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NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, SUNDAY, OCTOrsi:n 27, 1007. 5 7 » ra^«« \u25a0 \u25a0* ana \u25a0 *« as m m 5 *-'^ S *^5 H7H S SS^ MUSICAL£\u25a0" CuMMEf^f^J^S" ! SS^S U the Public ftrformavecs WillSoon TE.NCR ENRICO CaRISO'S Have Opportunity to Enjoy. Wassily Safonoff last week informed the Pbil- fjannor.!- Society by cable that he had conducted a BOOK Of CARICATURES p-jnphony concert at Copenhagen with success and \u25a0 Sketches drawn by th^ OREAT ARTIST fea arrivf in •\u25a0« York n<>xt Tuesday on Urn LYRIC vould the United Italy. France, England. *c. wttßl Mr. Safonoff has spent States. \u25a0^\u25a0•prtßS WHheta»: the Illustrative verses in English and Italian, Wofj- with his family in tho and a fCismer Caucasus when not raphy. jßjploypd in conducting foreipn orchestras or se- jectioP new music for the approaching season of The Book willbs r»ady January Ist, (90S. philharroonic Society!. To honor memory b/ the the Published by LAFOLLIA DI VEIY YORK. rhe great cf Ecvaru Grie;r. who died last summer, the pro- Italian humorous paper, established is;t;i. the only one of the first two concerts, to place that has the privilege or publishing every weak a cari- gramme take at cature by EXRICO CARUSO. Carnegie Hall on November IS nnd 15 has been chanped to include t!:e suite "IVer<iynt," which Is t»-e mL>st popular of the Norwegian composer's LA FOLUA Di HEW YORK, The andante from Beethoven's quartet, op. trorkb- 1 IC9 MOTT STREET. XEW YORK CITY. B So. Z, will b^ omitted. In ord»-r to meet the dnnanJ of new sabscribers. the box office at r'nr- Price. 53. 00. Order now. a-s edition Is limited Eesrie Ball will remain open continuously until the night ef t!:- firs', concert of the season ror the sale cf subfcrij'tions ti> seats ami boxes. The subscrip- tion for the afternoon concerts has never been so Musical. larpe in the history of the society as it Is this veiT, ssys an oflicial announcement. Despite Its thirty-four years of active work in |B** York's musical field, the Oratorio Society hat. or interest to jaanaped to ke^p itself young.. By admitting about SIXGERS jereaty-five new members every autumn, to re- CBIRCB AND CONCERT ylace those «lio are r« tired from the chorus ojr SPCCIAL LCSSONS IN resign from it. the society has been able to keep its booy of tone fresh and supple and fit to cope with Concert Repertory, Oratorio. the difficult tasks imposed upon it. The loyal Fpirit Songs cf the members, which has helped to give the Ora- torio Society a longer life than that of any other chcral orp:inizraicn New York has had. is ex-v «np!;fied in self-sacrifice, At frequent periods Georg Henschel every sir.per iv tho chorus submits to a voca! ex- tsiination by Dr. Frank Damrosch. the conductor. VICTOR HERBERT. FAKTICUIARS Of orAy thuse who KARL KLEIN. end are deemed of full efficiency He Carnegie Hall on Novem- He will give the first of a series of orchestra to retain membership. MLtll be heard at Institute of flCmstcal Hrt sre allowed Such fxnmir.u- ber 5. concerts in the Broadway Theatre this even* tionp were held a few weeks a?', in prepitration for ing. 53 FIFTH AVENUE the irsiportant work of the present season, and Dr. Damrusch and the dirt-dors regard the chorus as now coru-tituted one of the best in rect-nt years. The membership, including new voices, remains at STUDIO NOTES. about thret- hundred. Active work is now in proc- Musical. LUCY RUFFIN ress on the music for the first concert, to take • place on \\>dn<sday fvenins, I"'ecembtT 4, in *"-ir- \u25a0 compositions society's aepie Hall. Two new to the \u25a0 • pudk, and one of E. Wo'f-rVr- list* artU be these. \u25a0\u25a0 rari's cantuta "The New Life." bdfeed on Dante's texi. will be new to this country. Tho other will Asbury Mi of /Sftusicai Brt|g|i bcantifu] he Bnbms's "Souk of Defitiny." In Be- \u25a0 lectinp ""The Nf-w Life" for performance by the jfrank IDamroscb, Oratorio Society the directors have maintained Director their plan of piving at least one new work each fnstitutc53 Sittb Brenue, Corner Cvvelttb Street year selected from works of real significance, be- II B JH^ incorporated Re-opens I application. tides drawing upon the rich rtore of recognized" Endowed and October 4th. Catalogue on reastf rkß. Tin phoice of •'Th» Now Uifc 1* in lint with the policy that pivt-n Now York in PADEREWSKL the last five years a chanc- to hear such novelties He willgive a pianoforte recital at Carnegie Hall next Saturday. as S;r Edward Eisar's "Dream "cf Gerontius." "The (OopTTiCht by J- X- Purely. Boston.) METROPOLITAN SCHOOLS OF MUSICAL ART ApofAcs" and "The Kingdom. Hichard Strauss s > •Tftillffer" and Gabriel VUrut's 'The Children's THE NORMAL INSTITUTE' THE COLLEGE OF MUSIC made dee;) impression last CARNEGIE HAM. I , MISIC HALL.NEWARK Crusade," which so an \u25a0A leave New York, lefl my l.ußiness lnP"l«> T«-arh«-r» ' For All (>rad«e Study The wr.rk thus f?.r done r.y tho Oratorio and have For und Profntilonaln of season that this N charge of Miss Kleanor MfL/ellan. MuMcnl. ' I.OIIS AItTHVR RVSSEIX. Plrertor. Bodcty en "The New Life- Indicates "Miss MoLvlian Una been with Mm. SPECIALTY SCHOOLS FOR SINC.ING AND TIIEORT. "Tho Crusade. Is of r in n associated PIANOFORTE.Ru VOICE. like that Children's \u25a0 by sseli -are ha'lcj «t»n.ilv^ through \u25a0«»• msic. of bearing. W( U. H- . Broun u:nl me since our first work In this city. Th»> MoJrrn Processes of Music Study Mr. u»» eouatrft the kind to be penerally enjoyed at lirst c is to teach the Top- They produce rssnlta Classes and personal le»»cma. Send for Literature. ALEX WILLIAMHOX. 3«trttary._ lespiah" performed, usual, at tne an.l particularly well fitted NLW YORK "The will bf as \u25a0 ping-Brown production. concerts, on the *>veninp ol De- method of tone two Christn-.astide. special attention 1 "It is my wish that all my pupils ntinue their V and the afternoon of Deceiver M. anfl my German Conservatory cember fc>;. Mattnew t work with Miss Eleanor McLt-llan at studio. CONSERVATORY MUSIC According to to 1 \u25a0 OF Badi's "The Passion At'-lif-r Building, No. £{ "West CTth treet." CORNER 11STII STREET. April:6. MANHATTAN AVENTE. en of Music, $ ADOLF \u25a0\u25a0 MORNINGSIDEI>lßr.< Tt>RS I>IRtCTOUS{ w The Ford School of Expression, at No. Weat 23 WEST 42D HT.. NEAR STII AYE. JKASET W.. >INIiERMAN.SINOERMAN. York reciinl win ne first New pn^.. \u25a0 PaderewEki's 40th street, Edith Cline Ford, director, announces Directors. f'ARL HEIN, ACGCTST FHAEMCKE. VIOLIN—Henry Behradleck. Ado!f Whltelaw. PIAKO—Bam Bernstein. M.—Forster-Dero. VTOLONCELLO Saturday at 2:30 fc Carnegie H:.i: on afternoon the DJ elocution, danc- Founded 18TC Btn Season Incorporated ISB4. —Arthur Bernstein. Hans KronoUJ HAP.MOXT August WalJht-r. VOCAL Jeanet W. Slngennan. Lloyd v -cital be given special classes in physical training, RanJ —ELOCfTION ENSEMBLE CLASSES. o'clock. His \u25a0scond K< York will LKATHNCi SCHOOL >F JJI'SIC! BIGHT FIN'GINT ratalos; afternoon, Rossini ing, fencing, development and placing of the speak- TtrmON. $1." PER TERM (20 Ussoas) UP. Write for New and Vrr- Concert TICKET. Carnegie Hall on Saturday Xovem- \u25a0\u25a0 AT la j Mr. ing voice, articulation, pronunciation, literary i.< IWBBT RATF.S. t»r 1". seats for this are now on sale. Patfe- platform lnMriictlunIn ar.o Bt Baj analysis and recitation. Careful attention I rew=ki was due to arrive, in Hoboken on the | is given to Individual defects in voice mid manner. PIANO, VIOLIN, riH(;AN.HARMONT. GRAND« CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. I of bo. canto. to COfN'TERPOINT. 352 WEST ST. ROSE STANGE Auguste Victoria yesterday. His New The work is of benefit not only the reader or COMPOSITION. CENTRAL PARK COR. »STH Opera. pre»ent*d \u25a0when OfMSc Kaiserin teacher of expression, but to the man or woman ELOri'TION. and all Orchestral Instruments. 11001. EMI"OWEREI> BY Oratorio. Concert. Puplla headquarters will as in the past, at tte .-• • TnK OXI.Y MTSIC p«-ter.t. Voice* coached. Repertoire. Lanrua«es. Ap- York be. appearing publiclyin any capacity and those k- Terms $10 Per ACT OF LKOIMLATIRE t<- <onfrr the refular pointment letter only. Manhattan. His flrst concert will be in ing culture. Quarter. DEGREES. tT7 FTTTH AYE. Hotel evening. On lu»s- pileation foi fr»e suho]ar.«h:;.s until September" 2*. INIVKIIMTV Bridgeport. Conn.. to-morr<.w Open daily until t» P. M.. Mondays ami aarsda: \u25a0 Voice culture and ai! [astmineats and Musical Sci- will give v. recital in Baltimore. until 0 M. dav evenlnc he > Ed to be ai P. .ences. tS Professors and Instructors. he return New York The followinß (IIMIKTWITH Slieclal course for anil Thor- Then v.ill to ..nd (5 \u25a0 OPENING ORTUESTBA. Teachers Professionals. he will play in Syracuse and Hartford VVe«l li AT CARNEGIE II \l.l. NOV. 3. ,ough course \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0- week Pitt.-burg. the Pittshurg in , Tl' PREE ON MME. twice Orchestra : ETB APPLICATION. TORPADIE with iti K»nrl fur ratalosrue I>ept. O. YEAR. ART. only appearance: with orchestra \u25a0 THIRTY-FOURTH TOCAT. His ftr=t and | E EBERHARD, lent, West.