Louisiana Certified Habitat Plant List Native Woody Plants (Trees

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Louisiana Certified Habitat Plant List Native Woody Plants (Trees Louisiana Certified Habitat Plant List Native Woody Plants (trees, shrubs, woody vines) Common name Scientific name Stewartia Gum, Swamp Black Nyssa biflora Camellia, Silky malacodendron Acacia, Sweet Acacia farnesiana Catalpa Gum, Tupelo Nyssa aquatica Liquidambar Alder, Black/Hazel Alnus rugosa Catalpa, Southern bignonioides Gum, Sweet styriciflua Allspice, Carolina/ Cedar, Eastern Red Juniperus virginiana Sweet Shrub Calycanthus floridus Cedar, Hackberry Celtis laevigata Ashes, Native Fraxinus spp. Atlantic/Southern Chamaecyparis Hawthorn, Native Crataegus spp. White thyoides Hawthorn, Barberry- Ash, Green F. pennsylvanicum Cherry, Black Prunus serotina leaf C. berberifolia Ash, Carolina F. caroliniana Hawthorn, Cherry, Choke Aronia arbutifolia Ash, Pumpkin F. profunda Blueberry C. brachycantha Cherry-laurel Prunus caroliniana Hawthorn, Green C. viridis Ash, White F. americana Chinquapin Castanea pumila Hawthorn, Mayhaw C. aestivalis/opaca Rhododendron Coralbean, Azalea, Pink canescens Eastern/Mamou Erythrina herbacea Hawthorn, Parsley C. marshallii Azalea, Florida Rhododendron Crabapple, Southern Malus angustifolia Hickories, Native Carya spp. Flame austrinum Creeper, Trumpet Campsis radicans Hickory, Black C. texana Anise, Star Illicium floridanum Parthenocissus Anise, Hickory, Bitternut C. cordiformes Creeper, Virginia quinquefolia Yellow/Florida Illicium parviflorum Hickory, Mockernut C. tomentosa Azalea, Florida Rhododendron Crossvine Bignonia capreolata Flame austrinum Hickory, Nutmeg C. myristiciformes Cucumber Tree Magnolia acuminata Rhododendron Hickory, PECAN C. illinoensis Azalea, Pink canescens Cypress, Bald Taxodium distichum Hickory, Pignut C. glabra Rhododendron Cypress, Pond Taxodium ascendens serrulatum, Hickory, Shagbark C. ovata Cyrilla, Swamp/Titi Cyrilla racemiflora viscosum, Hickory, Azalea, White oblongifolium Cyrilla, Little-leaf Cyrilla parvifolia Water/Bitter Pecan C. aquatica Baccharis/ Groundsel Bush Baccharis halimifolia Devil’s Walkingstick Aralia spinosa Hollies, Native Ilex spp. Baccharis, Salt- Osmanthus Holly, American I. americana marsh B. angustifolia Devilwood americana Holly, Dahoon I. cassine Dogwood, Flowering Cornus florida Bayberry, Southern Morella carolinensis Holly, Deciduous Beautyberry, Callicarpa Dogwood, Rough- Possum-haw I. decidua American americana leaf Cornus drummondii Holly, Gallberry I. glabra Beautyberry, C. americana Dogwood, Stiff Cornus foemina American, White ‘Lactea’ Sambucus Holly, Inkberry I. coriacea Beech, American Fagus grandifolia Elderberry canadensis Holly, Winterberry I. verticillata Blackberries/ Elms, Native Ulmus spp. Holly, Yaupon I. vomitoria Dewberries Rubus spp. Elm, American U. americana Honeylocust Gleditsia triacanthos Birch, River Betula nigra Elm, Cedar U. crassifolia Honeysuckle, Lonicera Blueberries Vaccinium spp. Trumpet/Red sempervirens Elm, Slippery U. rubra Boxelder Acer negundo Hophornbeam, Eastern/Ironwood Ostrya virginica Buckeye, Elm, Winged U. alata Hornbeam, Bottlebrush Aesculus parviflora Elm, Water Planera aquatica American/Musclewo Buckeye, Red Aesculus pavia Fetterbush Lyonia lucida od/Ironwood Carpinus caroliniana Buckthorn, Huckleberry, Fetterbush, Swamp Leucothoe racemosa Carolina/Indian Wooly/Hairy Gaylussacia mosieri Fringetree, Chionanthus Cherry Frangula caroliniana Huckleberry, American virginiana Buckwheat Winter/Tree Vaccinium arboreum Tree/Black Titi Cliftonia monophylla Gordonia Gordonia lasianthus Hydrangea Bumelia, Gum Bumelia lanuginosa Grape, Wild Vitis spp. Hydrangea, Oakleaf quercifolia Cephalanthus Greenbriar/Catbriar Smilax spp. Lantana Lantana urticoides Buttonbush occidentalis Gum, Black Nyssa sylvatica Laurelcherry See Cherrylaurel Leadplant Amorpha fruticosa Oak, White Q. alba Sassafras Sassafras albidum Silverbell, Two- Leucothoe, Downy Leucothoe axillaris Oak, Willow Q. phellos winged Halesia diptera Leucothoe, Osage Orange/Bois Florida/Honeybells Agarista populifolia d’arc Maclura pomifera Snowbell, American Styrax americana Magnolia Palmetto, Dwarf Sabal minor Snowbell, Bigleaf Styrax grandifolius Magnolia, Bigleaf macrophylla Oxydendrum PawPaw Asimina triloba Magnolia, cucumber M. acuminata Sourwood arboreum Pecan Carya illinoensis Magnolia, ‘Little Spicebush Lindera benzoin Gem’ M. grandiflora Peppervine Nekemias arborea Euonymus Magnolia, Pyramid M. pyramidata Persimmon, Strawberry Bush americana American Diospyros virginiana Sumac, Magnolia, Southern M. grandiflora Pine, Native Pinus spp. Shining/Dwarf Rhus copallinum Magnolia, Sweetbay M. virginiana Pine, Loblolly P. taeda Sumac, Winged Rhus glabra Maple, Chalk Acer leucoderme Summer-sweet, Pine, Longleaf P. palustris Maple, Red/Swamp Acer rubrum Peppervine Clethra alnifolia Pine, Slash P. elliottii Supplejack/Blackjack Maple, Silver Acer saccharinum Vine Berchemia scandens Maple, Southern Pine, Spruce P. glabra Sweetspire, Virginia Itea virginica Sugar Acer barbatum Plum, Native Prunus spp. Moonseed/Snailsee Platanus d/Coralbead Vine Cocculus carolinus Plum, Chickasaw P. angustifolia Sycamore occidentalis Plum, Tulip Tree/Tulip Lireodendron Mulberry, Red Morus rubra Flatwoods/Am. Sloe P. umbellata Poplar tulipifera Oaks, Native Quercus spp. Plum, Mexican P. mexicana Waxmyrtle Morella cerifera Oak, Cherrybark Q. pagoda Toxicodendron Willow, Black Salix nigra Poison Ivy radicans Oak, Live Q. virginiana Hamamelis Prickly Zanthoxylum clava- Witch Hazel virginiana Oak, Laurel Q. laurifolia Ash/Toothache Tree herculis Viburnum, Forestiera Oak, Nuttall Q. texana Arrowwood Viburnum dentatum Privet, Swamp acuminata Viburnum, Oak, Overcup Q. lyrata Persea Possumhaw Viburnum nudum Oak, Post Q. stellata Redbay borbonia/palustris Viburnum, Little- leaf/Walter’s/Schille Oak, Shumard Q. shumardii Redbud, Eastern Cercis canadensis r’s Delight Viburnum obovatum Oak, Southern Red Q. falcata Rose, Carolina Rosa carolina Viburnum, Rusty Oak, Swamp Rose, Prairie Rosa setigera Blackhaw Viburnum rufidulum Chestnut/Cow Q. michauxii Rose, Swamp Rosa palustris Oak, Water Q. nigra St. Johnswort Hypericum spp. Herbaceous plants (ferns, grasses, sedges/rushes and wildflowers) Common Name Dutchman’s Pipes, Nightshades, or Plant Group Native Aristilochia spp. Native Solanum spp. Name Scientific Name/Genus Obedient Plants, Elephant’s Foots Elephantopus, spp. False- Agave, American Agave virginica Ferns, Native (please list below) dragonheads Physostegia spp. Alligator-flags Thalia spp. Frog Fruits Phyla spp. Onion, Wild Allium canadense Symphyotrichum/Serioc Garlic, False arpus/Ionactis/Eurybia Pea, Butterfly Crowpoison Nothoscordum bivalve Asters, Wild spp. Chamaecrista Gauras Gaura spp. Peas, Partridge fasciculata Aster, Stokes Stokesia laevis Pennyworts, Geraniums, Wild Geranium spp. Buttons, Barbara’s Marshallia spp. Native Chrysopsis/Heterotheca Buttonweeds, Goldenasters /Pityopsis spp. Penstemons, Poor Joes Diodia spp. Native (see Beardtongues) Beardtongues/Pe Goldenrods Solidago spp. Capsicum annuum var. nstemons Penstemon spp. Grasses, Yellow- Pepper, Bird glabrisculum eyed Xyris spp. Bedstraws Gailium spp. Petunias, Wild Ruellia spp. Grasses, Native (please list below) Beebalms Monarda spp. Phloxes, Native Phlox spp. Herbertias Herbertia spp. Beggarticks (see Coreopsis) Pickerelweed Pontederia cordata Hibiscus Bergamot, Wild Monarda fistulosa Hibiscus, Native spp./Kosteletzkya Pink, Fire (See Catchflys) Bittercress Cardamine spp. Indian Blankets Gaillardia spp. Pink, Indian (See Indian Pink) Blazing Stars Liatris spp. Indian Pink Spigelia marilandica Pokeberry/Pokew eed Phytolacca americana Blue Stars Amsonia spp. Indian Plantains Arnoglossum spp. Poppymallows Callirhoe spp. Bluecurls Trichostema spp. Indigos, False Baptisia spp. Primroses, Native Oenothera spp. Blue-eyed Grasses Sisyrinchium spp. Irises, Native Iris spp. Rattlesnake Bonesets, Ironweeds Vernonia spp. Masters Eryngium spp. Thoroughworts Eupatorium spp. Rosinweeds/Com Jewelweed Impatiens capensis Buttercups Ranunculus spp. pass Plants Silphium spp. Joe-pye Weeds Eupatorium spp. Butterflyweed Asclepias tuberosa Rosepinks Sabatia spp. Larkspurs, Native Delphinium spp. Butterweed Packera glabellus Rushes Juncus spp. Lillies, Rain Zephyranthes spp. Camphorweeds Pluchea spp. Sages, Native Salvia spp. Lily, Spider Hymenocallis lireosme Cannas, Native Canna spp. Sedges, Flat Cyperus spp. Lily, Swamp Crinum americanum Cardinalflower Lobelia cardinalis Sedges, Caric Carex spp. Lizard’s Tail Catchflys Silene spp. Sida (see Cuban Jute) Lobelias, Native Lobelia spp. Cattails Typha spp. Skullcaps, Native Scutellaria spp. Lupines, Native Lupinus spp. Clematis, Native Clematis spp. Snakeroot, Black Sanicula canadense Lettuce, Wild Lactuca spp. Club, Golden Orontium aquaticum Snakeroot, White Ageratina altissima Mallows, Native (See Hibiscus) Spiderworts, Compass Plants (see Rosinweeds) Native Tradescantia spp. Coneflowers, Rudbeckia spp., Ratibida Mayapple Podophyllum peltatum Spikerushes, Black-eyed Susans spp. Maypop, Passion Native Eleocharis spp. Coneflowers, vine, Native Passiflora spp. Sunflowers, Purple Echinacea spp. Meadowbeauties Rhexia spp. Native Helianthus spp. Coreopsis, Native Coreopsis spp. Cirsium spp./Sonchus Meadow Rues Thalictrum spp. Crownbeards, Thistles, Native spp. Mexican Hat Ratibida columnifera Wingstems Verbesina spp. Tickseeds, Native (see Coreopsis) Milkweeds, Native Asclepias spp. Cuban Jute Sida rhombifolia Turk’s Cap Malvaviscus arborea Cypress, Standing Ipomopsis rubra Mints, Mountain Pycanthemum spp. Verbenas, Vervains, Native Verbena spp. Daisy Fleabanes Erigeron spp. Mistflower,
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