3 National Marine Fisheries Service Fishery Bulletin First U.S. Commissioner established in 1881 of Fisheries and founder NOAA of Fishery Bulletin Abstract—The landings of the artis- Characterization of the artisanal elasmobranch anal elasmobranch fisheries of 3 com- munities located along the Pacific coast fisheries off the Pacific coast of Guatemala of Guatemala from May 2017 through March 2020 were evaluated. Twenty- Cristopher G. Avalos Castillo (contact author)1,2 one elasmobranch species were iden- 3,4 tified in this study. Bottom longlines Omar Santana Morales used for multispecific fishing captured ray species and represented 59% of Email address for contact author:
[email protected] the fishing effort. Gill nets captured small shark species and represented 1 Fundación Mundo Azul 3 Facultad de Ciencias Marinas 41% of the fishing effort. The most fre- Carretera a Villa Canales Universidad Autónoma de Baja California quently caught species were the longtail km 21-22 Finca Moran Carretera Ensenada-Tijuana 3917 stingray (Hypanus longus), scalloped 01069 Villa Canales, Guatemala Fraccionamiento Playitas hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini), and 2 22860 Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico Pacific sharpnose shark (Rhizopriono- Centro de Estudios del Mar y Acuicultura 4 don longurio), accounting for 47.88%, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala ECOCIMATI A.C. 33.26%, and 7.97% of landings during Ciudad Universitaria Zona 12 Avenida del Puerto 2270 the monitoring period, respectively. Edificio M14 Colonia Hidalgo The landings were mainly neonates 01012 Guatemala City, Guatemala 22880 Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico and juveniles. Our findings indicate the presence of nursery areas on the continental shelf off Guatemala.