2007 S T A T E L I B R A R Y O F N E W S O U T H W A L E S 2007 S T A T E L I B R A R Y O F N E W S O U T H W A L E S Year of Bequests and Philanthropy 2007 State Library of New South Wales With the opening of the Mitchell Library in 1910, Macquarie Street Sydney NSW 2000 Telephone (02) 9273 1414 a unique collection of materials bequeathed by Facsimile (02) 9273 1255 David Scott Mitchell to the people of New South TTY (02) 9273 1541 Wales found a permanent home. Email
[email protected] www.atmitchell.com Since Mitchell’s gift, a tradition of philanthropy Exhibition opening hours: through bequests has enriched the collections 9 am to 5 pm weekdays, 11 am to 5 pm weekends on many levels, providing support for the Library Gallery space created by Jon Hawley which is today managed through the State Library Project Manager: Phil Verner Foundation. Coordinating Curator: Stephen Martin Curators: Louise Anemaat, Suzanne Churm, Cheryl Evans, Other important bequests received include Emma Gray, Warwick Hirst, Maryanne Larkin, Meredith Lawn, collections from Sir William Dixson and Donald Richard Neville, Maggie Patton, Colin Warner McPherson, as well as generous financial support, Editors: Helen Cumming, Theresa Willsteed most notably in recent years from Jean Garling. Graphic Designer: Simon Leong Preservation Project Leaders: Anna Brooks and Nichola Parshall We will celebrate the centenary of the Mitchell All photographic/imaging work is by Phong Nguyen, Library in 2010 and, in each year leading to this Kate Pollard and Scott Wajon, Imaging Services, State Library of New South Wales anniversary, the Library is highlighting an aspect of our collections.