ORWELL FOOD ENTERPRISE ZONE STEVIN’S SITE Ref. 30101.LVIA1 LANDSCAPE & VISUAL IMPACT APPRAISAL 14 April 2017 For Places4People Ubiety Landscape + Urban Design Ltd Registered in England i Company Registration No. 09531551 ORWELL FEZ : STEVIN’S SITE - LANDSCAPE & VISUAL IMPACT APPRAISAL Ubiety Landscape + Urban Design Ltd Sweet Briars Hartest Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP29 4ED T: 01284 830688 M: 07961 213907 E:
[email protected] W http://ramonkeeley.wix.com/ubiety This Development Brief has been prepared for the Client, Project and Site stated and Ubiety accepts no responsibility whatsoever should the document or any part of it be used by any other person or for any other purposes than those explicitly stated. The Development Brief must not be copied, reproduced or transmitted in whole or in part other than by the Client and for the purposes described without written consent. 2 ORWELL FEZ : STEVIN’S SITE - LANDSCAPE & VISUAL IMPACT APPRAISAL Contents 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Landscape Appraisal 3.0 Visual Appraisal 4.0 Landscape Capacity 5.0 Mitigation Appendices: - I LVIA Methodology II Landscape Capacity Methodology III Glossary of Terms 3 ORWELL FEZ : STEVIN’S SITE - LANDSCAPE & VISUAL IMPACT APPRAISAL 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Orwell Food Enterprise Zone / Local Development Order: A Food Enterprise Zone (FEZ), focussed on existing food related business in and around Wherstead on the south side of the river Orwell, has been successfully designated and Babergh District Council are now considering making a Local Development Order (LDO) to simplify the town planning process. A Local Development Order will grant planning permission for development as described in the order in advance of specific proposals and is intended to help businesses to grow.