° The Georgia Bganch of the V ir nia Clay8

A nd Th eir Celebrated Cousins

Wit‘ h Harden and Jone s Genealogie s and N ote s f R l t Famili o e a ed e s .

‘Vrifl' a h e n nd Publi s e d by L . VV . Rig sbg “ r e r i e ti n 1 m and amil . Fo S v ce S c o N o . Ho e F y

Jul 4 192 6 . y ,

m w a - a a v 0 H a $ A 2 6 2 6 O F! o a c 2 d m 3 s é o 3 m8 E 8 K 3 o o v c s 5 3 3 S 3 2 3 “ m fi s 3 a c 8 . c $ v S 3 a 3 9 5 a 3fi m m 0 w 9 p a W o fi WS o 3 9 9 5 3 9 8 o ma 5 3 Q 5 i 6 i 8 3 w 5 3 = 3 0 o 2t a 9 b 0 m w : 3 9 3 9 ” mH : 3 p 9 7. a o 3 3 H 9 p 5 8 33 $ m w 3 ? g v 5 E 9 n m 9 8: . 3 £H v n u 2 a g m 3z 95 3 3 9 c m h m3 2 3 3 o fi u9 z o m« m 8 o c a a 5 3 . H 8 3 9 £ H 3 : s i o o fi m _ E y E 0 5 ? f E c m v 8 o m b 0 c E » “ E mo 2 m N “o 2 mr u u a 3a 3 w2 v c o m m 3 a H z 5 S z a 3 2 3 c m o a w s fl 9 o 3 n Q 0 w u u x a E 3“ o o 55 w 8 3 3 u E o o 9 x 98 o mm m a 3 w H a 8 9 £ m 3 g 3 Hu m o H E o p 8 > 8 3 a fl o o 5 o amn a o 3 9 H n : H m m w H 3 mm z a 3 t o H 2 e g m 9 k : o z 2 H m a 9 m 9 o 3 m 2 w 9 E n n2 5 “ E H 3 o 3 o £ 3 “ 8 83 m E 2 5 B o 8 0 h 5 2 0 8 3 a x 535 3 8 m o x 9 5 8 8 2 m 3 3E 2 m 3 3 8 E fi E 5 c 3 3 m e 5 5 9 2 9 5 5 8 m3 3 8 o 28 o $ o m 8 5 fi 3 a 3 E 3 w m 0 H3 38 s 2 m a 9 9 3 a . 83 o c 3 : H ; E o p ? 2 3 9 5 5 5 s 3 3 E H 2 : H 8 2 £ H 3 3 z fi 0 v v n 3 3 9 S 6 $ c 5 : m o 9 H a n m fi 5 a e 6 g 2 8 : o H3 o 3

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The Georgia Branch of the V irginia Clays

A nd Their (Jelebrafed Cousins

Witlz Harden and Jone s Genealogie s and N otes

of Relat d Familie s e .

Vril’ t n a nd ‘ e Publi s he d by L . W. Rig sbg

F i “ or Serv ce Sec tion N o 1 Hom e and Famil . . y Jul 4 1 926 . y ,

a Fmil Lite ra ture nd E a rly His tory of the a y.

The fi rst effort made to pres erve nect many of the Georgia Clays With the history of this family appears to their kindred throughout the other

have been made by General Green Southern States . Beheathland Clay . I have been unable to obtain Notes left by (Clay ) a Geor a copy of his manuscript, but C ss ius Rigsby at her death connect the “ M a M . Clay made a statement in his gia Clays with the Clays mentioned ” moirs , and quoted a letter from Por in the above History , which will be “ ” s in ter Clay, who was a brother of Henry cited as John ton and from the

Clay , the well known orator, who was formation supplied in thes e notes and “ the kno w n as the M ill Boy of the in this history, I _have connected ” Slashes . Both of these statements various lines and joined them to a “ ” are incorporated in The Gi ay Family common ancestry, so far as poss ible . “ e which was written by Hon . Zachary The notes referred to as left by B

l ‘ dif Smith and Mrs. Mary Rogers C ay and heathland (Clay) Rigsby above

the statement is made that they had fer, in the names and number of

acccss to the M S S of General Green brothers who came from England to

w . Clay hile compiling their history America , from the statement made by

' Their book has been ind ispensable in Porter Clay and Cass ius M . Clay. They

my w ork . For convenience it is cited each , that is Cass ius and Porter, say “ ” merely Clay Family . that three brothers came . My mother, “ Beh The Clay Family gives con Mrs . eathland (Clay ) Rigsby ,

siderabl e of the early history of the gives the number as two . Cassius and

family , but deals principally with the Porter gave their names as Charles ,

Kentucky descendants . The authors Thomas and Henry . My mother was a to ppear to have lost trace of the branch not sure, but gave the names the e which came to G orgia , and say very best of her recollection, as John and

little of the Branch of the Lewis . She was correct as to the

family . The history of the Alabama number who came and as to one of

B ranch , however is contained in the the names , that is , John . The other “ ” Co] w Early Settlers of Alabama , by . as named William . Now John and I James E . Saunders , which have us ed William had another brother named

and found of considerable ass istance . Richard , who was older than either “ ” It is cited merely Saunders . Saun John or Will iam , and he had two sons e ders , how ver , appears to also have who came to America , that is , Francis

been in ignorance of the Georgia and Edward . It was evidently the J l Branch of the family . s ons , ohn, Wil iam and Richard , who

Fortunately, there was published in Porter and Cass ius had in mind , but 1 906 E “ , by David . Johnston , A His they incorrectly named them ; my

tory of the Middle New River ‘ Settle mother evidently had in mind John ” ments and Contiguous Territory , and William . which sti pplied the key needed to con In addition to the above manuscript

“16 c . haw and anus r - I l M i t of Miss fl r A ' V uw p H i W h m l 6 Da i l I q “ “

f o . u 0 O 4 Ho f , 4 f i ' 0 3 J 4 5 — .4 n S u . J l

’ ' ax mvft as a Manu scri t fum Wfi ham C t w p was made b ;fore lay, s e b Mm Mar C a of h me . a fi e d w o y y l y , ard of the Manor of M ns l ,

r a Ga. Ame ic s , sealed with his arms . This William Other information has been obtained Clay was probably the eldest son of . u e m F from Co nty R cords , nu erous rancis Clay , inheriting the title from v his books , by personal inter iews and by his father, who inherited it from Wh m correspondence and questionnaires father, Richard , o inherited it fro f m m n supplying in or ation fro more tha his father , Sir John Clay (John Clay , in d a hundred members of the family Gent . ) of England . (New Englan

Georgia and other states . The H istoric Genealogical Register , Vol . ” Otken Manuscript of Miss is cited 37, page Other immigrants com “ ” tken . simply O , of Mrs Mary Clay , ing to Virginia , bearing the Clay “ ” Jn a s : o. Americas , G . , imply Clay , the oth name were J on Clay, b ' er c itations give the title of the ook Clay, James City County , a n or other authority . Where no cit tio Thomas Clay (1646) Lower Norfolk ‘ d 1650 is given information has been obtaine County , Edward Clay ( ) North

m rl an by means of q uestionnaires or is with u be d County , (Probably a broth

. er inthe know ledge of the author of Francis above . ) Mrs . Francis

‘ Th “Georgia Branch of the Vir Clay (1652) and John Clay (1 654) ” ginia Clays begin their des cent from Westmoreland County . (Early Vir the traditional Sir John Clay of Eng ginia Immigrants , Greer . ) “ to the land . His s on , John Claye came Now before proceeding with r r Feb; Virginia on the ship Treasuo , genealogy of the descendants of Sir

1 servant W lliam Nicholls in the John Clay, just a word as to the 1 6 3, i the 1 619 , . D utie, May , , w ife Anne in form of the name Clay We notic e He d fi rst 1 623. Ann in August , receive that the immigrant spelled h is : 100 s g rants of land as follows acre name , or it was spelled for him , “ " ’ r e fi r as an old planter befo e the govern Clay , while the st William s , 1 100 n “ h ment of Sir Thoma s Dale and ame was spelled Clays . From t e acres for the transportation of 23per Otken Manuscript we talge the follow “ ” ' 1 3 1635. sons on the West July , ing which appears to have been taken t ‘ Land in Charles River Coun y, (Clay from The Clay Family by Franc es ” and ff e m Family) . Cowles is di er nt fro the “ ” 1638 William Clays ( ) brought over Clay Family so often cited herein .

‘ ‘ to Charles River County, Richard Several localities in England were nalter Jochett the Bucher, S , Adrian named because of the nature of

Stoak es . eo Marner , Thomas and Tho soil about them, and some of the p

C. s . Seawell . (Early Immigrant , Geo ple in these localities took the name

. So Greer . as their own there arose fami sdn F s Le Richard Clay had a , ranci lies called Clay, Cley, Cley , Del

“ ” 1 649 N ew Clay who came to America , ( Clay and De la Clay . It E ngland Historic G eneal og ical R egi s is no uncomm on thing to fi nd the

’ “ ” i a e N o r s ter, Volf i i , p g b ought same name written with an add ed ' to Northumberland County , Vir the termination and the fact tha t; over _to the following parties William Clays and John Claye Wer e Wm Jo s f WrnfBethell . . , Tho Cleaves , ne written di ferently, does not, I think ,

' us and E dw d. Simpson . Evidently Rich warrant in disputing the fact that

' ard w as the elder s on and inherited they were brothers . Quoting now from ’ his father s title and it is evident that the Clay Manuscript of Mrs . Mary “ 1653 a Richard died between and Clay of Americ s , The Clay name fi nd 1 655 Fr because we in that ancis an exceedingly old one in England , orthl a r Clay, Gent . brought over to N and m ny centu ies ago the Clay fam

’ m an ilies ' u berl d County, Virginia , the fol won the right to use Coat arm

‘ ur Wm n o . lowing parties : . Bethell , Joh The name appears in the Hun Baw ards 1273 Cess , Tho . Cleaves , Mary , dred Rolls of under some curious m W . Henry Evans , Jones , Elizabeth forms worth quoting;as Cley Clai , ,

Norman and Edward Simpson . (E arly ; l e A Del Clay de la Cley and Clay .

' n in ‘ Virgi ia Immigrants , Greer . ) still more s gular form of it appears

1327 Cle h on a record of as att yg of the Virginia Clays . but by the time Yorkshire Poll Tax William Clays settled in Charles 1397 C n of was recorded , Clay or del lay River County, Virgi ia, and probabl y

had become the established form . The died without issue .

name dates from the Saxon times , the John Clay Saxon equivalent being Claeg . As a i i family name it w as said to have fi rst John Claye above and w fe Ann e C C been founded in the country of Not lay, resided in Charles River ounty , He i m Virginia . is referred to as Cap t ngha , and was derived from the a ut fact that the owner of it lived on Clay tain John Clay, but by wh t a hority, fi a i e I fail to nd. Children ss gned to land , or at the Clay . The Clays wer especially numerous in the Eastern him and his wife were : ” Francis Clay (Probably of West . part of England . la C I have secured descriptions of thre more nd ounty) William Clay coats of arms of the Clay family . The

fi rst two are taken from the Otken Thomas Clay “ MS S and are as follows : One of Charles Clay “ them is blazoned : Per pale vert and (Clay Fam ily . )

sabl e a lion rampant ermine between Charles Clay “ three escallops or The crest is a

’ ur i ’ O line begins w th certainty with lion s head per pale vert and sable , Charles Clay above , son of Cap . John charged w ith an escallop argent. Th “ Clay and wife Annie , of Charles River other which is blazoned : Argent , , i H County, Virg nia . e was born in three w olves s able two in chief com , 1 638 m i au h ” , arried Hannah W lson , d g a . batant, one in base pass nt The s “ ” ter of John Wilson , enior, of Henri third is taken from the Clay Family co i H f un “ County , V rginia . e ought and is described as follows : Arg , a der B acon in Bacon ’s Rebel lion in chev engrailed between three tre , 1 67 Virginia about 3, when about thir T w W s foils , slipt sable . Crest : o ing t - five y years of age , where he no f expanded , Arg , semes o trefoils , r m doubt rende ed faithful service . Rid slipped sa. I have no eans of de , path says of Nathaniel Bacon as fol termining the correct Arms and Crest l ows . for the Georgia Branch of the Virginia “ His motives were as exal ted as his w in Clays , but sho the one as given “ ” life was pure , and his virtues as not the Clay Family . ed as his abilities were great . His

II . ambition was for the public welfare ,

In Vi . The Clays rginia and his passions were only e xcited “ e 1 Geor ” As stat d in Chapter , the a ag inst the enemies of his country . ” gia Branch of the Virginia Clays be From the descendants of this couple g ins with the traditional Sir John caxne a line of descendants d estined

Clay. The tradition assigning him the - to w ield . a mig hty influence in the ” He title of Sir is likely incorrect . great new nation which was s hortly “ ” probably belonged to the lesser Gen to arise from the next Rebellion " t w as “ try and simply John Clay , G en and in which their descendants were This would entitle him to Coat Ar s o well represented . B efore proceed mour and is likely the grounds upon ing to our line proper, it is fi tting to which the tradition rests . The title consider some of the related branches as acquired by Francis Clay , at least , w of the family here .

that of Gentleman, and I therefore 1 68 Charles Clay died in 6, when l i content myse f n saying that John t only forty eight years old , . withou

Clay, Gent , of the Eastern part of having made a will . His wife Han “ Georgia Branch of the Virginia nah was appointed administrator of England was the ancestor of the his estate and i t is from the inventory ” Clays . Children were l and the wil of Hannah made later.

Richard Clay, with no record of his that we are able to determine the ‘

ever coming to America , but chil h names of their c ildren . One item in dren Francis and Edward settled the will of Hannah Clay is il lustrative

in Northumberland County , V a. of the p eriod in which she lived . She e “ John Clay, who settled in Charl s h willed to s ons , Jo n , Thomas and v V a. and Ri er County, , who is the h of m - Henry, eac the , one well fi xed ” ancestor of the Georgia Branch i st s h gun The que ion ari es ere , w as it from her that the Clays inherited of their activities in life or other facts We their courage , and tendency for pio of a personal nature . Yet, when neering ? Children of Charles Clay learn of the wonderful record s made : t r and wife , Hannah (Wilson ) Clay by so many of their descendants h u

l st . Mary Clay the next few generations we must con 2h d. Elizabeth Clay clude that they were G odly and t h at

s e 3rd. John Clay , lived in Amelia their home and its example exert d County a great influence for good on their

4th. Thomas Clay posterity . We now will give the

5th. Henry . Clay Will in substance of which

6th. Charles Clay was probated at the September Term , * 7th. 6 Chesterfi eld . Judith Clay 1 7 0, Court

h . I , Thomas Clay , Fourt Line , Henry Clay , of Henrico County

Thomas Clay, s on of Charles Clay being of perfect health , mind , and and Hannah (Wilson ) Clay . memory , thanks be to G od therefor , in Information of Thomas Clay is and calling to mind my mortality , and “He al l complete . lived in Prince George , knowing that it is appointed unto do n now A melia County, where his will men once to die, make and ordai 6 1726 w as bearing date of June , , this my last and testament , that ‘ will

r. rincabl fi rst probated in the following Novembe is to say , p y and of all I

Name of his w ife is not given . Chil give my soul into the hands of God dren were : that gave it , and as for my body I l 1 . Charles C ay , wife named Mary , commend it to the earth , to be buried

- lived in Amelia County Virginia . in a Christian like and decent form at l n ' Children were , Peter C ay, Da iel the discretion of my executors , noth

' r Re Clay , Jesse Clay, Cha les Clay, ing doubting but at the general


Eliza Clay Worsham , Hannah surrection I shall receive the same

Clay Avery, Pattie Clay Snead again by mighty power of G od ;and as

and Anne Clay who married 3. to touching my worldly goods where me Clay. There is mentioned a Wil with it has pleased God to bless e liam Clay with wife named Ann in this life. I give , devise , and dis in Clay Family and this may be pose of the same in manner and form

the Anne Clay here . following :

2. James Clay Primis . I give and bequeath unto ' n 3. John Clay my son , William Clay, the la d and t 4. Doro hy Clay plantation whereon he now lives , and

5. Phoebe Clay my land and plantation 011 Deep 6 . Hannah Clay Creek , in Henrico County, whereon

John Clay (3Above) Richard B elcher now lives , to him , his as J . ohn Clay married Sarah Chappell , heirs , and signs forever

daughter of James Chappell , leaving Item . I give and bequ eath to my W 250 her in his ill acres of land on son , Henry Clay, the land and plan t i n Deep Creek. Children were at o he now lives on, and two hun

A re e a Letal one in . John Clay d d acr s of l nd at , l l A m O u e e t a . cy l y Cl m n G oochl nd County, it being the Lower

(3. Sarah Clay Survey belonging to me at the said Let lon D . Martha Clay a e, to him , his heirs and ass igns

E . Dorothy Clay forever .


F C . I ive . Phoebe lay Item g and bequeath unto my

Henry Clay , Fi fth Line . son , Charles Clay , the plantation

Henry Clay, son of Charles Clay whereon he now lives and all of the a and Hannah Wilson Cl y . land on the north side of Swift Creek

fi rst w N uttree Henry , Clay was the of this and the lo er side of Run to n find n He name (He ry) we i America . me belonging, and als o four hundred 1 672 Letal one m was born about , married about acres at , it being y Upper h S Letalon 1708, Mary M itc ell , daughter of Wil urvey at e, to him and his

l iam and Elizabeth Mitchell . Mary heirs forever .

nd . M itchell was born January 1693, a Item I give and bequeath unto my

1 . u died 777 We know very little abo t son , John Clay, the plantation where now this Henry Clay or b iswife , as to on he lives and all of my land on what their religious beliefs were or the north s ide of Swift Creek and

’ tree to him upper side of N ut Run , tain John Clay of Charles River Coun

and his heirs forever . ty. Here we must supplement this and “ “ ” Item . I likewise give bequeath by Johnston . The Clay Family my Grist Mill on N uttree Run to be g ives Will iam C ‘ M itchell lay as the equally divided between my son fi rst of the children of Henry Clay

Charles and my s on John Clay, to be and Mary M itchell . His name is “ " held in joint tenancy, to them and given s imply William in the will,

their heirs forever . and s o I give it here . The children

Item . I give to my daughter, Amey of Henry Clay and Mary M itchell are “ ” five t Williamson , pounds , curren given as in the Clay Family, as fol : money . lows

1 . . , William Clay Item I give to , my daughter Mary

fi ve . 2. Watkins , pounds , current money Henry Clay Heu 3. Item . I g ive to my grandson , Charles Clay

4. ry Clay (Dr . Henry Clay , of John Clay 5 240acres adjoing ing the land of . Amey Clay

6. James Hill , etc . Mary Clay

1 . Item . I give and bequeath to my William was probably the eldest granddaughter , Mary Clay , daughter son of the children . Beheathland Clay of Charles Clay (afterwards Mrs . Rigsby stated in notes left that Pearce

one , , t Stephen Lockett ) , negro girl Clay of Washington Coun y , Georgia , named Phoebe . was a son of a brother of her grand

Item . I give unto Mary , my well father, which appears to have been an

. beloved wife , the plantation whereon error She probably meant that he

I now live , during her natural life , was a s on of a brother of her grea t

0 . If so and my negroes , Lewis , J , Sue , Nann , grandfather _ , then Pearce Clay

Jenny and Sarah , during her natural was a son of William Clay . Mitchell identifi ed l ife , and what stock and household Clay is by statements made “ ” goods she pl eases to have or make by Johnston as a son of this Wil a f . , use o , of mine li m and Johnston further gives an 48 Item . I devise that the rest of my account (Page ) of the death of a Mr , . C slaves not heretofore given and my lay in Western Virginia, 1774, . e r stock and household goods , be given which veything indicates was Wil and equally divided among my four liam Clay .

“ ’ s ons aforementioned , at ther disere While Field s _company was en w “ tion , and als o the negroes above rit camped on the banks of the Little

ten , and gave my wife , may be equally Meadow River, a branch of the Gauley . ’ d ivided after my wife s decease . two of his men , Clay and Coward , ( Item . I give to my four s ons , above other authorities spell Cowherd ) written , and to my wife , to be equally were s ent to hunt deer for the com and divided , all the ready money and pany were attacked by the In

. money out at use , t hat I shall be dians Clay was killed, but Coward

h . i possessed with at my deat made his way back to camp , hav ng ’ e fi rst . f as killed one f Item A ter my w ife s dec e I o the Indians . This give my plantation, whereon I now was just before the battle of Point live , to my son John Clay and his Pleasant, and I believe explains the ad heirs forever, together with the lack of further information concern

. r e jacent lands the eunto belonging , and ing William Clay. I give the nam of I do hereby make constitute and or , M itchell and Pearce Clay only, l eav ns m dain my four so , above written , to ing blank space for other na es and i be my only and s ole executors of th s , believing that William Clay of Frank ” my last Will and Testament . , i and lin County V rginia , Obed Clay, n Special attention is called to the of Virginia , were s o s also , but not so t t beques to Will iam Clay, in hat it l isting for want of proof. “ A mentions plantation whereon Richard . Mitchell Clay ” b B. Belcher now lives , and also to e Pearce Clay quest to wife in which is mentioned ” . A Lewis , a negro Both of thes e M itchell Clay ( . a bove) si nifi cant t names are g . (Johns on our authority here ) was “ So far we have followed the Clay . 1735 probably born about . Johnston ” “ Family in our genealogy from Cap says One brother , the father (should

W B e is was hen one of them shot artl y shot at one of the Indians , but m sed

from ambush . This frightened the him , the Indian being killed by ah

girls , but Tabitha, seeing an Indian other member of the party .

about to scalp her brother, rushed to The party of Indians carrying

his ass istance and engaged the Indian E zekiel Clay were not overtaken . They flict in a hand to hand con , she being took him dow n the West fork of the

without any weapon . It seemed for a River, to their town , Chillicothe , where

while that she might be v ictorious , but he was burned at the stake . The the Indian res orted to his hunting whites were s o incensed at this con

. knife and literally. cut her to pieces duct of the Indians that Edward Hale

Mrs . Clay undertook to secure the and William Wiley stripped the skin

aid of one Blankinship at this time , from the backs of two of the Indians

but he being a coward , ran off and and took the hide home and made

left the family to its fate . After razor straps form it, which were kept

killing Tabitha and Bartley, the In in the family for many years as a t dians captured Ezekiel Clay, and for s ouvenir of the bat le .

some cause left the premises w ith him , Children of Mitchell Clay and perhaps in search of the elder Mitch Phoebe B elcher Clay were v ell Clay . a Da id Clay, moved to Georgia .

a her . Mrs . Cl y with small children , See Chapter IV

secured the bodies of B artley and Ta b William Clay, Juror Giles Coun the t 1 bitha and placed them on bed , y, Virginia , 806. 0 w hen she and her small children left Henry Clay, Constable Giles .

e 1 806 home , going to the New River Settl County, Virginia , .

ments . d Charles Clay, Juror Giles Coun t Mitchell Clay wounded a deer;which y, Virginia , 1806. i he followed for sometime and was e Bartley Clay, k lled by Indians

1 783. late in returning home , when he found on Bluestone ,

the bodies of his two children on the f E zekiel Clay, captured by Indi bed and his wife and small children ans and burned at stake at Chill i

e 1783. gon . Imagine his horror and grief, cothe ,

. c not only for the dead children , but g Mit hell Clay , probably Mitchell ,

. Jr for those members of his family whose ., and John who left M SS of

fate was as yet unknown to him . above tragedy were s ons .

' There being nothing he could do at h Tabitha , killed by Indians on 178 home , he made his way to the New B luestone; 3. t In i River Settlemen s , pursued by the Rebecca , married Col . George Peari h s. dians into the Settlements . Here t e

~ settlers appearing too strong , the In j Patience , married G eorge Chap man dians stole some horses and made .

their way back towards the Ohio k Sallie , married Captain John

River . Peters .

A ' art 1 F p y was s oon made up to fol Obedience , married John rench .

e s t low th m , con is ing of Charles Clay , m Nannie , married Joseph Hare . 11 t r. m Mitchell Clay, J , Ja es Bailey , Wil Mary , married William Stewar

liam Wiley , Edward Hale , Isaac Hare , Considerable genealogies are giver

John French and Captain James of the descendants of these girls , by

Moore . They fi rst went to the cabin Johnston , but to repeat would be to« “ and buried the Clay children . The tedious , in a sketch of the Georgi

Indians had d ivided , which fact was Branch of the Virginia Clays . not discovered by the pursuers until Henry Clay (2 above) after they had come up with the party Henry Clay , son of Henry Clay an that had the horses . In the ensuing M Mary itchell , res ided in Southai battle between the whites and the In Parish , Cumberland County . H is w it e d ians , sev ral Indians were killed . was Lucy Green , sister of Marth

Charles Clay, only a mere boy, killing Green , who married Charles Clay ar. one of the Indians himself in the en w ho Was the mother of General Gree

counter . J Clay . His will was probated Octobe r. 1 764 Mitchell Clay, , was at the time , and from it we get the nam un of too small to handle a g well, but his children , but before giving the names I will briefly treat of the Green k Henry Clay, m Peggy Helm and family . This Green family appears became a man of much note in to have originated in one Thomas Kentucky (Not the celebrated

. Green known as the Sea Gull, born Henry ) I on the Atlantic of an immigrant on Letty Clay, m Archibald Bed * He . her way to America . was of Dutch ford

b Samuel Clay (Identifi ed as (1 above .) ancestry, his father eing Thomas 1 1 Samuel Clay, born May 10 76 , Green , who settled near Petersburg , ,

Virginia , and who married Martha served under General Green in the

Carolinas during the Revolution , Filmer, daughter of Major Henry

fi l married Ann Winn , who was als o mer, who was a member of the

known as Nancy . Will probated in House of Burgesses . Children of 1 81 0 Henry Clay and wife Lucy (Green ) Bourbon County, June . Clay Children ’ A 1 Henry C. Clay , m Mary Henry Clay , born 1736 * B Grimes . Charles Clay, moved to Ken 2’ Letitia Clay * tucky, murdered on trip back to ’ “ * 3 Samuel Clay Virginia and record incomplete . ’ " 4 George Clay C Samuel Clay , moved to North ’ 5 Littl eberry B edford Clay . Carolina , where he was a mem 6’ P L Richard . Clay . (See Chapter ber of the egislature . I for probable source of name ) * D Thomas Clay , who remained in ’ ut V a 7 John Clay . Said to have come Cumberland Co n y, .

to Georgia . E Abia Clay moved to Georgia . , " 8 Thomas Clay . Said to have See Chapter VI . F Marston Clay“ come to Georgia . ’ * G Rebec ca Clay” 9 Rachel Clay H 1 0’ William Green Clay * John Clay . See Chapter V I for Having extended this line suffi cient probable descendants . “ I Elijah Clay for our purpose , that is to illustrate “ J Lucy Clay“ The Georgia Branch of the Virginia Clays we will now return to Charles Henry Clay (A Above) _ _

ot . 2 Clay , a br her of Henry No , and Henry Clay , son of Henry Clay and a son of Henry Clay and Mary Mitch Lucy Green Clay , born in Cumberland

ell Clay, who is No . 3in our line . This County, Virginia , 1736, married Ra 1754 is the Charles Clay so often mentioned chel Povall, , moved to Kentucky,

as the anc estor of Cass ius M . Clay . 1787 182 He , where he died , 0. was Charles Clay (Identifi ed by 3) a phys ician and the records of his Charles Clay son of Henry Clay family are preserved in the public ,

and Mary Mitchell Clay born Jan. 31 , records and monuments of Bourbon , 1 1 1716, married Martha Green , Nov . , County, Kentucky . The descendants

1741 . 25 1 789. i and died Feb , She was of Dav d Clay, of Georgia bear a , a sister of Lucy Green who married strong resemblance to the photographs

Henry Clay No . 2. Children of this branch of the family . Their A Mary Clay“ children were B s * Eleazer Clay, was a Bapti t a Elizabeth Clay m John Bruce . , Minister thrice married pos b * , , John Clay, m Patsy Ingram . ‘ sess ed considerable wealth and c Rebekah Clay, m William Finch . m served in both the French and In d Samuel Clay, Nancy Winn . m dian War and the Revolutionary e Rachel Clay, B arkley Martin , * War . no issueft G Charles Clay f * , Sally Clay m Matthew Martin . , D Henry Clay died in service of g Tabitha Clay m Benjamine Bed , , n * his country during Revolutio in ford . J* Trenton N . . C T m , h Mary Ann lay, m ho as Daw ' r E Thomas Clay, ma ried Polly son* . Callahan was a soldier of the 1 , Henrietta Clay m George M . , Revolution and a member of the Be i * d ng er. fi rst Constitution Convention of M Li J attie Clay, m ttl eberry Bed " Kentucky . Appears to have many ford ‘ descendants in Texas.

F “ B etty Clay, married Alexander s ia by . Il is Me * ” Murray . moirs give his record and s hould be G Lucy Clay, married William secured and read by those interested * Thaxton . H in his life . . C Matthew Clay See hapter III . We must here digress to takeup an

I Green Clay . other line , that is of the immortal J Priscilla Clay * Henry . H is line begins with John K Martha Clay, married Hopkins Clay , s on of Henry Clay and Mary Lewis ” M itchell Clay, if we are to accept the Charles Clay (Identifi ed as C above) m vi verdict of genealogists . I a gi ng

r . 24 1745 Charles Clay, bo n Dec , , his line in agreement with the authori

married Editha Davies Jan . 15 1767. , , ties , but , however , without adding the He was an Episcopal minister or , weight of my evidence to the mass . dained by the B ishop of London in John Clay (Identifi ed as 4) 1769 , served as Rector of St . Ann e H John Clay died about 1 762 and his Parish , Albemarl . County . e was an Will is recorded in Chesterfi eld Coun earnest patriot and created much en t y. His wife was Mrs . Mary B ass thusiasm in behalf of American Inde and they had children as follows endence H p . e moved from Albemarle A John Clay . County to Bedford County, where his to B Edward Clay, who went Will is of record , in which he men

North Carolina , served in North tions his friend the Hon . Thomas J ef t Carolina Legislature , where he erson , late president of the United was tried and expelled for crime . States . His children were The evidence in this case har' * a Junius Axel Clay . been reviewed by me and I believe

b Odin Green Clay The Odin G. ” , that he was framed on the Clay mentioned by Johnston of , He charge brought against him .

Campbell County , Virginia who , has been erroneously assigned to served in the Virginia House and Alabama . who was fi rst Pres ident of the C Fanny Clay“ old Virginia Tennessee Rail Identifi ed * Rev . John Clay ( as A road . above ) is the John Clay ass igned as A . min c Paul Clay, who was a H the father of H enry Clay . e married

ister of Manchester Parish, Man Elizabeth Hudson , whos e mother was

chester County . a Jennings as was the mother of Wii B * d Cyrus . Clay . J liam . Bryan , both families of Vir Green Clay ( Identifi ed as I above) ginia and it is entirely possible that who the General Green Clay, was the two great commoners were cous fi rst historian of the Clay family , was he ins , if the lineage of t Jennings

. 14 1757 born Aug , , married Sally re were followed up. His Will is 1 4 Lewis , March , 1 795 and died Oct , . corded in Hanover County , Virginia , 21 1 828 “ ” , . First Deputy Surveyor 01 and the Clay Family contains a

Kentucky , delegate to convention that H c opy of it . e was a Baptist minister ratified t t er e K Cons i ution , s v d in en and is referred to in old records in tucky Legislature twenty years , H anover County as Sir John Clay . K speaker of ( y. ) Senate 1 807 Revo , , This for a long time gave me no end lutionary soldier and also war of 1 812. of w orry, that is in trying to trace Children were " title from Sir John Clay of England a Elizabeth Lewis Clay to Sir John Clay of Hanove r County , b Paulina Clay * Virginia , until I established the . fact “ . c Sally Ann Clay to my satisfaction that the English 1 * ( Sidney Payne Clay af title was only that of Gentleman , “ e Brutus Junius Clay ter which is occurred to me that ao f Cassius Marcellus Clay cording to the English custom , titles g Sophia Clay" were frequently conferred by usag e M I Cass ius arcellus Clay ( dentifi ed w ithout legality upon professionai as f above) men ’ , much as J P . s rece ive the ap His life and career would fi ll a pellation of Judge , and attorneys of volume within itself . His life is cer Colonel , in this day . This I have been tainl y an epic of the slavery quarrel H informed , was frequently the case e was appointed as minister to Rus with ministers and others on whom

‘ . fi rst D . been the property of Senator Hardin husband , had a son , Martin

The mother and sons gradually came Hardin , who was much interested in

‘ o to treat P orter Clay as an outcast . S his lineage and prepared a circular incessant was their abuse of him that and sent out to Hardins trying to s e he was eventually forced to leave their cure information relating to his fami

roof. l y. H is sister, Mrs . Elen (Hardin ) “ He n then became an eva gelist, and Walworth , was one of the founders

‘ travelled widely in this work . It was of the Society of the Daughters of the

in this capacity that he came to Cam American Revolution , and I imagine

den in the late 408. that it was through the urge of his “After holding a revival at Cam second wife that he (Porter) became den he founded a chHurch and became interested in his family history and its fi rst minister . e expected to that the tradition given by him was spend the remainder of his life in min given with ' no thought of the impor . istering to the people of the little city tance which might later be attached H i e t . on on the banks of the Ouachita . to B efore pass ing , we here felt that he had reached the goal of give the Porter Clay tradition as con 5 in “ ” his miss ion . But in 18 0, two years ta ed in the Clay Family . “In before the death of his famous broth the reign of Queen Elizabeth , er, Henry Clay, Porter Clay was Sir Walter Raleigh brought over to

stricken with fever and died after a the Virginia plantations , among oth

short illness . ers , three brothers , sons of Sir John “ a He His grave was unmarked for _Clay, of Wales , England . gave

number of years , but a small boar d them ten thousand p ounds sterling

n . was placed upon it fi ally by the mem each . They were named Charles , h bers of t eBaptist church . Several Thomas and Henry . They settled on m w years ago the New Century Club of James R iver, near Ja esto n. Charles

Camden , erected a slab of stone over and Th omas had large families . Henry ” n the grave . had one , but the name has been The author of this sketch is de handed down with great tenacity in

scended from a common ancestry with both families ever s ince . Cassius M . both Porter Clay and the first bus Clay is a descendant of Charles Clay

’ ‘ band of his second wife . Mrs . Clay s Henry and myself from Thomas Clay .

Charles Clay and His D escendants 7 “11 0 Settel ed In A l aba ma M i s si s si i Loui siana , pp,

uri and hIi s so .

By France s P o w el l Otk e n

bl a comb hfl i ss i s s i i , pp

Sixth Line


r Charles Clay, son of Charles Clay of land on the Miss issippi R ive . n l Ou 1 3 1 808 and Hannah Wilso C ay, resident of January , , a p atent was Cheste fi el 35 Dale Parish , r d, V a. , signed issued to James Clay for 0Ar 28 1 54 t his will January , 7 , which was pents on the Wa ers of the Miss issi i . 1 65 H St . . recorded Aug 7 . e gives his pp in the Charles District h i . omestead to his beloved w fe , Sarah . No further information (Query

— w ho Mary, daughter of his son , Henry Was this the James Clay

Clay, deceased , is to receive her fath performed the marriage ceremony ’ er s part . for Lewis Clay and Judi th Issue of Charles and Sarah Cl ay Jones ? )

1 m C a M r. Tho as Clay to w hom father M rtha Clay, married 5 1 2 th deeded , May , 75 , 250acres of Johnson and s ettled in Nor

land in Amelia county . Carolina . No record .

2 E l iz abetli la r Charles Clay to whom his fath D C y. No reco d . _ ' ’ l er 5 17 2 E . o . deeded May , 5 , 250acres Lyd ia C ay No rec rd F m . . of land in A elia county . Mary Clay No record 3 G a iV alk a William Clay to whom his fath . Jeremi h er Cl y . Juror 0° er 5 e . 1 8 deeded May , 1 752, 250acres in Grainger county , T nn , 450 St e of land in Amelia county . Took Arpents in . Charl 4 James Clay . D istrict . 5 Judith Clay received 50 acres H Eleazer Clay .

her . of land adjoining brother , I Nancy Clay

Thomas Clay . J Sabrina Clay . 6 A Henry Clay, vestryman of Dal e Clay ( ) . C f V a Vfill iam a a a Parish , hester ield county . , Cl y , son of J mes Cl y

1751 d ar are M se a 1) 1 1 . an M g t u Cl y, Aug . , 4 Jam 1760 h ste fi Co. V a. (1 . es Clay , C e r eld , , Aug ,

Ja e a a v 1 841 . . m s Cl y , born H no er County , in Grainger county , Tenn Dec

V a. 1 700 Chesterfi eld Co a 30 1 788 , died in ., V . , , he was married to Rebecca H a a e Co. V . married Margaret (Pegg y ) Muse , Comer in Halifax , Rebecc 2 1 737 1 1 a a e b April , , d Feb . 3, 832 in Comer was a d ughter of S mu l A 1766 a a st mite county , M iss . Jame s Clay in Comer, b . Willi m Cl y enli herited the Homestead at his mother ’s cd in the R evolutionary War at the f . f e i or death A ch oice tribute has been paid ag e o s ixte n , appl ed pension 1 1832 to the memory of this sainted woman October 0, , at which time he

in Co. n. which is given in full in b iography of w as residi ng Grainger , Ten

Wil ford Zachiariah Lea later in this Pens ion granted for seven months

s as . chapter . Children : ervice private under Capt Henry

and t . a a . . A William Clay . Che th m , Col Robt Goode Cap

E d. B James Clay . Land records show Mosely and for one months ser ’ His t . that Jam es Clay in 1795 became vice as s g . in Virginia troops w as d a stockholder in the Mississippi wife , Rebecca Comer Clay allowe ed Land Company , the old G eorgia a pension on application execut

s Ma 3 1843 d of Company , and took acre y , , while a res i ent

- Grainger county, Tenn ., age 77 years . only 35, re elected without oppo : sition 1861 Issue . Resigned in , elected

a . Senator to fi rst Confederate Con P f ffi A b Margaret Mus e Clay, b ebru gress , of ered o ce of Judge d 14 v ary , 1792, married John ocate General for Alabama by

' Jefi ers Bunch . on Davis , but declined. 1 c Nancy Clay, b Sept . 1 8, 794, m Commiss ioner w ith Hon . Jacob M r . Hightower . Thompson to Canada on secret (1 1 m William Clay , b July 8, 1797, ission in behalf of Southern 1 830 d before . No issue . Confederacy . Surrender at close

e Cynthia Clay. of war to General Wilson at Ma f H 1 8 1802 Ga. e Micajah Clay, b June , , con , was charged with i m Kendricks . complicity in the assasinat on of

g Samuel Anderson Clay, b March Abraham Lincoln and imprison 29 1 805 ed , . w ith in for e Clement Comer Clay (a) . tr ss Monroe until 1866, when he f Clement Comer Clay, s on of Wil was released through the e forts

U S. e l iam and Rebecca Comer Clay , mar of General . Grant and oth r ried Susannah Claiborne iVithers in prominent officials . His wife was 1 815 He . 1 was born D ec . 7, 1 789 in constant in her efforts to secure

Cc V a. s Halifax ., , d ied September 7, his release and the case again t 1866 r . , in Alabama . M . Clay attend him never came to trial cd th college at Knoxville , Tenn . , and (This is one illustration of n read law under Hon . Hugh Lawson da g er of rabid public s entiment . White receiving his license to prae One of the family mobbed in Ken 1 09 tice his chosen profess ion 8 . Soon tucky for his abolition senti me after being admitted to the bar he nts , and later appointed as

moved to Huntsville , Ala . , where he M inister to Russia by Abraham

He i . res ided till his death . served n Lincoln and another member of 1 2 ‘ m the war of 81 , represented his coun the fa ily charged with the as t sasination y in the territorial legislature in of Lincoln . ) 1 81 7 2’ 1 1 , serving the only two sessions of John Withers Clay, b Jan . , 1820 m that body . He also served his state 7 Mary Fenwick Lewis

. 1 1 1847 : Caraliz a as Supreme Court Judge , Congres s Nov , , issue ' h l man , United States Senator and Gov Clay, John W it ers C ay married “ a ernor H C. of the state . e was of med M ry Saunders , Clement Clay , H L ium size , but erect and with dark and Clarence . Clay , Ellen . Clay , e restless yes . His bearing was na William Lewis Clay , Attorney , 1 875 e turally austere and although sociabl e Huntsvill e , Ala . , , marri d f w 1 878 with a e , he was intimate with Louisa Johnson , Mary Lewis

He n IV . none . was honorable in all th e Clay , Susan ah Clay , E lodia a relations of life and sens itive of the Cl y , Virginia Clementine Clay 1 7 1 862 1 2 1 91 1 slightest imputation derogatory b Feb . , , d March , , unma r e he eto s . t r . I s u e: r i d

’ ’ 1 e e 3 mar Cl m nt Claiborne Clay , b Dec . Hugh Lawson White Clay

1 81 7 4 1 82 . , d Jan . , 8 , Madison ried Celeste Comer

C ynthia Clay (e) Green e . county , Ala . , m Virginia Caroline Feb 1 1 843 e h m Tunstall, . , . No issu . Cynt ia Clay , daughter of Willia

After the death of Mr. Clay his Clay and Rebecca Comer Clay , mar n and had wife married G ov . Clopton of ried Alston Hunter Gree e ,

M r Ala . . Clay graduated at the issue ' 1 ’ . State (Ala ) University in 1840. Mary Sledge G reene 2’ He studied law at the Univers ity Clement Comer Clay Greene . 3’ n t of Virginia and was licensed to Elvira Cy thia Greene , b Sep 1 1 32 h 1 83 7 8 . 9t 7. practic e, beginning the practice , , d Feb , 4’ of his chosen profession at Hunts William Augustine Greene .

' ’ A 1a 5 a . ville , . Public questions soon Cordelia Eliz beth Greene

r H M N . eng ossed his attention . e was ary Sledge Greene elson 1 7 a member of the General As Mary Sledge Green, b Aug . , 1 82 13 1 881 1 1 840 7 . mbl . . se y of Ala , Judge of the , d July , D ec , , ma County Court of Madison county , she was rried to Allison Nelson , 2 at e w w ho a 1 7 1 8 3 and elected to the U . S. Sen hen was born M rch , ,

1 832804

1 1835 . 27 1856 (1 March , , died Sept , , James Clay, twin to William , 1853 married , Louisa Susan Pitman , married twice . Issue by fi rst and had issue marriage : Frank E . Clay, Robert

’ A Mary Emma Greene , born No Clay, William Clay, Caroline

emb r 9 1854 1 4 , , v e , , died Nov . , Clay B ettie Clay, Katherine Clay

1 92 7 1 873 Me . 8 , married Oct . , , Nancy Clay Issue by second : Kinzie Obediah Thompson, b Feb . marriage Clara Clay, Lu ella

e . 1 , 1 850. Issue : Robert Lyl Clay 3 1 874 Thompson , b Nov . , , mar e William Clay .

ried June 18, 1893, Eva Eugenia f Nancy Clay . A Hilburn , had issue , Lyle . g Eleanor Clay . Thompson , Jennie E . Thompson ;

Ki z i 1) h Eleazer Greene Clay . Allison M c n e Thompson , d D . t an May 7, 1 876; Leonard Ol in i Robert Clay, m Miss Hun

1 2 1 878 had issue : Henry Clay, Robert Thompson , b June , ; ;E d Helen Louise Thompson , b Oct . Clay, Judge ;William Clay

. 1 879;William Hugh Thompson , ward Clay , Kansas City , M o ; 3 Romeo Clay ;Phillip Clay ;Thom 30 1882 . 1 1 188 . b March , , d Jan , ’ as Clay ;Waide Clay . B Allison Lawson Greene , born

1 8 5 3 1 893 j Morgan S. Clay . Nov . 27, 5 , d June , , “ k M 2 Mahala . Clay . married April 19, 1 88 , Susan

1 Angeline Clay , m Rev . Rucker Caryl Rosenbury, and had issue :

and had issue : One son , who be Charles Allison Greene , Charlotte

R senbur came a Methodist minister , Farm Louise Greene , Earle o y in ton an g , Mo . Greene , Caryl Greene , d Ward

m Wade Hampton Clay . Storrs Greene . ’ Eleazer Greene Clay (h ) married C William Augustine Greene , b 1 1 and had issue Aug . 26, 1 858, married Nov . , 1 ’ n Clement C. Clay . W . 1879, Margaret . Thompso

Clement C. Clay married and Issue : William E . Greene , Lamar , had issue E . Greene , and Marion . Greene ’ ’ A ay Mary Clay . D Annie Laurie Greene , b M

1 5 3 1886 Mary Clay wh o married Mv. 3, 8 7, died Aug . , , married had i 2 Lewis , ssue : Nov . 2 , 1 877, Thomas Henry “ ' ‘ a fl i 1 6 1 854 : Kate Lewis . Je r es . , b April , Issue

M Kate Lew is who married Hon . Maybelle . Jeffries Warner , W H m F . . Arnold of Texarkana Ark Moore Jeffries , Cly er D e . Jef , , ‘ had issue : Richard Lew is Arnold b A Jefi ries. , fries , and Susan . 19 Cordelia Elizabeth Greene 05. m au h Wade Hampton Clay ( ) , pioneer Cordelia Elizabeth Greene , d g St o C . ter of Cynthia Clay and Alston Hun settler of . Francis , M issouri , e fi 10 1 840 near Doerun , Mo . , marri d rst , M iss ter Greene , was born Nov . , , s e 1 6 1 5 Mu ic , and had issu married Au g . , 8 7, Henry Hol 1 ’ M 9 1829 Henry . Clay . comb Gl enn . born Jan . , , died ’ 2 Volney C. Clay . Nov . 1 0, 1883. Issue : ’ ’ 3 Orlena Clay . A Thomas Cobb Glenn . ’ ’ 4 o H C rdelia Clay . B Henry . Glenn . ’ Wade Hampton Clay (m) C Henry Luther Glenn. ’ a D Mary Kate G lenn . W de Hampton Clay married sec ’ t E Robert M . Glenn . ond , Mary E . Sutherland , and ha ] E LE A ZE R CLA Y (H) issue ’ H s 5 Eleazer Clay ( ) , son of Jame Anna M . Clay . 6’ Clay and Margaret Muse Clay , was Julia Clay . 1 4 1 78 18 1863 ’ 1 born Oct . , 7 , died Feb . , , 7 Eva Clay , died 919. 8’ M Farmington , M issouri , married Marv Benjamin . Clay . 1 8 2 9' ad Dunville , Jan . 9, 1 0 (date of license W e Hampton Clay , lawyer .

fi l Ifra ci issued and on e at Rutledge , n sco, Cal if .

' 26 1 784 1 6 1 0 Suhterland e born Dec . , , d ied April , John Clay , Probat ° 2 185 Issue : Judge 1 years , State Senator

a Mary Ann Clay . from M issouri four years , Farm

b A il cey Clay . ington, Mo . , married and had is : M D 0 Margaret Muse Clay . sue Homer Tullock Clay , . .

h G re enville , S. Grand Rap ids , Mic , Alva

' ’ ' 111 R. a den m K e I er Marie Clay, Charles Wil B A g t ippa G y , ati

. son , Kansas City kins .

N anc C a I ) ' y l y ( C O ctav ia G ayden , m Robert Lee w P a I ) daug hter o f James 1 u e l , , (m 19 9 L . y y ( . , Stat ‘ ' ' ‘ m t n mm ' t hn mul “hnui fl fl' M m l y, l l ui l i i i l n o Lu m l n e . j n v y, R ug , l lml l w o mul hml lamnu; , W Mar ar d g et (hi y en, 111 Donald

. l u “l ul fi uvul N i hm am. l l ei ' ickson 2 , June 7, 1 912, Prof . l» Wes e i s on l .tm N ov 17 W . l y l , b . .

Cornell Univers ity , Ithaca N . Y. 804 J 24 1 801 , 1 (I . , une , , unmarried ' E ’ ' Percy Gayden , Gurley, La . c William Dixon Lea. F’ d Winchester Muse Lea, b A ug . Iverson Greene Gayden , m

1 1 1 9 1 . 1 8 191 , 80, d Nov. 2 , 1 809. Mamie Hands , Aug , 7;m

. 23 1 919 e Landon Ludwell Lea . second Dec , , Georgia


f Mel issa Lea. Shands . e o Lea Ma 1 6 g Jam s Monr e , b y , c William D ixon Lea , ( ) above , was 1815 , d and is buried at Oakland 28 1 07 . 8 4 born Jan , , died May , 1 849,

College , Mis s . married Virginia Caroline Kemp , May

h Robert Montgomery Lea . 14 1 833 1 1 , , born Nov . 7. 817, died 1 Mary Reed Lea . 1 9 1 894 Jan . , , at Clinton , La . , buried

j David Clay Lea . in family burying g round , Nettles k Lea Julia Clay , b Oct . 16 1 823, A , Place , on Mc dams Bridge road four 1 4 d Dec . 5, 8 0, unmarried . miles east of Clinton , La . Issue : ’ 1 Charles Clinton Lea , b N ov. 12, 1 David Merritt Lea , b July 1 9,

1827, d and is buried at Oakland 1 836 , d Aug . 6, 1 836. ’ College , Mis s . 2 Margaret Melissa Lea . ’ Margaret Muse Lea , (a) above , 3 William D ixon Lea , b Feb . 5, an 2 03 r A i . 18 r was born J , , ma ried g p 1 841 12 1 , d July , 863. Killed in a 1779 p Gayden , born . Issue : 1 861 - 65 s War of , Jackson , Mis . ’ 1 1 861 ’ George Gayden , die d . 4 v Mary El ira Lea , b July 29, 2’ Frank Gayden , settled in Boli 1 43 8 , d Dec . 20, 1 843. Co M ’ var . , iss . Was the fi rst pris 5 Charles Monroe Lea , b Jan . 3, h . e oner exchanged between . t 1 845 A u 1 4 , d g:3 , 186 . Killed in

North and South in the War of - War of 1861 65. 1861 - 65 ’ , captured in Miss ouri and 6 Anna Maria Lea , b March 23,

exchanged the same day . 1 847 (1 21 1866 , Sept . , . ’ ’ 3 Minerva Gayden, d ied in girl 7 Virginia Teresa Lea , b Nov . 5,

hood. 1849 2 1 1 , d Dec . 0, 9 3, Jackson 4’ Mary Gayden . E la H ville , . , m Charles . Smith , ’ 5 a mar Elvir Gayden , died 1 863, 2 1 12 July , 8, 888, died Dec . 5, 19 , A ried . C. Cage sug ar planter of , Jacksonville Fla .

Terre B onne Parish Louisiana . i , Margaret Mel ssa Lea , was 6’ Iverson Greene Gayden . 18 1838 1888 born June , , died Feb . 3, , Mary Gayden b March 1 7 1830 a J c , , married Thom s . Bat helor , March i d Rpr l 21 , 1851 . Married Dr . Joseph 1 9 2 1 8 6 27, 85 , he died Au g . , 7 . Issue e He w as ’ R dhead , March ( A William D ixon Lea Batchelor , born Oct . 14 1 812 Northumbe rland , , 59 1 1 879. b Dec . 30, 1 8 , d Feb . , ’ County, England , died Oct . 7 1881 , B 20 1 862 , Riley Batchelor , b Jan . , , i . Wilk nson county, Miss ) Issue married Elizabeth Hayes , March A ’ H ed Mary . R head married fi rst 1 7, 1892. ’ Dr . Hamilton second M r. Mer , , C Saluda Chapman B atchelor , b

rill of Newburyport , Mass . 5 1 65 A . Nov . 1 , 8 , married John B’ A John . Redhead born Oct . 28, d 1 5 1 893 C. Gor on , Feb . , , died 1847 married Julia Norwood , Oct . 5, 1917, issue : Virginia Gor 1 878 i : , ssue Joseph Redhead , 23 1 895 don , b April , ;John Gor

John Redhead and Ella Redhead . 1 1 99 don , b Jan . 8, 8 ;Vanita Gor 01 Iverson Greene Gayden mar don , b April 8, 19 ;Ludwell Lea u 9 3 ried Octavia Perkins and had iss e G ordon , b Jan . 9, 1 0 . ’ A ’ . E . L . Julia Lea Gayden , m Col D Virginia Lea Batchelor , b Sept .

. . 20 1 845 d Woodside , b Feb , , 18, 1 863, married Frank Dren 21 1 912 . . 9 Dec , , B aton Rouge , La ning , Jan . 2, 18 0, Wathena , Kan


: I . oi Issue Robert Woodside . 21 1912 : , died Jan , , issue Dudley

Lea 31 189 1 904 lia V a Drenning, b Oct . , 0, d D eal , b Dec . 25, ;Ju er 31 1892 9 5 July , ;Saluda Drenning , Deal , b July 21 , 1 07, d Oct . ,

4 1893 1 5 1921 l Jan. b May , , m Oct . , , 1 91 1 ;Luna Lave le D eal , b 19 1 George Turner Adams , of Akron , 5, 1 . 2 ’ L 5 Ohio ;Estelle Drenning , b Nov . , C andon Ludwell Lea, b May , 1 89 in W 1 1 1 9 1 878 7 . N . Kerr, of Akron , 87 , d Sept . , , Ladelle,

A rk . Ohio ;Beverly Drenning, b Nov . Drew County , ’ 27 1902 M arch 1 " , ;Margaret Lyons Dren D Ary Florence Lea , b

u1n D 1 6 19 3 4 1 879 Co. g , June , 0 , d May , 1 873, d June 1 9, , Drew

1 907. Ark .

E ’ l 25 William Jared Lea born M arch Mary Lea Batche or , b Dec . , 9 22 1921 1 867 4 19 9, 183 , died D ec . , , married , d May , 07, married

3 1 872 Hension n . D ec . , , Ella , bor Feb David Lyons , 1901 . ’ F 6, 1 854. Member Liberty Guards , Maggie Batchelor, b Aug . 24, M 22nd . 1 872 Company E . iss Regiment , d Feb . 3, 1888. ’ 1 61 - 65 I G War of 8 . ssue : Samu el Lea Batchelor, b Jan . ’ 1 874 b . 30 27 18 4 A Charlie Lea , _ Aug , , , 7 .

marr ied Mrs Su sie Van Norman , Landon Ludwell Lea , (e) above , was 1 874 4 1 902 . 21 16 1 81 0 Nov . , , born Aug , , born Oct . , , died July 8, 1 890, 25 1 903 Co is su e : Ottilie Lea, b Dec . , ; Amite . Miss . , married Emily Rob 1 9 1 905 Chas . Dav is Lea b July ; . 8 1 836 , , inson , Sept , , born Sept . 3 1 907 1 820 8 1841 r Jewel Lea , b Aug . 1, ;M il , died May , , ma ried sec h L ea 1 8 9 dred V aug n , b July , ond , Charlsey Jane Edwards , Nov . , Wil lam 1844 22 1 910; Jared Lea , b May , born Dec . , 1827, died June 1 1 3 1 2 1 8, 9 3. 0, 86 . Issue by fi rst marriage : ’ ’ Feb 22 1 m B Mary Emily Lea , b . , Ja es Monroe Lea . ’ 1 2 1 884. 2 1 877, d Sept . , William Jared Lea . ’ ’ ’ 30 M . . 3 C William Lea , b N ov , Emily Catherine Lea . ’ 1 898 4 1 878, disappeared in from Mary Emily Lea , b Feb . 8,

o. . 1845 Amite C , M iss , d Feb . 20, 1 858. ’ ’ V W l 1 1 881 5 D an . Lea , b Ju y , , Iverson David Lea , b April 6, : 1847 married 0la Solley , issue Eva , d March 6, 1848. 6’ Loraine Lea ;P aul Lea ;G eorgia Nancy Josephine Lea . ’ Lea 7 Lea ;Phillip . Ella Letitia Lea .

' ’ ’ L dw ell h 8 t E Landon u Lea , b Marc Roberta Eudora Lea , b Sep 4 1 884 15 1854 2 1 , , married Myrtle Jones , , , d Feb . 0, 901 , Mc

i ssue : Norman Jared Lea, b Comb , Miss . , m William Franklin 1 0 27 1 9 . 1 1 1 June , Holmes , Dec . , 883, b May 31 , ’ F h . 8 1 886 V aug n Lea b Aug , , 1854. ,

’ “ 9 m Etta Haygood , issue : Margaret Eulalie Gertrude Lea , b Dec . 1 ,

1 856 Elaine Lea . Co. , Amite , Miss ., unmar ried . ’ 4 1 889. G Robert A . Lea , b Feb . , James Monroe Lea , was born ’ 91 J . 19 18 H . Wallace Lea b Oct , . 30 1837 3 1 , , Nov , , died April , 891 , 26 191 5 Por McKni h m Sept . , , Lola May married Florence g t , Oct . 17,

1865 orn Oc 2 1 84 ter , issue : B arbara James Lea , , h t. , 7. Member of

m 1) July 3 1916;Virginia Lea . E . 22 d , Company M iss . Regiment , ' ’ ’ 23 1 894 War of 1861 - 65 1 Karl C. Lea , b Oct . , . , Featherstone s Bri Emily Catherine Lea b May gade , Stewarts Corp . Issue : , ’ 41 3 1 887 A A u 19 8, 1 8 , d Feb . , , Houston , Tex Fannie Emily Lea , b g . ,

1 866 2 1 as , , d Oct . 3, 890. , married Charles William Harrell ’ 1 859 1 1 837 B 2 D ec . 1 5, , born May , , Julia Clay Lea , b March 9, 1 62 1 868 Co. ne 6 8 , , married William Lafayette Amite , M iss , d Ju , 20 1 866 20 1 8 . . , , D eal , Dec . , 8 8. Issue : A lex Osyka , Miss , m second Dec 26 1 835 William U nderwood , b Oct . , ander Monroe Deal , b March 5, ,

1 890 28 Shelbyville K . Issue : , d Au g . , 191 1 ;A ry Mar , y ’ 5 1 9 A Landon Lea Harrell . garet Deal , b March , 8 0, died 29 1 9 4 B’ ‘ Camel ite Aug . , 0 ;William Fay D eal , Charles Harrell , b

F . 23 1 861 . 28 1 892 LI e 1 9 2 b Dec , , b. 0 ; Oct , , m William Gabe

Ja 1 5 . 22 1 880 . Sus ie Emily Deal , b n. 89 , Martin , D ec , , died Oct

H 1 896 ss : a , m Lee Blair ; enry Harville , i ue Lea Willi m Martin 3 1 881 d l 7 1 889 Deal , b June 5, 1 898;Anna Lea b Oct . , , Ju y , ;

h s E ll . 1 9 Deal , b June 3, 1 902: Cec il Homer C arle is Martin , b Feb ,

. 22 1892 Dec , , d Jan . 1 6 1 893 2 1 2 , , hill , Dec . 3, 900, b N ov. 6,

Texas . 1 882. ’ b D iette l 1 9 1894 ’ Fuller, b Apri , , F ff 2 1 884 Cli ord Webb , b Sept . 2 , ,

. 19 1917 C Feb , , married Richard . d 2 Sept . 3, 1 884. . . : Cade Issue Lula Alice Cade , b ’ G Golda Holmes Webb b Nov . 19, 29 , Jan . , 1919 Texas . , 1 889, m William Alva Marsalis , 0 G r f Bernice ert ude Fuller, b Sep 1 81 . Dec . 29, 1905 b Dec . 8 8 8 1 895 22 1 , , , , d Sept . , 895. : l ’ Issue Hilda Lea Marsa is b d , Bryan Holmes Fuller b Oct . , March 6 1 909; Emma Louise 1 0 1896 , . , 1 1 1 , Marsalis b Sept . 3 9 . Mar e , , Braun Monroe Fuller, b Dec . 5, W. ried s econd , C. Briggs , May 1 89 7, m July 21 1917 Lois Blake , , 2 1914 7, . l . : y Issue Virginia Lois Fuller , H’ 2 1 Robert E dward Webb , b May b June 7, 918. ’ 22 1 893. f 7 1 892 (1 Jan . , Nellie Thomas Fuller , b Marc h , , 1 8 21 1899 22 1 89 Meliss a Lea (f) , was born Feb . , , , d June , 9, Swift ,

1 81 3 . 19 1 882 Texas. , died Sept , , married Wil ’ ' 3 l iam M cD ufi y Matthews , D ec . , g Katie Lea Fuller , b Sept . 5 1 808 1900 1 833 born May 1 , , died June , m Charles C. Thomas Dec . , , a 24 1919 - 6 1 848 T éte , . : , B ayou Gross P rish , Issue Norma Thomas , ,

. 24 1 92 P . b Dec , 0. oint Coupee , La Issue ’ h ’ . Henry Clay Fuller , b Dec . 22, 1 Mary Jane Matthews , b Sept 1902 4L . 34 30 1 878 S 12, 18 , d June , , ‘ 7 l 30 F . . H , Seaborn Tecumseh uller, b elena Parish , La , m Jan 8 1904 . July , 1 851 , Theodore Frederick Ander ’ 2 190 6 1 820 6. . j Townsend Fuller , b Dec . , s on , b Sept , , Sweden , Par k ’ a Robert Travis Fuller, b March ish of Rog et , England , Province

1 00. 8 1 91 1 . Hel sende l and . 9 , of g , d Nov Emily Ella Jones was born Issue : Edward M cD uffy Ander 4 m r . 1877 J 0 1 853 Sept , , arried Thomas . s on , b D ec . 3 , ;William E ic 1 6 1857 Donahue , of Houston , Texas , March Anders on , b April , , d 23 1897 1 1 870 el and Co. , , born March , , New 1 859;Lac , Mo ;Annie : York , Issu e Julia M . Anders on , born in ’ a J 05 . 7 Thomas Donahue , b Aug . , 1 859;Lena Jane Anderson ; ‘ 1 899 s k , Hou ton , Tex . car Wallace Anderson ;Frederic b’ 1872 Katherine Donahue , b Jan . 1 3, Lea Anderson , b Nov . , d

1898 D ec 22 1 904 . , married Dewitt Estess , . Feb . , , Baton Rouge , La

’ 29 1 920 : . , , Issu e Emily Estess . 2 Julia Virginia Matthews , b Nov

d 1 8 6 1 0 1 886 St . Harry Al ridge Jones born 28, 3 , d April , ,

. 1 1 1884 e P arl sh . m Jan , , married Annie Nix , Hel na , La , Napoleon

2 1 . 0 919. March , Issue B . Calmez , of Hinds county , M iss , ’ a Feb 4 1 828. e 4 1 854 . Louis Jones , b Feb . , 1 920, March 9, , b ,

Houston , Texas . Issue : William Berry Calmez ;

Ella Letitia Lea , was born Sarah Mel issa Calmez ; Mary

Marc 15 1852 A u M rtella Cal h , , died . 22 1 894 Elizabeth Calmez ; y g , , a e D c 20 18 0 M l W el e . m z m rri d , 7 , cC ung W ebb , e ;Julia Calmez ;Rosa yg Co . . 2 of Amite , Miss , born Feb . 7, ia Calmez ;Octavia Calmez ;Lilly 1850 . Issue : Lea Calmez ;W illiam B erry Cal A ’ tt 2nd Anne e Roberta Webb, b Nov . mez , ;Calhoun Caldwell Cal

22 1872 (1 2 , , Jan . 0, 1893, mar mez ;Napoleon Bonaparte Cal

moz ried Charles Dixon , Jan . 21 , . ’ 1 892 19 18 Vl all ace . , born Aug . , 70. 3 William Matthews ’ ’ B S t 3 4 XVesl e . Alva co t Webb , b Dec . , y Lea Matthews , b Oct 4 1 842 1 87 d 1 6 . , Nov . fell into 23, 1 84 , d May ,

’ ’ v - m 5 M cD ufl Miss iss ipp i Ri er at Chal ette, Georg e y Matthews , b 1843 a La . , and drowned . M arch 1 0, , B you Gross ’ 1 1 50 C 5 18 6 d . . 6 8 Frank Webb , b Sept . , 7 , Tete , La , d Aug , , Car

2 1 1 892 llton . May , . ro , La ’ ’ D 4 1 6 . Lea Webb , b Jan . , 880, d Nancy Clay Matthews , b Sept

4 18 1 45 . 19 1845 May , 8 . 7, 1 8 , d Sept , . ’ ’ E 13 a D Clyde Rivers Webb , b Jan . , 7 M rgaret Rosalie Matthews , 1882 31 1 846 , m Lena Elizabeth Berry Oct . , , Bayou Gross Tete ,

La. Au 19 1850 a l . 25 1844 E . . , d g . , , C rrol ton , Jan , , Feliciana Parish , La ,

l 24 1920 W D . La . died Apri , , ashington ,

William Wallace Matthews C., married Heman Asbury B attles , 22 2 bo 1 1 839 . 1 1 1866 . 1 8 8 was rn June 0, , died Dec . 24, Oct , , born Oct , , Low

1911 M w . 2 1 881 o , buried asonic Cemetery, N e ell , Mass , died May , , Colorad : Orleans , La . , married Catherine La Springs , Colo Issue ’ o l 1 4 A B s . vinia Hutchinson , b rn Apri 6, 8 6, Mary Morton attle , b Au g d J 1 1 867 ied an. 4, 1 889. Issue : 0, , Chatawa , Miss . ’ ’ A ' ' B Charles Lea Matthews , b Aug . Julia Virginia B attles , b Sept . 26 18 4 1 869 , 76, married Sarah Eliza , . ’ 29 1 C s 4 beth Easley, Nov . , 897. Issue Samuel Lee Battle , b Aug . , M ‘ i M 1 871 . Lorena Lav nia atthews , b D ec. , m Katie Clough , of 1 7 1898 N 00 21 1894 , ;William Davis Mat Amite , La . , . , . Res i A u 5 19 1 D C thews , b g . , 0 ; James dence Washington , . . ’ s b 6 1 9 D r . Eric Matthew , Jan . , 08; Ha riet Clay Battles , b Au g l h Ma 20 1 874 Mamie E izabet tthews , b , , m Dr . Lyman James

. 4 1910 Aug , . Clements , of Washington , D . C. , B’ m . 1 1 1892 Eulalie Matthews , Dennis Feb , . Issue : Julia Lea Lo 1 Mills , uisiana . Clements , b Feb . 17, 905, Wash

b in ton D C. Robert Montgomery Lea ( ) , w as g , . ; William Heman

. 7 1 81 7 3 20 1 907 born Oct , , died Aug . 0, 1 855, Clements , b July , ;Sam

ds i 7 1 915. married Letty Edwar , of Wilk nson uel Clements , b Oct . , M ’ . 22 1 812 E county, iss , born Dec . , , died Heman Asbury B attles , b

. 1 1 1 879. 1 1876 l Dec , After death of R. M . May , . Residence , Gu f 1 855 E Lea in , Letty . Lea , married port , Miss . P m ui Pik F’ N 20 eter Graha Q n , of e county, ina Lea Battles , b Jan . ,

. i fi rst 1 878 17 1876 Or Miss No ssue by marriage , but , d Feb . , , New l adopted E eanor Lombard , b Jan . , leans , La . 1852 a . 21 1872 4 , W . m rried Nov , Dr. . David Clay Lea (j ) , born Nov , W , . M M 1 821 4 M Co. . Wroten , of agnolia, iss . , b ay , Amite , Miss , died Oct . ,

15 1847. s : 1 4 , I sue 8 7, married Nancy Edwards , Sept . ’ A VVroten 1 0 1 843 1 2 1 823 W lk Robert Lea , b N ov. 24, , , born Dec . , , i in

1 873. d son county , Miss . After the eath of ’ B V i JW . D C E . ncent roten , b N ov. 29, . . Lea , Nancy Lea married 1 875. M cCrain 2 1 850 Murdock , on Sept . 3, , C’ L W . J 1 1 824 1 871 fi rst Lillian roten , b uly 4, born , d ied Issue by 1878 fi rst V : , married , Jack aught . marriage ’ - Married second, Grant Flippin 1 Charles Edward Lea . : ll W V Issue Li ian . aught , b 1906, Charles Edward Lea was born

M . 6 1848 1 8 1 890 Magnolia , iss April , , died May , , D ’ H h l W ug Wil iam roten , b Oct . Greensburg , La married Mary 29 1 880 fi rst m 1 8 1 844 , , m , Annie Allen . Hutchinson , born June , , died s l c A u 2 191 10 1 888 : econd , A i e Ott, g . , 7, b Nov . , , Greensburg , La . Issue ’ 1 887. I : W ssue illiam Hu gh A Claud Lea . W ' M 30 191 B' 15 1877 roten , b arch , 9. Leila Lea , b Feb . , , a R d Lou i w as Fe . M ry ee ( ) , born . b Greensburg , La , married Andrew ' 6 1820 Co 1 7 1 895 , , Amite . , M iss . , died Sept . Jackson Alford , Nov . , , b 14 1 884 a M 1 1874 : , , Mag noli , iss . , married April 0, . Issue M yrtis fi rst 4 189 , Thomas Gorden , b Feb . 7, 1 812, Lea Alford , b March , 7; “ s. 0 . . 8 1 839 o 3 died Oct , , Amite C . , Mary Eliza Alford , b Feb . ,

. d b Miss Married secon , Samuel Lee , 1898; Claudia Alford , (girl ) , 9 1 796 i S. C d e 19 1900 born May , , . d Oct . 8, Dec , ;Daisy Irene Alford , 1876 2 1 903 A I , East Felic iana Parish, La. Is b Aug . , ;Willie Allen 9 6 sue ford , b Feb . 3, 1 0 ;John Dean 1 ’ 1 1912 Julia Virginia Lee . Alford , b Dec . 3, . ’ 2 J . Mary Catherin Lee . Sabrina Clay ( ) Lea 3’ C G S harles . Lee, b Aug . 4, 1 850, abrina Clay , daughter of James 5 m America Lucretia Smith , 1 87 . Clay and Margaret Muse Clay , mar : Le Is sue Mary e, b May, 1 876 ried Zachariah Lea , who was a mem 4’ mt Emily S i h Lee . bar of the Mississippi State Legis 5’ a 1820 Jennie Clay Lee . lat re , session of , representing ’ A s Julia Virginia Lee w as born mite County . Captain in Claiborne

W Regiment of Mississippi Militia , War Issue : R owena Lee eirauch , m 1812 n M of . Reference, Adjutant Ge r. Thorp , Dallas , Texas ;Katie ’ ra Wa Ft h . e l s office, r Department , Wash Weirauch , . Wort Texas in ton D 1 3 1 59 n h 1 833 g , . C. , No . 6 7 . Land t e James W ilbor Frit born

4 1 98 McComb s. cords show Zacharia L ea s ettled in died May 1 , 8 , , Mis , m t 1 5 1 m . A i e County, Miss ., July , 807. arried Annie Harrell Issue ' ’ Issue A William Frith .

’ B Jolm Frith , 111 fi rst, Jul ia Spur a Elizabeth Lea.

Idck , married second Miss Wyatt E lceba , b Isabella (called ) Lea , b ’ C Monroe Frith , m Maggie Sims . 1 1 805 March , , Grainger county , ’ D Chris Frith , m Pearl Andrews . 2 1 87 . (1 Dec. 2 7 Tenn , , , at Sum ’ E James Dock Frith , m Eugenia fi rst . mitt , Miss ., married , Hon

. ‘ B onds Jehu Wall 1 7 years a member , F’ Elu Frith . . of the Miss iss ippi Legislature No ’ G Frances Frith . issue . Married second Richard , ’ 3 H 1 872 . 1 Eva Frith , b , d Aug , Bates;No issue .

1 879. c Lucinda Clay Lea . I ’ Lula Frith, m Zachariah Reeve ’ (1 Hampton Muse Lea . J Ary Frith , m Charles W ilkin

son e Alfred Mead Lea. . No issue , but adopted dau h er t s . f Nancy Lea . g , Lucy Wilkin on K’ g Wilford Zachariah Lea . Addie Frith . J e . h James Everett L a. Frances Frith , married 1 859 i Iverson Green Lea . Dudley Mcdowell , born . Issue ’ M cD ow ell Elizabeth Lea (a) , was born Nov . 3 Edward Franklin , m

22 1 802 . , , near Lea Springs , Tenn , died Annie Elizabeth Godfrey, June

mt Co. 8 191 1 1 . Jan . 6, 878, A i e , Miss , mar , . ’

b M cD ow ell . ried fi rst, John Frith , married sec Russell ’ e ett 1 835 c M cD ow ell L v r . ond , John E in , born July G olda , m Frank

S C. E 1 McComb . 31 , 1793, Richland D istrict , . , died B utler, , M iss , Issu e

mt Co. . : w in Aug . 5, 1 860, A i e Miss Issue Butler;Celeste Butler ;Fran ’ 1 Monroe Frith . ces Elizabeth Butler ;Frank Lea ’ 2 James Wilborn Frith . B utler ;Wilborn Butler;Russell ’ . l 3 Lucinda Lea Frith B ut er . f ’ ’ 1 0 1 830. 4 Amanda Frith , b Aug . , d DudleyM cD ow ell . 5’ J Winchester Everett , son of Addie Frith married. . Em m Elizabeth Lea and John Everett , ett Wilkinson . Issue

’ ’ . 21 1 835 Co. . a E b b Nov , , Amite , Miss , Katie Wilkinson , m x a O ’ June 14 1920 Co. . i d , , Amite , Miss , M ara . Issue : Jun or O Mara

’ . mm Mar unmarried Member Judge E ett O a. ’ L b ’ M W Hurst s Company from iberty, aud ilkinson, m Cecil B.

- 1861 65. Miss . , War of Sauls . Issue : Cecil B. Saul s ;A n ’ 6 . 19 Sabrina Everett , b Nov , nie Lynn Sauls . ’ 10 1853. 1838 . 0 n WV ilki , d Au g , An ie nson, m L . M . Hicks ’ 7 c a . Za h riah Lea Everett Issue : Kathryn H icks .

’ M o ‘ l“ritb l 15 onr e born Apri , d M yrtis Wilkins on , m M urray : 1828 . : M Jr , m Matilda D ickey Issue Quin . Issue urray Quin , ., L Robert Frith , _ Magnolia , Miss ; ouie Quin . ’ . e married Floyd Atkinson Issue Nellie W ilkinson , m Carleton E . ; t c Clinton Frith , Monroe Frith Hun , Mc omb , M iss . ’ . ; f L e , E . s l m r Robert Frith , Magnolia Miss ouie W ilkin on , m E L Mr. Brew Eleanor Frith , married Hargrove . ’ B Phoebe Frith , m Shadrack Lucinda Lea Frith was born : : 18 1824 M Young Issue Horace Young ; July , , Amite Co. iss . , died M ; 1 7 1 909 o onroe Young , m B essie Easley July , , Amite C . M iss . Mar H h r F 4 ug Young ; M yra Young, m ied Ivy . Thompson , 184 , born a 1 5 1 820 28 1860 Green Norman ; Flor Young ; Jan . , , died July , . Is

Winchester Young . sue C’ 23 1862 A ’ Sallie Frith , b May , , Wilborn Monroe Thompson . 1 5 1881 m June , ;Edward Pau l B. Eunice Elizabeth Thompson b W , . 517 . J 2 1 84 Weirauch Res idence , une 0, 8. Unmarried . F ’ t . Daggett Ave . , . Worth , Texas C Ida Lucinda Thompson .

1 14 . 18 5 Lucinda Robinson married Felder , b 8 , Miss , died 7 , M cKni h : Hamilton Ray g t . Issue Texas . Issue : Alvie D . Felder , ’ a thel ni h th C. 2 1 E McK g t, m Ar ur b July 7, 1 86 , physician and McC mb I E li Truex , o , M iss . ssue : banker , Magnolia , Miss . Married B l 29 1905 1 8 zabeth . Truex , b Apri , , Ada Lenoir , 8 6. No issue :

1 1 192 ’ d Feb . , 6;Mildred Truex ; 4 Cicelay Lea .

Dorothy Truex . ’ 5 . ’ Marshall Thomas Lea Ht M cKni h b e tie g t. ’ A l othea Ann Lea was born M cK i h R A c Clyde n g t, m . . Gulfe ,

. 1 7 1834 1 8 1904 Oct , , died May , , mar N ew 19 1913. Orleans , La ., Jan . ,

H. M cD w l ’ ried Thomas o e l . Issue : d Hamilton Ray M cKnight, m ’ A M cD ow ell 12 191 5 Cicely . Evelyn Martin , Oct . , . ’ ’ B dmund A M cD ow ell 1 5 e Julia McKnight , m Julian Ober E . , b 8 7, “ 1 4 mb r Co. . 4 192 schmidt , McCo , Miss . , Ap il Am ite Miss , d Apr . , ,

20, 1920. Beaumont Texas . Judge of the 60th Iverson Green Richmond was D istrict Court of Texas .

fi rs M D ell 3 1 835 . 1 1 1894 t c ow born April , , died Jan , , Married , Minnie , ht 19 1 858 25 1 898 lost his rig arm at battle of Frank b May , , d Aug . , ,

1 — m 1 86 65 . lin Ter . War of , married married second , Mrs Laura Fer 22 Saint Helena Williams , born Oct . , guson , daughter of Dr . B anks , of 4 1 1 8 2, died July 8, 900. Issue : Clinton M iss . A ’ ’ John Richmond . C El izabeth McD ow el l , Magnolia , B’ Dudley Richmond . M iss . ’ ’ C 1871 D M cD w l l m Seaborn Clay Richmond , b Minnie o e , Logan 1 926 a : died Feb . , Shreveport, L . m Phillips of Jackson , M iss . Issue

McD aniel . Rosa . Issue : Clarence William Phillips ;D oris Phillips Richmond ; Charles Richmond Cicely McD ow ell married Hil Alton Richmond ; Harry Rich lery Garner and had issue

’ mond ;Robert Lea Richmond . a Hillery Garner , b 1 883, d Jan . 5 ’ D Iverson Richmond . 1915, Magnol ia , Miss . , m A Thad E ’ Dolly Varden Richmond . Leggett . Issue : Thad Leggett , ’ Jr F . Burke Richmond . ’ i 31 G John Richmond . C celay Lea born March ’ H 1 843 . 1 9 1906 C. Myers Richmond . , died Feb , , married ’ I s Elizabeth Wheeler Richmond . Luke Guy . I sue

’ ’ ’ J A Geor Nicholas Richmond . Jefferson Dav is Guy , m

Emily Margaret R ichmond b gia B utler . Issue : Harry T . Guy , 4 18 1 , died Sept . 17, 1 914, married Dr . m Hilda Wall . ’ W C B 111 M r . . Taylor , Issue Ada Guy , . B utler . A ’ R L h obert . Taylor, m Elizabet Marshall Thomas Lea born

z l 4 Tate . Issue : Oz ie V ernon Tay or , Nov . 3, 1 84 , d July 5 1 897, married K Hi chcock entwood , La . D ora f . Issue B’ ’ Ja 1 1 d . A 5 b n. 7 87 Ivers on Taylor George Lea , , , ’ C v r 2 1 9 John E e ett Taylor, b N ov. 21 , Aug . 8, 8 0. ' 1 869 (1 15 1 8 5 B 1 1876 , Sept . , 7 . Robert Lea , born Dec . 0, , D ’ R 8 Lula Taylor , m . \V . Draughn , died February 2, 1 77.

’ Jackson , Miss . C Frank Lea , m M illie Reynolds . E ’ 27 ’ James Lea Taylor, b Oct . , D V irgil A Lea , m Annie Rey 1864 1 9 ma , d A ug 2, 8 5. o l s . d E ’ n Hampton Muse Lea ( ) , was born Elizabeth Lea , m Dr . Seabor 5 1810 “ ” Oct , , Travis Place , Amite Reynolds , G loster Miss . F” Co. . 19 1 886 18 191 2 Miss , died Aug . , , Amite Lillian Lea , m Jan . , Co M cLeod . M iss , , married Maria Gordon , b Daniel Hunter . ’ 1 1 1 ~ G Oct . 3, 1810, d ied July 6, 883, Is Muse Lea , m Ella Smith . Issue

sue Hampton Lea ;James Lea. 1 ’ H’ A lothea A rmLea . Clark Rice Lea . ’ I ’ 2 George Sylvester Lea , b June Cary Lea . 1 18 4 K J’ 20, 836, d Nov . 30, 6 . illed Alvie Lea (girl ) e l iz at battle of Franklin , Tenn . , Alfred Mead Lea ( ) , married E

- be h a t . T \Var of 1861 65. Garner (Dr . . S Jones of ’ 5 : fi f 3 Jane Melissa Lea , b March , B aton Rouge , La . , writes Some

1 2 F. t Lea 818, d Oct . 23 1 86 , m Dr . C. y years ago Alfred Mead and

' II V i nos D ec. v m . l mmm l . u S . g , - Ja mnu Lu. l l l h ‘ , Itnnl l ) l | h ! nl , l ’ Il il l A l l rw l Maud Lou. “Hl ui l tlou' “l ul u cm I Imuw 7, ; ' “u u H am A an U lunw ut U u l i Ka e Lea m l l cnr l l arvcy. l l u ul luy l , l l y t , y Is f t er n 0 1 t of au : a h a d 5 1 , bo h whom h l sue James Harvey;Dave Har been G overnor and U . S. Senator of vey ;Henry Harvey ;Emma Har

l iz . m M r . Alabama . I learned that Mrs . E vey , . Munson abeth Garner Lea was a s ister to the ’ e C Lula Lea , m Ke te Lockett , Cou younger Clay and a daughter of the hal a s t , La . h r Elder one , and that Mr. Garner e , Zachariah Lea born March 1 7, father, from Madison Cpunt , y 1 830 19 1 902 . ‘ came , died Sept . , , Jackson ;La

Ala . , and was a near neighbor to my a W 2 1 865 Married S llie orthy , May , , father and Alfred Mead 2 18 9 born Dec . 6, 3 . Issue o to ’ Lea moved from Amite C . Miss . A 5 Jessie Worthy Lea , b Oct . ,

Feliciana Parish , La . in 1849. Issue 1 868, m Grace Mardenbrough , 1 ’ 1 2 1 899 1 Clement Clay Lea . Dec . , born May 5, 87 2’ daughter of George Wright Mar James M . Lea . denbrou h St K t 3’ g (born . itts , Wes Hampton Muse Lea b Jan . 31 , , Indies and wife Jane Cecilia Ril 1836 (1 26 1 91 1 m , , Sept . , , Emm a e 1 3 1 5 y, b Aug . , 8 0, Mobile Ala . s M 21 1 9 l , Jone , arch , 87 , d Apri 8, Issue : Helen Mardebrou h Lea b 1 880 g , , m second Rhoda Worthy , , 21 1 Dec . 900, Jacks on La . 9 1 882 , , 5 1847. June , , born Feb . , ’ B Estelle Lea b Nov . 1 1 1 870 m Member 4th Louis iana Regiment , , , Fr H. e u Feb . Herbert g Co. A . Rifl W Hunters es, ar of son . 1 861 - 65 . Issue , : Emma Lea m , ’ I 1 nma C da Lea , b Feb . 5, 873 u r A ril 19 1 , p , 899, Frank Morton h ried . T omps on , b 1872 d July 22 1 919 , , ’ 4 D Mary Coline Lea , b Jan . 2 , Slaughter , La ;Alma Lea d Apri l , 8 l 1 07 1 77, Jackson , La . d Apri 5, 9 1 897;Harry Lea m Floretta Gar , when cyclone destroyed old fami . 27 1904 M m cia , Jan , ; abel Lea , ly residence . l 5 1907 W L Apri , Rev . . . Doss ; ’ 12 1 879 E Evelyn Lea b Dec . , d m , Lill ian Lea , Charles L. Mun 1 1 1 881 May , . s on , March 23 1921 attorney of , , Sarah Elizabeth Lea married St . s Franci ville La. ; Hampton , D an 24 1924 . C. Thompson , died J uary , Muse Lea . lau ter s S g , La . Is ue ’ 4 ’ Zachariah Lea . A Frank Morton Thompson , b ’ 5 2 919 a Frank Lea , m and had issue 1872, d July 2 , 1 , m Emm Lea r ‘ A i 1 18 B elle Lea , Daisy ;P yor Wil Lee , pr l 9, 99. f m ’ W J . ord Lea ;Elizabeth Lea , . . B Edna Earl Thompson ’ F M . Johnson ;Frank Lea ;Myrtis Lea ; C May B elle Thompson , m . F e Charles Lea ; lorence Lea ;Alec Leg u nce, Abbeville , La . Issue M Le uence Ripley Lea ;Zachariah Lea . Frances . g ; Miriam ’ e 6 Lea Elizabeth LeGuenc . Pryor , died in prison at ’ m D John Scott Thompson , and Camp Chase , Ohio , War of 1 861 ss e: Bess t Thom 65. had i u ie Mor on p

' 7 a a son . S r h Elizabeth Lea . h 7 " Nancy Lea was born Marc , Cl ement Clay Lea killed 11

6 1846 Co. 1 1 4 e . 8 , di d Feb , , Amite - , Ga. 18 1 6 battle Atlanta , War of 6 5, e : Miss . Married Aaron Robinson , Issu married Julia Cox . I ssue 1 ’ ’ Louisa Robinson , m Jared Jack A Henry Alfred Lea married and , e son . Issue : Jam s Lea Jackson , : had iss ue Henry Muse Lea . ‘ r 24 1878. 4 1 865 . b Sept . 2 l , d Feb , ’ , B e ’ Th odos ia Lea. 2 Erastus Clay Robinson , b D ec . C' a Clara Cl y Lea m A . C. Rip , 1 1 833 r 1 1 1 857. 3 , , d Ma ch , : ’ ley , Issue Julia Rip ley m D . S. 3 Ioses Robinson , disappeared

Powell . 1 877. from Centerville Miss . , in " , M . . 18 4 Thr z a James Lea born 35, in y Robinson , died in youth Cc ’ Amite . Miss, married Laura A rmi 5 James Robinson , killed in War

a 1840 \V lkin — 5 i son Co 1861 6 . ste d , born , . M iss . , of 1906 Coushalta w as died , , La . Issue Wilford Zachariah Lea (g ) , A ’ 2 1 816 i Alfred Mead Lea, married and was born Dec . 7, , near L berty , 20 1906 : Lea . had issue Walker ;Lilly Lea , M iss . D ied Dec , , Liberty ,

M iss . Married Rachael Powell , Jan . youth of tender years . What a bene 2 1 842 6 1 819 ! 7, , born July , , died on diction on the boy Ah , how lovely

March 10 1904, Liberty, Mis s . the grandmothers who speak to the

From Some Men Of The Pew by dimple - cheeked flaxen haired little

Z. T . Leavell , we take the following boys of the light they see coming over tribute : the Jasper Walls from the Throne of “ “ ” Wilford Zachariah Lea was born One whose years shall not fail . Mr. 2 181 6 n t at Huron , Miss . Dec . 7, . Huro Winchester Everett , of Amite coun y ,

ol - is about thirteen miles East of Liber Miss . has the d arm chair (made of ty, the county seat of Amite County , hand hewn hickory and brought with i i i i M ss sss pp . His father and mother, her from Virginia ) and the hymn

Zachariah Lea and Sabrina Clay , were book that belonged to Grandmother married in Virginia, the state of na Clay, which he prizes for memories a vi . n ti ty. After a short stay near the th t cluster about them Her remai s present city of Knoxville , Tenn . com rest in peace in the family burying i ing down the Tennessee and M iss s grounds of the Leas at Lea Hall , sippi rivers in a flat boat of their own Amite Co. Miss . “ construction , they reached Natchez , Virginia has in Holl ywood , at Rich 5 Miss . about 1 80 . Zachariah Lea had mond , the mortal remains of our

‘ ’ a number of brothers who came to Southern Chieftain , M iss issipp i s

~ — Jefi erson ash Miss . , with him , and the women would pride Davis . May his ’ ply the oars while the men would ward es rest there in peace ! Mississ ipp i s i ' off the Indians , w ith their r fles. genial soil holds the sacred dust of Along with these emigrants came one of Virginia ’s noblest daughters r to our. state , a woman of blessed mem Margaret Mus e Clay , born so nea a ory, Mrs . Margaret Muse Clay, who Richmond as within the sound of and n was the grandmother of Wilford Zach cannon shot, our ge erosity is not

“ ariah Lea . She was born in Chester called up on to yield anyth ing to the ” i V 2 1 7 “ f eld County , a. April , 37 and Mother of Presidents in exchange of o died at Huron , Amite C . , Miss . Feb . the ashes of a Statesman for the sac

1 3, 1 832. About one hundred and fi f red dust of a saint .

ty years ago , she was accustomed in Zachariah and Sabrina Clay Lea

her native state (Virginia ) to g o and fi rst settled on the Amite River , ten

B i 63 hear the persecuted apt st preachers miles east of Liberty , Miss . about

preach from the prison windows to miles southeast f rom Natchez , Mis s. w e at those who ould congregate outs id After laboring through the day , i jail . She became a convert , and to night he pounded his corn n a mortar He u flour avoid persecution , was baptized in the for meal . bro ght salt and

night in James River , near Richmond . for h is family on a pony from Nat

The ice was broken to make a plac e chez , M iss . along the Indian trails . he ’ for t solemn ceremony , witnessed by The old Salem Church of Cole s Creek

the stars , and the few whose love for had then been in existence fourteen

their Master cast out fear of the trib years .

“ ‘ unal of men . But they could not elude After remaining a few years ou

the. w f the e mite atch ulness of en mies of the K River , Zachariah Lea mov

e r e s r ligious libe ty , and being appro ed to Huron , thr e miles further ea t , d hen ed were sentenced , to pay a con where \Vilford Zachariah Lea was

siderabl e fi ne or be publicly whipped born , and where James Everett Lea ,

at the post . Margaret Muse Clay could Sr . , grandson of Zachariah Lea , is now fi H tken ne . O n ot pay this , and the public flog living . Here Dr . Charles ging for being a Baptist would ha ve found his wife (Miss Emily Jane Lea ) ll h A J. been administered to er, but for a and Elder . M iller fo owed his

- W and . kind hearted one who paid the fi ne example , Elder Robert Mer

for her . rill g ot a good w ife when he married “ Margaret Muse Clay lived w ith the s ister of the wives of these two s Zachariah Lea , the father of Wilford noble men , the three being the sister M Zachariah Lea . She gave thanks at of James Everett Lea , Sr . y head the table and conducted family w or would grow dizzy should I climb high

ship . She would sometimes have er up this Genealogical Tree , and I n young Wilford k eel by her side , trust I shall be excused from any fur and lacih p g her hand on his head . ther demonstration of my agility in

’ would pray Heaven s blessing on the the ancestral garden .

’ Wilfor B Issue of Zachariah Lea and William Edgar Lea . : C’ Rachel Powell Lea are as follows Eugene Scott Lea, b D ec . 1 4, 1 ’ 30 1 882 Ft Josiah Powell Lea, b Aug . , , . Worth , Texas . Married 1 843 1 7 1864 24 91 , d June , d Atlanta , Hazel Ward , June , 1 1 . Ga D ’ . War of Thomas Stockdale Lea , b June 2’ 1847 6 1885 431 Cornelia Lea , b , m James , . 8 Madis on St . , Chi 9 1845 G. D ixon , b Dec . 2 , , d Nov . cago . 26 1894 : ’ , . Issue Myrtis D ixon ; E Mary Edith Lea , b Sept . 22, i n 1 887 in New Orleans ;Annie D ixon, , Eugene Runion , Com Ga 9 James Howell ;Lea Dixon, m Miss merce, ., Feb . 19, 1 07.

’ ' F .l\I n Wahl , of New Orleans ; James Ralph o ette Lea, b March 12 1 890 14 1 1 D ixon , New Orleans . , , d June , 9 8. ’ ’ 92 3 Jefferson Davis Lea . G Hoyt Clay Lea, b June 26, 1 8 , ’ t a 4 William Alfred Lea . Atlan a , G .

’ ’ . H 10 1 895 5 Iverson Green Lea Curry Lea, b Mar . , , ’ 20 6 Sabrina Jane Lea , b Nov . , 1 95 Broadway, N . Y. 1 26 1 900 I ’ 856, d Dec . , . Theodore Emerson Lea , b June ’ 1 W St . 7 Mary Emma Lea . 7, 1 898, 4 40 . Madison , ’ 8 Wilford Zachariah Lea , b Dec . Chicago .

7, 1 860, Liberty , M iss . married William Edgar Lea born Aug . 5 1887 25 1 880 14 1 899 Mollie G arrow , Dec . , , born , , married June , , Ger 1 2 1 8 March 30, 866. Issue : Nathan trude Swinwood , born Sept . , 8 0, 12 1888 iel G. Lea , b Oct . , , d ied New Castle , England . Issue 0 1 890 a’ 1 5 April 3 , ;Janie Lorena Lea , Velma Mae Lea, b April , Fb 1 1892 14 1921 i b e . 0, , m March , 1900. Lula , M ss . ’ 1 8 James S. Goodwin , of Marvell , b Thomas Edgar Lea , b April ,

S . 19 1 2 1400 53rd. t Ark ;John Carl Lea , b Nov . , 90 . No . East , w 1893;Gertrude Ho e Lea , b Jan . Chicago . 1 1 ’ 20 8, 1897, d May 5, 90 ;Mary Lea , 0 Lena M ildred Lea , b April ,

1 1 1 899 1 111 r. b Sept . , ;Wilford Zach 905, James Rolle Scribner,

5 1 1 1925. . ariah Lea , b March , Feb , , Amory M iss Is

Jefferson Davis Lea born Ju ly sue : Sarah Nell Scribner, born 1 5 2 1 3, 1 850 married Dec . 29, 87 , Janie March 25, 19 6. , " - 1 1 1914. Going . Issue d Edith Nel l Lea, b July , ’ A . Howard G. Lea , b Sept . 26, Iverson Green Lea born Oct 1 876 a Inman N ew 0 1 855 fi rst , married Ell , : 3 , , Liberty M iss , married , 1 9 . Jan . 8 87 born York City Perla S_ wearingen , , , B’ 6 1878 57 Elizabeth Lea , b Aug . , , Oct . 26, 1 8 , married second , Eliza

1 0 191 3. Memphis , Tenn . beth White , Sept . , Issue by ’ C 2 1 884 : Emma Lea , b Nov . , . fi rst marriage D ’ D 5 ’ Joseph . Lea , b Dec . , 1880, A Van Swearengen Lea , b March

: ad 5 1 8 0 1 881 . m Nellie Henson , had issue , 8 , d , Liberty , Miss 5530 S ’ 30 dress , . Liberty St. , New B Rachel Annie Lea , b June .

JR. Orleans . 1883, m Rev . . Johnston , Sept ’ ' " l hlnn A Lea 6 885 D Le . 1 1 191 . . , b Dec . , , , , M iss No issue ’ i n E D e O 22 Dr . . . Butl r , ct. 6, 1914. 0 Ella Anderson Lea , b Nov . ,

~ i t Address , Wilmer , Ark . 1 886, n James Samuel B ennet , ’ F D M em his T enn 1 1 906 1434 S. Georgia . Lea , p , . D ec . 8, . Address , ’ G s Perla Lea , Brookhaven , Mis . D river St . , Memphis , Tenn . Issue ’ H M emie R 29 . Lea , m Law rence L. Lenera Claire Bennett , b Sept . 14 1 Simpson , Feb . , 1 9 8. Stevens 1 907;Majorie Pearl Bennett , b s : r L 1 0 191 0 ville , Mont . Is ue Law ence . May , ;James Swearingen Shn son 3 191 3 Lea p . B ennett, b Jan . , ;Ella I ’ 1 4 E d Henry Lea . B ennett , b Sept . 3, 1 9 ;Jean 29 1 91 6 William Alfred Lea born April ward B ennett , b Sept . ,

28 1 852 2 1 t 28 1 918. , , married Jan . , 878, Ella D onald B ennet , b July ,

’ ‘ . 1 1 1 i 27 1 888 860 D . Anderson , b Dec , , d Apr l Carey Lea , b Sept , , d 28 191 7 92 , , Amory , Miss . Issue Oct . 1 7, 1 8 . A ’ ’ 24 1 89 1 7 . 0 Ernest Linwood Lea , b Oct , E Stella Lea , b Jan , , m 1878 (1 26 1926 1 , Jan . , , Byhalia , David Morgan W illiams , May ,

18 191 1 1 1 4 E St. M iss . married Dec . , 7, Lil 9 8. Address , 7 . Elm , h lie Bert a Roper . Eldorado Ark . Issue : D av id Mor

. l I ‘U ‘h h . h J n u . l l ( e h i . I u1. I Ia w0. H, U L L, b ‘ d L ' L ?! h l ‘n l b J‘. 2 a ' ’ Vi l l l ml nu 5 l c ui l u , I U H an appre cia te his mer his hou sehold c u ui m. , Much of his l it it in this respect . ' ' . 20, 1 Iverson Norris Lea , b Sept n he mml url n w as sp ent in mhl imr i t

fi ve . 1897 died at age of weeks ome for he re , and attractions of hls h ,

N ov. 9 Mary Emma Lea born , m lness w as the eenl er of his pu rest I pp

. . 1 858, Liberty Miss married Rev Robt d where the mu sic of his heart swelle 4 ‘ 2 1885 . 189 N . Hall Dec . , died Oct 2, , , , its notes in one perpetual h uthum ol

30. . Woodlawn , Harrison ( Texas Issue ‘ - s n in his mun good will . Unas umi g ’ m A a . 29 1 889 Ros Hall , b Dec , , (l is iosition be a ners, cheerful in y , li r l 19 1 907 Louis Clark Brown , Jan . , , l in his op inions , just in his dea ings ,

born March 10, 1886, druggist , sincere in his attachments , manly and os s R edale , Mi s . Issue : Rosa Lee generous towards all , he made many Brow b Feb 2 1 90 a e n , . , 8;M urin warm friends , who , with a numerous Bro 1) J 0 1 wn , uly 3 1 9 0. , and devoted connection deeply mourn B' Fay Hall , b March 14, 1891 , d his loss . It is a relief to know , how 17 1926 April , , m Franklin How ever , that before his death he became c m : ard Butler, Mc o b , Miss . Issue l i perfectly resigned to his fate , be ev l Howard Lea But er , b 191 6;Me cd his s ins Were all forgiven , and died D owell Butler ; Franklin Hal l in the triumphant hope of a glorious 4 1 92 B utler, b July , 3. immortality . Let his fond wife and C’ n o r N . 5 a d R be t Hall , Feb . 1 7, 1893. children , others near and dear to d Fr A dress , San anc isco, Calif . him , to whom we extend our warmest J s h J ame Everett Lea ( ) , born uly sympathy, be consoled by this and 28 1819 e onfi n l 0 , , Amit Co. Miss . died April c de t y h p e that “ 25 1878 c s , , married Fran es Powell, s is His pure thought were borne , ’ ter R l Lea 15 o er to achae Powell , Jan . , Like fumes of incense the 1 846 A u 22 1 F . 827 eb 12 , born g , , d . , clouds , 1886 ’ w , A mite , Co. Mis s. And wafted thence on angels ings From res olution adopted by Grange through ways 31 P . H f . . Co M O No of , Amite . is s . w e light to the bright Source of ” take the following : All . “ Wherea s the messenger of death Issue : 1 ’ has again visited our midst and we are E mily Jane Lea . ’ c to u 2 alled mo rn the loss of our highly Dewitt Clinton Lea . ’ esteemed citizen and much beloved 3 Mary Virginia Lea . 4’ 5 Brother, James Everett Lea , who de Rosa Frances Lea , b March ,

- 25th in 1853 d . 26 1924 parted this life on the , ult . , , Aug , , married 59th 24 the year of his age , and it is Rev . Aaron John Miller , Dec . ,

f 1 879 . 12 1847 with melancholy satis action , and un , born Nov , , died a 1 1 191 2 der a s cred s ens e of duty, that w e March , . No issue . 5’ Lea beg to lay a s imple tribute on his Charles Clay . ' a e i sa gr v , to a d in honoring the memory 6 Ella Lou i Lea . of w h a ’ one o w s among;the fi rst in our 7 James Everett Lea . 8’ a E county to advocate the cause of the Jul . Lea . ’ s 9 16 Patron of Husbandry, and who pos Myrtis Leona Lea , b Sept . , e 1867 21 1909 o s ssed s o many shining vi rtues tha t , d May , , Elpas , f W m l i i Rev. . his li e should be exe p fi ed and h s Texas , married Robert

1 3 1860. : memory fondly cherished , Therefore Merrill , b Sept . , Issue “ ’ Resolved , That in the death of Robert Vi infred Merrill , b D ec.

r . 24 1889 in 3 1 922 Brothe Lea , a member of Sylvan , , Sept . , , Leah

91 St . Grange , and for several years a dele Buster , address , 0 Chester o a gate to this county Grange , ur Or D llas , Texas ;Lea Warren Mer der has 1 891 Luelah los t one of its most zealou s rill , b Sept . 3, , m

r w ho 1 191 6. and prom inent supp orte s , one Williams , June , Address , 1 065 placed faith in God, nurtured h0pe , Peralta Ave . , Berkeley , Cal ; d i spensed charity, and was noted for Herbert Vassar Merrill , born fi delit 20 his y, while the church and so July 21 , 1 893, died December , ciet y have lost a true christian , an 1893;Arthur Kenneth Merrill , b us i z a e 25 1894 honest and eful c ti en , and pur Dec . , , m Margaret Corco

1 0 1925 ran , June , . Address Phil A t l the the c ose of war , Dr . Otken

adelphia ;Mildred Young Merrill , located at Liberty Miss . , at that time 1 7 1897 W b Jan . , , m John . Blake one of the most promising towns in

. 1914. Sept _ Address , Putnam , the state . Here he was pastor of the

Texas ;Edward Everett Merrill , church and teacher of the village

1 0 1900 1 30 — b Oct . , . Residence , school at that time it not being con W 1 2 . St . side th , Dallas , Texas ;Myr red the proper thing for a minis

tis Leona Merrill b Aug . 4 1903. , , ter to accept money for his services . ‘ “ Residence , Kerrville , Texas . Moving to Summit , M iss ., Dr . Ot 15 E mily Jane Lea born Jan . , ken became the intimate friend and 4 18 7 Amite Co. M iss . died Dec . 6, , associate of such well known men as 1918 Mc Omb , C , M iss . married Char Colonel Garland , Colonel T . R. Stock 39 Otken r . 26 18 les Henry , bo n Feb , , d Cassed ale , and Judge Hiram y. Here 12 1 91 1 New Orleans , La . died Feb . , , 1 866 H in , two years before the organi c . e Mc omb , Miss was Principal Pea z ation the of common school system , body Public School , Summit , M iss . , he opened the Peabody Public School , 1 867- 77 President and founder Lea , the fi rst benefi ciary in the state of 1877 Female College , Summit , Miss . t he Peabody Fund . 94 Pres ident M cComb Female Insti “ , Recognizing the need for higher mb 1894- 99 tute McCo , Miss . County , , e ducation , in 1877 Dr . Otken founded Superintendent Education , Pike Co. , l the Lea Fema e College , which for a - - 1 Mississipp i , to 2 1 2 19 1 . number of years was a prominent in A Tribute . stitution , supplying a majority of the From “The Life And Character Of t eachers for this portion of the state . k ” Ot en P . Charles Henry , by Henry “ In 1 895 Dr Otk en was chosen the Hughes we take the follow ing . “ " fi rst Pres ident of the M cComb Female Oh Sunday morning , February 12, - Institute , a newly organized non sec at his home in M cComb Missis , t t M cComb M n arian ins itution of iss . sippi , after a brief ill ess , Dr . Char “ In 1 903 he was elected Superin les Henry Otken, distinguished . as sol

t endent of Education for Pike County , dier , educator , minister and writer , M n H ississippi , wh ich position he so ably a swered the last roll call . e has “ fi l l d v . passed over the river to rest under e up to the ery day of his death " “ the shade of the trees . The doctor w as a valuable contrib “ ' Dr Otken was born in the Parish utor to the press In 1895 he was a 26 s of Orleans , Louisian , February , awarded second honors by the Time 1 9 A 83 . t the age of six he lost his D emocrat of New Orleans , for a the “ mother , a woman of rare intellect and s is on The Agricultural Cris is in the ” — great force of character . The home South . There were ninety three con being broken up, the boy was placed testants from ten Southern States , the

in charge of his uncle at Carrollton, fi rst prize being won by D r . Walter Ph D where he attended school until he M axwell , a . . of the University ,

he A M . reached his eleventh year, when of Zurich , and an . . of Harvard h h entered a store as clerk , where I n 1 894 Dr . Otken publis ed his most A “ remained for fi ve years . t the age p ortentious work , The Ills of the ” of sixteen he was converted under South , being a critical analys is of h i t e nfluence of Rev . M r. Duncan , a t he operation of the Lien Law , based reco ni Baptist minister , and on his suggest on personal observation . In g ion soon after enrolled as a student tion of its merit the author was invit

in Mississippi College at Clinton , Miss . ed to address an assemblage of schol

ms . While in his junior year , the Civil in Ottawa , Canada “ War broke out;answering the call of Upon the resignation of Hon . Thos e w i h patriotism , he ntered the army as a Gath r g t, State Superintendent of

private soldier . After two years of Education , the position was tendered a ctive service , while stationed at Mo D r . Otk en by Governor Stone , but he he bile , Ala . was ordained as a min chose rather to serve his own people

ister in the Baptis t Church . During than to yield to the allurements of

bf For n the remainder the war he served political life . a umber of years as Chaplain of one of the regiments he was trustee of the University of M P M M commanded by General . . Lowrey , iss issippi , and of iss issippi Col W w T . l c e He t father of Dr . . Lowrey, now Pres g . was ice honored by his s n A M ident of M iss is ippi College . Alma Mater , receivi g the . . and

- l best, for life is the index of actions None can fi l it, and it must ever re that speak louder than words , and mind us of the work of her hands and ’ at hu eloquence loses its charm when we heart . She lived for home , for tempt to portray the elements of such manity and for God . If, in future a character as hers . Such souls do years , mothers point their daughters not die . The tenement of clay envel back to her life and tell them there oping the spark of life may lie cold w as one who did her every duty faith

— h and still in death , but that which fully one who, in t e purity of her w made her a noble , useful woman and nature , ould not consent to lower her life a benediction and a bless ing tone of true womanhood by counte

. nancin t l ow to mankind, will live on forever g any hing that was trivial , Her life was the embodiment of or bas e — one who never uttered weak the highest virtues of true woman or careless sentiments , but one whose ; — ~ l hood Consecrated , pure and true anguage showed a bright pure mind ; n none knew her but to loveher . U and if the girls of the coming years l fi h i ir se s and loyal , hers was a l fe of shall , by the insp ation of her name , ' service , and thus throughout Life s live true , womanly and useful lives ,

Day, she lived and wrought among can we not say that her l ife has ac ? us, until at eventide she heard the complished glorious results chimes of Eternal Peace and her gen It is hardly needful for me to repeat tle Spirit passed into the realms of the history of her l ife it is too well everlasting life . known .

’ By loving friends , the sleeping form She was educated in her father s

. was borne to Summit , M iss , and her school , Lea Female College , where she mortal body was laid to rest close be has been teaching s ince her gradua be s ide the loved ones who had gone tion . She was converted and united fore beneath a mound of fragrant , w ith the B aptist church , in Summit , flowers loving tributes from devoted , at the age of s ixteen . She died Jun e 2 friends and sorrowing relatives , but , 1 892. her soul on bright wings of Promise are Thes e the bare records , but has entered the Heavenly portals and those who knew her can read much be ” awaits us Over There . tween the lines — much that tells of

h er — Their children are love for God , for her fellow man , ’ Otken . A Mary Frances , m Rev for her State and her love and anxi ad Benjamin Franklin Lewis , ety for Su mmit .

320 d . dress , Alexan er Ave , Jack She , no doubt, found misplaced

. : h son , Miss Issue B enjamin Frank s arps and flats in musical exerci ses . 1895 lin Lewis , d ied ;Evelyn Lew and , perhaps , some sharps may have

is ;Robert Leroy Lew is ;married jarred upon her life , and some hats Mary Rite ;Arthur Beverly Lewis may have disappointed or wearied her B’ Otken b ‘ Katie Henrietta , d June ut nOW she has found that pe rfect 2 1892 , Summit , Miss . mus ic with no d iscord , whose p ure

A Tribute . notes shall resound through all the Like a clap of thunder from a clear spaces of eternity on harps tou ched

k de t has b n s y, a h suddenl y stricken down y a gel hands , for she knew the Lord

the es in one of nobl t, purest beings and loved the Son of G od , and she now our midst , as you have seen the storm joins in the symphonies of praise l uproot the straightest , most beauti that ro l and reverberate around the

ful tree of the forest . The sunn y great White Throne .

head that the mother so loved is res t Her life speaks this to you , girls of h ing beneath t e green sod ;the scint i Summit , and of Miss issippi : Make l iatin g brain that compelled all to ad your kindred happier , make the worl d

mire who felt its power will never better , guard your speech at all times more be restless or disturbed ;the and live each day as if it were your

selfi n . heart that knew no sh ess, but last beat for others onl y is still forever We miss the bright star that has , ‘ , H no but the name of Katie . Otken is s et to rise more , and we search the not dead _ , and futurity cannot lay it Heavens in vain for its counterpart, fi nd n s under the dust , for it is linked with but we nothi g there save cloud i her life and nfluence, and the good she now , for we are passing under the di d is eternal . rod . B ut G od is merciful , and that t The vacancy she left must remain . rod shall be lifted and we shall mee

d her some g reat day, when human life The aloe blooms once in an hundre and human mysteries shall b e no years . more . Our family tree at last burst into “ He c flow er! Blessed be God, for reated death , m steri And death is rest and peace , But while we gazed thereon , y And giveth life that nevermore shal l ous power ” ow r Cease . Chilled the fair fl e and dimmed our

F . A RIEND . gaze with tears

Are those indeed , the brave who rush of t II Otken In Memory Ka ie . . to strife ,

And fi ght with sword , and face the flow ers 0 Bring here your fairest , , ’ cannon s breath . my friend s ! The coward flies into the arms of And heap them high above this peace death fu l bed , The hero grapples with the foes of Fairer than any flow er our lovely life . dead , Sweeter than any flow er the life which No warrior ever bore a braver ends . heart Into the very thick of battle G ive me a 1i for these folded smoke , hands , Than my dead friend , hers was a G ive me a chaplet for thi s marble heart of oak brow ; , ’ she u In life s great strife , played a Give her yo r full appreciation ’ hero s part . now

, nu Perhaps in heavenly lands , she Ye soldiers of the Cross , fight on derstands! ‘ till death , Nor fear the allied legions which A s ound of mourning comes from oppose ,

every room . Our fallen comrade conquered all her Twice tw enty g irls lament the ir un foes ,

told loss . And lived and died triumphant iri the Teachers and friends are bowed be faith . neath the cross ; The news spreads the town is fi l led ! , 0, many millioned man Can all thy

with gloom . gold Outw eigh one g racious deed of this A dimpled child once played about brave life . these grounds ' , Is there no high regard for noble With dancing eyes and tangled flaxen strife , curls , Can characters like hers be bought She ruled us even then we littl e , and s old !

girls , Thronged after her in all her merry A s oul like hers is worth a thousand

rounds . spheres

Rolled into one , and sown with dia

The years passed by, I saw a woman monds bright , bright , w ers and b athed Strew ed with fair flo , Ruling with gentle sway a host of in fadeless light , girls , Flash ing with splendor through Above that lofty brow her baby eternal years . curls

Still rested like a diadem of light . ! t art 0, lovely friend I know that hou free ! Her voice was grand It was both soft From every pain and crowned with

and deep . glory bright, She could command and she could , I would not call thee back into the gently woo night , Her noble accent thrilled me through I only wish that I were t here with and through thee ! Like some great organ tone suppres

B Lea. sed and sweet . y Maggie Tate

’ C ken 1 8 3 1 Emily Lea Ot , d 7 , Sum dress , Meridian , Miss . Issue :

son , borned 1925. mit Miss . , F" ’ Edward C. Atkinson . D Infant son died 1876.

. ’ Charles Clay Lea , born Aug E Otken Perla Clay . 1 9 1 2 1 1 , 855. died May 3, 9 3, Magno F’ k Ot en M D . Charles Henry , . 29 1 884 l ia , Miss . , married Jan . , , Lau ra Asst . Camp Surgeon , Camp Leach Lee Hanes . Issue ’ D A J . Washington , . C. World War . Thomas . Hanes Lea , m Oct ’ 2 1913 i i r , , Mrs . Ethel Losey , Boga G Lea G d e e Otken.

H' lusa , La . Lois Bridgeforth Otken. ’ B Charles Clay Lea . I ’ Frances Powell Otken. ’ C Lois Lea . ' J Otken M D ’ Luther Boyce , . . Capt D Alice Lea , m Robert Hardison , Base Hospital 22 Bordeaux , 21 1920. B irmingham , Ala . , July , ’ ’ France , World War, m Frances HRus E Florence Lea in Robert .

Mae Hodges . Issue Emily Jane 29 1919 . sel Aug . , , Holyoke , Mass Otken , Greenwood , M iss ; Mary Issue : Dorothy Lea Russell , born Otken Frances . 1920 Aug . ;Jean Florence Russell ,

Dewitt Clinton Lea born Jan . born Jan . 2, 1925. 3 1849 o F’ C . 2 M . , , Amite Miss . died Jan . 0, Hampton Lea , agnol ia , Miss 1 918 , Hattiesburg , Miss . m Catherine Ella Louisa Lea born April T 29 1 1 B . 872 e 27 858 S. . . Strickland , on Feb . , , di d , , married Webb Address 27 1922 : June , , Hattiesburg , M iss . Is Osyka , M iss . Issue ’ sue A M yrtle Webb . ’ ’ A B Herbert Webb , m Harritt Brig James S. Lea , m Ruby Hosmer . 19 191 7 : ham , Sept . , . Issue Jose No issue , but an adopted daugh phine Webb ; William Brigham ter , Rosa Lea . ’ B 18 5 Webb . Lila Burton Lea , b 7 , d Dec . ’ 4 1912 C Julia Webb . , , m William R. Eas terling . ’ D Hol lis Webb , m Sus ie Varnado , No issue . ’ : C Magnolia , M iss . Issue Sue Eve Samuel C. Lea , m Charlena Tes

1 1 lyn Webb . sie Norwood , June , 91 1 , mar ’ L e Galvanie E oy tte Lucile Webb . ried second , Annie , Aug . F’ 191 Allie Webb . 10, 1 . I ssue by fi rst marri

James Everett Lea born Jan . age : Ethlyn Lea . Issue by second

1 6 1 861 . , , married Maggie Tate , Jan marriage : Annette Lea . ’ 2 1887 1867 22 1 893. , , born , died April , D Laurence M . Lea , unmarried .

Married second , Elizabeth Westmore Hattiesburg , Miss . ’ l : E W 30 and , Clarksdale , Miss . Issue Emmett . Lea , d March , A ’ 1 1 James Everett Lea , Washing 9 0, m and had issue . ’ D C ton , . . F . Hollis Lea, Jacksonville , Fla ’ ’ B Myrtis Lea , m Dr . B enjamin G Dewitt Clinton Lea , In April . 29 1909 23 1923 Lan for Lampton Crawford , Dec . , , , , Hattie Pearl g cl , : Tylertown , M iss . Issue D orothy Hattiesburg , M iss . 0 ’ W e a Lea Crawford ;Walter . Graw II Ruby Marguerite Lea , m W lt

m n s ford ;B enj amin Lampton Craw er Tho as l l erre , Canton , Mi s .

aw . Mary Virginia Lea born March ford ;Everett H owell Cr ford ’ 1 5 1851 1 1 191 0 C Alma Clay Lea , m A lbert Mc , , died May , , married ' 1 1913 h Jul 1 1 847 Crary , Jan . , , Philadelp ia , William Atkinson , born y , ,

' : 1909 01 Tenn . Issue Hannah Margaret Columbia , Miss . , died , New 9 1 919 M cCrary, b Dec . , . leans , La . Member Forrest Cavalry ’ 4 1 893 (1 - D Maggie Lea , b April , , War of 1861 65. Issue ’ 20 1 895 u Jan . , . Issue by second A Howard Atkinson , d ied in yo th

’ marriage . B Mary Lea Atkinson , died in ’ J n . E Mary Atkinson Lea , i John youth . ’ 2 191 7 J Duke , June , , address , Mem C William . Atkinson , m G ert : w 1 1 phis, Tenn . Issue Mary Lea rude Cres ell, in 9 3, Address ,

Duke . Mobile , Ala . ’ 6 1 863 A n Jula E . Lea b Dec . , , m D Luther See Atkinson , Los

a Sidney C. Lenoir , Greenwood , M iss ., geles , C l . ’ M D : . . E Hilda L. Atkinson , m Charles Issue ’ 1912 A d A Sidney C. Lenoir Res idence , Carroll Miller , Nov . .

Memphis , Tenn .

1825 1 856 e , died . His wif was Miss only other people buried in this cem

Caledonia Anne Oliver, and was a tery are said to have been Passmore daughter of John Oliver who married , and his s even w ives . Children of

Ruth Ann Weedon . Children were David Clay and , Eve Harden Clay A ’ Alice Clay, who m Wheeler were

Watson . ’ 1 Lew is Clay B’ John Oliver Clay m Fannie , 2’ Adam Clay Wilson Lawler 1884. C’ 3’ Pearce Clay Fannie Lou Clay, m Henry D . ’ Watson in 1881 . 4 Sarah Clay ’ D ’ Child who died in infancy . 5 Robert Clay

Matthew Clay III second son ’ , 6 Peyton Clay of matthew Clay and Frances A . ’ 7 Edmund B. Clay 18 He Clay, was born February, 27. 8’ Mahany Clay married Mary Harrison , daughter of Tradition says that two of the above Isham Harrison . w ere twins and I am under the impres R V CHAPTE I . s ion that they were Pearce and Rob

5th l A a. m David Clay line ert, but a not sure . identifi ed 1A a ’ David Clay , who is as Lewis Clay s Line of Descent

’ in Chapter I I , after acting as guide 5th Line l A al . f 1 ’ as recounted in a fidavit of Hutchin Lewis Clay, No . above , was either son , soon entered the War of the Rev the oldest or nex t to the ol dest of th e ution ol . H North Carolina was hard children . e is not mentioned in the pressed by the British and called on Pens ion Record of Eve Clay , for th e

Virginia for aid . David Clay had s ev reas on that he opposed her applica eral relatives in the Old North State t ion for pension on the ground that w as one a en and of the m ny native Vir she had remarried , and was not inians Beheath g who responded to the distress titled to a pension . Notes of H : call of their sister state . e enlisted land Clay R igsby are as follows ’ “ l oth 24 in Evan s Company, Regiment , N . Judith Clay died September , C . . 1 2 24 1 874. Line (Col Abraham Shepard , 87 , Lewis Clay , D ecember ,

Capts . Hall and Kornegay . Hatha Lewis Clay was eighty years old , ’ - 1 1 w a 74 way s Register Vol . , No . 4, page Judith Clay s . My grandfather 580 ol H , also C onial Records of North w as David Cl ay . e had a planta

Carolina , Vol . 1 5 page h n (Ga. ) , tion in Was ington Cou ty aHnd His widow applied for and received one in W ilkinson County (Ga. ) e

a pension . After the close of the was one eyed one eye having been , H Revolution , David Clay came to Geor put out by the Tories . e was a sol He gia where he drew land as follows dier in the Revolutionary War . 1 786 200 m r , acres in Washington Coun a ried Eve Harden . After Grand - t KK ’ “ h y, Georgia , B ook K, page 384; father sdeat , she married a man , I 1 794 196 , acres in Washington Coun think , by the name of Pearson , but

t am her y, Georgia , Book LLLL, page 593; not sure . That kept from get Othee Secretary of State Atlanta ting a pension which she was often , , " Georgia . talking about and trying to get . 26 1 n h Her September , 792, he was married (She evidently never k ew t at

to Eve Harden in Warren County , grandmother , Eve , secured her pen

Georgia . (See Harden Hints and Gen s ion . ) “ ealo ies He M . g . ) later acquired land in y grandfather had a brother I ’ i m H h s . e Wilkinson County, Georgia , but re don t know na e had a son tained a plantation in each county Pearce who lived in Washington Coun ” t l until his death and spent a portion of y. (She evident y meant her great

H . his time on each plantation . e was grandfather ) “ - tw o w ho m an industrious , thorough going man There were Clays ca e

and accumulated cons iderable proper from England , they have descended m t f f . a y be ore his death , which occurred in rom them I not certain about n m Wilkinson County , Georgia , about their ames . It see s their names ” 1 H ohn . 1 8 8. e was buried at the Passmore were J and Lewis , but not certain “ Cemetery which lies between the place They lived ten miles South of M il l vill d e e. . 1 925 e _ where Mrs Susie Gilbert lived , , g Their farms were between ’

and the Peyton Clay cemetery . The Commiss ioner s Creek and Oconee

‘ ' l n in the ho se t at ranged in the Oc onee River Valley , ex lxlvvi . l h ew n i en u h

' ‘ for a few n e . l in l l. W!” cept wi t r months It was my nmthvr w ns nnn r ml . ' m Wi -t‘ u Le s a s om n lnruu lug l i mu . wi Cl y cust to keep these cows gentle by feeding them salt at

T he public records of Washington stated intervals , placing the salt on “ “ “ County and Wilkinson County have a lick log and calling the cows Co !” long since been destroyed by fi re, as wench , Co wench, salt , salt , salt The o well as the old family Bibles of many cows , hearing the call , w uld come for m embers of the Clay family, and with the salt . Reeves , a neig hbor , was but few exceptions we must rely on plowing one day when Clay began Of tradition . For this reason , I will calling cows in the river bottom . elaborate to some extent upon Lewis mag nifi cient phys ique and powerful “ the Co co , Clay , so as to establish the probative voice , call wench , wench n !” value of the traditions coming dow co wench , salt, salt , salt heard by “ through him and his daughter as pre Reeves in the distance became Oh l served in her notes . Reeves , Oh Reeves , Oh Reeves , he p , ” He was probably born in Washing help , help ! Reeves dropped his plow 1 1 7 4 in ton County , Georgia , 783or 8 . His and dashed to the call , stopp ing at father in the next few years moved terval s to listen w hen the cry for hel p

r and it with him to Wilkinson County , Geo became more distinct , urgent , gia , from territory adjacent to Buffa appeared to him at each stop , until he lo Creek to that adjacent to Commis came to the h ill dipping down to the sioner s Creek on oppos ite sides of the river . Here he stopped , almost ex He fi nal . Oconee River . Here he g rew up and hansted to get his directions

, received a common school education . then recognized the voice and call be . (I now have in my posse ssion a par and used the expression that has tial set of accounts kept by him at come tradition in the Clay family , b a it Dawson, Georgia , before and durin cause of its originality and bec use H g the Civil War . ) e was living near illustrates the power of the Clay voice , “ 1 h r e u to Milledgeville , in 818, w hich was t en Goddun L wis Clay , Hell o g ht ” the Cap itol of Georgia , when Early, have him for a blowing horn . Irwin and Appling Counti e s were While a resident of Wilkinson Coun opened for settlement and secured a ty he accomodated a friend by endor s position with surveyors and helped ing a note for several thousand dol Lo to survey the Counties and ts . Up lars , which he had to pay , and as a on one occas ion the party of surveyors result of this he became fi nanciall y were encamped on a ridge between a embarrassed . n w lake or lagoon and a stream of water . Remembering o , the country

During the night while they were which he had assisted in surveying ,

' asleep an alligator passing from one and hearing glowing accounts of its h body of water to the other , ran over fertility, e moved from Wilkinson the face of one of the party and gave County to near Americus , Georgia , him such a fright that he sat up all where he lived only a short time be i the rest of the night . fore selecting a cho ce tract of land in

His surveying over , he returned to Lee County (Now Terrell County )

w 11 it W ilkinson County , Georgia , here w hich he purchased and moved to , m 20 married Judith Jones , Dece ber , soon clearing and settling a splendid 1 2 8 0. The Rev . James Clay perform farm . Here he and his wife became G nea e f . ing the ceremony . (See Jones active in their religious e forts They logies . ) belonged to the Missionary Baptis t

Lewis Clay lived in Wilkinson Coun Church , wh ile most of the other resi ty until his oldest child had married dents were of the Primitive or Hard and his youngest child was born . shell branch of the denomination . They While there the Legislature of the soon gathered around them a few peo State named him and his brother - in ple of their belief and with the help

' law M e h s , James . Hatch r , together wit of their children and their neighbor " Ratlifl Brown , John Meredith and children , started a Sabbath School .

Daniel Price , trustees of Liberty Hill The Legislature soon created Ter 1 836 Academy . (Georgia Laws , pa g e rell County, and out of this beginning came the fi rst Missionary Baptist

While living in Wilkinson County Church constituted in Terrell County . he owned a large herd of cattle that So much opposition developed against

Beheathl and Clay Rigsby and J 2. Mrs . . 1 . Mrs . Sidney Jones Grandson Lew is Wilton Rigsby . K . . ( y ) 3. Col . Henry Clay , Sr 4 Lewis Clay . Clay Crest and Arms , Centre .

' li l sun (fu ti l i (ivui ln arr e . n ty , g , m i d Wil Rebecca Johnson Before her

am Hra Wads but: d of li i m worth , ate marriage she was Rebecca “ ” exce marriage unknown . With the p B ob as every of e tion my mother she was b st known body calls him , is a Baptist , Ma to me of al l the members of the family son and Democrat . Children and she was a frequent visitor in our A ” Hiram Burton Wadsworth . ” home . Her husband was familiarly B James Marion Wadsworth , b known to the people throughout the 29 190 July , 0. section where he lived as Uncle Hiram . C Olit Charity Wadsworth Hud He h was a soldier in t e Civil War, son . ” St . Fl a He serving at Marks , . was D JT . . Wadsworth b Aug . 10, ’ , a son of Daniel Wadsworth and Lucy 1 03 9 .

(Freeman ) Wadsworth, of B ibb Coun R D \Vadsw orth E . . , b Aug . 6, t y, Georgia , and was of Scotch des 06 19 .

cent . Daniel Wadsworth was caught B C. F . Wadsworth , b March 13, in the s w indle in c onnection with the 1 08 9 . re Yazoo fraud , went west and never G Follis Jewell Wadsworth l) m , turned to his fa ily , no one know 1 Dec . 3 , 1910. in fi nall g what y became of him . Other H Mary Gladis Wadsworth , b : the children were Eli , who was 1 1 2 Jan . 3 , 91 .

father of Burton Wadsworth , of Madi Hiram Burton Wadsworth , A e son County, Florida , long a Stat 4 1 898 22 above , born Oct . , , Res . 2 2 N . Senator and a member of the Consti W. 5th . Ave , Miami , Fla . Married tutional M el sh Convention of Florida ; , 28 1 923 Fa Jan . , , Lila y Dekle , and to

Scott , Sepp , Joseph , moved to Texas , them has been born one child . ” William died near Macon , leaving M a Virgil arion Wadsworth , b h c ildren , and Margaret married a 4 1924 July , . Hayes and moved to Cedar Keys Flor t , Oli Charity Wadsworth, C above,

ida . Children of Sarah Frances Clay 2 9 2 born March 9, 1 0 , married Norman W H W h Wadsworth and . . adswort T . Hudson April 10, 1 919 and to them were have been born two children . ” ’ a 1920 a 3 1847 d . 17 . Lew is Daniel , b July 2 , , James Elwood , b Feb ,

i War . 22 1922. in Civ l . b Susie Elaine , b Aug ,

’ identifi ed b John Hiram Wadsworth , Francis Marion . ’ ’ e 13 1 850 as above , married Rebecca Connell , c Salema Lavinia , b Dec . , ,

fi r Wm who was a daughter of Peter Connell m st Nelson , second , . Con n b and his wife . A sister married Da iel nell , brother of Re ecca who mar H Ponder and was mother of the Ponder s ried John . Wadsworth . ’ co Lucind b 6 of the Northwestern part of the . d Judith y, April , Ga John and wife live at Pelham , . , and 1853.

’ e w have children as follows John Hiram Wads orth . ” ’ 1 Underwood f William Hardin Wadsworth , m 2 Ammie , deceased . Sallie Kilpatrick , lives at G irard , 3 “William Ala ., wife dead . ’ 4 Behea hlan Daniel g Lucy Ann t d Wads " 5 Lew is w orth . ' 6 6 Lizzie h Charles Eliot b March 21 186 . , , ” ’ 7 Minnie Francis Mari on Wadsworth , b above 8 1 1 1 849 Charlie , who is in newspaper was born March , , married

work at Albany , Ga. K. F D . fi rst, Charity errell , aunt of

Lucy Ann Beheathl and Wadsworth , Ferrell and daughter of Jabez Ferrell , ’

D . K g above , married . Ferrell and one of the fi rst jurors of Thomas to them have been born children as County Superior Court , and second , w follows Mrs . Susie Carlisle , a wido who is ’ 1 R. re . t Luther Ferrell , s Pelham , the mother of Ira Carlisle , presen

Ga. State Senator from this D istrict . Chil ' L 2 Naomi Ferrell m R. . Levar , dren by fi rst marriage ,

Ga. on res . Cairo , Robert Marion Wadsworth ,

E . 2 1 872 Shelton Ferrell , m Cora Tay l y child , born Nov . , , mar

lor , who is the daughter of John 9 1897. ried Mollie Johnson , Oct . ,

H i . . Taylor and h is w fe , Mrs She is dead , her father was named H o James Johnson and her mother Howell Talyor . John . Tayl r

was a son of Rev . John Taylor members of the Baptist Church ;the Jennett and his wife Sally (Parker) Tay girls were named Jane Bass , y a lor who are mentioned on page B ss , Matilda Bass , Annie Bass , who

16 Ri b s a a of the Sketch of the g s y married Peyton Cl y , and Appy Eliz u 4 of Georgia , p blished July , Bass , above . Children of John Ben

iani in Clay , above , and his wife were ' ’ 4 fi r Micajah Ferrell , married st a Cherrie Annie Clay , m Henry 30 1 875 in a e a H e . Della G inous and s cond Lul . Eth ridge , Dec , , a o n a B rrett . B th of these families R andolph Cou ty , G . Born May are 5 descended from some of the 26, 18 6. e e ’ arly s ttlers of Grady County . b E ndora Fannie Clay

’ Lula Barrett , a daughter of c Mary Esther Clay ’ 20 James B arrett and his wife Mrs . (l E mma Eliza Clay , born Jan . , 8 M cClelland 1 861 D ec. 2 1 8 9. Mary ( ) Barrett . , d , ’ 5 1862 Just a word here about this Barret 0 Samuel Clay, b Nov . 1 , , d a 2 1 6 186 . f mily before proce eding . The oldest Dec . , ’ 3 1 863 B . r f a . one of the children , Molly Ba rett , Will i m Clay , b Nov , , a 1 8 4 J Oct . 7 8 . m rried Henry . Willis and they had d , i ’ a J a n i . numerous children , o e of wh ch s g L ura Cl y ’ 3 B L a e . . . Willis, the present Tax Collec h John Buny n Clay , b S pt , 14 1 68 1 867 . 8 . tor of Grady County . Another, Guy , d Oct , ha ’ Willis , s charg e of the street force i Jos eph S. Clay and the sanitation work for the City j ’ Thomas Henry Clay ’ a of Cairo . Another , Alfred Wil lis , k Ella Ophel ia Cl y

r a n Identifi ed as mar ied Lilla Ferrell , s ister of Mica Eudora F n ie Clay (

’ ah e 2 1858 j F rrell above . b above ) born June , , in Cal ’ 5 n . Lilla Ferrell , m Alfred Willis . hou County , Georgia , married Aug

’ 6 Ithael 1 9 1 890 e r e dne C r Ferrell , unmarried . , , G o g Sy y ommande


7 eda e a e e e . K r M . F rrell , in a L ne . in T rr ll County, G orgia Children ” 8’ 1 a M a Watson Ferrel , m Ess ie Tomlin F nnie y Commander , b ma e 22 a A J. . 25 1891 son , a d ughter of Rev . . Aug , , rried Jun , A a d J . Ga 191 1 . Tomlinson , res . Cairo , . , Tooley , one dopte ’ 9 e i a a Lucy Ferrell , unmarri d . g rl , M rg ret May . ’ 1 r a e 0 Judson Ferrell , m in Baker 2 G eo ge Otis Comm nd r

n a a . Cou ty , G . Nancy Clay Comm nder , b Au g 23 189 P John Benjamin Clay , son of Lewis , 8, . O. Graves Station , a e a a a 1 8 Cl y and Judith Jon s Cl y , (Ide ti Georgia , m rried Jan . ,

’ fi D m s Ga. ed 2 1829 S. as above ) born Dec . , , Emmett Randall , Daw on , ,

n n a w as Wilki so County , G eorgi , con one child , William Emmett Ran

ve e ( a 27 1920. rted and join d the B ap tist Church l ll , b Oct . , a an a a n a he Identifi ed t e rly d ate, nd receivi g a call M ry Est r Clay ( as i th Jan 2 1860 to the m nistry , spent e las t few above ) b . , , Calhoun Coun

r i f yea s of his life in act ve minis try o ty, Po st Offi ce , Parrot, Ga., married th H a n e Baptist Church . e was sent by John Thom s Thornton , Ra dolph his ss o s s h e 1 18 3 i a oci ati n a a mi s ionary to t e County , G orgia , Nov . , 8 , ch l

e o r e o er he dr t rrit ry fu th r s u th , w h e en : ” + w a 1 e 1 s erv ed during the ar nd for some Sh lly Clay Thornton , b Sept

i a 8 1 84 in i t t m e after the w ar, org nizing and , 8 , M ss Alma Wa kins , h e e w 23 1905 constituting c urch s , being larg ly Da son , Georgia , April , ,

ns r h Ban e 722 S 20th St Birmin i t um ental in establishing t e r sides . . g i n a i ham A la t t st d e omin t on so strongly in this , . One child , Jennet

o H . 21 1908. s ecti n of the state . e married Feb Mary Thornton , b Feb . , 6 1 55 w he e 2 M 1 0 8 , his ife before r marriag Lucy ae Thornton , b Dec . , w as i a 20 1 9 4 Appy El za B ss (b July , 8 0, d Aug . , 1 891 . 3 e Jr. who was a daughter of Ab l John Thomas Thornton , , b a 16 1900 4 1 919 Bass of Randolph County , G eorgi , Feb . , , m April , an w h a n d his wife o before her marri ge Miss Jimmie Hor , at residence

’ en at was M iss Cherrie Pope . The childr of bride s parents . Resides of i B m e J T . th s ass fa ily were nam d as Parrott , Ga. Children : . l w : Jr. e J fo lo s William Bass , Deacon in the Thornton , , b ing the third . a r T . r to 3 B ptist Chu ch ;James Calvin Bass , a Tho n n in line , 1) July 1 , s e e Ben 1921 a d W n Baptist mini t r ;B nnett Bass , , n illie James Thornto , a o a the a e b 6 1 92 g B ss , l st two being activ March , 4.

’ ” mruJ ( i a Identifi ed as g 4 Clyde A nderson Clay , b April l a , l y (

0 865 D e a 1913. above ) born July 2 , 1 , in c tur 1 0, " 29 Jan 1 18551 . , ar e . Joseph Lamar Clay b Dec County , Georg ia, m ri d , 5 , . 02 W i M Ga. 1 19 . to ill m L. iller, in Dawson , , 1 901 , d May , where the family has res ided ever Thomas Henry Clay (Identifi ed as ' 2 1 874 since . Children k above ) b Jan . , , married

” - 1 Maud Kathleen Miller , b Nov . Agnes Rebecca Bishop , great grand 10 1900 28, 1884, married June , , daughter of Lucy Clay Etheridge , Aug Ga 97 . William Franklin Watkins , Ter 8, 1 8 , res Shellman , where he 31 3 n sin ss and is rell County , Ga. Residence operates a plumbi g bu e v ot om a Ga m . Pric e St . , Sa nnah , . Chil al so enga ged in far ing B h Th : a l 0 dren L ura Lucil e Watkins , as Henry and Joseph Sydney are 23 1901 June , ; William Alfred , b Methodists , although their father was 4 1 1906 . June , , Alma Marie , b Feb a Baptist minister , brought about I 9 th 2 1 04. , understand , through the neglect of ’ 2 Lee 24 01 Ufa Miller, b March , Baptists towards their father s 1887 1 6 1906 , married Sept . , , W il phans after his death and the fact that d lie Dean Grubbs . Chil ren : Wil their Methodist friends occupied the w 9 liam Ed ard Grubbs , b Aug . , position that they had a right to ex

’ m b . 1907 IVr ad , Ja es e Grubbs , peet their father s church to occupy 24 1909 March , . Children

3 . Russia Iva Miller, b May 7, 1 How ard Bunyan Clay , b Feb 1 889 7 1908 t 4 , married June , , S eve 20, 190 . a ” David Fulford res . Dawson , G . 2 Thomas Merrell Clay , deceased ,

Fulforcl : 1 1 1908. Children Ivey Stephens , Nov . , ” 25 1909 . b May , , Jim Henry Ful 3 John Paul Clay , b Oct 1 ' 2 1 1 G. fi ford , b Jan . , 19 , William Ella Ophelia Clay , (Identi ed as

. 26 191 3 26 1875 A . G. Fulford , b Sept , , Anni e above ) b Sept . , , m How 2 . 6 1915, 6 1897 , Laura Fulford , b Oct , ard , July , , res ides in Madison

f . 6. : Mary Amanda Ful ord , b Oct Fla . Children ‘ ” 191 Fulford b 7, Thomas E d. , Jul y 1 Alfred Sidney Howard , b June 1 8 22 1920. 1 898 i n S. , , 3, , Mary Clay , Aug

4 1 1 . J im Clay Miller , b April , 1918, res . Madison , Fla Chil 1892 24 191 re 1 3 1919 ( , married Nov . , 2, dren : Mabel , b May , , l Ga 1 919 sides at Dawson , ., wife before May 1 3, , Robert Alfred , b 1 920 b her marriage Edna Kelley , mar April 1 6, , Ray Edwin ,

ria e 1 921 . g occuring in Randolph Coun Dec . 1 6, ” 24 1 905. ty, Ga. Children : Harry Miller , 2 Ruth Howard , b July ,

25 1917 r 1 6 1912. b July , , Anderson Mille , d March ,

1 ‘ b July 3 , 3 Thomas Watson Howard , b 06 5 20 20 19 . Annie Will Miller, b April , Nov . , 189 7, married April 25, 191 7, 4 Harry Oliver Howard , b March

M c raw 8 Warren Williams G , res ides 12, 190 .

i a . n Dawson , G . 5 Ral ph Richard Howard , b Oct Iden ifi e t d 1 909. Joseph Sidney Clay ( as 3, ’ " i e A 6 18 1 res 609 w a e abov ) born pril , 7 , . 6 Phillip Maxwell Ho rd , b S pt a S 1 2 t. s 1 19 . M in , Daw on , Ga. Dec . 3, 893 20,

H , he married Miss Annie Evarts . e 7 Norman Gahagan Howard b

4 191 4. was engaged in the plumbing and elec Feb . , Identifi ed trical business until a few years ago Lucius Augustus Clay , ( ’ in when , because of his health he was as E above ) born Wilkinson Coun 832 ba m . 22 1 a ndo . t Ga. Jan , served in Civil forced to that bus iness y, _ , : ys Children are War , and he was wounded at Gett M 1 18 1 894 burg married Isabelle . Stegall and Zuleita Clay, b Oct . , , m ,

W R , . . 6 1918 Melton, July , . One lived near Cairo until his death which

1 7 1909, child , William Robert Melton , b occurred June , he being

23 1920 n a , March , . Res . Cuthbert , buried at Lo g B r nch cemetery third grave north from monument of Adell ” 2 i . Marv n Cornelius Clay, b June White Children ” J . 1 7 1905 A . . El izabeth Clay , " 17 1 858. 3 B Mary L. Clay b June , Mary Frances Clay, b Nov . 7, , ” l . 9 08 C Au gustus M . C ay , b Jan , 19 .

and prosperous farmer and his home Ga . County, married Charlie T . setting back from the road with , Singletary, Dec . 23 1896 moving to a native growth of p ine in its virgin , , Florida soon after marriage where condition between the house and the

they raised a family . M r. Singletary highway never fails to attract com has been dead for several years and asscr- b ment from the p y. Children : M s a r . a now a P ul a Singlet ry res ides in Tamp . Herman H rper, b Nov . 1 4 1 914 , Children and Hazel 22 1 Virginia , b July , 922. Eula ” 1 i Ruby Arline Singletary , b Jane Harrison , above , b

Jan . 24 1 896 ar 29 , , married M ch , married Joseph Marion A . Ba

. 3 ber, Feb 1918 E . 1 5 1916 s , . They now reside Davis , March , . Re i in Miami . M e a : E s r . , Fla . Barber is the d nce T mpa , Fla Children e E . 22 1 . W 91 7 s cond s on of the Hon . D Bar er sie Davis, b April . b , , , a former s 1 representative in the Legis Jo eph Price Davis , b June , lature , from Grady 1 920 County . , Charles Henry Davis , b No issue . Robert ” 1 1 1 922 D Aug . , , Frances Pauline Edward Clay, above , born July 3 1 864 a 18 1925. , , married Sarah Ma Davis , b M rch , linda Singletary 2 0. , daughter of Harry Russell Singletary , b April r Singleta y , r . 29 19 0 Mrs Clay is now living , 0 , married I ene Dubose , at Thomasville Ga e a , . She is descended r s ides at Tamp , Fla .

from one of the earliest R . settlers and osa Ethel Singletary, b D ec hers is one of the largest 1 1 w 9 90 . connections , , married Le is Bates , Feb in Grady County . M r 1 la 1 0 923 F . . a Jan , . Residence Bartow , Cl y died . 28 1918 , , and is buried 4 27 at the Co ok Paul ine Singletary , b June , Cemetery between 190 Cairo and Pine 7. Park Children : 5 Edward Augustus Singletary ,

a . 7 1 91 1 1 1 1 91 Florence b Sept , , d D ec . , 3. , 2 Madel b March 7, 1 890 B , m . C. Blanton Peyton Clay, s on of Lewis Clay and . 3 , Jan 0, 1 ’ 91 0. i s identifi e F Resides in Thomasville Jud th Jone Clay and d by G , a. r w as , M born in Wilkinson County Ga. where . , , _ Blanton is en a ne 23 1 835 g ged in the mercantile Ju , , and d ied at Ashford , bus ines s. A l a. 2 1 913 H a : . e w s Children Leslie Romell , June , married Blanton , h fi r b Nov . 14 1 910 t ree times , st to M iss Annie Bass , , Daniel Clayton , a the Bl nton sister of wife of John B. Cla , b Dec . 14 1913 y, , , Edith Mae l s econd to Miss M attie Knowles and B anton, b April 24 1 91 6 , , M is n Robert Edward t n third to s Orpha Jane Newto . Blan o , b May 1 M r 1 920 . a w as , , Jess William Cl y a soldier of the Con Blanton , b e a May 26 1 923 , he w as a , . f der cy c pture at Cumber b” a d Ga e - Foster Goodman a l n p, and s erv d twenty one Cl y, b June 22 m , 1 890 as w a , married M r onths a prisoner of r at Camp s. M Ida . Ch H Brinson . e , Aug . 12 1 923 Douglas , icag o , Ill was a very , . Besides in Thomasville pious man and a strict member of the , engaged in mer can r til e , fi rst i bus iness . chu ch join ng the Baptist No issue . h r c Lilla Estel le c u ch , but later in life afli liatin Clay , g b June 7, 1892 w s ia , . B hi married Earl w a ith the Chri t n church y s Ste rt , March l 1914 fi rs t w ife he had the followin ch il , . Mr g . Stew art has b een e a d ren ng g ed in farmi ng until r ec ently , but has e 1 0 1 85 . 7 mov d to Flor a William Dennis , b Nov , , ida . Children : a e e e e C rlton Eugene n v r marri d , now d ceased . Ste w art F ’ , eb b . 1 0 191 5 b , , a rtha Il assie 15 1 Sar h Ma , b Jan , 856, Agnes Stewa rt b , Aug . 1 0 1 91 i s , 8, d ed w ithout is ue . d Oct. 7 191 9 , , Ode ’ Edna ne Stew c M a e a ry D ll Clay .

art , b Dec . 1 0 1 9 , 21 . ’ d e e Rob rt H nry Clay . d Crawford a Cl y , a ’ dece s ed . 0 e Edmund P yton Clay . e Harvey Harrison Clay, recently ’ f Elton Abel Clay b April 1 870 married a Miss , , Knight . ” di f ed without issue . N epsy Jane Clay . A trained ’ g Minnie Clay . nurs e. ” ’ F 11 ara rance5 la g S h C y, died in in Robert Earnest U , . in S. Navy ” . a h Millie f ncy . Corene , deceased . By D ocie Martha an second wife , Clay , married Fr ces Clay (Identifi ed G” as above ) Lovelace Grant , died leaving b Nov . 25 1871 , , Miller sue .

’ c Mary Della Clay, above , born lars in the City of New York . 2 Nov . 7 1860 died Jan . 1 3 1 892 and , , , , S E d She is a daughter of James . w a s buried at New Hope Church . Mar wards and Sarah Ann (Kelly ) E d ried Josie Brown in Calhoun County , S son w ards . James . Edwards was a a G . Children : of Isaac Ovel ton Edwards and Frances 1 10 1 876 Mary Brown , b Jan . , , I Ovelton E d (Wyche ) Edwards . saac in Mississ ippi l ives now in Ran , wards was a son of Thomas Edwards a P dolph County G . . O. Cuthbert , , who was a brother of the Robert E d

Ga. J i Married . M . Mayf eld July , wards of New York who immigrated 3 1 Ma l 0, 898. Children : Eva yfi e d, to America from Edinburgh , Scotland . 19 1899 r Ma fi eld b Oct . , , My tle y , Sarah Ann Kelly , mentioned above , b April 9 191 0 E lton Ma fi ehl , , y , was a daughter of Ezekiel Kelly and 4 fi b Oct . , 1907, Louise May eld, Elizabeth (Smith ) Kelly .

b N ov . 28, 191 5. en " Mr. Clay was for a long time 2 Fe Richard Elton Brown b b. , gaged in farming but in 1906 he was 1 1 1 8 , , 8 5, Como Miss . married , , employed by Thomas County as Sup M iss Natalie B irdie Barnes , June erintendent of Roads , which pos ition 30 1912 , , and live at Thomasville , He he held for several years . gave Ga M . r. Brown has been for a the training in road contruction to number of years superintendent ac his nephew and retired . Later he of the Thomas County system of cepted the same position with Col highways and also of a large fi nal l quitt County , but y retired and farm operated by the count y. e is now living in Thomasville , wher Children are Edward Ralph in he owns s ome valuable property , Brown b May 24 1913 Natalie , , , cluding pecan groves and a young 1 1 191 5 Carolyn Brown , b Feb . , , He the pear orchard . is a member of Joe Barnes Brown (Joseph ) b Baptist Church a Mason , and a Dem 1 1 1 , Jan . , 19 7, Richard Elton “ He e ocrat in politics . and his wif Jr 1 1 Brown , . , b March 26, 9 9. have only 3 children , all boys , and Ma fi eld J M Eva y , daughter of . . bear the distinction of having given Ma fi eld Ma fiehl ’ y and Mary Brown y , all three to the World s War and hav married a Ragan April 21 1915 and , , , ing received them back into the family i has two children , Nettie Rosel nd, b circle . The boys are 25 1 Nov . , 19 7, and James William

1 A rvah Edward Clay, b April Ragan , b July 19 1922.

Newton , Ala . First held Robert Clay , (1 above , b Randolph a pos ition with Peninsula Oc Ga. 15 186 County , April , 6, married

cidental a Co. R 1 8 1 887 Ste mship , next with achel Culbreth , Dec . , , and i h F a wholesale bus iness in Thomas t Ga. R D res des in Cu bert , , . . . No .

vill c \ later 3 , with a construction . Children a m company in Bainbridge G . Fro 1 1 7 1891 , Infant , died Feb . , . here he entered the World War , 2 Annie Clay . w here he obtained the rank of 3 Mary Clay b Nov . 25 1895 , , , Lieutenant and was one of the married her cousin , Sydney How ’ last to be discharged . After se d Se B a e ar Jo . . ( e hn . Cl y s lin ) ” curing his discharge he accepted 4 Annie Clay , 2 above , born July , a pos ition with the Phill ipine 1 2 89 , in Randolph County , Ga. mar , G overnment as Ass istant Pur i E a 1 191 0 P r ed rl Worthy, May , . . O.

’ chasing Agent , resigning t o g o ? Ga hildren Lucil Worth Ed son , . z e v, W C A e with the Y . . . . now b ing D 1 b ec. 18 91 1 Estelle Worthy b , , , in the auditing department in May 16 1916 Ella Worthy b May 1 6 , , , , i New York City . Married M ss 191 6 , (Twins ) , Frances Worthy , b - Pattie Edith G andy , daughter of 1 1 1 9 Aug . 3 9 . , T ’ Thomas Gandy of homasville. Edward Peyton Clay , e above ,born. 9 Dec . 29, 1 20. No issue . Address 9 1 6 May , 8 7, in Randolph County , 246 Summitt Ave . , Jersey City , Ga. 5 1891 Married July , , Miss Willie

Louisa Edwards , marriage occuring in 2 JP 26 1 895 t . . New on Dale County , Alabama . Mrs . Clay , b July , , A l a. Clay is a member of the Edwards Thomas County, G , married

has so l imae family of whom there been Bowen of Thomasville , May much newspaper talk in regard to an He enlisted in the famous estate valued at several billion dol Chatham Artillery and did his bit

Gra cestors of the Bennett Family of France an n as e a . In , r ki g S rge nt

' ‘ d County Ga. Andrew Wade K il Il u aml luluw ll e reside at Thom y , l lu C and a e one n patrick enl isted as a private in Com anvl , u. , h v livi g

' H 64th i hllcl M ili l rml C a 1; r l 9 pany Regiment , Georgia In , l y , Ap i , , ntr 18 1 863; 0 he a e os one fa . fa September , was se 192 . T y h v l t in nt y, verel at a 1) a 25 1897 y wounded Crater near Peters 3 T . l l . Cl y , M y , ,

30 1864. e u V a. ' i iH R c ( au b rg , , July , Surrender d murriml Mi ss l l l i i e, l g h e ' 9 T h at V a. A r - ( J l l nur ”31 m ”N N M . , p il , r v , J

‘ ii c l mwl E u c i l ut uul c nt T ho ma fami ed e s Ga. t p , s l y liv n ar Daw on , , un il

County , Ga., and his wife Annie the death of the wife which occurred

M cKinnon He 1884 . Lou Rice . also did about , but do not have dates hit F his in rance , being in the Children l ri r Iu at ck . Motor Transport Service . Res. a Hen ietta p ’

b . Thomasville , Ga. No issue . Almeda Kilpatrick ’ ’ c Taliaferro Kilpatrick . Minnie Clay , g above , born May d’ 27 h a James Kilpatrick . , in Randolp County , G . , ’

e . W A Sallie Kilpatrick . . . married Webb , April 16, 1891 , ’ f Mollie Kilpatrick . and resides at Columbia , Alabama . ’ 22 Children : g Laura Kilpatrick, b Nov . , 0 2 19 1 1 87 8 0 . 1 , d Feb . , Married Florence Webb, b March 1 7,

J. H . 1892 . Brady . No issue , m arried Roy Culbreth , h’ 1 3 1 1914 Cora Kilpatrick , b Dec . , March , , Houston County ,

1872, married Albert N . Davis , . Ala Res . Headland Ala . Chil , formerly a builder and contrae dren are, Ethel Culbreth , b Nov . 28 1914 tor, now c irculation manager of , , Margaret Culbreth b , Ga 2 paper at Moultrie , . Sept . 8, 1 91 7 Sarah Elizabet , h ’ i Viola Kilpatrick . . 24 1919 Culbreth , b Oct , , and ’ Henrietta Kilpatrick , a above , mar Florence Kathrine Culbreth , b A P : ried . . Bragg , children are Feb . 6, 1925. ” A 25 1 William . Bragg b July , 2 , Etta Mae Webb, b Dec . 1 8, 1877, married Susie Henderson . 1894 o , H uston County Ala . mar , , ; res ide at Meigs Ga. Children A , ried Jesse . Culbreth Feb . 20 , , 9 Pearl Bragg b Aug . 2 , 1901 Earl 1915 , , res . Columbia Ala . Chil , 1 1 1 904 Bragg , b Dec . , , Andrew : dren Minnie Maud Culbreth , b Bragg , b Jan . 1 8, 1907, Jim 19 1 91 6 May , , Jesse Earl Cul 1 19 9 Bragg , b Dec . 3 , 0 , Ruby breth b June 23 1920 Hayward , , , atiel u Bragg , b July 19, 1913, K o

B ill Culbreth , b Dec . 17 1921 and , 5 191 6 Bragg , b March 2 , , Emory h 9 Robert Elton Culbret , b July , 1 1 Bragg b Oct . 1 9 9 Rober t 1924 , , , . 2 Bragg b June 8, 19 1 Su sie ” , , 3 e V rna Webb , b Sept . 28, 1896, Bragg , b Oct . 8, 1923. i M r marr ed amie Lois Carrol, es. 2 Thomas Wade Bragg , b July Ga Quitman , . 25 1871 , , married Sarah Jos ie 4 b A 20 1 900 S 1 1 898 u . . Lottie We b , b ept . 8, , Justice , g , Res . Tar

r married Quinn C. Goodman , Oct . pon Sp ings , Fla . Children are 0 ’ 01 Le 2 1921 l 0 m a A la w . 4 19 , . . . Colu bi , . Andre Lit , b Dec , , 1 905 Children , Mary Quinn G oodman , land Thomas , b May 7, , Her

1 2 1922 W b . 25 1908 l 1: b Oct . , , James eb bert, b Feb , , Wal ace ,

o 1 6 1 923 . 14 191 1 G odman , b Dec . , . Sept , , Ess ie May , b May 5 30 1899 2 1914 24 1917 B ill Webb , b Dec . , . , , Sara , b Dec . , , 6 14 19 2 Glorean 1 0 1920 Jessie Webb, b Sept . , 0 , , b Nov . , . 9 19 “ Identifi ed d May , 03. Almeda Kilpatrick , ( as ’ b’ A Identifi ed G . Ella Fair Clay , ( as above ) married James Miller,

' w r above ) daughter of Lewis Clay and hose fi st w ife was also a Kilpatrick ,

Judith Jones Clay , married Andrew and whose son , William , married

Wade Kilpatrick, who was a s on of Laura Clay , daughter of the Rev . B Andrew Wade Kilpatrick and Jennie John . Clay . I have no dates . Both

( a (Scott ) Kilpatrick . Andrew Wade l e d . Children ” w ho A in Kilpatrick had a brother, James , Dora Miller . No Further founded the little city of Sasser, Ter formation .

“ rell County , Ga. A s ister married B Lloyd Douglas Miller , was a

John Bennett and they were the an soldier in the Spanish - American

He Jones Genealogies . ) and his wife are both buried in G’ Mahany Hatcher Shepherd . the Peyton Clay Cemetery , northwest H’ are Harriet Hatcher Pace . of Toomsboro and their graves

. Note : Trad ition assigns to James marked by a handsome monument M Children . Hatcher, brothers and sisters as ’ W . : A . follows Nancy Hatcher , married Lawrence Clay

’ Ga. Hancock of Crawford County , , B Martha Clay .

’ Betsey Hatcher married John Tharp , C David Melton Clay . of Crawford county ;Robert Hatcher , ’ D Edmond William Clay . who lived in Crawford county , and ’ E Narcissa Clay . Reuben Hatcher , who died in Wilkin ’ F . son county , Ga. Sarah Clay ’ ’ w W. A From The King s Mountain Men La rence Clay , above , was 1 32 b born Jan . 2, 8 , in Wilkinson coun y White , page 213, I fi nd that P layl t Georgia married Miss Jane Jack Nicholas , was a s on of Nanc y Hatch y, , n er son , and to them were born childre , a cousin to Henry Clay . This Nancy Hatcher must have been a as follows ’ 0 1 850 d a . 1 daughter or granddaughter of Wil Henry Clay, b Oct , , He Oct . 1 1898. never married , liam Clay, who was the father of ,

~ and lived and died in Wilkinson Mitchell Clay . Several Hatchers re

county, where he was a well sided in B edford county, Virginia , be fore 1800and their wills are recorded known character . ’ F . 1 1 858 b Ella . Clay , b Sept , , in that county . Major John Hatcher A married Elwood G . Robinson . was a res ident of Wilkinson county,

He daughter , Mrs . Mae Robison Law Georgia . and Dr . John Taliaferro is Ga. son , l ives in Dublin , , and were members of the Mt . Nebo

’ D A . R . prominent in . . Circles Church . John Hatcher s wife is C’ supposed to have been named Mary Martha Clay , above , born April 9 1 834 and Brady and the known children are : , , married Stephen Lord

Ga. resided in Wilkinson County , John , Elizabeth, Robert , James and Children were : William Green . ’ ’ 5th Line 1 A a5 a Mary Hall Lord . ’ b Talul lah (Annie ) Lord . Robert Clay , son of David Clay and ’ c Peyton Clay Lord . Eve (Harden ) Clay , and who is iden ’ ’ tified 5 d Narcissa Lord . as under this line , was guar ’ e Mattie Lord . dian for Peyton Clay and Edmund B. ’ f William Lord . Clay after the death of David Cla y, ’ according to the records of Wilkin g Charles Lord . ’ h Dock Lord . son county , Georgia , which w ere pre 9 Mattie (Martha ) Lord , born Aug . , served from fi re. ’ W 1 863 . ( 5th Line 1 A a6 , m James Vaughn , born 0 1 879 4 1855 . 1 . Nov . 1 , ) Dec , She Peyton Clay , son of David Clay

24th 1898. : and Eve (Harden ) Clay and who is died Jan . Children are , " ’ identifi ed 6 1 Bartow Vaughn . as of this line , was born

5 1 80 W 2 Nelle Cora Vaughn . December 2 , 0, in either ash ” Jr. 3 \V . in on W James Vaughn , g t or ilkinson county , Ga. On

19 1 3 4 Nannie Elizabeth Vaughn . December , 8 0, was married to

M 5 Martha Vaughn . Nancy . Jones , a sister of Judith

6 Mary Bell Vaughn . Jones , who married Lewis Clay . She

7 Lena Inez Vaughn . was born December 31 , 1805, died ” - 8 8 Jethe Jeynelle Vaughn . September 19, 1 51 . Peyton Clay was 1 a man of unu sual business ability and Bartow Vaughn , above , married

appears to have b een the only son of Jennie Tippens . Children are ” A Lena Mae . David Clay , who died in Wilkinson

‘ ” H a 1 B Mattie Lou . county , Ga. e was arge slave

C Katherine . holder , one of the stock holders in the

e 2 , construction of the Central Railroad Nell i Cora Vaughn , above mar

' h ri ed Rulice B eck Joiner . Children through that section of t e state , and the largest land owner in Wilkinson are:

h A Baby Nele Joiner (dead ) . county at the time of his death , whic ” occurred on the 1 1th day of Novem B Martha Frances .

W Jr. James . Vaughn , , married Ga. ber, 1880, in Wilkinson county ,

H Lee Coleman , June 3 1885. e was , Confederate service . Their children 0 1 3 188 . a born July , They h ve one were Jr ’ child , Emmett Le e Coleman . born , , a Edmund F iveash Clay, b Feb . r 18 1 885 Ma ch , , married Mary Lae 1 4 1877 Res. , , m Roberta Lane . 0 191 R titie Kelley , Oct . 3 , 8. es. West Frostproof , Fla . Children

Barnesville;Ga. David Hay Clay , b June 1 4, 1916, ’ Evelyn Jordan , b above was born , and Earl Fiveash Clay , b Jun e

. 22 1865 Feb , , married E van Holmes , 12 1918 , . 1890 ' . l st Jan , d Oct . following . b 1 Cora Estelle Clay, b Sept . 6, ’ Jefiie c Jordan , above , was born 1878 B 10 , m James . Lane , Jan . , March 25 1 885 married Thomas Wil , , 19 4 . 0 , res . Brinson , Ga 26 19 ' more Fisher , Oct . , 06. Children 3 c Nancy Sarah Clay , b Oct . 0,

Sarah Elizabeth Fisher , born July M r 1883, m Homer Powell . s. 23 1 907 , ;Joseph Jordan Fisher , born Powell is deceased , but her hus

April 3, 1 909;Thomas Wilmore Fish band lives near Brinson , Ga. er 28 1913 M ’ , born Nov . , ; innie Fishe r, a d Julia Pet ronia Cl y , died quite 9 1 918 born Nov . , . 23 1 880 young , Sept . , . ’ ’ 5th 1 A a W i d ntifi e B Line 7 John . Clay , e d as

’ B. fi rst a Edmund Clay , 7 above , was evi above , married twice , to Gust dentl y the youngest son of David Ann Powell , a sister of Jesse Powell ,

Clay and Eve (Harden ) Clay . (Re who married Nanny Clay , second a

cords of Wilkinson County show th at Mrs . Helms .

Robert Clay , as his g uardian , pai d Just a word , as to the Powells here . of tuition to his teacher , David S. Pearce The Powells who have married so ? to Query . Was he a relative ) He ten into the Clay family appear h married Sallie or Sarah Jones , a ave been descended from John Pow w h daughter of John Lawrence Jones ell and Martha (Wall ) Powell , o Ga and Lucy Taliaferro Jones , who was a lived in Terrell county , . They f V ashin ton sister of Jud ith Jones , who married evidently came from g l to a h Lewis C ay, N ncy Jones , w o county into Lee county , before Ter d h married _Peyton Clay , and to R ichard rell county was create . Jo n Powell o e im Jones , who married Obedience Hatch was a son of William P w ll who

er . , a g randdaughter of David Cla y migrated from England to America . a and Eve (H rden ) Clay . We have no record of children of W Edmund Clay moved to Lee Coun John . Clay by his second wife , but

e t Ga. e fi rst y, , tog ther with L wis Clay, children by his marriage were ’ a . where he died , leaving children as Amanda Clay , m John Holder

follows both dead . A ' ’ David Clay . b Edmund Clay . B’ ’ B W . . John . Clay . c James Clay

’ ’ ’ C e a and Nanny Clay . d and e B ul h Lula Clay ,

The administration of the estate of twins . ’ Edmund B. Clay was begun in Lee f Nannie Clay . ’ Ga . county , but was fi nall d isposed g Thomas Clay , y ’ h a . of in Terrell county , after Terre l l D vid Clay ’ county was made from territory eni i Leila Clay .

braced in Lee county . This family moved to Texas som ’ ’ M r w a i 8os, . David Henry Clay , dentifi ed as A time in the where Clay

k , f above , was born in Wil inson county , stung by some kind of an insect rom

a . G . 1 1841 , April , , and died Dec . 1 6, which he died ’ 1904 identifi ed C , , in Decatur county , Ga. , and was Nanny Clay , as above 9 1 843 1920 buried in Durham cemetery s ituated was born Feb . , , died ,

narried fi rst . in the Northwestern part of the coun , Charles Haynes , Feb

H 1 868. H 1 864 . t . e 1 876 second , Jesse Powell , y married in , Mrs . Guest , , B her fi rst husband she had one who was the widow of James Guest . y

E . Mrs . G uest before her marriage w as child , Salley Haynes , who married

. . r h S. Miss Ma tha Jane Fiveas , a daugh Perry , now deceased Mrs Perry


a. re of resided in Bainbridge , G , until ter John Fiveash and his wife,

centl . o Nanny (Knight) Fiveash . David y when she married a sec nd B Henry Clay was a member of the time . y her second husband she had : Missionary Baptist Church , a Mas children as follows

W . a . G. ter M son , and was wounded in the a Powell

house always had a supply of cloth to descendants are supposed to be Geor satisfy the needs of his slaves , as living in Baldwin County, He w ell as the members of the family . gia , but I have been unable to

but . probably had several children , learn of them 3’ o we know only the names of the fol Millie Clay , identified as ab ve , lowing : married Joseph Harris in Warren e County , Georgia and to them w re a William Monroe Clay . born a large number of children : b John Clay . A ’ F Benjamin . Harris , Sanders c Pats y Clay . a ville , G . William Monroe Clay is said in B’ Elizabeth Harris married Dan Memoirs of Georgia ” to have been Chambers .

1 764 ’ ‘ born in in Virginia . I doubt C T resia Wiley Harris , married that this date is correct , because a Walker , Sandersville , Ga. great many other statements made D ’ F Molly Harris , married B. . therein in regard to the Clay family Gladden . He ’ are not correct . was probably E T resia marrrie A H s , d . . Aine 1 8 0 He born between 7 0 and 1 79 . w orth , Tennille , Ga. ’ died in Washington County , Georgia , F Church Harris unmarried San H , , 1857. e about was a very large man dersvill e, Ga. weighing something like three hun G’ Joseph Harris , married Annie and dred pounds , was able to work up Goss .

’ until the time of his death , which does H W J . Martha Harris , married . not seem to have been probable if he ] Poo , McRae Ga. “ , was born as stated in Memoirs of I ’ Lydia Harris , married Sam ” Georgia . I have talked with thos e Hall . who remember him and this state J’ Thomas Harris married Min H , ment I think is correct . e married nie Hood . ’ Mary , called Polly, Hardin , who was K U L . . Harris , married Lena a dau ghter of Nichola s Hardin and a B oughten , Sandersville , Ga. niece of Eve Hardin , who married ’ L i Ida Harr s , married Jess ie Doo David Clay . (See Hardin Sketch . ) little , Sandersville , Ga. William Clay was a large land owner ’ M E ffi e s H Harri , married James in Washington County . e had many

Renfroe , Sandersville , Ga. children . ’ ’ identifi ed 4 1 Sarah Clay, as above , Pearce Clay, m Susan Ray . They married Turner Hitchcock and to them had two children , John and Wil were born : liam , who were born in Washing A ’ Mary Hitchcock , m Othe Tra ton County, Georg ia , after ward n a G . the family moved West and were wick , Ten ille ,

’ ’ of. B John I lost sight Lucy Hitchcock , m . Ren ’ 2 a Adam Clay , wife was named froe , Harrison , G .

' Geor ia but ’ g , do not know her C m William H itchcock , Sarah

maiden name . They are suppos ed Swint .

to have d escendants in Baldwi n ’ D Hattie H itchcock , m William a County , Georgi , but I have been Underwood . unable to discover any . E ’ ’ Ella Hitchcock , m George Veal . 3 Millie Clay .

’ Nicholas Clay married three times , 4 Sarah Clay.

’ fi rst f r to Sarah Trawick , who was born 5 Martha Clay . No further in o

May 13, 1827, second to Kizzie King, mation . ’ 9 1830 infor who was born May , , and third 6 Nancy Clay . No further

to Naomi Swint , who was born July mation .

’ 3. 1 833. Children 7 Mary Clay , m a Perkerson , but I have not been able to fi nd any First Marriage : ’ m A , , descendants . Ella Clay Rayburn Hall

’ inf r Ga. 8 Lydia Clay . No further o Sandersville ,

’ mation . B William Clay , deceased . ’ ’ 9 N icholas Clay . C B oss ie Clay , deceased . ’

1 \Vill iam . 0 James Clay ’ D Molly Clay, deceased . 1 1 ’ Thomas Clay;wife was named Second Marriage Julia . It is known that they had ’ E Sally Clay . children , Molly and Thomas , and

a son of Thomas Hester, who was a Dorothy Marion Hester ;Henry Hes

12 Jr soldier in the war of 18 , and his ter , . ; Thomas Roderick Hester wife, Millie Hester . Thomas Hester (named for each of his grandfathers ) ; and his wife were among the earl ier David Clay Hester . ’ W identifi ed G settlers in what is now Grady county , Joseph . Hester, as Ga Mar ., and left a large number of chil above , son of Hardy Hester and

dren . tha Clay Hester, was born in Thomas

Ga. . 14 1857 Hardy Hester and his wife Martha county , , Dec , , married a (Clay) H ester had children as fol Addie Belle Moore , of R ndolph

Ga. 1 2 1889 lows county, , Dec . , . Mrs . Hes

’ ter is deceased . Residence of Mr. A Mary Hester, 111 Jefferson Co] hi t Hester is Cairo , Ga. C ldren lins . ’ ‘ a Anderson Hester , b July 6, B’ Sallie Hester , m Jim Cone . 1893 , m Miss Lilla Cone , May C’ W. 13 191 George Hester . , 7. Res ., Cairo , Ga. Chil ’ D : Malinda Hester , m Frank Jor dren Leland Wright Hester , b 2 1919 dan . Feb . , ; Wayne B erna rd E ’ 1 9 1924 Thomas Harden Hester . Hester, b Aug . , . F’ b’ 23 1 896 Missouri Hester, i n Charlie N e Harvie Hester , b Aug . , ,

smith . died in the service of this coun H' w S. C. 18 Zenobia Mc illiams . try at Charleston , , Oct . , ’ G W 1 91 8. Joseph . Hester . ’ c 1 1 91 0 Second marriage : Pearl , b June , . ’ d 19 1912 171 G eorge Hester , married Callie Eula Grace , b Jan . , , 28 1 926 . H e Paul Bond , Feb . . Roads She is now deceased . e r ,

s ides at Pelham , Ga. Two children

Marshall Hester, married Lella Swann RAN D OM N OTE S RE LATIN G - (See Watson Swann Sketch . ) Rut h TO THE CLA Y FAMILY m L . . P 0. Hester, arried Jesse Ragan , .

address , Cairo , Ga.

Thomas H. Hester married Susan , CHA PTE R 6. He Elizabeth Wilder . is now deceased . of Their children are : It has been said that the Clays a’ America are all descended from a Henry Hester .

’ b W common ancestor . There appears to Martin Hester, m Arthur .

be no foundation for this statement . Mills . 0’ E In addition to the Clay immigrants Susan . Hester , m David Brock d’ as given in Chapter I we fi nd t hat Thomas Lee Heater, m Dollie there was another family of Clays Brock .

’ e quite prominent in American history , Clara B elle Hester , m Claude who settled in Philadelphia early in Owens .

’ f the history of our country . These JW . Ruby Hester , m . . Tuggle ’ appear to have been descended from m i g Hansel Hester . Mis s Black . ’ h Ma Robert Clay and Hannah Slater , Annie y Hester , m A . T . w hose marriage was celebrated in Joh nson .

1 678. 1 W a B England in illi m . Hester , unmarried . Another family of Clays came to J H ilda Hester, m Raymond John

North Carolina , where we fi nd in the son . ’ N 1 k orth Carolina State Records , Vol . , Robert Hester, unmarried . ’ 39 a page , that Henry Clay, Sr . , Henry Henry Hester , identified as a bove

Jr. 9 now Clay, , Mary Clay and Priscilla was born Feb . 7, 188 in what is 1 693 a He Clay came to North Carolina in . Grady county, G . married Daisy 1912 Another family of Clays came to El inor M cIver, May 1 6, . e G orgia direct from England . This M r. Hester is a res ident of Cairo , d family appears to have been descend Cu. , h ol ing the position of Cashier cd from Ralph Clay and his w ife of the Cairo Banking Co. His w ife

is a member of the Baptist Church Elizabeth Habersham , of Yorkshire ,

of England . Their son, Joseph Cla , Mv. Hester is one of the Board y

Coun came to America , where he became a cilmen of the City of Cairo , and

is considered one of the safes t busi member of the council of safety, a

i , mss men of this sect on of the State . member of the Provincial Congress a H te member of the Executive Council and C hildren : Daisy es r , deceased ;

Decatur, Ga. mond , Virginia , and she was a cous in

C. E Marvin Clay, res ., Miami , of the wife of Thomas Jefferson .

Fla . They had one child, Joshua Clay , F n A . o a inw di ou t Marie Clay, res Miami Fla . b rn prob bly in D id e C y, . ,

J n r - r r ezferson Clav drew la d in Jasper V irg inia Hé n ied Mi s s Sarah c o t y but h v t h un . I a e not bee n able t o E lis abe J Jt o ave sen

c ' s um any urt he nfo ma e ate t o e e f r i r t ion in t e r l d H nry Clay s grandmo ther .

gard to him . Joshua Clay served four years in the

Co. Greenberry Clay drew land in Mor Revolution , moved to Rutherford , fi ft gan county , but I have been unable to Tennessee , and owned y acres of get any trace of descendants or any land in what is now the heart of

Nashville . His old mans ion if not further recorded information . ,

Green Clay drew land in Haber there now , was standing a few years

. a nd sham County , Ga. ago Joshua Clay his wife had

John Clay drew land in Washing one son , John William Clay . Ga ton county, . John William Clay married Sarah M cRe Edmund Clay drew land in Talbot Mariah e, who was of Scotch Ga county, . This Edmund Clay was . , descent probably the same Edmund Clay w ho C. C. Clay appears to have had

later moved to Jackson county, Fla . , brothers and sisters , but I have not

and who had a son , John or Jack been able to secure information in

, Fl a. Clay long a resident of Concord , , regard to any of them , or details of

I . n w and whose son , Henry Clay , is o H his early life . e appears to have

a resident of Grady county , with Post moved to Macon , where he t ook a ff O ice address at Calvary, Ga. business course , moving from M acon William Clay drew land in Wash to Sumter County , Georgia nea in ton g County , Ga. Americus , where he spent the rest of

Silas N . Clay drew land in Camp his life , being a very successful bus i

bell County Ga. , ness man and p lanter in that commu Samuel Clay drew land in Harris ni He ty. was a Democrat in politic s

County , Georgia . and a member of the Elks organiza These lands were drawn between h tion and of t e Methodist Church . 1 827- 1 838 n , a d the Cla s the most of , y 3 1 877 October , , he married Miss named were evidently children of the Mary Bryan , daughter of Thom as “ early settlers of Georgi a or near rela Green and Martha (Hooks ) Bryan , de i ives who came into the state later . scendants of prominent North Caro Jesse Clay drew s everal tracts of lina families , their children are

land in Wilkes county , Georgia , and f Cli ford C. Clay and Henry Clay . appears to have been later cut off (Above information from Clay into Oglethorpe county where he , m anuscript furnished by Mrs . Mary drew land on Little River and where , Clay of Americus Georgia . ) he is mentioned as being one of the , E d Co. rst o Marriage Records , Decatur fi jur rs of the county . We fi nd d that Jesse Clay married Hannah Cole mond Clay and Liza Riggan , marrie 26 1852 man of e a o n Aug . , . , Am l i c u ty. V a. , in 1790.

l a . h ve frequ ently been asked as to Edmond Clay , Sr , and Elinor Glo M r C 1 7 1 852 C. . . Clay of Americus , Ga. , and ver , married December , 1 1 what relation his l ine is to the other Decatur B ook of Deeds B p 5 ,

- 28 1 831 Clays . His line begins in one John Avy Clay , May , conveys to

Clay of Virginia . It is uncertain as granddaughter Mahany Brown , the to whether this John Clay w as a son daughter of Robert Brown, Territory n of William Clay or the John Cla y , of Florida , and Matilda Clay Brow , pe on ne who was a captain in the Revolution personal pro rty , including e

ary war and who was the eighth gro woman .

child of Henry Clay and Lucy Green . The last of the Clays to be men t ioned u John Clay died in Rutherford County , by s needs to have mention Tennesseein 1 835 at the age of ninty of him prefaced by a little Georgia A f six , which would have made his birth history . t the close of the War o

173 n 1 783 s day in 9. I have learned othing the Revolution in , it appear of the other children of this John that Virginia had more soldiers than

ma rin r Clay , but his wife before her r g e she had land to reward them for thei

was Miss Millicent Epps , of Rich services , and that the State of Vir

J ‘ ones Genealogies (t md N otes Indicative of th e Lineage of

John Law rence Jones

f V i r i o nia N o rth Ca rolina and G e o r ia . g , q


r f John Taliafer o , son of John Talia beth Jones , daughter o Gabriel Jones , ferro and Sarah Smith Taliaferro , a distinguished lawyer of Virginia and “ ” who was the daughter of Major Law known as the Valley Lawyer . His d rence Smith , married Mary Catlett fourth wife was a widow A rmestea , and their children were who before her first marriage was “ 1 r Law ence Taliaferro , b Sept . 8, Mary Ann Fountain . (See Lewis and ” 1721 A llister , m Susanna Powers . Kindred Families by Mc and 2 Martha Taliaferro . Tandy . ) 3 T William aliaferro , b Aug . 9, Fielding Lewis , but not the one 1 726 fi r , m twice ; st Mary Battail e above , drew land in Pitts D istrict , 1 838 who was a daughter of Nicholas Baldwin County , Georgia , about Battaile and Mary Thornton Bat Lewis Jones drew land in Wilkinson

. ew taile county , Ga. Taliaferro Jones dr 4 Lucy Taliaferro , m Col . Charles land in Wilkes county . m Lewis . Mentioned in connection w ith clai s 5 1 t Mary Taliaferro , b about 730, under Yazoo Fraud are Valen ine

4 n B. m Joseph Jones about 17 8. Jos Jones and Seaborn Jo es . Joseph eph Jones and his wife were Jones is mentioned as receiving a

sponsors for Samuel Lew is , son fraudulent grant of a hundred thous i u of Fielding Lewis , and Joseph and acres of land in Frankl n Co nty , l Jones and Edward Rice were 1 794. See History of the Pub ic Do

G McLendon. S. . sureties on bond of William Tal main of Georgia , by iaferro a a , as guardian for minors of Dr . John T liaferro of Georgi ,

William Hunter . (N icholas Tali willed lands to his daughter , Lucy , mes aferro Manuscript . ) next to lands of Joe Jones and na u John Jones , husband of his da ghter , John Lewis of Warner Hill , son of

Councill er John Lewis and Elizabeth Lucy Taliaferro Jones , executor of

his will . For copy of this will see Warner , born in Gloucester county . 1 682 forthcoming sketch of Taliaferro Virginia , in , married Frances Fielding and to them were born family by Miss Willie Ivey , of Ten

m Ga. 1 1 2 ille , Warner Lewis b 7 0. , To prevent confusion as to the two 2 1 25 Fielding Lewis , b 7 . Col . Charles Lewises and also becaus e

3 A n unknown child . the of the interest to the Clay family ,

4 Col . Charles Lewis , m Lucy following information is given

Taliaferro . John Lewis , who was known as

5 John Lewis . Irish John Lewis , married Margaret

2 . Fielding Lewis , above, married Lynn , in Ireland They settled in

fi rst Katherine Washington , daughter America and had the following chil of John Washington and Katherine dren 1 71 6 Whiting Washington . Second Betty 1 Samuel Lewis , b .

1718. Washington , who was a fi rst cousin 2 Thomas Lewis , b He 1 720. of his fi rst wife and a sister of G en . 3 Andrew Lewis, b was h H . w o George Washingt on . e had a son . the Gen Andrew Lewis was fi ve the John Lewis , who was married the commander of army at

’ m . ti es . John s third wife was Eliza the Battle of Point Pleasant

2 iaferro and that his children were Israel Jackson Fountain ( ) born , J 17 1 839 . worthy mates for the Clay descend June , , married Rebecca 65 Hatsfi eld . 1 1 1 8 a d Aug , , and died nts , with whom so many have unite ,

Feb. in marriage . Children were

. John Lawrence Jones , born Dec . 8, A Mary Lucy Fountain

1776 m . 7 , arried Lucy Taliaferro , dau B Ida Nancy Fountain , b Nov , hter r 22 1911 g of John Taliafe ro and Mary 1 868, d May , . '

He i l i 1 797. ident fi ed Harden , in died March , Mary Lucy Fountain , as 1 30 8 . His wife , Lucy (Taliaferro ) ~ v 1 6 1 866 A above , was born N o . , , mar 29 1 80 Jones , was born May , 7 , and 5. . H. . 24 188 ried T . Bragg , Sept , Res : d ied Feb . 28, 1842. Children were Ga. : Irwinton , Children were l st 1 9 1799 Judith Jones , b Sept . , , A 21 1 1 a Willard . Bragg , residence

m Lewis CIay. (See Georgia Oak St . , Vicksburg , Miss . Branch of the Virg inia Clays . ) 1 b Otis Bragg , res . 9 1 Atlanta , 2nd 23rd . Elizabeth Jones , b Sept , Ave . , D ecatur , Ga. 1801 in fi rst A , , a Nelson , and s ec c Mamie Bragg . (Mrs . R. .

. a ond Robert Cameron She had Maddox , res . Irwinton , G . )

Jr. one son , Robert Cameron , , (1 Jennie Bragg .

, v E . and probably others but ha e e Earnest Bragg, res . Pearl in been unable to secure further . Ave , Spartanburg , S. C.

formation . T H r . J f . Bragg , . , res . , Peachtree

3rd 8 5 Ga. Nancy Jones , b Sept . 31 , 1 0 , Road, Atlanta ,

. B W m Peyton Clay . (See Georgia g Ethel Bragg (Mrs . . . Lee ,

121 St. Ga. Branch of the Virginia Clays . ) Church , Decatur , )

4th v 1 6 1 5 h Wilmer Bragg . Cra en Jones , b Sept , 80

i Olan Bragg . is said to have died young and Lucy Ann Fountain born May without issue . 19 1 4 , 8 3, seventh line married Rich 5 , th Sarah Jones b Sept . 15 1808, , , Ha fi l E . t e d ard , who was a s on of S. m Edmund Clay . (See Georgia W Hatfi el . d, m July 1860. B oth fath Branch of the Virginia Clays . ) er and son s erved in the Civil War . 6th 5 1 81 0 is Frances Jones , b July , , Ha fi el Richard E . t d was in the 57th said to have died young and with Ga I . Regiment , Company , and S. IV .

out issue . Hatfi eld 2nd G was in the a. Militia , B h h 7th e eat land Jones . last call . Issue : Hatfi e 8th John Richard Jones . A James Ira ld. 30 1 817 is B Behe a 9th . a l Hatfi l Mary Jones , b Oct , , Lucy th nd e d. u h . Hatfi eld said to ave died yo ng C Clara Frances .

Hat fi eld. 10th Dr; Taliaferro Jones . D Mattie Annie 1 l th M H fi el Frances . Jones . E Samuel Eugene at d, res .

h 22 1824. 12t Seaborn Jones , b Jan . , Irwinton , Ga.

Beheathland es 7th . Hatfi eld . Jon , Line F Sidney Ware , res Mac

Beheathland r N ov. a l st 1 877 Jones , was bo n Intyre , G ., b Jan . , , in 20 1 1812 Ga. . , , in Wilkinson county, , Wilkinson , county , m Jan ,

m s 1 l“ountnin 1 6 1836 1903 r m J a e 1. , Nov , , W innie Co nelia Smith who w 8 1 99 A u 12 ho was born Jan . 7 ;d g . was born in Wilkinson County,

i 1 a : Hatfi eld 1863. Mrs . Founta n died July 2, G . Issue James Ira b 1 1903 1 876, in Wilkinson County , Georgia , Oct . 3 , ; Sidney Johnson Ha fi el d 1 7 1906 A n and is buried at Armah Cemetery . t b March , , ; ni Hatfi eld 9 1 909 Children e Lou , b March , ; 21 J . , 1 Augustus . Fountain , b Sept Emory Smith Hatfield b April 1 91 5 Hatfi el d 27, 1 837, married Louisa Stevens , ;Edna Winifred b 7 22 1 862 . 2 191 . 1860, and died Nov . , , in Jan , Hatfi eld A Confederate service . Children : James Ira , above , born 10 1920 . 1 4 1 861 e . , Beheathland Fountain , m a Dan Dec , , di d Au g , mar 10 fi rst , . , iels, died soon after;Ann ie Foun ried Fannie Stuckey Dec 1885 tain , m John Whittaker . , and second Christie Ann Vick

2 1893. 2 Israel Jackson Fountain . ers , July , Issue by last mar ria e: 3 Lucy Ann Fountain . g

Hatfi eld. 4 Seaborn Jones Fountain . a Christie Ann

Hatfi eld. 5 Thomas Franklin Fountain . b Elizabeth

Hatfi el d. 6 Nancy Caroline Fountain . c Stella Lee

Ga Wilkinson county, . m 1 st . Aug 7 1922 Ga. Rt. Aug . , . Res . Gordon , , 22 1909 H , . Jr to Frank P owers , . 3 H No . . No issue . son of Ella Drake and Frank . Thomas Franklin Fountain , No . 5,

, 2nd 10 191 7 Powers ;October , 29 84 seventh line, born Feb . , 1 8, mar e Jam s Washington Housley . Is ’ 8 1 66 ried Eps ie D ean , Nov . , 8 , and sue by fi rst marriage ; D onal d died Sept ., 1893. Children

Chandler Powers , b Oct . 1 7, 1910, A Luke Fountain .

B ibb County, Cu. B Mattie Fountain .

Leila Augusta Fountain , B above , C Annie Fountain . 16 1 869 fi rst born July , , married Dec . D Liliie Fountain . 1888 , 26 Thomas Davis , second July , E Thomas Fountain . 1896 W . H , . Singletary, res . 1 65 Fair Nancy Caroline Fountain , No . 6,

t St . , a Ga. r mon Atlant , Child en by . i 2 seventh l ne, born March 31 , 185 , in fi rst marriage : l Ga Wi kinson County, . , married La

a Lucia Leona fayette B alkcom March 5 1868. M r. , b Gordon, , , . Davis

Ga. 1 1 40 . 1 1890 . 6 8 Sept , m Aug . 13 1919 Balkcom was born Jan , , W , , . M . : n a Clement Res , Mod . School served in the Co feder te army thru Ga , . : e out the war between the states and Rome Issue Emily Clem nt . ,

b Alvah Davis . died April 25, 1921 . Mr Balkcom

c Thomasine D avis . and his wife were married in Wilkin v Children by second marriage son County, Ga., the ceremony ha

m . d Ellis Singletary, res . Tampa , ing been perfor ed by Rev Charles

Fla . Johnston , Methodist minister . Mrs .

Ga. e Kathleen Singletary . Balkcom resides at Griswoldville ,

Augustus Fountain , C above , born Children

. 7 1871 Sept , , married Mary Allie A Carrie Tallulah Balkcom .

. 25 1 895 . Lavendar , Dec , . Children : B Alonzo Eugene Balkcom , res , Ga a Clara Fountain . Griswoldville , .

b Ernest Fountain . C Annie Irene Balkcom .

B h hl n . c Irvin Fountain . D Estelle e eat a d Balkcom

d Royce Fountain . E Clarence Lafayette Balkcom , Ga e Clayton Fountain . res . Griswoldville , . f e Mary Fountain . Carrie Tallulah Balkcom , A abov ,

. 1 1869 . Bess ie Fountain, D above , born born Feb , , married Dr Schiller

. 9 , 1 873 W . . 16 1 886. Oct , married . Haw (B Poland , Sept , She died

ki ’ , 1893 Oct 9 191 6. ns March , , res . 1820 Marion . , Their children are

St . H , Columbia , S. C. They had only a Sadie Poland . (Mrs . Manuel .

one child , Leila who is dead Jones Orlando Fla . ) , . , ,


Annie b Carl Poland , died in World War . Maebelle Fountain , E above , '

4 . born Dec . , 1875 R W c Annie Estelle Poland , married . 1 Ross 897. 1 1 1 2 Or , Res . 1 1 A Richards on d Eugene Poland, New

St . , Atlanta , Ga. Children leans St. , Hattiesburg , Miss .

E . B P land Hu h . o . a . Ross . e g

S. J b . Ross . f De Witt Poland . e a e c Bascom Ross . Alonzo Eug ne B lkcom , B abov ,

( l ~Iloise 29 1871 a l R oss . born July , , married Leil

Sketoe 15 1894. e Ernest Ros s . , April , Children f H . R. . Clio Ross . a Lucile Balkcom . (Mrs

R ‘ W Ga. . 669 2nd St . ) g . Ross . Stevens , , Macon ,

. h Woodrow Ross . b Thomas Balkcom , res Griswold

F w ol dvill e Ga. Seaborn Fountain , above , born ,

. 9 1 , 877, c Nannie Balkcom , (Mrs Eugene Aug married Minnie Smith , 1899 t . Children : G ibson 8277 Chamberlain S . , D e i a Lizzie Fountain tro t, Michigan .

(1 . . b Archie Fountain . Ava Balkcom (Mrs Robert

Christian Gray Ga. ) c Chandler Fountain . , ,

d B ess ie Maude Fountain e Alice Balkcom . . B . e Marvin Fountain . f Fred alkcom

f . Robert Fountain . g Agnes Balkcom

h Albert Balkcom . g Minnie Jewel Fountain .

A varilla i Milton B alkcom . Fountain , G above , born

~ 30 1882 R j Henry B alkcom . May , , married . S. Sanders ,

Editor of the Pilot Point Post , one of b rey, Texas . the p ioneer newspapers of North R C. B B ertie Bryant . (Mrs . . T exas . The fact that this paper sur 2226 . Hames , Garrett Ave , Dal vived the indignant protests of the x las , Te . ) l awless element , then in power , is no C Vera Bryant , Dallas , Texas . small compliment to its founders . Alvin Cleveland Bryant , A above , Mr ma . Jones was a staunch n, a born July 26, 1 883, married May deacon in the B aptist Church for 191 1 Smith , June 24, , the daughter of nearly forty years , and stood fear James and Fannie Smith , of Aubrey , lessly for law , order and Christian : Texas . Children

. e : c itizenship Children w re 10 a A lton Morris Bryant , b Nov . ,

A Clara B ell Jones , b Feb . 1 7 , 191 3. 1872 , died young . 10 b Norman Dal e Bryant . b Dec . ,

B Lenora Ellen Jones . 1925. m C Ma ie Law Jones . Bertie Bryant, B above , was born

1 8 18 8 C. D Albert Sidney Jones , b Sept . 5, Nov . , 8 , married Rollie Hames , 1 878 222 . , died young . May res 6 Garrett , Ave , : Dallas , Texas . Children E Richard Taliaferro Jones .

! I 0 (1 . F a Elaine CHames , b and Jan Victor Christian Jone s .

G 1919. Willie Jones .

i i b Ellen Kathleen Hames , b June Lenora Ellen Jones , who is dent fi ed B by , eighth line , married Sid ney Johnston Jones , No . 8, tenth line , Rollie C. Hames , parents were h 2 W whic see . Res . 7 1 . Hickory Thomas and Elizabeth Hames , of

Denton , Tex . South Carolina . identifi Mamie Law Jones , ed as C Vera Bryant , C above , was born a 1 3 1 8 1 92 2226 . bove , was born Jan . , 876, mar Oct . , 8 , Garrett Ave , Dal ried Samuel Houston Su llivan , Oct . las , Texas .

26 1898. 24 e . , Res . Box , Sanger , Tex Dr . Taliaferro Jon s , Tenth Line

. i as Children Dr . Taliaferro Jones was born n

u i a 24 1818. a Jack Taliaferro S llivan. W lkinson County , G . , Dec . , w A n b Frances Marion La Sullivan . Soon after completing a cours e at i a u Ga. c Eunice Douschk S llivan . gusta Med cal College , Augusta , dau h Richard Taliaferro Jones , identifi ed married Caroline Jane Saxon , g n 2 as E above , was bor Aug . 6, 1880, ter of Benjamin Saxon , of Twiggs 3rd 1845 1 856 5 1 916 2 . married July . , May Ree Hunt , County , April , In

. 625 res East Park Ave . , San A h ?t hey moved to Dougherty county , set

t . t onio , Texas One child !ling on the East side of the river ,

w l . a Roland Taliaferro Jones . t o mi es from town During the

wI Victor Christian Jones , ident ifi ed as ar between the states he joined a Fa D ec 29 ma caval r , . 1882 r troop but before his company bove was born , , l y ,

. 1 5 191 5 ried Sept , , Carrie M cCraran, left for the front , was requ is itioned 140 e . E res . French Place , San A h by the Government to remain at hom

Tex c tonio , . No issue . t o care for the si k in the Eastern W e identifi ed G . illi Jones , as abov e, ,part of the county 8 188 He t was born Jan . , 7, married Her led an ac ive life in the pursuit Jr 1 5 1 873 man Carl Schultz , ., June , 1 910. of his profess ion until , when ill 36 . 7 Res South Rugby Ave . Hunting health forced his retirement from He , . practice . moved with his family Park HCalifornia Children a erman Carl Schultz . the same year to Albany, where he ul b Charles Frederick Sch tz . continued to reside until his death in

6 1891 . . . s Sarah Ellen Jones , No . , 8th line , May Dr and Mrs Jone had : was born May 1 , 1851 , married So lo the following children

H 1 . mon . Bryant, w ho was a son of Mary Tallulah Jones Massey

2 . Capt . Alex Bryant and Mrs . Kate Paul Eve Jones , died young

A lfriend. 1 881 . Mr H 3 Bryant , in . S. . Bryant Laura Cornela Jones

. 1 1 1897. 4 . d ied Jan , Mrs . Bryant was Henry Clay Jones 5 born in Marianna , Fla . , and died at Benjamin Taliaferro Jones , b

1 . 1 1 855 . Dallas , Texas , Nov . 7, 921 . Chil Nov , , died young

dren : 6 Frances Esther Jones B oon .

7 . A Alvin Cleveland Bryant, A u Francis Bartow Jones , b Aug

and systematic study she earned for Lois Elizabeth Wright , daughter ty- nine seals for her diploma . During Mr \ ri h of . Harry V g t and Harriet the World War she gave herself com (Bullock ) Wright and grand letely r p to the se vice of her country , daughter of general Robert Bul which she served as Director in the 2 1 913 . lock , of Fla ., April , . Mrs S 1925 Mr urgical Training D epartment of the Mrs . Dasher died Nov . .

, r 1 18 local Red Cross and also as Directo D asher w as born May 0, 90. ’

Jr. of publicity for the Woman s organi Issue : Arthur Lee Dasher, , z ation of the Dougherty County Red Elizabeth Care Dasher and Har

. t Cross Association She also conduc riett Ann Dasher . cd the Navy knitting club under the C Gladys Dasher . a Thronateeska uspices of the Chap D Mark Dasher . D , . A . R. a ter She was for many years E Lois Dasher , married Willi m

22 1917. historian for the local Chapter , U . D . Robinson Pate , March , ’ C s t . of Albany and was Regent from Their residence is 1 88 37th , S

, 1916 1918 May to May , , during which M ilwaukee , Wis . They have two time the Chapter grew in membe r children : Lois Elizabeth Pate and

‘ effi cienc and ship and y met every ob James Saxon Pate .

. Wa F Lem‘ ligation imposed by the great r. Frances Dasher , married 1920 M r s. : a d In , Jones was elected to the ard B ailey , children Leon r offi ce Libraian D and Jr. of of Georgia , . A . R. , Bailey , , Lanier Bailey in which she was eminently success Ann Celeste Bailey . ful , due to her g reat love of books G Sidney Jones Dasher .

and her interest in genealogies . Mrs . H Saxon Lanier Dasher .

l 1 h . Jones has a wonderful collection of Francis Marion Jones , t Line

s crap books which she has compiled . Francis Marion Jones , was born r 1 1 1822 She rendered the people of Doughe ty Aug . , , was the son of John county invaluable s ervice in connec Lawrence and Lucy (Taliaferro ) d e tion with the History of Dougherty Jones , married Rebecca Etheri g County which was issued under the Children Thr 1 843 auspices of the onateeska Ch ap 1 Marcellus Jones , b , died

D . A . R. 1 4 ter Mrs . Jones is a g enea when years of age . l o ist 3 1844 g of no mean quality and has 2 George N . Jones , b Jan . , , v done some very valuable genealogical s erved in Civil I ar , married

. Ho ie t research work In her manuscript of p Thomson , res . Pine Hurs , the Taliaferro family which w as pub Ga. Issue : Sallie Jones , Richard lished i a few years ago by the Look Jones , killed in ra lroad accident ,

Ga. 1 91 0 out Magazine of Chattanooga , Ten Cordele , , ;William Jone h essee , she attracted considerable at George N . Jones married second ,

. : tention and has been of invaluable Cora Mask , issue Eva Mildred Jones ; aid to those interested in this wo rk others died young . s ince . 3 John Thomas Jones , born Nov .

3 1 848 . She has been of wonderful help to , , married Sarah Collins the author in this work and it is to Issue : Anna Roe Jones , David

s be regretted that b ec ause of the 1035 Jones , Zebulon Burdette Jone ,

her s n a rri of hu band a d family cares and Fort Gaines , G . , O e Mella

fi nancial e i her interes ts which r q ur Jones , Sidney Johnston Jones , Bi so much of her time , she has not been killed in railroad accident , r

mi h m . able to take over this Sketch which ng a , Ala , Sallie Jones ,

would have been so much better if sh e Samuel Porter Jones , Henry Cla y

could have prepared it . Jones , 1913 Crenshaw Boulevard ,

i en ifi e 9 e Annie Lee Jones , d t d as Los Angeles , Cal . , Taliaferro l oth 7 1864 n A o the line , was born March , , Jo es , Mabel Jones , aron J nes , e 7 marri d Arthur Lee Dasher , Dec . , killed by breaking of telephone Ga 1886 t . a , res . Broad S . , Albany, , pole , two inf nts deceased .

“ 4 Ho i r children p e Ann Jones , married fi st J ai S. JF Sc f A Myrtice Dasher , married Dr . . Monk , second . . ,

4 1916. M Mark E . Perkins , March , Mrs . Scaife was married to r. E M M . . 1 188 They have one child , . Per onk , Feb , 7, upon his death

Jr w 5 1893 kins . hich occurred Nov . , she , J , , sol . F B Capt . Arthur Lee Dasher, married . Scaife in Baker

i D e 23 1894. d er in the World War , married County , Georgia , c. ,





Th ere has been much confus ion in of the rigid winters , came south and setttled in 1706 regard to the early history of this Virginia about , where he resided in Prince William County family. A great many immig rants 4 until the time of his death about 1 73 . have come to America bearing the It is possible that his residence was na e a m of Hardin, Harden and H rding . in that part of Prince William county The tendency among g eneai og ists has which was cut off and organized into 1 5 been to get these various families of Fauquier county in 7 9. It is prob Hardins confused and connect them able that Mark Hardin had brothers u a p, lthough no actual relationship who also came to America and set

e s. xist tled. Evidence indicates that William

In my work in connection with the Harden , who settled in South Caro J lina and who was the ancestor of ones , Clay and Taliaferro families , ' s Com I have succeeded in discovering in Gen . William Hardin of Marion formation which I think w ill be of im mand and also Major Edward Harden ,

Ga. . portance to those interested in the of Athens , was a brother Child Hardin family and this sketch is w rit ren of Mark Hardin and Mary Hogue t en, first, to supply information to Harden were T C aliaferro and lay descendants who l st . John Hardin are also descended from the Hardin 2nd. Martin Hardin

family, and, second , to be a g uide for 3t d. Mark Hardin future study for the history of this

4th. Henry Hardin family. Lack of space and expense of printing forbids my giving documents 5th Martha or Polly Hardin in s i The upport of thes e genealog es . 6th Abagail Hardin ’ “ reader is referred to Collin s History 7th. Anne Hardin ” “ l of Kentucky , Life of Co . B en . Har

8 . i " “ th Elizabeth Hardin d n , History of Savannah and South ” “ e a l r 9th. Alis Hardin G org i by Co . Hardin , Histo y of

Georgia Baptists Bench and Bar of See will of Probate , Prince William ” “ V a. Georgia History of Thomas Coun County, " , ty and numerous documents of coun HEN RY HARDIN (4th Line) a ty records still ext nt. Henry Hardin married Judith Lynch He Mark Hardin was born in Rouen , a near relative of Charles Lynch . 1 660 France in . When he was aout is said to have ass isted at the Battle five s X IV ’ twenty year old Louis is of King s Mountain , but was probably

sued the edict of Restoration , October not a member of any regular organi f t e He 20, 1685, which had the ef ect of z ation because of his age . was liv

' ou t voking the edict of Nantes . Mark ing in Pittsylvania C h y at the immedi Harden was a Huguenot and time of his death , which occurred

ately fled from France , settling either about 1796. D ate of his birth is not H marr ed in . e it England or Wales i known, but was probably about

M , ary Hogue , also spelled Hoge but 1 710. Children were whether the marriage occurred before 1 A varillah Hardin m a Wright . nu . , i e fled from France or after is J n . 2. Mary Hardin m Capt oh a r , tertain. Residing for sho t while in r Taliaferro . (See Tal iafer o, Clay England or Wales he later moved to , and Jones sketches for descend ‘ m a e Lanada with his fa ily, but bec us

has u s ppl ied cons iderable of the c. Mrs . Ellen Hardin Walworth , A information neces sary for the one of the organizers of the D . .

‘ . 1 1 foregoing R. and who died in 9 5. B MARTIN HARDIN N . . It was the mother of thes e three children who as a widow mar There appears two Martin Hardins u a ried Porter Clay, as shown by the in Fauquier Co nty , V . , information

Clay family . Chapter II . relating to Martin Hardin the first is rather meager . It appears that he JOHN HARDIN had children as follows :

1 . 1 2 Martin Hardin , b 7 0. This John Hardin is largely tradi

2. 1 722 William Hardin , b . tional and no records have been found

3. k 1723 Mar Hardin, b . extant relating to him . The cumu

4. 1724 John Hardin , b . lative evidence , however is that he

5. 1 2 B enj amin Hardin , b 7 6. was a resident of Virginia and cir u i The name of his wife is ncerta n . cumstantial evidence indicates most. It has been stated that he married strongly that he moved from Virginia a th Lydia W ters , but e truth of this to North Carolina where he died about statement has not been established. the time of the Revolutionary War . This Marti n Hardin was evidently the No defi nite proof has been found to son of Mark Hardin and Mary Hogu e connect him with the Mark Hardin P V a. H of rince William County, line . owever , the facts and circum M H 11 ARTIN ARDIN . stances indicate that he was so con ne h cted. w w o Martin Hardin , II , of Fauqu ier coun It is not kno n he mar t i y, Virg inia , is sa d to have married ried , but it is thought that his wife st s. He a l Lydia Water w s evidently a and the wife of Mark Hardin , the , grands on of Mark Hard in and Mary of Georgia were related in some way . : Hogue Hardin . I do not have suffi cient Children 1 information to determine as to w hi ch . Adam Hardin .

2. Nicholas Hardin . it was that married Lydia Waters .

w i M H 3. i The fe of artin ardi n II was cer Eve Hardin , m Dav d Clay , and tainl y named Lydia , but as to whether for her descendants reference is

a . . Geor or not her maiden name was w ters , made to Chap IV of the

Hardin or s ome other name I am nu gia Branch of the Virginia Clays .

4 . able to say at this time . Children of . Lois Hardin , m Turnel Hayden Martin Hardin II were Tradition says that there were 3

1 . ah : Sar Hardin, b April 10, 1743. other sons as follows John , Mark 2 r 1 1 4 un Lydia Ha din , b April 0, 7 8. and William , but I have been

3. . 1 1 750 . Mark Hardin b Dec . able to clearly establish this , J 4. J ohn Hardin, b Oct . 1 , 1 753. Adam Hardin , son of ohn Hardin , 5 d fi rst Martin Har in, b Feb . 1 , 1 757. above , was one of the of the Har

6. Rosannah a d We H rdin, b March 9, ins of whom have any record in 176 He Geor 0. Georgia . evidently came to

“ the John Hardin married Jane gia when quite a young man , but He Davis Hardin and had four children : name of his wife is not known .

A . l C 1 789 Sarah Hardin , b 1774. drew and in Wilkes ounty in B 1 90 . Martin Hardin . and in Washington County in 7 ,

C. e Mark Hardin , b 1780. later moving to Putnam County wher

D . and Mary Hardin , died young . he died where his will is pro E . Lydia Hardin , died young . bated . Children were Rosannah F Hardin b 1791 m Cur 1 John Harden , who m Elizabeth

tis Fields . Spivey, sister of Moses Spivey, B i Martin Hardin ( ) married Eliza w homarr ed Sarah Harden .

o a Jr in fi rst beth L g n , daughter of Gen . Logan . 2 Adam Harden , . , Pris D h 2 1818 This was Gen . Martin . Hardin , w o cilla Adams , Nov . , , and m se rved as a major in the war of 1812 second , Ann Elizabeth Flemmin g ,

H a . under Gen . Harrison . e served s by whom there are children furhter in Senator of Kentucky and died in 1823. 3. Hutson Harden . No

Children w ere formation .

a. J l 4. Gen . John Hardin , of I l . Mary Harden , m Abraham Rob

b . a . Gen . Martin D . Hardin , of the erts This family lived in Cowet

' ie Civil War, (1 at St. Augustine, County, where they were p

Florida . h eers of that section .

s ward Harden , the Hardens , of Athen in Lee County near where Daws on ,

Ga. , Ga. . and Savannah, , originated Georgia is now situated when . Ter

Col . m E d Willia Hardin and Maj or rell County was organized .

ward Harden had a sister Rebecca. educa ed under , She was t . Professor who married a White and they are the McN ulty at Dawson and taught fo ancestors of the Stillwells of Rome , , several , years , teaching in several

Ga. counties of the State . Her methods Other Hardens that should be men were in advance of the period in which tioned in this c onnection are Henry she taught and many of the boys and oel a Harden and J H rden , both of girls taught by her have made a suc whom married Crabtrees . From these cess of their lives . are descended the Hardens of Stewart December the 1 1th 1866 she w as

n - v and those arou d Anders on ille . married to Lewis Johnson Rigsby ,

. There are several other Hardens the ceremony having been performed m ' e r Ga. ia her ention d in the early ecords of in Decatur County , Georg , by B most of whom probably belong to the brother the Rev . John . Clay . ce family of Mark Harden of Prin Wil Her complexion was fair eyes gray, m , C V a. lia ounty, To trace them out hair auburn and her height about fi ve and connect them up is beyond the feet and six inches and she weighed

c . L atho s ope of this work ater, if s i from one hundred forty p ounds when ent interest should be manifested thi s young to one hundred eighty when may be done . older . Her features were agreeabl e and her face the most e xpressive of BE HE A THLA N D LUV IN IA (CLAY) her emotions of any that I have eve r ff seen . Grief , pain , su ering, pleasure , RIG S BY . or anger stamped themselves numis The subject of this brief sketch w as tahably on her features . the mother of the author of the fore Her mentality was well developed g o ing sketches . They were prepared

n . in resp onse to an oft repeated request along lines of literature and scie ce

Her memory , imagination , reason and made before her death . The author had intended to delay their prepara judgment was all of a high order . tion and publication until he had rea For several years her health was poor e ched a more advanced age and demand but it was due to no organic caus , for the work had become more insist rather of a nervous character . en t. But upon having been brough t Her ideals were high , her morals rather c lose to death in 1921 and hav above criticism and her temperament ing been made to realize the uncer religious . She had some musical tal tainty of life and the danger of dying ent and sometimes had premonitions

’ without havi ng ful fil led my mother s of coming events . r equest I began the work . The work She joined theBaptist church when

’ ' a Ga. t e is therefore really my mother s and I quite young t Dawson , and have been only the instrument in ex mained a consistent Christian during

' utin ec . I n e g her des igns _ have bee her entir life , her membership having placed under obligation to so many been at various times with New Hope , of ed a t my kindr th t it is imposs ibl e o Cairo , Pleasant Grove and Capel

e t. enumerat and give credit to all , but Churches . She took an active interes ac in addition to my mother, all kindred in Sunday Schools and Miss ionary r whose names appea in the foregoing tivities. It was probably a Sunday sltetches b her are gratefully thanked , and School organized and taught y

r~ every mention is honorable . My moth that laid the foundation for the o er was known in her girlhood as g aniz ation of the Cape] Baptis t “ ” “ ” t Hetthie w as Het ie or Clay and it Church . h w as this name that she liked best . S e Her interest in the unfortunate was the youngest child of Lewis Clay always sympathetic and she extended “ w a and Judith (Jones ) Clay, and s the helping hand to alleviate the suf

Sl 1839 k Co. born Oct . st, in Wil inson fering of many such . h Georgia . Her parents moved to Sum During the last term of school S e ter county, Georg ia while she was taught she became attached to one of for quite young . Remaining there the pup ils in her school , the daughter o a few e to i nly years the family mov d of a widow , Mrs . Subr na Hesters , and u She l n Lee . Co nty, Georgia was ivi g the attachment being mutual , and the