012 Work 205/975-7800 Alabama, Tuscaloosa, mtown@uab.edu University of Kristina Poore, Asst. NCAA I, NFCA ME Pat Murphy, Head 1 South Ave. Member Since 1996 1201 Coliseum Drive Garden City, NY 11530 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0393 kristinapoore@mail.adelphi.edu Lucinda Bass, Asst. Work 205/348-4455 Member Since 2011 1530 3rd Ave. S pmurphy@ia.ua.edu Bartow Arena NCAA I, NFCA S Ophir Sadeh, Asst. Birmingham, AL 35294-1160 Member Since 1990 17 Jefferson Ave Work 205/975-1759 Hicksville, NY 11801 lucy1@uab.edu Adam Arbour, Asst. Work 631/912-2100 Member Since 2006 1310 Main Ave Osadeh@adelphi.edu Apt D Member Since 2009 Nick Crawford, Asst. Northport, AL 35476 1212 University Blvd. ajarbour@gmail.com Adrian College Ullman 237 Member Since 2012 Kristina Schweikert, Head Birmingham, AL 35294-3350 110 S. Madison Work 205/975-7880 Albany, University at Adrian, MI 49221 ncrawford@uab.edu Chris Cannata, Head Work 517/264-3998 Member Since 2012 1400 Washington Ave. kschweikert@adrian.edu PE 123 NCAA III, NFCA C Erica Sisson, Asst. Albany, NV 12222 Member Since 2007 1608 Cheswood Circle Work 518/591-8652 Hoover, AL 35244 albanysoftball@gmail.com Agnes Scott College esisson2@uab.edu NCAA I, NFCA NE Talya DiGirolamo, Head Member Since 2012 Member Since 1997 855 McLendon Drive A Four-Year Institutions 5 Stacy Birk, Asst. Member Since 1998 Anna Maria College 1400 Washington Ave Kristi Lyman, Head PE 123 Alvernia University 50 Sunset Lane Albany, NY 12222 Lindsay Berger, Head Box A Work 518-591-8652 400 St. Bernardine Street Paxton, MA 1612 sbirk@albany.edu Reading, PA 19607 Work 508/849-3288 Member Since 2010 Work 610/790-1937 klyman@annamaria.edu lindsay.berger@alvernia.edu NCAA III, NFCA LAND Albertus Magnus College NCAA III, NFCA E Member Since 2011 Edward Emielita, Head Member Since 2009 6 Zolan Drive Appalachian State University East Haven, CT 6513 Alverno College Shae Wesley, Head eemielita@albertus.edu Kristin Ortman, Head ASU Box 32025 NCAA III, NFCA NE 3400 S. 43rd St Boone, NC 28608 Member Since 2010 Box 343922 Work 828/262-7310 Milwaukee, WI 53234-3922 wesleysm@appstate.edu Alderson-Broaddus College Work 414/382-6442 NCAA I, NFCA ME JD Long, Head kristin.ortman@alverno.edu Member Since 2008 College Hill Box 2062 NCAA III, NFCA GL Philippi, WV 26416 Member Since 2008 Roman Foore, Asst. Work 304/457-6266 425 Jack Branch Drive longjd@ab.edu American Int'l College Boone, NC 28608 NCAA II, NFCA A Mairin Dudek, Head Work 828/262-7491 Member Since 2004 1000 State Street, Box 4B foorerw@appstate.edu Springfield, MA 1109 Member Since 2011 Alfred University mairin.dudek@aic.edu Gino Olivieri, Head NCAA II, NFCA E McKenzie Phillips, Asst. 1 Saxon Drive Member Since 2005 425 Jack Branch Drive McLane Center Boone, NC 28608 Alfred, NY 14802-1205 Amherst College Work 828/262-7492 Work 607/871-3018 Whitney Mollica Goldstein, phillipsmr@email.appstate.edu olivierig@alfred.edu Head Member Since 2012 NCAA III, NFCA NE 266 S. Pleasant St. Member Since 2004 Alumni Gymnasium #1127 Aquinas College Amherst, MA 01002-2372 Crystal Laska, Head Allegheny College Work 413/542-5378 1607 Robinson Rd Beth Curtiss, Head wmollica@amherst.edu Grand Rapids, MI 49506 520 N. Main St. NCAA III, NFCA LAND Work 616/632-2474 Box AC Member Since 2010 laskacry@aquinas.edu Meadville, PA 16335 NAIA, NFCA GL Work 814/332-2815 Anderson University (Indiana) Member Since 2008 bcurtiss@allegheny.edu Tony Holloway, Head NCAA III, NFCA C 1100 E. 5th Street Brad Koch, Asst. Member Since 2012 Anderson, IN 46012 7055 Quintara NE Work 765/641-4538 Comstock Park, MI 49321 Susan DeNillo, Asst. tlholloway@anderson.edu Work 616/632-2474 520 N Main Street NCAA III, NFCA C bkoch1991@gmail.com Meadville, PA 15335 Member Since 2012 Member Since 2012 Work 812/332-6245 sdenillo@allegheny.edu Anderson University (South Arcadia University Member Since 2012 Carolina) Linda Detra, Head Tommy Hewitt, Head 450 S. Easton Rd. Alma College 316 Boulevard Glenside, PA 19038 Denny Griffin, Head Anderson, SC 29621 Work 215/572-2996 614 W. Superior Street Work 864/231-2109 detra@arcadia.edu Hogan Center thewitt@andersonuniversity.edu NCAA III, NFCA E Alma, MI 48801-1599 NCAA II, NFCA SE Member Since 1998 Work 989/463-7988 Member Since 2009 griffin@alma.edu Arizona, University of NCAA III, NFCA C Angelo State University Mike Candrea, Head Member Since 1989 Travis Scott, Head McKale Center ASU Station # 10899 239B Phil Hansen, Asst. San Angelo, TX 76909 Tucson, AZ 85721 816 Woodworth Work 325/942-2264 x228 Work 520/621-0899 Alma, MI 48801 travis.scott@angelo.edu candrea@arizona.edu Work 989/463-7169 NCAA II, NFCA SC NCAA I, NFCA W hansen@alma.edu Member Since 1998 Member Since 1987 6 Four-Year Institutions A Alicia Hollowell, Asst. Sue Carpenter, Asst. David Leffew, Asst. 1 National Championship Dr P.O. Box 7777 38875 Short Rd. McKale Center 239A 131 Barnhill Arena Litchfield, OH 44253 Tucson, AZ 85721 Fayetteville, AR 72702-7777 Work 440 667 3800 Work 520/621-7527 Work 479/575-7001 dave@leffewfastpitch.com aliciah@arizona.edu smcarpen@uark.edu Member Since 2005 Member Since 2012 Member Since 1999 Shannon Schaub, Asst. Stacy Iveson, Asst. Whitney Cloer, Asst. 401 College Ave. McKale Center 268 Virginia Ave Ashland, OH 44805 241 Fayetteville, AR 72701 Work 419/289-5554 Tucson, AZ 85721 wcloer@gmail.com sgray5@ashland.edu Work 520/621-8208 Member Since 2012 Member Since 2010 siveson@arizona.edu Member Since 1995 Arkansas, Monticello, Assumption College University of Ralph DeLucia, Head Arizona State University Alvy Early, Head 500 Salisbury St. Clint Myers, Head UAM, Box 2555 Worcester, MA 1609 ICA/Carson Center 663 University Drive Work 508/767-7298 P.O. Box 872505 Monticello, AR 71656 rdelucia@assumption.edu Tempe, AZ 85287-2505 Work 870/460-1158 NCAA II, NFCA E Work 480/965-3973 early@uamont.edu Member Since 1997 clinton.a.myers@asu.edu NCAA II, NFCA C NCAA I, NFCA W Member Since 1997 Auburn University Member Since 2005 Tina Deese, Head Arkansas Tech University P.O. Box 351 Chelsey Broermann, Asst. Kristina McSweeney, Head Auburn, AL 36831-0351 ICA/Carson Center 1604 Coliseum Drive Work 334/844-9781 P.O. Box 872505 Russellville, AR 72801 deeseti@auburn.edu Tempe, AZ 85287-2505 Work 479/964-3231 NCAA I, NFCA SE Work 480/965-3973 kmcsweeney@atu.edu Member Since 1995 broermann@asu.edu NCAA II, NFCA C Member Since 2012 Member Since 2009 Jessica Bachkora, Asst.
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