80718 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 240 / Monday, December 14, 2020 / Proposed Rules § 123.27 Requirements for enforcement proof or degree of knowledge or intent faxes. Hand deliveries and couriers may authority. EPA must provide when it brings an be received by scheduled appointment (a) Any State agency administering a action under the Act, except that a State only. For further information on EPA program shall have the authority to may establish criminal violations based Docket Center services and the current establish the following violations and on any form or type of negligence. status, please visit us online at https:// have available the following remedies * * * * * www.epa.gov/dockets. If you have and penalties for such violations of [FR Doc. 2020–26777 Filed 12–11–20; 8:45 am] questions, consult the technical person State program requirements: BILLING CODE 6560–50–P listed under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION * * * * * CONTACT. (3) To assess or sue to recover in court FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: civil penalties and to seek criminal ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Michelle Long, Office of Resource penalties as follows: AGENCY Conservation and Recovery, Materials * * * * * Recovery and Waste Management (ii) Criminal fines shall be recoverable 40 CFR Part 257 Division, Environmental Protection against any person who willfully or [EPA–HQ–OLEM–2020–0107; FRL–10015– Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue negligently violates any applicable 46–OLEM; 10018–00–OLEM] NW, MC: 5304P, Washington, DC 20460; standards or limitations; any NPDES telephone number: (703) 347–8953; permit condition; or any NPDES filing Hazardous and Solid Waste email address:
[email protected]. requirement. These fines shall be Management System: Disposal of Coal For more information on this assessable in at least the amount of Combustion Residuals From Electric rulemaking please visit https:// $10,000 a day for each violation.