New Anglia Transport Board Connecting the East, Accessing the World Agenda 9.00am – 11.00am, Tuesday,12 February 2019 George Hines Room, Wherstead Park, Suffolk, IP9 2BJ 9.00am 1. Welcome and introductions Chair 9.05am 2. Minutes and matters arising: Chair Lower Thames Crossing response submitted Transport East strategic narrative comments requested Invites to Chambers from Transport East sent 9.10am 3. Terms of reference and purpose Chair Are we achieving our aims and objectives? How do we measure progress against them? 9.20am 4. Suffolk Chamber of Commerce view Richard Perkins 9.40am 5. BREXIT and the Local Industrial Strategy James Allen Presentation New Anglia LEP 10.10am 6. MEMBER ROUNDTABLE: how are you ‘Making ALL the Integrated Transport Strategy Happen’? 10.40am 7. Strategic rail update – verbal Graeme Mateer 10.50am 8. Transport East update – verbal David Cumming 10.55am 9. Any other business: All New Anglia Transport Board Forward Plan Date of next meeting – 9.30-11.30am, Norwich Officer Contact If you have any questions about matters contained on this agenda, please get in touch with: Ellen Goodwin 07384 258662
[email protected] 1 2 New Anglia Local Transport Board Meeting Note 9.00am – 11.00am Tuesday 27th November 2018 Cranworth Room, Norfolk County Council, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2DH Board Attendance Simon Amor Highways England Jamie Burles Greater Anglia Ali Clabburn Liftshare David Cumming Norfolk County Council Cllr Mary Evans Suffolk County Council Doug Field (Chair) New Anglia LEP Jonathan