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: ■ ( ■ ^ M n )A t, MAT 16,1646 'll Autr^Mlrr Etintbto 9 m»Q i Average Daily Circulation aay that they am tha beet tn hew For the .Month of April, 194# The Weather ESngland for the purpoee.. Foracaat et V. S. Weather Bureau 6,393 Q«iiermlly fmlr todmy mnd tomor V Member of the Audit rows Mother’s Day f> / Bureau of Ctreulatieua Many Entries Received Hale’s ^ a fe The Most Beautiful 3lanche$ter~—A CUy of Village Charm For Events to Be Held VOL. LIX.,NO.l90* (Claaslfled AdvartMag ou Pugs IS) MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY, MAY 11’, 1940 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEN'IOV In North Giventry. Holiday in the Year - i a ■ ' N /' ■ X The Mahcheetar Coca and Fox Cold Fur Storage A • y' club will hold a combination bird, Hm Rainbow girio and ' tbair fox and coon'dog field trials on ' Sunday, May ,12 mothan, hava bean invited afa^n Store your furs in^iale’e Cold S to n g e Vault, thla year by Dr. ISarl E. Rtory to Sunday beginning at eight 8 a: m., ‘^■>1 attend the wonhlp aervida Sun dajrligbt saving tlma. This trial where you>n know your funi^are safe! Therp your day morning, Motbar’a <uy, at tha is unique In the sense that it is coats are abstHutely Kuarip^teed again^ South ICettaodiat ehureb. They will probably the only trial in the east pelts, moths and other possible damaaesl ure meat at tbeichurch at 10:30. x where the three different breeds of bunting dogs are run on the vault is kept at an even temperatiMe of 29 d 'Mr. and Mra. Sddrlck J. same day. which -is the ideal temperature fW fur preservi bn Straugban of Eaat Center atreet In the forenoon the bird dog tibn. left this morning for a motor trials will be run with twelve of Cadies for Mother’s Day Belgians Hold N a ^ Meet Strong Reniatanre in Lowlands the best shooting dogs la this lo trip to Washington; D. C. and Vir / Fresh Shipment of Boxed Candies! $52,000 in Memorial . <ir T| ginia. \ cality contesting for top honors. Bitter The judges for this event arc Each coat Is thoroughly Inspected by an>xperi« JS ^ ry Oliver 60c Up Invaders; Awarding Of'the radio by the Philip Vouelker of Providence and enced furrier before storage, the fur blowiKand Hampton Harris of ,New Haven. Mary Oliver Chocolates .. ,..2-lb. pkg. 11.00 Sons of the Xmerican Legion has hung on an individual hanger. Hale’s guaraiHee been poatponed to May 21. These men are veterans In the / Gifts Subscribed^ in bird dog game and,have judged of safe fur storage lhands behind each coat wHil L oft 29c-39c-49c Allies Come General Welfare Center No. 41, on numerous occasions. in our care. Sharaf Assorted Chocolates.................. . 29c Fashions artll meet at the East Side Rccrea- Some of the better known dogs Sharaf Pink Carnation Package . ......... 49c -V tkm Center this evening at 8 In thla stake will be the Silk City -OS] laign Brussels Bombed Twice Sharaf Chest Package .................f t , . o'clock sharp. Jan Zapatka and Al pointers of W.. T. Little of town, Charges— .3% of .Customer's Valuation , . .75c Today; Human Toll fred Blatter will report on the Speeds Dotty, Smiths Speed and Sharaf Basket Package......................... ......... 75c M other’s -Day mass meeting in New York last Silk City Robert owned by" the Indicated in Latest Sunday. All interested in the Old Smith brothers of this town. $2..30 Minimum Charge Sharaf Round Tin, 2V^ pounds .............. ...$ 1 .0 0 First Report Shows 24 ^Distribution of Trout Nazis Tell Successes Age Pension. H. R. 5620 should be Expert Many Entries. Chocolate Covered Cherries ................... ......... 29c , Delayed by I.ate Spring Raids by Nazi^ Fliers. present. The coon and fox events will (ontrlbutorH Pletlgetl start at 12 noon sharp and a tre Hartford, May IL—(^ — : Brussels, May 11.—(iP)—Brussels lira. Willis Ahbey, county presi mendous entry is antidpated. To Efltablish Units in High Command Reports Nickname for Telephone German Forces on Left| SupL R. P. Hunter announced ! was bombed twice today while the dent of the King's Daughters, will Some of the best dogs In New Of Churrhill Is Disclosed Mother knowa a thing or two! New Building; Entire today that “due to the extreme- ! Belgian Ariny's strong line of de Victories on IahkI ami Bank of Nieuwe Maas! . speak at the meeting of Loyal England will vie for honors in A Special Fur Cleaning ly late spring seawjn, the C!oii- i Circle, in the Federation room of these eventa She's partial to Nelly Don! Choose Firat Floor Reserved in fense continued to hold up the Ger one for her and let her look her necticut State Board of Flah-i Sea ami in Air as Hit* London, May l l .^ ( 0 —The River Crushed, But at Center church Monday evening. Dog owners from Massachusetts, eries has just -completed the ^ man Invaders and British Xhd man In the atreet haa nick Rhode Island, New York, New Jer prettiest on Mother's Day. We Miss Malmgren Honor. ler’ s Warriors Relent*' Cost to Dutch of Mpi O ffe r ! have a complete stock of them in distribution of trout which was French troops supported by tanks, named Hggreaaive new Prime St John's Girls' soft ball team sey and Connecticut have sent In ^nd artillery moved up to bolster Minister Winston Churclilll win. practice tonight at 6:30 at the their entries so the trials will have r our Cotton Shop so that the choice A total of 952,000 has been aub- scheduled to have been com lessly Press TliHr To* Than 1,000 Uvwtl is wrlde and models for all In' sizes pleted by the opening of the the Belgian positions. "Winnie." grounds near the old mill. to be run off on schedule In order acrlbed to the Manchester Memor season, April 13. Ambulances returning tb Brus But for telephone operators Fresh Nazi Paraclmt .to finish before dark. 1. Fur elrtaniHl, Furrlrr mrthod wiUi Mwdust, poxiUvely from 12 to 44. tal Warfare Against no Immrritlnn in liquid. ial hospital's 9176,000 buUding “Approximately 35,000 legal sels hospitals indicated the latest ' “Churrhlll haa a private nick- The Amaranth Sewing club will The club will not be organised raids by the Nazi bombers had Alli<*s o n ' Front from ' name—"Mister Winch.” Troops Claimed theet tonight at the home of Miss a year until August and this Is Z. Fur snd kkin mad. wat.r rrprilrat. fund by the first 24 contributors i fish.'have been distributed 8. All rmbrddrd dirt and traOlc film mnovrd, fur .eomb- ^ knows best thtpugh tile various streams of taken a human toll. The first -He combined the flrat letters Viola Trotter of Bigelow street. the second trial It has at to rstsblish memorial units in the limbing of the capital yesterday Arctic to Mi(l*Kiiro|>e. ping from Trans| tempted, the' first being a huge rd, glaxrd, and luxtre rrnrwed. i the state," stated Hunter who ! of hla two names for a "nom* 4. Fur Hftcirlflrd. ' added that “planting condltlona morning left 41 dead and 82 in de-phone” to deceive wlre-tap- lire. Louis Marie's department success. J. Sterling was again »1'.98»*7.98 jured. of Center church school will pre- elected chairman of the field trial 5. IJnIng clnanrd. are now ideal, and the board's Bulletin! : pers. it was disclosed. London, May 11<-*(AF)* 6. New Inopa (whra nM'd«<d) S at.SOc. planting program will be car This morning's first alarm sound 'sent a Mother's day program Sun committee and the various com ed at 6:16 a. m. <12:15 a. m„ e. s. Berlin. May II.— (AP)— I NoW he may have to coin an- Dutch shock troops -fight day morning at 9:30. All mothers mittees have left no stone up 1. firm art of huttona (whrn nerdrd). ried out within the next ! other. for their invaded homel A Now tin ntrlag (whrn nrrdrd) and loop, Mother’s years of ex t.), the second 55 minutes later. Belgian and Netherlands air of primary children will be wel turned In trying to make this Other Attractive Models In: month.'' ' — . Planes All Over Country come and will be presented with a e. All vlalbir ripa arwrd whrn no fur la to be added. 4>- ports occupied by the German were reported officially trial also a success. (Small additional rhargn whrn fur In addrd)'. perience have taught Planes were reported all over the plant by the department The grounds are located In country last night, and shortly Air Force continue definitely to have recaptured 1 0 . New ahlelda (whrn nrrdrd). her to look for quality MARIE DRESSLERS dromes at The Hague 11. f'omrm of pockria. after 5 o'clock thla morning flights in German hands, authorised A state bowling party for the firtt. She probably 38>/2 to 51V4 of nine and 10 planes were seen Dutch Resist Rotterdam in bitter set catholic Ladles of Columbus Is be 12. Face airrvo lining. Freiich Battle sources asserted today. It IS. Looae lining anwnd Whom opened. wean NoMrad Stock over Namur, 35 miles southeast of battles which saw The I ing planned for Saturday, May 18 $1.98. $3.98 the capital, and Dlnant, 16 mUes ! was acknowledged that “Ger at 8:30 p. m. In New Haven. Any- W 1U X )X -G A Y 14.