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Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

5-29-1894 Santa Fe Daily New Mexican, 05-29-1894 New Mexican Printing Company

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Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing Company. "Santa Fe Daily New Mexican, 05-29-1894." (1894). sfnm_news/4714

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 2f Daily, English Weekly anal und on A 1 ie TV ri"ots, Yes, death at th M Si AN rare w - JEXJCA. e VOL.31. SANTA FE,"N. M., TUESDAY. MAY 29, 1894. NO. 85. Will Throttle Anarchy. STILL IN POSSESSION. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL, Madrid, May 29. Theohamberof depu- all in Power. Latest U. S. Gov't y a vote of sixty-on- e Highest of Leavening Report. ties adopted by The Striking Cripple Creek Miners to fourteen, the principle of the bill is for Have the Best of the Situation-W- ill You Good Prospects That the Tariff Bill Scrub? the of anarchy. 6 Sot Arbitrate. repression Will Reach the President in Endorses Jadiee Tuley. our scrub brushes Month. 29.-- The 29. It Mibtbebb How is it, Bridget, that Another Sprinfleld, Ills., May State Colorado Springs, Colo., May wear out ao soon? Baku the central organ of is learned that the strikers at Cripple Because, ma'am, they're the oomraon kind. Register, Bridget ? on To-day- 's y Creek are under command of J. J. John- use the 'twill last as long as three of Senator Walsh Silver Democracy, comes out in a strong If yeae Palmetto, in- " article in of the nomination the son who took a course of thim others. V Senate and House Bookless favor, by military Demooratio '.tute convention of Ju'ge struction at West Point, and three or Jerry Getting Well. Murray F. Tuley, of Chicago, for United four German military olfioers. One Ger- States senator. man officer is said to have planned the is so well lead- fort at Bull mountain, which W. H. COEBEL, Washington, May 29. The tariff Sutherland Follows Mr Kane. located. do not to have 29. ers in the' house expect Brooklyn, N. Y., May STBIKEB8 HAVE ABLE LEADEKS. ABSOLUTELY PURE another tariff in the house Kenneth F. Sutherland was Catron Block Santa Fe, N. M. long fight of the Peace Cripple Creek. The situation here has comes back from the senate. y two and whtn the bill sentenced to years eight undergone no change. The deputies, office of the is in Denver with a On the belief is that ten and to a to company A RICH DISTRICT. the contrary months in Sing Sing prison, pay whose numbers have been increased branch at where T. will to settle all differences his the election has Allerton, Frank days be ample fine of $500 for part in 600 are still in camp. Sheriff Bowers is named as The directors the house and senate. The cal- frauds in the interest of John to is is Bailey agent. between perpetrated gone Denver aud it presumed it are R. VV. the well known culation is that the house will get through Y. McEane Gravesend last November. his Gov. Waile to Woodbnry, The Beautiful Jemez Country West of at intention to compel Denver banker, John W. with the bill June 15 or 18, so that show his hand him for Bailey, Joseph Santa Fe Trade Demands for by by calling upon S. Eagle, Earl M. Cranston and W. 0. THOS A. HERLOW, ten will be allowed for reconciling state to aid the in en- days - troops deputies is Direct Communication. will the bill to Lieut- Maney's Trial. Wynkoop, and the company to exist the differences and permit forcing the laws. It is probable uo move for a term be-- f. The deuial of the of twenty years. go to the president for his signature St. Paul, May 29. will be made the in the ab- by deputies MAMMOTH re June closes. application for a writ of prohibition in sence of the sheriff. UNDERTAKINGS, Forty to fifty miles west of Sauta Fe As heretofore Mr. and his WALSH OS THE BlUUt IBAOK. the United States oourt here allowed the The minora have also been reinforced stated, Bailey lies a region of country that, were its at- from other who come In an able on the tariff bill yes- court martial f Lieut. Maney to proceed by squads camps, associates have located 160 acres of land tractions known to the it would speech fell 100 public, new senator y on its 'merits nud if convicted, armed. Their cavalry numbers Rio terday Patrick Walsh, the on the Grande, practically at the not bo before it a reputa- said in referenoe to the under the 62d chapter, articles of war, iht. tilrsauien. They have no cannon on Bull long enjoyed from Georgia, it. mouth of White Rock canon, and here to lieutenant be imprisoned for life. hill as reported nnd is feared that they tion rivaled only by that of the famous silver question: "While it is desirable may they will establish a dum to generate of silver an in- will make a dusli upon the deputies in hot of Arkansas. secure remonetization by to electricity by water power, not only for springs ternational still if the order capture theirNapoleon. One Over there toward the west the agreement, oppor- the the purpose of running mills for treating lays is the south will not hesi- POPULISTS IN CONVENTION. rumor has it that miners intend to Jemez hot and its tunity offered, nil Creek Cochiti ores, but also with a view to sup- springs, wonderfully tate to vote for free with or with- oaptnre prominent Cripple attractive such as the sul-ph- coinage, hold them as plying Allerton and liagle with electricity environments, of out an international citizens and hostages. hot iron and soda HICKS 25c, to and from or the City. agreement, believing Fanatics of Illinois Hold a Meet- B. a for fuel and light. Thus it will be seon springs, springs, Depot any part the immense resources and The H. Gortner, prominent Populist, nature's fountains of hot nnd cold waters productive to Nominate a Ticket was driven out of and warn that the prospects for the in S3 of this country will enable our ing quite camp com- within a stone's throw of each other, and energies a Large Uatherintr. ed that he wonld be killed if he returned. Pino cauon of a great industrial government to sustain it on a with are most a score or more of other things calculated parity It is supposed that the miners believe munity ilattering. gold, and compel recognition for it from A of the above named men to interest the tourist and health seeker. to all that ho was in league with the mine majority Good and careful drivers furnished surrounding country. of 29.-T- he The of mountain and is rigs the enlightened governments Europe." Ills., May Populist A are of means residing in scenery valley Springfield, owners. Gntling gun has been ordered capitalists large the San senate. state convention met in annual session to be sent here from as Denver, and the fact that they have un- picturesque beyond description; Chicago quickly dertaken toward the Antonio nnd other streams abound in The right of newspaper correspondents Two hundred were pre- as possible to be used by the deputies enterprises looking RATES BY THE HOUR. delegates of Cochiti is enough to con- trout and all other game is plentiful. SPECIAL to refuse to give Senator Gray's bribery on each train. against the miners. development committee the sent and more are arriving vince the most skeptical that the new Mr. T. J. Curran, the Sauta Fe photo- and sugar investigation was effected WAITE WILL INVESTIGATE, has returned from a sources of their information was The temporary organization district has a substantial foundation and grapher, just trip be with and drivers brought the election of Dr. of Denver. Gov. Waite has determined that and he has taken two TOURISTS will furnished special interpreters the senate y in the of a by Taylor, Chicago, has come to stay. through region of interest. All before shape The chair a to dozen views of of interest will to Tesuque, the Crater, Turquoise Mines, or any point frem committee. The tariff as chairman. appointed go to Cripple Creek nnd in points that near the report that on credentials aud do much toward ad its attractions. visitors are cordially invited to call at the stables, Exchange was taken and Senator of committee permanent vestigate the Bituatiou there, lie will One Fare. vertising A11 callB attended to. bill up Proctor, a committee on Annual Tournament of the Volun- the Mexican Hotel. TELEPHONE NO. promptly addressed the senate in organization and also visit the miners stronghold, talk with the First In this connection New 51. Vermont, opposi- are to teer Fire of Las calls attention to the fnot that the tion to the measure. Senator platform. They expeoted report strikers aud ascertain for himself to what department Vegas July again Fettigrew, the first dinner. The tempo- extent are with the 4th and 6th. Tickets on pale for the of fifteen miles of road of South followed, at thing after they interfering rights opening wagon Dakota, speaking officers will be made per- All of a above occasion at one fare for the west from would of 1904. some in to the bill. rary probably of mine owners. hope reaching Eagle City prove fSsUblUhed length opposition manent. settlement arbitration has round To be sold July 2nd and 3rd, commercial benefit both to the Senator at the close of the speech by disappeared. trip. great Gray, Sheriff of El Fuse in for return July (!th. miners and merchants of Cochiti district oa the tariff bill by Seuator Pettigrew, Dowers, county, is good A New French Cabinet. Denver y in consultation with H. L. Lutz, Agent. aud the tradesmen of Santa Fe. Some presented to the senate the report of the in that to the Paris, May 29. The cabinet formed by Cripple Creek mine owners. He did not 4,(100 people are doing business committee delegated investigate ho extension of this road in the of M. will follow the same policy as call on the governor. He said had de Kedueed Kates locality, aud the charges of impropriety framing Dupuy now Fe has established Casimir-Perie- termined to enforce the laws in Cripple Round tickets to San Francisco would, that Santa the sugar schedule. Senator Hill object- that marked out by M. trip to them Senator Creek and put the mine owners in posses- $51.40, good 30 day, $60 good until Joly a short road Eagle, bring directly ed to its presentation and Gray the only material difference being that in with as far as COMPANY was sion of their property. Deputies are be 15th, fKiti.'JO good six months from date touch this community NEW MEX called for its reading, saying that it French rents will be taxed under the wholesale trade is while IOTP and after some time had been ing mustered in this city as rapidly as of sale. To Southern California, $!G.90 their concerned, privileged, budget bill. men and Allerton wonld a liberal in the the senate possible, all being accepted for limited to six months. Eagle get spent discussing point who share of their retail in ex- III the was read. A service have guns. H. S, Lutz, Agen'. trade, takiug agreed and Mepnblirao Victory. report Geo. T. G. P. & T. A. their farm and ranch W. 29.-- The Re- Nicholson, change products. 's house. Martinsburg, Va., May elected their candidate for There will be no session of the house to- publicans TO DEVELOP C00IUTI. PRINTERS AND BINDERS. morrow, Decoration day. After some mayor y by 229 majority and also routine morning business the bill to re- four oodncilmen out of five wards. Last elected their peal the state bank tax was taken up and year the Democrats candi New o of Companies with date for seventy-tw- Incorporation Representative Coxe, of Tennessee, open- mayor by majority Men ed the debate for the friends of uncondi- and four out of five councilman. Large Capital Denver tional repeal. Jlneu Interested in the WEDELILK JEBBY SIMPSON IBPBOVINO. District. WONDERFUL COAT. PUBLISHERS OF Representative Jerry Simpson, who DOWE'S has been was critically ill a few days ago, The Cochiti land grant bugaboo does D since he passed the steadily improving The Inventor of the Bullet Proof not evidently frighten Denver capitalists. pnmoirmo crisis of the attaok and will leave for Himself to of week. Armor Allows The best evidence that the grant is con- Gratis u Berkeley Springs the last this be Shot at. umm. sidered a fraud was the filing in the office of the territorial secretary yesterday after THE STRIKE GROWING. London,' May 29, The exhibition at noon of four different papers of incorpo- the Alhambra last of Dowe's bullet Office and Warehousei Lower 'Frisco St. night ration with the names of some of Denver's DAILY NEW MEXICAN The Coal Miners Additions coat was more and sat- Receiving proof interesting best known and substantial citizens at- to their Hanks- - Violent Obstruc- the other one. Dowe him- Measures. isfactory than tached thereto. tive self wore the cuirass, and a Lee rifle and Oanta Fe, t New Mexico Cordite cartridges were used. Two shots All of the companies were organized Pomeroy, Ohio, May 29. Senator Cam were fired at a distance of fifteen yards nd incorporated under the laws of Colo result was a den's mines at W. va, and the only apparent slight rado, but the articles were filed in the of- Spillman, movement of the back and of are moved upper part fice of the territorial secretary here ac eight miles below here, being Dowe's body. His feet and legs remained on 600 strikers who went there to law. by by perfectly steady. cording C. this The works are J. boat morning. guard SCHUMANN, ALBEMARLE INCORPORATED. ed the sheriff and ten deputies with a THE by Hard Times in Month America. MEXICAN Uatling gun. Thomas Lowthian, Chester Greenwood WEEKLY NEW New May 29. A from FOBOINQ WOBKMEN OUT York, dispatch and Norman L. Bletcher have incorporat- Buenos that business is Ottumwa. Six hundred miners went to Ayres says para- ed the Albemarle Mining company. The y to and induce the men to the rise in the pre- Evans try lyzed owing gold of the company are to by to declare mium and the falling off in Four objects acquire go out. The strikers openly exports. or otherwise mines and mining & next brokers and two merchants purchase Shoes use violence Boots. that they propose to recently in the state of Colorado, terri -- liabilities. premises tm TBI Thursday if the colored miners do not failed with large of New Mexico and elsewhere. To and the tory come out. Supt. Baxter working conduct and carry on the business of re are all armed and for an miners ready Keceived by the Pope. ducing, concentrating or extracting gold, attack. Rome, May 29. The y re- or other or Leather pope silver, lead metallio valuable Findings. MINEBS QUIT WOBX. ceived the Right Rev. Schweback, bishop substances from ores by concentration, for Burt & Packard Shoes. the to Sole Agent the NUEVO MEXICANO. Leavenworth, Kas. Four hundred and of LaCrosse, Wis., and the Right Rev. or otherwise redncing same, and e sell or deal in ores twenty-fiv- miners employed in the Home, Thomas Daniel Bevan, D. D., bishop of buy, bearing precious - - New Mexico. Kansas and Texas shafts work to Mass. " or other metals. Santa Fe, quit Springfield, stock of is day and joined the strike which now The capital the company at divided into non- for New Mexico of the FL17 teems inevitable. Ko longer ago than A threat Horse Dead. placed $100,000, 1,000 Bole ownen an manufacturers three-fourth- s Bhares of the value of yesterday afternoon of the Louisville, May 29. Buchanan, Scroggin assessable par $100 miners voted to continue worK. each. Bros', great Btallion, is dead. term of existence of the WILL SHUT OFF TBI WATEB. The company shall be twenty years and the directors BOOKS Brazil, Ind. The strike situation in More Pullman Strikers. for the first are Thomas PATENT FLAT OPENING 3LANK All yeat Lowthian, this district is becoming desperate. Chicago, May 29. The Pullman strikers Chester Greenwood, Norman L. Bletcher, night long strikers kept watch for trains, received an addition to their ranks to Woods and Chas. H. Toll. The the Vandalia road had been warned Henry but em principal office of the company is placed and held its trains until this morning. day. One hundred brick makers ployed the struak. The brick mak at Denver. The Albemarle is one of the All kinds of JOB WOBK done with neatness and despatch. The miners threaten to stop the water by company in the Cochiti ers have been paid a little more than half most promising properties works and street car line In this city and district. seems inevitable. the union schedule. trouble The Lone Star Mining company and FIRST NATIONAL BANK on Work. the Grande Tesoreria Mining company Write for Estimates THE HAKKETS. High-elan- s Stationery.. are both organized by the same parties The New Mexican has entered into ar- incorporating the Albemarle, with the the same amount of New 29. on call with the firm of Mermod, same objects, capital York, May Money rangements stock and the same directors. easy at 1 per oent, prime mercantile paper Jaccard fc Co., St. Louis, whereby it is Mexico. Best' Office in Southwest 2& & cent. A MILL COMPANY. Santa Fe, New The Equipped 44 per enabled to supply with all kinds New York. Silver, 62. Lead, $3.20. patrons the most of all of high-clas- s engraveu aua monogram Probably important S9.00M. was the filed John W. Conner, lake, stationery, wedding cards, visiting cards, paper by Bailey, New York. Wool, quiet; domestic etc. at orices as reasonable as if the Roger W. Woodbury and Earl M. Crans- Designated Depositary of the United States. ST. ELMO SALOON, fleece, 19 25; pulled, 20 28o. natron ordered direct from this famous ton. Kansas City. Texas steers, $2.40 ennravintr and establishment. This organization is called the Cochiti 2.00 printing ob- $3.70;Texasoows, $3.15; shipping Call at the New Mexican office and ex Mining and Milling company, and its MissA.Muglei, S3.zo native cows, bi.du are to and to tHIIS. J. steers, amine samples and price lists. jects buy bperate mines, STIM,, Proprietor, $3.50; stackers and feeders, $2.90 $3.76; erect, purchase, own, operate, maintain, - bulls. 112.25 & S3.20. Sheep, steady. .lease and sell mills designed to work, Pedro Perea, President MILLINERY Omaha. Steers, $8.10, $4.20; west- vaurornim concentrate, reduce or smelt and all H0TJSR- -' STOCK. to any VIV gftSSH erns, $2.80 $3.80; Texans, $2.70 $3.70; Via the Santa Fe route, the greatest rail- kinds of ore. Also eleotrio processes con- cows, $1.25 m teeaers, z.ou road in the world. You can take a Pull- nected with, or relating to the above ob- T. B. Catron, - Vice President ' Choice Liquors, Wines and Cigars. $3.30. Sheep, $3.00 $3.30; lambs, $3.50 man oar and go to San Francisco, Los jects. Also the furnishing of power by without sell- TABLE. FANCY GOODS $8.65. Angeles or San Diego change. meane of electricity and the buying, COOD BILLIARD Chioaco. Extra native steers, $4.00 6i No other line can give yon this accommo- ing and leasing of real estate. is R. J. - - ftalet Place, Central Location. $4.60; medium, $3.65 $3.90; others, dation. For excursion rate and other The capital stock $1,500,000 divided Palen, Cashier $3.25 $3.60; Texans, $2.60 ) 3.60. information call at oity tioket office. into 1,500,000 shares of Call oa Sim. GRIFFIN BLOCK. Sheep $4.40 $4.60; lambs, $5.00 $6.80, H. S. Lutz, Agent. the par vuluo of $1 each. The principal ETEW MEZICO, THE COiMIIETGr COUNTRT " - TheEIesilla Valley its Garden Spot! - "TEN ACRES ENOUGH"- --- -

foW.r V CholMlrritrtXdiampiOT WABAHTM DXSDS OTTOX. Writa forillmtrated firing fall putleuUu w. i. ctrviB,!, ft i,,,,,,,, RIO GRANDE LAND COMPANY, Las Cruces, Nj T.L interest iu it. This extension is designed The Hew Mexican to be a link in a line of road Tho Beet Shoes for Daily crossing HATARRH 3 Ltnist Money. Lincoln county and tapping the A., T. &. H. L. DOUGLAS S. F. somewhere between Las Vegas and W IN CHILDREN RY NEW MEXICAN PRINTING CO. GENUINE Albuquerque just where doesn't make For over two years my little girl's life TB of Catarrh. WELT. any particular difference at present, but was made miserable by a case ffl 3 SHOE as Second Class matter at the The discharge from the nose was large, Squcakless, Bottom Waterproof. Best Shoe sold at the price! aEntered it is certain that it is ooming, and when offensive. Her iimilB auta B'e Post Office. constant and very eyes $55, $4 and $3.50 Dress Shoe. it does the Pecos valley farmers will lind became inflamed, the lids swollen and ' RATES OP SUBSCRIPTIONS. a market them After various reme- Police 3 Soles. profitable awaiting up very painful. trying $3.50 bfioecverShoe, inuac. 25 I her The first bo- twsi walking Daily, per week, by carrier $ this way. dies, gave l&JSfSSl Iiaily, per iuonth,by carrier 1 00 ttle seemed to aggravate the Farm Lands! $2.50, and $2 Shoes, ligjSII at the Daily, per month, mail 1 00 disease, but the soon abated, Unequalled price. by IN FAVOR OF THE MINER. symptoms School Daily, three months, by mail 2 50 and in a short time she was cured. - & Shoes IRRIGATING- DITCHES. Boys $2Are the $1.75Het for Service. Daily, sii months, by mail 5 00 The senate tariff bill is making prog- Dr. L. B. Ritchev, Mackey, hid. UNDER Daily, one year, by riiaP. 10 00 ress. The house or Wilson bill made LADIES' Weekly, per month 25 Our book nn Kluod and Skin Diseases mailed lead at 15 , $2.50 $2, $1.75 Weekly, per quarter 75 lead ore and dross dutiable fteo. bwii'T Si'uoii'io Co., Atlauta, da. Best Doneola, Stylish, Perfect 1 auu Vekly, per six months 00 per cent ad valorem upon the lend con- fining serviceable. Best 2 00 in me world. All styles. Weekly, per year tained therein, and classified silver lead This Insist upon having W.I,. Gold is the " Mines! iSgfek ore as silver ores where the silver con- PROFESSIONAL CARDS. iniiiii'iBiigw Douglas shoes. Mum All contracts and bills tor advertising pay- unAr. ;5iKa.'I price stamped on able monthly. tained exceed in value the lead contents, and Lands the Foot UUF H '"ffls bottom. ISroi kton ll communication intended for Choice Mountain Valley near IHPurnmU.lfr Mass. publica- and admitted them free of duty. The ATTORNEYS AT LAW. tion must be accompanied bv thewriter's na"e and address not for publication but senate finance committee amendment as evidence of good faith, and should be made lead ore dutiable at of a to The Letters to MAX FROST, Editor. pertaining cent and made silver lead 'FOR SALE. of Shoes business should be addressed per pound Attorney at Law, Santa Fe, New Mexico. DEALERS who push the sale W. L. Douglas gain customers, New Mexican Printing Co., ores dutiable at the same rate on the lead which helps to increase the sales on their full line of goods. They can Santa Fe, New Mexico. cantents to and afford to sell at a less profit, and we believe you can save money by buying all you according sample assay W. J. EATON, footwear of the dealer advertised below. Catalogue free at the of This schedule has upon application. The Nkw Mexican is the oldest news- port entry. Attorney at Law, Santa Fe, N. M. paper in New Mexico. 11 is sent to every been adopted in the senate, and will be BY & l'oHtOilice In the and has a large FOR SALE JOHNSON PETERSON. Territory to the as it very growing circulation among the intelli- very acceptable miners, gent and progressive people of the south- - materially cuts down the duty which the RALPH E. TWITCHELL, 3t. MeKinley bill fixed in response to the Attorney at Law. Catron blook, San ta Fe New Mexico. FIRE, LIFE AND I smelters representing the national trust. orrroot !, afoot Pnmnanipe TUESDAY, MAY 29. Senator Vest showed that he was properly ACCIDENT INS. u uuiuoi of deal LUI0uai uumpumuc on to the workings this little GEO. W. KNAEBEL, when he said in the senate the other day, Office in Grill'm block. Collections and Mk. Gladstone is going one eye on it in advocating this small duty of of n searching titles a specialty. those days. LOWEST RATES. cent a pound, the same, by the way, that was fixed in the Mills' bill, that "the OF LOSSES. There is something positively tragic PROMPTEST PAYMENT lead was a EDWARD L. BARTLETT, a Demo question of duty on ore ques- in Saunter Frye standing up in Santa New Mexico. Offioe, tion between miners and smelters, rep- Lawyer, Fe, cratic congress and pleading for higher Catron block. TRIED as be- TIE duties for the benelit of Maine lumber resenting the lead trust, and that Valentine Carson, tho discrimi- Agt. tween the two committee HENRY L. WALDO, FIRE TESTED. nated in favor of the miner." Attorney at Law. Will praotioe in the ' It is claimed that s of the several courts of the territory. Prompt world's fruit is grown upon irrigated COMMENTS. attention given to all business intrusted PRESS to his care. Office iu Catron blook. GOTIVBIXD Fr6S. B. & land. When New Mexico is provided SOHOBIB, Hihbt Sobhbidbb, Secretary Mgr. with facilities for irrigation she ample Mas I'oIhoiii will do her share toward the Fled; swelling It is that S. M. Folsom, the T. F. CONWAY, amount raised after this fashion. reported ANTAFE BREWING GO. Albuquerque banker, who is out on bail Attorney and Counselor at Law, Silver awaiting the action of the supreme court New Mexioo. attention No what is for City, Prompt BBEWIBS AMD BOITLSBB OF matter responsible it, on his case, is not in Chicago working for given to all business intrusted to his oare. party strife or what not, but it is never- the Santa Fe company, but is in Europe, Practice in all the courts in tho territory. we will never see him more. His theless a fact that Bernalillo county grand and that Fe bail bond is said to be worthless. Lords-bur- g Santa Beer. will not be Lager juries manipulated by Liberal. E. A. FISKE, hanufagtubkbs or n certain boas this in or- year Attorney and counselor at law, P. O. Box For the Irrigation of the Prairies and Valleys between Raton and der to make Republican voters. Po- An Confession. "F," Santa Fe, N. M., praotices iu su- One Hundred miles of large have MINERAL & CARBONATED WATERS. Important Mex- Springer irrigating Canals litical methods are clearing up in that preme and all district oonrts of New been built. These lands with water are sold and Wl General Manager Robinson, of the ico. attention to perpetual rights cheap as elsewhere in New Mexico. & Fe Special given mining 7 cent county Atchison, Topeka Santa railway and and Mexican land grant on the easy terms of ten annual payments, with per interest. has checked the Spanish PATRONIZE THIS HOME INDUSTRY. system, up company's litigation. In addition to the above there are 1,400,000 acres of land for sale, con- Henry Watterson is a man of original books, and now states that the traffic de- sisting mainly of Coal and Timber The conceptions. In one of his late speeches rived from the mines of New Mexico and Agricultural, Lands, Palacs Avenue, - Santa Fe N. M. more to the road CATRON & 8PIESS. climate is and alfalfa, and fruit of all kinds grow to he said: "The real statesman is the man Arizona brought money unsurpassed, grain last year than that from the grain fields Attorneys at law and solicitors in ohan-cor- y perfection and in abundance. who can readily recognize an emergency of Kansas and Oklahoma. The mining Santa Fe, N. M. Praotice in all the Those wishing to view the lands can secure special rates on the rail- and adapt himself to it without fear of industry of New Mexico is as yet in its oourts of the territory. Offices in Catron roads, and will have a rebate also on the same, if they should buy 160 acres or more. danger to his majority at the next elec- infancy. There will be large towns and Block. in the mineral tion." The colonel must have had in populous districts built up near Elizabethtown and sections. Such communities will greatly The famous Cold Mining Camps Baldy mind Brice, Gorman, et al., who have are thrown open to prospectors on more favorable terms than locations L & TRA Hill, demand for the of increase the products J". IB. land. sent on been termed traitors so often of late. the best farm and orchard valley in the on Oovernment Mining regulations application. BRADY, four-hors- e, covered coaches leave at 7 a. m., except southwest, and the prosperity of the Daily, Springer of soil will be DENTIST. Sundays, for Cimarron, Baldy and Elizabethtown, and leave these points LUMBER AND FEED The popular belief that manipulation tillers the permanent. for in over every morning, Sundays excepted, Springer. of the government's interests in the Eddy Argus. Rooms Kahn Block, Spitz' T. & S. F. and TT. P. D. & G. railroads cross this Office Hours 0 to 1 2 The A., property. Southern Pncifio railroad has served to Jewelry Store. WARRANTY DEEDS GIVEN. For full particulars apply to All kinds of Bough and Finished Lumber; Texas Flooring at Work of the l.mul Court. a. m.; 2 to 5 p. in. the Lowest Market Price; Windows and Doors. Also carry on a enrich a number of men now connected Transfer Business and deal in The of the land cov- LAND GRANT general Hay and drain. with that greedy corporation is declared adjustment grants THE MAXWELL CO. a part of the southwest is the Mr. Collis P. to be a mis- ering great by Huntington important work in which the private Raton, New Mexico. take. All of which proves that Mr. Hunt- land grant court is engaged, ine exist BUBROW & ington has discovered that a hat is not ence of these grants in New Mexico has BAVIS, Props. to of useful ns a head but been a great drawback the settlement only covering may that and it is fortunate that sometimes lie used to talk territory, through. already a large amount of laud covered HTiEMENH by alleged grants has been declared to The city of Manchester, England, has belong to the general government. This Picture frames and mouldings of all HO! FOR COCHITI or will be thrown to kinds and We also and celebrated the of a ship land has been open pntterns. buy Mr. will hereafter leave the just completion second-han- d John the rustler, settlement, and then immigration agents sell goods of all kinds. Fewell, OR HOT canal from Liverpool to Manchester will be able to hold out greater induce- Exchange new goods for old ones. Claire hotel daily for Cochiti with his stage, leaving which cost $75,000,000. When the day ments to farmers and others to mako Goods sold on easy payments. We arrives for the opening of the Nicaragna their homes in New Mexico. Much still repair all' kinds of furniture, uphol- Santa Fe at 8 o'clock, arriving at destination at 3 remains to be done the court, mattresses canal the people of the entire west will by although stering, remade, sewing 8 many grants have been disposed of. Even machines and musical instruments of o'clock p. m. Leaving Allerton at o'clock arriving have just cause for holding a jubilee. It held a is tho sewed where it is that grant valid, all kinds repaired and carpets in Santa Fe at 4 m. same Hacks and busses ZDEIsTVEIR,, COLO. will mark the opening of anew era for settlement of the title is of advantage to and laid. All work guaranteed satis- p. day. the entire country west of theMississipp the oountry, for in such a case the own- factory or money refunded. to and from the depot. ers of the property can offer a title which men will be willing to buy. These ques- Mb. RonERT Johnson Jessup, late of the tions should all have been disposed of read- were to run it of Colorado River. Denver Times, is really making n long ago. Frequent efforts mado Notice for Publication. Canon Most Located First-Cla- ss Hotel in the secure the adjustment of the grnnt titles WELTMER. On the Sauta Fe route, in northern Centrally City. able sheet out of the El Paso Herald, and J. No. 8371. before the was established, but for Homestead Arizona, 1,262 miles from Kansas City, is ns evidence of tho fait that the Hornld grant STATIONERY AND some reason congress neglected or re- BOCK, Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M., ) the town of Flagstaff. A ly stage has now a moral we struck high plane, fused to pass the requisite bill. Now, May 16, 1894. J line runs from Flagstaff to the Urand note that its influence however, is in a fair way to bo Canon of the Colorado river. More than through largely everything Notice is that the follow- the El Paso council has decreed that settled at an early date. Denver hereby given a mile in depth, this is the eublimest of Prices reduced to conform city News ing named Bottler hag filed notice of his -a Titan of ohasms. to walk Depot! gorges- Twenty 11 $2,50, $3 and 3,50 Per Bay. no woman shall be allowed or intention to make final proof in support Yosemites be hidden unseen below, aid will be might with the times. ride iu the streets of that village wearing COMPLETE STOCK OF of his olaim, and that f proof and Niagara would look scarcely larger what is known as the divided skirt. made before the register and receiver, at than a brook. SCHOOL BOOKS, Santa Fe, N. M., on June 25, 1894, viz: Don't fail to visit this first wonder of William Dnlton, for the lie seo. 25, tp. the world. You can "read up" about it by haB of Com- 17 r. fe Onio gotten enough the ADOPT RD BT THB BOABD OF lDDOATIOH. n, lie. G. T. Nicholson, G. P. T. A., A. He names the witnesses to asking monweal craze inaugurated by one of her Neuralgia following T. fc S. F. R. R. Co., Topeka, Kas., to mail The Cuisine and Servioe will Eemain Second to None. for Schoel his continuous residence upon, and sons, J. S. The Toledo Blade Headquarters Supplies prove you a free copy of an illustrated book Coiey. ATTACKS THE EYES cultivation of, said land, viz: this terra The book "The is a mob de- describing inoognita. says: army simply Charles Dnlton, Alejandro Abeytia and is no common affair; but is Makes N. and entertainingly manding to be fed by the people on the Christino ltibern, of Qlorieta, M., written, beautifully illustrated end a gem B. N. M. old basis that 'the world owes me a liv- THE LIGHT Robert Willieon, of Santa Fe, of the printer's art. James H. Walkeb, 11 Establishment in and one ing.' " Now let Ohio repudiate McKin-leyis- 1 Til the West, only Unbearable. SOL SP1EGELBERG, Register. TURKISH KA I H in the 0ity' is run ln O0lmection witn which tales the many for the FIST HH the Hotel. benefit of the few, and the Buckeye state Reduced Itairs New Vast Time. will regain its old time prestige. PERMANENTLY CURED Round trip tickets to San Francisco TWELVE HOUB8 BAVKD BETWEEN COLORADO CLOTHING & GENT'S 30 nntil AND NEW YOBK CITY. BY USING $51.40, good day, $60 good July A START IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. 15th, $66.90 good six months from date The Missouri Pacilio railway on April of sale. To Southern California, $56.90 29, 1894, placed in effect a new schedule New Mexico continues tp send out to FURNISHINGS. limited to six months. for its "Fast Mail" train between Denver, Kansns thousands of dollars annually for Pills H. S. Lutz, AgenS Colorado Springs and Pueblo, and Kansas Ayer's & Gxo. T. Nicholson, G. P. T. A. and St. Louis; Denver at 8:00 CHARLES M. products of the farm that might just as " to severe City leaving HILL, My husband was subject e: p. m., Colorado Springs at 5:25 p. m., well as not be supplied from set- of which caused him HATS, CAPS, (Late Midland Hotel, Kansas City.) thrifty attacks neuralgia oj Why Take the Wabash and Pueblo at 7:00 p. m., and arriving at Prop. tlements in this territory. How unfortu great pain and suffering. The pains Oj Also a line of Cloth- For ST. LOUIS? Kansas City at 5:45 p. m., St. Louis at his and he complete Boy's nate it is that the farming distriots which were principally about eyes, gj ing. Clothing made to order and per- Because it is the shortest line; the best 6:55 a. m., and Chioago at 8:00 a. m., with often had to remain in adarkeneU room, pi Buffet Manager. could now best meet this de- fect fit guaranteed. equipped line; rang free chair care, a direot connection over all trunk lines not being able to stand the light. Ayer's O Pullmans and time in for New York mand have limited gives you ample City, BoBton, Philadelphia transportation Tills being recommended, he tried them, Oj Kansas City for supper. and Washington, D. C, and all inter facilities. Had San Juan county using one before each meal. They very oj For TOLEDO OR DETROIT f mediate points. a line of railrond central soon afforded relief, followed by perma- - Oj Because it is tho shortest line; avoids This will enabl from Colo touching ...... T ...... n.MnH Oi passengers lieub cure, i uin a stiuii l.Altn.,a(.tnucucrt...... l.n.uv across the in case are rado interior to make a New Mexicb one-thir- d of the stuff for Qg HENRY POLLMANN transfer city you points direct emcacy oi Ayer s mis, ana woum nut o farther east, and makes olose con- connection with the Missouri Pacilio "Fast which we at tribute to Kan- O AT TBI going & machine Comp'y present pay be without them for ten times their nections with all trunk lines. Mail" at Pueblo, by taking D. & R. G., Albuquerque Foundry sas would come to Santa Fe, Las cost."-M- rs. M. E. Debat, Liberty, Tex. NEW YORK or BOSTON f No. twelve hours Vegas g For train 4, thereby saving Bh and Treaurer. V and from that "I have used Ayer's Pills in my family o Beeause it has solid service time on the enstbound and P. Hall, Secretary Albuquerque quarter, and O through trip, enabling for forty years, and regard them as the "CORNER." both and St. via r, if the lower Pecns vBlley had a railroad from Chioago Louis, them to avoid a disagreeable very best. Uncle Maiitin Hancock, g Call on him for a cold glass of St. NIAGARA FALLS; gives forty minutes' with the advantage of only one change of IHOII AND BRASH CASTINGS, ORE. COAIi AMD UJMBKB CABJS, reaching central Now Mexico another one-thir- d Lake Fla. City, o Louis beer, a Fine of a stop at the falls at seasonable time in the oars between Colorado and New York COLUMN of this businesss would be met Cigar PULLEYS, GRATES, BARS, BABBIT HBTAM. by Choioe of morning. City, or other eastern points, which is bit good Liquor, T Lddy and Chaves county farms. The AYER'S PILLS I FOR ALL OTHER EASTERN POINTS made in Union Depot. AND IRON FRONTS FOB BDILDIHOS. Because its service ia Pullman Buffet and extension of the Pecos Valley road to Received Awards g Native and Foreign Wines in Stock. unformly good Sleeping Cars, MACHINERY A SPECIALTY. Highest and you can make no mistake in Free Chair Cars of the latest REPAIRS ON MINING AND MILL Roswell is a start in this direction And asking Reclining AT THE WORLD'S FAIR g BILLIARDS - AND - FOOL. for tickets VIA THE WABASH. design. All trains heated with steam, (no therofere the cities in the central part C. M. Haupbon, Com'l Agent, danger of fire), and lighted with the City Now Mexico. of the territory have more than a passing Opposite Bakery. 1224 17th St., Denver, Colo. famous Pmtseh gas light. Albuquerque.

TEE DED . PECO HTT" per nnnr per 4'f Mrc Rrip)n loiin uniMM 'ACRE. U ITULa IF ITUVU U U T UM&UU rnryrnrVUVUlsU cscasfe4 ACRE. Has the finest system of Irrigating Canals on the Continent; orer 80,000 Acres of choice Farminglbband Fruit Lands; water enough to irrigate half m million acres; ft climate equal in erery respect ftnd superior ia some respects, to that of Southern California! geod Schools, Churches, Kailway ftnd Telegraph (aoilities; good soolety. 1 Lands for Sale at $25 an Acre, on 10 Years Time with Interest at 6 Per Cent. This price Including perpetual water right Wo Drouths, bo Fogs, no Cyclones, at Hail Storm, no Floods, no Bllaurds, no Thunder Storms, no Hot Winds, no Northers, no Winter Sains, no Grasshoppers, no lUUlia, o Kpidemlo Diseases bo Viable Ftrea, a Snakes, no Sunstrokes. PECOS IRRIGATION AND K1PR0VEDENT COnPAIfV, EDDY, IIEW DEXICO.

'V.I- THE NEW MEXICAN. stood to him. I should recognize either GEMS IN VERSE. could I see them." TJETE Daily, English Weekly and Spanish It is very difficult on The letter was written, but of its good The Hidden Hoard. Weekly editions, will be found could not tell. news results they t o convince There is not a word thou hast ever said, sale at the following depots, One there strolled into their town a where may also be day children There if not a dance of thine, TlTTCJfnnT? TP!L,V subscriptions rough old miner, and as he passed quietly that There is not a tear thou has chanced to shed, made: he was by a pretty That I have not stealth made mine J. H. Gerdes, Cerrillos. nlong nearly paralyzed a medicine is by young girl seizing his hand and exclaiming: Ami hoarded away for tho wintry day SDRS. S. K. Newcomer, Albuquerque, Pete? know must "nice to take" When love shall have ceased to shine! "Aren't you Oh, I you thy B. T. Link, Silver City. be Pete." this trouble Now that I bask in thy smiles galore. SAKTA FE ANCIENT AND MODEM JB. Hodgen, Deming. "Bless face, my of course ASD ITS ATTRACTIONS C. C. yourpurty dear, And song In thy least breath find, Miller, Hillsborough I'm Pele." is not experi- on furtive store B. Las I never need gaze that Dailey, East Vegas. "Oh!" she half half Deep down in heart enshrined. L. Las said, crying, laugh- enced in my R. Allen, Vegas. ing. "I never saw you but once, but I But summer's delight will one day take flight. San bleak wind! Felipe, Albuquerque. knew you. Do you know they are going to And then, for the bleak, Mountains ol Mineral, Fruitful Orchard:) and Other Resources. Jacob Weltmer, City. bl & N. M. hang Neddy?" In the season of sorrow and waste and wreck, ALL Fletcher Arnold, Bland, "Hang Neddy?" he repeated dazedly. When all shall seem doomed to wane, FORMS "Yes, oh, yes, for murder and robbery. 0Jiouuu Elision That long cherished hoard shall my heart not f HER PERFECT LOVER. They found $1,000 on him and thought he lack. AT THE GATEWAY OF THE NATIONAL PARI. mm stole from a man was killed. He Though naught beside it remain. 3 OF it that of Cod Liver Oil. It is "I had a lover once," she sighed; could not where he did But with glamour lit eyes, poring over each CHRONIC "Yes, Just before I married you. prove, you know, NERVOUS, and PRIVATE he could not find you, and we have almost as palatable as milk. prize, Who listened when I spoke and tried get it, I shiill dream that thou lov'st again! To answer all too. tried and tried to find you, papa and I." my questions No preparation so rapidly William Toynbee. The Ohiefest Sanitarium-vali- for "Hang Neddy the bravest boy that ever World's d Statistical Information Tourist, In "So courteous and so kind so good! worked a pick? Well, I just guess they'd builds up good iesh, and Health Seeker. He'd never think a man could be better not!" and nerve force. The Convict's Dream. DISEASES As thoughtless and indeed as rude strength The moon looked in on his lonely cell, As too often are to me. "But they will!" cried the excited girL you "There's He will Mothers the world over The barren floor, and the untouched fare, papa. explain." rely And its veil on his wan face fell . "The of love once won. deal of holy SYPHILIS, GONORRHOEA, jewel my It took a good explaining, but at upon it in all diseases And covered and sin marks there. He used to could ne'er dim. - wasting the pain CLEET, PILES, STRICTURE, swear, grow last the old miner understood it all per- to. a Sni:ta the of of church at the new He could not dream that any one that children arc heir And a smile, the first for many day, Fe, oily the Holy Faith the mtnenm cathodral, & The first for HYDROCELE, VARICOCELE, Could whistle when I spoke to him. Prepared by Soot t Bowne. N. V. A!I rinirgists. many a weary year. St. Francis, is situated on the site of an the archbishop's garden, church of Our SEXUAL "I've $2,000 now," he said. "Reckon it'll Crept over his lips as he sleeping lay of with its rare old DISEASES, and ancient Indian Pueblo called Lady Guadalupe All Delicate or Private Maladies. "If he had faults, he kept them hid. help me a bit. I'll find the real murderer, And banished the look of haunted fear. works of art, the soldiers' monument I should have marrietkjiim? Yes, true, or know the reason How is com- Fath-Flnde- 130-pa- I'll why. long It probably the oldest civilized monumont to the Pioneer Bend 4 Cts. for their new book, what! did. IIoroiMin. He dreamed that, a hoy again, he strayed And that's exactly did you say I had?" in the and the most Kit the G. A. It. of CONSULTATION FREE. lover, sir, was she said in a low voice, would Afar in the glowing, dying wood; munity United Slates Carson, erected by My perfect you." "Three weeks, but in case you don't dis- George, The around him New St. Vincent's Call upon, r address with Madeline S. Bridges in Chicago Times. a sacrifice to golden sunlight played. ancient of American capitals. The Spanish Mexico; hospital, tamp, cover the real criminal go to the governor. " you make great my happi- And the ripe nuts fell with a pleasant thud. conducted the Sisters of and town was founded in 1G05. Authorities by Charity, A week later a rough looking, peculiar ness? Again a squirrel in fearsome fright the industrial the In- DRS. BETTS & shelter in Orphans' school; BEITS-- individual forced his way into the gov- he Sought up a whispering tree. disagree as to whether thisoityor San dian Loretto THAT SCHOOLMATE. Certainly, replied. And a rabbit, wild in its eager training school; academy ernor's study. flight, were first founded. and of Our of 020 Seventeenth Street, corner Curtis, Would you quit smoking for my sake? Dashed into the bushes tremblingly. Fla., Santa chapel Lady Light; the COLO. i "I must see him," he said to the servant. Kamona Indian St. Catharine's DENVER, sake! he re- Fe was firBt visited American traders school, "To be until he was dead." Did "It's a matter of life and death." Quit smoking for your And again, grown weary of wand'rlng play, by Indian school. hanged Ho in and from that time dated a faced The governor looked up, annoyed. He peated. Then after a silence ho exclaimed turns his steps to his welcome home. 1801, will therefore be seen that whila he bear the words aright, that white Whore a face as sweet as a sweet Juno It received a number of visitors that were I can refuse I will day wonderful era of prosperity. The thrill- Santa Fe the climate boy standing before that crowd of upturn- hoarsely: nothing. Is smiling a greeting to her son. possesses delightful The New Mexican bores, many being office seekers, and he incidents of the old Santa Fa of a she is not devoid of in- Daily ed faces? Ah, yes, he heard them! was quit smoking for your sake. Hereafter "My boy! My boy!" and the lips close meet, ing trail, sanitarium, tired. listens terest. The health seeker should nevel "I can he Then his eyes when I smoke it shall be for And sbo with earnest, lovelit eyes, starting from Westport, Mo., gave it a die," thought. "If you please, your honor, you are exclusively While he tells of the sad and sweet. to a dull Ennui and listless-nes- them all for one face that he to an day's work, world wide fame. go place. SHOOTING STARS. sought among haug innocent boy." my own sake. And his wonderful hopo that in future lies. are the handmaidens of disease. could trust, for one that might believe him "I am not goingto hang any one," curtly. TUK WOBLB'S Here is But the he ONLY SANITABIITU. interest for the studious histor- innocent of the crime for which would "No, but yer jist ter let some one Eczema causes an so moonlight fades and wakes. they itching persistent For a moment a blank-u- nd then sob Prof. Mark chief of U. ian, the gay sportsman or the mere sight- . do it fur I've somethin a Harrington, the BnvlneTlieli-Honor- hiui. Was there such a face? Had you. got particular as to not From the drawn in breaks seer. If you have energy to move hang to tell an to produce, only sleeplessness, but, white, lips anguish S. weather bureau, "Santa Fe is in enough said the of (he ania he in all that crowd a single friend? If so, you, you've got hear," dog- And tears his heart with a mighty throb. says: around you can not be dull amid snob, Chimmy, captain gedly. at times, even delirium. Local applica- the driest habitable of the United tear base ball we ain't in it this he knew it not. His boyhood ia past tho mother sleeps part surroundings. nine, "Be careful, or I'll have you put out." tions will not remove the cause, which is Whore his sob no answering love can wake Slates. This is and senson. "He doesn't look like a murderer," said don't think will. ho his life and region extensive, MATUBAL BEAUTY. "I you All I want is impure blond. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cureB And thinks of weeps and weeps a lady who had been present at the last attention a few minutes. I come from Till it soems if the bursting heart must changes in form from season to season, Even the Dat's 8 faek. your this disease the blood and is inveterately lazy can enjoy "He's handsome and not over 18, the mines, an I come to save an innocent by cleansing break. but Santa Fe always in it." De we can set ourse'fs in de hearing. is a nook of life here also if they have money. To the on'y way boy." eradicating all humors. It situated in charming the they say." God pity him there! And pity the men Santa Fe and olimuto is domi- east Old a dome in eyes of posterity is to pologize somehow. "But the evidence was most conclusive," are all innocen- t- to their behind rnngo, its Baldy lifts snowy "They according Who languioh the prison wall, nated the influence of how's we to fin', said the man at her Bide. own tales." Who look on tho tho of by mountain peaks winter, and his forested Yes; bat goin' any A Iturn I Observation. past through eyes sin, To- steeply sloping so, and said Pete. "Back And for tho lovo recall. that tower nearly 14,000 feet high. sides in summer rival his winler pology ter fit? "Yes, I suppose yet" "Wait," thar 'mong commin' ter long beyond beauty. The evidence had been most conclusive. the shadows of the Sierra Nevada a man Things 'is aquatics Let thy lovo, like tho moonlight, sweet and gether with this it lies at an altitude of In the winter the full moon at night and I got a way. We'll see de health officer No one knew that better than the con- came to our little an It's ez plain kin be, still. 7,015 feet, and latitude, about the 30lh the sun turn his crest into a camp hungry poor. Steal over them bid their cease by day an' convince 'im dot every one of as ort demned, who turned his hopeless eyes upon Wo was an poor, too, but we di For the President's anguish degree north, that gives it a peoulinr ad diadem of brilliants. To the west the hungry And speak that word with a holy thrill: as a Den de the crowd that seemed hunting him to his vided up, an when he died an left a vantage sanitarium. The elevation Jetnez and Vttllo mountains, scnroely less ter be vaccinated. we'll say that bright An' the Senate's all at sea. "Behold, I forgive thee, brother. Peace!" tho which natural- death. lad we took him in as full me an tempers summer heats, grand than the Santa Fe range reflect the vaccinations tuk so hard dnt we couldn't partner, Philadelphia Ledger. should of Was it only six months ago he had been Jim. Maybe you think it wasn't a fuir ly be nbout that Memphis, Biinsots in a hundred glorious tones, while hit the ball widont havin' the hart ns. Teun., or Cal., and its south-si- n jar working in that little mining camp with show fur us, but it was, fur the boy could The Best for the Family. Bakersfield, their purple b rises lend an ideal back- careless as A Winter Day. situation reduces the of winter, Pete and Jim, as happy and the read like a parson an talk like a book his Macon, Ga. I have found Simmons rigors ground for all this splendor. The Yellow Glow of the Horizon, And now he was The Is ashen gray, and o'er its face Us an illustration, during the winter of birds among the trees? father bad been an educated feller, so ws Liver the best medicine. sky PODLIO INSTITUTIONS. Fainted on the sky by the setting son, be off to Jail, to remain there a amazin well. Once Regulator family Is spread a sullen, angry scowl. From far 1892, the daily publio concerts in the to dragged got along Jim fell sick Bnowtlakes the more In when would be sent to the I have used it in Indigestion aud Bilious As eye can picrco tire trembling plaza were only Btopped three times by Among important public is beautiful. Not so the sallow saffron on short time, he with the fever, an that boy took him fall. stitutions located in nnd some months later his same as he relieve weather, and last winter the omissions did here, spacious a face with bile. And oh! the un- penitentiary, where through, did me when I cut ness and found it to immediately. Like pretty butterflies they dip and dart, attractive modern are the U. tinged take an came not exceed half a dozen. buildings, in the execution would place. my leg neardyin under the shadow After eating a hearty supper, if on going Now right, now left, as If in very play. S. court nnd federnl oflice the speakable discomfort that bile was horriblel horrible! had he of the bills. Reckon we hair and with health The altitude compels the lungs to work, building, It Why did not begrudge a of it I With streaming cheeks territorial St Vincent's sani- in the ever been born? And such a short time be- him to bed I take dose never feel any ind no one in Santa Fe can be accused of capitol, wrong place produces. Twinges the partnership, not much. We only aglow. territorial New Mex- he fancied himself so and when he bad effects of the Ovid G. The little children, Just let loose from school, being "too lazy to breathe," as a great tarium, penitentiary, side and under the right shoulder fore had happy regretted it took his thousand supper. ico St. right How cruel was fate! To catch the feath'ry sprites all madly run, physician expressed it. The rnro, ozou-ate- d orphan's training school, Vincent's sick prosperous! dollars an left us, an we felt like we'd Sparks, U. S. blade, nausea, vertigo, headache, the of the as the never have But strive they as they may tit' elusive flakes air permeates every cell of the lungs, charity hospital, government Indian This was story tragedy a stock company agin after devious to earth descend limnona memorial institute foe constipation, faulty digestipn. Not in knew it. Themurder had been com- Ey many paths and thus prevents hemorrhage. Drs. school, public that." The And flhd their bed with myriads beneath. Indian St. Catherine Indian an instant can the symptoms of bilious- mitted on an obscure street. The victim Pete at the and saw Awakening. Symington and Harroun, who have prac- girls, boys glanced up governor 'Tis in the idle wand'rer Reverberating through tho cold, crisp air. ticed in school, Fort Marcy barracks, St, ness be but in the was a citizen who had started to that his face was full of excite- May voices in boist'rous Santa Fe for over twenty years, training dispelled, persistence wealthy suppressed Their merry ring glee, Michael's Loretto l'res-bytcri- Bitters will a near cut that led in town and else. report that thoy have only found two college, academy, use of Hostetter's Stomach walk home, taking ment. Reappears glen, Brightening a scene most melancholy home missions industrial school restore and rather of the "You are Her ladyship, proud earth, liko some grand snsos among the native people of con- eradicate them, digestion through a unpleasant quarter speaking of" And the gentle hobos greet us. for New Mexico deaf and dumb in- of the bowels, and counteract town. When in the shadow of a tall build- the to be dame, sumption, girls, regularity "Neddy Niles, boy hung next All as men. ermine rare. New West Cntholie com- he aud then robbed disguised laboring Is robed in warm, soft cloak of NOHWAL TEMFKnATDBE. stitute, academy, tendencies to more aggravated was waylaid shot, Friday the boy that is as innocent of the i l, ing, The tim'rous birds the elements defy cathedral nnd four paris-l- churches, Kpis-copa- plaints, which an interruption of these of the $1,000 he was known to have left his crime as you be, as I be." The U. 8. weather observation office heard And wing their flight despite the driving storun l'resbjtorinn, Methodist nnd Con- functions begets. Rheumatism, inactiv- office with. Not only was the shot "I understand something of the story. 1 With nimble feet somo dash the drifts aside was A Itiimor Clinched. as been stationed here for twenty years, gregational chnrches, the governor's ity of the kidneys and bladder, neuralgia, by a policeman near, but the murderer have been interested in it, aud I want the To gather sust'nance 'mid tho wintry blasts. two aud Hasn't there been of a cool ind the statistical data tells pulnce, tho nrchepiscopnl residence of and inability to sleep, are also remedied seen by him as well as by others, facts. Now answer my questions." something From every oave pellucid pendants hang following J. before he could fleo, the ness between and snid the And bido the of the sun's first rays Better than words how and is Archbishop B.Snlpoiiiteaud Archbishop, by this genial preventive and restorative when arrested, An hour later a detective was closeted you Reginald? coming evta mild P. L, and found on the exact To catch their warmth, then disappear from the Cb'ipelle many others, including of nerve force and As an was his person with the and Pete. climate of Santa Fe. the fhst-clHs- tranquility. money governor inquisitive girl. viow. Taking hotel accommodation::, and to the of it is amount, 11,000 in a plain white envelope lummer heat and the winter cold tho fol- antidote poison malaria, Oh, was the We were All nature lies in sweot But, lo! several institutions for the bene- A without a mark of kind. The revolver, yes, reply. eating repose. tables show a most and sanitary unfailing and prompt. wineglnssful any It was the night before be was to be hung tho oar the falls lowing equable fit of health-seeker- with its chamber, lay near the mur- together only last night. Upon sleighbells' jingle three times a day. empty that Edward Niles, wan and hopeless, In rhythmic cadence, if unmusical, lelightful temperature: The U. S. court of private lt,d claims dered man. glanced up as the cell door was opened to But faint at first, then with a gradual swell. is in session here most of the this was at the trial all this more clear tho till all the throughout All proved find himself in the arms of his old "pard" Clear and chime, alt fSAH. ANNUAL MIAN.: TSAB, AHHUALMHAM. and IMflerent Styles. seemed The Is filled with a wild year, thenrgumeuts therein, involving and more. Not a link wanting. and foster father, o'erflowing delight. as do of historical and In polysyllables she wrote, on account of the Michael Joseph Donnelly. they points jury hesitated only youth 'Pete!" he cried. "Oh, Pete, have you aro This to of but every one knew it would interest, instructive, bej the prisoner, come at last? But it's too late now." 1B72 . 47.9 1S83 thestart. only to the lawyer but to the layman. But when she with we note, be murder in the first degree from "Never die, You 1S7S . 48.5i 1884 talks, pain say my boy. are saved, Secret Thoughts. KE60ULCE8. The version of how it all occurred God. murderer-h- 1574 . 4.S.0 15 ....47.7 boy's thank I've found the real e's I hold It true that are 47.5! 1S8 She murmurs rats! incessantly, with incredulous smiles. It thoughts tilings 1575 . ....47.11 was regarded dead now an I'd never have rested a Easily, Quickly, Endowed with bodies, breath and 1871! . 47.5 1887 4!'.0 Santa Fe has an area of 1,498,000 to think about. This wings. county was too preposterous minute if I'd known the was Permanently Rsetorsd. And that we send them forth to All 1S77 . 47.6! 188 ....4..4 acres a danger you 1878 47.51 18H9 and population of nbout 17,000. Dah's sumpin' qu'ah 'bout de way folks was what he said over and over when ques- in." The world with good results or ill...... 49.8 WEAKNESS, 1879 . 50.2! 1!0 ....50.4 The itself contains ovor 10,000 actuai tioned: "But who-ho- w" 18X0 city dress dese hyuh times, said Uncle Eben. That which we call our secret thought . 45.0; 1891 ....47.3 Niles. When 1881 . ISiffl residents. The soils are de wants be "My name is Edward quite "The murderer? Oh, I got on the scent NERVOUSNESS, to the earth's remotest ...lacking ....49.1 valley especially Seems ter me dat gals all ter Speeds spot 1882 . young, I lived in a city somewhere with my at the start. I got others interested, then DEBILITY, And leaves its blessings or its woes adapted to fruit raising, and the product an' de men. is fa- pumck gemmen young parents. When I was 10 years old, my the governor, an we tracked him down, and all llio train of erlla Like tracks it as it goes. The annual monthly values will show is of the finest flavor and appearances. ter be puffick ladies, ther moved out west, where we wandered when he shot himself an saved his ironu-url- errors or later the of Peaches sweet ns n nectarine, plums aud tryin' govern- excesses, tfco results of It is God's law. Remember it distribution temperature through about from town to town, getting poorer ment from the trouble. Same fellow overwork. apricots, lnrgennd luscious, apples, pears, who . tlckuess, In still chamber as sit the year. a mistake to that a mother died, then my fa- saw Full strength, your you berries and all tho fruits flourish in It is great suppose and poorer. My swore he you shoot. It was all a set development nn.l tone With thoughts you would not dare have hardy old miners & bettor tonic it only stim- ther, aud I was taken in by two up game. But you are free, an now where given lo every organ and known abundance, usually commanding simple gives strength; me to f tho MONTH. MEAN. 'MONTH, KSA.1. nnd th.-i- eveo who kindly cared for me and taught do you want to go, my boy, for you still l,ly. And yet make comrades when alono. more remunerative market ulates the stomach to renewed action. a the sun- work in the mine. One day Pete found own the $1,000 they robbed you of?" XmmcdfatKlmprovemeut January ...iM 'jtily 63.0 California fruits. Tho cloudless, seen. These have llfo, and will fly To real strength, the blood must We divided the dirt equally said in- Failure fmposi')l9. thoughts they Fobruary ...81.7 Aneiist 65.9 ny out all their and impart 'pocket.' pay "To California," Ned, a light of 2,(1011 days bring fruity where Pete references. Book, And leave their Impress by and by, March . ...39.1 September,. 59.0 saccharine be and enriched, and this can aud went to the nearest town, tense joy aud hope in bis explanation and proofs whoso 4H.4 qualities. purified shining eyes. mailed Like some marsh breeze, poisoned April ...45.5 October into bills. That is howl "Back where I was (sealed) free. November 8ti.7 mineral gold, only be done by such a standard alterative had it changed happy and safe." broath May ..MM Largo deposits, inoludiug came to have $1,000 upon my person when Later on taeytold him the story of the ERIE MEDICAL CO. Breathes into homes Its fevered breath. June ...05.4 December 40, silver, precious sloues, principally the as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. was own aud who done so and as line as ru- arrested. The money my girl had much in his cause, the BUFFALO. N. Y. There is no other even the turquoise gurnets nearly earned at least it was given me schoolmate And after you have quite forgot locality, bies, and topnz, also; both bituminousand honestly little and friend of his child- Or all some vanished boasted climate of southern thnt of the interest in the little mine hood.. outgrown thought. France, anthracite coal are found in veins. as my part Back to your mind to make its homo, can show such a stable and giant Patient endurance, which Longfellow we owned and worked." Three later he called equable Tho two kinds sometimes run in parallel years upon ber to A dove or raven, it will como. range of heat and cold, the health seek god-lik- the scene of veins in the same mine. In addition to says is even frequently shows "But your appearance upon thank her for her confidence and help and er need fear no sudden A little the murder?" was asked. to tell her how he had with the Then let your secret thoughts be fair. changes. this "natural coke" is found. greater and greater heroism prospered, have a vital and share attention to olothing and be oan bid coius "Accident, accident wholly. Foolishly I hope ever before him of his all with They part VBOSI'EOTIVE ni'BOUliOES. an act of done on the sharing In worlds and molding fate-G-od's and intlnmmations defiance. In cases of than many bravery desired to see of the world aud her if she could care for him. shaping something system is so intricate. death from tubercular disease the Kew The Chicago Municipal &, Investment of the moment. v'-- to the to Invest my wed- impulse came city, intending Pete and Jim refused to attend the FOR --Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Mexico rate is 3 in 1,000. and add to if 1 CTS. only company has completed a magnificent little fortune it possible. ding, but they each sent a large gold nug- This is the lowest known and it with a for record, water works east of town, fur- had been troubled longing city get from their new claim, which was pan- The Duel. bo that the system just was taken from it. I camo must remembered local I will give you a large dose life ever since I ning out beautifully, as a wedding present, is nishing water under 140 pounds pressure. Physician: was arrested. I was we will aend There, In the merciless morn's first glow, of consumptives daily aug- a hour' here the very day I New York Journal. In Postage, All the modern improvementsitttheway of after this; take teaspoon every the street named when the A of eltber Grim, defiant, I faced my foe, mented by the immigration of thoeo who passing through Sample Envelope, He who had wronged me with savage hate, seek from that dreaded aereation, etc., are provided. In addition Lady Patient: What! a teaspoon every was fired, The next instant I was ar- . WHITE, FLESH or BRUNETTE respite scourge. shot How Grant Came to Write Memoirs, Faco to face on the field of fate, record of deulns at Rutn lie is thereto preliminary work is now being hour? At that rate of silver rested. If I titrned to flee, as they said, it I must die: ho his lhe my supply At the age of 03 General Grant found it And said, "lie hath played much lower than tho territorial conducted on reservoirs and canals that must have been from I have no re part; average will of ware will soon give out. fright. necessary to begin tho battle of llfo over In New the death irrigate over 100,000 ncres splen- of it." My sword shall cleave through his hateful England consumptive membranes He is 25 out of of com- did land in nnd around the city. These asked to evidence to again. determined then to write his heartl" rate every 1,000 the But when produce memoirs. His attention had been turned in Minnesota it is and will undoubtedly be completed within two the of his words he shook his Then to the battle, with one truo thrust munity; 14, prove truth in this direction for somo He stood his Bword In dust. the southern states six years, as every effort ts being made to head time, through i0VDER. defenseless, throughout per sadly. tho of his friends and I marked the spot whore his false heart lay, 1,000. This the cli hurry their construction. "I cannot. Jim and Pete intended to go suggestions especial- city enjoys spring through tho example of General Shor-ma- Ton have seen it advertised for man? I lifted my glittering blade to slay, mate of northern Illinois and ; TnK WATEIIS 0 SANTA VS. far to the south, I know not where. I did ly When lo! in I seemed to feel BY MYSTERY Following the failure of Grant & years, but have you ever tried it? If my fury the summer climate of Wisconsiu, Michi Dr. F. vice of the SURROUNDED not trv to find out. I cannot think of a not, do not Know what an Ideal A hand that clutched at the lifted steel J. Danter, president Ward he received offers from different pub- you and Minnesota, nnd tho winter way in which they could be reached." Complexion Powder Is. A hand that warded the blow I dealt, gan American Health Resort association, sayst was lishers of such a character as to indicate to And wild before me a woman knelt. temperature of southern Illiuois, Indiann "PerhaDS an advertisement," sug "It is worth traveling miles to drink ol the who him that he might with his pen still be I could not strike my hated foe. and Tennessee. This, however, is only as A Mistake. gested by prosecuting attorney, to build a fam- and I bade him shown the thermometer. The such waters as flow this cot Great wished he could believe the youthful able up competency for his In wrath mercy go. by dry throngh deep really ily. His first contribution to literature Fool! forgetting the wrongs of years, tonic nir of the mountain altitude fills one in the mountains and supply the city of criminal. To drown revenge in a woman's tears. and nnd so domestic said. never look at had been published in December, "1882, in besides being an acknowledged boautlflor, with vivacity health, strong is Santa Fe for purposes and for A Is headache, "No," the boy "They has uianv reireshlnff uses. It movents chaf-- i Frank L. Stanton. recent discovery that sometimes six Tho North American Review. This article the ii fluenco of the ozone nnd olectricitv irrigation of the fruit farms. lhe water confusion of mmd. a paper don't see one for dizziness, dullness, the v was entitled Undeserved on the nerves and that acclimation is cold nnd fresh from months." "An Stigma" etc.! InfactlMsnmostdellcateand desirable system absolutely pure, etc., are due to derangement of tlio nerve and was a defense of General protection to the face during hot weather. Requiem, is This of itself is a 'the snows above, or And thus it was that in the darkness oi Fits John I Bold wonderfully rapid. melting trickling centers which supply the bralu with nerve of It Everywhere, boon. Coses are on record of in-- 1 from in tho mountain side. It is cell he aud wondered if ever Porter. Asa means raising immediate For samele, address Let her rest; the weary night ifreat springs force, that indigestion, dyspepsia, neuralgia, his languished ho Never her dreams like this. .trense in client measure of immi- free from nil alkali or other been a more hope- money first turned his mind to the M.A.POZZONI brought the lime, ingre- wind in stomach, etc., arise from tho derange- there was or bad person CO.StLoult.MoJ Let her the here of to seven so to in the wid preparation of four articles for The Cen- sleep; morning light grants from four inches. dients very injurious the consump- of nerve centers these less or friendless than himself I1BNTIOH THIS PAPER, Shall not wake her from her bliss. n ment the supplying tury Magazine. McClure's Magazine. KATUBAti ATTB ACTIONS. tive patient. Snch water is great boos with nerve fluid or force. This Is llkewlso world. Glad was she to end the fight; nnd nt wher was far and near. had with kiss. Snuta Fe lies most anywhere any time, bat here, true of many diseases of the heurt and lungs. His crime published Death conquered a Besides this in a of sunshine nnd The nerve Is like a system, murdered man' and of the An Tenant, other features pure air system telegraph Pictures of the Important valley. It is at the eutrunce to an idoal as will be seen by the accompanying One of these fell of Tired eyes need watch no more; picturesque combine produce oliinata, it The prisoner appeared. papers Naturalists have late taken a good the race Is cut. little of in a southern Flagging feet, run; of a spleudid canon, abounding in natural is of special value." white lines are into the bands a schoolgirl deal of interest in a creature, a member of ANTONIO WINDSOR. Hands tuat heavy burdens bore, the It is also the gate-wa- y of the TUB MILITABT the nerves which village, who read with startled gaze tho fish tribe, that lives upon the products Set them down, the day is done; curiosities. POST, convey the nerve of where fish force from name the criminal. of the ludustry of others. This associate Heart, b still through anguish Bore, Pecos National park, and game Ft. Marcy, at Santa, Fe is the oldest the Niles! Little Niles! is won. nerve centers to "Neddy Neddy Papa, or dependent at a certain stage of its exist- Everlasting peace ibound. Within easy riding or driving established military station on American every of the oh. listen!" out to seek and Chambers' Journal. part nana, ence goes a home, finding aro over soil. Tho body, just as tho said her father, his lies in for Jistances thore forty places of pic- Spaniards ocenpid it as such electric current is "Yes," extending a suitable prospect it wait the and of hiatorio interest. hand for the paper, you are certainly right, to take possession. When the The Keenest Grief. turesque Among in 1002. Old Fort Marcy was built Sty conveyed along opportunity which mny be mentioned the old adobe pal- telegraph But we did not think he would grow into a llsh opens Its mouth, tho slender The miser who finds his wealth is like Opu. Kearney in 1816; and tho present the e v larger gone first orectcd after lfi()5, from wires to ery did we, Rose?" little donzalle, as it Is called, thrusts its Architect & Contractor. shaken rose. ace, shortly site was occupied in 1850; the post is station, large or murderer, whioh the ruled this small. "Oh. papal" tail between tho of its new landlord The mother who hears her son, her only bod, Spanish viceroys garrisoned by headquarters, the band Ordinary jaws The present structure 10th U. S. to "So," be continued, glancing over the and then remains perfectly quiet while tho is dead. jrent province. and two companies of the Each knows each knows a not so liitcs from about 1710; bub it is full of Col. E. E'lyslciansfall paper at ber, "the boy has one friend who mouth closes. When it again opens, the grief, yet under command of P. ad knows as room is consecrated cen- believes mm innocent,-"Re- moves farther It has darkly iutercst, every by Pearson; its location here ndds greatly M tko nerve donzalle in still until As the wedded hand that finds the heart Is eveuts. ters for the cause it and he will have two." secured Its settles tho memory cf thrilling In this Santa Fe's attractions socially and com- all, papa, quarters, when it down till unwed. Uon. Lew Walluce wrote of the disorders A few minutes later the paper was tossed to a contented if somewhat monotonous Duilding his mercially. The military band stationed" arising therefrom famous Bon Hur. of i the aside, and the man arose hurriedly and existence in the canal of its when scales she holds, is blind; here is one the best the army and they treat digestive Justice, equal The of Snn Miguel, was bntit in muBib part affected. took up his hat. chosen victim. There it helps itself to the Close Not cruelty nor mercy change her mind. chapel tenders delightful daily iu the Figrarmfr, 1(1:10 and still stands. its side is the Franklin Miles, "What are you going to do, papa?" in choicest morsels, and that, too, without Wben some for that which others die, By publio plaza for the pleasure of oiizeus M. LL. B to llieto is oldwt house lu the United States. The D., the Quired hlB daughter. even ''by your leave." New York Mercy to those, cruelty. MITSBOLOQIOAL DATA, celebrated saying -- Sir J. Denham. vulls ol the old cathedral date from 1622, highly "See if I can find Pete or Jim, but I'm Ledger. The is taken from the records medalist and afraid there won't be time." Modern Methods, but the rest of the structure is of more following student of nervous diseases, and author - Within dis- U. B. office yes, there will there must be. modern date. convenient of the weather of Santa Fe fot pf many noted treatises on the latter subject, "Oh, You Kaxt. nre Indian long since realized the truth of the first won't when I know he's If Are Vein tances the pueblos of Tesuque 1B92: They bang Neddy in a side canon of the statement, and his Restorative Nervine innocent." A case of female oowhiden! is the start- You will find the time and service of the and Nambe; Snuta 49.1 Is on that Its success Aztec while Average temperature prepared principle. if Pete or were in the land of of an in n Burlington lloute superior to all other Fe arc the delishtful springs, Average relative humidity 48.9 In curing all diseases arising from But Jim ling title article country paper. 07 Ib linns. shout nine miles np the main water Average velocity of wind, miles per hour. ment of the nervous system wonder- the living they could not be found, at least all The con- Skilled Mechanics Total 11. WJ ful, as the tbousunds of unsolicited testimo- We know about it. woman Tho vestibulo course is Monument rock. The road rainfall so it seemed. Hose Clayfleld and her fa saw magnificent Number of eloudlom days 11 nials In possession of the company manufac- cealed the eow when she the assessor 0:00 is one of loveliness. 91 ther were indeed to reach them by "Flyer," leaving Denver daily at p thither surpassing Number of fair days turing the remedy amply prove. trying south of town is Number 21 Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine Is a reliable every available means. coming. m reaches St. Louis at 7:20 a. m., nnd To the Agua Fria, and oteloudy days such as famous mines remedy for all nervous diseases, "They could not clear the boy of murder, Chicago at 8:20 a.m., the second morning, the turquoise pronounced From January 1, 1893, to August Is, headache, nervous debility, prostration, the finest in the and is the rooord: de- but could prove how he came by the One Fare. furnished making connections for all points cast. by Tiffany world; 1893, the following sleeplessness, dizziness hysteria, sexual they Plans aud specifications Ilde-fons- o St. Vitus etc. It is and his execu First Annual Tournament of the Volun- The Burlington is the only line run-in- g beyond the Rio Grande are the Snn Number of clonics days Ill bility, dance, epilepsy, money, that might stay , 84 Bold uy all druggists on a positive guarantee, said Mr. Clayfield. "I am undecided teer Fire department of Las Vogns July on so- through sleepers nnd ohnirenrs from Pueblo and the eurious cliff dwel- Number of fair or partly cloudy or sent direct Or. Miles Medical Co., tion," application. Correspondence Number of cloudy days. It by the what to do, but I will write to the chief of 4th and 6th. Tickets on sale for the Denver to St. Louis without change. lings. Elkhart, Ind., on receipt of price, $1 per Do- - ot interest to These records fot themselves, ttle, six bottles for IS, prepaid. of the city where our friend Neddy above oocasion at one fare for the licited, For full information apply to local other points the tourist speak express no police 2nd Anvone In search of sonny, sela Hestoratlve Nervine positively contains was arrested and tell bim all I know re- round trip. To be sold July and 2rd, ticket agents, or address O. V. Vaixkhy, ire: The Itiolotlnl society's rooms; the dry, or dangerous the climate ess beUMthuoeMs opiates drugs. garding the boy and what I know of Pete good for return July 6th, General Agent, No. 103!) 17th street, "Uaiita," military quarters, ohapel prions dl 11. L. Santa Fe, N. M. Sold by all druggists. and Jim and the relation in which they Lets, Ageut. utd 9m'ttif el Ow Idj e the Beri f w M. F. Sena and others of rain last and more of it ENTRY-ME- nnd owned by MEMORIAL DAY. Splendid night LAND Sauta Fe and Los Lnnas. A sample of The Mexican this afternoon. ore was taken from the surface ot tne Daily Harness Oil. M Capt. Strover calls the members of the rsnnilnlnnn vein that crave an assay ofl To-m- Secures the Passage of- - Harness for Its Observance this Delegate Joseph 44.40 in- ?old and some in silver. An FRANK MILLER S Dressing. Program local militia to meet for drill at 7:30 . . , , Harness rowThe Procession anil Ex- of a Congressional .Resolution fnr of XIO.000 has Deen reinseu lor me..I Soap. TUESDAY, MAY 2i. evening. ot Much ercises at the Military is in Import. property. The water used at the county jail The Las Vegas Optic does Coohiti a ore I Cemetery. a bad condition. There is evidently some groBS injustice when it states that the Notice is that orders The terri torial papers have had much Urown mine una umuu- - hereby given given defect in the pipes as the water is of a vein in the roini by employes upon the New Mexican to say in relation to the filing of affidavits ed out. The Optio should inform itself ARE THE BEST ON THE MARKET. unless There are 480 soldier dead resting in yellowish hue and unfit to drink. The rasn Printing Co., will not be honored under the homestead, timber more oorreotly before making such the business the national military cemetery here, and matter should be attended to. vein in the Crown previously endorsed by laws before United statements. The ore Memorial exer- Memorial before culture and desert land not retains its former thick imager. as nsual day Send flowers for day Point only is what are all in States commissioners. ness, hnt increases botn in nenness ana If you wish to preserve your harness it just you Kotlce. cises will be imposing and interesting, 9 p.. m. The ladies is old and needs retouching, Delegate Joseph recently introduced as depth is gained. need. Ifyour carriage top ftamAota for hftp.k nmnhers of the NEW The official program as announced vited to assemble and aid in preparing quantity a can of our and had passed by both houses of con get Mexican, must state date wanted, or they is as follows: the wreaths and bouquets. They meet at If the hair is falling out, or turning a resolution providing that all en receive no attention. The parade will form on Lincoln aven- 9 o'clock in the Prince block. gress gray, requiring a stimulant with nourish avenue. tries under the homestead, ue, its riaht resting on Palace eveniug at 8 o'clock there ing and coloring food, Hall's Vegetable CARRIACE TOP ENAMEL. The forward command will be sounded timber culture or desert land law made will be German services at the Lutheran Sicilian Hair Renewer is just the specific. at 3 o'clock m., Ihe the date of the M ETEROLOG1CA L. by bugle, p. sharp. All members between May 26, 1890, and will move the nortn oi me church, near the university. Fe One restore it to its finish. V. S. Depahtment ov Aghicultuhe,; procession by approval of the resolution, and which are Santa Pjthlans. coat will original Weathku of ohskkvkr nlaza to Cathedral street, thence to San aa well as straneers are cordially invited A meeting of Santa Fe lodge BimoOmcB ! based on affidavits made before a United special Santa b'e, May ii. Francisco street, thence via San Francis-- to Esv. G. A. Neeff, pastor, No. K. of to the be present. instead of No 2 and Germania lodge 5, P., oo street and Rosario avenue the Albu States oourt commissioner, o -- Receiver Schotield, of was held last Hon. C. F. Eaalej national cemetrv. United States circuit oourt commissioner, evening. D. 33 National bank, is making a rec- wna chosen chairman and Mr. L. Muehl-- E. FRANZ, 3i' OBDEB OF PB0CE8B10N. querque aa provided bv the act of May 26, 1890, which not be pleasing are no other An invitation of Carleton 2 10th U. S. Infantry Baud. ord may entirely be validated, provided there eisen secretary. B T"SJ J 10th U. S. to 0 S3 Regimentul Commander uud Staff to debtors of that defunct institution, but objections. post was received asking the lodges Infantry. creditors.-Albuquerqu- torn out as a and in Battalion 10th U. S. .1. T. is to its The act approved May 26, 1890, pro body participate Infantry. Capt. it very satisfactory of resi- Memorial services. Under the rules K (Ul.v Kirkmun, Commaudingr. vided that the proof settlement, day 1:0(1 a. if 23 lti B. 1st New Mexico Militiu, Democrat. can not be but as 2:i is i sis K'Uly Company Infantry. dence, occupation, cultivation, irrigation of the order this done, :0J p. i Capt. W. Strover.Conimundinir. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hite will shortly affidavit of non- - the members will bo in at- Maximum G. A. and Visitius Com- or reclamation, the individuals Temperature Curletou Post, R., to sev oath of and all tendance. Minimum Temperature o.uo rades. mime rm from Albuouernue pass alienation, the allegiance 1'ottil frocipitutiuu ...... Suuta Fe Fire Department. other affidavits to be maae un- - A committee of four from each lodge U. B. Observer eral weeks here, and it is likely that Mrs. required HSKSEY, Civic Societies. sr the homestead, uiuoer was selected to arrange for the observance Schools. facile faber will to eastern and Hite's present oulture and desert land laws may he made of the Pythian decoration day which L Territorial, Federal, County City on Officials. readers a series of interesting letters before any commissioner of the United on the second Tuesday in June. This Ladles of the Floral Committee and Choir. the of Messrs. T. P. in Santa Fe and its attractions for tourist States circuit court, or before judge committee is oomposed SPITZ, Citizens Curriuges. oourt of the F. E. P. Seeds nnd E. L. Citizens Mounted. health soeker. Mrs. Gilbert will ac- clerk of any of record Gable. 0. Easley, THE JEWELER. and are and C. Neus-tad- t, FILIGREE The are named as nids to the nntv or parish iu which the lands Bartlett, of Santa Fe lodge, following them, coming here in order to affidavit and oath W. and the hills" and marshal: H. Pedro company tuatedi and the proof, Sol. Spiegelberg, J. Conway J. Sloan, Delgado, husband. shall of F. Marceliuo Garcia, vni. be near her unfortunate when so made and duly snbsoribed Q. Monier, Germania lodge. never excell- Theo. Moore, effect as if made inclination on the P. Chas. W. Dndrow, An- There is to be a south and west trade have the same force and There is some part Sil- ed. "Tried Cunningham, the or receiver of the land of these two to consolidate their Gold Watches, Diamonds, tonio Alarid, A. W. Butler, Valentine Car at New Orleans on June 1. The before register lodges and congrtss office. organizations, and a special meeting is proven" son. Board of Trade has been invited to send oourt of next week The of the staff are There is no United States circuit called for Wednesday night ver Ware and Clooks. is the verdict members requested the of the board there a United to the to mounted, to the marshal at 2:15 a delegate, and president this territory, but is consider subject. First-clas- s o f millions, report, member who States district court, hence the registers south sule ot tne will be glad to appoint any Beech-am'- s S Watch Gtrictly p. in., piazn. and reoeivers of the land office in this Weak stomach strengthened by Repairing Simmons EDWARD Jft. BEBOMANN, will attend and represent Santa Fe. Fills. all kinds of Silver Novsltios and Filigree grtiolM Marshal. territory overlooked the word circuit and Keeps Burling Liver Regu Hon. L. Bradford Prince has been in- affi allowed entries to be filed through To the Jancers. for at lowest is the CEBEMONIES AT CEMETERV. of suitable presents prices. lator vited by the president Colorado davits made before commissioners of the Prof. Landrum will give another soiree lilt I, Tiifiiiitrv Band. of Liver l,,in Command to deliver the commencement U. S. district court. The purpose next at Adams' hall. All - - Santa Fe, N. M. only Preliminary Address by tho Post college is to vali- Friday night South Side Plaza, er, I'rancis towiis. on but has Delegate Joseph's resolution thoBe who reoeived invitations to the Inst Better and Kidney address at the college June 13, filed. Music. date the entries thus one are cordially invited, also their medicine, to Praver by Post Chaplain. not been able to give a positive which Commander. yet Had the word circuit, is entirely friends. Admission 75 cents per couple. Ritual Address by Post out of the which you Decoration of Monument by Otlicer ot tne answer. unnecessary, been left original Day. Chief J. M. Howells, of the aot all confusion would have been avoid- can pin your Post Chaplain. Engineer DON'T YOTJ WANT A PIANO. THE Response by ed. As if is now affidavits hereafter faith for a Poem, by Hon. A. U Morrison. water arrived in the city last I Original company, ade before United States oourt com 21. M. Harris, the music dealer, is Music. of the cure. A Scattering of Flowers upon Graves. night for the purpose inspecting missioners in this territory in the cases sole agent for New Mexico for the laxa- Assemuiy. work done on the water system f or of hnai or celebrated oia reuaDie an mild to the Deud by Volley. already original entries, proofs, "weoer.'tne Salute Infantry will not be "Wheel-- 1 Music, Vocal. ' My Country, 'tis of Thee. and also for new work. Ground f yearly desert land proofs "Lindeman." the matchless YORK tive, preparing NEW. and ion. land offices. which Benedict for the new reser accepted by the district ock." and the "Stuyvesant," purely veg- Taps. was broken yesterday never fails to satisfy. was issued voir near old Fort Four teams etable, act- The following order respect Marcy. Hood's and Hood's. Also a laree and complete stocnoii LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY tho militia: twelve men were to work. The Only ana musical ing and put Are and overworked latest sheet music general ing directly EXECUTIVE UFFICE, you weak weary, force will be largely increased shortly. tired f Hood's is merchandise. re- on the Liver Territory of New Mexico. and Sarsapanlla jost All (roods at factory prices and on Writes the most liberal policy. Free from all 1894. No one who appreciates a good musi the medicine you need to purify and Pills and Kid Santa Fe, May 2G, ) - easy teims. Careful attention paid to and to ap- General No. 8. cal treat by the best of home talent ought quicken your blood give you a it. Orders, ueciue orders irom distance. strictions and technicalities. . neys. Try 1. B, 1st at the netite and Btrenztn. n you iu of Company regiment, infantry, to fail to be present this evening do not be in- Write for catalogue sheet music. Sold by all stationed at Santa take Hood's Sarsaparilla M. M. New Mexico militia, soiree musioale to be given by the German effort to HARRIS, in or in Powder Fe. will in the honors to be duced Jto buy any other. Any RALPH HALLORAN, Druggists Liquid, participate is seldom that such 606 Douglas Ave., rendered to the of deceased Lutheran people. It anhstitute an other remedy is prooi oi Las I General H. to be taken or made into a tea. memory merit of Hood's. East Vegas. Agent. Attnq.aerue, dry soldiers on Memorial day, on Wednesday, vnried and really classic procrram is the The i f Liver Medicine. next. nnd Keduced Kates. King May 30, tendered. After the intellectual en after-dinn- I "1 have Mver Kciu-liit- a Hood's Pills are the best Commencing June 1st, 1891, round trip ned yoursimmons Is 2. The company will form part of refreshments mid mil conscientiously nay It the tertnining part wholesome Pills, assist digestion, cure headache. Try tickets will be on sale to Denver at K28.5U, litnn of nil Ivor medicines, 1 consider It a procession consisting of the United States Japk-io- will be nerved. to Colorado $23.85, to Pueblo modlclno cliost In Itself. Uito. V. troops at Fort Marcy, the Grand Army of box. Springs, Tiicotuu, Washington. are civic so The teachers examination, under charge $21.06, limited to return until Nov. 15th the Republic, companies, Mora Urant Affairs. rates to other in Colo wEVF.iiY r.cnOK-- t cieties. schools, federal, coun of Schools 1894. Low points territorial, of County Superintendent There are acres of the Mora 1 and other 150,000 rado. Call at city tioket oruce for par-- as tUa Z in oa wi upper. ty and city officials, patriotic Juan is still in at the of Mi 8Unp and will endeavor to J. Ortiz, progress grant within the boundaries San tioulars. H. S. Luts, Agent. citizens, assessor's office and will continue T. G. P. & T. A. in rendering the prescribed honors. county guel county, yet the patent to the valu Geo. Nicholson, 3. The company will form on Lincoln for three or four days longer. Those able tract of land has not been spread ofMexlco. the band of City l avenue, (near headquarters undergoing the examination are Misses upon the records of this county, lhe Bound trio tiokets to the City of Mex-- 1 B with the Mr. ..g Z2g the United States troops) ngnt was lost by Catron, $67.-- 1 g Theresa Eleonora original patent loo on sale in the at north of the United States Mary Call, Warning, every day year resting troops and now the question arises wnemer or 70. Tickets six months from date I and of such batallion, at Margaret Le B. Geimer, Abigail Tompkins reoords of good forming part not a certified copy from the of sale. Keduced rates to all other princi g 8 2 of the oom and 2:45 p. m., and the commander and Messrs. Faouudo Ortiz Roy Mora county will suffice for this county, Mexico. H. L. H to pal points in Lutz, Agent. panv will report then col. fcuwara a, McDonald. or whether il is necessary to get the same U. A. i (iSO. T. MIOBOLSON, r. Mo. Beremann, the marshal of the procession from D. C. There is said to be no water Washington, At The will be in line to march running S200 Monthly. Manufacturing concern 8 troops A final deoreo has been rendered in tne 7 4 fish-wa- y 51 the around the reservoir M s promptly at 3 p. m. through oase of Stephen B. Glkins against Carmen wants representative in Santa Fe (or any oi: dam at This is a matter that uueva not MUBt nave a tew nunurea s By order present. Arce et al., as to the titles at tne city taken). . "S I liOBION MILLER, should not be The law Ranch and w. is. urun-ton- , dollars cash to pay tor gooas on aeiivery S Sb! neglected. provides oompany Capt. I g Governor. orders are secured. F. E. Vail, Acting a fine of for mouth that who owns interests in the Mora grant after Pride of Flour, sack $l.CO Geo W. Knaebel, $300 every Morse Building, New York. Yalley as Las Vegas Optic. -- Fres1! Ranch Eggs, doz. - 16c Adjutant General. stream is dammed in such amanner t i c W. T. V. j a Creamery Butter, lb - 25 Citizens are requested to decorate their the free of trout up and and cake will be served duf' C Meeting. 5 a, cs Peabody prevent passage the W. C. T. V. at Albu- - s Cal. EXTRA Standard Table Fruit and cease bus'ness in the after rine Memorial the W. B. T. at the For meeting l, 2(c premises down a stream. day by one- - - l-- store-roo- aueraue. June 5, a rate of one and b can Tomatoes 12 noon, nnd tne ladies oi oauta ne areurgeu old Bishop - - Judge Fall, of LasCruoes, coutd hardly fare will be made on the certificate b can Blueberries 10c to prepare and contribute the necessary third - to the from all points in New Mexico to I b can Blackberries 10c (lowers. be likened Coxey, great common' plan 5 ! 2-l- AMONG GOLD HUNTERS. H. S. H n b - - 15c Lutz, Agent. can Strawberries wenler, yet at Santa Fe the other day the Albuquerque. ?- Salt Bacon - - 10c The ladies of the Woman's Board of pS Dry made a dash across the grass in the - - 2-l- Chase-Sanbor- n cake to judge At New Mexican office, laws of i will serve and Wanted b can Coffee 85c Trade H ho held Fe a l-- of Santa Arbucklo Coffee - - 27 morrow at the store-roo- lately occupied plaza, and but for the faot that Another Find Northeast 1887 and 1889 and Compiled Laws of 1884. ! Tea - Mr. Adults 2S cents; children court himself would have met Coxey! Notes from Cochiti and Other Basket Fired Japan 40c by Bishop. Havana at s" - John MoCullough cigars Sundried Japan Tea 30c 15 cents. fate. "Keep off the grass." Lordaburg Adjaoent Districts. Riverside Navel box $4.00 Colorado saloon. Oranges, I . N. Kecoi'rt. Liberal. Colorado Oats - - - $1.60 Court Colorado 75c The U. S. district court held a short Messrs. Juan J. Prada and Manuel Family's wishing pure natural ioe from Hay PERSONAL. will leave orders at Nebraska Corn - ...- $1.20 session this Sena y Ortiz, of Nambe, called at theNitw hydrant water please morning. - - Irland's store or gar-- 1 Colorado Potatoes $1.75 Mr. H. of Mexican office and secured blanks drug Archbishop's in J. butherlin, Louisiana, today den. UBANT KIVKNBUBU. The usual discount quantities. C. M. returned from the passed a successful examination and was Hon. Shannon for locating quarts' lodes on Nambe admitted to the bar. south yesterday. mountain, twenty-fiv- e miles north of the Pollard vs. Breokenridge celebrated The cases were set for trial; book following Dr. Francis Croeeou and Druggist city. They sny they know gold bearing breaoh of promise; agents wanted; No. 1443, Donaciano Archuleta, adul- of illustrated; W. have on a business rock when Bee it and have discovered ready history litigants; tery, May 30. Studley gone trip they 500.000 will be sold; prospeotua free. SV. No. 1400, Manuel G. Gomez, violation to Coohiti district. a quartz vein three and one-ha- lf feet H. Co., Ohio. It. of and Ferguson Cincinnati, H.BpCartwrigbt&Bro of election laws, five separate charges, Mr. C. Ball, Richmond, Va., wide on the surface from which they have May 81. Mr. John McMurty, of Chicago, are pleas' taken rock free furnished House to Bent. No. Anastacio showing gold. 1472, Martinez, adultery, nut guests now sojourning at the Claire, Allan Butcher, of Rock Corral, ten The Gildersleeve residenoe, upper June 1. 15 rooms furnished com At the Palace: A. M. Hendry, Golden miles south of the oity, is steadily de Palace avenue, No. 1475, Gabino Garcia, violation of find. He handsome lawn. PROPRIETORS. A. W. M. veloping his new free gold plete, piano, library, election laws, June 2. Buokman, Cleveland; Vergennes, reticent about it. He said Garden plaated and orohard. Ample viola- N yet very yes No. 1478, Jose Alcario Valesquez, Glorieta; B. Snatlinger, Topeka, Kas.; the was stable and corral. June 4. terday that prospect improving tion of postal laws, C. Rennets, New York. under development, and that while he No. 141)5, Juan C. Gurnle, adultery, Colorado sa Miss Marion S. Merritt, one of the was satisfied as to its quality, he first Fine McBrayer whisky at June 5. to ' ascertain its before loon. until 10 belles of is on wanted quantity The court then adjourned charming Albuquerque, for will talking publication A o'clock morning. visit to the Misses Baker, and be Messrs. J. W.Akers, M.G. Reynolds and Challenge. The Santa Fe Base-Ba- ll Club hereby1 here for several T. J. Helm are y on the Rio Scorched. days. upper challenges any club in New Mexico to The Citizen At the Claire: John G. McMurtry Grande, near the month of Ked river, The block in oo and play a game, or series of games of ball at Hughes Albuquerque, C. R. Va.; Julius examining the Gibson, Helm, Hughes e. Chicago; Ball, Richmond, whioh Santa r 'lime and purse to be agreed cupied by the Citizen, was scorched to other placer claims, Expert Jack Dave J. Loeb, Louisville; John G. O'Connor to tne upon. Suoemakeb, Capt. the extent of about $2,000 on Reeves says will average fl.ou oudio Saturday W. H. Denver. The stratum Claibe Wcbbeb, Secretary. Mr. Presoott; Spell, yard. gold bearing gravel Exchange Hotel niirht. The upper Btory, oocupied by 400 feet of that has At the Bon Ton hotel: B. K. Hawkins, lavs under malpai Milk Pnnoh 10 ots a at the Colo- and Mrs. Mayes as a photograph gallery been cut the Kio and is glass L. G. bv Grande, sup rado saloon. and dressmaker's rooms, wrs completely Glorieta; Jones, Cerrillos; Joseph oosed to be about fourteen teet tnicg out the front room. at Mat Cr. Plata. burned exoept Routledge, Glorieta; Juan Ortiz, Galisteo; Mr. Gibson has penetrated the gravel to boiler The lower is water to Three horse power engine and story injured by Benedito Naranjo, Rafael Garoia, Espa-nol- the depth of twelve feet and as an old for sale at the New Mexican. the extent of probably $250 in addition oheap AJCTA - X. M. F. Rock Corral; Juan C. California placet miner gives it as nis FB, to the damage done stooK, materials ana Sweeney, that will Is systematic working Hecond-Hau- d in the office. The Romero, A. E. Clark, Cochiti; judgment, Uoous. Iteflttri machinery printing Pojoaque; make 'it immense pro.nts. . twtrelly Located, Enttr.ry Citizen has taken quarters in Herman Cerrillos. yield David S. Lowitzki has opened up in temporary Wynkoop, NOTES FBOM IBS COOUITI CALL, a on the corner the second-han- d line and buys and building almost opposite, Capt, Antonio Maria Vigil, of Conejos, goods TERMS REASONABLE of Gold avenue nnd First street. In their Ground has been broken for a forty sells everything from a baby carriage to Ji Colo., is in the to matters reports the local papers fail to sny any- city attending stamp mill at Allerton a grave stone. He offers great bargains VIOUL RATIB BY TBI WMK. court of free have He has also thing about insurance. before the United States of private Beautiful specimens gold both to buyers and sellers. from the Lone Star the of new furniture. Store ROOMS land claims. The captain is a historic been taken past ordered a carload 8AMPLE ATTAOHEI. week. below Lowitzki's stable. character. He was twice a member of two doors livery ROUND ABOUT TOWN. A rich strike was made on a claim ad' J. T. FORSHA, the territorial legislature of Colorado foinine Eaele City on Thursday evening, For Hale Prop. A e and was also a member of the first state thirty-fiv- foot vein of rich looking A second-han- d at Attend the Lutheran church musicale at phaeton. Apply assembly. He was inspector of militia ore has been uncovered in tne Miners New Mexican office. Adams' hall t. Union claim in west Pino, for and has held many positions of a dish of ice cream years New strikes are so common in the Enjoy honor and trust in county. no than W. B. T. Conejos camp that assays running higher for the benefit of a second The B lullop in San nan. $40 are only given thought. No paper will be issued from the New J The foroe of workmen on the Lone J. Mills Kendrick, of the Mexican office bishop Epis Star, Crown Point and Iron King are be, 8 diocease of New Mexico a 25 m i copal composed increased as as accommoda- k ball club a ball rapidly i The Athletic base gives ing Krick, and Arizona, oame across from Fort De- tions will permit. Henry Santa Meat at Gray's hall evening. Fe Market week a few in Conservative mining men place the H 75 cents a fiance last nrd spent days SOLK AGENT FOR O E3 rS Tickets, couple. his communicants. value of the ore in tight on the Lone W BZ of this county visiting CQ Wanted At New Mexioan office laws His limit of time and unexpected visit Star alone at $1,500,000. The owners gj S 'Faisoo 1887 and 1889 and Laws of 1884. his service at the mine have refused an offer of $400, 3 3 Stbeet, Offosiii 8taa Bloci. Compiled prevented holding except -- Is Hie Woman's Board of Trade the residence of Mrs. Hippenmeyer in 000 for it. Of course sufficient amount of ore LEMP'S the future the There is a never that ladies with Farmincton. In bishop BEST OIT has suggested baby will endeavor to visit this part of his tight in Coohiti to keep a smelter in con carriages are not welcome to the freedom work once a year, and it is his intention stant operation for five years, and yet not a mines in DEEP MUTTON, of the to try and have a place of erect- there is half dozen the S3 5 plaza. worship below urass roots. St. Louis Beer. Another of Prof. Landrum's soirees is ed in this oounty and send a minister to camp PORK AND VEAL. His communicants If you want to see veins of ore seventy' 5 for when the take charge of it. announced Friday night, here that he will sucoeed five feet in width that will give an aver' from one bot- of earnestly hope to The trade supplied, FRIGES AWAT DOWN. German will be the dancing feature and will do all in their power to aid him age of over $100 per ton, come Coohiti carload. Mail orders can be satisfied. We tle to a and Oame in the evening. in its erection. San Juau Index. and your desire filled. Venison 8eason. ohallenge the world to produce its equal promptly first-clo- Hon. A.L. Kendall.of Cerrillos, chairman Service clean, prompt, Call for Kids. Of the many cmims in tne board is in the on promising Fe. of the county city Wood wanted; not less than fifty cords, oamp we might mention the Guadalupe Guadalupe St - Santa business. The commissioners sit as a good pinon, in nve oora lots or more; bids and San dose group locatea in mean . 2. Ramona J three miles from "OLE JOE," Hgr board ef equalization on Monday next. received June school. Dia ennon about Eagl SSVJIInl' AFTHEAKY, Prescriptions led Day or light