Patented June 12, 1906. H, Lentz
la pº PATENTED JUNE 12, 1906. H, LENTZ. TURBINE DRIVEN LOCOMOTIVE, APPLICATION FILED AUG, 10, 1905, 4 SEETS-SEET NN ENYSR, fÁV) GO LENTZ, ******f v°. S. GRAHAM co. Foro LLLLLaLLS S S KLLS LL LLLLLS 0 LALA qLS Lq AA AA AAAA AAAASSAA AAAq LLLLLL A LL LLLAAAAALLAqqLS í kÁFiSiÁ?). 2% No, 823,130. PATENTED JUNE 12, 1906, H. LENTZ. TURBINE DRIVEN LOCOMOTIVE, APPLICATION FILED AUG, 0, 1905. 4 SBEETS-SHEET 2. R S al t S s } N v E N mrer, UG PAENTZ, PATENTED JUNE 12, 1906. H, LENTZ. TURBINE DRIWEN LOCOMOTIWE APPLICATION FILED AUG, 0, 1905. ._..._.....…………-----------~--~--~~~~----------~--~~~~~~~***************** R s NIN E No R US 9-1-Eritz, -us Avn 9 RNex. A0ASLSS LSALA kSLkSEELLEESLLLLLLSLLS SS No, 823,130. PATENTELJ JUNIE 12, 1906. H, LENTZ. TURBINE DRIVEN LOCOMOTIVE, APPLIO ATI0N FILETO A J G -1 0, 1905. 4. SHEETS-SHEET 4. Ar; 9 ?. NS S S S No. YN YN BE SS ES NVENTOR, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. HUGO LENTZ, OF BERLIN, GERMANY. TURBNE-DRIVEN LOCOMOTIVE. No. 823,130. Specification of Letters Patent. Patented June 12, 1906. Application filed August 10, 1905, Serial No. 273,508. To att, whon, it naily concern: ries to the pressure of the steam or may divide Be it known that I, HUGO LENTZ, a sub the jets of pressure medium between the two ject of the German Emperor, residing at Ber members of each pair. - lin, Germany, have invented a new and useful It will be observed that, as shown in Fig. 1, ?? Turbine-Driven Locomotive; and I do hereby each turbine-wheel (or pair of turbine declare the following to be-a full, clear, and wheels) b bib' is operated upon by a sepa exact description of the same.
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