CAMEROON: Administrative Map with RCA and Nigeria Refugees Locations

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CAMEROON: Administrative Map with RCA and Nigeria Refugees Locations CAMEROON: Administrative map with RCA and Nigeria Refugees Locations Lake NIGER Chad Logone-Et-Chari <3,000 Kousseri <5,000 <15,000 Waza Limani Magdeme Mora <23,000 Mayo-Sava Diamare REP. OF Mokolo Gawar EXTREME-NORD NIGERIA Minawao Maroua CHAD <3000 Mayo-Tsanaga Mayo-Kani Mayo-Danay Mayo-Louti <5000 <20,000 Benoue number of urban refugees NORD Faro <5000 Mayo-Rey <10,000 Faro-et-Deo Beke chantier Vina Ndip Beka Borgop Nyambaka ADAMAOUA Djohong Ngam Gbata Alhamdou Menchum Donga-Mantung Meiganga Mayo-Banyo Djerem Mbere Kounde Gadi Akwaya NORD-OUEST Gbatoua Boyo Bui Foulbe Mbale Momo Mezam Ngo-ketunjia Manyu Gado Bamboutos Badzere Lebialem Noun Mifi Sodenou CENTRAL Menoua OUEST Mbam-et-Kim Hauts-Plateaux Lom-Et-Djerem AFRICAN Kupe-Manenguba Koung-Khi Haut-Nkam REPUBLIC SUD-OUEST Nde Ndian Haute-Sanaga Mbam-et-Inoubou Moinam Meme CENTRE Timangolo Bertoua Bombe Sandji1 Nkam Batouri Pana Moungo Mbile Sandji2 Lolo Fako LITTORAL Lekie Kadei Douala Mefou-et-Afamba Mbombete Wouri Yola Refugee Camp Sanaga-Maritime Yaounde Mfoundi Nyong-et-Mfoumou EST Refugee Center Nyong-et-Kelle Mefou-et-Akono Ngari-singo Yokadouma Refugee Location Mboy Haut-Nyong Refugee Urban Nyong-et-So Location UNHCR Country Ocean Office Mvila SUD Dja-Et-Lobo Boumba-Et-Ngoko Bela UNHCR Sub-Office Libongo UNHCR Field Office Vallee-du-Ntem UNHCR Field Unit Region Boundary Departement boundary REPUBLIC OF EQUATORIAL GABON Major roads GUINEA THE CONGO Minor roads 50km The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Printing date:14 July 2015 Sources:UNHCR Author:UNHCR - HQ Geneva Feedback:[email protected] Filename:cmr_admin_A3P.
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