THE NANAIMO FREE PRESS I TEAR MJUUJMO^’-n* ShtPIttac Owtra.’* NANAIMO. BRITISH COLBMBIA. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 1. 1913. NUMBER 248 OMIlinilK mAniii$ Rx sm [m mmk] N^MII an. umiif-B,- f' IWMBIIIH MriKiir OSURENQIlllir Vancouver, Pm,. i.-Xh, gr^t Ctm- With this montb will be commcocc-d ( London. Feb. 1.— The nuffrogi The Symphony Orcheatra will give are atlii creatingh*toc in London, ne of . their popular conegrta tomor- IMY^ Vtet^ru, F*. 1.— C«pt. BcMtocoa/^ hicni«r wen Um hanttlcap,ibo nio and InituMriULaacM «riiow ot>- their labeat piece of mischief being ow evening in the Princess Thaatre. tludad the prriiaiavjr enquiry Into »»*«PoU ouceaKtliic m gotting two >eot i» to build a bi«w and belter ilr. W. Voung will pb»y a piccolo! The the smashing of glass o'er one of tho lo« of tho oteaner yea- /*«». b»t not within the hour. iN.natUiO, an ambition' which *ould solo with orchestral ac^anil^l JT ------------------- I .any s of jewels in the tower of which should prove a nice innovatioil ** Worship tartay. and will nmler his ttfporton ' ITte end of the Bmt . oat Canw af- have the heart.v support of aU resid- London. Several were arrested. lu the regular program. The Orches-! * “•''• today, had it is n few days. ter 50 minutea 4( aeoonda. Connolly ents who denire the progreaa and ad- tra will ,play for the Onrt time, Her- .Uter a vb.it to \ ictoria to inter- Um awidence taken at the seoaiont»o»*od out of a flying mare from vnowment of tlwir city. 'Itioae in- old s Oveilure-eilure- to Zampu. Mr.Mr IBar- . rk—♦ w j - —---------- in- view, the Mimsiui- of .tgricnlturo, a Of, tha Isiulry yeaterday afternoon**>« n»t by splendid bridging. but tereeted in the laagueam a^coaato- COLl..\l^E OF A THKATKE. vpy will render two violin solos. The f, *»«» granted to the mo- trio M our citizens, consolingoi lua ___ programof Uie Concert which b be ,,Vm«Boay0------------------ ‘ kad to do with the liability of coal <H-aggedhim donin again, politan bod.v of men aml raclng at d:30 p.m., is as follows Tramway. Co., which is ataud to Opening March—Selected. have been Incorporated to ism » Overture, •'Zampa. ' ...............Herold. Orchestra. tram line to Nanooss and Dm>artai« halma deserited the damaje done brace of inside crotch a-wJ hslf net- pervirton «av scheme to ad.ertia.- or b^i * “7 buUdta^ course „f er- SotO'ano Solo—Setecled. Bv. H M posBlUa. howBvar tha» thM. am, put in the harbor regul- «... ConnoUy struggled. few min- Xance t7 inre^n. J ^ ZTrJ, bt “““ Miss JeonPaueraon at virtorin, damage amo-Jntiiw that promotad „ Piccolo SoIo- 'The Linnet." iray Mfely 1* entnsrted. ^Klh laid of several thousand dcflUrs resulted, Capt. MontagueYatm. for wMeh tbs Capt. Combe, of the cable ship «o- Patted Ztoy-rko on the back. , ^s . se«l-„iT ,o the preHmimirj ahS «the Mr. W. Young. Overture —"Poet and IHiasant." city- is to ho askod hjr bylaw to etorer, toM of two ftree In the bunk- The «r« lb* 'nie rear wall fell i,{ivBrd ,s the foun fall won. there remained propaganda the fdfiowing n .tioe has grant a 25 ycarh franehlae. CapL srs of that vnnwl last Octohw. in nine minutea fourtera seconds for the been Issmd: i. ing his vl- d.iti„n slidt. out „nd the whole of the Cl,*,. Vatea. at an after ra^iagof the coal which had lam taken on in Ju- I->iroi*an champion to wain a asc «« wkoee nscltal of what tha »"» and abo/ thirty feet Tenor .Solo. \ ioliif .Solo, (a) Uumoresk-e. Dvorak, Connell reeaatly taUmdt^ that the (b) The Broken Melotly. Van Bient •a*rtion of the people was alone rw r„=rrr: T'ur„„.. « Ur. H. A. Harvey. Inglsl ■: That Nanaimo bus risen { Qulned to put hia tramway «.-a— howrs of benv^ rain. Fire had also ll.vlng tall out of his hig adversary. lb>Ject-1'o Build small t Overture. • Coliph of Bagtiad." Sigger [Into oporatloa. deValoPMl In the coal in a aco* al- *nie chsmidon-. gnott hui’k’fell in i letterl.etter'.Nanaimo .Nanaimo. .......... ,* “'*7'* practical mediately to the n-ar of the sfcrt.c- (Boildieu) «u»g»lde tha steamer. rapt. Combe masa. but he wos sum woriinr from , ftvshiw ttwir «ppiw!lotion <d his faint t«re the noise of the crash of the imt In • wport on Uovd's on bun- .behind .gun .nd hokla came ouick- ’ Z".' “* ‘*** if.. kar «»m which bad occurred from sr. Connolly was evldentl.v very ^ f sUbacril en. to the Nmxai- who mated that the govern- »"«<lin, teing the fir-t. intimation of FOUND yaao.ODii ■Lt„^ monl. would fidiill its oiiligationa as areldent, OLDCOUNMfOOM fihs V> tw<# hundred days after coal- tired. and only his great gac--------“® Pari*. .Tan. .SO.-A carter will ue held in the small lodgeroom in his previovw promise to ’ ------ lk». "nved him from falling within schild pickofl up a packaico the Howwvwr he ““ Od^ellows' Block oolVWay “o"'*,« « '‘“e amount. He o.MU-esa- T.tn.on s M.\n act . Uuo de VAUgiranIaugirar - Chief Enrinajr Charba powell. of time of the h..ndicap, Another nestoTw. «o.ve eorro ncotlve evening, Feb. 7. at 8 o clock. ed his griuf a|iproval of the lute ex- him ai por- Toronto, J..n SI- Eitnyted d when S Askad If he'had anv theory >«>ur uni The busmiws to con* befom the blbittPn, al“0 tbuoxcellent exhioit at rnnder it Imth t meeting la. L-Uityidge. cause he was roprimand.gl for hom­ SCOTTISH LEMiODE. the tetia* of that Are he said that Pax* the hour, and then a rev 1 The adoption of a i'onsiitutiou 'dwlrntde plans of bnpro'oments ing a pair „f Iro.isers which hewn* t was found to contain H had afnoe be-n sB'wrtalncd that In tod>- hold and crotrh following r. pressing, a tailor, sal<l to he en>- (M10 Hearts 4, Aberdo« 1. 1 bank notiw. golil and valuable the supply taken t. were a few c«r- couple of ftjdng htares brought hi* Provisional b'C,,haen drawn up imd.w the gupoi- securities. The .... Celtic 2, Third Lanark a. Directors. plo.ved by (he Randall and .TohnSton 1 u-ho claimed kMd. of evil from No. * seam. Co- reeisting .boulder* to ihe mat Directors. of Mr King by Mr. Arthur W Schild could not give n sulis- Dundee 0, Kilmarnock 0, ■i. Thi. I-Iertion of I'resaing Co., aelred a Pair of shear* ^QdC. which was.Iff a 'Vry IWwy ns- ^ TTbysrko Says he n-vw met a fast- - I>ermanrju of architect, who has had twon- acoount of himself, and as St. Miiren 3. Horton 2. fleers. l.' j*uTs' eviieriencB in Ixmdon end drove them Into the arm ivvvolvcrs and a large tmw. «r man than ronnolly The latter Ciueen s Park 0. Patrick T. 6. I. (’..nsideraiton of an olftoe build »puth of England, pryviou* to luek of a fellow wfw’.min inmcllng knife m hi« pocket ho ,wai"lockeo'Jtp. says he was fairtv be i ten. it being If the owner of ihe parcel is not Rangcra 4. R«ith Rovwra 0. Ing and its location. carrying on buslues* lor some Ov-o cuts which ncresRifated his removal Ttn. KNARSTriN-S EtinKNrE. the first time be has e'er gone dow^ dl-scoNwred in a yea' and a day. it, In the Scottish cup replayed game ■ 5. ('onMirtcration of other quea -"'•r* in Canada at Idncher froek. t<i the hraoital. The assailant will become the property of the car-i Mr. J. a. Knaratnn. harbor master In two strsl-.hi falls In « match, eppeared. •tween HamiUoili Academicaln awl tlona in connection with the starting 'Itn., where he dwiigned sumo of the. at Nanaimo, put In tha rt^ulstiona He think, the pole hns .. ooiendid St- Bernard Raagcra the fomwr wun cf th.« I ea-uc and Its work fim-st buildinrs In th.if town. Bo- ; «< tiMt port, but he esplalnad that chance against Rotch hy three to nil. As th.-r- iM much to be dealt with ■*>••« olUc«»«and , n imiiosingon-, LABOR LEAftER ware no reguUtuma doling In the international Rugby please attend promptly. trnnc«.. the Agriciilturol Hall Cora- ; GRILLS SOCICTY *1U the ma.tter ©f esptooivo-laden at Edinburgh today Walea beat Bcote 4 V AnmSO.N, Sec.v. "'•'lea intend to lay out a iiuarter | CHY CHURCHES So opeclal pro- New York, Jan. 30.-Bitter denun­ •ad by eight poinu to nil. The Nominating Committee ha* n.ile tract (n fmnt of the present; ciation by .Samuel Gompera of the weramada for appUcatlona iJtlncc nominated the following Board pn-ralses. ' ST. PAUL'S CUUROfi American Federation of Labor of tha tjr BMOtam for pennisalon to bunker, f Directorn for 1 p, lo-agtie 1 ENGLISH OWP GAMES. proposed compulsorj- arbitration the wltneaa TO OUR MU f^ea.^nl C SmherlamJ '* ’c local horse ! Hev, Mr. Payne. Rector. racked today's scseions of Uie I Vire^Prvsldenl Bwnalcy 2. BUdvbnm R. 0. If ho had a«y knowledgeof the ac- ■ lohn I>oyU. and (kaler* and other* expresuMl atg>ro | Sunday Sarvlceo. vention of the .National Civic Peder- I .Ino Shaw Holy Communion every Sunday at llon hero today. Mon el coal in t 'nl of the liiiler seh.-me and protnis- jg Hull City 1. Newcastle U. 4. ' Dlrecioi-H—Mesars and on first Sunday ia the In the presence of many society wo Brighton A H.
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