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October 19, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 25795 with a chance to experience rural life Washburn spent his life on the sea and REVISED ORGANIC ACT OF THE in the late 1800’s. served in the U.S. Navy during the VIRGIN ISLANDS Israel and Martha Washburn raised 10 Civil War as the captain of the gunboat Mr. SPECTER. Mr. President, I ask children in Livermore, Maine, during Galena. Cadwallader recruited and com- unanimous consent that the Energy the early years of the 19th century. In- manded the Second Wisconsin Volun- Committee be discharged from further cluded among the children were seven teer Cavalry, which served with dis- consideration of H.R. 2841 and the Sen- brothers who made substantial con- tinction in the Civil War’s south- ate now proceed to its immediate con- tributions to our Nation. The western theater. He rose to the rank of sideration. Washburns hold the distinction of major-general, serving with Grant at The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. AL- being the only family in the history of Vicksburg and later as military com- LARD). Without objection, it is so or- our Nation to have three brothers serve mander of the Memphis District of the dered. The clerk will state the bill by in Congress simultaneously. In the Army of the Tennessee. title. 1850’s Cadwallader Washburn rep- The legislative clerk read as follows: As remarkable as they were, the resenting Wisconsin, Elihu Washburn A bill (H.R. 2841) to amend the Revised Or- representing Illinois, and Israel achievements of the Washburn Broth- ganic Act of the Virgin Islands to provide for Washburn, Jr., representing Maine ers were not limited to military and greater autonomy consistent with other were all Members of Congress in the tu- governmental pursuits. Four of the United States jurisdictions, and for other multuous era leading up to the Civil brothers, Israel, Elihu, William, and purposes. War. Years later, William Washburn Cadwallader, were lawyers. Charles was The Senate proceeded to consider the followed his brothers to Congress, rep- a writer and journalist who invented a bill. resenting Minnesota for three terms. typewriting machine that was sold to Mr. SPECTER. Mr. President, I fur- William concluded his time in Wash- the Remington Company. Algernon ther ask unanimous consent that the ington with a term in the United Sydney Washburn was a successful bill be read a third time and passed, States Senate. banker in Hallowell, Maine. ‘‘Sid,’’ as the motion to reconsider be laid upon The Washburns served the public out- he was known, provided loans to his the table, and any statements relating side of Washington as well. brothers that financed many of their to the bill be printed in the RECORD. Cadwallader Washburn was elected ventures. Cadwallader was also a suc- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Governor of Minnesota in 1872. His cessful businessman and founded a objection, it is so ordered. brother, Israel, was Governor of Maine large milling operation in Minneapolis The bill (H.R. 2841) was read the third from 1861 to 1863 and is ranked as one that produced Gold Medal flour, which time and passed. of the great ‘‘war governors’’ of the can still be found on the shelves of f Civil War era for his skill and dedica- America’s grocery stores. Today, his DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE tion in raising and equipping volunteer company is known as General Mills. ACCESS ACT regiments for the Union cause. Israel William also engaged in milling, and was also an early member of the Re- Mr. SPECTER. Mr. President, I ask his company later merged with the unanimous consent that the Senate publican Party and is given credit by Pillsbury Corporation. some for naming the party. proceed to the consideration of Cal- The Washburns also served their Though the adventures of the seven endar No. 275, H.R. 974. country abroad. Charles Washburn brothers Washburn took them all over The PRESIDING OFFICER. The served as a Minister to Paraguay in the the globe, the Norlands in Livermore, clerk will state the bill by title. 1860’s. During the War of the Triple Al- Maine, was always their home. In 1973, The legislative clerk read as follows: liance, he was forced to flee the coun- their descendants donated the prop- A bill (H.R. 974) to establish a program to try when the dictator of Paraguay, erty, which included the family man- afford high school graduates from the Dis- sion, surrounding historic buildings, trict of Columbia the benefits of in-State General Francisco Solano Lopez, ac- tuition at State colleges and universities cused Washburn and other embassy and hundreds of acres of land, to the outside the District of Columbia, and for staffers of conspiring with Paraguay’s non-profit Washburn-Norlands Founda- other purposes. enemies. tion. Today, the property that was There being no objection, the Senate Elihu Washburne, who added the once home to this remarkable family is proceeded to consider the bill which English ‘‘e’’ to his last name, was also a living history center. Each year, ap- had been reported from the Committee a diplomat. After 16 years in the House proximately 25,000 visitors have the op- on Governmental Affairs, with an of Representatives, where he was portunity to sample life in the 1800’s amendment to strike all after the en- known as the ‘‘watchdog of the Treas- through Norland’s hands-on edu- acting clause and inserting in lieu ury’’ for his unyielding oversight of the cational programs. Moreover, the mu- thereof the following: ‘‘peoples money,’’ he was appointed to seum and property honors the many SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. a 2-week term as President Grant’s accomplishments of a family that is This Act may be cited as the ‘‘District of Co- Secretary of State. Following the cour- nearly without peer in the history of lumbia College Access Act of 1999’’. tesy appointment, he was selected as public service to this great nation. The SEC. 2. PURPOSE. our Nation’s Ambassador to France. Norlands Living History Center is sig- It is the purpose of this Act to establish a pro- Elihu rose to diplomatic greatness dur- nificant for both the history it pre- gram that enables college-bound residents of the ing the Franco-Prussian War of 1870– serves and the innovative education it District of Columbia to have greater choices among institutions of higher education. 1871, which resulted in the fall of Napo- provides, and I commend those associ- SEC. 3. PUBLIC SCHOOL PROGRAM. leon III and the French Empire. ated with the center for the important Throughout the Siege of Paris and the (a) GRANTS.— work that they do. (1) IN GENERAL.—From amounts appropriated upheaval of the Commune, he alone Mr. President, the legacy of the under subsection (i) the Mayor shall award among foreign ambassadors remained grants to eligible institutions that enroll eligible at his post and gave refuge to hundreds Washburn family is yet another exam- students to pay the difference between the tui- of foreign citizens trapped in the city. ple of why Maine and its people are so tion and fees charged for in-State students and His memoirs, ‘‘Recollections of a Min- special. I am grateful for having had the tuition and fees charged for out-of-State ister to France, 1869–1877,’’ provide an this opportunity to share with you the students on behalf of each eligible student en- important historical accounting of the story of this remarkable family and to rolled in the eligible institution. end of France’s Empire and his service acknowledge the important work being (2) MAXIMUM STUDENT AMOUNTS.—An eligible done by the dedicated staff and friends student shall have paid on the student’s behalf is a model of exemplary diplomatic under this section— performance during a crisis. of the Norlands Living History Center (A) not more than $10,000 for any 1 award The Washburn brothers also served to protect and share this important year (as defined in section 481 of the Higher our Nation in the military. Samual piece of our heritage.∑ Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1088)); and VerDate May 21 2004 11:12 Jun 14, 2004 Jkt 039102 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 6333 E:\BR99\S19OC9.001 S19OC9.