Chapter 1: The Monster 1. Mention three details that establish a futuristic world as the setting of the novel. (The date is 264 PC. The Machine. Room 33, Section D, Slum City. Locusts. The Posh. Polluted environment. Numbers on Ettie’s spine. Money has been replaced with credits.) 2. Instead of running away from ‘the monster’, the girls stay on the beach. Why? (They will rifle through the bags left on the beach and steal any valuables.) 3. Ettie’s first reaction when Kitty gets called out by the Locusts reveals something about her character. Briefly describe what kind of person you think she is, by this incident alone. (She cares deeply for Kitty. She is afraid that Kitty will be caught by the Locust.) 4. Explain how the Locusts came about their name/title. (They wear black and green/yellow uniforms and head pieces. They wear large sunglasses. They look like the insect. Locusts also swarm and cause damage to property.) 5. What is a Handler? (A person in charge of an animal, responsible for their training. Also used in spy novels – a person in charge on agents in ‘the field’. Handler Xavier is Ettie’s handler – he is in charge of her.) 6. What evidence is there that Handler Xavier is skilled at playing his part in the Game? (He can change roles quickly and persuade people of his sincerity. He is, at first, a swimmer on the beach. Then he warns everyone about the monster. Then he plays the part of the protective father. He ‘becomes’ a jogger on the beach. He manages to convince the Locusts of these roles.) 7. Describe the outward appearance of Kitty and contrast her with how Ettie thinks of herself. (Kitty is beautiful, curved and has darker-toned skin. Ettie thinks herself to be scrawny, too fair and ugly.) 8. Kitty and Ettie covet different things. Compare the girls based on the things about which they seem to be passionate. (Kitty covets ‘girly’ things – lip-gloss, ribbons, shoes, etc. She seems materialistic, vain and frivolous. Ettie covets books. She seems more ‘grounded’ and realistic.) 9. Why does Ettie try to convince Handler Xavier to take Kitty out of the Game? (To protect her – Ettie thinks that Kitty cannot take care of herself. Removing her from the Game will keep her safe.) 10. We see Slum City for the first time in chapter 1. Discuss in detail the lifestyle and lives the girls must lead because of their circumstances. (Poor, decrepit, cramped, dirty, unhygienic, without many of the basic needs like heating and running water.) 11. How do the references to masks and deceit establish a major theme of the novel? (The novel explores the idea that people are not what they appear to be. The references to masks makes the reader aware of the layers of pretence that people put on to deceive and trick others. Appearance vs reality.)

Chapter 2: Cowboy 1. Describe what Cowboy does for a living. Why does he change location every day? (He buys and sells stolen goods in the Market. He is a fence. He changes location every day to avoid capture by the Locusts.) 2. Why does Ettie call Cowboy the ‘worst kind of crook’? (He steals from crooks! No honour amongst thieves.) 3. What purpose do the descriptions of the flies and hadedas serve? (It supports the Science fiction genre – they are huge! It also creates a repulsive image. The talking birds are scary and vicious. Adds to the sickening dystopian future.) 4. What is Savage City? (Prison. People do not escape.) 5. Ettie says that the kids in Section O are “packed in like lice eggs”. What does this mean and imply? (Cramped, dirty, repulsive, no-one cares for them.) 6. Why do the kids take part in the Game? Explain. (They do not have a choice. They are barely fed and therefore need to participate to get a few extra credits in order to buy food and water. If they do not cooperate, Handler Xavier will punish them. They might end up on the rubbish dumps.) 7. Describe the products available to the residents of Slum City and explain why everything is made from plastic. (Food from The Laboratory, sunblockers, black market goods, etc. Everything is produced in The Laboratory – made from plastic. Nothing is fresh or organic. No natural resources left after the fire and floods.) 8. Witch and Nelson are playing a game. Name this game. (Extinct Species) 9. What happened to all the animals after the conflagration? (Animals which survived were sent to the zoo. When food ran out, people broke into the zoo and ate the surviving animals.) 10. What ability does Ettie reveal to Nelson and the Witch? Why is this dangerous? (She can read. People from Savage City are not supposed to be literate. She might be caught and sent to Savage City.) 11. Explain the irony in Witch calling Nelson a cheat. 12. Discuss the significance of the allusion in the question, “Could she be the one?”. (This is an allusion to Neo in “The Matrix”, a science fiction action film made in 1999. “The One” refers to the hero/saviour of all. This allusion alerts the reader that Ettie will play a similar role to Neo’s. The tellers keep referring to The One.) 13. Draw a character analysis of the Orphan Warden using only the medicine as a reference. (She does not care about the orphans. She drugs them so that they do not disturb her at night. She is abusive.) 14. We see a softer side of Ettie’s character. Explain it and discuss how you feel about her at this point of the novel. (She walks through the room where the little kids sleep. She tucks them in and takes away a toy so that a child does not choke. This shows a compassionate, caring side. She does not like anyone to see this side of her. She shows empathy but pretends not to care.) 15. Why does Ettie apply cream to her spine? (She is trying to erase the numbers. She believes that the acidic cream will ‘eat away’ the numbers. She knows that The Machine tracks her every move. Without , The Machine cannot track her – she will be free.) 16. Towards the end of the chapter, Ettie is reading “Peter Pan”. Explain some of the ways in which her life is not like this fairy tale. (Ettie does not have a loving family. She does not have a ‘gang’, friends on whom to rely. There is no magic in her life. There is no happily ever after. No pixie dust to make it all better.)

Chapter 3: Drudge School 1. Why is Ettie angry that Kitty smells of bug juice? (It means that Kitty spent the night in the pleasure clubs, entertaining the Posh.) 2. What does a curfew imply about the rights of citizens in Slum City? (Very limited, if at all.) 3. How do people reach Mangeria City after curfew? (They go down to the river where they find a Scavvie willing to take them across in one of their crafts. They pay the Scavvies one credit.) 4. What is the purpose of the numbers on everyone’s spines? (The numbers ensure that all citizens can be tracked by The Machine. The Locusts use their hand-held devices to locate anyone. The numbers show the trade the person will be assigned at the age of fifteen.) 5. Why does Ettie hate the colour of her skin? (She looks like a Posh, the people whom she abhors.) 6. Name the novel Ettie refers to by naming Moonface, Saucepan, Jo, Fanny and Bessie. (“The Magic Faraway Tree” by Enid Blyton) 7. What is a ‘floater’? (Massive oil slicks that float on the ocean. Remnants from the catastrophic fire. They float closer to land once in a while and create a smoky, smelly, uncomfortable atmosphere.) 8. Ettie shows herself to be (albeit unwillingly) a good student. Identify the moment where this is highlighted. (She know the answers to the questions posed by the Drudge teacher.) 9. Discuss the techniques used to condition the children into accepting their role in society. (Propagandist techniques: Repetition and assertion – the kids repeat their lessons until they are instilled in them. They accept their subservience. Chants – the children chant an oath every morning. This repetitive ritual indoctrinates them. Punishment – those who do not comply are beaten and tortured. Kids will repeat their lessons word-perfect in order to avoid being beaten. Example – the drudge teacher was a drudge and speaks/teaches from experience. The children serve as examples to each other – they cheer each other on when they hear their assigned trade. This instils a sense of belonging and group behaviour. 10. Early in the chapter, Ettie thinks about trees and her fascination with them. In your own words, explain what happened to all the trees, and explain the only way Ettie can see them if she wants to. (All destroyed in the fire or chopped down to be used as firewood. Only the trees in The Tree Museum survived. She can pay a credit and look at them there.) 11. Describe the school Ettie attends, and the curriculum that young people must study. (Drudge School – taught how to be a servant/drudge in the homes of the Posh. Domestic tasks, child- minding, cleaning etc.) 12. Explain what The Machine is. Discuss how it works and what feature it plays in the lives of everyone in the new world. (A computer which stores the data of every citizen of Mangeria and Slum City. Every person has a mark/number on their spine. This is predetermined by the Machine. Locusts can track people through their handheld devices and with the data from the Machine. Everyone is controlled.) 13. As she enters school, Ettie has a nasty experience with some other students. Explain what happens and discuss why this incident surprises us from what we know of Ettie. (She is called horrible names. She does not fight back. The Ettie we have come to know so far would be braver.)

Chapter 4: Reader 1. Discuss the irony in the Posh voting for someone who ‘looks honest’. (They vote based on looks! They do not base their votes on political motivations or who could serve the government best.) 2. Explain the Mangerian elections. (20 people are nominated by the Mangerians, no people from Savage City are nominated or get to nominate. Everyone gets 20 votes. So, all nominees are appointed. Thee voting system is completely warped. No democracy.) 3. Ettie is a petty thief and a proficient reader. Discuss the contrast in these characteristics from what we know of her as a person. (Although she steals, she is a caring, compassionate girl. She pretends to be unfeeling and self-serving but actually cares deeply for those around her. She can read – shows a keen insight and hunger for knowledge. The stories she reads transport her to magical worlds. She uses reading as an escape.) 4. Discuss the relationship between Ettie and Me. (Ettie steals creams from Me and pretends to like playing the dodge-dodge game with him. Me seems interested only in ‘fixing’ Ettie’s looks. Me allows Ettie to sleep in his shop when she misses curfew. He seems to care about her.) 5. Explain the deal that exists between Ettie and Reader. How do they lie to each other? Why? (Ettie steals books and brings them to Reader. They bargain ‘time’ – Ettie reads while Reader pretends to sleep. They pretend to be annoyed by each other. Another mask – they do not want to show their vulnerability. Neither want to admit their dependence.) 6. Explain why you think books are so rare and valuable in this age of human existence. (Most books were destroyed in the conflagration or after the fire when everything was digitised. However, the digital books were also lost when all the computers crashed. Now books are very rare and only the Posh are allowed to own and read them.) 7. How is Ettie similar in Dorothy in “Wizard of Oz”. How is she different? (She is an orphan, or so she thinks, and she wishes to leave Kansas/Mangeria/Slum City. However, Dorothy says that ‘there is no place like home’. Ettie cannot wait to leave and she will not return.) 8. Why is Ettie’s reaction to the wizard surprising? (She takes the side of the wicked character.) 9. Ettie pretends to be emotionally disconnected, and constantly hides behind masks in an attempt to be obscure. Discuss why she does this, identifying the various masks she has worn in the novel so far. (Uncaring, unfeeling. Kitty, at school, Reader, Me. Discuss) 10. How does this society deal with people no longer considered useful? Explain. (This society expels people who are considered useless or a burden. They are known as the Rejects – they cannot work because they are sick or damaged. They live on the fringes of society, scavenging and desperate. They do not receive any support.) 11. Why does Ettie freeze in fear at the end of the chapter? Why could she get into trouble? (The Locust at the boom stops her and a tube of cream falls to the ground. She has also hidden a book on her person. These items are prohibited. She can be sent to Section AR.)

Chapter 5: Posh Trouble 1. Why is Ettie’s interaction with the Locust surprising? (The Locust returns the tube of cream which she dropped. Locusts are not friendly or helpful. This Locust smiled at Ettie. His actions are surprising.) 2. Why did Ettie spend the night “pacing, cracking (her) knuckles and toes, hoping”? (Kitty did not come home. She is worried and hopes Kitty is not in trouble.) 3. Why did Kitty not want to drink the bug juice when they were younger? (The medicine made the children sleep soundly – no dreams or waking up. Kitty says she wanted to dream.) 4. Explain why Handler Xavier uses Ettie for this particular game, and not Kitty. (Ettie’s skin colour is as light as the Posh. She will pass for a Posh in the game. Kitty looks like a savage.) 5. Discuss the irony in the name of the building: Justice and Peace. (There is no justice and they do not promote peace!) 6. Briefly explain the Game Handler Xavier and Ettie play in the market. (They trick the Posh into believing the toys are magical and dance to music. However, there are strings attached to the dolls which are pulled by Handler Xavier. The Posh buy these ‘magical’ dolls from Handler Xavier. When a Posh suspects trickery, Ettie swoops in and buys dolls. This creates consumer demand.) 7. Comment on Handler Xavier’s choice of plastic characters. (Locust, Market Nag and Scavvie. The Market Nags and Scavvies are from Slum City. He chooses these ‘scummy’ characters to entertain his Posh clients. He cannot make fun of the Posh themselves. His choice of Locust is a little riskier because members of the Posh are allocated to this trade. However, it is menial task and therefor worth risk.) 8. What is it about the young Posh boy that makes him ‘trouble’ for Xavier and his game? (He suspects that Handler Xavier is tricking them. He pays too much attention to the workings of the doll. He asks too many questions.) 9. The Posh boy can read. This is highlighted as a significant fact in the chapter. Explain the significance in the context of the story. (Only the Posh are taught to read. Once again highlights the discrimination against those who live in Slum City.) 10. Ettie refers to Nicolas as “Nicolas, Nic, Nici, Nice”. How is this surprising? (Terms of endearment, her own nicknames for him. She shows a softer, more vulnerable side, again.) 11. Once the game is over, Ettie slips back into her own character. Do you think she really wears these masks, or does she actually pretend not to feel or express her emotions? (SORRY! Stupidly phrased question. Ettie definitely wears masks. She pretends not to care, in order to save herself from disappointment or hurt. She cares way more than she admits even to herself.) 12. Describe the character of Handler Xavier in detail from the beginning of the novel until now. Use incidents in the story to illustrate your answer. (Sly, selfish, self-serving, uncaring. Discuss.) 13. How does this chapter end anti-climactically for Ettie? (The cream did not work – the number is still there.)

Chapter 6: The Festival 1. Explain the purpose of the festival. (The Machine chooses your fate-mate, the person whom you must marry. At this festival, all 16-year-olds meet their fate-mates and the ceremony binds them for eternity. There is a celebration afterwards where the Posh and the people from Slum City share food and fun.) 2. Identify the incident of propaganda used by the Mangerian Government. (They describe olden- day marriages are disastrous – all ended in divorce or murder! This makes the fate-mate tradition seem sensible, as your partner is chosen by The Machine.) 3. Explain the contrasting feelings of the girls about the festival. (Ettie hates it all – the pretence, the festivities, what it stands for and how excited people are about it. Kitty seems to be very excited and cannot wait to meet her fate-mate when she turns 16. She loves the fun and entertainment.) 4. How does diction create Kitty’s character? How do her actions reinforce this? (She appears to be shallow and self-centred. She focuses on making herself pretty for the Posh men – “hogs the mirror”, she “pouts” and “simpers” – smiles coyly. She enjoys watching herself in the mirror. She flaunts her sexuality.) 5. Briefly describe the incident that takes place at this year’s festival. (A Posh boy does not want to be wed to his chosen partner. A savage girl cries out for him, she is pregnant. These two had an illicit affair. The Locusts remove the pair.) 6. Define the term ‘going down the river’. (When a girl becomes pregnant and needs to get rid of the evidence, she goes to the river, gives birth and dumps the baby. All ‘illegal’ babies are disposed of in this manner.) 7. Ettie surprises us once again with her reaction to seeing Nicolas. Explain. (She is angry that she didn’t comb her hair. She wants to look pretty for him. Ettie is NOT as hard-core as she wants to believe.) 8. Why does she introduce herself as Juliet? (It is her real name, her birthing name. She wants to show Nicolas the ‘real’ her, not the mask-wearing Ettie. She is being honest with him.) 9. Describe how you feel about the concept of fate-mates and the festival. Focus on advantages and disadvantages, and use the unfortunate incident as a reference to support your argument. (Discuss)

Chapter 7: The Riot 1. Describe how the riot began. (Traders are informed that two people from Savage City tried to blow up a food cart. The people go crazy and wagons are upturned and set alight. Actually the riot was started by the Locusts who knew the people would go crazy. They needed to two prisoners from Savage City executed by their own.) 2. What is strange about the prisoners’ spines? (They have no marks/numbers.) 3. Which event, related to the riot, upsets Ettie? Why? How does she feel about the prisoners accused of burning the trees? Explain. (The trees in the Tree Museum are set alight. Ettie is angry and swears revenge. She is bitterly angry and wants those people to be punished.) 4. Explain how Kitty got her burn scar on her arm. (The orphanage caught fire years earlier. Because Kitty had not drunk the Orphan Warden’s medicine, she slept lightly. She woke up and managed to save herself and Ettie from the fire. Unfortunately she was burnt in the process.) 5. Who is Cockroach? Describe him. (He is the Head of the Locusts – the insect is disgusting, repellent and unwanted. Cockroach embodies all of those features. He is also feared and is very intimidating.) 6. Explain the consequences of the riot on people of Slum City. (Food shortages, chaos, public execution of prisoners.) 7. Discuss the treatment of the criminals at the hands of the Locusts and the crowd and compare it with today’s stories of police brutality. (Similar! People resort to mob mentality and mob justice when they feel aggrieved. The Locusts behave like many police officers today – violently and without mercy.) 8. There are at two parallels between the riot in the book and the riots in Apartheid South Africa. Identify and explain them in detail. (Police/Locust violence, mob mentality. Division of classes.) 9. Ettie and the others seem opportunistic and selfish as they scurry around for free unprotected goods during the riot. Do you think they are justified or are they stealing and deserve to be punished? (Rioting, looting and burning things are all unacceptable. However, Ettie steals to feed herself and Kitty. She seems to do it for the ‘right’ reasons. Her behaviour is obviously wrong, but understandable in context.) 10. What does Ettie see at the end of this chapter? (People, including Nelson, entering a building.)

Chapter 8: The Experiment 1. Describe what Ettie sees on the rooftops. (Rejects – those cast aside by the government. They live in squalor.) 2. Ettie helps a Reject. How is this (once again) contrary to how she views herself? (She pretends to be uncaring and selfish. Now she helps a Reject, albeit in an off-hand manner.) 3. Name at least five members of the group in the secret meeting. (Me, Nelson, Kitty, Witch, Handler Xavier, Cowboy 4. Describe what happened to the three criminals who were killed in the riot. (They had had their marks removed. They had experiments done on them in The Laboratory.) 5. Explain what happens in The Laboratory. (The Laboratory is the place where food is produced. Before the conflagration, food came from plants that grew in soil and from animals that ate those plants. However, now everything is artificially produced. The Laboratory is also the place where human experiments are done.) 6. What does Ettie learn about the mark on her spine? (It can be removed. Once it is removed, she will be free.) 7. Explain why Ettie is shocked as the meeting unfolds. (Kitty is there – she has been lying to Ettie for years. Kitty volunteers to be ‘caught’ and sent to The Laboratory. Ettie is also shocked at how many other people have been living double lives.) 8. How is the Hadeda’s cry misinterpreted? (When the bird screams “She is the One”, everyone thinks it refers to Kitty. No-one knows that Ettie is there and the bird actually refers to her.) 9. Discuss your feelings about the actions of The Laboratory and the Locusts. Reference your feelings with incidents in the chapter. (Gross, unethical, immoral, merciless. Discuss.)

Chapter 9: Graduation 1. Why does Kitty not drink any of the alcohol/bug juice in the pleasure clubs? (She does not want to become intoxicated. She pretends to drink so that she can gather information and not seem out of place.) 2. When did Kitty stop holding Ettie at night? Why? (When she was seven, Kitty was sent to Section AR for refusing to cooperate. She was tortured – both legs were broken. She stopped holding Ettie then. Obviously she decided then to turn against the system. Pushing Ettie away was her way of protecting Ettie.) 3. Why are the buildings in Section PT set alight? Why whom? (The government sets it alight – too many people to take care of and assist in their old age. If some people die, fewer mouths to feed.) 4. Explain why Ettie needs to follow Kitty’s every move, and why she is worried that she will be away from Kitty after graduation? (Ettie needs to know what Kitty knows, she wants ‘in’ on the plan. After graduation Kitty will move to the Pleasure Club Section and Ettie to Section D for drudges. If Kitty is away from Ettie, she cannot protect her or find our more about the resistance movement’s plans.) 5. Why does Ettie break into the Orphan Warden’s office? (She wants information about Kitty and herself.) 6. Discuss the revelations that are made about Ettie’s and Kitty’s past. (Kitty’s parents died after trying to escape from Savage City. They were sent there for organising a protest against the fate- mate festival. They were thrown in holes in the desert and died six days later. She was dumped at the orphanage. Ettie’s parents might be alive – she was dumped at the birthing station and taken to the orphanage.) 7. The mood and tone of this chapter are very different to the previous one. Account for the change and explain how it reflects Ettie’s own feelings. (In the previous chapters Ettie was (seemingly) uncaring and selfish. The mood was despondent and just a fight to survive. Now there is a determination to find out more.) 8. What motivation do the girls have to take action against The Laboratory and the Mangerians, and how do you think they will come up against the ruling class? (Kitty’s parents died because of the Mangerians. The Machine controls them. They will struggle, as they do not have much power against such a strong force.) 9. For most young people, graduation is an exciting day that marks the beginning of independence and freedom and endless possibilities. Compare Ettie’s reaction with Kitty’s and account for the differences. (Kitty is excited to start the next chapter in her life. We know this is a lie. Ettie is MISERABLE. Not only does she not want to be a drudge, she also doesn’t want to leave Kitty.) 10. What does Ettie discover when she visits the Tree Museum? (One tree has survived. Mistress Hadeda has had chicks.) 11. How has the Hadeda changed her prophesy? (She now screams, “Pretty Kitty will go to Savage City”.)

Chapter 10: The Plan 1. Ettie describes Kitty as “mistress of the mask”. Discuss. (Kitty has been living a double life – Ettie assumed she was a naïve, girly, silly girl. She was, in fact, playing that role very convincingly. She was actually working for the resistance movement. Her role in the pleasure clubs was to gather information. Kitty does not let Ettie in on her secret. She maintains the façade until the day they are parted at the hotel.) 2. Why does Kitty try to convince Handler Xavier NOT to let Ettie join them in that day’s Game? (She wants to protect Ettie. She know that she will be caught that day, arrested and sent to Savage City.) 3. How does Kitty try to protect Ettie in the Game? (She gives her the wrong room number. Ettie will not know where to find her.) 4. Who is Festis Four? (He is a drudge driver. Kitty chooses his master’s room to rob.) 5. Describe what happens to the girls at the hotel when they are caught. (Festis Four beats Kitty. Ettie tries to intervene. Nicolas arrives and tries to convince Festis Four that the girls are his cousins. When this does not work, and because Kitty is surrounded by Locusts, Nicolas helps Ettie to escape.) 6. Ettie asks a pertinent question of Nicolas: why does he help her? Explain his reasons. (He loves her! He also sees the fighter in Ettie. He, too, wants to escape from the system. Erase his mark, be free.) 7. Suggest how Nicolas knows where to find Ettie. (He tracks her on his handheld device.) 8. Why, do you think, did Handler Xavier try to get Ettie caught by the Locusts when she escapes from the hotel? (He needs Ettie to accompany Kitty to Savage City and The Laboratory. He needs Ettie to protect Kitty.) 9. What do you think of the letter that Kitty left for Ettie? Is it sincere? Why does Kitty continue to lie to Ettie? (Sincere in that Kitty STILL tries to protect Ettie. She still pretends to be the silly girl in The Game for the credits. Kitty will not stop protecting Ettie.) 10. What does Ettie find when she goes to look for Reader? How does she react? (He has been moved to section PT. She is very upset and tears up her books.) 11. Discuss what you think the future holds for Ettie, now that she is graduated and separated from Kitty. (Drudge by day, undercover resistance spy? Ettie will not stop trying to save Kitty.)

Chapter 11: The Drudges 1. Why does Ettie say that ‘families are overrated’? (She has never had a real family. She does not understand familial love and support. Ettie believes that she has managed without one for so long, that she doesn’t need one. We know this is not true! Ettie has always craved a family.) 2. Ettie thinks of Kitty and apologises (in her head) for ‘being yellow’. What does that mean? (A coward) 3. Why did the resistance movement wait for Kitty’s 15th birthday before executing the plan to get her arrested? (If she was arrested before her birthday, she would have been sent to Section AR, not Savage City. They needed her to be of age.) 4. Describe Ettie’s feelings as the chapter progresses. (Ettie detests her role as a drudge. She is worried about Kitty. She detest the Orc and Little Miss. She has ambivalent feelings about Mistress. She learns that Dora will sabotage her to get the role as nursery drudge.) 5. Who is Madam Merriem? (She oversees the drudges in the house. She is Mistress’s ‘friend’ – has been in her employ since Mistress was a child.) 6. Discuss the character of Dora in detail. Include the details from the end of the chapter. (Appears dull and dim-witted – she is manipulative and underhand. She will sabotage anyone who gets in the way of her becoming the nursery drudge. She pinches and pushes Ettie.) 7. Explain the ambiguity in Ettie’s reply to Dora’s comment, “Adorable. I could just squeeze the breath out of them,” Dora says. “I tell her I have had the same thoughts on occasion.” (Dora’s comment means to hug the children affectionately. Ettie’s comment means to murder them.) 8. Describe the Mangerian family for whom the girls work now. (Master Hylton is rude and dismissive of his staff and family. Mistress seems kinder and she loves trees. Little Miss is a spoilt (albeit ill) brat.) 9. What is Ettie’s first reaction to seeing Mistress? (She thinks Mistress is beautiful.) 10. Why is Ettie surprised to see dirt under Mistress’s fingernails? (Posh people do not perform manual labour. Dirt under her fingernails means she worked outside.) 11. Why does Ettie interrupt Master? Why is this dangerous? (She tells them that one tree survived the fire. She should not speak unless she is addressed. Her show of independence will get her punished. She must not draw attention to herself.) 12. Why is Mistress happy about Ettie’s news? (She also loves trees and is delighted that one survived the fire.) 13. What do you think is in store for Ettie while she is in this house? Elaborate with evidence from the text. (Hard work, drudgery , backstabbing from Dora, endless torment from Little Miss. Evidence.) 14. Compare the life Ettie had with Kitty in Section O to the life she is going to have with Dora in Section D. (Although the life in Section O was cramped and poor, Ettie at least had Kitty as companion. There was a sense of freedom between school and the Game. In Section D Dora will make Ettie’s life even more miserable. She will have to be more vigilant.) 15. Evaluate the relationship between Mistress and Master as introduced in this chapter. (Master appears gentle at first and addresses Mistress as ‘darling’. However, Ettie senses tension between them from the start. There is no real affection or warmth in the way they look at each other or speak to each other. There is no spontaneity or enthusiasm between them.)

Chapter 12: The Party 1. Briefly describe a typical day in the Number 3 Mangeria Compound. ( 2. By referring to at least one extract from this chapter, describe Ettie’s conflict with - Dora (Little Miss manipulates Ettie and Dora. Dora manipulates Ettie and Ettie fights back. Dora wants to be the Nursery Drudge and constantly sabotages Ettie.) - Nicolas (Nicolas apologises to Ettie for his upcoming testimony. Ettie rejects his apology. She experiences internal and external conflict: she fears what Nicolas will say on the stand AND she battles her attraction to him. He could be very dangerous to her!) - Little Miss (She treats Ettie like a cockroach. She is sadistic, disrespectful and just plain mean. Ettie cannot stand her. It takes a lot of restraint for Ettie not to be spiteful or retaliate. She must not jeopardise her position in the household.) - Madam Merriem (She is rude, dismissive and treats Ettie badly. Like with Little Miss, Ettie must control herself.) - Herself (Her internal and external conflicts are tiring. She hates everyone in the Number 3 Household but must pretend to be a diligent drudge. She is in love with Nicolas and hates herself for that too. 3. Describe Master’s treatment of the drudges. (He is dismissive and rude. He despises them as a group who ‘do not think like the Mangerians do’. He hardly acknowledges their existence – treats them like insects.) 4. Describe Mistress’s treatment of the drudges. (She is kinder and more respectful – she insists that Little Miss call them by their names, and not just drudge. She seems to take in interest in them.) 5. Describe the relationships between: - Master Hylton and Mistress (Strained, cold, distant, no love) - Madam Merriem and Mistress (Confidants, genuine caring, compassion, almost like equals?) - the parents and Larissa (They love her and will do anything to save her.) 6. How does a Mangerian home differ from the homes in Slum City? Refer to two aspects. (Mangerian homes have running water, plumbing and heat/cold. They have proper food and large rooms. Decent furniture, servants, cleanliness, etc.) 7. Who is Bartholomew and what is his Guardian position? (Nicolas’s father. He is the Guardian of Justice and Peace.) 8. Explain the power relationships among Mangerian families. (All serve as Guardians – they use their positions for own gain and therefor aim for ‘inter-marriages’ between their children. This will ensure that power stays in the right families. All relationships are based on gain!) 9. Discuss how life has changed for Ettie since becoming a drudge. (She works very long hours under the Orc’s watchful eyes. She does not see Kitty, obviously, or any people from her ‘old’ life. She is at the mercy of the Orc and Little Miss.) 10. Why does Ettie fear Nicolas’s testimony in Kitty’s trial? (If he tells the truth, Ettie will also be implicated in the attempted robbery. He will admit that he helped Ettie to escape – puts him in danger too.)

Chapter 13: The Trial 1. How does Madam Merriem try to comfort Mistress? (Madam Merriem reassures Mistress that Master would not have traded her position if he were not compelled to do so. He needs to maintain his position because Little Miss is not getting better. He has acted for the child, not against the mother.) 2. Do you agree with Ettie when she says she does not know Kitty and states that she is “not really lying”? (Ettie argues that she is not really lying when she denies knowing Kitty. The girl on trial is not the same girl with whom Ettie lived in Section O. So she is not really lying. Although Mistress’s question did not refer to the kind of ‘knowing’ that Ettie infers, she (Ettie) does in fact know Kitty.) 3. Discuss how the servants at Number 3 exploit each other. (Dora manipulates and sabotages Ettie at every chance presented. Madam Merriem works the girls to the bone. Cook makes Ettie scrub all the pots.) 4. Refer to the character of Mistress. Identify and describe the kind of person she is using past and present behaviour. (She seems caring and loving. She loves trees and all things Nature. She treats the drudges with some respect. She resents Master.) 5. How do outside drudge workers and Locusts take advantage of other drudge workers in order to make money on the side? (On pay day the Locusts demand a bribe. The court ushers demand payment for entry. The Pulaks charge more.) 6. Describe Kitty’s appearance when she enters the courtroom. (She is pale, ashen, grey. Her hair is dirty and matted. She is shackled.) 7. Briefly describe how the trial unfolds. (Kitty is not asked to plead or testify. She does not have a defence attorney. Cockroach states that Festis Four cannot testify. The judge forces Nicolas to testify – he does not mention Ettie or implicate her in the crime. Kitty is found guilty.) 8. Why is Festis Four not in court to deliver his testimony? (He will say that Nicolas and Ettie were involved. Cockroach cannot afford a Posh to be implicated in the crime.) 9. Why does Cockroach not want Nicolas to testify? (He does not know what he will say. He might refute Cockroach’s prosecution. He is a Posh.) 10. How does Ettie change her nicknames for Nicolas? Why? (Nicolas, Nici, Nic. Not so Nice. He is about to testify against Kitty and might implicate her, Ettie, too. He is a Locust – Ettie hates all Locusts.) 11. Ettie experiences internal conflict now. Nicolas is becoming a feature in her life, Handler Xavier will not think twice about exposing her to Master and Mistress, and Hylton himself seems to have deep secrets. Discuss how Ettie can use all three men to free herself and rescue Kitty. (Nicolas can give her information about The Machine and the workings of the Posh. Handler Xavier will think that Ettie is on ‘his side’ again. Hylton can unlock many secrets about The Machine etc. Ettie will eavesdrop and manipulate them to get information which will help her and Kitty.) 12. What does Ettie find in the Tree Museum? How does this link to Kitty? (There are iron railings around the surviving tree. Mistress Hadeda’s nest has been destroyed, the chicks are gone. In the same way that the bird could not protect her young, Ettie could not protect Kitty. She will not be able to protect her in Savage City either.) 13. What does Handler Xavier ask of Ettie? How does she respond? Why? (She must eavesdrop and learn all she can in Number 3. She refuses at first and then says she will do it for the credits. She pretends not to do it for Kitty or herself. Handler Xavier ‘buys’ the act.) 14. Describe Ettie’s tone when she says, “I am back in the game. But this time, I play alone.” Explain. (The tone is triumphant. Ettie now has an idea of what Handler Xavier plans and is part of his strategy. She is also smug – she is involved now, but on HER terms. She is in control – Handler Xavier needs her.) 15. Considering the entire chapter, discuss to what extent corruption is rife in this society. (Bribery – Ettie must pay the Locusts at the booms, the Pulaks, the Drudge Warden and to gain entrance to the courtroom. Kitty does not get a fair trial – no lawyer, not asked to plead. Guilty until found guilty! Kitty has been tortured.)

Chapter 14: Porridge 1. Describe and account for Ettie’s mood at the beginning of the chapter. (She is eager to have some freedom in the house to be able to spy and gather information. She is also frustrated and impatient for Master and Mistress to leave – she wants to get into the study.) 2. Name the three things she wants to do whilst Master and Mistress are away. (Get into Master’s study to look at the books; snoop around Master’s study to find a way to help Kitty; see Nicolas and get as close as possible to him.) 3. Discuss how the relationship between Master and Mistress has changed since the dinner party. (Even more strained now. Mistress behaves submissively. Cold.) 4. Describe the plan Ettie has to get the servants of Number 3 out of her way in order for her to do what she wants in the house. (She will poison the porridge – they will fall ill or die.) 5. What does it say about Ettie when she does not want to poison Larissa’s porridge? (She will not hurt a child. Ettie cares way more than she is willing to admit. She has a heart.) 6. Explain what Ettie finds in Master’s library. (Bones – vertebrae – with the marks visible. Clearly those who died in search of a cure for Larissa. Books. Magnifying glass.) 7. How does Ettie react to Larissa being unwell? (She feels sympathy. She is sorry for the girl.) 8. Why does Ettie tell Larissa the “Magic Faraway Tree” story? (The story always manages to transport her to a better, magical place. One of her favourites. She tries to get Larissa’s mind off her illness.) 9. Describe the garden to which she takes Larissa for their stroll. (Real flowers and trees. Nothing artificial.) 10. Explain what is done to hadeda chicks. Why? (Their eyes are gouged out – this turns them into tellers. They can see things people can’t.) 11. Why does Ettie help Larissa to hide Princess Fanny? (Makes Larissa indebted to her – gain her trust. Also a place to hide the stolen book.) 12. Discuss Ettie’s strategy to use Larissa for information. Do Ettie’s actions in this chapter shock you, or could you justify her poisoning the servants and using an innocent little child to get what she wants? (She will get close to Larissa. She will accompany her to The Laboratory. Ettie’s actions are all driven to a greater good – save Kitty and gain freedom. The poisoning is deplorable, though. What we know of Ettie so far, she will not hurt Larissa.)

Chapter 15: The Laboratory 1. Describe how Ettie came to be Larissa’s caregiver. (After the porridge incident, Larissa and Ettie bonded. Ettie told her stories and is in on the secret of Princess Fanny. Larissa trusts Ettie.) 2. How/Why does Ettie “taste power” (pg 193)? (Little Miss becomes dependent on and very fond of Ettie. This ensures Ettie’s position in the household. She has power over Larissa, Madam Merriem, the parents and Dora.) 3. Compare the attitude of Master and Mistress towards Ettie in this chapter. (Master is still dismissive and actually angry that Larissa refuses to go anywhere without Ettie. Mistress appreciates Ettie’s ‘care’ of Larissa and depends on her to get Larissa to cooperate at The Laboratory.) 4. Explain how the relationship between Ettie and Larissa is evolving, from beginning to now. (Starts off in dismissive and resentful manner – from both! Now Larissa depends on Ettie and Ettie is becoming fonder of the little girl. Despite her intentions, Ettie finds herself caring deeply for Larissa.) 5. Describe your reaction when you found out that Mistress and Master are fate-mates (chapter 12), and that Larissa has a mark on her back too. (Even the Mangerians are subject to the laws of The Machine and the traditions like fate-mates.) 6. Summarise the main events of the visit to The Laboratory. (Master shows them around The Laboratory. He shows them where their food is made. They see a new intake of children from Section O and prisoners from Savage City. Little Miss is subjected to many tests and many samples are taken from her. She is scared and Ettie reassures and comforts her. Handler Xavier and Mistress have ‘a moment’.) 7. Describe your impression of The Laboratory and the type of work that is done there. (Gross, immoral) 8. What evidence is there of the Mangerians’ indifference to others? (Master feeds his Pulaks oats, like they are oxen or horses. They do experiments on people without a second thought. They speak of the mortality rates in a matter-of-fact way. People from Slum City are dehumanised and viewed as expendable.) 9. What signs are there that Ettie is genuinely becoming fond of Little Miss? (She laughs at Little Miss’s jokes. She shields her eyes from the meat plant/manufacturing section. She strokes her hair during the procedures. She tells herself that she will kill anyone who hurts Larissa. She rubs her back after the injection/extraction.) 10. Why does Ettie refer to the doctors are Frankensteins? (Dr Frankenstein is a fictional character who ‘built’ a new human being from spare parts. Like the character, these doctors are experimenting and seem callous.) 11. What does Ettie espy between Mistress and Handler Xavier? (tenderness! Regret?) 12. How does she feel about Nicolas at this stage? (She is still distrustful – calls him “not so nice”. However, Ettie needs Nicolas and will meet with him again.)

Chapter 16: Apple Juice 1. Why does Little Miss never leave the house? (She is really ill. However, her parents keep her illness a secret from the rest of the Mangerians. Even the Mangerians are subject to the laws of the state – Larissa will be sent to join the Rejects if she cannot contribute to society.) 2. Describe what happened at the start of the chapter between Master and the servants of Number 3. (Master discovers his broken magnifying glass and knows that one of the servants broke it. He asks, threatens and yells at them. Dora states that she knows that Ettie was in the study and must have broken it. 3. How and why does Little Miss lie to protect Ettie? (Little Miss says that she broke the magnifying glass. She knows that Ettie will be sent away if found to be guilty. She protects her because she has come to need and love her.) 4. What happy news does Ettie hear at the store where she buys the apple juice? (Me tells her that Reader has returned.) 5. Ettie learns something important about Reader. Explain. (Reader can read Braille. The books which Ettie thought had insect eggs in and were useless, are in fact very useful. Also – since he owns so many braille books, he did not need Ettie to read to him for so many years.) 6. Discuss the reasons for the president’s visit to Number 3. (Discuss the marriage between Larissa and Nicolas. The President also wants to know how long it will take for Larissa to recover.) 7. What does Ettie learn about Kitty? (She is a match for Larissa – she will be used as the subject to cure Little Miss.) 8. What has been planned for Nicolas and Little Miss? How do they feel about this? (Arranged marriage – both are opposed.) 9. What is Bartholomew’s new project? (He removes the ‘savage’ gene from the people in his test group. Soon he will be able to ‘de-savage’ all people.) 10. Briefly explain what transpires in the meeting between Ettie and Nicolas in the secret garden. (There is genuine affection between them. Nicolas admits he has been watching Ettie for months. He, too, wants to get rid of his mark. He does not want to be a Locust. Ettie realises that Nicolas is really in love with her.) 11. Which major theme is developed in Nicolas’s confession to Ettie? (Masks, appearance vs reality, sense of identity. He has been pretending when he wears the Locust uniform. He does not fit in or want to be a Locust. 12. How does Ettie react to Nicolas’s invitation? Why? (Ettie is unsure whether or not to trust Nicolas. He is, after all, a Locust. She agrees because Nicolas promises that he can remove the mark, and this is what Ettie wants for herself and Kitty. She realises that she has nothing to lose. She is also in love with him!)

Chapter 17: Deathbed Confession 1. Why does Handler Xavier come to Number 3? (He has come to tell Madam Merriem that her sister, the Orphan Warden, is dying. He has been sent to fetch her and Ettie.) 2. The second time Mistress and Handler Xavier meet, they seem to have an intimate connection. Explain. (They look at each other in an significant, yet familiar, way. Ettie overhears their conversation. They were a couple in their younger years. Handler Xavier resents Mistress for leaving him. He, too, got married to his fate-mate.) 3. Discuss the civil unrest going on in Slum City. (People are angry – food from the Laboratory is making them ill.) 4. Who do you think poisoned the food? Why? (Mangerians/workers in the Laboratory. Make the people susceptible to getting the ‘anti-savage’ injection which will be said to be an inoculation.) 5. Discuss in detail the deathbed confession. (Mistress was pregnant with Handler Xavier’s baby and had to go down to the river, dispose of the baby. However, the Orc did not dispose of the baby. She kept the baby in the Orphanage – Ettie is the girl! Madam Merriem did not know this.) 6. Account for Ettie’s response to the information about her parents. (She is horrified. She wants to cry out but she feels like she is choking. She runs out of the room in disbelief. The thought of Mistress and Handler Xavier being her parents makes her want to vomit. They rejected her!) 7. ‘She is the one. She is the one!’ Where and when did we hear this phrase before? Explain what it means. (When Mistress Hadeda refers to Ettie in the market place and outside the secret meeting. Ettie will be the one to save them all from The Machine and the Mangerians.) 8. Describe Ettie’s visit with Reader. (She convinces Reader to teach her braille. She will steal more books from Master’s study for him. He goes back to being the teacher.) 9. Ettie tells Reader a lie at the end of the chapter. Identify the lie and explain why she lies. (She says she will return next month. She knows she will have left with Nicolas by then. She does not want anyone to know her plans.)

Chapter 18: The Procedure 1. Master calls Larissa a ‘savage’. Discuss the connotations of this word. What does he imply? What does Ettie mean when she calls herself ‘savage’? (He means rebellious, criminal, awful, gross. She means independent, rebellious, free-spirited.) 2. Describe the circumstances that lead to the procedure having to take place at Number 3, and not The Laboratory. (Larissa’s last visit to The Laboratory traumatised her and she refuses to go back there. The procedure will have to take place at their house.) 3. Explain the effects of Mistress’ calling Kitty a “common criminal” on Ettie. (She is horrified. Mistress is showing another side to her – she was always kind and respectful to Ettie.) 4. Why is there no hot water at Number 3? (The sun has not been shining brightly for more than a month. Their solar panels are not working well.) 5. How does Ettie learn of Nelson’s death? (Bartholomew states that the Scavvie leader, Nelson, has been terminated.) 6. What does Bartholomew admit? (The Guardians poisoned the food.) 7. Describe the evolving relationship between Ettie and Nicolas at this point. (She really likes him, loves him! They are comfortable with each other. There is real affection between them. She hates to admit it, though, and still believes that she is just using him.) 8. Why does Nicolas call Ettie a fraud? (Ettie states that she doesn’t want to hurt Larissa. Nicolas calls her a fraud because she always states that she doesn’t care. She obviously cares deeply for Larissa.) 9. Why is Madam Merriem particularly mean to Ettie now? (Larissa prefers Ettie’s company and care over Madam Merriem’s. Madam Merriem is jealous and does not trust Ettie.) 10. Mistress calls Ettie a “dull little drudge”. How does Ettie react? Why? (She hates her even more. She is deeply hurt. Now that Ettie knows that Mistress is her mother, Ettie abhors her.) 11. Why is Ettie so determined to help Kitty, even at the expense of her own life? (Kitty saved her life when they were younger. Ettie will always be indebted to her. Ettie has always protected her and will not stop now.) 12. Why does Ettie encourage Larissa to ask that Kitty come to her room before the procedure? (They will carry out their escape plan.) 13. Explain the plan. (Kitty will go up to Larissa’s room. Ettie will sedate Larissa with the chloroform. Kitty and Ettie will escape with Nicolas’s help. However, this does not work. So Ettie takes Kitty’s place while Kitty escapes with Nicolas.) 14. Why does Madam Merriem not ‘bust’ Ettie when she realises she has taken Kitty’s place? (Madam Merriem knows that the procedure will either kill Ettie or send her to the Reject dump. This way Madam Merriem’s secret will remain just that.) 15. How does the chapter end? (There is a massive explosion just as the procedure is about to start.)

Chapter 19: Golden Goose 1. Where is Ettie as the chapter starts? Who is with her? (She is in a Pulak taxi with one of the doctors.) 2. Explain Ettie’s description of the man who is carrying her? How is this ironic? (She describes him as smelling of the sea, safe, a nice scent. She feels safe. The irony lies in the fact that her father saves her but she is horrified that it is him. She does not want to feel good about him. Handler Xavier is equally horrified when he realises he saved Ettie and not Kitty.) 3. Account for Handler Xavier’s attitude from the beginning of the chapter until he sees Ettie behind the mask. (When he thinks that it is Kitty under the mask, he is gentle and caring. He will do anything to save her. When he realises that he has been duped, he is angry. He wants to get rid of her immediately.) 4. Draw a brief character analysis of Me (from the beauty parlour) from all that you know of him. (He is genuinely kind and caring. Despite it not being Kitty under the mask, he intervenes when Handler Xavier wants to get ‘rid’ of Ettie.) 5. Recount the plan that the organisation created to save Kitty and the doctors. (They orchestrated the explosion to act as a diversion. Go in, rescue Kitty, kidnap the doctors. Kitty safe, doctors can remove their marks.) 6. How is Ettie a danger to the plan? (Her number can be tracked, they will be found.) 7. Why is it fatal to the plan when the doctor dies? (They thought the doctor could remove the mark. No doctor = no marks removed.) 8. How does Ettie convince Handler Xavier to let her go? (She will find out how to remove the marks and, with Nicolas’s help, remove their marks from The Machine too.) 9. What are the Locusts doing in Slum City? (Searching for Ettie, Kitty and Nicolas.) 10. Describe how Kitty seems to have changed when she meets Ettie again. (She is the ‘real’ Kitty now – assertive, bold. She is thin and not interested in the beauty products in Ettie’s bag.) 11. Ettie is at a cross-roads. Explain. What decision does she make? (Kitty tells her to join their resistance movement. Nicolas still wants her to run away with him. She decides to go with Nicolas.) 12. How does Kitty describe Handler Xavier? Why does this make Ettie angry? (Kind, fatherly, caring, loving. Ettie never received any of that from him. Ettie feels cheated – Handler Xavier is her father!) 13. Kitty and Nicolas address Ettie by different names. Explain the implications of each. (Ettie – drudge. Juliet – real name, real person. Caring, rebellious.) 14. Discuss the challenges that Ettie and Nicolas will now face as they become fugitives of Mangeria. (They will have to avoid the Locusts and The Machine. They will not know who to trust. Fugitives.) 15. Discuss the appropriateness of the chapter’s title. (The allusion is to Aesop’s fable, ‘The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs’: a poor man, motivated by greed, kills the goose that lays a golden egg every day. The idiom means to do something for greed or a short-term goal. The story is relevant because Handler Xavier is on the point of killing Ettie whereas she is of far more use to him and his rebellion if she is alive.)

Chapter 20: The Machine 1. What news does Ettie hear at the start of the chapter? Why is she relieved? Why is she scared? (Madam Merriem died in the explosion. Her secret parentage will not come out. However, now Nicolas does not need her anymore. Madam Merriem was the only other person who knew that he helped them to escape.) 2. What is Nicolas’s plan to get them into the building? (He will act in his capacity as a Locust. Ettie will be a detained drudge being marched into the building.) 3. Compare the reaction of Nicolas’s father to his son’s kidnapping, to Master Hylton towards his sick daughter. (Bartholomew is genuinely upset and worried for his son. Master Hylton is more concerned about saving Larissa for his political ideals.) 4. List all the fatalities of the explosion at Number 3. (Madam Merriem, the doctors, later Master.) 5. Describe how Ettie keeps calm in a crisis. What tactics does she use to avoid detection? (She acts out a part – she becomes a drudge, pretending to clean, when she thinks they might be caught. She stays as close to the truth as possible – when asked if anyone else is in the building, she admits that Nicolas is in the Machine room. She uses delaying and diversion tactics.) 6. Ettie refers to Larissa as her sister for the second time. She also makes a secret wish for Larissa to become whatever she wishes to be. Explain the significance of this, considering Ettie’s attitude towards Larissa when they first met. (Ettie loves her and wishes the best for her. Ettie admits that she cares for Larissa.) 7. Ettie considered throwing away the list of people Handler Xavier wanted her to save. But when Nicolas asks her for it, she hands it over. Discuss how their relationship progressed and how they changed each other. (Nicolas and Ettie trust each other. They make each other more vulnerable but more trusting.) 8. Why does she pause before removing Handler Xavier’s name from The Machine? (She really does not want to do him any favours. However, she needs him to be safe so that he can save Kitty.) 9. When Ettie removes her name from The Machine, she says it feels like “an invisible piece of wire has been snapped from (my) spine”. Explain this metaphor. (Puppet string cut! She will no longer be controlled by The Machine.) 10. How does this chapter fulfil the words of the epigraph? (Ettie ‘wipes out’ out her father and sister – she removes their names from The Machine. Then she deletes her own name. Her data will then state that she lived for 15 years and worked as a drudge.)

Chapter 21: The Journey 1. What significance does Ettie see in Nicolas’s comment, “It’s the way they control us” (pg 257)? (He refers to the Mangerians as ‘they’ and he is no longer part of them. He is with Ettie – ‘us’.) 2. Why is Ettie still wary to walk in the streets of Slum City? (She is still a wanted person. Even though her number has been erased, a Locust might recognise her. She has been wary all of her life.) 3. Describe the encounter between Mistress and Ettie. (At first, Mistress is kind and seems to care. However, she clearly chooses Larissa over Ettie, despite knowing that she is Ettie’s mother. Ettie is horrified and hurt.) 4. To what extent to you agree with Ettie when she says that she sees her mother “clearly”. Explain. (Yes – Mistress was always just concerned with Larissa. No other person matter to her, not even her other daughter.) 5. Do you think Larissa is right to blind Princess Fanny? Justify your answer. (Yes – she believes that Ettie is in danger and will do anything to help/save her. No – what she did was violent and cruel.) 6. What has happened to Larissa since the explosion, with Nicolas’s departure, and her father dying? What is going to happen to her now? (She is still very ill. Bartholomew refuses for any further procedures to happen until Nicolas is returned safely. She mourns her father’s death alone. Mistress is of no comfort.) 7. Describe how the character of Mistress changed. Account for the change. (Cares only for Larissa. Does not mourn Master. She is desperate to save Larissa.) 8. Why does Ettie board the seacraft with Reader? (He can read the braille books and he has maps. She realises that she cannot run away with Nicolas or stay and fight with Kitty.) 9. Why did Ettie leave Nicolas behind? What do you think will happen to him now? (He might be Larissa’s only hope. If he is found, she will live. Perhaps also to keep him away from her and the dangers?) 10. Summarise the news of what is taking place at Slum City and Mangeria following the uprising. (Protests, revolt, State of Emergency declared, parliament suspended, inoculations to start soon, civil unrest, many people dying in the streets, Nicolas is still on the run and Larissa is dying.) 11. What future storyline in a sequel is hinted at in the final section of the novel? (In the epilogue she states that she will return and fight.) 12. What is the title of the sequel to “The Mark”? (“The Reject”)


1. Ettie is sitting in her drudge class at school. This is her last day of drudge school before she graduates and has to start working as a drudge. (2) 2. The sun is extremely hot which causes people to get sunburnt easily and quickly. (2) 3. Ettie is defiant, even if quietly so. This suggests that she will have a role in opposing the Mangerian government as it is already clear that she does not subscribe to their way of thinking when she says “Not me”. (3) 4. The mood is euphoric/ ecstatic/ enthusiastic. The drudge teacher is trying to get the students to say the pledge with more enthusiasm. This is part of the brainwashing in making the learners believe that their worth is found in their utility to the Posh. (3) 5. Text A talks about how everyone is assigned a profession at birth and Text B recalls the festival of fate-mates in which life partners are chosen for those who have come of age. In both texts, the theme of the lack of individual freedom/ choice is being explored. (theme + example from each text) (3) 6.1 Oompa Loompas are workers in Willi Wonka’s factory in the same way that the Posh and Traders are working for the Mangerians. By calling them “happy Oompa-Loompas”, Ettie suggests that they are ignorant of the ways in which they are being exploited. (2) 6.2 By describing the fate-mates as being “herded in by the Locusts”, Ettie implies that the fate- mates have been dehumanised by the Locusts and treated like a pack of animals with no individual will. The Locusts are uncaring. (2) 7. Accept any valid response. Some examples are: - There is no curfew for the Posh. - Little Miss is not sent to the Reject Dumps even though she is very ill. - Little Miss and Nicholas will not go to the Fate-mate Festival as their families have already agreed that they will marry. (2) 8. The tone of the words “Offspring” is matter-of-fact and does not possess the affectionate tone as the word “children” would. This suggests that Ettie views the parent-child relationship as one of utility and not love. (3) 9. “They offer themselves” indicates that these young people are sacrificing themselves for what they believe to be a noble purpose. However, Ettie is repulsed by the absence of choice and the ease with which the Mangerian government is able to control the masses. Accept any reasonable response that has been well-supported. (3)

MEMO GRADE 10: ‘THE MARK’ SEPT 2018 Extract A: 1.1 Handler Xavier alerts the people on the beach that there is a sea monster. The panic-stricken Posh flee while Ettie and Kitty rob the goods which are . (2)

1.2 Ettie has tried many extreme methods to destroy the flesh on her back so that the mark is not visible. Without these numbers she can be free. / Her future and identity would be of her own choosing. (2)

1.3 – He has access to unwanted children as his mother runs the orphanage. – The children have no choice. /They will starve if they don’t work for him. (2)

2. At this stage she believes her parents died and she was sent to the orphanage. (1)

3.1 Ettie is trying to convince Handler X that Kitty is useless and that she has ill feelings towards her. However, Ettie is very fond of Kitty and wants her safety, but Ettie cannot show her true feelings. (2)

3.2 To put oneself at risk. /Dangerous/reckless behaviour. / To be unaware of limitations which leads to one’s detriment. (1)

3.3 Ettie and Kitty have grown up together and become like sisters. Kitty saved Ettie’s life when the fire burnt the orphanage as they slept. / Ettie does not believe Kitty is capable of taking care of herself and feels responsible for her. (2)

4 * Lower class citizens have restricted access to certain areas. (Pass) * There is a curfew that does not apply to the elite. * The poor live in the ghetto. * Locusts abuse the lower class. (Any two points) (2)

/14/ Extract B: 5. After the riot, Ettie follows Nelson into a building. From the rooftop she spies on a secret group of freedom fighters who oppose the ruling elite. (2)

6.1 Nicholas has been tracking Ettie. He puts her mark number into a handset which is sent to The Machine that stores everyone’s personal information. (2)

6.2 Ettie loves to read books and often links this fantasy world to reality. (1)

7 Posh use the word ‘savage’ negatively to mean: rebellious, uncontrolled, wild. It is for those who are labelled criminals because they act against the regime. / Used by the Mangerians, it is a term to condemn those whom they cannot conquer and who therefore pose a threat to their power, such as the prisoners sent to Savage City. Ettie (and those like her) use ‘savage’ in a more positive way: it refers to those who retain an independent spirit, fight for a greater cause. AVA (2) 8.1 Kitty. She has been collecting information and credits from the Posh/Mangerians at the pleasure clubs where she works. (2) 8.2 Kitty plans to steal from the Posh at a hotel and get caught so that she is sent to Savage City. Here she hopes to be selected for The Lab experiments to remove the mark. (2)


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