
ITM Web of Conferences 15, 04007 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/itmconf/20171504007 CMES’17

IT solutions supporting processes and the choice of

Anna Kaczorowska1,*, Jolanta Słoniec2, and Sabina Motyka3

1University of Lodz, Faculty of Management, Department of , Matejki 22/26, 90-237 Łodz, Poland 2Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Management, Department of Enterprise , Nadbystrzycka 38, 20-618 Lublin, Poland 3Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical, Department of Manufacturing Processes, M6 Institute, Jana Pawła II 37 Avenue, 31-864 Cracow, Poland

Abstract. The article aims to present both the theoretical contents and proposed solutions to practical problems perceived in the support of project management. The process’ approach was recommended as the basis of project management. The classification of instruments due to the implemented functions and structure of information , which support project management, was included, in conjunction with the type of handled. The maturity of project management information support was analysed. Project management areas that have the highest possibilities of information support were indicated, and a list of advantages of the use of information instruments was drawn up. Both the main criteria of software selection and the basic presently formulated with reference to project management supporting systems were determined.

1 Introduction IIZP consists of the following components: hardware, software, of information, knowledge1, models2 The development of information systems for project and procedures related to projects and networks. Owing to management evolved from the supporting tools, in a rather IIZP, new information systems for project management narrow range, the work of just one person in a single project (ISfPM) arise. Contractors and people responsible for the for solutions that assure the cooperation of many subjects in project results and users who can use such instruments a multi-project environment [1, 2, 3, 4]. may significantly increase not only the capacity of their Presently, project managers and project teams mostly work, but also the reliability of undertaken decisions. plan and the accomplishment of undertakings as They may also increase the chances of success in the well as their reporting and documenting using information project implementation. instruments. Information tools also assure a partial support However, the information is only one part of of the processes of a projects initiation and definitions, the project . Its application depends project team organization, and administration of the on the project requirements related to IIZP and the scope results and collection of the project knowledge [5]. in which the IIZP could support project management. The software which supports the project management Despite the constantly growing level of advancement may increase the effectiveness of concrete project in an , they are not autonomic enough management, but it will never compensate for factual, to independently specify more accurately the project goals methodical or organizational deficiencies occurring in the and , and automatically organize the project team. project implementing organization. Heerkens expressed However, the use of a properly chosen ISfPM may this as follows: “The use of software without constitute an effective support of the decisive processes on understanding of the essence of project management all levels of the organization, by facilitated planning of the allows merely to create faster some lousy ” [6]. projects and controlling the correctness of their The use of an appropriate information infrastructure performance [7]. contributes to the enhanced quality of the management processes, including project management processes [2]. 1Bases of knowledge enable the management of knowledge The information infrastructure of project management and decision-taking in extraordinary conditions. (IIZP) should be perceived as a platform that enables the 2Models are gathered in the models base allowing for functioning of project management and use of hard and of the consequences of undertaking various soft instruments of management dedicated to that area. decisions.

* Corresponding author: [email protected]

© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). ITM Web of Conferences 15, 04007 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/itmconf/20171504007 CMES’17

2 The process model of project projects lifecycle (cycle of projects), projects management management cycle, cyclic processes of support (Figure 1).


n Managerial processes

The increased interest in the process approach recently e t

c e m e resulted from aspiring to meet the accomplishment of the l g e o j y c a

buyers’ expectations within very intensive competition. r c … P This approach pulls to the fore the dynamic aspects and a n process harmonization of activities and focuses on m

process effects [8, 9, 10, 11, 12]. e Project executive processes f i

l The

Processes are the sets of consecutive activities in e t l need c The e cause and effect relations to each other, carried out with y c on outcome c o j

the aim to reach the intended result (product, service), r input on output constituting in satisfaction of the client’s important P external or internal needs [5]. Consequently, projects are

s l t e

actually processes. Therefore, the projects management a s

c … o r s i e l should be based on the process approach – its principles, p p o c y c u models and methods [8]. r s C Thus, an appropriate model for a projects p Supporting processes presentation is the process model, because it enables a complete description of dynamic organizational Fig. 1. General process model of project implementation (own phenomena, i.e. the projects. preparation on the basis of [5, 13]). The process model contains three main groups of project processes: executive processes, supportive In view of the diversity of projects, which is mostly processes and managerial processes. manifested in their executory process, the search for Executive processes of the project (otherwise a universal generalized model, which would describe the referred to as the operative or primary processes) have lifecycle of all projects, seems of little use. The effort is a direct share in the creation of the intended result – focussed on the development of the models of the product and service. At the input of such processes, there respective types of projects, e.g. information projects, are always concrete needs, whereas at the output – as an constructional projects, complex technological devices, effect, the satisfaction of such needs should always and research & developmental projects [14]. occur. Executive processes are divided into two types: The project management cycle is a generalized processes of designing the project’s result (creative – (model) presentation of the course of the project consisting of a description, usually in the form of project managerial process. This concept is based on the documentation, intended result of the project) and assumption that, despite a considerable differentiation of project implementation processes (referring to the the goals and diversity of the projects’ results, we can material implementation of the product/service of the determine their common set of managerial processes. project). According to this concept [5, 13], the project The project supporting processes – servicing or management cycle consists of four phases (defining - auxiliary – do not have any direct share in creating the DP, preparation - PP, workmanship - WP, finishing - FP) project’s outcome, but they create the conditions to and eight managerial processes: achieve it. They comprise the processes of legal, staff- 1) Initiation and definition of the project (DP), related, financial and , informative, 2) Organizing a project team (PP), technological, and administrative support. The list of the 3) Planning the project structure (PP), project supporting processes is open and each time 4) Planning the project terms (PP), adjusted to the specific undertaking. 5) Planning the project resources (PP), Managerial processes consist of harmonization of 6) Organization of the project performance (PP), executive processes and supporting processes with the 7) Guidance (control and coordination) of aim to reach the intended result of the project. preparation of the performance of the project and actual Managerial processes include the processes of outlining performance of the project (WP), the goals, organization and motivation, and control. 8) Closure of the project (FP). For every group of processes, i.e. executive, The structure of the project management cycle varies supporting and managerial processes we can determine among different methodological standards [15]. a separate model structure (cycle) constituting a pattern Singling out three main groups of processes and their of its course, repetitive in various projects. This allows model structures, repeated periodically and forming us to formulate general principles and guidelines and use a closed entirety, is of crucial importance for project universal methods of and management. It enables the description of the most implementation. important processes connected with project Recognition of repetitiveness of the projects model implementation. Therefore, the process’ approach is structure allows us to define those structures as cyclic recommended as the basis of improving the project ones. Therefore, in project management we deal with the management process, important for increasing the efficiency of the functioning of contemporary [5, 9, 13].

2 ITM Web of Conferences 15, 04007 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/itmconf/20171504007 CMES’17

2 The process model of project projects lifecycle (cycle of projects), projects management 3 Classifications of information systems From the point of view of the users working within management cycle, cyclic processes of support (Figure 1). for project management and their one project, the PPM system functionality basically does not differ from the PMS system. Specific functions of

t maturity n Managerial processes PPM systems are used by the entities responsible for

The increased interest in the process approach recently e t c e m project coordination at a higher organizational level, e.g. e resulted from aspiring to meet the accomplishment of the l Information systems for project management (ISfPM) g e o j y c

a strategic design offices or program managers or buyers’ expectations within very intensive competition. r c … may be qualified to one of the following three classes [5]: P This approach pulls to the fore the dynamic aspects and a n 1) Project Management Support Systems – PMS, projects portfolio. process harmonization of activities and focuses on m 2) Project Portfolio Management – PPM [16, 17], Dedicated tools and packages are usually formed for

the needs of concrete enterprises. Such programs should process effects [8, 9, 10, 11, 12]. e Project executive processes

f 3) dedicated tools and packages [18]. i l The

then meet all the needs connected with the project Processes are the sets of consecutive activities in e t l need The functions, which should be accomplished by c The e cause and effect relations to each other, carried out with y c on outcome information systems of particular classes, are presented implementation. The use of specialist software may, c o j the aim to reach the intended result (product, service), r input on output in Table 1. among others, result from local conditions, specificity of constituting in satisfaction of the client’s important P the project or the area of the project which engages an external or internal needs [5]. Consequently, projects are Table 1. Functions implemented by particular classes of organization from the branch in which the project

s l t systems for project management (own work based on [1, 3, 5, e manager is functioning. From the necessity to integrate actually processes. Therefore, the projects management a s c … o r s i 16, 19]). e l should be based on the process approach – its principles, p the dedicated system with the information systems so far p o c y c u models and methods [8]. r used in the organisation [18]. s C Thus, an appropriate model for a projects p Supporting processes ISfPM class Functionality of the system The use of various classes of systems for project management may be referred to the organization’s presentation is the process model, because it enables - Project planning support project maturity levels [12, 17, 20, 21]. Classification a complete description of dynamic organizational Fig. 1. General process model of project implementation (own - Tasks management – preparation of the phenomena, i.e. the projects. preparation on the basis of [5, 13]). ; determination suggested by Gasik [22] exhibits ascending nature in The process model contains three main groups of of four types of relations between the which each higher level contains the functionalities of project processes: executive processes, supportive In view of the diversity of projects, which is mostly current task and its preceding task: Finish lower levels and elements that are specific for itself. processes and managerial processes. manifested in their executory process, the search for to Start, Start to Start, Finish to Finish, The article omits Level 0, i.e. manual level, because Executive processes of the project (otherwise a universal generalized model, which would describe the Start to Finish; recognition of various the main information tool used on this level is the office referred to as the operative or primary processes) have lifecycle of all projects, seems of little use. The effort is types of tasks, such as: milestones, software, such as: Ms Excel or Ms Word. a direct share in the creation of the intended result – focussed on the development of the models of the individual tasks, summary tasks, work Level 1 – individual - is the first level on which product and service. At the input of such processes, there respective types of projects, e.g. information projects, packages; checking the status of single information systems are used in project management. constructional projects, complex technological devices, tasks and groups of tasks; generation of The software, which supports the project management, is are always concrete needs, whereas at the output – as an lists of particularly important activities, and research & developmental projects [14]. effect, the satisfaction of such needs should always those with approaching accomplishment used independently in respective projects, without occur. Executive processes are divided into two types: The project management cycle is a generalized deadline, delayed activities or those inside the project portfolio or with other processes of designing the project’s result (creative – (model) presentation of the course of the project PMS threatened with a delay; implementation of areas of organizational management. The project consisting of a description, usually in the form of project managerial process. This concept is based on the the method of critical path; budgeting of management support on this level comprises the creation documentation, intended result of the project) and assumption that, despite a considerable differentiation of tasks of the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), preparing the project implementation processes (referring to the the goals and diversity of the projects’ results, we can - Management of resources – records and , records of the progress of work, planning and material implementation of the product/service of the determine their common set of managerial processes. assignment of resources for records of costs, the analysis of the worked out value, project). According to this concept [5, 13], the project accomplishment of concrete tasks; and supervision of the project implementation. It is management cycle consists of four phases (defining - analysis of loading the resources with possible to transform the schedule into a plan through The project supporting processes – servicing or work; signalling an excessive allocation of auxiliary – do not have any direct share in creating the DP, preparation - PP, workmanship - WP, finishing - FP) resources; calculation of resources work the allocation of resources, but software does not support project’s outcome, but they create the conditions to and eight managerial processes: costs; the resources management because it does not contain achieve it. They comprise the processes of legal, staff- 1) Initiation and definition of the project (DP), - Views and reports – for various any information about the use of resources in other related, financial and accounting, informative, 2) Organizing a project team (PP), participants of the project with a projects. The way of using the information instruments technological, and administrative support. The list of the 3) Planning the project structure (PP), possibility of their independent depends on the and, therefore, working project supporting processes is open and each time 4) Planning the project terms (PP), preparation and adjustment to concrete time records are not kept in the system, especially when adjusted to the specific undertaking. 5) Planning the project resources (PP), needs the resources work in many projects. The Ms Project Managerial processes consist of harmonization of 6) Organization of the project performance (PP), - Coordination of tasks and allocation of Standard or Professional software in a one-stand version resources at the level of the whole executive processes and supporting processes with the 7) Guidance (control and coordination) of is most often used on this maturity level. preparation of the performance of the project and actual organization A Level 2 portfolio assumes the mutual management aim to reach the intended result of the project. - Establishing the priorities for projects Managerial processes include the processes of outlining performance of the project (WP), - Management of the projects portfolio with the entire portfolio of all projects of the the goals, organization and motivation, and control. 8) Closure of the project (FP). organization. ISfPM maintains one common repository, For every group of processes, i.e. executive, The structure of the project management cycle varies PPM - Management of users’ rights i.e. all dictionaries necessary to implement the projects. supporting and managerial processes we can determine among different methodological standards [15]. - Processing larger data sets than those The most important dictionaries comprise dictionary of a separate model structure (cycle) constituting a pattern Singling out three main groups of processes and their with the use of PMS the types of projects, , pool of the of its course, repetitive in various projects. This allows model structures, repeated periodically and forming - Group work using coordination packages organization’s resources, dictionary of the roles us to formulate general principles and guidelines and use a closed entirety, is of crucial importance for project of the group work - groupware in projects, WBS templates, bookkeeping accounts management. It enables the description of the most - Multidimensional data analyses in OLAP structure, types of risks, and users’ rights in the system. universal methods of project planning and technology important processes connected with project The most important functions implemented by ISfPM on implementation. - Advanced reporting in the language and Recognition of repetitiveness of the projects model implementation. Therefore, the process’ approach is Dedicated tools currency of a given country, including the this maturity level are working time records, supporting structure allows us to define those structures as cyclic recommended as the basis of improving the project and packages locally used measurement system, legal the common management of resources, mutual analyses ones. Therefore, in project management we deal with the management process, important for increasing the (DTaP) regulations of the activity of the project of a projects performance, supporting of inter-project efficiency of the functioning of contemporary conducting organisation communication, supporting uniform reporting and organizations [5, 9, 13]. unified standards of projects implementation. Among the

3 ITM Web of Conferences 15, 04007 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/itmconf/20171504007 CMES’17

systems available on the market, the Primavera tools 4 Advantages of IT support in project support the portfolio management best. management Level 3 – Integrated, requires the used ISfPM to be integrated with the organization’s most important The share of respective phases of the project information systems which comprise the financial and management cycle in the project’s inputs and costs is accounting system - FK, management differentiated. It will be mentioned after the results of the system - HRMS, electronic information flow system - costing structure analysis with the participating 364 EIFS, customer relationship management system - project management practitioners from the organizations CRMS, shopping support system - SSS, production which, within one year, carried out 16,110 projects for support system - PSS. Information systems at this the total amount of $29.8b [25]. maturity level enable bilateral communication (ISfPM The defining phase lasts from several days to several <> concrete information system of the organization). weeks, its costs amounting to approx. 12%. The duration They provide, through electronic mail or internet portals, of the consecutive phase, i.e. preparatory phase is information about the costs generated by the resources counted, (depending on the project ) in (for FK), type and of performed work weeks, months and even years, its share in the project (HRMS), contacts with project clients (CRM) and the expenditures and costs amounting to about 20%. The status of conducted tasks (PSS). Presently, organizations performance phase is mainly the project implementation planning to reach this maturity level must work out process, which is accompanied by the management themselves the interfaces between individual systems. processes of operation (control and coordination). This The existing ready solution – the closest to the phase usually takes the majority of the time and the requirements of the integrated level, is the SAP software biggest cost of the project: performance – approx. 43%, (SAP One – Project Management). operation – approx. 18%. The last phase – termination, Level 4 – Uniform, is characteristic of enterprises lasts from several days to several months, its share in which have one application supporting all areas of the expenditures and costs amounts to approx. 7% [25]. organization’s management. All functions, which the Knowing the distribution of expenditures and costs organization needs for project management, are between phases, it seems reasonable to seek software supported in one database. The organization’s human which would support the most difficult and expensive resources and contractor in the project mean the same processes in the projects management cycle. Table 3 lists resource, described as one record in the base. There is no the advantages of information support of the processes need to develop an interface and synchronisation with occurring in the respective phases. the FK system, because from the project level there is direct access to the accounts plan. Presently, there are no Table 3. Advantages of information support of individual ready solutions that support project management at processes of the project management cycle (own work based on [2, 5, 9, 19, 25]). a uniform level. Supported Table 2. Maturity levels of ISfPM (own preparation on the processes within Advantages of support basis of [5, 17, 22]). phases - Taking the decision as to the date ISfPM Maturity level of the system of starting or finishing on which class 1 2 3 4 Initiation and the schedule of the project will be PMS + – – – definition of the based and hence – what operations project (defining of the program will be undertaken PPM – + + partly phase) - Preparing the definition or synthetic description of the project - Analysis of risk DTaP + + + – - More precise distribution of Planning the works in the project, involving the project structure most important factors affecting Table 2 qualified ISfPM of a specific class to an (preparatory phase) appropriate level of maturity. Sign „+” stands for the result of the project an achievement, whereas „–” is a failure to achieve - Reduction of the schedule development time a given maturity level by the system. Planning the dates - More effective arrangement of (preparatory phase) From the point of view of the organization that seeks dates with the project participants the most appropriate ISfPM, the most important seems to - Assignment of a critical path be the classification involving technical issues of - Clear determination of location of the programme, which distinguishes [23]: contractors’ tasks and 1) Programs installed on the local server and users’ Planning the responsibilities computers, resources - More optimum use of resources 2) Tools accessed through the Web interface, (preparatory phase) - Signalling an excessive 3) (SaaS), i.e. the software allocation of resources and the so provided by the network without the need of installation called „bottlenecks” and maintenance of servers on the clients’ part [24].

4 ITM Web of Conferences 15, 04007 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/itmconf/20171504007 CMES’17 systems available on the market, the Primavera tools 4 Advantages of IT support in project Supported This would cause a situation where to secure oneself for support the portfolio management best. management processes within Advantages of support the future in view of possibly necessary functionalities of Level 3 – Integrated, requires the used ISfPM to be phases the system, excessively expanded programs would be integrated with the organization’s most important The share of respective phases of the project - Reliable determination of costs chosen, i.e. the programs that are more complex in information systems which comprise the financial and for project-related works according servicing and often contain unused functions. management cycle in the project’s inputs and costs is to their original sources accounting system - FK, human resources management differentiated. It will be mentioned after the results of the - Realistic calculation of planned Project managers or higher management of the Planning the costs system - HRMS, electronic information flow system - costing structure analysis with the participating 364 costs and budgeting organization should first, fully understand the specificity (preparatory phase) EIFS, customer relationship management system - project management practitioners from the organizations - Isolation of reserves (e.g. for risk and scope of implemented projects and then determine CRMS, shopping support system - SSS, production which, within one year, carried out 16,110 projects for management) in the project the actual needs and requirements in relation to the support system - PSS. Information systems at this the total amount of $29.8b [25]. - Limitation of agreed penalties software, and subsequently indicate the functionalities maturity level enable bilateral communication (ISfPM The defining phase lasts from several days to several - Decreased freezing of capital needed for the improvement of activities undertaken <> concrete information system of the organization). weeks, its costs amounting to approx. 12%. The duration Organization of the - Faster communication between within the projects. They provide, through electronic mail or internet portals, of the consecutive phase, i.e. preparatory phase is project the project participants Subsequently, in order to facilitate the choice of (preparatory phase) - On-going work of the team information about the costs generated by the resources counted, (depending on the project complexity) in appropriate software we could qualify the project, (for FK), type and evaluation of performed work - Specification of the project because of the level of its complexity, to one of the three weeks, months and even years, its share in the project evaluation indices (HRMS), contacts with project clients (CRM) and the expenditures and costs amounting to about 20%. The - Recording the working time groups: status of conducted tasks (PSS). Presently, organizations performance phase is mainly the project implementation - Precise control of progress in the 1) Simple – short-term projects (up to three months), planning to reach this maturity level must work out process, which is accompanied by the management project at the time close to real with simple tasks which require the basic support in Operation of the themselves the interfaces between individual systems. and involvement of capital up to 100 processes of operation (control and coordination). This project - Lower expenditures on the thousand PLN, The existing ready solution – the closest to the phase usually takes the majority of the time and the (performance project operation requirements of the integrated level, is the SAP software biggest cost of the project: performance – approx. 43%, phase) 2) Moderately advanced – medium (up to one year) (SAP Business One – Project Management). operation – approx. 18%. The last phase – termination, - Faster response to deviations projects, characterized by the average size and scope of Level 4 – Uniform, is characteristic of enterprises lasts from several days to several months, its share in from the plan or changes of the works, requiring a more comprehensive, though not plan which have one application supporting all areas of the complex yet, support in management, with the costs up expenditures and costs amounts to approx. 7% [25]. - Increased transparency of the organization’s management. All functions, which the Knowing the distribution of expenditures and costs course of the project to 10 million PLN, organization needs for project management, are between phases, it seems reasonable to seek software - Fast access to the project data in 3) Advanced – long-term (over one year) and supported in one database. The organization’s human which would support the most difficult and expensive submitted views and complex projects which require a comprehensive support resources and contractor in the project mean the same processes in the projects management cycle. Table 3 lists multidimensional reports in management, generating costs above 10 million PLN. resource, described as one record in the base. There is no - Higher transparency of the The determination of the level of complexity of the advantages of information support of the processes Analysis of results project due to improved reporting need to develop an interface and synchronisation with occurring in the respective phases. and collection of projects should result from the evaluation of the basic and documentation the FK system, because from the project level there is project knowledge parameters of the project, i.e. time, scope, and cost. Table 3. Advantages of information support of individual - Support in creation of the lessons direct access to the accounts plan. Presently, there are no (completion phase) In the case of proper interpretation of the level of ready solutions that support project management at processes of the project management cycle (own work based learned documents project complexity, and qualifying it to one of the three - Shortening the time of preparing on [2, 5, 9, 19, 25]). mentioned groups, it becomes possible to better adjust a uniform level. individual documents through Supported developed templates the software to the needs of the project manager and Table 2. Maturity levels of ISfPM (own preparation on the processes within Advantages of support team. basis of [5, 17, 22]). phases The least complicated projects generally do not - Taking the decision as to the date require advanced information systems. Sometimes, there ISfPM Maturity level of the system 5 Criteria of the choice of an of starting or finishing on which class 1 2 3 4 information system for the project is no need to implement any additional solutions, apart Initiation and the schedule of the project will be management from the tools already applied in organizations. In the PMS + – – – definition of the based and hence – what operations case of such projects, the support in management may be project (defining of the program will be undertaken reduced to checking if the assigned tasks phase) - Preparing the definition or The list of functions presented in Table 1 is not closed PPM – + + partly accomplishment deadline is not exceeded. Other synthetic description of the project yet. It only shows which functions are offered by - Analysis of risk contemporary software supporting project management. functions, such as reminders, and the possibility to share DTaP + + + – - More precise distribution of In some cases, the level of expansion of information the information with other participants of the project Planning the works in the project, involving the tools enables, among others, management of the whole should depend on, among others, the necessity of project structure most important factors affecting cooperation among the team members. For long-term Table 2 qualified ISfPM of a specific class to an (preparatory phase) portfolio of projects. It allows communication among appropriate level of maturity. Sign „+” stands for the result of the project employees with the use of modern forms of transmission projects, within this group of complexity, it may be an achievement, whereas „–” is a failure to achieve - Reduction of the schedule (electronic mail, chat, audioconferencing, necessary to draw up a schedule to support and facilitate development time a given maturity level by the system. Planning the dates videoconferencing, instant messaging, discussion the work and control. - More effective arrangement of From the point of view of the organization that seeks (preparatory phase) forums, newsletters, project weblogs, enterprise Projects of the second level of complexity require dates with the project participants more support, which is connected with the need to use the most appropriate ISfPM, the most important seems to - Assignment of a critical path information portals, workflow systems, desktop and real- additional functionalities, such as a possibility to draw be the classification involving technical issues of - Clear determination of time data conferencing, electronic meeting system, location of the programme, which distinguishes [23]: contractors’ tasks and electronic whiteboard [26, 27]). Drawing up additional up schedules and manage the tasks, the comprehensive 1) Programs installed on the local server and users’ Planning the responsibilities checklists or even the management of relations with management of resources, especially human resources, computers, resources - More optimum use of resources clients is feasible. including, at times, communication through applied 2) Tools accessed through the Web interface, (preparatory phase) - Signalling an excessive The knowledge of the basic functionalities (Table 1) software and a possibility to analyse risks within the 3) Software as a Service (SaaS), i.e. the software allocation of resources and the so and advantages of ISfPM (Table 3) is the first step in the project. The schedules are presented, not only in the provided by the network without the need of installation called „bottlenecks” procedure of choosing appropriate software. tabular form, but also in the . The software and maintenance of servers on the clients’ part [24]. However, the knowledge of general functions itself supporting the projects from the second complexity level should not be the basis for the selection of the system. differs from the one for simple projects in the way of task assignment, the level of determined responsibilities,

5 ITM Web of Conferences 15, 04007 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/itmconf/20171504007 CMES’17

and methods of control of the project work Table 4. Additional factors helpful for the choice of ISfPM implementation. The use of ISfPM should be the answer (own work based on [23, 24, 27, 29, 30, 31]). to the needs of coordination of numerous tasks with a clearly specified deadline, which requires the Factor Description of the factor simultaneous work of several people e.g. on one document. - It may be: short (up to two weeks), average (up to three months), long For projects of the highest level of complexity, the (above three months) advanced ISfPM functions are useful. Apart from the - More complex, longer projects possibility of time control, the management of people require more time to prepare from and tasks, there are the following indispensable Time needed to the level of assumptions, through functions: the analysis of the critical path, determination prepare the determination of necessary and control of the budget (the Earned Value analysis), project resources, drawing up a schedule risk analysis within the project, and the exchange of and transforming it into a plan and documents and drawing up reports. For such projects, the pointing to a risk (such projects are ISfPM facilitates both the project preparation and control included in the second group requiring more support or the third of its course, and verification of the compliance of the group requiring a complex support) basic plan with the results. - Object, product or service are the Whenever it is not possible to ascribe a specific distinguished types of obtained project to one of the three levels of complexity (even results after the analysis of its basic parameters), attention Type and - The result may be either single or should be paid to the values of individual characteristics. amount of multiple (multiproduct) It may appear that despite the simplicity of the obtained results - The less complicated the results performed tasks, one of the basic parameters of the and the lower the input of work, the project is conditioning the need to apply additional lower a given project should be qualified functionalities. - There are non-innovative projects However, categorizing the project to an appropriate or those of a high, average or low level of complexity is important due to the efficacy and innovation efficiency of its implementation. When the project is Level of - Projects of a high degree of qualified to an improper level of complexity and innovation novelty, especially those orientated consequently the choice of an improper ISfPM, it may to products, require a higher appear that a part of the work was redundant and information support and should be additional activities for theoretical improvement of the counted among advanced projects project were undertaken unnecessarily. Number of - Increased number of workers Supplementary verification of the value of the basic involved increases communication workers difficulties parameters of the project will not always be sufficient. In - It may be constant, occasional or such a situation, it is good practice to make an additional rare analysis of the factors presented in Table 4. The - Requirements posed to ISfPM are determination of additional factors consists of a detailed Need for higher with more employees analysis of the basic parameters of a given project and communication involved in the project or with a results from classification of projects on account of the higher on-going communication level of complexity. between members of the project The factors indicated in Table 4 are not the only team factors that can be considered while selecting an - It may be advanced (necessity of appropriate ISfPM. Not infrequently, the specificity of mutual development), medium- advanced (possibility of mutual the project affects the determination of additional development), simple (without variables which can also contribute to the choice of cooperation) Documentation a concrete system. - Choice of programmes supporting To determine additional characteristics of ISfPM, it the team work is pointless if new is worthwhile to check the detailed parameters of documents are not drawn up during specific programs in the lists available in the network the cooperation and the team does [28]. There are many available pages that enable not work on such documents a comparison and analysis of separate systems as well as - It may be complete, partial or may simple training courses about recommended programs. be confined only to supervision of time (simple projects) The studies conducted regularly in Poland by portal - Average-advanced projects 4pm.pl, each time on a sample of over 1200 respondents, require: verification of terms and show a list of important traits that contribute to a positive Required level costs, control of implementation of or negative evaluation of applications used in project of control tasks and their correct . Particularly on portals in English (portal - Advanced projects require: visual.ly), we can find a lot of information about the additional reports, supervision of programs which support project management, about their direct work with documents, control possibilities, advantages and disadvantages. of the accomplishment of tasks and budget

6 ITM Web of Conferences 15, 04007 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/itmconf/20171504007 CMES’17 and methods of control of the project work Table 4. Additional factors helpful for the choice of ISfPM An important criterion of the choice of ISfPM is the The four-level model of ISfPM maturity presented in implementation. The use of ISfPM should be the answer (own work based on [23, 24, 27, 29, 30, 31]). system’s architecture. The software installed on the local section 3 is also practically very important for the to the needs of coordination of numerous tasks with server and users’ computers enable work without the implementation of information support for project a clearly specified deadline, which requires the Factor Description of the factor need to be connected to the mains. Yet, it requires management. simultaneous work of several people e.g. on one installation on each computer, which usually confines Firstly, it shows which requirements – gradually document. - It may be: short (up to two weeks), the possibility of group work. The tools available due to higher and higher – may be posed to ISfPM. average (up to three months), long For projects of the highest level of complexity, the (above three months) Web or SaaS solutions considerably facilitate the Subsequently it shows the complexity of the process of advanced ISfPM functions are useful. Apart from the - More complex, longer projects cooperation between the project participants. In certain implementing such a system. The individual level possibility of time control, the management of people require more time to prepare from cases, their drawback is the necessity to be on-line, actually does not require any implementation efforts, and and tasks, there are the following indispensable Time needed to the level of assumptions, through because these are programs, which in other situations, implementation of a fully functional system based on the functions: the analysis of the critical path, determination prepare the determination of necessary will not be functioning. Web interphase lasts exactly as long as putting the plug and control of the budget (the Earned Value analysis), project resources, drawing up a schedule The cost of the purchase, and maintenance of the of the network cable of a special mini server supplied to risk analysis within the project, and the exchange of and transforming it into a plan and system, is a subsequent determinant in the choice of the company into the socket of the local company documents and drawing up reports. For such projects, the pointing to a risk (such projects are support for project management information. Some network. Implementation of more advanced solutions ISfPM facilitates both the project preparation and control included in the second group available systems are completely or partly free of charge. usually does not exist without high work input. requiring more support or the third of its course, and verification of the compliance of the group requiring a complex support) In the latter case, we should pay special attention to Preparation from scratch, testing and implementation of basic plan with the results. - Object, product or service are the users’ opinions, level of data protection and limitation of the dedicated software to the management of very Whenever it is not possible to ascribe a specific distinguished types of obtained the package, especially in the case of gratuitous complex projects may last for many months. The ISfPM project to one of the three levels of complexity (even results programs to a specific functionality level or the number maturity model may also be the basis for evaluation of after the analysis of its basic parameters), attention Type and - The result may be either single or of users. These programs are often the best solution for the quality of the systems to be implemented. should be paid to the values of individual characteristics. amount of multiple (multiproduct) the management of simple projects or those of a medium To facilitate the choice of ISfPM, the rankings and It may appear that despite the simplicity of the obtained results - The less complicated the results level of complexity, expressed in the number of tasks, comparisons of information solutions that support performed tasks, one of the basic parameters of the and the lower the input of work, the resources and users. On the other hand, choosing paid project management are drawn up. One of them, worthy project is conditioning the need to apply additional lower a given project should be software, apart from checking its functionality and of attention, is the regularly published report of the qualified functionalities. installation mode, we should pay attention to the advisory company Gartner Inc., i.e. the Gartner magic - There are non-innovative projects However, categorizing the project to an appropriate or those of a high, average or low payment form and licensing rules. Some of the available square [33]. The report shows the position of individual level of complexity is important due to the efficacy and innovation ISfPM should be paid on a one-off basis during the systems and synthetically characterises each of the efficiency of its implementation. When the project is Level of - Projects of a high degree of purchase, whereas other ones use a subscription system, solutions available on the market. qualified to an improper level of complexity and innovation novelty, especially those orientated e.g. monthly fees for use. Otherwise, there are hybrid consequently the choice of an improper ISfPM, it may to products, require a higher solutions, which use both payment forms at the same appear that a part of the work was redundant and information support and should be time. In order to carry out a complete and reliable cost 6 Conclusions additional activities for theoretical improvement of the counted among advanced projects analysis, apart from the licencing form and licence Number of - Increased number of workers The choice of the proper software for the organisation, or project were undertaken unnecessarily. purchase cost, we should consider all other components also sometimes for a specific project (DTaP), is one of Supplementary verification of the value of the basic involved increases communication of the implementation costs, i.e. the cost of actual workers difficulties the conditions of effective management of projects. parameters of the project will not always be sufficient. In implementation, cost of the purchase of additional - It may be constant, occasional or ISfPMs are used to support the preparation, such a situation, it is good practice to make an additional rare software and hardware, cost of training courses, external implementation and completion of projects, and not their analysis of the factors presented in Table 4. The - Requirements posed to ISfPM are services and connectors. The buyer should also be aware complete development. determination of additional factors consists of a detailed Need for higher with more employees of some hidden costs depending on the licensing form, The knowledge of the basic functions of ISfPM analysis of the basic parameters of a given project and communication involved in the project or with a such as separate purchase of the carrier and licence to should be the first step in the process of choosing higher on-going communication results from classification of projects on account of the use some of the software, the additional lease of the appropriate software. between members of the project level of complexity. licence for a specific time, fixed-time access to the www It is very uncommon to have the possibility to The factors indicated in Table 4 are not the only team service etc. The final decision for the choice of the - It may be advanced (necessity of assemble a fully functional system, especially for factors that can be considered while selecting an system should be guided by both its functions and total specific use (constructional projects, scientific projects, appropriate ISfPM. Not infrequently, the specificity of mutual development), medium- costs connected with its purchase, implementation and advanced (possibility of mutual projects) from one producer’s the project affects the determination of additional development), simple (without maintenance. offer. Therefore, the quality and reliability of variables which can also contribute to the choice of cooperation) If no proper software is found, support through Documentation connections among the modules gain greater importance. a concrete system. - Choice of programmes supporting a dedicated solution (DTaP) is possible. Preparation of For the same reason, the producer’s market position To determine additional characteristics of ISfPM, it the team work is pointless if new the question should then be preceded with a precise drops and the prospects for the development of a specific is worthwhile to check the detailed parameters of documents are not drawn up during analysis of available solutions and an additional attempt product are decreasing. The customers will only expect the cooperation and the team does specific programs in the lists available in the network to use several exemplary systems, both free of charge from the suppliers some technical support and help in [28]. There are many available pages that enable not work on such documents and payable. A dedicated solution usually generates - It may be complete, partial or may emergency situations. They will frequently have to apply a comparison and analysis of separate systems as well as much higher costs and a longer time of waiting for the for the dedicated solutions to niche companies supplying simple training courses about recommended programs. be confined only to supervision of delivery of the package, as compared to ready-made time (simple projects) specialist modules. The studies conducted regularly in Poland by portal systems. - Average-advanced projects Modular structure of the systems also allows an 4pm.pl, each time on a sample of over 1200 respondents, require: verification of terms and From the point of view of some organizations, an easier selection of software in view of its output. show a list of important traits that contribute to a positive Required level costs, control of implementation of important aspect within the choice of an appropriate Specific gaps will be supplemented by the third or negative evaluation of applications used in project of control tasks and their correct performance ISfPM is also the possibility of simultaneous companies’ software. management. Particularly on portals in English (portal - Advanced projects require: management of many projects – a portfolio or a program In practice, the restrictions of generated reports additional reports, supervision of visual.ly), we can find a lot of information about the of projects [32]. Only payable software exhibits such disappeared, because it has become increasingly programs which support project management, about their direct work with documents, control functionality, therefore before making the final decision, of the accomplishment of tasks and common to use standard relative databases. The possibilities, advantages and disadvantages. we should first consider if this function is important for professional SQL operator will be able, using the budget the organization.

7 ITM Web of Conferences 15, 04007 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/itmconf/20171504007 CMES’17

commonly available software of the clients’ databases, to 12. W. Chmielarz, Information Technology Project search for any information and prepare any statements. Management (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Implementation of methodologies in ISfPM is Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa, becoming less and less important. The ready systems 2015) usually offer a set of instruments used in project 13. K. Schwalbe, Information Technology Project management, while more sophisticated methodological Management 8e (Cengage Learning, Inc., Boston, needs will satisfy the tools and dedicated packages. 2015) The success of seemingly similar projects depends on 14. M. Wirkus, A. Lis, Zarządzanie projektami badawczo- the applied methods and specific tools as well as rozwojowymi (DiFin, Warszawa, 2012) supporting, with information, systems for the management of undertaking work. However, no ISfPM 15. M. Trocki, Metodyki zarządzania projektami (Bizarre, will ever become a panacea for all the problems Warszawa, 2011) encountered by project managers and their contractors 16. Peter W.G. Morris, J.K. Pinto, The Wiley Guide to conducting the projects and Project, Program & Portfolio Management (John The current management occurring in the network Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, 2007) process of decision-making is based not only on the fast 17. H. Kerzner, Project Management: A Systems acquisition of checked information, but also on Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling knowledge. The most effective project approach is the Eleventh Edition (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, one where people, using both the organization’s 2013) information and knowledge resources, and implementing 18. S. Y. Chadli, A. Idri, J. N. Ros, J. L. Fernández- particular project procedures (using properly selected Alemán, Juan M. Carrillo de Gea, A. Toval, Software information instruments), construct gradually the intellectual capital and consequently acquire a new value project management tools in global software of the organization functioning [23]. development: a systematic mapping study (SpringerPlus, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/ articles/PMC5121116/) References 19. M. A. B. Ilyas, M. K. Hassan, M. U. Ilyas, PMIS: boon or bane? (Paper presented at PMI® Global Congress 1. W. Chmielarz, Zarządzanie projektami @ rozwój 2013—EMEA, Istanbul, https://www.pmi.org/ systemów informatycznych zarządzania learning/library/project-management-information- (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania systems-overviews-5813) Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa, 2013) 20. M. Juchniewicz, Dojrzałość projektowa organizacji 2. J. Kisielnicki, Zarządzanie projektami. Ludzie – (Bizarre, Warszawa, 2009) procedury – wyniki (Oficyna a Wolters Kluwer business, Warszawa, 2011, 264-280) 21. M. Trocki, Zarządzanie wiedzą w projektach. Metodyki, modele kompetencji i modele dojrzałości 3. E. Sońta-Drączkowska, Zarządzanie wieloma (Oficyna Wydawnicza Szkoły Głównej Handlowej, projektami (Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, Warszawa, 2011) Warszawa, 2012, 11-28) 22. S. Gasik, Dojrzałość systemów zarządzania projektami 4. W. Curlee, R. L. Gordon, Successful Program (Sybena Consulting, Warszawa, www.sybena.pl/ Management: Complexity Theory, Communication and dokumenty/MD-Model-dojrzalosci-systemow-ppm- (CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2014) V1.0.) 5. M. Trocki, Nowoczesne zarządzanie projektami 23. A. Jaskanis, M. Marczewska, M. Darecki, Zarządzanie (Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, Warszawa, projektami w administracji publicznej (PRESSCOM, 2012, 416-432) Wrocław, 2015, 235-266) 6. G. R. Heerkens, Jak zarządzać projektami (RM, 24. P. Poturalski, Kluczowe aspekty wdrażania narzędzi do Warszawa, 2003, 127) zarządzania projektami (MDDP Business Consulting, 7. T. Schmidt, Strategic Project Management Made Warszawa, http://www.mddp-bc.pl/know-how/ simple. Practical Tools for Leaders and Teams (John narzędzia-it-wspierajace-zarzadzanie-projektami/ Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, 2009) art,91,kluczowe-aspekty-wdrazania-narzedzi-do- 8. A. Bitkowska, Zarządzanie procesami biznesowymi w zarzadzania-projektami.) przedsiębiorstwie (Wizja Press & IT, Warszawa, 2009) 25. PM Network 12 (2006) 9. P. Cabała, Metody doskonalenia procesów zarządzania 26. K. Kandefer-Winter, O. Nadskakuła, Komunikacja w projektami w organizacji (Difin, Warszawa, 2016) zarządzaniu projektami (CedeWu, Warszawa, 2017) 10. J. Charvat, Project Management, Methodologies 27. K. Riemer, C. Steinfield, D. Vogel, Elec. Mark. 19, Selecting, Implementing, and Supporting 183 (2009) Methodologies and Processes for Projects (John Wiley 28. D. B. Stang, M. Light, T. Jones, Magic Quadrant for & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, 2003) Project Portfolio Management, Worldwide 11. V. LÉvÁrdy, T. R. Browning, IEEE Trans. on Eng. M. (www.gartner.com/doc/3728917/magic-quadrant- 56, 600-620 (2009) project-portfolio-management)

8 ITM Web of Conferences 15, 04007 (2017) DOI: 10.1051/itmconf/20171504007 CMES’17 commonly available software of the clients’ databases, to 12. W. Chmielarz, Information Technology Project 29. P. Simon, Project management tips for a decision- 31. A. C. Uzialko, Choosing Project Management search for any information and prepare any statements. Management (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału support system implementation Software: A Buyer's Guide (Business News Daily, Implementation of methodologies in ISfPM is Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa, (TechTarget Network, http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/9976-project- becoming less and less important. The ready systems 2015) http://searchdatamanagement.techtarget.com/answer/Pr management-software-buyers-guide.html) usually offer a set of instruments used in project 13. K. Schwalbe, Information Technology Project oject-management-tips-for-a-decision-support-system- 32. Project Management Institute, Project Portfolio management, while more sophisticated methodological Management 8e (Cengage Learning, Inc., Boston, implementation) Management. A View from the Management Trenches needs will satisfy the tools and dedicated packages. 2015) 30. P. Simon, The Next Wave of Technologies. (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, 2009) The success of seemingly similar projects depends on 14. M. Wirkus, A. Lis, Zarządzanie projektami badawczo- Opportunities in Chaos (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 33. P. Wyrozębski, Zarządzanie wiedzą projektową (Difin, the applied methods and specific tools as well as rozwojowymi (DiFin, Warszawa, 2012) Hoboken, 2010) Warszawa, 2014) supporting, with information, systems for the management of undertaking work. However, no ISfPM 15. M. Trocki, Metodyki zarządzania projektami (Bizarre, will ever become a panacea for all the problems Warszawa, 2011) encountered by project managers and their contractors 16. Peter W.G. Morris, J.K. Pinto, The Wiley Guide to conducting the projects and Project, Program & Portfolio Management (John The current management occurring in the network Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, 2007) process of decision-making is based not only on the fast 17. H. Kerzner, Project Management: A Systems acquisition of checked information, but also on Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling knowledge. The most effective project approach is the Eleventh Edition (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, one where people, using both the organization’s 2013) information and knowledge resources, and implementing 18. S. Y. Chadli, A. Idri, J. N. Ros, J. L. Fernández- particular project procedures (using properly selected Alemán, Juan M. Carrillo de Gea, A. Toval, Software information instruments), construct gradually the intellectual capital and consequently acquire a new value project management tools in global software of the organization functioning [23]. development: a systematic mapping study (SpringerPlus, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/ articles/PMC5121116/) References 19. M. A. B. Ilyas, M. K. Hassan, M. U. Ilyas, PMIS: boon or bane? (Paper presented at PMI® Global Congress 1. W. Chmielarz, Zarządzanie projektami @ rozwój 2013—EMEA, Istanbul, https://www.pmi.org/ systemów informatycznych zarządzania learning/library/project-management-information- (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania systems-overviews-5813) Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa, 2013) 20. M. Juchniewicz, Dojrzałość projektowa organizacji 2. J. Kisielnicki, Zarządzanie projektami. Ludzie – (Bizarre, Warszawa, 2009) procedury – wyniki (Oficyna a Wolters Kluwer business, Warszawa, 2011, 264-280) 21. M. Trocki, Zarządzanie wiedzą w projektach. Metodyki, modele kompetencji i modele dojrzałości 3. E. Sońta-Drączkowska, Zarządzanie wieloma (Oficyna Wydawnicza Szkoły Głównej Handlowej, projektami (Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, Warszawa, 2011) Warszawa, 2012, 11-28) 22. S. Gasik, Dojrzałość systemów zarządzania projektami 4. W. Curlee, R. L. Gordon, Successful Program (Sybena Consulting, Warszawa, www.sybena.pl/ Management: Complexity Theory, Communication and dokumenty/MD-Model-dojrzalosci-systemow-ppm- Leadership (CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2014) V1.0.pdf) 5. M. Trocki, Nowoczesne zarządzanie projektami 23. A. Jaskanis, M. Marczewska, M. Darecki, Zarządzanie (Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, Warszawa, projektami w administracji publicznej (PRESSCOM, 2012, 416-432) Wrocław, 2015, 235-266) 6. G. R. Heerkens, Jak zarządzać projektami (RM, 24. P. Poturalski, Kluczowe aspekty wdrażania narzędzi do Warszawa, 2003, 127) zarządzania projektami (MDDP Business Consulting, 7. T. Schmidt, Strategic Project Management Made Warszawa, http://www.mddp-bc.pl/know-how/ simple. Practical Tools for Leaders and Teams (John narzędzia-it-wspierajace-zarzadzanie-projektami/ Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, 2009) art,91,kluczowe-aspekty-wdrazania-narzedzi-do- 8. A. Bitkowska, Zarządzanie procesami biznesowymi w zarzadzania-projektami.html) przedsiębiorstwie (Wizja Press & IT, Warszawa, 2009) 25. PM Network 12 (2006) 9. P. Cabała, Metody doskonalenia procesów zarządzania 26. K. Kandefer-Winter, O. Nadskakuła, Komunikacja w projektami w organizacji (Difin, Warszawa, 2016) zarządzaniu projektami (CedeWu, Warszawa, 2017) 10. J. Charvat, Project Management, Methodologies 27. K. Riemer, C. Steinfield, D. Vogel, Elec. Mark. 19, Selecting, Implementing, and Supporting 183 (2009) Methodologies and Processes for Projects (John Wiley 28. D. B. Stang, M. Light, T. Jones, Magic Quadrant for & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, 2003) Project Portfolio Management, Worldwide 11. V. LÉvÁrdy, T. R. Browning, IEEE Trans. on Eng. M. (www.gartner.com/doc/3728917/magic-quadrant- 56, 600-620 (2009) project-portfolio-management)