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978-1-4143-3500-1.Pdf Tyndale House Novels by Jerry B. Jenkins Riven Midnight Clear (with Dallas Jenkins) Soon Silenced Shadowed The Last Operative The Brotherhood The Left Behind® series (with Tim LaHaye) Left Behind® Desecration Tribulation Force The Remnant Nicolae Armageddon Soul Harvest Glorious Appearing Apollyon The Rising Assassins The Regime The Indwelling The Rapture The Mark Kingdom Come Left Behind Collectors Edition Rapture’s Witness (books 1–3) Deceiver’s Game (books 4–6) Evil’s Edge (books 7–9) World’s End (books 10–12) For the latest information on Left Behind products, visit www.leftbehind.com. For the latest information on Tyndale fiction, visit www.tyndalefiction.com. 5*.-")":& +&33:#+&/,*/4 5:/%"-&)064&16#-*4)&34 */$ $"30-453&". *--*/0*4 Visit Tyndale’s exciting Web site at www.tyndale.com. Discover the latest about the Left Behind series at www.leftbehind.com. TYNDALE, Tyndale’s quill logo, and Left Behind are registered trademarks of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Armageddon: The Cosmic Battle of the Ages Copyright © 2003 by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins. All rights reserved. Cover photograph copyright © by Ivan Cholakov/iStockphoto. All rights reserved. Author photo of Jerry B. Jenkins copyright © 2010 by Jim Whitmer Photography. All rights reserved. Author photo of Tim LaHaye copyright © 2004 by Brian MacDonald. All rights reserved. Left Behind series designed by Erik M. Peterson Published in association with the literary agency of Alive Communications, Inc., 7680 Goddard Street, Suite 200, Colorado Springs, CO 80920. Scripture quotations are taken from the New King James Version.® Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. www.alivecommunications.com. Characters in this novel sometimes speak words that are adapted from various versions of the Bible, including the King James Version and the New King James Version.® Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data LaHaye, Tim F. Armageddon : the cosmic battle of the ages / Tim LaHaye, Jerry B. Jenkins. p. cm — (Left behind series) ISBN 978-0-8423-3234-7 (hc) ISBN 978-0-8423-3236-1 (sc) ISBN 978-0-8423-6560-4 (lp) 1. Steele, Rayford (Fictitious character)—Fiction. 2. Rapture (Christian eschatology)—Fiction. 3. Petra (Extinct city)—Fiction. 4. Armageddon— Fiction. I. Jenkins, Jerry B. II. Title. III. Series. PS3562.A315 A76 2003 813′.54—dc21 2002152499 Repackage first published in 2011 under ISBN 978-1-4143-3500-1. Printed in the United States of America 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 To the memory of A. W. Tozer, who pursued God Special thanks to David Allen for expert technical consultation SIX YEARS INTO THE TRIBULATION; TWO AND ONE HALF YEARS INTO THE GREAT TRIBULATION The Believers Rayford Steele, late forties; former 747 captain for Pan-Continental; lost wife and son in the Rapture; former pilot for Global Community Potentate Nicolae Carpathia; original member of the Tribulation Force; international fugitive in exile, Petra Cameron (“Buck”) Williams, mid-thirties; former senior writer for Global Weekly; former publisher of Global Community Weekly for Carpathia; original vii ArmagEDDON member of the Trib Force; editor of cybermagazine The Truth; fugitive in exile, San Diego Chloe Steele Williams, mid-twenties; former student, Stanford University; lost mother and brother in the Rapture; daughter of Rayford; wife of Buck; mother of three-and-a-half-year-old Kenny Bruce; CEO of International Commodity Co-op, an underground network of believers; original Trib Force member; fugitive in exile, San Diego George Sebastian, late twenties; former San Diego– based U.S. Air Force combat helicopter pilot; underground with Trib Force and Co-op, San Diego Ming Toy, mid-twenties; widow; former guard at the Belgium Facility for Female Rehabilitation (Buffer); AWOL from the GC; underground in San Diego Ree Woo, mid-twenties; pilot for Co-op; underground in San Diego Tsion Ben-Judah, early fifties; former rabbinical scholar and Israeli statesman; revealed belief in Jesus as the Messiah on international TV—wife and two teenagers subsequently murdered; escaped to U.S.; former spiritual leader and teacher of the Trib viii TIM LAHAYE & JErrY B. JENKINS Force, now teaching the Jewish remnant at Petra; cyberaudience of more than a billion daily Dr. Chaim Rosenzweig, early seventies; Nobel Prize– winning Israeli botanist and statesman; former Global Weekly Newsmaker of the Year; murderer of Carpathia; leading the Jewish remnant at Petra Abdullah Smith, mid-thirties; former Jordanian fighter pilot; former first officer, Phoenix 216; presumed dead in plane crash; on assignment at Petra Al B. (aka “Albie”), early fifties; native of Al Basrah, north of Kuwait; pilot; former international black marketer; now member of Trib Force; underground in Al Basrah Mac McCullum, early sixties; former pilot for Carpathia; presumed dead in plane crash; underground in Al Basrah Hannah Palemoon, early thirties; former GC nurse; presumed dead in plane crash; underground in Long Grove, Illinois Leah Rose, early forties; former head nurse, Arthur Young Memorial Hospital, Palatine, Illinois; under- ground in Long Grove, Illinois ix ArmagEDDON Lionel Whalum, late forties; former businessman; Co-op pilot; underground in Long Grove, Illinois Chang Wong, twenty; Ming Toy’s brother; Trib Force’s mole at Global Community Headquarters, New Babylon Gustaf Zuckermandel Jr. (aka “Zeke” or “Z”), mid-twenties; document and appearance forger; lost father to guillotine; underground in Avery, Wisconsin The Enemies Nicolae Jetty Carpathia, late thirties; former president of Romania; former secretary-general, United Nations; self-appointed Global Community potentate; assassinated in Jerusalem; resurrected at GC Palace complex, New Babylon Leon Fortunato, mid-fifties; former supreme commander and Carpathia’s right hand; now Most High Reverend Father of Carpathianism, proclaiming the potentate as the risen god; GC Palace, New Babylon x TIM LAHAYE & JErrY B. JENKINS Viv Ivins, late sixties; lifelong friend of Carpathia; GC operative; GC Palace, New Babylon Suhail Akbar, mid-forties; Carpathia’s chief of Security and Intelligence; GC Palace, New Babylon xi KEY LOCATIONS FOR ARMAGEDDON ROCKEFELLER JERUSALEM-OLD CITY MUSEUM a s a d n HEROD'S GATE a a H H a a H H l l DAMASCUS e e H H GATE Double Pool of Bethesda LION'S ad GATE Ro on im le TEMPLE Su GOLDEN MOUNT GATE DOME (Closed) OF THE ROCK Jericho Road WAILING WALL JAFFA GATE (Wall Section Demolished) CITADEL DUNG GATE Jaffa Road ZION GATE MIDDLE EAST TURKEY Caspian Sea SYRIA Mediterranean Sea IRAN IRAQ Baghdad Al Hillah JORDAN EGYPT P e SAUDI rs ia ARABIA n G u Red lf Sea PROLOGUE From The Remnant “For the first time in a long time,” Nicolae Carpathia said, “we play on an even field. The waterways are healing them- selves, and we have rebuilding to do in the infrastructure. Let us work at getting all our loyal citizens back onto the same page with us. Director Akbar and I have some special surprises in store for dissidents on various levels. We are back in business, people. It is time to recoup our losses and start delivering a few.” The new mood lasted three days. Then the lights went out. Literally. Everything went dark. Not just the sun, but the xv ArmagEDDON moon also, the stars, street lamps, electric lights, car lights. Anything anywhere that ever emitted light was now dark. No keypads on telephones, no flashlights, nothing iridescent, nothing glow-in-the-dark. Emergency lights, exit signs, fire signs, alarm signs—everything. Pitch-black. The cliché of not being able to see one’s hand in front of one’s face? Now true. It mattered not what time of day it was; people could see nothing. Not their clocks, watches, not even fire, matches, gas grills, electric grills. It was as if the light had done worse than go out; any vestige of it had been sucked from the universe. People screamed in terror, finding this the worst night- mare of their lives—and they had many to choose from. They were blind—completely, utterly, totally, wholly unable to see anything but blackness twenty-four hours a day. They felt their way around the palace; they pushed their way outdoors. They tried every light and every switch they could remember. They called out to each other to see if it was just them, or if everyone had the same problem. Find a candle! Rub two sticks together! Shuffle on the carpet and create static electricity. Do anything. Anything! Something to allow some vestige of a shadow, a hint, a sliver. All to no avail. Chang wanted to laugh. He wanted to howl from his gut. He wished he could tell everyone everywhere that once again God had meted out a curse, a judgment upon the earth that affected only those who bore the mark of the beast. Chang could see. It was different. He didn’t see lights either. xvi TIM LAHAYE & JErrY B. JENKINS He simply saw everything in sepia tone, as if someone had turned down the wattage on a chandelier. He saw whatever he needed to, including his computer and screen and watch and quarters. His food, his sink, his stove—everything. Best of all, he could tiptoe around the pal- ace in his rubber-soled shoes, weaving between his coworkers as they felt their way along. Within hours, though, something even stranger hap- pened. People were not starving or dying of thirst. They were able to feel their way to food and drink. But they could not work. There was nothing to discuss, nothing to talk about but the cursed darkness. And for some reason, they also began to feel pain. They itched and so they scratched. They ached and so they rubbed. They cried out and scratched and rubbed some more.

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