THE NANAIMO FREE PRESS I TEAR MJUUJMO^’-n* ShtPIttac Owtra.’* NANAIMO. BRITISH COLBMBIA. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 1. 1913. NUMBER 248 OMIlinilK mAniii$ Rx sm [m mmk] N^MII an. umiif-B,- f' IWMBIIIH MriKiir OSURENQIlllir , Pm,. i.-Xh, gr^t Ctm- With this montb will be commcocc-d ( . Feb. 1.— The nuffrogi The Symphony Orcheatra will give are atlii creatingh*toc in London, ne of . their popular conegrta tomor- IMY^ Vtet^ru, F*. 1.— C«pt. BcMtocoa/^ hicni«r wen Um hanttlcap,ibo nio and InituMriULaacM «riiow ot>- their labeat piece of mischief being ow evening in the Princess Thaatre. tludad the prriiaiavjr enquiry Into »»*«PoU ouceaKtliic m gotting two >eot i» to build a bi«w and belter ilr. W. Voung will pb»y a piccolo! The the smashing of glass o'er one of tho lo« of tho oteaner yea- /*«». b»t not within the hour. iN.natUiO, an ambition' which *ould solo with orchestral ac^anil^l JT ------I .any s of jewels in the tower of which should prove a nice innovatioil ** Worship tartay. and will nmler his ttfport on ' ITte end of the Bmt . oat Canw af- have the heart.v support of aU resid- London. Several were arrested. lu the regular program. The Orches-! * “•''• today, had it is n few days. ter 50 minutea 4( aeoonda. Connolly ents who denire the progreaa and ad- .Uter a to \ ictoria to inter- tra will ,play for the Onrt time, Her- old s Oveilure-eilure- to Zampu. Mr.Mr IBar- . rk—♦ w j - —------Um awidence taken at the seoaion t»o»*od out of a flying mare from vnowment of tlwir city. 'Itioae in- view, the Mimsiui- of .tgricnlturo, a Of, tha Isiulry yeaterday afternoon**>« n»t by splendid bridging. but tereeted in the laagueam a^coaato- COLl..\l^E OF A THKATKE. vpy will render two violin solos. The f, *»«» granted to the mo- trio M our citizens, consolingoi lua ___ programof Uie Concert which b be ,,Vm«Boay0------‘ kad to do with the liability of coal artai« halma deserited the damaje done brace of inside crotch a-wJ hslf net- pervirton «av scheme to ad.ertia.- or b^i * “7 buUdta^ course „f er- SotO'ano Solo—Setecled. Bv. H M posBlUa. howBvar tha» thM. am, put in the harbor regul- «... ConnoUy struggled . few min- Xance t7 inre^n. J ^ ZTrJ, bt “““ Miss Jeon Paueraon at virtorin, damage amo-Jntiiw Piccolo SoIo- 'The Linnet." that promotad „ iray Mfely 1* entnsrted. ^Klh laid of several thousand dcflUrs resulted, Capt. MontagueYatm. for wMeh tbs Capt. Combe, of the cable ship «o- Patted Ztoy-rko on the back. , ^s . se«l-„iT ,o the preHmimirj ahS «the Mr. W. Young. Overture —"Poet and IHiasant." city- is to ho askod hjr bylaw to etorer, toM of two ftree In the bunk- The «r« lb* 'nie rear wall fell i,{ivBrd ,s the foun fall won. there remained propaganda the fdfiowing n .tioe has grant a 25 ycarh franehlae. CapL srs of that vnnwl last Octohw. in nine minutea fourtera seconds for the been Issmd: i. ing his vl- d.iti„n slidt. out „nd the whole of the Cl,*,. coal which had lam taken on in Ju- I->iroi*an champion to wain a asc «« wkoee nscltal of what tha »"» and abo/ thirty feet Tenor .Solo. Vatea. at an after ra^iag of the \ ioliif .Solo, (a) Uumoresk-e. Dvorak, Connell reeaatly taUmdt^ that the (b) The Broken Melotly. Van Bient •a*rtion of the people was alone rw r„=rrr: T'ur„„.. « Ur. H. A. Harvey. Inglsl ■: That Nanaimo bus risen { Qulned to put hia tramway «.-a— howrs of benv^ rain. Fire had also ll.vlng tall out of his hig adversary. lb>Ject-1'o Build small t Overture. • Coliph of Bagtiad." Sigger [Into oporatloa. deValoPMl In the coal in a aco* al- *nie chsmidon-. gnott hui’k’fell in i letterl.etter'.Nanaimo .Nanaimo...... ,* “'*7'* practical mediately to the n-ar of the sfcrt.c- (Boildieu) «u»g»lde tha steamer. rapt. Combe masa. but he wos sum woriinr from , ftvshiw ttwir «ppiw!lotion tw<# hundred days after coal- tired. and only his great gac------“® Pari*. .Tan. .SO.-A carter lk». "nved him from falling within will ue held in the small lodge room in his previovw promise to ’ ------schild pickofl up a packaico s M.\n act . the Chief Enrinajr Charba powell. of time of the h..ndicap, Howwvwr he ““ Od^ellows' Block oolVWay “o"'*,« « '‘“e amount. He o.MU-esa- Uuo de VAUgiranIaugirar - Another evening, Feb. 7. at 8 o clock. ed his griuf a|iproval of the lute ex- him ai por- nestoTw. « eorro ncotlve , J..n SI- Eitnyted d when S Askad If he'had anv theory >«>ur uni The busmiws to con* befom the blbittPn, al“0 tbuoxcellent exhioit at rnnder it Imth t meeting la. L-Uityidge. cause he was for hom­ SCOTTISH LEMiODE. the tetia* of that Are he said that Pax* the hour, and then a rev 1 The adoption of a i'onsiitutiou 'dwlrntde plans of bnpro'oments ing a pair „f Iro.isers which hewn* t was found to contain H had afnoe be-n sB'wrtalncd that In tod>- hold and crotrh following r. pressing, a tailor, sal- (M10 Hearts 4, Aberdo« 1. the supply taken t. were a few c«r- couple of ftjdng htares brought hi* Provisional b'C,,haen drawn up imd.w the gupoi- 1 bank notiw. golil and valuable plo.ved by (he Randall and .TohnSton securities. The .... 1 u-ho claimed Celtic 2, Third Lanark a. kMd. of evil from No. * seam. Co- reeisting .boulder* to ihe mat Directors. of Mr King by Mr. Arthur W I'resaing Co., aelred a Pair of shear* Schild could not give n sulis- Dundee 0, Kilmarnock 0, ^QdC. which was.Iff a 'Vry IWwy ns- ^ TTbysrko Says he n-vw met a fast- - ■i. Thi. I-Iertion of I>ermanrju of architect, who has had twon- acoount of himself, and as St. Miiren 3. Horton 2. fleers. l.' j*uTs' eviieriencB in Ixmdon end drove them Into the arm tmw. «r man than ronnolly The latter ivvvolvcrs and a large Ciueen s Park 0. Patrick T. 6. I. (’..nsideraiton of an olftoe build »puth of England, pryviou* to luek of a fellow wfw’.min inmcllng knife m hi« pocket ho ,wai"lockeo'Jtp. says he was fairtv be i ten. it being If the owner of ihe parcel is not Rangcra 4. R«ith Rovwra 0. Ing and its location. carrying on buslues* lor some Ov-o cuts which ncresRifated his removal Ttn. KNARSTriN-S EtinKNrE. the first time be has e'er gone dow^ dl-scoNwred in a yea' and a day. it, In the Scottish cup replayed game ■ 5. ('onMirtcration of other quea -"'•r* in Canada at Idncher froek. t••« olUc«»«and , n imiiosingon-, LABOR LEAftER ware no reguUtuma doling In the international Rugby please attend promptly. trnnc«.. the Agriciilturol Hall Cora- ; GRILLS SOCICTY *1U the ma.tter ©f esptooivo-laden CHY CHURCHES at Edinburgh today Walea beat Bcote 4 So opeclal pro- V AnmSO.N, Sec.v. "'•'lea intend to lay out a iiuarter | New York, Jan. 30.-Bitter denun­ •ad by eight poinu to nil. weramada for appUcatlona The Nominating Committee ha* n.ile tract (n fmnt of the present; ciation by .Samuel Gompera of the iJtlncc nominated the followingBoard pn-ralses. ' ST. PAUL'S CUUROfi American Federation of Labor of tha tjr BMOtam for pennisalon to bunker, ENGLISH OWP GAMES. f Directorn for 1 p, lo-agtie 1 proposed compulsorj- arbitration the wltneaa TO OUR MU f^ea.^nl C SmherlamJ '* ’c local horse ! Hev, Mr. Payne. Rector. racked today's scseions of Uie If ho had a«y knowledgeof the ac- I Vire^Prvsldenl ■ lohn I>oyU. and (kaler* and other* expresuMl atg>ro | Sunday Sarvlceo. vention of the .National Civic Peder- Bwnalcy 2. BUdvbnm R. 0. I .Ino Shaw Holy Communion every Sunday at llon hero today. Hull City 1. Newcastle U. 4. Mon el coal in t 'nl of the liiiler seh.-me and protnis- jg ' Dlrecioi-H—Mesars and on first Sunday ia the In the presence of many society wo Brighton A H. 1, Everton 1. -Mr. Knarstdn muted that he hod Hankim’'’("ei t «ml MO each mont“ ’.t midday. icn intoreeted in social work, Com W twenty-lbe year, in Noimlmo. ' Beal lie, . V.tdiHon F I, Han- ‘<««1 amounilng to ov«r 1.100. ui 11 a.m.-Matln*. Utany and Bar- Jiers dubbed the society workers "di­ Bradford 1, Wolverhampton 1. kaa hud known of no oases of coal g. A. leighion. Thus, i'* hoped th,se onthusinaia will now 1®°*- lettantes and fa.J,lists who go in for Aston Villa d, Woetham V. 0. (’ Van Iiouien. 11 ■»..(„!» In" with the tnonev ,n-omlssd I P-“—Bvs^g and Sermon. sociological expwll- Huddersfield 8. Swindon 8. uniat art, although when gt aea be cordial invitation i» extended to I c Brurapton...... _ .1 . ; ’•^0 p.m.—Sunday Sch«fol and Bl- Uons and then walk , ■hnd known of honkar Oraa. The hor- (he -Symphony Orcheatra. the Nanai- Oldham A. 3. Notttnghaih F. 2. lie athnlrahly anit.d for panidea and i h«r naaMer guv* hla own opinion and Musical Club, and all lover* of Week-day I ------int.-nd . that the hartor ilmita were music, to attend the Opera House forth, eapeclall.v f„r e\«rri*ing and ! 9 a.m.-Matlns (dally). Gompers said. ami to p this coming Monday. Tuesday and 7;80 pgn.—E^enaong on Friday*. enactment of laws limiting and pre­ Mlddlechorough8, CoMn-h Park 1. • Aom Jack's Point to Gallows Point. S. S. THOR CHARTED venting the exercises of rights un» K-ntsS lirrg«kUipdnM ..ntr.ct or hie service will Is. comliicted hv the pus- unlawful You may compi-ess steam the classic drama, easily understands After being uis nt (com okl ran ri„„, dav l„hor Again a heat- tor, ' C. 1. Sunderland 2. pd Jadv's Point till the coal was that there are in Nanaimo soim- of i«tween Nun...... a while, but lat1"njoct l....**ons from the Life Of . The above scores are subject to nor ready for them, and the pilots had pa fic u,, steamer ,h„ ,k» s .. .. Northwest. Owing to this fact, interior of the h^II and .i mo7 to ^ to Irrxvdarity tn to advise Mm (Mr. Knarstoa). If month o( I ‘ ai't form. Sunday School at 2:30) p m. ' ni'.it. ns. which win ndd thingelse. We must vouch .vour tooUar-waa not finished at nightfall at last secured ed and will lor the next Mnmluy - The Trust ivI' Boar fi'C eomfor. ,,f v|*,t,,rs „f the same time leet nt 7 o'clock, Kpv.irib make you understand ------Mia steamer had to return to .lack's that tells the life elor . year* continue in the aer> tea of □nd we are sure will h< adiiptinr the l.iiildm .' for pni-p. nea of j l.ongii.. will meet at 7. ■iddress of the wo:|ting people." S300,(«0 FOR RB-rNVBaTMENT. ^Int until ntortini. The wiinsaa . will be giv. n by Mr. llo.lson-.f the (.ompers predicl.xl that the enaet- by all lover* of music. ‘ W«t«-n h-u.! < oanpany as a iiu i cur eoncmis entertainments ete , whan added that the marine deportment *een the two ports. ; Solvation .Army. ni-ent of laws to prevent the workers I'ho shareholders of the B.C. Brew- l^geaded that auch vosad.* should n it en need fir l«« prirrairy ohjecl. 1 Tiiiwday — The Quarterlv .li lal • I* ,he so.-ieIv s Boon! will rnw’t at 7 .30. :;zriarnt"r.7,:rr7-:d"d"„i^--“ .howt mterx-u bav.pu.. iiika coal from lighters. "I advtwule NEU ATI.A.NTIC IJNBRS. Ihe real and entworise th.w are IVeilnCHclay— Congregutipnal IVnyer meeting at 7:30. I r.wiit the attempt of anyonii:‘foiled by tha Harmsworth ayndA«te ? TMca OF MAYOR SHAW. OPERA HOUSE MONDAY. thrimme into th s h vno „f lantill Thiirsdn.v — The Ijidies' Aid will C’C manarl..,s tip„„the wrists of wdi In a few days receive nv Tiey la Within the next few month* two fvlnr and enhancing (he Nanaimo n*vet at 7 30, ; labor. Mayor Shaw prefaced hia evidence lieu of their transfer afdiarM to tbs more great Altantic liners wl b« Agrlriiltirriil TTnll. hr the remark that he bad no state­ TUES.ANDJDNESOAY launch,d (or the Comullan trade I'M A MSI-; .SFNDAY purchasera. the amount rsiiulrod 'bw ^Everyone* cordi7ny' ’wclconw to nl ment to make. The prfSrnt «n lUiry 'I'hese are the .Alsatian and Georgian ing deposited In a Vancouver bMk. was not of the extended natur* the of the Allan line, which esc M.A.JIT. h.mlenv.vr is b<.ing made in Van- Son*. *300.000 will b« s lot Moyne L. Ll' Cou-An uf Icouvor to organize a Dominion Sun- 2'JOO paastngera and crew. They will • I**ague similar In r' to Nanaimo shaPeboMers. As this ^ h..^.d the Minister of Mnrin. he egulppetl with the laidsi lyp,. sum will presumably be inv'ated In ttirbln.; engines. Forty-six lifelioats UNM TO 8T. ANDREWS CHURCH. for. They wanted the enquiry held | Bom in UelfaJha Imland.' she h,oi ocni enterprises, the c Kill he stow.d away on each veas i, «n obiect the brightening of life on Ikely to benefit thereby. n^ber Of 1,ought her wav to the iront In her 3he regular Sabbath a ■■'imda.y through recreation not in ^ple there interested in the axplo- profession as V platform speaker sufflci.nt tu carry every soul on •m. and 7 p.m. conflic With Christian teaching. lonrd in the event of Shipwreck. chool and Developing of the "Sensible Sun­ - “■ - Th,we vpw.,.1, ipiii ^ke their firm day idea t* sought through the oro- /j * .tional activities, she has ___ The Ni»,lhiun St. v.slon, of concerts and QUMUon of 'oynge i„- Cnnada about the.begin­ siiMion such hours ns will not interfere with ning of next year I>om all ac ! jM. Grant, iminster Hall, a church services; e.xcurslona to places counts tbi-y will prove notable add! ant Mimster. of interest to provide innocent pleas­ I la a stud.nt of Eugenics, and Sunday School Sion* to the Ailamic service. The 1 Departure Bay ing person*, and the MSHira Mis WorMiip deccribed what he saw •'cf »cciure on 'The Child and His atIt 2:30 pp.rr and service at 3:30. Cnn-idiiin route is becoming more | . rausaums and At Ihe Se ham St. Mission. Sun- 1 Sunday after- <* the explocioo while sittlM at din- ‘hat conditions pooular every year. Constantinopl... peh. i.— Several_ day_ School 2:3(1 p.m., ami Fven- Madrid, Feb. 1. - It Is offleUBy iSr in the Windsor Hotel. He aaw h« improved. ediT-ation e.xtcad- •harp skirmish s have occurred be- iservice at 7 p.m. sUted that the Queen of Spain az- tSs ateat^ on fire and then the '•<* « f.ce* from compl-te Tumlhllatlon. ’ foroing Monday. Feb. 5, to the the a.iMlers «cud wi;h„ut the A cordial welcome t FREE PRIZK TO-NIGHT a. An estimate____ was______now being^ ______‘hcough the continued_ . ,a-opsgation, ‘>P«Tn House. Miss Issmoyne Living- sent of the lead.^. The Turks are n>a<»* of the damage done la the city. the diseased nod .rafits. at/m. illustrated “ -Mother eager to resume and the olHoen .re Tonight at society's moire theatre CONCERNED OVER t^4eb fioUe pmple put at *100,000. I h.vgletie sh.vld he taught both and Child." , raix o all falh- unable to hold them In check. WALLACE ST. MEmiODLST. The iPrincees." six recU of film ^ aun bad an knocked out, a * * “’"'** and in the putdic schools. »f» and mdi hers who are inleixoted Rev. a. J. Thompson "Ita Luxe" will be Shown and a Five »on»« ewooned and la falling frac-• Kpe~1 umve on the child and h-w the wtlfaiv of the human race. 1,_ j Public Worship at 11 Dollar Prise will be given away ^ KING’S ILLNESS show, every one attending recSlvUig a CliM Meeting at 10 * ...‘tdWEDOING THIS EVENING The Pastor will cond '“7= .r,ss Some of the Cbriitnma. BOs briola are ■IV tmard was a heavy lotnr nUI IlLULl^KT ill W«Ho ,„d RIchert In the cle'er com i W«x>»>«>k. the genial . Lo«L»_Supper. and revepH^^^ procure two of thoebmb MO wlndews baviag been smashed. wiNcimo Kv act "The Dutch .fanitor," at the Windsor hotel •» IScSooT at 2 80 The Adult aba la unable to throw ofl the bold Cnpt. MeDonald and Chief FM- ah readily kn he should do no. gfnaer Donaldson, of the OKer. gn'w z "..rrvrrrwiii “ "■ '■ he Government «^™AId*!^^' •ome farther evidenes ,mi the sn- miFIMnilll':_____ ■with. boms of the bride's pstv-nts, on Fry _ Kvening aubject - INLAND REVENUE. .Sin." or "rain's Lament." Ison and Mr. H. T. Fulton. qbtrr donsd. And don't forget,you lovers of mu- '* ’• *«owe olBclat- The choir will preeent the usual rtbls morning Capt. EMdie lodked -New York. Jsn. 31— CharacterU- »ic and the clasrirs. that we have ’’’* ®'f®monr- In the mom- good selection of music. The Knights Zr.Z.IZT:::: .. » over the Str. Oamade. which Inga. la' Ool. GoelhaJs Utc , rn-nt ope reel feature, "The wedded pair loa'e for Mondsy—Epworth League, will how their regular meeUng on Tobacco and . Alonday evening at 8 o’clock -h— ■Mfr shtp^ the Omar. icost aUriUBg antlmnte of B»ory of Chopin," the wondrrful but '‘f‘"fio «»(1 other ciHoe on their ^^ursday evening. Prayer Meeting In the Odd Fellows’ Hall. All Total ...... $1,B0»J10 ■ ;no tan* than 25,000 aold. r. . . „ unfortunate. honeynmon tour. Cordial Invitation to all. hers are earnestly requested to ate SBOCISL TO CHESLAKEE CASF..!*^^ c«ta>. Mr •------! , ------tend as very important business to bo transacted. ------lAndrew Cnmegle.ap^dtUot 1 - nighti COMMT^ATION : uel first BAPTIST CHURCH '•^t i ___ NEW FREAK DANCE olllccr at the annual Editor Free Pnm;Prees; , marrietl this evening at Victoria by Albert Street. Dear Sir.—As one of the >mmitteeS“>e K, Micks, to Mr. .1 Cottle Rev. J. H. Howe, Pastor. appointed. by the eifizen*------of NanaimoNai N'olhfleld. Mias Ethel, slater of Sunday, February 2nd. 191.3, » . 1 would aakmdt if the enquiry at. Vic-j «nd Afr. Samuel, ' •arvicea, 11 a.m.. and aUOFUEillHSRH forla is a farce. We demand t full)" r McKay, granted a further Wlbon'* Inveatigation and Captain and , Morning, 11 a.m.—"Jeau* the Dl- of the ^ar to he summoned to Na-j, the honeymoon tour. Mr. and naimo for i^iramlnatfon. Afr^thiii i* ' C5ottU* vill reside in Ktfrth Afternoon. Ji:3(>-Sunday School. MAW •i ^ 17 EJvcning, 7 p. m.—Profeasor Joy.— was that evidence------was not ready. nor»»;n-ed. this further protecticn?"______"The Divine Right of the Child.” -•-■e in time for the,*^*-' «»tone of the three addiUon- Monday, 7:4.5. - Young People's Salem, Ore., FW.. 1.— A bill ban lhe*oiifa7'^-"' “* •** ” team of the Knights of mM-MM %Hinsiny':------““iL. le^Oscar obUln a change of venue ' ••« Maccabees will meet on .Sunday asaed the house that la all aalea to C.Memelll, K.C.. for Mr. I. H Wrilt. ov- will firs n shot ogainata foe. ' have enquiry held In Victoria? I afternoon at 2 o'clock sharp in the appUeants of marriage UceaM, the gyrations, muoh like a donkey balk­ W. ohje^ to the delay and fin- Odd Fellows' Hall. partiea immt undeiNo an axamlaa- ing, thus fonniag the teatum ot the TW will rust m All heartily welcome. dance. |^wnsATsr'«,'"s;Sve ariniOB s. .1. Tho r.'S: Mr. V. J. B. Morell returned to *»*d Mr. ChMMgi* d ot In­ a this mor Tonight—Two $5.00 Prisee gtvea dian Schools lor B.C., Is in tha city. ‘ fwdays away at the Prtnesee, drawing ea* 1 •Good Eats" Nanaimo Oyster Bonas ^w. Oewpm gtven t» aU patreM. throtick xh» CM*t* rwl flag THE CANADIAN BANK flylB*. 1Wgr«reti CANA«>I/5^ w Ttigr do mat »totm ptfwiWr C#deB.aREEN pacific: ngima Md beiUr. Ev« ja tkkim rheA.&B. OF COMMERCE xbef put It Ktray from tiwou Wdealers pays ^ Land Surveyor poao wiieo tho OeJUdiu MiVjr f more for this^ STABLES to vtalt Kuuimo thoy wUl bav» to Nanaimo, . B. 0. S.S. Princess Patricia b the place to get Plr«t-Cta## flour than for Rigs. iNther siagi# or «mbla any other, but Aimo Coal. Wood,. 8««d or CAHTAL, $15,000,000 REST, *12,500,000 Nanafaoo to Kiar>an» Coo»; liiit Oroeot, #ad FMght. tiun it viH be a t to «lM> . he's satisfied SLA.-OXJ3f5r<$ |UoUera aad not) in the victoru ^ Promptly Attmdod BANKING BY MAIL b»; BBKSEIAI!! $ DDBFEE Walter Akaobead Atoounb may be opened at every branch of The Canadian { i think, Mr. hkittor. you wiu tind a. a. Charmer to Union Bay and wan«co at. fioM i«r Bank of Commeice to be operated by mall, and wiU receive the i«^ wouw be i... ARCHITECTS Comox. Tuesday at 9:00 am.. W#d- aemlay and Friday at 1:00 pm. * obeyed. Hoobi a. Royal Bonk Bldg. smne cazefol attention as is given to aU other departments of the '' W. W. SOUTHHBN. GEO, BROWN. Wm. McOmR. Blbihf!s business. Money may he deposited or withdrawn in this P.S.. M the Govonu^ boa a btew Wharf Agent. C.T.A. FOR AN UP-TO-DATB way as satisfaictorlJy as by a personal visit to the Bank up and break# whtdowB mad doe# oth­ H. W. BRODIE, O.P.A. er damaae Uiey pay for aame and »o Modern Home l»Maimo Branch, - E, H;B1BP, Managerdoes the private fsctory. NOTICE 1. h 8BK the o#xt regular altUng o ol Idcanalng Commlaalonc._ #pan ia the Brening on Pay Day until 9 o’clock City of Nanaimo, I Inland t t- c. Young, Contr otof = i for B trnnafer of my Intarea pious revival acenoa are being wlt- nesoed at Cwmtwrch^ an obecure anil mm remote InduBlriol hamlet in South W to sell you ^ llty, from myoelf to Wil­ Siekness or AeeiiieDt«M«MWalea. about milea from Snonaea liam Arthur McGregor. r the best- 1 Dated at Nanaimo, B.O., this 38rd 1 he acenea correapond with alngular Synopsis of Coal fidelity to thoee which marked Uie day of January, A.D. 1918. J. E. HcGREGOR ^Mwy a breadwinner loses his wagesthrough religious movement of eight yenra SDI0L.AIR SWANSON auROBok pEwnsT’ ago aasociated with the noma ol Mining Regulations! sickness or accident. Illness conies at a i ;van nobgrta. PURITV moment’s notice and the family nest egg is The mo >mont atarted during the r^iJS Chriatmna holidays I- a urioe ol m» ri;:hu soon spent. miaalonal meetlnga conducted I; a -Ii«g«u uid AlWrlg IlM Yukon Twril . -...... •rtdftriu>ri™«Kiiii»|>otaoiio»ih« collier named Stephen Jeflriea. of iFLOURi Wttoe« otian 1•err, Why not contribute a little every year to ^ More Bread M Sdi tuorw ihJto•: UV mct -.lllxl«-li.uc r.rpli- ier of Aberdnre. From the itvl large lot of 25. 40. and 90 guard yourself and your family against this he fervor of the villagera was ;n- and Better watt Uodz#. Sunbeam Lsrape— ^ppUcrtionlor tenae, manifesting itaelf in ilu'se "The Beat on the Market. r«iiUn petmi to Ihp A. W. A. OWEN loss of income ( ^^kB r ea d iFki in whteb ihw righu ------d for- «.ware dioAlcd. strange iinorgani/ed alienees and ln*aney*dierriiorrib»Iw»d mu#t m de*iTlb«l Arehiteet uh I Civil Eng^>|Nr weird outbursta which marked the FIXTURES hr •pcUon*. or Mub-dlnBioosof •fcUofw; nadir As agents of the Employers’ Liability Assur­ r the Bvan Roberta' movc- We also carry a I'-ill a;.d imturtrjrtd tnrriiof, ih« tract atn>K«d lor ahaU It* »ed$as aa$ tsthoate* tsMoHMd la W rhoee who have come under Complete Stock of Fixture* at Bach apoiuAtion muA be »cvitu«nM by a ft* ol eimm pt BoMhgi 10$ frunod nnmtmm ance Corporotion Ltd. we can insure you . Sold by L. MansonPrices to suit onyone. Fix­ •5 which will lie rtiunded if the hghu appbftl for are ^XPEmENCEn SURVEYOR 80 that when trouble comes you will have tures from $2.50 uo. not atrntUUe. but not otberwiaa, A ahnll U» paid on the merebantahie output of th* nUo* at th* money comingin for all your needs first, on nll-pervndlng mysterious si- WIRING rau of five r*nU prr ;e; second, wonderful testimonials composed ' The Broken Melody , ' and those who declare themselves sav- 1x1 it to audionces six ihousand Estimntea given on House, -S',! The premiums are so small that you will limes. He ceaseil to ploy il because Mill. Mine and Factory Work. > he said it woe driving him crazy He oriDtf opera never miss them. Come in and talk it over then wrote ''The Master Musician." STOCK leafftkfftonceajrar. once a Therhe It^ae *1U ioclud* - which was n conspicuous success. In We carry a Pull Line of El­ Central Bestaaraiit or let us call and see you about it morgan. Grecon and Carmarthen, ectric Supplies, and solicit h*»«iief this he had three solos, the last be­ kVaiUble i AND OY8THSR HOC8B. e upper reaches of the Swansea your busineos. illey, and already many hum ing "Home, Sweet Home " He play­ Mool# at oU boun. have flocked to the village The raia- ed it to the Inst note a wm-k ago . rot lull Intnrmulon •ppllruion gwnid he Kvi. to Opon Day sad Night th. of lb. of th* Ib^OT. Cl. Kion hall will not hold a tithe a concert In Brighton, ur il ihe W. H. PHILPOTT, Proprloior AIVO von AIVENSIBBEN LTD. < w'bo desire to attend the i leaned back in his chair ai W. U. HORTON Next to Geotrol Hotol vices, and re.ivni meetings are without a struggle. The curtail ing held on the main roads. These falling as he brealheil his lost. I N. a. Cb. uhwS 52 Ciinmercial St NANAIMO in the afternoon, and continue Biene was a Hollander., He wa without break until 1 or 2 o'ftocW years of age. le morning. is too early to soy whether extend -niR St'OPE. Esqniioalt & Nanai'noB; ••••••••>—eeeeeee»»»M movement at Cwmtwrch comes with­ in the category of the W'elah revival he doctor's new d'.Hcovery CONDENSED ADS. of 1904. but the originsare curious­ TO Mu.ut Win our praise. will be hvulvd and the bitter saiuaor- ly similar, and the matiifestotions TX) ri;nt-^i NaBSum^ Free Press very much olike. For It Can mend n broken leg. Victoria and Poin^ Houth .c. ol the post wUl riu-idly be eidl- MEATS In four short days. dren preferable. Tralna for Victoria oi Point# ined oad ultiiuately be »«li------by FINDINC PATIENTS , Juicy Young Tender South, leave «. followi ; ' 8 3S #.d OatabHobad 1S74. the old order chan.;ing glv in< place FOR THE DOCTORS he Cost of lit ing problem gnm. « €d.QuennellftSons A Booklet H:«. daily. a ■Muae, Propri U. the new.' And noti only would I ^ Will soon I.e nil, Doecriplio FROM t cunou.s occupation hoe sprungup seekii in Inlanil iteelf change, 1? it cim mend usfast as (hut . Several doctors have re Victoria and Points tIOuth V broken bill of 25c. Box 688, ”Nana- rovulution loivod______a circular______from a...newlyvly f foriii- 3ATUHDAY, FfciB. 1st. 1»13. No alamps. 45-n Train# from Victoria and ^outh we- the feolinsa of the Irish race every- rJ agency, which offers to find pa­ And lovers need no longer fear It, dolly at 12:83 k#d 19:' .. tients for lliem. The fees are rather wanted -j ■nanuraoN ratbs : where towards England and the Dan Cupid's dart. high, -Ihey vary from $20 to $100 housework, iwh. and particularly would this ' it wdl only rjuickly euro or evening toiif Port Alberni Section in the ( nit.d States, Train* I here at r A 1 Token heart Tbe Pliniiiio CirriigR Works and for some time imsi the Gcr- I epileirtics. -JO people suffering WW. KUfNETT. Prop. m.9* ptr year. Train* orriv* Nanaimo _____ timn and Irish vr.t..s H i i • «_ | from caJicci', and so forth He is nd all the worlit of sitini lin, s call and offer his burwlaj. and Saturdaya #t 14:46. Id a«U.. trODMeat U 1 cent Will le iiemired • roTiihtaed powtT, h^'e fw.*n bittierly j Thi« agem*y> cimilar lU*- a word ptr day, 4c. a .UU4 a week Free Free, Box '18" a. O. FIRTH. U D. OHHTHAH 1( fractured riaoiulions wion Benerai Blacksmithing Adrertlstny Hatae on AppUcation iliostile onfl pn*\enu>d anything ap-j**'*^**^ Hsl of paUentH aro stating location, surroundings AgWlt. D.PJL -li rourhir - that reint i.,n-hir. o^ .he 'ab"olulely certain May IhiiK he cunxl and Horse Sboeing Hashes ount and price. j28-0t -Mrtorta J i . a . sources and that the money will be I -tnient c.r llnl. „hicJi would work If tlieic are more than tUre.. Oppoelle Akenheod's Livery 8U- Apply^t EDITORIAL |so greatly for the peace of th-world misinkes in each list. Thi.s is rather bles. Am prepared to handle oU work entrusted to me with i«nd the unchallenged supn-macv ,.f " P'u'iso. promptneee and tatlafa«ion. > Anglo Saxon race 1 GfiATEFUi IO.\ AND J GIVE U8 A CALL. E5E1-X3TXOX IS ULSTER. Broghf, take THAT TOOTH TROD- On Wallace St. - Phone 819 BLE TO 'THOMPSON Londonderry election bad its oimi»- _COIII>lEi looiMin.sU-r. Mass., .Ion 3U—• Six ing omd Uufric incidonu and the big Neva Seotia IWan and Wife Both liundrpd packages of holr ccfl.s and ell in poU declared wa* a strikin; proof 5 yEARS’RHEUMATISM Benefited By GIN PILLS r In part. Apply St. An- pins were smt out of here to-day by that the Irish peoide cannot be ac­ Monse, Rov. J. R. Hr l arrcl post h.v local comb manufor- You 89-U cused of a look of apathy in nation ol lOBUea. The tact thit the Home REALLY CURED PII.I.S can make ill t of comirs and u tile bomr Mil can i>t; Muler elected is # Prot«it,u»t will giiea.M-(l from the Take come 0#a surprise to those norrow- , half, and was shipped bypar- U'lierr icliided polltldana who believe' that PiUZINIi ■ell-governinent is a peculiar fud AGENTS WANTED-Boys and | HERE I.S rill.; i.HouK perlment No Bisk which the Catholics alone wroiSd __ Man.v other maniifarturer. lonsUiil misery with, liackBclic. ihcv an Done on hours' work after school. No mo fofot upon the folks ol the Eowrald "After being on enthusiastic .-,er of "■"'‘'‘“V the experirm-nt with clone ey required. Address Z.O. Box 8- now deli-hUxl to l,e When you come to uk to ho# lals. Everyone vot^^ The respcc- Verviline for years, I f„.i it mv diiiv nttrntion. and will follow the iead of almost free of ifie old Dept. 1. . J22-II Shortest Notice your teeth attended to yoa ’ ttvo ogenu df tbe candidate# appear to te 1 you la-rsonally what yotr • ..'n the comb manufacturers. uiAl u trouble take DO risk. After # corHkA Co hsv# goneout Into the highwrays I,.Tons Ilrook. N.S. VA.VTED-Saleoman for Real EataU examination we tell you exact­ ^1• 1 sufferetls.SrVi'*"""torture from rheu.tiat-'r 'P“"‘ 'or shipments. ly what la require and what and bylaws and brought in the halt —good contrMt to suitable m heart troulile. irietl score, rf ■You are i>ertectly UltITISH SHIPYARDS BUSY free to use May, Tissem^ * Gemmel, 11 It will coat. We d# the work tb# lama and the blind. Even para o-called remedlPB. for anyw. ..4V to benefit expeditiously, and the momant letlea wers not apnrod. one o< those weeks and months with Toronlos Activity in British shipyards LLS, for Ihev • deseide> It Is ftniobod we a*«une .aU«h# Wiring on trying to utter tbe Un- greater than It is today est praise. Mv bark has _ Telephone risk of It, .toying pprtect. Wf TO RENT—Part store for rent, best ioBtet's name. Probanly there were compilcsl by IJoyd's Register me since Uking GJN m.LS. and my give you a written parent*# “A friend Insisted ition In town, now occupied by ing wife feels ninriiIrelter after takingGfN that work and mntorid# votefB on both aides rocarding their S‘>' 'hmks GIN Telegraph. STAY PERFECT. Stop bolloti^ m*ny of whom had tieen gross under const ruc- FILLb will make a complete cure.” running the rtofc ot laavi^ V eased the pains and retliicod the stiff-' JAMRS L. NAUaS •end for yearn, so proving that lion in the, Unitod Kingilom at the 495 your tooth uneared for. Lot o# ness In my Joints I continuwl Why shouldn't you or any of )-oiir ntfer doath Patrick still keenly elose of the The figures arc the ■Mume. the risk th# ttr#t day use Nervlline. and was permano friends 'who may l« •iifTeniig with highest on recoi Of the ships be- ro LET — A comfortable beilrooi you are in Victoria. town poUtiee In purgatory, sad ap­ cured. I am now perf.s-tly well. Hack:ackaebc. Rlieum.itism. Lumbago, ing built 509 w stearaers and 36 for thnv years have had no rheu___ SciaL:iaUra, Weak or .Strained Kidnevs. with or without board, close I parently mtuma In visible feem from Phone tism at all. I know many familiiw Burning Scalding Urine. Painful Apply Free Press. 2 Open the abode of splriu In the hour Painting& Paperhanging where no other niedlrine but .Vervl- Urinatioi frequent colds in the hiilldlng in December. 19U. The 3845 Bvenihgs Wild Otrrfand’e anxiety. Hne Is kept —it Is so useful in minor Kidneys and Bladder, get the same ailmonts like earache, toothache, neu- relief tlial so uickly came to the Nauss FOR SALE—Two horses, wagon and ri.ipbuilding ralgia, coughs, colds, lumbago, and Home wnen they started to use GIN homesa. Price $350. Can be seen BAD Chas TO THE LOR*>.S. country, heading iht Kelutica. I call Nervlline ra.v "Life PI LLS ? at Cheater Burnett, Irwin Street.— Guard,’ and urge all to try its mor- vith 114 veoseU of 497.34* tons. Remember, you buy GIN PILLS On Geo. Bevllockway. 28-tf. Obat tha Lords would de$eat the During the last quarter of the year our sUnding guarantfe that they will JON HrcOOFN Horn# Rula BUI goes wilbool say- 228 vesaelB were commenced and 218 cure or your money will be promptly launched. Warships under construc- refundcil. .^oc. a box, 6 for $2.50. WANTED-FARML.VND3,

t*^™ ^r"s Comimund NOTICE ial Street. \ • 'apt llradfor.l I* again from Everycne who suffered loss or damage thtougb late Explosion of the Mr. .J. K. Hickman returnd or rrinc,«B Mary last night from n INDmiAlClTYHElBiTS “Oscar,’’whether covered bus ni,-^» trip t )'i:i:i’Ai(KD ro givk by Insnraiice or not, is r« quested to make up a ,A!iss Miiry Parker, dnu-hur ot Mr. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE Statemei t of Ihe amount ..n-l Mr.i. Ben Parker, the rraax-nt. of loss sustained, certify jceb.i r„ h. r teiiih I irlhdav yestm-- rliitii numloT „t lots, at DDI ULK PUES- to its correctness, and daj Shi> waa vlsib-d liy a large II comparuLively short period of time -ifpui ' handsame to the Chair­ imiiilmr of her little pla>-,m,ios „nd winch we doubt. U.S the recii.lenl ,.f set ora I pretty man, the .Se.’.retary, or I pn..senta. any member of the Com­ mittee Moll's Tweed Suits—l!,.gu|;,i SIM Oo •"« S„. aimlow.: -•>ver« ,t D i,t„ Co Please attend to thi.s liy, MMAN S GEMMELl at Once. 1'o.w.r I King hne iMir.-bn-.'.l '• on Union Town.sit,. JAMES YOUNG, through the Domln,. n I(•„ Mr Kin- Will take up r.-sld.-nc,- l.dltDS HI .lEt'T HOME Hi 1.1 Chalrmsn of the Kn<|Uiry C.rm- I.imdoii. .Ian. .'Id - After four M bnld a grand Old on ,he Moose ,,( I.ords 2:;: ."r ob^,:;:,:;;:•.VO,e:.f'^^ ,o .m your tbmi.sands and j |,.,As are (ear,si, D. J. Jenkin^s Ibe lime of your I'.fe Barrass' I -i-p,. |,jn brought out ibe greatest - orchestra in sf.endaoce Gem number of peers aswmbled In parlia- 1 ladies renis Dane-. Undertaking Parlor ^ years. .Several heir- Phone 1-2-4 2, 4,...,d. I • in the galleries. I I.ord f.nii.sdowne cnnclndi-d tbe ds- t eii Tbe Po.vers A I fo, tho Opposition 1, 3 and . Kaiia.iil sales or unen- CHANP TO VIGOR eiiniber lots for which will irado *13 Fluiwriliam St. Phone a.'.i ...... dividend paying stock in well- That Played-Out Keeling was Quick­ esiablish,xl Vancouver ananctnl Co. ly Remeiticd and Health Ao ...A, Ins- IVes.s 4g.„ Rostorod. Blackheads ., - I Pimjdes positively SU,ry of a Merchant Who Al Ciirisl when evervlhing else falls. 1 l ost IDs Business and Hi* H...... at once for box price .',0 cents, Through Neglecting Early Symp- drugs. _ r French, I-. o Box 440. lisease. McAdie "My lile (or .vears has been of We have la>en fnxoietl bv in- Vancouver. B. C. 4^^ The Undertaker dentury character." writer T •tructlona from Mr .1. E. Josl CHAI.I.ENGK ACt;EPTED. Titchib ld. head of a well known Arm recent manager of the local Buckingham. "Nine hours every branch of the B. C. Telephone Phone l«)n Albert 8t Co., to sell liy vrin iON'. his What Woman Would Be Without dny I Stwnt at office work and iklltor Free I>rcsa. exercise only on Sunday. I disre­ -—„ , i The Narminio High School aciapts garded the symptoms of Household Effects challenge „f the post office elorks an Extra Coat, when such Small family. I grew thin,. ^hen____pale.pale, and j " ' ' I - . '0 a gOfne of hnsket ball, the game and Furniture, Etc. fa-fore long I was jaundici>d- und skill were yellow, my strength consisting of BEli ROOM SET. DIRECT PROM ■ve energy were lowererl. . PARLOR A.ViD DIMN't: ROOM Rl-^. Prices Prevail?--$3.75, 5.75, $9.75 ■ Obtained f„r that night. ------|Uito unliUed for biisinesa. ; the morning , lightness In the he„.., ENGLAND .J,,,, ------jparticularly when I bent over, made REED FL'RN'ITt RE. BRUS­ wiJ-J- ,'^ELL in amounts of $500,1 me very worried about my hoal(h. SELS and VELVET C A R- ^llE Prices are a strong temptation in themselves, but when you some gilt-edge ■^ritie»> atpar, iVo»l of the laxative mediciiws I Pl-rrS, nVE OLD CARVED that are earning 20 |w cent. ■fo'intl weakening, nnd knowing that OAK sideboard . KXTEN- ^ see the Coats and contrast their splendid quality with the small hetfor. inv.wtigate; No, »B. Free every < uy I S.I0V TABLES, ETC., OAK Pre**. Price not a shadow of doubt will be left in your mind with refer­ Solid Brass 48-n egli-cied m.vselt rather than rl.ik fur- HALL RACK. F.VERYTHI.VO weakness. Of course fX Al CONDITION. ence to our statement that this is the greatest value in stylish coata -Nale commences at 2:80 p.m. that yon have ever seen. ’ Bedsteads sharp, on isalon. will be pne ftica* range from »40 to $70, rh«j We have made these extra heavy reductions to make tbe selling of ^ ■ Umt pilU •r* warth tn»p*cting. MONDAY, Next BE.V MORGA^ Could ti>r>e, claanse and regulate tl.e our entire stock within a few days possible. The fact is that we AL.SO MCE JJNE OF B.vatem without cansing any iinpleas-. February the 3rd ant after effects. Dr. Hamilton's 1 must clear them imt while they are still useful to you, and to avoid '* ^adand be Oonvinoed Pill* acted with me Just a* .;,mr,le •.* PLACE—Comer of Union and natm—they gave new life so i-y further advertising and selling exfienses, have marked them so Low Iron Cribs that Braekman-lver Co. manuf*c- Tow^De ?'^l*|- u '^■'"“stle tun. tlm b**t Breakfast, liver, strengthened my stomach. 1 nd towns! e. two hloek* from Ho­ that they should move out at a great rate. 1. e.. Wheat Flakea. Rolled Oat*. won me back to perfect goc« .••'•th, ! gan s Grocery Store on Fourth OatrosaU, etc. They are stamped My skin I* clear, dizHnemi nofc .nn- Street. Watch for the BIG with the Trade Mark "B-K." 'N'o penred, snd my appetite, str-i.-lh. AUCTION FLAG. alBo carry large stock* of .lay. spirits are perf.>ct.' Grain, Feed, Cocoa Nut Cate, Refuse anything offered vr.u trj- etc. Ateo w* carry a full line «f stead of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. . f ith J.B.|IBiiCB * K. Poultry Supplie*; xb»o- sre sure to cure. Soil! in 125c. i,n\oti ••• n* lor Floor Coverings. lutaly giiaranteod. Money lack five for $1.00. *t alt druggists and McGee & McDonald if not •atlsfactory. siorekeepers, or postpaid from The Catarrborone Co.. Buffalo, V ar.d Auctioneers David Spencer, Ltd WarefeMUF Mha U l^n'toffanrone Co.. Buffalo HMMiS WHXMMC KWf M. I Kingston. Canada.

6000 Pt. of Unequalled Opposite -^matenri Friday______810 Prize Saturday PHOTO PLAYS * ”• Children 5c Adults 15c THilCIT tIE PRINCESS THERTIE Station Doors Open 7 P. M.