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The State Register Vol


CONVENTION Register Reporter Discovers Ship DELAWARE IS IQUITE FOURTH TEIP OUTLINED Building Yard In The Heart of Laurel FAMOUS FOR EXTRA IS PROMISED BY DR. ELLIOTT Laurel possesses a real ship build­ ship which will no doubt be Laurels Quite a sensation was crea­ ing yard. Few persons know this entry in many a race has taken some ITS PRODUCTION ted here late yesterday’ after­ FOR LAUREL and this is the reason this paper is noon when it became known giving this information out. The fun­ time. Work of caulking the "Mary President Of Laurel Rotary Anna” (this name may be changed) that Jimmy Baity aged 15 had ny part about this ship yard is, it Tourists To This State Ride been kidnapped. Club Gives Interesting Talk is not even located near the water, ' is now going forward and Captain No Celebration Or Demon- Through Country Rich Young Baily is a son of About Events. in fact it is located almost within tiie | Bennett stated in a few weeks time Yude Baity’. When the Bailys station Has Been Planned heart of Laurel. ' the launching ceremonies will take With Vegetables separated about 12 years ago And No Stores Will Close. Ralph Bennett, son of Dr. and Mrs. I place. their three children were put SPEECH WAS DIVIDED R. L, Bennett, is the owner, manager These will take place at the Laurel EVERY MONTH HAS in homes. William Tyndall took SUMMER RESORTS UP INTO TWO PARTS and the employee of , this up-to-date ! creek. Once the boat has been floated Jimmy to raise. The youth was shipyard. An inspection of this place the motor will be installed. It is a SOME NEW CROP last seen with Richard Mitchell WILL BE VISITED Snow Ball Battle In Mid Sum­ by a Register reporter thif; week show- heavy type automobile motor and will who has served two terms in mer Was One Of Features cd an almost complete speed boat no doubt drive the boat at a rapid Late In August And Early In jail for bootlegging. The State Rehoboth Will Probably Have being built. A fine 25 foot craft that rate of speed. Captain Bennett spent September Comes The Grape Police are on the case and it i- Of International Rotary Con­ will have an automobile motor and as hours of study on speedboats of dif- expected fne youth will In* ret­ Large Crowd Because Of vention. the young, skipper stated will be cap- ferent types before drawing the nkir- Harvest Which Attracts Mot­ urned in a sh> r tirm. Beauty Pagent. Ocean City able of doing 25 miles per hour. for his craft. When painted and com- J orists. Expects Crowd. One of the most interesting meet, Captain Bennett has spent many a plete the boat will be quite nifty. The i weary’ hour on the craft. The laying motor will lie placed forward out of! Fr'■ i- a: tuno mgs of Rotary held for quite some of the keel and the building of this sight. time took place at the regular meet­ the bonndary lint* on the south, there DELAWARE Laurel wiU net hav-? public dem­ is no more delightful and beautiful ing of the Laurel Rotary Club in the on -trillion or in uoy v.’iy r ‘iebrate the LAUREL FIREMEN 'MUZZLES ON CANINES place in the east for the tourist, than' ;t!i of July till- year, T'lis- reason for Hotel Rigbie last Monday, when the Delaware. At any time in the spring INCOME TAXES this is given iiecau.,, ,ff the fact that President, Dr. J. Roscoe Elliott gave pummel’ and fall, its farms and orch­ most Laurel citizens (s pecially those a talk oti his recent trip to the Rotary CAPTURE $20 PRIZE MAY NOW BE REMOVED ards, covered either with blossoms or who have automobiles will motor to Convention at Cleveland, . with fruits and vegetables are a do-) ARE FILED the numerous summer resorts that Dr. Elliott divided his talk up into light to the motorist who will find its are within easy traveling distance of two different parts the subject of the Had Best Band In Line During Board Of Health This Week fertile land produces the finest edibles Laurel. first being “Instances of Events” and Big Parade Of Firemen At Lifts The Ban Requiring grown in temperate zones. Total Number Filed Through­ Chief among these is Rehoboth the second being “Inspirations Derived Georgetown Last. I Dogs To Wear Muzzles Beginning in the middle of April out The United States By where a Beauty Pagent will be staged. From the Convention.” and continuing to May 1, the motorist ( People Was 7,698,321. Delaware’s most beautiful girl will .During the convention a pagent was drives through early apple and peach ______i be selected as “Miss Delaware” and staged showing life from the time 30 WERE IN LINE KEEP WATCH ON ALL DOGS sections where the fragrent blossoms „„ „ to date a large number of young lad- of creation to the present time. fill the land with their delightful color; BLUE HEN STATE lies have entered. To the winner of Over 500 actors took part in the great Despite a rainstorm, which kept linn j The Board of Health has given not­ and odor. ! FILED LARGE NUMBER the contest the Rehoboth Chamber of production and over 15,000 people dreds of people away, the firemen’s ice this week that the ban on making From May’ 15 to June 15 and in! —------Commerce will give approximately were in the convention hall to witness parade held at Georgetown last Thur- ■ dogs of Laurel wear muzzles has been some years a bit longer, the luscious j Increase in The Number Of Re- $1,000 worth of prizes, consisting of ■the scenes. sday, was a great, success and, manyj^1. lifted, of providedPt))e dogs howeverwi„ kefip that a c]ose the wlow-, Delaware strawberry, than which no i a building lot and a two weeks vacat­ Another feature of the Rotary Con­ beter are grown in this country’, pre- ■ turns In This State Was 2,061 ion at a leading hotel. In addition to vention was a snow ball battle. Rot­ compnnies were represented. eh on the canines when they are on the vail, starting in the lower sections1 Decrease In Tax Was Very this she will he supplied with an auto­ ary officials at Denver, Colo, had ship­ After the parade all the firemen street. first and containing the blossoming! mobile and chauffeur during her stay. ped a car load of snow in a refriger­ went to the carnival grounds oil Lau­ The killing on the streets of Laurel and harvesting later more northward, I High. Up at Harrington people in that ator car to Cleveland. While the con­ rel street, where concerts Were given several weeks ago of a dog suffering Delaware is the chief strawberry grow i , T „ section are preparing for the largest vention was in session large trucks by the Laurel Firemen's Band and the from the rabies was the cause of the lage sectionnxuuu foriui its.to sizeo./.v in,i. theliic Union.uuiuu. i fh® ^ota lnan’,be,\Federal Income i trottinff races that have ever been hauled the snow to the convention Georgetown Concert Band. ban being placed on dogs. Officials The blossoming and yield of apples ’ Returns filed throughout the Uni- on thc Harrington track. Mr. linll and when the meeting adjourned The parade formed in line on East of the Board of Health state that dur­ constitute one of tiie chief orchard t,e<1 States by Individuals in 1J24, Vinynrd of Laurel lias entered some and the men emerged from the hall Market street and marched toward the ing the summer months it is very crops. -sliowinir income reemved during the j fagt ,)orgp f]esh tW(J ()f t,]£> mes> they were met by a volly of snow balls Sussex County Courthouse, going unreasonable to make a dog wear a Cherries from May to June have calendar year lJ-,„ was i,B.8,3U. The, Ocean City will also claim its quota All then took part in the battle. This down South Front street. West Pine muzzle, and as no new cases of rabies their attraction for those who love; nW('K|'fo net income reported in ()f Sussex County fans. This Mary- demonstration was part of an invit­ street, Race street to West Cedar have broken out, they thing it is quite their delicate flavor. foesp laud “ea resort is quite popular with ation of the Denver officials to invite street, thence up South Bedford street snfe at this time to lift the ban. j In August the famous Delaware tax winch represents ppopiP w|,rt ]I)W seashore, to the convention to their city next around the Public Square and down1 — ------——■— peaches are harvested and only those' t'u‘. Rteatest number of returns filed Still over in tiie Eastern section iff year. East Market street to South Race i who have tasted them can realize their atK' the largest aggregate net income Sussex County Oak Orchard the pup- Next Monday night the Rotary thence to tiie carnival grounds. , BANK EMPLOYEES 1 exquisite flavor. reported for any year. ! plar little Sussex County resort will Club will be entertained with a speech Dr. Walter Robinson, of Rehoboth j WED ON TUESDAY The pears, that come to harvest in ”**, , Delaware the num-, jn, sul.e (|, j,ave ;t!J „t- people f ;r “The Declaration Of Independence” Beacii, and W. Frank Sharp and Geo- ■------■ September, are not raised so exten- !,l’r *‘kd was lJAOu which slniweil Met; the day. All that is being imped for which will he delivered by Frank M, rge O. Fenron, of this city, who acted* Miss Elsa Melvin, daughter of Ira sively as the apples or peaches, but uwome all}“unting to Soi, 4,ii.fi-.1 and „,„v ],y u]„, pjan sppn(- r,., Jones of Georgetown. as judges, viewed the parade from Howard Melvin, of the Federal Liquor for delicacy in taste are the equal. tax $L40;».3!t.,. The number of re- j jaj at lhp ;4 a c„,„( the balcony of the Sussex County! Enforcement service, and William J and many’ consider superior, to those thras being the largest for any year. day. Courthouse. Oliver Baker, son of John IL Baker, grown in any other State. As compared with Hie preceding, —__—— ----- SPACE NEEDED AT The following awards were made; prominent farmer and lumberman, uneLate min augustAugust anoand euriyearly in cwpt*.Sept- >*'ar* ‘•he— ...... fo-r‘ the Vtnterlmutton States nntm eizwennt Best equipment, Carlisle Fire Com-1 were married at the home of the bride ember comes the grape harvest and almw an increase of .110,8Id «>r l.>,4„. LLDIHC DQVC SfTIlljjI DELMARV1A CAMP pany,•, of Milford, $20; best appearance parents in North Laurel at 7 o’clock the hundreds of acres in level, flat fiJT ‘‘eat in the number of returns . Lewes Fire Company, Inc, $20; best! Tuesday morning by Rev. E. Ewell, vineyards, attracts hosts of motorists, filed and increase in the total net in­ UNDER COE. TANNER bahd, Laurel Fire Department, $20; pastor of Christ M, P. Church. The Through roadside markets of which come reported amounting to $5.pn».- Record Breaking Crowds That longest distance traveled, Harrington I Couple left immediately for the Bela- there are hundreds, and nt big comfy 125.31”. nr 23,43 per cent, hut a de­ Fire Company, $20. ware Water Gap, where they trill looking farmhouses, motorists may crease of $157,l)!l5.114 ,,r 18.21 per Bugle Calls And Drills Start Will Attend Have Already cent in the total tax. The parade was headed by the Geor*, spend their honeymoon. Thobride and purchase the products of Delaware Off New Training Put Into Leased All Tents. getown Fire Company hook and lad- groom are employes of the Peoples farms and orchards any day and Bun­ For the State of Delaware the in­ der truck, followed by the George-1 National Bank, and will resume their day, and motor tourists leaving tiie crease in the number of returns was 2 Effect At That Place. WILL START AUGUST 14. town Concert Band. Georgetown fire respective duties on their return from State usually depart with tonneaus 061 or 12.04 per cent the increase in truck and members of the company' their honeymoon. well-filied witlt” delicious fruits"and t,,fal net income amounted to $3. ALL BOYS UNIFORMED Frank W. Wheatley, secretary of oft foot; Lewes Fire Company, dres- , —------vegetables. 475,652 or 6.44 per cent, and the de­ crease in the lax was $428,317 i.r 23. the Delmarvia camp committee, says sed in white, on foot. Bilgte.- re’r.'a’ at t'"’ Harrington fire truck and members MARGUERITE HASTINGS 35 per cent. the committee is wondering what they Ferris Inin-trial Sils -..<1 for buys Tur- will do with the erawds, since they of the company on foot, Selbyville IS TENDERED PARTY GUARDSMEN ENTRAUN The yearly fluctuation in the num- have secured Dr. George W. Cooke and firemen on foot, Carlisle Fire Com- , , ■ ------— hf-r of pcrronal income tax returns fit- sflay f«r the fir-* time in tiie histoty his party to conduct the services. He pany truck and members on foot, Miss Marguerite Hastings was ten- JULY 18 FOR CAMP cd, as welt as the net income and tax ■f !i:e institution. AU the In.ys stout states every tent on this historic Laurel fire truck, Laurel Firemen’s dered a delightful birthday party on reported for the period 1916-1923 f< r t ,. while the* flag was the United States and f,.r Delaware camp ground has been taken, and the Band and members of company on Wednesday of this week in honor of w„,. 4 „ e-re-tl. Tin- ended fin? fir-t day t.f tb? committee could have leased as many font. Greenwood truck and Milton | eighth birthday. The following Will Leave Laurel On Pennsy- sop.ir.ite’y. are shown in tiie follow­ ing table e-taMishmi i.t the military pystert more if they had then). and Millsboro representivee partlcip-| Were present; Frances Shipley, Mary lvania The Morning Of in the suh'id I.y <'•!. A. E. Tan::.”.- In addition to Harold Vigneulle, ated. Ann Shipley, Jane Torbcrt, Betty Tet- July 18 For New Jersey. former primipai the I.aurel High noted songster, who will direct the bert, Ann Calioway, Frances Purnell WHEAT, TOMATOES AND School. music, Mrs, G. W. Cooke, an accom­ .Ellen Fennel, Alberta James, Irene Hue of the fir-t m •vt-s Tanssr plished musician, will preside at the and Rebecca Holloway, Laurnline Old­ WILL SPEND TWO WEEKS CORN CROP PROMISING made up«.n taking up hi- «..«• duties piano. field, Catherine Evans, Charlotte Hea­ was to increase hi- staff. Masfrad Instead of holding over two Sun­ rne, Isabelle Elliott, Eliza Davis, Final arrangements have about been Evan-, with the title of adjutant was days, as is the usual custom with Lorraine Ward, Helen Fleetwod, Rah- made for the encampment t.f Battery uMW, fArri Fran f< Executed appointed quartermaster, and Albert camps on this peninsula the Delmarvia ett Higdon, Frederick Burford Allen. «A« Isep.lge« Sn< a{ W-aley wit!) ti-.e title »? Captain was camp will hold over thtee Sundays, Mr. and Mrs. John Adams, and dan Jack Wheatley, Catherine Hitchens. Throughout The State appojnted relief and a’hlctic offices. which wiii !.;• held thi- year starting August 14, and continuing gliters Dorothy and Helen, have ret­ Laurel Bureau Of Ag. States Both these young nan are from until the SO. The campground Is ad. urned after a visit with friends and at Fort Hancock, Laurel. WILMIKGWK WOMAN mirably situated being on the main relatives in Red I-ion. Pa. »<. The men will entrain at the Penr.sy- TOMATOES ARE GOOD Within a sh«rt time ih« buys wi? Delaware highway between Seaford Mrs. A. A. Richardson, of Philadel­ LOOKS FOR DAUGHTER lvania depot on the morning of July be assigned to the companies and these and Laurel, phia is visiting friends and relatives ------— jgth bound for Jersey City. From Farmers of Delaware wh. are n..t "k’» merit if wiii be appointed in town this week. Mrs. Roney Reese, of SIS Walnut there they wilt go direct to Fort Han- vommsssioned officer?. Frank dril­ Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wright and busy harvesting early apples are »,.w DEER JUMPS IN AUTO ..... ----- Street, Wilmington was In Laurel cock. engaged either in cutting e.r threshing ling teams are expected t > he produc­ daughter Evelyn, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- iasg gafueday seeking Information as Tiie training of the guards men their wheat, and whkh from all ac- ed ftn.l n,,..i.i.r.g f,. Col. Tanner the K. O,’S THE DRIVER mond Cox, of Delmar, leaves tomor- j(> thereabouts c,f her daughter will start off on Monday. The days ec.unts is going t.» t r.,ve one of the beys are elaced over the new system, row for Washington where they will Viola Reese, formerly of Venton, MA, drill will be In close order work, work finest crops in many years. which appeals to tlu-ir sense of imag­ A deer hounding down the mount­ visit friends and relatives., . _ who it is alleged has married a'on the big guhs, lectures, and all sorts While if will not be known nccur- ination. Mrs. K. B. Trought is visiting fn-; Laurel, Del,, boy. Mrs. Keese has not of sports. The men will have even- ain side near Weaverville, Calif., lea­ ately for many weeks hew much the Tiie officers in the scho.il are dres- ped into the rear seat of an antomr.hile ends in Church Hill, Md. ' seen her daughter for some time and ings off to go t« the numerous summer strawberry crop in Delaware yielded in which T, J, Fitzer was a passenger Mr. and Mrs. Harper _ Batts, of • j3 quite anxious to get in touch with resorts that are located near the fort. the growers the past two months here - folf- Army o.iievrs wi,.i the “x.ex- and knocked him unconscious. Then Washingoft, D. are visiting friends Anyone who does know of her Five vacancies exist in the Battery- are. .., many .io,-.things that seem to make icption of,ff thetne army Ineignas. The the surprised animal, with another on West Street. .. , _ whereabouts ...... is... requestedd to write anaand any men that are desirous »f en-on- . «..»«&- the- net- profit?-- beysiir’ys have"aw been uniformed with army leap, escaped from the machine. Fit­ Mrs. A. S. Williams nas returned, 3;^ her mother or notify this listing in the crack Delaware outfit n« loree If not as Imw shirts and breeches with overseas hal's zer was revived by his companions from a few days visit in Behoboth._ paper. are requested to enlist without delay, ao !«♦ year despite the fact'that aX an‘1 p0“aa" , a, ceased was a daughter of Edward are spending some time with relatives j her for the Honor List. jin competition with records from all . Mnrkemen have finished Urn bund- *1^’ Davis. In Bethrlhem, Ta. ! According to A, ®. Tomhavo, Ani- parts of the country, and the T’niver* «ig <‘f an <>**<*»» *h® store of Long Kmt Imok mto »,, Mr. Tbotnss Hnwey, of Rehoboth mmmat Husbandmanliusuanuiuan atut thevhv Univerfdtyvhiyi rruty of!j mvycity vi.of DelawareumvHuv isit* fortunate»viw’.;aw Inui own- & Short, t entral Avenue\ and Market the head-a >while 'x Sie.in.eitser slipped *, Enjoy Straw Ride Delaware, the seven day record of IV ing such * good producing cow. She Mwet ?t> mM-tum to these ^improve- about it. They towed .the catch About 24 young people joumgyed to Beach w*s * Laurel visitor this week. ‘ Oak Orchtrtl hmt night by the Mr. Marion Galloway and family of D. Ona Armaby Beatrice ranks her ‘was bred and raised at the University ttoftta »« to ' •? bare returned home after apwdffig 2$rd out of AS" Records eompetM*- of Delaware Experiment Station for ladies has also Im built m the m,?**®* method. A good thne waa «joyed by ladies dress department. deBcatessms at J1,8K a pmtaA •all. Het seven day record i« l$J»77 pounds Farm, V


Kent and Sussex counties, it is stated Motor To Washington DAIRYMEN TO i that practically every herd has had Mrs. A. E. Culver and Mrs. P. E. a test for tuberculosis, so that the Wootten with their sons Donald and GET PERMITS lower counties seem to be out of it Charles and Mr. J. H. Marvil left as far as the necessity for testing Wednesday by motor for Baltimore goes, but there are some dairies that and Washington, They will visit Mt. FOR AIL MILK need attention from a sanitary stand­ Vernon and many other places of in­ Never Before point. terest in that section. Returning they Wherever the owner of cows or a will leave the boys at Whip Poor Will Dairymen Who Refused To herd has signed up asking the State Hill a camp for boys, where they will Make Their Dairies Sani­ Board of Agriculture to examine the spend their vacation. a Value Like This tary Will Be Refused herd for tuberculosis, these have or will be granted licenses to continue Attended Funeral The Super-Six principle exclu­ attained by any other type. Rev, and Mrs. E, P, Thomas, Mrs. sive to Hudson and Essex, is CATTLE WAS TESTED in business pending the tests. But This Essex, in all ways, is the wherever the owner arbitrarily flaunts ■T. R, Wilson, Mm. S. J. Elliott and responsible for the largest sell­ finest ever built. Easier riding FOR TUBERCULOSIS tl." fart that he will not comply with Miss Martha Benson attended the fun­ ing 6-cylinder cars in the world, and driving, more flexible in the law, he will not receive any per­ eral of Rev T. E. Terry at Magmola because it gives results in performance, handsomer in Most Every Heard In Sussex mit. on .Monday, smooth, brilliant action, reli­ line and finish, it is also lower And Kent Has Been Gone ability and economy never in price than ever before. Over. Drive Now Being Made In New Castle. ESSEX- COACH ihat Delaware dsirvi arc striving to aetp :»ie • ,P pure and free from s.n. and are also doing we. ,.rv i'i have their hams an: > »!• r- .id ti ir •, Mas about the dairy ;? a salutary stanna ' y the r t nit of ' i 1 b'fafe dairies whieu v Ctis week bv R. f>. B( ■ engineer with the >•„; t; hh. Beginning' this ’ ■ ing improvements hut who hove not completed the job. The latter will he known as temporary permits. Think of the pleasure in later life to know that CENTRAL AVENUE GARAGE, Phone 150 Those dairymen, and whose number is few, who have refused for obvious you are financialy able to care for yourself—that you W. J. Quillen, Jr.,Mgr. Laurel, Dela. reasons to attempt to make any im-1 are dependent upon no one for the comforts to which provements to their dairies will be, refused permits until they meet the, your long years of labor justly entitle you, There is State law requirements, ' only one safe way to reach this goal and that is by sav­ i Of the number who will receive per- > ing each pay day a certain amount of your income. We raanent permits the number is 54 pay 4'< Intereston your Savings, others who are in process of improv­ ing the dairy conditions and they will, receive temporary permits. Of those who, because they have been dairying in so smalt a way that innmiininiiihuiiiiiiiuiiimnTmiu'inniiiinTnnninniinintnnnimnm they do not think it will pay them to ; THE BANK make needed improvements, there are about 30 who say they are going to i The Sussex quit the business. There are about 20 others, who are located, it is stated, in New Castle laurel county, who have not been at all am- ’ bilious about complying with the' State law, and what will happen tot Trust Co. them may make new milk history in Delaware. Tn the credit of tin- dairymen of


CROSS-TOWN SERVICE, PLUS Pure Wheat Brand, $2.00 per hundred

Pure Flour Meddlings 2,40 it tl E ARB now operating twenty-five thousand tele­ phones in Delaware. Outside there are fifteen million. Horse Feed 2.40 it U W Our Delaware toll-service network totals 9,086 miles of 80 per cent grain wire..almost half of it in cables. Tying the cities and towns H tl Cow Feed 2,70 of the United States together, and with Canada and Cuba, 24 Per Cent Grain are over five million miles of Bell System wire.

«« it Laying Mash 2.90 This vast telephone plant rounds out the true com* Guaranteed to give results plement of your telephone service. Scratch Feed 2.85 ti tf Important as is your cross-town communication, it la not all-important. Your million and a half toll calls over this company's lines last year, not including the mote distant connections, is impressive evidence. Remember these prices are special {or next week only. A That this service should be kept reliable Is of first its* good tine of feed which we are introducing. You portance. There are occasional storms, both winter and sum* Is will make no mistake in giving it a mer, which the best of telephone plant along the turnpikes cannot withstand. When it goes down, the whole Plant trial Satisfaction guaranteed. Department force goes into emergency action (by the bun* deeds, if need be). And their record is one of yeoman service,

Bven if the trouble is north, south or west beyond our boundaries, the same force is ready. Only last winter a call for help came from the Middle West, and in twenty-four hours a battalion, with its equipment, was on the train.

All-around reliable telephone service, across the street or WOOTTEN & MOORE the State or the Nation, is the standard service of today. The Seed and Seed Strove THE DIAMOND STATE TELEPHONE Laurel, Delaware Market Sheet COMPANY


Persons who have not as yet made ATLANTIC CITY EDS are working on the piers on each sidej A celebration is planned for the op­ Fire Represenative Here SEW SPEEDWAY up their minds regarding the safety of the river have been able to make ening, The details of the celebration The Fire Underwriters Association of balloon tires will see these new tires AT LAUREL, MD. LINE IS PROPOSED fine time and are well ahead of their will be anounced soon after the exact had a represenative In Laurel this in performance on the speed cars, and schedule. No announcement has been j date of the beginning of service has week checking up on the fire fight­ will be able to settle the question once made by officials as to when the ser­ ing apparatus and the new water sy­ New Line Will Run From Wash been made public. At this time infor­ and for all. Particular interest also vice will be started, but such an an­ stem. The result of this inspection OPENS JULY 11 nouncement will likely be made in a mation will also be made public as to will be manifest in some of the new ingjton To. That Pofpular I will probably soon see a cut in the short time. the boats are to be use on the line. i Laurel Insurance rates. mechanical features on the racing Resort By. New Castle, Hundreds Of Delmarvia Sport Fans Are Preparing To At­ cars, such as the supercharger, Mech­ TO USE NEW FERRY tend Worlds Largest Race anically inclined folk declare them­ selves impressed with the efforts of Announcement that motor bus ser­ RALPH DE PALMA AND the speedway officials to make the vice between Washington and Atlantic Every Qood Quality You Expect of Your Tires OTHERS ARE ENTERED track so safe that the element of dan­ City will be established through New ger will be secondary to the matter of Castle, as soon as the New Castle- You Will Find in mechanical performance under ex­ Pennsville ferry begins operation, has All Records For Speed On The pert human guidance. been received with much interest. It Race Track Are Expected The motorist will have an opport­ is an indication of the many possibil­ To Be Broken._ Cars Will unity to see what a modern auto­ ities of this new line, for the promot­ U.S. Royal Cord Average 128 Miles Per Hour. mobile can do when given half a chan­ ers of the bus line selected the New ce, and the speed expected to be Castle-Pennsville route as the legical —WASHINGTON, D. C. July 2,—If shown will, in all probability, be a one for this kind of service. This line advance ticket sales and hotel reser­ forecast of what may some day be is a for runner of similar lines to be and USCO Cord vations in Washington and Baltimore expected on the open highways for run from Baltimore and other points may he accepted as a criterion, there personal transportation when roads in Maryland. will be a record breaking attendance are built as scientifically as the Balt­ Taking advantage of the unusual­ imore Washington speedway. of persons interested in the develop­ ly fine weather, the contractors who ever been put into a tire, you ment of the automobile as it will be need theU.S. Royal Cord—the revealed in the course of the world's standard of value everywhere. championship motor race scheduled If you know you do not need for the Baltimore-Washington speed the extra mileage of the Royal way near Laurel, Md., July 11. Cord but want your motley to While the new track, rated as the bring you full service and fine fastest in the world is expected to at­ appearance—the USCO Cord tract thousands of sportsmen, partic­ is the tire for you. ular interest centers in that portion of the attendance which will be com­ Both are made and guaran­ posed of engineers, manufacturers, teed by the United States Rub­ inventors, accessory builders and car ber Company. Royal Cords —in all sires from owners who recognize in the motor 30x355 inches up. Royal Cord low speedway idea the basis for further pressure Balloons for 20, 21 and 22 progress in motor development. inch rims, and Royal Cord Balloon- According to those close to the Type Tires, technical details of the track,—built USCO Cord-in 30x3 inch and at a cost of nearly a half million dol­ 30x355 inch clincher, and 30x355, lars—it is likely that Peter de Paolo, 32x355, 31x4, 33x4 and 34x4 inch Tommy Milton, Earl Cooper, Bennie straight side. Hill, Harry Hartz, Fred Comer, or ■any one of the many other speedway United StatesUres stars who will compete, will show an Perfect Performance are Good Tires average speed of 128 miles an hour for the 250-mile grind. These is a great deal of staisfaction in driving Hay Harroun, winner of the first &» All Year Resort Citii” daring of the human element in the: forthcoming contest. These features also will interest- many ear owners who see In the motor Cukes-Lopes—Melons speedways a great automotive labor-’ atory, from which crucible comes j many of the innovations in car con-! structlon and design. ’ r

ttott$woo4 Hotel* HoUywo^rf.bY»the*Sda CANCER CURED You who ate shaping plans for vacationyfook over the amaz­ ing opportunity presented by the “Vacation Fortnight0 of AH kinds of Cancer Hollywood*by-the-Sea* and compare ft with anything ynu Cured Positively without have considered. operation: by medicine a- Compared in allurement—and cost. Nothing like It wai ever before placed before vacationists lone, hundreds of cases Irl extent, in Variety, in rest and recreation, and price. eM exp&tf&r inclusive cured. Through a remarkable combination of arrangements, it is Hay fever, Rose chid eas­ possible for the vacationist to go by steamer to Florida, and AU of it for $100 the peetlessbeachofthertation’sromanticstrand—Holbwow- ily cured, When we say that the entire trip can he taken hy-thi-S&J—live at thebeautiful Hollywood hotels, sutf bathe, for $109 we mean exactly we Bay* ThU Call or Write idle on the glittering shore, and mingle with a host of other figure includes round trip, meala and berth on delights, all for $7 a day* ateJimcfsot tbeCIydeSieamshlp LJhe.wnol- Pennsylvania Health In­ And this mcdnsaff; transportation, sleepingquarters,meals ly.>ood*hy*lhe*Sca. Florida. and entertainment. It includes quarters and fncaf a at the Holly­ stitute wood HoteL Hollywood by.lbe-Scs.oneof the Mild, Refreshing Temperature, with the vnosttheautifutandeomfortablehoieUin the 3925 Chestnut St State of Florida. Philadelphia, Pa. Would You Starve Your Children? Invigorating Tang of the Sea ft faefadea aerhvmobite fr?p». *nd many —little fertilizer talks Imagination cannot exaggerate the charts and delight held oatinyd on land and sea. forth in thl? unusual vacation trip. The sea voyage atone is a There are three trips already planned—the vacation inltsclf.YetwithalHBchann.theocean trip ishutan firalon JuneJWlb. second July 14th. and third HY certainly you would—not! But, how about July 23th. Arrange one of these to coincide your tfn’.iKii'i children and l/:eir children's Inkling of the recreation, delights and test that are to tome. with your rsestiort, and wrJle us at uric® for HolIywood-bythc-Sea is an intriguing play spot for ft visit complete details. children? Would you starve item? in any month. Summer and winter, delightful brcercs sweep CHICKEN and WAFFLE W irt ftbrrt theoecsn.keepiftgtheshore comfortable, rehashing. There is the carefree restfulness of the tropics, enlivened Supper We're supposing, of course, you hope vour great grand­ by the spirit to beup and busy with pleasures and activities children will he on the fatm when you’ve passed on and ... the sea and the shore lay nt your fingertips. Here is climate that makes life easy; climate that stays the Every Sunday Hight that they’ll make a good living. But are you doing titt, bandofagc. Thesuniskindlyaddingitswealthofcotor.asit •you can to make things sure for them? rises and sets, io the colotful panorama of soft and land. Day sides and sun outpaint the rainbow in kaleidoscopic htil- liance,nightskiesandmoon out-romance theglamorot Orient. HOTEL RIGBIE Your corn, your potatoes, your wheat, fruit and truck The Atlantic seaside resorts rolled Into or.e offer no mote tbanHollywond. Boating,DeepSea Fishing, automobile rides crops are taking their annual toll of your land. Are Laurel, -J- Dela. through novel scenes, sailing, surf bathing and sightsec.ng. you putting back what they are taking? If not, your And finally, here is the chance to see with your own eyes the realization of the dream of half the people of the Vnitea great grandchildren will never make a living on your States. Amatvelouschaneetoseewhat floridais, Achancc farm. Chances are they’ll be on the farm of some utter to visit Miami, Balm Beach, and all the other splendid seaside spots of the lovely strand which has more romance, mote PATENTS Stranger who took better care of them than you did. beauty, more to charm the imagination and Senses than any other spot in the country. INVENTORS Send ns Lei us help with yout Most for the Least Year IDEAS and we will. ! fertilizer requirements* Think over all your previous vacations. Think over what ABSOLUTELY FREE W CHARGE: you have In mind for this summer. Think it over Search the recartls of the Pat*nt: inconneetionwiththodelightfulptogramotcnioy- Office and report to you our opinion manruffcreJforJiisr$ra»ar.Jn,itanotherexpens?. MakcupyoutmifiJ to enjoy the greatest vacation ns to whether of not you can obtain a von have ever had, or ever had anyone d.Svtibe to patent on your invention. , VALLIANT you, fot Ie,3 than you have ever paid. Wc have assisted thousands of in- A,r promptly and send in this coupon asking tor venters in DEVELOPING and PER-, FERTILIZER complete details. FECTIXtt their IDEAS before filing] A Venice tev.iatrnltue,imine 5 Uinta, r fit JtKt-et • their application papers in the Patent; to.ta day u da, tn dime Office, We can assist YOU. 1 U,illv«.«..»tiv.rha.Si».TBut:nitT»epa«mri>r, COMPANY Suite « Hide., bew VutkCity Take Advantage ef This FREE Offer. Ilea Facta,J B.- : > FInMclpM* Write Today for 120 Balloon Vtteer, Patton, Masv. VALUABLE INFORMATION I FenniyUmU Me.nn.i OoarJoa'.k, Aibntic City GIBSON & FOX .. JOS-.T MrUcMcn BMg. ■ WW»t D- E THE STATE REGISTER, FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1925. Stold Traffic Signs the signs and if the missing one is- THE STATE REGISTER DAN CUPID A BUSY FELUOW Classified Advertisements j Two parking signs were stolen a not returned within a short time ar­ '* 1 LIVE PAPER IN A LIVE TOWN” 1 Dan Cupid was a busy little fellow around few nights ago from their usual place rests .will he made, _____ j Laurel ast week and he succeeded in shooting on the Blades highway. One of the „ ... j" . ' u •!„„ his arrows straight and as a result Clerks of HONEST DOLLAR FLOUR IS THE Pub is 1P( Every cojjp^jjy, i the Courts reported their marriage licenses signs was found along the highway Receiving Congratulations STATE REGISTER BEST at CSc per sack, so are our own THE 1 sales on the increase. near Harbeson, but the other one is Lt. and Mrs. William L. Torbert art ' AT LAUREL, DELAWARE make feeds. Bran at $2.10 Middling at still missing. It is said that Mayor, . . ; These men and women have entered into §2.35—500 pound less. Also our own Hare and the Blades Town Council i receiving congratulations upon the ar. •...... * ' the happy bonds of matrimony, and it is with make Laying and Growing Mash. have been tipped off as to who took I rival of a baby girl, born Monday, EARLE M. IIOLDEN . • Managing Editor , grt.aj- p]ea8ure that this paper wishes these j______W. T. Records ______& Son. : young men and women success in their new UARDWA-RE OP EVERY KIND- JFI..-50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE undertaking. We have watched them grow’ Small & Horsew______li MONTHS—75c. 3 MONTHS—50c ifrom infants to childhood Watched them ! FOR SALE—LARGE SIZE ELEC- j carefully through their schooling, and carried j' tri(, "jjv, fan. Hitchens & Phil- FOREIGN REPRESENATIVES I stories of their victories on the athletic field Delaware. and in the school room. We will continue to j—:------•------M'ilniington, Dei. keep all eye on our Laurel boys and girls that; FOR RENT—UP TO DOIE ST( 1 The Adcraft Co., 917 Shipley Street,...... On Market Street- -Apply to The Independence Day American Press Association, 225 West 39 Street, New ' have now grown to manhood alld. womanhood, 1 State Register, York, N. Y.; X. W. Ayer, Adv. Agency, 308 Chestnut for we with all the town are quite proud of Street, Philadelphia, I’a.; Drechsler—Pcard Co. Munsey them. FESTIVAL—THE PORTSVILI.E M. Building, Baltimore, Md. ,------P. Church will hold a festival Sat-i unlay Eve July lltli near the church, j , WHAT STREET IS THIS? SAT I RD AY MORNING, Jl LY' 3, 1925 FOR RENT—DWELLING CORNER | July Forth is the particular day on Severn! v.cks ago this paper ran an editorial in re­ Central and Clayton Avenue, A. I gards f,, the proper marking of Laurel streets. Since Once which it gives the American Nation H. Phillips.______j SUMMER NEEDS GREATEST then we have been urged by townpeople to follow up great joy to celebrate the tvinning of , , • , ., .i;„,.t,Vo f»r 'his drive and not to give up the fight until Laurel has , FOR SALE—ONE RIDING (lb- A Year U hen hot weather comes it is iiislinctn e im Jrk(,vs wJU nM th.at,)r for elw;lt, Carro, M. their freedom. This is in truth the al workers to clamp on the brakes and reduce lh(. v-ti,r .W(, hvJp h;,u „l, hw fmd their way around , b-lh'dt.______national birthday, and “many happy speed. So is it w ith some merchants, hut not (1„. town without having to ask so many people the way.; BRING YOUR EGGS TO US. 1IIGII- Witll those to whose stores the townspeople The project of marking the streets is up to the! est cash pr!ces paid. American rpturns” to Uncle Sam! iioint with posspsjve pride. Rpoadie advertising ^.r«< and Council and ,iPii,*tigh this paper may run Stor-M Co. is the reason why many business places do not. ^eek unless this honerahl,. body sees FOR SALE—HOUSE FOR RENT lead in the community. Diminished advertising ” ha'- ^7 erected all the editorials m : nd trespass notices. Apply State , . , , ,, . .. . £• . the world would not bo nt any Register office. during the hot weather penod i> the leason toi, nUiSV jnnrkevs om^cd, all theYYQQT, , n..,vn tniD*MirvT’ Some homes only know one Independ­ tile “poor business’ which striving stores However we are quite sure that this governing body' ’ ’’ . ' 2. *. 1 A never complain of in summer. of men have surely seen the necessity of these markers. ‘ < ence Day a year, and that’s not really Stivers in Laurel admit of more advertising' TIw>* are a great necessity to our little city. Towns much —------, an independent day for Mother be­ , .1 , ti,-,.. .— 'smaller than Laurel point with pride to their streets'FOR SALE—1922 OAKLAND SIX; desires m summer than 11 wntti. Thue . t() (,ertain pl.Icei, 01. -„gti reasonable. Apply Russel Gaunt. sweltering weather, even more than when the I what street they may be on at the time. A quick glance; >;o’i'i('j5_MY’ STORE YVILL BE Times But in homes that konw the conven­ snOYV flies and the thromtr drops blow the coal i at the pole on the street corner will plainly show them! vlosfil all day Saturday July 4th. ience of electrical servants, every days lile It is true that human beings wear morelthat theY are "n -AIain Street or whatever the name of!W. II. Cook. A Year day brings independence from tire­ clothing at a wearing in winter than in sum- that particular highway might he NOTICE—CASH PAID FOR FALSE ** ” ne suggested the blue and white marker. A blue teeth, dental gold, platinum and some tasks and irksome duties. Elec­ mer, but both men and women need and eq- background with white letters* made of a material that discarded jewelry. Hoke Smelting & uip themselves YVith more changes of clothing would stand all kinds of weather, ill the meantime let Refining Co.. Otsego, . J3-tf trical appliances help to make every ns have hope. The Mayor and Council have been busy in warm weather than n cold. Then there are FOR SALE—6 ROOM HOUSE, ALL day an independence day for Mother, the summer meals when just meat, bread and with other matters but maybe they can now take up modern conveniences on 5th street. some time to discuss this tine great need for our beloved potatoes won’t do. The automobile requires Possession immediately. Apply Char­ town. les V. Rodney. and ordinary Sunday, evening and holiday WANTED—BOY OVER IB TO* drive desirables in clothing. The summer home learn the printing trade. A good calls fo rmore to lend comfort than do he win­ INDEPENDENCE DAY The Forth of July, appropriately called Independ­ opportunity for the right boy, Good ter quarters. ence Day, marks a policieal cleavage from the mother salary to start. Apply State Regist­ Eastern Shore Gas & Electric Company Busy merchants have come to the realiz- country. But time has brought us a realization of more er. aton of hot weather busness possibilities and than the commemoration of an inevitable strategy am­ PRIVILAGES FOR SALE—THE "Always at your Service” are developing it Yvith interesting and aiiur- ong nations. With the independence from political priviloges of the Delmarvia eamp i ing stocks of merchandise and advertising of bonds, from which the famous Declaration pronounced will he sold on the grounds at Moores LAUREL, DELAWARE the quality and quanity, w’hicli carries their in no uncertain terms, came an independence and a free- Grove, Broad Creek, Del., on Satur-j stores ,to then1 old, . customers, and to those who 1 (’°ni 0<- thought and action which this nation lias Cher- day July 11th at 2 P. M. are to become their new customrs. Newspapers. ;sj,ed f()r ft ecntury atu] a j,alf. jU8t wj,at. w ns Amor-’p~.fi TA,w wi'Fd_“I in. ertisS^Ees^wn Tsfor^their home ’7" P7Pl

advertising is lor the buying pubic. lmt this f(..;Iv tl, t.verv (h;„ki„, Ajlll.ril aa ;1 is never more true- ihan on sweltering hot „f all ,„.lAnll.(iv(, f(>r RlinlI ’ 7’'^" Friday Health Talk No. 1 summer afternoons when a store on paper on A,r in v,,,ah.ur ,, — «pM -j. u.p .,r(1 jjau p( ndvnt us a nation nr-r Markit mid Poplar Street. I ieefrie lights and bath. Apply John are several varieties of goitre. The WHAT ABOUT THE ARMORY ,!i5v hug u. we t. .uithme a wi.e’e: nie in. ,1 YV. Calloway. J-2B-2i Several weeks have passed now since the s f,'nstr'iethc inicr-dtpendt mo among all untieim. watery type is easily and quickly Unde Ben Sa.y< Whole town was enthusiastic over the prop- I-tt the fire,T:ickir> inuk and the hands play, while NOTICE -The Ilel-Mftr-Via eamn subdued, but the other varieties are WiA -Rood Itfahlt will sell the privileges of the IJoard- ositon of havng an armory n Laurel. Laurel ;a‘X Pe^inv °mii«B tent. «ake and confectionery stand more stubborn in yielding to chiro­ ft ersy* a fe!W «< toore Will get the armory, there is no worry about th< "6rI' '‘tr <«*i>nj,, and yet dependent upon al! ------eo.------,i„ Apt Io s?-auri tu< re- and all other privileges on the grounds practic spinal adjustments. fjtieslf Vnilt Sega,*, that, but just a word to these zealous men.i,:e "',ir!d for er.wlationo f her ideals. oy Saturday July 11 1925 at 2 o'tlck who pledged to give so much for the site t ■——------——— P. M. which was purchased. Have you lived up to now TRUE’ J. A. Morgan, President your obligation ? Have you paid over the rnon- Commenting on the reported number of deaths from TYPEWRITERS—RIBBONS—CAR - The cause is removed by ey you said you would give? A payment is fhc rw.nl heat waVf’, in tbe uuddie-west and east, a Y. bon Paper. All makes used type- adjustments of spinal bones flow due on the site and the committee m ;^l. (\ a. secretary ventures that “at least three-forths writers at reasonable prices. Ribbons Charge finds that many have not lived over , (,{ these deaths were due rather to the failer of the vie- ?LO0 each—$9.00 dozen. Carbon pap-J affecting the nerve impulses to the thyroid gland and the stomach. When such adjust­ ments are followed through GTG. Urging these men on at this tinie to get There is a great deal of truth in the assertion of Transportation Of School Children t to the point where the spinal their money m to the proper officials so that 'tfiiq irr.rr.far4, . ,, I 'he final nwment can lie made The 'irehit- lca,Js ',ne to sttrmi„e ns to whether Applications for transportation J NOSE nerves are freed of the pres­ ects tlrawimN "f the? nevT^ft flfiO should he filed at once with J. O.. THROAT -ARMS sure caused by the disturbed will coonbe tOMrtetcT and work: W ill soon start ‘ XT"!?"* <,fpRkd, V’fnI[fy- K 5s!.CilSy’ °£ f6U’ Adams, Business Manager, State alignment of the spinal ahi ~vvii ut~ conipitit f school Pinchednenrs cannot practic Research Bureau, Blafemrnt They have .Gb-f completed another ardu-t A IOv»N PROSPERS in pri.p.irti.iii to the hone- i,fn! otlsefs mav secured from the tin-1, transmit healthful No. '.wer fttsi icrse-M-nso <4 il? boot-td-v Otis school year, and the fruit oftheir labors js . den-igned. impulses. Chi-.epractie a perticniarly iiiM- class of graduates, and mi; The Stale l..»ard of Education will j ac1.;urti:--'R ri&Wrtl.e YSK FOR riNE FEATHERS fine tdr.b ; neither do eacourging number promotions in the rum- •< prej ./.F ? , Hi? fine pictures in a catalog make fine goods. oi.deavur »<• :rrangp contract trans­ booklet by* rnstearJ or when yon erous other grades. Also, tl?-'’ h.w- brought port atie '■ ar the total of the' isppertT’rteis'five £53 LEfUb- LJfrt’S felcin'.f.ne 272 f .1- an 1114*1,intment. fresh laurels of achievement to the county rd-‘ nrivote al’oivatiii?; ‘bat would accrue.' ucatioaal system bv xvinping warm praise fromf A -^AAr i’I.jhu.lr y„u State officials. * i. 'Sa,Ff' Iw‘ wKt be v.-t;e» ye.uv.atit o. make on ad- liujd'., ?i*.iue on a given route Affogether heir work Is,'is been Jiiost efii-i > n :.-«>er jawdiupe. will jufliit”. the sati.c. dent and fruitful. Our regret should he that, . For the foiiiiitg year, ttaat pottot-« Dr. J. A. Wilker knowledge fo1 i’.n altowanees will be made eiily from; we are able to give them fo little in return to; . ad.lrii.mng q.e« ;?«> dm.re Central & Clayton Ave, Laurel, Dela, fosspensate them for thir labors. t the buying public; wui the- public wards it, expects f'f t!lf‘ ^hproval »«f the ap So county in Delaware, and no State is'aLl113 d*fappoi«t<4 if »t.v.e n not get it, : idieatifinf!. Office Hosts:-—I to 5; 6:30 to 8:30 P. M.; Tue«., Thur, ; Prompt eomplianee with thia «of- the Union has a finer, more loyal or efficient 1 ire. is urged for the sake of those: and Sat. Other times by appointment only. slaff than those who are teachera in Sussex, IF THERE® ANYTHING that proves the truth of1X we to he served. i Telephone 272 Thty are men and women who serve faith- the old saying "anticipation inis greater than realizaf-realizat- 5, xtoto Hoard of Education; f:i3'y and well. God bless them! im," st’e tn ordering nrtiefe from a mail-order Iiourc,’ J, a Adame, Business Maftager'^g; THE STATE REGISTER, FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1925.

Injured Boy Improving of his grandmother, Mrs. Samuel Seaford, a sophmore at the Seaford Truitt in Seaford. . George Rart, 17 years old a med­ High School, was badly bitten on the OCAL ical student at the University of Penn Sylvania, boil of Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Girl Bitten By Dog hand last Saturday1 by a dog, The &EA3M H. Hart, of Wilmington who injured Louise Smoot, daughter of Irving wound was cauterized and no serious his spine while, diving in shallow F. Smoot, Democratic leader of East results are anticipated. water- at Oak 'Orchard two weeks ago Kell and Broke Arm is still confined to his bed at the home Jfrs. Carl Davis, aged 50, suffered a fracture of her left arm •when she fell from her porch while watering flowers. The accident was quite pain­ Centenary M. E. Church ful. The Joys ESSEL P. THOMAS, Minister Negro Still At Large of No clue as to the whereabouts of 11 A, M. Morning Worship. Subject of the Thomas Ross, negro who escaped from sermon: “The Witness of Philip.” the Dovei- jail has yet been secured. Sight Select your Boudior Lamp now. If not for your­ Ross escaped on Monday morning, self, they make excellent Birthday Gifts. State police and town officials search­ Forget-if you can—that you are Seven-^Thirty ed a swamp near Dover Wednesday. nature and art. They have lovely shades and add much to the at- What a dismal, dreary world this Dr. Jones will lead the spirited song service. The tractivness of the room. would be. To Attend Convention pastor will speak. Members of the Laurel Firemens Now—think what joys our glasses assure you, if your vision is dim and Centenary Church folks have been loyal this sum­ Band will attend the convention of faulty. Nathan’s Furniture Store the Delaware Volunteer Firemens As­ mer. _ There are only four more Sabbaths before vac­ sociation in Smyrna next Wednesday. They will attempt to take one of the N. S. Hoffecksr ation. Lets continue to crowd the Church at all ser­ SEAFORD — CAMBRIDGE — SALISBURY 5 prizes offered. vices. Jeweler & Optometrist A CALL AND A WELCOME FOR YOU Races At Federalsburg Stacks Driving Park at Federals­ Laurel, Del. Advertise In The Register, It Pays burg will be the scene of some fine races on Wednesday July 15th, com­ mencing at 1 o’clock sharp. Horses from Laurel, Bridgeville, Cambridge and many other places are entered for the races of which there will be five. Black and White Tags When You Go Out In Maryland automobile tags for 1926 will be like those at present being used in Washington, officiate Have announced this week. An order of 300 000 sets of tags has been placed with the Maryland Penitentiary, where all THE SUN— Maryland tags are made by the pri­ soners.

Rail, Storm Did Good The drought of five weeks that kil­ led strawberries, all early vegetables OR THE WIND and white potatoes, and cut black ber­ ries, Squash and cucumbers more than half and kept farmers from planting com and tomatoes until the time limit Was reached was broken by a soak­ ing rain on Monday evening, It was OR THE RAIN- of incalculable value, meaning life to the peninsula farmers that were look­ ing forward to ruin. Your Skin Naturally Is Subjected SPECIAL To A Strain And InevitablygLoses Some Of It’s Fresh Charm. Unless Proper Care Is Taken Afterward

FOR IO DAYS ONLY COLLATES 5% REDUCTION ON ALL OIL STOVES AND OVENS. C. C. OLIPHANT & SON PRODUCTS Laurel, Dela, Phone 55 Witt Help Wonderfully In The Care Of 3> The Skin - Make It A Point To Have Them

PROGRAM Handy All The Time. A Talc, A Soap, A A Cream That You Like. Waller Theatre

TO-NIGHT— COLLEON MOORE in “The Huntress” FINE STATIONERY A different kind of •tory. Added comedy. Up-To-Date Prescripton

SATURDAY-- BOB CUSTER in The Bear Cat** Idaho No. e Skinnera in Silk, Patent comedy

MONDAY A &TVRSDAY- ... D.W. GRIFFITH presc.itt “The While-Rose*’ Orel OetnpRer, Neal Hamilton and all star caste. Added comedy

WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY “Redeeming Sin’’ with Lott Tellegan and NaaimovS Society tarn*. Addrd coriicdy Market Street Laurel, Delaware One show nightly at 8.0S, Price* 2S and i», T*o »hwa Saturday Price* 20 and IO Si THE STATE REGISTER

Now Known As Southern Delaware’s Largest Weekly

Has Within The Past Few Months

Undergone a Phenominal Growth

Increased Advertising Increased Subscriptions Increased News Service

Up-to-the-minute Editorals—Specical Features and Ar


one that is skeptical to come and see ten Pusey of Chicago, president of better to the Editor wy. hex sbs. is As_«4W .months thg America^ Medical Association, Laurel, Delaware old, and wKo lias Been fed on all kinds sounded tHe alarm, 'He' pIcTured th'ou- June 27th, 1925 of green vegetables since he was three sands of small communities, many of and a half months old, and let them The State Register, which at one time had two or three judge for themselves. physicians, as now wunout that be­ Laure!, Delaware, In conclusion I want to say that I Dear Editor;— believe a demand for green vegetabl­ loved old guide, counselor and friend, “Doc.” In looking over your issue of the es can be created in Laurel through education by just such articles as ap­ Dr. Pusey pointed to many things 26th., inst„ I seen and read an article peared in your paper, and a first class that to his thinking, had wrought the the title of which reads as follows. vegetable store would be a paying change. The drift of humanity to the cities was one of his points. He em­ The “Eat plenty of Grqen Vegetables proposition in Laurel if run by a pro- and Keep the Body in a Healthy gessive vegetable merchant. phasized most strongly, however, his belief that the high cost of medical State.” If you think that this article is in­ teresting enough and of value to the education, the longer course of study This is a wonderful article and I general public I wish you would print and the strenuous examinations nec­ want to congratulate the author who it in your worthy paper. essary to get a diploma as the thorns ever he or she may be, because the ( Dr. J. A. YVilker. in the paths of so many young men author certainly knows the value of who would he willing to cuter medic­ eating pleanty of green vegetables ine and start practice is small com­ and therefore is worthy of comment. OLD COUNTRY DOCTORS munities that would he glad to have Before making any comments, may them. I ask where are you going to get the FAST DISAPPEARING The medical graduates of today, having sacrificed their all for an ed­ GOLDEN general run of green vegetables, the farmers have none, many people have ucation, now seek the boulevards of no gardens, and the merchants do not And now comes a cry of terror from success by specialization. They are keep them for sale due to the fact the wilderness! The old "country ’ ambitious to have imposing 'office that they claim that there is no de­ doctor," friend in all thins, is pass­ suites, hospital connections and “of­ mand for them. ing. Who or what will take his place. fice hours.” The country doctors of­ So the question remans where are In a recent address Dr. William Al- i fice hours are “all the time.” you going to get them? I am a great believer in eating plenty of all kinds of green vegetables but try as I may, they can not be had in Laurel. BED Why is there no demand for them ? HAVE YOU PLANNED Simply because that many people have not been educated to the value of green vegetables in the mainten­ ance of their health, and because, meat Your 4th Of July Outing? potatoes, eggs, hot biscuits, and white By Wallace Irwin bread can be prepared with much less trouble. Further I have learned that there Visit are some people in laurel that do not know what a carrot looks like, let a- ione eating them, and as for beat greens, why they have never heard OCEAN CITY that they where good to eat, and so The Season’s Greatest Novel of Morals it is with some of the other green vegetables such as water cress, soup And The greens, swiss chard, etc. and Marriages Starts In I want to say this that many a Doc­ tor bill could be saved, if the people would eat more of the leafy green Blue Bird Tea Room vegetables, they would avoid this an­ noying trouble called constipation, be­ sides many other ailments that are Baltimore Ave. directly due to the eating of improper foods that cause constipation, because when a person is constipated the tox­ Ocean City, Md. The ins of the waste material are absorbed an carried through the blood stream to other ports of the body, where J All Day Service they cause all sorts of trouble. My advise would be to cut down Special Attention To All Dinner Parties on meat, eggs, potatoes, hot biscuits, and white bread, and substitute green STATE REGISTER vegetables, fruits, whole wheat or brand bread or muffins, use the brand ...------— ------• I just as you get it from the mill, which ...... - - ■» W/- ...... - I- A. -» - . . J -1—. -. ■>...... -i . is also a wonderful laxative if used as a cereal. As for the value of all kinds of green vegetables for babies while they Nonpareil Guaranteed Hosiery are still on the bottle, I invite any On Friday, July 10 The Best Made

going to build I Can Prove It USE -owes Concrete Blocks WANTED ! The story of two women—one a golden it- svery Block sold with a Men and women to represent Mills in direct dis gress tearing out men’s hearts for the fascination of Guarantee, tribution of Hosiery for Men, Women and Children S. LLOYD LOWE Very liberal compensation. Exclusive territory. For the game, the other all sympathy and tenderness— interview, write or phone Phone 41 and 128 and what they did to a self-made millionaire who .aurel, Del, H. L. GAFFORD was an all too human combination of strength and District Manager Phone 340-J Bayard Building Weakness. The book, just published, has been BROCCOLI D0VER, DELAWARE. hailed by critics and public alike as the most search* The Italian Greens ing and intimate novel of America marriage ever Seeds Now Ready written. Its pages glow and sparkle with life and WILLIM B. GORDY Banking Service love.lgjlts characters will linger delightfully in your For Particulars see. That Reflects Your Laurel, Delaware jg memory. Business Standards

CHAS, E. MARVIL To the business man there is

House Mover a measurable advantage in a It will be the greatest reading ever-just the sort of a Laurel, »t« Dela. banking connection where his transactions will be given a story to read on your vacation, Order the State Register

Lime and Cement personal interest. now so you will not miss a single installment of this powerful story. CEMENT BLOCKS , You will find here this person­ al interest plus a complete, ef­ ficient service that is an indi­ cation of our appreciation of CLOTHES PRESSED— Remember It Begins Next CLEANED—-SCOURED your patronage.

—AT- t Shur-Smile Pressing Shop The Peoples National Bank OverC.O. Ellis’Stotts “The Bank Of Setvice Since 19031’ LAUREL, »i* DEL, Laurel, Delaware 4


ALL STOCK WAS view of the fact that not more than teams of from ltt to 20 persons each, WILL ENTER FLOAT Nearly 20 Millions Insurance On 10 shares could be subscribed for by m charge of a “Captain" and eyery AT HARRINGTON FAIR Lives Of Delawareans ll 1924 SUBSCRIBED FOR any one person. Approximately 2,300 office in every part of the state had persons subscribed for the issue, its quota. In many instances this At a meeting of the David Grayson quota was exceeded three or four Club held in the Laurel school on Just as a dictionary of the French A “hazer” is a bulldogger's assis­ It is estimated by the Diamond which will be allotted among applic- Wednesday evening plans were dis- language is essential to a European tant. He must pick up the former’s State Telephone Company that sub-! ants. times. scriptions for $1,200,000.00 of its 6% Operators, office boys, stenograpli- A large percentage of the subscrip­ cused for the encampment at Oak trip, so will a dictionary of rodeo lingo mount after the leap and protect him per cent, preferred stock were taken I ers, linemen, installers, office manag- tions obtained provide for purchase of Orchard which will be held the last be of much use to the visitor in the ■from being gored when he realizes his the stock on the installment plan at by employes during the recent stock I ers and practically every other group week in July. About 20 members West, For the especial benefit of the hold on the steer. “Houlihaning” is the rate of $10 per share per month. issue. Complete tabulation of sub- of the 410 Bell System personnel in were present, many here who are contemplating accidentally knocking down a_ steer scriptions has not been made at this{ this State qualified as salesmen and Within the next week an announce­ trips to the cattle country this year, instead of wrestling it. This will not hour, but C. X,. Ritchie, treasurer of ’ saleswomen. Many employes whose ment of the number of shares alloted Discussion was also held relative to the State Register publishes the attac­ be permitted,____ .. .in the Chicago_ Roundup.. the Diamond State Telephone Com-1efforts heretofore had been confined will be made. Bills for first payments entering a float in the Harrington fair hed list of terms used by cowboys “Sunfisher” is a bucking horse that j pany, states his expectation that the' to business offices and switchboard, in full or in part, will be sent during Which will be held on July 31. Prizes the latter part of June, for payment both on the ranch and in the rodeo. twists its body in the air standing j issue of 5,000 shares, par value of found themselves able to talk convin- of $200 will be offered to vocational The Roundup and World’s Champion- on its hind legs so that the sun hits ( $5000,000, has been subscribed 240 eingly of security, returns and others on Juny 1. Stock certificates will he ship Rodeo this year will be held in | its stomach. “Crow liops” is a term-per cent. matters relating to investment. delivered as soon as practicable after agriculture schools and they will be Grant Park, Chicago, August 15 to 23, describing mild bucking motions of a . This is especially remarkable in The entire force was divided in the completion of payments. divided up into nine awards. under the direction of the Chicago! broncho. "Salty” signifies spirit orf. Association of Commerce, with “Tex” I viciousness in a horse. Austin, world famous cowboy in char-) “Eating gravel” means being'sj ge of the contests. (thrown from a bucking broncho or = “Rodeo” is the Mexican word for) steer. -■ =|g "roundup". It is pronounced “Ro-' “Pulling leather,” “shaking hands . gj day'-o.” (with grandma,” “grabbing the safety = “Broncho" is another word orgin- knob” all mean holding to the sad- sg lith.g ir, Mexico and rignifit-s “mean” die which disqualifies a broncho rider. =g and “hod" tempered :is applied to a “Dog full’ is putting a steer down with = vieb-us and-.inoroheii hol'.-e. A “br..s- b feet under. The throw is not vni- sg .-ho buster" i« im rely a h ”. < me • j ». fi until the steer flat „n hie side gg "BoH-d-'-pffinE" is ftcer 1 > 11 s ’> ’1 fimr feci, nf. =5 ■i One Day Excursions 'IO to the Searhore J ■ G SHOE SALE ATLANTIC CITY|| Will Continue WEDNESDAY, JULY 22 g |g TUESDAY, AUGUST 18 gig SPECIAL TRAIN via Delaware River Bridge without change Hf of cars. ||§ Eastern Standard Time g§ A. M. B 2 More Weeks Leave Loretto ------0.45 Eden...... —...... 6.53 “ Fruitland ______7.00 3.85 “ Salisbury______„______7.15 3.75 “ Delmar______7.33 3,50 Get a Pair of Shoes Free " Laurel______-____ -______7.47 3,50 Arrive Atlantic City (South Carolina Avenue)_.12.11 P. M.__ Returning special train leaves Atlantic City (So. Carolina Ave.) To the first fifty customers each day for the next Two 7:30 P. M, Weeks, that make a purchase of $3.00 or more; we will give THE STANDARD RAILROAD OF THE WORM, absolutely FREE a pair of netv shoes, You simple purchase shoes or hosiery to the amount of $3.00 °r more from our Pennsyvania Railroad immense stock anytime during the next two weeks and get a THE STANDARD RAILROAD OF THE WORLD pair of shoes given to you,’ Sil Womens $3 and $3.50 Pumps

We Must Be Doing In a variety of styles (M QC and leathers, both medium and low heel. Our Job Well Misses $3 and $3.50 Pumps and Oxfords In 1859 the customers we served daily numbered Young Men’s Oxfords less than 100, now it Is our pleasant duty’to’serve With and without straps, in all On the Nett) Balloon Toe more than two million people every day, leathers and every desir- (PI QC able pattern. Shape. $3.95

RICH CREAMY CHEESE 27 | Come Early and Get a Pair of Shoes Free

S6.00 Hollywood Suede Sartdals $3.95 Childrens Shoes Tan And Black A &P SULTANA FRUIT $6.00 Womens Two Tone Pumps $3$5 With good oak leather Soles 95c (With Pectin) Patent and Tan $5 Miami Sandals $3.95 Children’s Patent One Strap Pumps 75c Baked $1.95 $4.00 Misses and Childrens Pumps Childrens Strap Pumps Womens White Pumps $1.50 BEANS JAM In a variety of styles and Mens Tennis Bals, suction sole $1.25 leathers 3 CAN 23c JAR Little Boys Tennis Bals $1.00 21c Mens and Boy'sTennis Oxfords 75c Mens $5.00 Shoes And Oxfords Various Shapes in all the CANADA DRY liens Leather Work Shoes------_$L95 desired leathers Mens Munson Last Army Shoes —$2.45 Ginger Ale BOT 18c Boys $5.00 Ballon Toe Oxfords ....$3.50 Boys $ 1.00 Dress Oxfords------$2.95 Women’s High Grade Pumps Thursday and Friday Womens Juliettes. All Kinds—_$1,95 . All leathers and all colors in Thursday an d Friday Good Year Welt and Hand Arrow /Wen’s $4.00 Dress Oxfords Turned Shoes that sell regular­ Coca Cola ') hose arc new Shoes that ly at $6.00______Special have not been in our store 6 BOT, :!'? i!ays. tw» Women’s $4.00 and $5.00 Pumps 25c In big variety of patterns and 4 bot 25c Young Men's Dress Oxfords Plus Deposit on Bottles toe shapes both low and med­ plus Deposit on Bottles T he square toe shape Oxfotds $ ium heels. Patent leather suede They are a real bargain. 2.95 kids, tan calf, two tone effects, etc. c'iT Ginger Ale 2 B0T 25c Women’s $2.50 White PLUS DEPOSIT 'ON BOTTLES Y e Old Time Comfort Shoe Canvas Oxfords PEANUT $2.95 95c BUTTER 17c


VOL. XXXI, NO. 24. LAUREL, DELAWARE, FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1925 PRICE THREE CENTS 1AUREL FIREMEN June 1925 Broke All Heat Records In FIVE RECRUITS THEY BELIEVE 'CRANES OPENS HAD BEST BAND Laurel As Therometer Climbed Up To 101 IN ADVERTISING NEEDED FOR ------'--ite. ) DISTRIBUTING AT CONVENTION There will not be another June like one old timer. There was sunshine MUSKOGEE, OKLA%-DoSiiV, the one that just passed for centuries in Laurel every day last month. The BATTERY HERE here the merchants believe in i , FACTORY HERE weather observers in the United States smallest amount of sunshine on any advertising to the extent that have stated. The average maxiura day was twenty-seven per cent." 325 In Gold Was Given Laurel temperature for the month was 78.8 when the editor makes a mis­ Rain was recorded on seven days Militiamen Will Entrain Next take he is hauled into court to . Ice Cream For Entire Eastern Organization After Long degrees, of 6.1 degrees above normal last month, yet the precipation was Only six of the thirty days failed to Saturday For Two Weeks pay the damages for loses of Shore Will Now Be Sent Parade Held. only 1.01 inches, which is 2.83 inches business. show a temperature above normal. below normal rainfall for June. Twel­ Stay At Fort Hancock. Out From Plant, The hottest day on record was June R. I. Blakeny, proprietor of TEN BANDS IN LINE ve days were clear, thirteen partly 5, when the mercury reached the phen­ cloudy and five cloudy. the Pickwick Club grocery store WILL BE ACCOMPANIED of Muskogee, placed an ad with ICELESS CABINETS COMPETED FOR PRIZE omena] early June temperature of 101 Some Laurel folks say that the degrees. The minium temperature, BY ARMY INSTRUCTORS the editor of the Daily Phoenix LOANED DEALERS weather on Monday of this week was of that city with instructions Fire Loss Of Delaware For The 56 degrees, was recorded June 11th. equal to any in June, However thero- " has nothing on Laurel Lieutenant Torbert With De-) for running in one evening is­ meters have failed to register the tem­ sue. The ad copy was lost in A. W. Baker, Of Trenton Leas­ Past Three Years Has Been when it comes to sunshiny days, stated perature nr high as that ef June 5th. tail Of Men Will Leave Ear- j Less Than Any Other State the print shop and the nil failed ed Delaware Ice Cream Plant. ly Next Wek To Arrange En-) to appear. Suit was brought President Says 600,000 Quarts Used 'Each TWO AUTO RACERS KU KLUX MEETING campment. against the editor for recovery of damages to the uroevry bus­ Year. The Laurel Eire Department again ARE BADLY IN HIRED; IN LAUREL TONIGHT Bright and early next Saturday1 iness through the failure of the atl to append. The sum of sine Lame! odvar.ci ? in,U':> rtep this put Laurel on the map when they cap­ morning, members of Battery “A”, tured n $25 prize for having the best Was asked in the suit. wee!, when fin- ( In' 1st, Sen. Bn. Delaware National Guard band in line nt the parade of the Two Accidents Are Reported i Attempts Will Be Made 'To Or- The grocery man states in lie- pisny id I’hikne-ipliia till- we. I;'.le for the leasing ade was a mile long. J. B, Raymon, Seaford, and Willis Reports were going the rounds on cent discharge of some men who have ! of tile

as K'eadijburg', Asbury Park, Atlantic There Are Nearly 4,000 In The Laurel this week. the fair grounds, tearing it up for , Th(i’ ■going by train, others by automobile The Delmar Kian is an active or­ Highland and many other places along District Of Which Dela­ The old building is being painted fifty yards and turning over, catch­ the coast. and' given a, general cleaning,—and and several companies making the trip ganization and it is said to be the ware Is A Part. in their fire apparatus. Business ing him under it. As the car turned largest Kian on the Eastern Shore. In order that all may be assembled when it is’complete wilt be one of houses and dwellings along the prin­ it caught fire, the flames. reaching Meetings are held every two weeks nnd in Laurel on time for the Satur­ the most up-to-date.planls on the Eas­ cipal streets were trimmed with bun­ Raymon’s left foot, burning him to the with an almost 100 per cent attend­ day morning train the men have been LONK LIST CHECKED tern Shore. '&.t~» . ting and presented a gala appearance. knee, before help arrived. Raymon ance at every meeting. ordered to report for duty on Friday IN MONTH OF MAY Trucks are now engu^.m bringing The Laurel Firemens Band made was pinned under the ear with the Laurel had a Kian one time but evening. They will either sleep ia ______thetho creameream fromfi*nm thetlw PhiladelphiaFhUndftmkm plantnlnnf- the trip in the bus. The Colonial steering wheel pressing against his for some reason it was not kept alive. pup tents or in the school auditorium. I _ ,, , . tto Laurel. Here the cream igAplaced Hotel was their headquarters nnd at breast and side. Besides being burn­ Lieutenant Torbert with two men i Uncle Sam Will Get All Those ■ in the cold storage rooms and aetfequt 10 o’clock the band gave a- concert ed, two of his ribs were fractured and will leave three days ahead of time Who Are Trying To Escape I to towns all over the Peninsula, in front of this hotel, They were! he suffered injuries to ins breast. to arrange the encampment and see, p ; The Incoine Taxes, i Mr. Baker is aiming to render the loudy applauded by those who crow-, Cannon’s car also caught fire dur­ that everything is in shape for the1 • best possible service to users of Crane rted around to hear the concert nnd ing one tif the races. He jumped guardsmen. This is the only unit in cream and the dealers are now being during the line of march their appear-1 Tram the racer, while it was going th... estate...... that will romp.... nut'...... of...... Deia.. , Uncle Sam is not letting up in the. equipped with cabinets, a recent ance was the signal for n thunderous,sixty miles an hour, suffered serious ware, the rest of the National Guard iprohing of tax returns of citizens, invention, Tlie cabinets will hold eutiiurst of applause. The uniform! gash on the side of his head and one Mrs. Ethel Hastings has returned going to Rehohoth. j though the long silence "f the trial-'H hinds of vream and the temperature for the day was white. i of his cars torn loose. The local militiamen will lie accont. i swv ott ps uin-rati ms in thia direct- ’n tkl' vaMnenf is kept at zero or he- Other bands in line were the Smyrna- Harry (Happy) Russell, Bridge- home after a visit with hei' son in Muuieipal Band,_ the _Fort duPontf ville, came i]i first in two of the main Harrisburg, Pa, Captain F, Hutchins?•? andP’?u SergeantCa!,,“£i . * have misledL. the public into a dayJ"" tov tin- mining of“ a f,small'w elect*« soldiers band, Robinsons Band of Phila i events nnd Joe Harrison, Berlin, Aid..' Mr. and Mrs, J, Handy Elliott, of Waters, of Wilmington and Sergeant » contrary Assumption. Adc motor, ielphirt, and many...—. others. i won the other principal events. Drexel-----,,,,,, Hili, tPa.,,_ ...... were ...... iweek— end guests Barwick, of Dover, AB of these men in the month i f Stay, tin* ilopart-) Another invention width is atfract- j ...... J with relatives in town this week nre from the regular army and will het mint revealed in a long statement to* W attention among ice eream users the instructors at the eamp, ' rtoy, deputy collectorof tin- internal fe t,1<> PafeBt !i‘ «4»feh Ute AMBULANCE NEEDED 'LAUREL WAS ISOLATED IN THIS TERRITORY) OVER THE HOLIDAYS^-™ a- a ». «,«. JULY FOURTH PROGRAM S&W5B i town. ------'----- ' ' ' : Miss Carrie Moore has returned BY LAUREL ROTARIANS ware, Maryland. New Jersey nnd closed is made air tight. Tiiis act’ I Apparatus Locuted At Laurel Largest Crowd In History Re-jjmme after spending some time in Pennsylvania, and collected delinquent tlie e.iw :.s a Tlievm».- Lottie and Would Be Great Help In . ported At Rehobeth Beach New York and New Jersey, amt will ------taxes amounting ti Sil,Sil Insides cream tint, jad.ed will keep f„r i< “ , i rx i i p i i be at the Delmarvia camp, at Moores Frank M, Jones, Of George- making additional a lossminl i of hours. It hisuiies only n few eceond Time Of Accident* On Last faatuiday* . Grovf ta assign Ihp cottages? t*> ttonre town Was Chief Speaker ; $13,16:), hereafter to lie eolleeted. to plate the n, am in a bag and str.v.‘ Who first applied. In tiie same division in May, i'fid the lid d -wi:. Tin- old way require,’ MANY ARE IN THIS STATE LAUREL STORES OPEN. ?fx.( an(] Mrs. Sewell Moore and At Banquet, miscellaneous tax deiinquentu were mutli nioie tine- mol tin* wooden nae- . daughter Catherine Atirahelle, of New discovered, resulting in Ihe < olleit- l.er witii its 1 ..-.J jeo increased ex- PRESENT ion of $31,10(5 and the reporting for pre-; rat. f r *i., Talk has been going the rounds ov- Laurel was a desolate looking plate York, are spending Rome time with VISTORS ARE last Saturday which was tile forth., Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Moore, .______. i assessment of SIP,"33. A long torsi h-.-qi• im- ■ n an tired ^r ilie prospect uf Laurel having an No program or events had been plan-i Misses Laura Gorton, of Hiimitig- A Forth of Jr.lv pr. p.™ was feat-. ?n fiip rountry in .May. den- i.n the h-.r’diu-;nr.! it i ■ probable ip-to-date ambulance. It could lie ,. . r«M, on. ton, Eve Heaton, and Alda Powell, of iifod at tho regular meeting of ihe U{P (ollteten male r.» k« than .-2.- that in Ui-. ...» fut irt- instead of lied tn town and as a result every per- .. ' Jther owned by the fire company i r . ,, . , . , 'Dover were guests of Mr Blanelie Rotarv Dluit in tlie Hotel RigbSe Mon- investigation--, resulting m mbit- hrmgmg th- . r. a. fr <.) trie plnut in s,.n whncotthl nwlonl to the seashore., 4,ver tlic holidays. by an organization. dav night. Frank M. Jones was Die '«>onal taxes ami anting to $o.:k"k..u, PlnludelpIn. it ;nuiv hi • made here Many other towns in Delaware have The majority of the stores however; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Melvin, of Mii- speaker and his address wa: on the "f *'«« SL2I.,.2.5 has li.eii <-1- m Laur.k This ny ba? been I.epf open for business. Laurel wnsiivillc, N, J„ have been visiting Mr. Declaration of Independent. al?! Vl‘‘ Tl; mai" la•li1 UPJ •■tin r paints seen the need of an apparatus of thia t),e oniv town around this section that hk-lvin’s parents Mr. and Mr.-. Wil- Eolarian Bush of Wilmington Club f’’t' whht««wl a^.-essmeuL on the kasto!:.- for over 2i* kindhid and have purchased fine mach- liam Melvin. and Albert Culver of Laurel were vis- « m '>ne of tae evident piirpmo- of yearAt th - lue-int tine Easter', l.npt its imes open, even the Sails-, Anderson and Mis? ties. Smyma is the closest town iters ->t Dm meeti'i" the in usury statement to remind tlie M’.nr- ;. .p.. :.i\- 1.1 .midug a!.„ut bury meiihants dosing their placesi Mildred Horsey are visiting in Ocean 1 mving a machine owned iiy an organ- The“progwmi next week will he put that the-v investigation- are (.udteUii qm.-t- ;J „.:i. of busino-::-!. ,City, N. J, on by the fellowship (ommittee with bemg pursued, m Dm natural exnc- _ Mr. Gr..rge b;.,.er, fori.n rely of the aatioti. Pome fire companies in Dela­ While Iteholuith reported the large d ’ Mr. and Airs. J. f>. Murphy, uf L. Kay Otwell as chairman. On July iation that the to »'/ wil! be grcnfi r Delaware Tru,; C-mraiiy 1m- been ware have i!:e-e apparalus and the crowd in its history, Ocean City and Goldsboro, Md , are the guests of their 2i) tha program wilt he given by the ’are on tk.e par. ,f tsie taxpayers in made office manager. 2pney with which to hay them were 1 'son and daughter in law Mr, and Mrs. eiassifieation committee under tlie Complying witii tlie law hereafter. —1------Dai: Orchardak stated they Hurt Iar- r f 5tut.plljr Drt Wwt treet. “Tlie figures shown,'' tlie stale­ Laised liy papular subscription. direction of diaries G. West, and on FIVE PERSONS INJURED V An mnl.ulanie located herein Laurel fro™*' Alisa Pearl Bchblficid, of Chester r reported was sent to was a visitor with friends in town last |,mld cover quite a lot of territory. A Vtf,.k.f.n(i. IN AUTOMOBILE CRASH With Hie new roads and mctrasing n,„,„ gw,. Unl««Hv -^r- f’hartes Hoffman of Hnckt-n number of automobiles accident; be- Saturl.ay, to k..n > •• •. ( n, 5s a guest at ilie honn time." i.me more frequent and in many chc-cn an the E-kri,lge and Walter Hill. Eskridge, Any suggestinos in regards to Laurel ivflnia. Many other States were also ington. D. C.. were reient guests at to, also Howard Martin Evans, Leon ini’?, beautiful girl in Deh..«e. She Who was driving, had mi the front seat. was crowned a- ‘‘Mi-s Delaware’ and tiaving an ambulan co will tie pub- ^presented. Die home of Mr, and Mrs. E. N. Smith nrd Murphy, Dallas Workman and , , , , . ’ witii him, ML-; Mildred Eusswaters, iifilwd in this paper. —------—-...... on West Street. Nortin Godwin, 1 >n addition was awarded n number of Robert If. Magee, of Philadelphia ______.prizes approximating Sl.UOO in -value. the oilier three r,eupants being in tbe STREET SIGNS ARE spent Die past week end litre with : Miss Gladya Harrington represent* rear. Tlie stirrin;; gear broke and NEW SERIAL STORY ORDERED FOR LAUREL friends and relatives, MRS. IDA HASTINGS ,ed "Mini Laurel" and ML? Wilma Lst.rM, c ! a.- cj Vl* H.e maeh- ,.-...... iMe'son, of Deb«:.r rial a t.aiu'cl High STARtlNG THIS WEEK ----- ,—— j Gardner Bryan and Emory Eilinit li:;'. It nt iat, th,- .■’hutment af a Within n short time every sireet in i of iK-trini, Michigan, are spending; The de.dii ,.f Mr?. Id-. TT-sting., School stud.!-., re-o i-> nt. d “Mi . L’S n-ile per Tw,iu* clip. ‘•TL- Ci.Iik’n Bui" a novel by Wal Lame, will be easily recognized he-i two week here with Bryans parents,!wife of Clifford Haaliags oeeured nt Delmar." la.e Invir start': this week in the cause the Mayor and t mined have or Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bryan nnd family. ] her home in tin's town nt the age of The- judge:; weivs Rrla-rt llmcKley. Whi'.e n. upaiit.- were State Uege ter. The Register is part- derail signs ami post for every l.su- Mi.\; I’iisilin Maucui, of Wilmington 126 year,-, on Saturday. She i.; mu- artist, of Washington: If. Le-lto Wnl thrown out, nil wave pile,-.cd headier,.- •into the front of tiie ear. The wind- |,. running t),toiiii-i -towstory bvby renuestrequest nsmt i\di,J fitrcchntrect. TheThe newnew si«nsfirm whichwine were i.; rpenditu; her vacation here with her vived by her husband, her motiier Mrs. Iur, banker, of I’hiiade’phia; Clare; ..evei.ii Kuhseribers have written in (ordered some lime agN will he blue parento. Mr. ad Mre. Thome.'; Ma Iraue Craniteld. one brother, John t’jte and Leonard T. Duly, newsp.ipe’ 'Jiii'd hr.he. a.nl Mi--; Mildred Pa«s- a-king if we could not get thin story.' and while and made of tin. Thia poatu John I'ac.ey returned to Philadel­ CranfieM, and two .small children, men of Wilmington; John II. Mu,-re - walei; was thrown halt'were- through This is a great story. The Register will he made in T.auel. Beat-use of Die phia. Sunday .after upending' ids vac­ T'lie funeral was he'd Snndav in the hi ad, ReadinK, Pa.; Mav.w Harry Sat- it, being pulled Lick by tha other oc- has taken great rate ta selecting its fact that ench street ismade from-u ation here witii his family. Atethodist Prote.Uant Church witii Rev Wield, of Rehohoth; G. At. Schwarts, eupnnts. Both the Pns.-.naters sisters stories and the liwt one "Bo Big" by sfeei die and each sign has different Mr.-'. C, TV. Th.impsi.il, of Newark A. TV. Ewell, pastor offieiaiing, a«-:jilmtogrrpn artist? Wilbur C, Hurley, were badly cut. Edna Kerber was reacted as ihe best dies it will take some time to camp* i., visitinr: friends nnd relatives in aisled by Rev. E, Is. Thomas, pastor of Kefcford; I. P. Sinclair, superintendent, ?The injured Were taken to Grorge- of its kind in 1WU. kto th* markers. Laurel mid vicinity. Centenary M. K. Church. Dataware Railroad, of Ridley Park. ; town and *he;r wounds dressed. THE STATE REGISTER, FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1925 SUSSEX STILLS In addition to the stills they found that those hi charge of the speedway in the hectic competition for honors 450 gallons of mash nearby and this are convinced that new worlds records and the $25,000 purse in the 250 mile was destroyed, as well as the stills. will be hung up by the famous racers No finished liquor was found at any TAKEN IN PRE­ of these places. , Nonpareil Guaranteed Hosiery FOURTH SWOOP The Best Made 110 MILES PER HOUR I Can Prove It Director Swain Ordered Gen­ REQUIRED FOR RACE eral Clean-Up Of Beach Resorts. Every racing car permitted to com­ pete in the dedication races tomorrow WANTED ! at the Baltimore-Washington speed­ ‘BOWERS KING BEE” Men and women to represent Mills in direct dis­ IS FIRST CAPTURED way, near Laurel, Md., will first have to demonstrate that it can make tiie ] tribution of Hosiery for Men, Women and Children. Raid At Oak Orchard Nets Of­ 1 la mile around the oval track in 36 Very liberal compensation. Exclusive territory. For ficers Still And Several Bar­ seconds—a rate of 110 piiles an interview, write or phone rels Of Mash. Rehoboth hour. Visited. Qualifying tests were hold yester­ A Walker will enable Baby to amuse himself, day afternoon. Speedway officials learn to walk and save handling him so much this hot Five stills were destroyed and 450 have ruled that ears that cannot make H. L. GAFFORD gallons of mash and. some of the fin­ this speed will he climated from the weather. ished product were gathered in a num­ contest. They are well made, have canvas all around his District Manager ber of pre-Independence Day raids Many Sussex Countians are pre­ body so there is no slipping out. Phone 340-J Bayard Building conducted down state under the orders paring to attend the races and tiie Re­ DOVER, DELAWARE. of State Prohibition Director William gister- will have a staff correspondent J, Swain. Prohibition agents and present to cover tiie race, complete Nathan’s Furniture Store State Highway Police co-operated in details of which will be published in coducting the raids and the reports, next Fridays paper. SEAFORD CAMBRIDGE — SALISBURY were that resorts of lower Delaware, The unusually high ininimuii speed including Bower’s Beach and Rehob­ of 110 miles per hour is an indication Advertse In The Register, It Pays oth were assured a “safe and sane” . Forth. James L. Seacord, known as tiie “King Bee of Bower’s Beach” was the first gathered in the net. Agents Ed­ wards and Wilson, Corporal Powell and Troopers Voschell and Campell, of the State Highway Police swooped down on Seacord’s cottage at Bower’s. When You Go Out In Several quarts of liquor to have been raided six times -was taken into cus­ tody. He was held for- hearing by Magistrate Burton under $1,500 bail. Commissioner J. Pearce Cann will hear Tug case oh Jill? S3. THE SUN— Two other raids at Bower’s Beach proved futile. With the arrest of George W. Hazel of Lewes, Agents Edwards and Wil­ son and Corporal James, of the State Highway Police force they have el- OR THE WIND- imitated the transfer point for liquor in lower Delaware. The officers raid­ ed his place Friday and seized 12 quarts of alleged liquor and took Ifaz cl before Magistrate W. P. Carter, at Lewes, where he was held under $1,000 OR THE RAIN- bail for «• further hearing. The same three officers made a raid on the home of Alfred Taylor, near St. Mary’s Chapel, on the Indian river, a short distance above Oak Orchard. Taylor was arrested and a charge of Your Skin Naturally Is Subjected sale and possession of intoxicating liquor was placed against hint When he was arraigned before Magistrate W. H, Wilson at Georgetown. lie was held under $1,500 hail for a further To A Strain And Inevitably Loses hearing. The officers then continued their search along the Indian river and found five stills hidden in the woods, Some Of It’s Fresh Charm. but failed to locate any of the owners. Unless Proper Care Is Taken Afterward GOING TO BUILD USE Lowes Concrete Blocks Every Block sold with a Guarantee. COLGATES S. LLOYD LOWE Phone 41 and 128 Laurel, Del. PRODUCTS

Will Help Wonderfully In The Care Of The Skin - Make It A Point To Have Them Handy All The Time. A Talc, A Soap, A A Cream That You Like.

FINE STATIONERY, Up-To-Date Prescripton Filling and Supplies Patent Medicine THE STATE REGISTER, FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1925 /A OUT OF STATE and the fruit guaranteed by United thg reported shortage ,of early, apples, years, of gift? West Eighteenth street bathing with him and a party of fri­ availing, and twenty minutes after states. ipspeetorA thesg prices it js in .o’thefi stated, ft is behaved that, if Wilmington,

APPLE INSPECTIONS 3-day cruise down! Extra Plant Foo'd atFIorida’sAII-YeJ AID STATE FARMERS —Bathing, and otl in the form of a Top Dressing will Two United States Inspectors Hom Stationed In Delaware Help pay handsome returns on Growers. "Floril ||GET BETTER MONEY Your dream of a vacation Cukes--Lopes--Melons the remarkable “Vacation Early apples of the finest quality Hollywood-hy-the-Sea—thj ^Delaware has ever produced began vacation of the summer of I ' moving to city markets last week and1 Hundreds of vacationist! with prices the best ever obtained ate realizing this unparallelel and are going to the soutj delightful summer tour. CANCER CURED Nothing like it has ever 1 to the people of your coninm. at what it offers, and whal All kinds of Cancer 3-day cruise down the Atll Cured Positively without Seven days at one of the nl operation i by medicine a- Florida seacoast hotels, and I Ione, hundreds of cases cruise hack home. Every h{ cured. delightful recreation and rc Hay fever, Rose cold eas­ ily cured. Summer is “The 1 Call or Write Thousands of people in the r ing for the first time this L Pennsylvania Health In­ more sophisticated traveler! stitute thatthis unique southeastel 3925 Chestnut St is the most delightful shorcl Philadelphia) Pa. Would You Starve Your Children? for a summer vacation. Apr| —little fertiiker talks A.. certainly you would—not! But,- how abput ( your children's children and their children’s CHICKEN and WAFFLE children? Would you starve them? Supper We’re supposing, of course, you hope your great grand­ children will be on the farm when you’ve passed on and Every Sunday Night that they’ll make a good living. But are you doing all you can to make things sure for them?

HOTEL RIGBIE Your corn, your potatoes, your wheat, fruit and truck Laurel, Dela. crops are taking their annual toll of your land. Are you putting back what they are taking? If not, your great grandchildren will never make a living on your farm. Chances are they’ll been die farm of some utter PATENTS stranger who took better care of them than you did,

INVENTORS Send us Lef us help with your MAIL Your IDEAS and we will, tertiite&r teqafr&Si&tito ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE j Make your reservations nc Search the records of the Palsnt, of the three scheduled saitil Office and report to you our opinion as to whether or not you can obtain a JULY 14wt jUll patent on your invention. i VALLIANT AUGUST lltiif I'Ve have assisted thousands of m-: venters in DEVELOPING and PER- ; Addresss Holtyweod»fey.

tiing gasoline from the wrecked ear who live more than three miles from populous of cities has only 364,494 WOMAN KILLED set fire to shrubbery along the rails telephones in' 'Operation. Paris js slig- | Classified Advertisements J a kehool 6f proper grade, are included, PROGRAM and to the pilot of the engine hut the regardless of whether or not they j htly hettre off, with 6 telephones per flames were extinguished hy passeng­ have previously received an allowance AND 5 INJURED ers with damage. ! 100 population and a total of 185,- Waller Theatre HONEST DOLLAR FLOUR IS THE or whether or not they have previous­ 000. Tokio has 180,000 telephones, or The occupants of the car were ail BEST at 62c per sack, so are our own ly traveled on a school bus. IN R. R. CRASH thrown several feet by the shock and make feeds. Bran at $2,10 Middling at The proper forms were placed in . nearly 5 per hundred population. Ber ' the locomotive was damaged to such $2,40—500 pound less. Also our own the hands of teachers in every district- I lin ranks above other European cities I TO-NIGHT— an extent that another engine was ob­ make Laying and Growing Mash. in the State before the close of school with 357,000 plumes, or more than 9, Mrs. Guy L. Winters Of Balti­ tained from the Salisbury shops to Douglas Fairbanks in W. T. Records & Son. and others may secured from the un­ per 100 population. more Meets Death In Ac- continue the run, dersigned. “The Mark of Zorro Many Laurel motorists were along FESTIVAL—THE St. PAULS M. P. The poorest service among world His Best. A story of love and * cident Tlie State Board of Education will tile road at this time and stopped to Church will hold a festival July 14. l endeavor to arrange contract trans- cities on any continent is in Leningrad adventure. view the wreckage. Tins is consider­ I imrtation wherever the total of the which lias lmt 8,996 telephones. ADDED—Comedy. INJURED RUSHED TO ed a very bud crossing. HARDWARE OF EVERY KJND- Prices 25 and HI Small A- Horsey. (private allowances that would accrue PENINSULA HOSPITAL .According to witness who saw the to pupils living on a given route accident. Winters saw the train and FOR SALE— LARGE SIZE EI.EC- vid justify thy i-ame. SATURDAY— put en r ■ire speed. When lie saw The Ground Hog Blazing Gasoline From Mach­ tri- c.diitist f.u.’. Hitchens & I’hil- F.-r tlie coming year, trulisportat- “White Thunder” in- emihi i "t make jt, he then applied • lips, Laurel. Delaware.______I i.m eik.-.vanees win j,e made only from ine Sets Woodwork Of En- tin- ’u'al ci ■ ami the car skidded until ] tl:-/ i'lii .' f the approval of tl„. ««_ With Yakima Canutt— That the from FESTIVAL—THE i’ORTSVILLE -M. HE groundhog, because of its bur­ gxn On Fire. Extinguished wheels v.s ro right over the i pile.-yiojls-. ridin demon. raiV. Tii. ■ engine ci.v.ld n-u ,«.» st»p- t P. Church v'll hold a i'ostival Sat- rowing and feeding habit s is re­ j IT ,mpt rampliuroro with this irot- By Passengers. m-1 it: ti'.i ' unlay Eve .L,!y -Hh near tile church. garded in most localities as an ADDED—Comedy and Serial fe avert tne ice is urged for the sake of those unfit iruble resident, and, to make One women f.Ti killed ;;itd t'v. eer- I-’OR RENT—DWELLING CORNER vim are to lie served. MONDAY & &TUESDAY— __ r< worse, its ■K'ms were injured, i»> s. rlu ..-L- v.b-.-e. Aic-'i-jcnn liii-tt. kos.ever. k.n.c mt Central roi.k (’kv.ro.m Avenue. A. State Board of Education matt precietiolts e- Feb. ______J. O. Adams, Business Manager • io I-rnger taken seriously. In Wesley Barry in a Baltimore Chesapeake aad A.iuntic always enjoyed the liberty they row IL Phillips. 2 nr • where the habits of tlie rodent “Geo. Washington, Jr,” train crashed Into an uuP nni-ile ;t insist upon :ts regards to c’otuiitv. FOR S VIE—ONE RIDING CTL- .suiter to the interests of the a grade crossing on the state roro! six tivabr Cil, ■:! j). Cut i M. George 31. Cohen’s famous Men's- styles in this country wi re mini? Telephone Staistics ir groundhog's, woodchucks or mflf-R east of Salisbury ,,:i s’undav. Elliot!. KIVU stage success. regulated by law. pa !6'!4 the Moss- ,.fs. as they are variously term- The victims, all ra.roronro o' lYbkirora ;r ■ ADDED—Comedy. aehusi-tfs General 'C -art made i+ nn- BRING Y»IK EGGS TO VS. HIGH- I’ifOXE ..Putl.pirs el. now face corcitde ejection. were rushed f.» th.- pcrdu.-ukt Giiwral ■•' v'lraicik..!’: iks world show h-.wi’fil for •! mmt t > purchase "any est paid. American! Grouiihog control campaign in In­ ■Wcdncsday- No Show llo.e.k- !, where the v. oiran Mrs. Gity ’ Store- X< w Ycrfc 'ing with 1,S5'k- L. Winters, died bro’-.jv rarodroro- flY .ttpie’e (app'iivl) eitli u- wwicn <>r siik diana and have been held tills : 0!-u jl- ions of telephone^, or go ...epP Biolngienl Survey ef the operatiiig rin.r.i... or lymieii, v.-jtli any k.ee on it, silver, for sal::—lot empty barrels •.. Thursday and Friday— The easthetind Irai't with six crovtd- oils per lop ,.f the piiptilut.i'..'i, Uitiiid States Department of Agri­ “Top of the World” yi.l.k , .-'like, .1 iitee i,'." it way a)f„ and -s’'- Yt-n j.'Xojs ml cheap./ culture has been called oil to coopt r- t<5 ciutches. strain: :i:s elo.-ed ear. dri­ W H. Ctt.-k. ;1 ranks i:c;:t with 691,If4 hut Janies Kirkwood, Ann J. Nillson .' rbidden t-i "make r lmt- “’ashed are with State officials and individuals ( ven by Winters, with .-ufficiiwt f. roro ■ •.tit 2" per 106 population, s :;',- AD'DED—Comedy. to strew v.weekttg ’ a distance , f one e'othis other t’u.’.i -me .-lash i". each FOR S ALE- -HOCSE FOR RENT hi c. .uducting them. Four country­ •tv York Times. wide campaign.-: just have hundred yards .ikrog the track, Bur- sieve ;md am .titer 111 the hmk Apply Stall* Completed ■ ity v.ith the highest number proved ruveersful and have resulted One show nightly at S:05, nos p.-r ,ap't:, is San Franci;.!' in la cuests f,v similar work in twen­ Prices 23 and 10. FOR RENT—". ROOM APARTMENT Two Shows Saturday Prices e 2e ■lophoses per 100 p.'Smintimi. ty other counties. A fund of $6,0(10 Fine Singer On Program At U. of D. Ail a--»:-.rt> >-■ ::v.-nleic.-i-s. Apply Mrs ha- been raised for fumigation ma­ 20 and 10. 'ik.'. k .’sk si’s rate Is hut 5 telephones terial, which will he distributed with­ per Mi) in,inflation, and tlie most Pardnt-Teachers Day Will be July 15 FOR SALE—1922 OAKLAND SIX out cost to the farmers. -.itiring In g' i ii cundtion, Price , toll of the methods .'.ml ro-ulro- there. is Day be Parent-Teacher which v.ii! $2.">6. Apply I’usse! Guant. A delightful recital has b . cn arraugtd observed on July 15 at the Univ,-r- as part of the afternoon's urogram to ' sity of Delaware. While the program NOTICE—CASH PAID FOR FALSE', he given by Miss Nancy My, Sop­ [has been arranged primarily for the teeth, dmial gold, platinum and i* COMPARE: ' rano, assisted at the piano by her . teachers at the Summer School, invit- discarded jewelry, Hoke Smelting £ ; brother, Fred Daly. Miss Daly, who ! ations have been sent to the Presi- Refining Co., Otsego. Michigan. J3-tf, For Quality, Comfort, Fit and Service resides in Germantown is a pupil of ! dents of focal associations and many FESTIVAL—THERE WILL BE A; Nicholas Douty of Philadelphia and ;ire expected to attend. The session festival at Tindall’s camp on Sat-' This Union Suit is tailored for the has a voice of exceptional sweetness 1 of local associations and many are urday Evening July 11th. Every ■ ' man who cares, being cut full giving .and power. Because of her personal . expected to attend. The session will body welcome. i Comfort and fit, made of the best of charm and gracious manner, Miss Daly he held at 2:00 P. 31. (Standard Time) material and finished by the best .in is always enthusiastically received by | in Wolf Hall and will be devoted to FESTIVAL-THE I’ORTSVILLE JL I her audiences. She is the daughter the discussion of the Illiteracy Prog­ P. Church will hold a festival Sat-! workmanship thus making for Quality of T. A. Daly, the poet, who appear­ ram which the State Association is - urday tvening July 11th. All are and Service. ed last Tuesday evening at the Sum­ i planning to carry out next year, j invited to attend.______i Selection complete, Priced §1.00 mer School, and ns a tribute to her ! While there will be short talks by Dr. I and up. father, she chose two of his poems i H. A’. Holloway, State Superintendent{ FOR SALE—ONE BARCO TENT 14 ; set to music set to music for the last ; of Public Instruction and Dr. R. C. ’ x 16 feet, used only three weeks.’ number on her program. Helfenstein of Dover, the principal: Will sell cheap. Apply Paul 31. Bar-! Mr, Ribert E. Lewis, of Dover, Pres­ ; address will lie given by Miss M il Lou nett. ______! Robert D. Grier, Jr. ident of the State Parent-Teacher ' Gray, Director of Adult Education,1 FESTIVAL—JIT. ZION 31. E. SUN- The Man’s Shop Wicomico Hotel Association, will preside over the en­ State of South Carolina. South Car-) day School v ,i hold a festival on tire session. : olina has done pioneer work in stamp- ‘ the Church L.,wn, Saturday evening “Exclusive, But Not Expensive” Of especial interest to Delawareans ’ ing out illifaracy and Mis= Gray will | July lsth.______Open Evenings SALISBURY, MD. .LOS'l—NEW DARK GREY UNDER-’ t arm bag. rn Georgetown-Laurel highway, contained chei'k and sum of1 'money. Reward if returned to The State Register Office. FOR RENT—6 ROOM HOUSE, ALL modern t ••.Kvenlenees i.n f.th sfreet. TERMS OF SALE Everybody Gets Pos'-essi. n inuscdiately. Apply Ciiar- Iee V. I!, flney. STRICTLY CASH Barnett’s A BARGAIN LOST—JULY 2, ONE DARK BLUE SpnnJ.Iiig? Sweater « n Luurei- (!■ ' - t'»'t'iw:i Hi-Av ay. - ar,. i u i ii," >■' Stt-eater. Reward if I't-tuna i • Me p.i • n. Lu'iiil. Del ■PRIVILAGES FOR SALE—THE privilat’f > -■■•’ the D.diearvi.i ea .> v.'iit bi' v-dd en tiro pro'.;:; b a‘ St-n JULY SALE Grave, Br-ud Cr«ek. Lei., . a S, day July 11th :.t 2 P. 31. FEMALE HELP WANTED—"LA11- Redyetions of 20 to SO per Cent j ies—To finish Silk Fnderwear ihome by hard or machine—Part ir I! full time—Enclose stamp f»,r reply. Sale Begins Friday and Continues For * Keystone Mills. Amsterdam, N. Y. NOTIC&-ALL BILLS NOW OWING to Ralph Sisters must he paid by TEN DAYS {July 15th as on and after that date I all unpaid bills will be placed in the [hands of a coilecfor, Ralph Sisters, I Laurel, Delaware. ______a Decoy Sale But a Sale of | FOR SALE—ENTIRE STOCK OF jnerehandire now located in store! ! of Ralph Sisters. Store can be rent- j ed. Apply Ralph Sisters, Laurel, Del- I aware, ______I FOR RENT— 7 ROOM FLAT, COR- You can’t make a mistake. You either get 50 per cer or | ner Market and Poplar Street, 20 per cent off the regular price anything you buy, therefor I Elcctrie'lighO find bath. Apply John; IW. Calloway. .T-2(i-2t cannot miss a bargain. NOTICE - The DoMlar-Via camp will sell the privileges of the Board-' ling tent, cake and confectionery stand I and nil ofi.er privileges i,n the grounds ‘ Joy Saturdny July II 1925 at 2 o’chh' 11’. M. J. A. Morgan, Proeidi nt | TYPEWRITERS—RIBBONS—CAR- but Impel’, All Mate's ti.-ed type- I writ"!'.) at reasonable iiriec-!;. Kiidioro- Trimmed Hats—Regular Prices $4,50 to I fllJ'U eimlro- Sii.bu &,?.< n. Carl,.-'ll j-mj- I(r .$2.10 pei' bey Wt rheetv, P,ef pe.ffl. pim.TLr.OT TYPEWRITER CO„ 2: $S,50««*SaIe Price liltll^lPi:*d:'ide|phlfl, You will find this sab up to our usual standard of f'ARD OF THANES I'. < ’ b • , b " ’ I. >,y fro, i, <1 ■ *, !• ;b-r I:ind>j». integrity and fair dealing, so you afford to miss it-, e <), ‘ : f., k: , . nil death I -"«• ' r IL . L ■ i; i- ’Tender, on. Remember, 20 to SO per cent Stock Reductions. |li d 11 c.o ■ .A o nt j’i.iiP iribui •nl ’...led .mt .. ...O.’i ...... Jjii'oth'ro and SFji.t.i. |Tran-.j ortufl-m Of FcteM Children! Apj.Ero.-ioi). i\,r : A. obould b" tiled nt I'Ht-i' with J. O,' [Adam?. Bitkinoes Manager, State. I Board <«f Education, Dover, Delaware,; | if thit bo:! s;,,t already been done. ! Laurel Delaware Eiflidii n in the sixtit grade or he*} |lt«v y.iro live More Ilian two miles; Ifrom ec-hcol, or above the sixth grade THE STATE REGISTER, FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1925

The Season’s Greatest Novel of Marriage “The Golden Bed” Kennedy & Mitchell’s By WALLACE IRWIN

Produced as a Paramount picture by CECIL B. DeMILLE from a screen adaptation by era Reynolds, Lilliam Rich, Warner BaxterJeanie Macpherson with Rod LaRocque, V Theodore Kosloff and Julia Faye in featured roles. Big Reduction Sale

FIRST INSTALLMENT “Peakes,” said the colored woman, father, seated in that chair, a jug or “eat off o’ golden plates—solid gol­ the floor beside him, one of Robert G CHAPTER 1 den plates—and takes no stock o’ The christening party came along Ingersoll's forbidden volumns perched money. XVha’ fo’ you want to hire a of Men’s and Boy’s Suits slantingly under square-paned spec­ under the tender green trees of Prin­ church?” ce’s Avenue. There were three vic­ “I dunno.” With a bare toe Admah tacles, also aslant. Those were the weeks when Pa Holtz forsook his work torias, royalistic in appearance, blue- poked the basket out of reach of the lanky colored hoy. * at the quarry, complaining that the black coachman held the reins in stone dust cut his lungs. Ma nagged white gloved hands while thorough­ “Thinkin’ o’ gettin’ married?" A kindly sarcasm curved the woman’s and quoted Scriptures; Pa drank and bred hackneys stepped high as if to quoted Ingersoll. Admah, from the Starts Friday? July 16th. meet the requirements of a state oc­ saddle colored cheeks. “Naw. Only when I’m growned up days when he was cradled in a soap­ casion; silver harness jingled after box, knew Pa as an evil liver. the best traditions of the days when I reckon I’ll have my baby christened in style like that." Secretly he was on Pa’s side. The Benjamin Harrison—God res'; his free-thinking stone-cutter, much old­ solid Republican bones!—was offered Such a silence fell upon the predict­ er than his wife, rheumatic and prema­ ion that Admah picked up his basket ing the South with a tariff unpleasan­ turely gray from dissipation, was a Continuing For 15 Days tly protective. The dignified splendor and started shuffling away. “Silo,” he could hear the negress manof the world and as such knew of that tornout attracted an attention, . , . his strength. He bad drifted South to which it was obviously indifferent, j warning 1her son, “don^ you go take from somewhere in Pennsylvania. In The public perred. Uninvited spee-laone »’ them candies offen that white his early youth he had been one of tutors squinted through' lace curtainsP0?' Maybe thcy Sot on em” those old-time printers who read and in the lesser mansions along Prince’s j digested the galleys they set. In the Avenue. Negro pedestrians, not so quarries he dressed stone with the A general reduction throughout the en­ crafty as their white brothers in the CHAPTER 2 air of a philosopher, the monotonous art of concealing emotion, stopped thump of his mallet giving cadence in their tracks and stared, stunned by America in those days was still pas­ to his thought. Besides being an in­ tire store for both men and women. a celestial visitation, toral—or so it looks to ns in retros­ fidel he was something of a socialist— For the Peakes were driving from pect. True, we were already in the but the latter tendency was only im­ their fine oid house in Inness Street to grip of that mad goddness, Elektra, perfectly expressed, never practiced. All Souls’ Church were, both as Chris­ who makes foul magic hy wire and He despised ignorance; this aversion This is a large stock of high-grade mer­ tians and as ancestor worshippers, cable, over land and over sea. But was the basis upon which Ma and Pa they owed an improtant visit. But in our modern arrogance .we think of quarrelled oftenest. She resented more important still, from the angle yesterday’s inventions as missing link his superiority when he undertook to chandise. Every garment is of a re­ of. life at which we view this story, in the evolutionary chain; witness the correct Admah’s verbs or to teach was the reaction on a certain small high bicycle which bred again and be­ him the rudiments of geography. boy who had set a heavy market bas- came a “safety" only to evolve into At the age of eight Admah Holtz putable make, including Hart Schaffner ket in fronTo?hiTbareJ’toe7and was’b fourwheeled monster with gasoline employed an English far more un­ giving himself up utterly to a dream « ,t3 beIIy and a Potential speed of ban than that of his mother or Jo, of human greatness. j twenty miles an hour! 1891 was not who was amemie, pimply and unambit­ & Marx. Many with two pairs trousers Admah Holtz had lived eight years s,mPle exaetely. Neither is the Chm- ious. Admah was no purist, but his in a seamy world. He was at the age eset rjc? p?ddy ds *™n-tui™d conversation was remarkably free when the mind is like putty; a curious ?abe™hcee’’ B^^reat-great-great from the rustic drawl of a rural peo­ putty that will harden suddenly in father of the six hundred horsepower ple who have met and interbred on spots, creating impressions on solid turbine. the neutral border of two uncongenial rock. But the little creature who was 1891, boastful of its heartbreaking States. the helpless target of so much attent­ speed, moved with quaint slowness. So on the morning when they cros­ ion had no mind at all as yet. She Telephones and electric lights were sed the Bridge, drawn by old John, THE PRICES ARE NOW : was merely a combination of jerky still something of a novelty. Bad art- who limped and groaned with every legs, untrained digestive tract, aim­ nurtured by third grade Shakesperean pull of the traces, Admah occupied lessly rebellious lungs. troupes, buryesques and tank melo­ the very pinnacle of the family fur­ Gosh, what a fuss over a babyl . . dramas, crept sluggishly across the niture. By bracing his feet against ’So thought the boy with the candy continent. No electrical wizard had the molodion— this instrument had 1-4 to 1-2 Less ■basket. , . Gosh, ain’t they high ton­ as yet devised a means of throwing lost its voice some time before the ed! Look at the nigger mammy, tot­ moving photographs ort a sheet, a hoy’s memory began—he could sit in’ that baby across both hands like thousand theaters at a time. Our astride an arm of the velvet chair it was a million dollars worth of pound, drama had few mechanicalu advantog- and gaze far-visioning up and down cake. Gosh. Look at all that lace onles’ * Worked by man-power on the yellow River. Mrs, Holtz was the__ baby. I bet Ma never seen so',mw!l tilC samcV systcmV t!,at *t,lc « CWn«• ciillUniil^smoking herI1CI lUJflvl/Ucorncob pipe.JJIJJU- AvNow I and much lace. And that nigger woman’s‘?maT\usics wtieJi she would turn and scold in her dress. Whiter than starch. ... A 0Ver h.‘S te!*er‘n? f'4,1'3 ! affectionate worried tone. “Gosh a- This is a most unusual opportunity to purchase a Ilere his thoughts scattered blindly |Tie0, "'ere lmPerfectl> stan(1a.rdj< mighty, have I got to be jawin’ al! like frightened mice; or like mice sud- J“d;, Our b?us,es!t WhTd so’<> ’"s hsart-s rings, us ed and high as the stars. Who sat Palm Beach, Mohairs and dous clouds. A Peake indeed! s<'ns,t,vc ear untroubled by sound there, arms folded, eyes brooding up- Now the christening party was mov- waves saxophonmg from Broadway In the destinies of lesser men ? W ft trirhirft hf animation toward Apple Blossom Center* | “Admah! ’ The wagon came so tlmchnrch door- The lady, still lean- 1891! G^det^rna4° War^Ld^W 1°.n TTopical Worsted Specially Priced mg on the arm~ of her frock-coated,e^„i. zoninii even had our Spanish War and thatw* er fell to his rightful place, level with « to u.8, pm,, the front seat. Her eyes were like pansies-if you ran were sin. m mi ii-mu, agi, ni.mu. “Yes, Ma." imagine. pansies. . „ withLi. disturbing fires niostiv bclveen the Commoners, who “Is the gravestone ridin’ good?" .1 their centres. tiThe>___ gentlemenrtHrtrt,rt„ wore didno,on’ tr keep aaa,w horse, and thethe Uneom-l-neom-| Jlc peered over an edge on the pile •51V t.n»o nr.,1 Prinrp Alberts. The manors who did. I to see six inches of hansome marble 1 Lot Palm Beaches $10* 1 Lot Tropical older ladies dripped with jet; their UndLr t,1£' ,ast rat!n,^ : slab projecting beyond the tailboard, hi bust, mgi Worsteds $15 i'hek ^eve ^rtvinncd" with' animrtion Slatc‘ where tho *Iorse fSoes *ort’' ' Paying thc too,s of bis *atde’< smooth- Xr h« he pa?a M Hhe nJw-i Centaur with gilded hoofs and the j h away every trace of its old inerip. Wn prineS taiXof it. all, X beg-1 *ay ’nto a P«“*n«.1 lion, polished it and handed it over to inning to cry. . - . i the lloltz quadruped was no horse at|Ma as a convenient slab upon whose “Whot foil’s in thoie’” asked Ad-,-*111' was something that had es-ihnrd. cold surface doughnuts could mah Holtz, directing his questions thp i’awndkeeptr’s attention, aiberolled and home made peppermints •1 Vinkvnen’robov of eleven. The hoy, creature unworthy to work m span; TOOled to the proper consistency. Like tho tod been dividing X Xttoi' with his mulatto brother, the mule. John the horse, this unmarked head- Every Straw Hat $1.75 Except Panamas between the christening party and the (-fj13 nan,ci. "as John. Hm coat wa. stone had its share in tlie game which Altle lb’ag,\sl Ct7Shhb“mouth t “o’lXVtto mX'of Xe conXn- Ma Holtz was playing with Fate. Admah’s basket, opened lus mouth to.^ “It looks ail right to me," decided Admah, after a moment’s inspection. holding and sleep idiotically while “Gee ap." This from Ma Holtz, "Croat th. River,” replied Atlnwli. J’1" e.rrfp were Wed en ihr river together witli a wack from a willow ’leiie without feseniment nt the enier-'t" switch across old John’li shabby flank. ed boy’s tone. I murdering one of her little auburn (CONTINUED NEXT WEEK) “I reckon ye come a Jong ways, Howtrtow comerome you, don’ know Beaksp«nto when , W" Jolm t,rambledlft cl(kr ofaway t*. oto sl ,market.rvivin(T you see ’em?" “Jrdge Beaker,’’ interposed a stout ^earning aimlessly on tlie FIRE ENGINE USELESS; neSi evidently possoJ of Ihe lanky bBbween slack fin- DRIVER ON JURY t>UTY XenHonhur IBiiis- ‘ ' Honesty then insists that the Holtzs Kennerly & Mitchell The Georctown Fire Company foi old time Aietuie-e men o g .1- ;9W)1 th0lVjii they did orginate on tho a time Wednesday afternoon fount “Gosh"' Admah’s round eyes were! wrong side of the wide yellow River, uosn. -j.uin.il H W j j j. t|lClr jlorge an(] drove their own themselves in an embarrassing posit­ focussed on Hie h ‘ j carriage. John, commonplace in name ion when the alarm was sounded ani Men’s—CLOTHIERS—’Women’s which rt'JK^YYcurvnX-er n tohv ’’ a<< in character, awoke one morning in the driver of Ihe fire truck’, Harolc XV, T, Purnell, wiio seems to be flic SI" ttfttta'o rteoko hnbv" the ncgreas ’ Ms latter years to find that he had he- ■ e rt 1^, m oXhXr mne- icomc Hesfinyf a browbeaten and only member familiar with the meeh, Three Floors Elevator Service mfocmcv him in a f, j, managed Destiny, perhaps, hut it was anism of the engine, was unable ti 11 • ■ Vrttt v) tolv saSm of de’W'M'I Ms swollen knees and mangy respond to the call because he w,r he christened by ho y sanctum^of to a faeKf wmwl wia In court serving aa one of the juror? JhUr2’;', Bento IS h«r two dishevelled brats drove slow- in a murder frail. Tito fire proved tt SALISBURY, MARYLAND r vTm 7oo ta Said -2" Hy «ero3S. the iron bridge. he a straw stack and ns no wafer was Jet go Peake is gone in ahaid ~~ • pn w tfce available the pump was not needed I ’*-n»Trtow?h «ndfc»ll’’ A auShly treasures, objects anomalous as hirin’ a church and a 1. A anecwWm8elfi t The schooner Brace (». Bennett dis. atne light, whieh e\ sallow! »n nf tbB Wker he eharked a cargo of fertilizer material! date would brighten Admans sauow(»ii < vememtorsd his face, began to kindle and to bum, hrafed an elbow, to remembered ms at the local docks this week. / ■ I


after they had retired Tuesday after­ Peninsula General Hospital at Sali­ father. One time while driving a cow Mt Pleasent Church Two Men Needed; WUHAN, AGED noon, the jury in the case of George sbury. home from the pasture something There will be a Sunday school pic­ Two vaeencies exist at the pres­ Epps, negro, of Seaford, on trial Youth Sentenced went wrong and his father gave him nic at Mt. Pleasent church on Thurs­ ent time in the Laurel Fire Depart­ a severe whipping. It was then the FIFTEEN, GIVEN charged with murdering John Walker, Charles Miilman, 15 year old white day the 16th of July, If stormy on ment because of the recent resignat­ boy said he decided to kill his father. ion of two members who moved away, of Seaford and a former resident of hoy of Milford was also sentenced the 17th. Also a church picnic at This happened on the afternoon of King’s church, on the 18th. jSecond Applications for membership to the '• LIFE IN PRISON Laurel, on June 11, returned a ver­ to prison for life on the same after­ April 24. That night when the boys quarterly conference for this charge organization must be written. dict of guilty of murder in the second noon. The young lad who recently parents were sleeping he secured his will he held on’July 18 at the parsoif- degree. The court imposed sentence murdered his father entered a plea of fathers shot gun and going to the bed in which his father lay asleep he shot age at 3 o’clock. Barn Destroyed Tuesday Youngest Prisoner From Dela­ of life imprisonment on him and this guilty in the second degree. This is the youngest prisoner to ever receive t him. He then ran from the house and A bam on the farm of Louis Pol- ware To Ever Get Such A week he will he taken to the Sew Much Water Consumed litfc was destroyed, by fire on Tues­ Heavy Sentance. a life sentence in this state, ! told neighbors that some one shot his Castle County Workhouse. Miilman on April of this year stole (father. Later however when he was Reports being rendered daily from day night. 80 bushels of corn and Epps, put up a plea of seif defense, SGO from his father. $20 of this was questioned by State Police he eonfes- the plant of the Municipal Water 40 bushels of rye was destroyed, SEAFORD NEGRO ALSO claiming that Walker whom he accus­ recovered and his father told the boy * red. Works shows that the people of Lau­ The orgin of the fire is unknown. GETS LIFE SENTENCE’ ed of stealing four dollars, became he would give him a whipping every rel are using 360,000 to 450,000 gal­ indignant and started to go for him day for every dollar not turned hack. ; Mrs, Ira II. Melvin is confined to lons, of water every 24 hours. This Prof. C. P. Snyder left this week Both Cases Were Heard Ah on cue of the streets in the negro The whippings became so severe the ’ her home in North Laurel suffering is considered quite a large amount ! for Union Bridge, Md„ where he will section of Seaford. boy stated that he began to fear his with an infection iff the foot.. for a town the size of Laurel . spend several days with his family. Georgetown In Court This j Epps contended that or. tile after­ Week. Both Were For Mur­ noon of the murder he saw Walker! der. i enter ins sw by means of a win-! di.w Walker was shot in the neck! Within Icfe than* fifteen i >’ ’it 1 i < uli, tv. <’.ii - afterward at the

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‘y'OTJh r cl3*.$, t? *■ r „ '* \kr vznl hepA'l.pjery r-'wi r' t a *'« bf —broken steerin'* pear—fir cxiy of many t’i i. <- • -- *£■*** of unfortunate Circumstances may crr.d any ora- . '■ jj t ‘f +V Toad-—qr a broken v.fceol cr a locked rear end aa? rank-.?v.ev tolxftupcftcenicrcjiatr^rfifthecartabdGg it tvr.sth-i? for rep We have a completely equipped emergency car—bear this tv mind and remember that this car is at your scrdtcc day *,nd night,. Merely telephone, and it will immediately bc.ser.t to your assistance. Wiii Contiune Ouc ctmxgps lot such service are very low and above all, the fact that our emergency car is equipped with a Manley Crane >s your assurance that we will “get your car in’* without the danger of further damage, which &>metinies happr" -*hen a cheap crane or a home-made crane is used. We are at year service day or night More Week Remember the phone number MITCHELL’S GARAGE Get a Pair of Shoes Free Laurel, Delaware To the first fifty customers each day for the next Two Weeks, that make a purchase of $3.00 or'more; we will give absolutely FREE a pair of new shoes. You simply purchase shoes or hosiery to the amount of $3,00 °r more from our immense stock anytime during the next two weeks .and get a pair of shoes given to you.

Women’s $3 and $3.50 Pumps

TWO MILLION In a variety of styles fi'l QC and leathers, both medium

Misses $3 and $3,50 Pumps and Oxfords Lacate ou( nearest store, our quality Young Men’s Oxfords and service will please you* Better With and without straps, in all values always at the A. & P. stores. leathers and every clesir- (j*1 AC Ort the New Balloon Toe able pattern. *P Shape. $3.95 WHOLE Tomatoes 3 "At 25c B Come Early and Get a Pair of Shoes Free

SULTANA PACIFIC 35.00 Hollywood Suede Sandals $3.95 Childrens Shoes Tan And Black ASSORTED TOILET $6.00 Womens Two Tone Pumps $3.95 With good oak leather Soles 95c Patent and Tan $5 Miami Sandals $3.95 Childrens Patent One Strap Pumps 73c $4.00 Misses and Childrens Pumps $1.95 Childrens Strap Pumps Jelly Paper Womens While Pumps $1.50 In a variety of styles and Mens Tennis Bals, suction sole $1.25 JAR 2 rolls 9 leathers 10c 1 Little Boys Tennis Bals $1.00 95c Mens and Boy’sTenr,is Oxfords 75c Mens $5.00 Shoes And Oxfords PIMENTO KRATT’S Various Shapes in all the ■ SWISS Mens Le.Ttia r Work „——$1.95 desired leathers »>• 39c CHEESE Meis 3Iaii>:ou Last Army Shoes__$2.45 $3.95 lb- 42c Ik.j . SUiO Ballon Toe Oxfords - -$3.50 Ito-- bi.tut Dies.: Oxfords______$2.95 Women’s High Grade Pumps Grandmothers Twm JMlietfes. All Kinds..—. $1.95 Cuu Stringiest All leathers and all colors in /DO flF Good Year Welt and Hand Ik "C M*V Beans $4.00 Dress Oxfords Turned Shoes that sell tegular- T “ vtr 1 ;:» new Mio,',-' that ty at $6.00 ______rv •. >i L.'.-fj j-s ,»:«• .fore LARGE - = 2.95 WRAPPED 7c No. 2 Women’s $4.00 and $5.00 Pumps LOAF CAN We . **■-* In big variety of patterns and (M) A P Yf.t,!!?; Men's Dress Oxfords toe shapes both low and med- MS r“ Tise Etjrare to.• shape Oxfords AC ium heelx Patent leather suede 8 OX. -j j.: T hi v are a real Bargain. XL By kids, tan calf, two tone cffei Is, rtc. A&P EOT. -ifeS f x.-. “

j J Women’s $2.5 White A&P PEANUT •O’lj 7 fr./r Comfort Shoe EARLY JUNE Canvas Oxfords C.T.2 ; Peas BUTTER 95c

i 10c Ross Jar | To ll .. ■ -...... Boston Shoe Store moat ATLANTIC & PACIFIC ® to. TLcmas S. Sximer, Mgr. LAUREL, DEL Market Sfrcet LAUREL CEL. & - .11’)

HttH aaaiMUBM 0


TROOPS AWAIT Young Ladies Say Laurel “Cowboys” ROTARIANS ARE SICKNESS CAUSED FINE DELAWARE 4 PAGE REGISTER ENTRAIN ORDER Forget To Tip Their Hats GIVEN FINE ROADS MECCA That many of the men in Lanrei son had gone on down the street. Because of sickness to one of TOMORROW MORN. have stopped tipping their hats when “Nor to me,” agreed one of her com- the staff of The State Register PROGRAM MON. the publishers found it impos­ FOR TOURISTS | they meet women acquaintances was panons, “really I have threatened to i unanimously decided by a group of sible this week to issue an eight Laurel Guardsmen To Be En­ stop speaking to him on the street al­ page paper and are instead put­ the fair sex this week who eongred- together because of it.”' Fellowship Committee Ray Ot­ trained In The Handling i ated in front of the Blue Tea Boom. ting out a four page publication Won Nation Wide Reputation Then came by other men, all un­ As they discussed matters more than well Functioned For Bene­ All regular advertisers have As “Little State With The Of The 16 Inch Guns conscious of the discriminating aud­ been taken care of so far as a dozen male creatures went by, but ience who passed upon their manners. fit Of Members. Good Roads.” only three of whom took off their hats space would permit. Tbe Reg­ ADVANCE DETAIL LEFT in greeting. One was a youth of twenty who sau­ ister regret very much that it ntered briefly and walked on. After A. S. WILLIAMS GAVE LAUREL ON THURSDAY ■ The first to saunter doom the street was necessary to cut down the THOUSANDS TRAVERSE [was an energetic business man who him eitrne a stiff, erect gentlemen who INTERESTING SPEECH size of the paper but the pub­ HIGHWAYS YEARLY lifted his hat and dived forward in a lishers are quite sure readers Will March' Through Streets i ?'?'eefllr a.ntl flighted profound bow as he murmured a for­ ’ _ . to see his friends. His hands bow- and advertisers will co-operate mal pleasantry. Rotai-ian Wilbur Nock and Har­ at this time. The edition next Motor Tourists Do Not Over­ Of Philadelphia On Trip.! ever, were not raised from his side and look Fact That Delaware Has Camp Will Continue Until j h >s doubtful if he, himself, recogniz- Still another walked up and he wore ry Green Were Visitors. week will be the regulation not hat. That lie explained was in Latter A Former Resident Of eight page paper. I t must be Attractions Ail The Yea1.' August 1st. ; ed that he bad departed from the i courteous custom. self protection from the constant bot­ This Town, understood that tbe Register is Around, “He has never tipped his hat to me,” her of tiping it to women he knew in tile only paper in Southern Del­ aware printing all eight pages Lieutenant William L, lorbert with j s{ated one of the girls after this per town. Delaware reputation as the “little three enlisted men left Laurel yester-J A fine program was given at the in their own plants, and the ab­ day as the advance detail of Battery! ~ regular meeting of the Laurel Rotary j sence of any of the help makes state with the good roads” lias be­ “A” Delaware National Guard which PDA FI I ID fW iST. SWITHiNS BAY Club in the Hotel Rigbie on Monday1 it impossible to put out a paper come known throughout the country. will go into camp at Fort Hancock, i ulVUuui, vLllLr vi evening by the fellowship committee i of this size. Its system of modern, permanent high New Jersey. The main body of troops I LAUREL PLANS CAMP; BRINGS DOWNPOUR under tile direction of L. Ray Otwell, ways is acknowledged as a model, will leave Laurel tomorrow morning! worthy of emulation by other and at 3:06. ’------< ------Chairman. Christopher EHis, one of I l£7Cfl TRJ FACIJ PDI7CC much larger states. Highway experts the members of the fellowship com- v ’ dv LnOll £ IuZiLiO This unit will be the only outfit in Yo THlers Of The Soil Will; According To Ancient Tradita- have repeatedly' pronounced the roads Delaware to go out of the State for ~ ~ . , , , » _ , _t mitee first talked on some of the, f0R KENT-SUSSEX FAIR of Delaware to ins second t» none in its encampment. Battery “A” is rr SnCamp At Oak Orchard ■ bon Delaware Will Have mistakes the Laurel club has made m , ______excellence of design and thoroughness Coast Artillery organization and for i For One Week. 40 Days Of WetWeather of construction, and it may he said this reasbn must train where big guns HVast- . 'Annual Delaware Affair Will they have furnished inspiration for Dr. A. S. William gave a short ad-; are located. The rest of the units in WILL LEAVE JULY 25 RAIN WAS BENEFICIAL Begin At Harrington On modern road building. Delaware are Anti-Aircraft and they dress on the relationship between; July 28th. The roads of Delaware are a joy to will go into camp at Behoboth Beach., tbe regu|ar incct;ny of the David* If ancient tradition holds good, then members and strangers who come to' motorists, whether they be sent on rh.e,ta? ”e . ... . , , , Grayson Club in the agricultural room i Delaware farmers are mine to act all town. He suggested a number of. ! business or pleasure. They have been consist of Infantry drill, piste pract- of H, b Schootb Monday nigbt ™are ”ls “re K°‘nf ° CROWDS ARE EXPECTED traversed by thousands of pleasure tee and the handling of the 16meh final plausbwere marfe for thc weBks he ram they want or at least for Ways tile members could be of ser- I ------seekers from many states, whose num- guns The latter instruction will do-. p at Oak Orchard fee bo,d tbe the next 40 days. As all pessimists vice to such strangers who might have! Cash premiums amounting to S750 hers are increasing annually. They Wlinate‘ ' last week In July. About 20 boys are aware, Wednesday was St, Swith- business in Laurel. He also discus- ba awarded to winning- entries in delight not only in smooth, durable The troops will leave on a special ins Day and since it rained we are de- sed the ways the club members could the parade at the Kent-Sussex Fair pavements... and the rustic...... beauties of will be present at the camp during tile help in the development of the morals car attached to the 8:00 express and week. stained to have rain for 4 more days, to be held Friday, July 31. Entries in . the State, hut they have also found arrive in Philadelphia at 11 O’clock. I according to tradition. of young people, and liow the social the parade must show some phase of it profitable to return home with a All of the members of the club are standing of the people of the commun­ They will march from Broadstreet farmers and some of them have dif-! Weather forecasters, however, have agriculture or home-making, the idea * tonneau full of the luscious fruit and station to the Beading terminal, where ; little faith in the doctrine of St. Swith ity„ could„ be„ improved.„ , . , , , .being to illustrate tile importance of produce for which the state is noted. they will again entrain for the Newi^”* e"yr™^ Some Day’ an<1,wi1.1 any- L. Rfly Otwell, chnimiiui; closed } agriculture in Delowavc. The entries With over COO miles of cortcrefe’5 Jersey camp. lof the boys will stay in a cottage but! th,"s 01 tl,e.bas,s of t|,e program with an address on what the ,pay be|lo.ltSi walking groups or in-: roadway already on the State high- A telegram received this week by Qn accolInt f , b t The l^end says: club can expect to accomplish and how (iividu.ils. ' way system, Delaware has more miles t ie commanding officer from Col. Mar ;w.u als„ uged f , . j St. Sw,thins Day if thou dost ram. it can be done. He said the future, Competition forthe prizes will be! of durable paving per capital of pop- tlngate, commander of the Tort stat-1 eg 1 H For forty days it will remain, of the club depended upon the in-. [jmited to farmers or farmer's wives ulation and in proportion to its size, ed that the soldiers would be housed} The expense of u e ,g id b * St, Swithins Day if thou be fair dividual work and fellowship of each; bona fide organization of farms, mem-' than nny other state in the union. . In up to date brick barracks., Th s, tbe club mmbcrs at a <,os|! ,)E 80 ce,/9 j For forty days, t'will ha mnir. member of the club. i„,rs of boJ.s- ani| gj,.js. argriculture' Delaware highways are not only in- will mean that no camp cqu.pment pci, day> M o£ lbe tbings t0 ea(. ! The legend of St. Swithin is an an- Rotarmn Wilbur Nock of the Sal-; 01. bonie-making clubs, and to vocation creasing the states fame, but its pr.>- will be caned alonf? - . ■ will be carried from the farm homes. j eient one, with foundation in the story isbury Club was a guest also Hurry > a] agricultural high schools. ! sperity as well. Tlte possession i f In addition to three officers from. The )nelnt)Bt.a will Ieave Laurel by that in the year 862 Swithin, Bishop Green of Williamsport formerly a re-; Entries should be filed with Russell‘loads that are passable in all aeasor-i Laurel, Major John 1, McCaskey,, (ruc|, on gntuftj„y morning, July 25 of Winchester, England died and was sideiit of this town. The program j,b Wilson, Dover not later than Mon- Das been of inenlulable value especial • Capt. F, Hutchins, and Sergeant D. a)!(j wi|] retu,.n on tbe following Sat- buried at his own request in “a vile next week will be in charge of tlie clas: dayi jnjy o;, 1 ly to the farmers, and this is import- Waters of Wilmington, and Sergeant ln,() A t h ; and unworthy place" outside the Win­ sifieation committee. Charles G. West ^bt, ,,arad,? wjn b(, divided into three ant because Delaware is essentia”. ■ H. Borwick of Dover, will make the , chester Cnthederal. chairman. , sections as follows: an agricultural state outside of \V!' - trip. These men are regular army : On July 15, 871 after he had been —------Section B—Open class, open to all mington. Instructors in the state and will in DELAWARE CRABS IN i canonized and adapted as the patron • Ainrin /ir»APO TihlPP eligible-:. Motor tourists should not ove.4 ' struct the Laurel militiamen. ! saint of Winchester, it was decided to LUWfco LKuaO KuAUu Section B—‘Open only tot«i members the fai t that Delaware has annu-r A stalt correspondent of “The State. HAMFCiO CYTIMFTlrtM ’movenwe },ishis b,mMhones to a !worthier'^r resting ( wwo «1 nAPUliMV ”f br»s'«* and girls’ elubs working tin- hum the year around and that the c . Register” will accompany the troops, Vxii'IUljIl EAlinbllUn plate. There came a great torrent of, vlfcWo flAtlEnlriUj Jar supervision of tlieextensimi depart roads make them available in nil s« and report every happening of the -— ------rain, anil it rained for fiyty days.; ment of the Vniversity of Delaware, sons. Not the least of these attra? ramp. Watch.for this story in next Fishermen Teach Dela .... tl,untlcountry‘" people said it was the* Section fC—OnenOpen onlvonly to membersmember? i<*1,(14 are the numerous pivfure, weeks paper? saints way of showing his indignation! Storlc Visits At The Home Of „f vocational agricultural high school {dices of historical interest. wareans New Methods For because hi:: dying request had been Mr and Mrs, Cornelius classes, under the toiperivsion of the Catching Crahs. disobeyed. State Board of Vocational Education. BIG “CUKE HARVEST West. Parade will form on the dirt road PERSONAL ITEMS OF just north of the fair grounds. Parade IS GOING FORWARD use MILE UNE LAUREL POLICE KEPT 'OTHER NEWS BRIEFS will move mi the trad: nroniptiy at II HITCHENS X ROADS A. if. Laurel Will Be One Of The, Ihc uture of th, rmbbrng nlustry BUSY OVER WEEK-END Lowes Cross R»ads. July Id -Mrs. Ladies Aid Will Meet At Trim;/ Busiest Places On Penin- ;? Hm m ' Xr ■ o’ e Stole Laura Parsons vlh h.m i n -f.tying sula For Next Few Weeks "rr-v,,,s tI,p ‘ “ SLlt' I’hihsdelpliiu i. nr.w spending the CONCORD RESIDENTS M. P. Church Fride.y Even­ Fish and Game t-ommi: sion ns the re- Motor Violations Dominate In summer with Airs. Mary Short. ing July Tira 17th. suit of the invasion of the Delaware Charges Placed Against Mr. and Mr-. Edgar J-.:n- ui.J i jil.i SEE PUBLIC WHIPPING WHEAT CROP IS GOOD . jgay -m fl,,, vicinity of Woodland Betah r,n visited her s.-ter in Kiafnrri hml this wt e't by fishernwn front (Tuisfield Several Laurel Men, Friday. MANY ART- ENTERTAINED With the fir..t c.rloud >.f encumber*fcent ;’>■ 1 - , The Maryland fishersft-hers were drivendrivm ------Tb(, Sf„rg the l:..:ue of Mr. Four Brothers And A Brother- s;.ing forward from Lnuie! the tiiM (,y fi... p;.,, rt.mmi.-^ioit patrol STATE POLICE AID ard Air--. C iinelnN We-t la-* Th.r- In-Law Are Charged With •IPS - « ’.IP-:-: > ..: last vvtck, with p.-ulies and t.m’al- {. ),■,( not before they- bad taught ------day an,5 toft a ten pound g.rk Brutal Attach ’.'r- H. r. 1 . .p.-: on two week: onrlio'1 tb-iu,- . n(,jauari, fi-heinitn bow to trail Tflp f„r,e V,,K t:(,pt btIS,,- yi;inv jr„n, alttnd.d the m- ■:;d and with pro pet to mother fra:* - m a large v, ate in Laurel over the week-end. William t.L at Cnrcv . Chmtlt Lt Safurda- WOMEN ARE INVOLVED :n:d vrgetal.ies bear: earlier fha:. a- As Inuit .f the visit of the Mary j,1S(,pb was r.rreste.l liv State Polite evening. in’. Sussex County fari.itr: are look- torn! fi herman. the Delawarean-, put JarilPS and Vosheli for operating a' Mrs. Lizzie I’.:, - a ■ ami f.rind-dat: eg forward to ore of the I naiesf : ..t,t in fin,t?.- f*t , in default of which -faying with Mrs. Lvd.e Jones nr. J -Mto Mt. Laurel, which in tin* Center of the bv fb.- f'ri-ficbl n.in Mid t1v.u-ar.dv of bi, u:)s given tu) days in jail. Mrs. Mabie BriPing! ax. ui« £* v4 « f t-\t iti i..» :.*...i f -in ty , -. > Sil ! ! « -(« ui-.hn’ mu-rt.i,,-',:. I f the l)Uvie-f place - for the l-«vt f' The Maryland method m end long'. a warrant for the arrest of Isaac H. new floor laid to hi.-: poich. jlfhTh ’ ill * f *'* i M” . i ’Weku. According to Hie grower.- tlie ;m followed by tt.e Crisfield men, is stitl „f Xnrth. Laurel and he was :tr- .Mrs. Cora Harri-og and : •, ’ di'. an! L<' U r BA-r. {.p *1 2.*» \ i* • ■ . -'v i ’i Mrs. I. b.itb va-*.I ur. iv.r: 2t when over MHO an etaf red on th- . teln of the b at Sl)'a,re..t,.d iiy'offoer Hithm-.m »nd Mr. and Aft-. IViIl...! i Ifi t: tool -**. by O’Nva* H’ui IV i ;•:*/in.. * I’:...’. Ue-t :,y, it : -a.! iad: were 'shipped. I ppir.c tbe vial* up as the vh.nt lines (-„lintv p„n ..at,to Htar.i on a simitar before MaV*Ta\’ * i t v - I< Pnzun “ th. s.r I’iiiladelphia vi-:fed Air. ami Mr- v,K * E . u n. S I iP The price fot thi’ <1'cHis.hPi'- L* ;m- ,’u\* brought t<> Rurfaw. The snort f Ito was fiftcd $10. Tinimins last week. *i ttr- cther t-neouraginB outlook, because Unfit me of eoin-sv haitvL <*uch fbr fiiftlu '• E-'isEtf ?«» '.Ir. .’ i is fon.sideri ,1 goad. An average of aftPiThuUi. I'h.cb !> i’Eti-t vu v, t!h I! .T. elg-iity cents a bushel is Imped for -am! suit ami hatter * addition to time shipped H.e c.re- MUSIC OF INDIANS Laurel Personal And Social Items Of lit* at:.u-k is suul Letv it f erics many are picked for thu untie.’ mc.ntha. ON U. OF D. PROGRAM Interest To Every Register Reader 1^;'.’^ ■luy vwniry. The past week closed the wheat —-—,— ------—Hastings and the supposed r.to’Uto-1-' Inrvest. Tbete are* si me farms wiser*' ------—-. Mr. and Ml,. C. E. IUvis. are spend- Newark. Del. ot. IVt dm-i.i-. Bakfr is alleged to hue been devoting Hie grain ba.- nut hen threshed, lm* THurlow Lieurettcc Will Give fi>g- some time in (Kean (ity. Mi.-. Arthur lVinii->r wn- tohn ♦* to Mi-. Haig.- Wot-ki,-.. u The five REGISTER REPORTER men met Cl'Me.d in front of Matter tbe U’iil be cleared up this week i Interesting Program Of Mr, and Mrs. Thomft.. Fulton of the Cnivcr.-itv of M.ir.vlns.d Ho juta AT FORT HANCOCK it do: :,n’t lain. The wheat is yielding Stewartawn Pa., have returned home in Baltimore this week for treatment,i. V. K\ .'v’’ tL.xsv r.uH iu C‘Ui*«h\J >t*- Real Indian Music. after unending' Come time with Mr. Miss Vivii n Baldwin of Oxford Ito., tu’d:.;. af»cr,io..!t ard are said fa lmv line, ranging from IS bussJiols up to Tt.e t t:.tv ttogi-. :• V fii ’...vc : • :,s high a« 32 bu did:; to the acre. and Mrs. Harold Edie. i- the guest of Min Lillian White tbi* given l.h ’ cm -enmeiciul bc.d.m; with, ml tepreser.atlve in eamp with tig* Mr. Harold Riggin of GlcnriJgc, week. -wit.lies they cat fu.m a noar-.y ti:.,- LIVED WITH THE NATIVES lamed Nat:-f.il Gcmrd a! I’« Ha:- CENTENARY M. E. are visiting Mr. and Sira. L. D. Rig- Mrs. Herman T.oWe and daughf r het. They then went t.* Halor'-. farm i o>’h ar.d w”l he.-p l!pd Boiigs of the North American In-, ... naitan. rtgaidr.g t'.c i.iv.ip and t>-' fenienor, M F flirrth In: nfli'cum dit a has been arranged for the I’nivcr i -• spending some time with hi:’, fam- Mr.--. Mary II. Bath They also vi.d'ed warrants, person,*e! can bo w-nred by wr't:.:x red the Slav‘in- m igranr At 11 site Summer School on Friday. July ilv here. Air. and Mr.-. Elmer Biggin in (Tear- to 4-trte Itogi-ter R n.aivo, Fr- oV’oeb b. H-e m >,n:L the pastor wi’d U'in Wolf Hall, 7:3d Standnr.1 Time. Charlea Wootton is -pending the field. FArMFR FINDS FREAK ’ r.’-'to” t-t to* I Ji.tow;.»v X«*. i n -ifb Tbe Ri" S'ng t-kei place in Thurlow Lieurance, pianirt and com cummer nt a camp for boyu o.i the Mr Hilbertt...... Pr<...... tlyn a:, of 1, mtoville EGG: ; to I Fo-’ , X. J. • ’b , oien’m- at’■'■‘'(l" Fvci’V one is re- noser of Indian 'im-fi. With his wife. Mogothy river, near Annapolis. Ivy., is * p *mi:n,.* his vacati ,n wall hi- WE a.-'! ’. th.-1., [*’v,ah:,’ will ,ic ‘ at •••’ ■ ■ . r - ... Tt-poil.-vT.h-iii’.m*e. will t’’"e the Mr.Mr. AlbertAlbert LoweLowe iain vivi. itiibritimr relatltd.f ■ parents, Mr. :.nd MrJ. A. I'reltymr.’.i. —------'ere: O to ’ v'il spe A ,‘en.nrh d l"? Idllikn Uh tint- ives in Baltimme. Md Manfred Evan., am! Allure M’bate- Rod’..-E, fa”., or i h ng-ne-w i-;r'.-v every ni*;!.; about .-a;-, lenecrh assisted by Lillian Rood, tint- ives in Baltin,me, 51*1 Manfred Evan., an*! Allure Whale- Rod’.e news. ..etvoe l-o.. tliCiii,.... i..ii spea,. 5Q, While.. ,ho ,'mil , “indiod .inusie...... nil Mro, Fred rL. Marvil and,„,.t ...... tmti Fred offieera nt ,i.„the t,Ferns r.,,j.»,a„toiIndustrial Schoole,-.i,.,..i I'mev1’iw-y tbGi’ ovc carried to GeWfietniv u 'iMweiii " Tiri.’vtnv ,,f this life it was not until he was via- has returned h.iuii' after visiting fr,-*- of Wilming-tim were re, cut vi. it, r.s in on*n *hMoiidav . and presented *>- hi5 in vv- . V n ? TaP-son of thi- iting hi- brother wh- was a physician nds in South Carolina and Norfolk Lam-el. n’.cw. Chares S. Call,,.:..-,, an ??v S-w’ .-'e- ym.nnced ’ v n md Mr William II”Bmisall, Jr. on thc Crow Rccervtoion in Montana Postmaster A. S. Hem-no i-, mi a Mvs. Clayton Elliott and dnugdite-.which measured hv an., mi-hto.: m- '■■■ ! or Vto"ns5 »f Ik p'l’ Wire mat vied that lie became interested in the eeie- business trip to Haitin’mrc thi-. week. Della, of Witmingloti are spending ches m eircu.iifei cnees. I ? .n break- .<,. 1 .,.i-i...... wi I he u.t , fu Mv.i«us Ji.ak, }y* T> . r nn.i nr fho IndiMi*?. Rea Rev, nn«I Mr.*. Conn*1* RtYwman, and Komo Hine hero with nnJ io* m/t Hip Mr, f tuurul a np«. * a»ty n>mn Jo \ Is. lh : c„ June 22 aL Rochdale. Pa, m C D f.-m.c and .amg^„ R )ati^ ,, rtlw tTu, tpsWl, ,,f tbo by will n va.h nt Mr. P!,-a-cm ehn-.' vaiy Church by ,T. P. Bavley. ' eriaHn *he song.-of the Red Men, I,e weeks stay in Ocean City, AM. Thomas Elliott of ’Wilmington i: hitge shell and sm-r.-unumg ,t v.a-t bm.iav "touni’g 1.L..d.ca m a . a wedding trip. • jo ,Ocean City,,bto,. N. J- i, es-tm to write them down smi to rec- Mrs. IL BertruJe Lewis alb tided spending tine time here with his anther with the wl.-te aim you *:i :.?• (:.-:r. a.m.! n i‘---"n -'.e >" tint young e -.tple ,«r# ".I the r«wnt-Te*chers Aviation in family. j paranfeiv perfect conditio!,. ren .n ba -v -'o - < . y- , F». THE STATE REGISTER, FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1925

THE STATE REGISTER MAKING A GOOD TOWN BETTER •' 1 LIVE PAPER IN A LIVE TOWN” It is one thing to have fine public buildings, commun­ ity houses, auditoriums, park systems, and quite another FtibliMicd Every Friday Morning By to have adequate programs to fill them. Nothing is rea­ THE STATE REGISTER PRINTING COMPANY, lly beautiful unless it is useful or serves some good pur­ AT LAl'REI , IIEI.AWARE pose. Many people point with pride to a certain great World’s Greatest Buy 1 ul,lie undertaking the splendid work that represents civic pride and unselfish service. But the finger points 5Ianapine Editor EAR? E 51. HOLDEN only to tl:c structural achievement, the material budd­ ing, Many cities and towns get all dress up but will’ ic $1.5(1 PER ANN I 51 IN ADVANCE nliiee to go. H MONTHS—75c. 3 .MONTHS—50c Our devotion to material structures alone must h:. its necessary complement in well directed plans to carry I'tlRKtGN RF.PRESENATIVES I < ut the purposes for which the institutions were c ■■’(- 1250 - c ivnl riel founded. If developments in community ■ Freight ttnd Tas E;ctrts The Adcraft Co., 9i< Shipley Street. Wilmington, Dei. ’fairs arc made possible bv public funds cr popular - ; - American I’ri'-s Association. 225 West 39 Street, New | sd-ipti,,n. tiny should afford an all-inclusinve scheme . ■' 8©r «&e HOBTOM COACH ' York. N. Y.: N, 5V. Ayer, Adv. Agency, 308 Chestnut . manneenic’i' io the end that full participation may Street, I’luliukjpliin, Pa.: Puehrltr—Peard Co. 5Iuii~cy .had and :nil values derived. Throughout Hudson’s long-time policy of giving greatest value Building. Baltimore, Md. for the money* this is the lowest price, the finest Hudson, the I I; is much like the boast of a certain mail who A greatest value Hudson, ever offered. Only Hudson’s exclusive •that hi-.iown had ilectric lights. The ‘act was that i'RIDW MuP.NiNG, .ICIA 19. 1925 advantages of the famous patented Super-Six principle com­ town bad vk- !•■ , .he v 'SS,Il:tr"V -'llioln, '! twt!'. ■ •' : ”i Iv '. i.i.v -v ‘s',,n has - ■ a made 1. r tlusr -.’.-La.mo ar.e.c-a r;icier.:ion. T-- --ricfly r. ■ .’ssasimov affair, instr.’.ud'-ns end active, -io!' ’’ ’ , ;i,i •, „j.’j ,-d’- n> lu-ive in - II’ ■ ’; »• ' of, iw‘- . •. ■ rd. !' ca.d. -e: a’ e,a-k r.etgs vdl lawaff. ( _ _ _ _ ! '■ ui.r.i. ’ . WHY MEN Gt) FREE Hudson - Essex Worlds Largest Selling 6-Cylinder 'the r.e, • ■■ i.- i’." rate m hi.hue which was netain vai­ William Darling t-hepird went free. It is not s, -.! led to tin attention - t' weekly pnliHshc-tv by the snivel'-' prising. 5Ve were n,.f et the trail, r.or did we follow e. ! t'sinse ceiur.nttee . the Xi.tiotusl Editorial association press reports Further than human nature and a bar­ :it tin- recent Richmond meeting. Evidently there still ling morbidity enticed. 5Ve know little of the detail0 ■ CENTRAL AVENUE GARAGE tire rwWishevs who Indd space in their newspapers h«c, the case, and accept the verdict u£ acquittal because cheep, otherwise the committee would have md repeated jui-y has spoken and because of the cardinal princil’id a recommendation that is presamaldy iamiiiar to wiry) of innocence until pvoven guilty. i William j, Quillen, Mgr. Phone 1 50 Laurel, Del. editor in (lie country, nor would it haw stated that it It may he interesting, however, to speculate up< n ' c: usidend these rates "very conservative.'’ ; the reason for the .hiry's verdict of acquittal in the face j The ru’ dislier who sells space in his paper lower than i.f the fact that a state's witness. "Dr.” Charles Faitnan. these rates is cheating not only himself hut his com- testified that he supplied the defendant with typhoid i nnnity as well. He is cheating himself because those germs with which to inoculate Hilly McClintock, thp mil­ are minimum rates, based upon a careful study of the lionaire ward of Shepard. The jury did not believe whole adve rtising problem by men Familiar with the s:ih-| Fiiiwan’s story. They either decided that lie told an un­ ,if( t, and if he goes below themhej s not getting a fair; truth on the stand, or their confidence in his testimony ' return for his labor. It is hist as true today as it was was shaken to the evunt that a reasonable doubt arose m 2 con year; ago that tie labor is Worthy nt Ills hire. He tin ir minds, which is sufficient for an acquittal in a erim-' - bi..(in; his 11 lnn.u’nt.v liiau-e the "-*.11 > e,l" niw-- illiil case. i r ,;.n u it givi to it- ,, a - :;i’:ilv th.it ty,...... I< ad, r-1 We hear a iot from supev-sentinicntul people about . -ml -iivae qhkh •L-n’o ..ml fir wh.',’) *!.e circumstantial evidence, but if Is s< metimes stronger and eotainimity Ieohs. e.i< re lor.vineing than direct ir personal "eye-witneps" W.'.at •- trm ■ •' *I:o 1. w .:dvi rtl-.t g ’-.it- of tie b-w te-.t'anany. The reason is iieciwise tiveumsttowes ticvir -:,1 ir-ptii r rate. Tile SI a yi.ir -nb•.■rip‘i< n jiice i- lie. v’l.ile r.n u d... C, r.il.v i, p- driiw.i fr, a . hvumstan- ■ • •-! ‘-.a.Iv oi H.'-i w- ‘,ff! w, on.h| , i - , av ’« 11- < la ■ a-, ’ at in f thi i r, '1',,'f.iit! i - bv their ; WcatioiiDays ' j . vei, I., i. E ; 11 al’’- *••. ■ *r ,e win ” e\> • its in )., ■, . vi rv nature. Tills why aitual confession.. >,f alleged .i r or- d . ‘.or ' u, ,j( aa. d »L.i: <2 ,. :.;es inch.ilde. ,.ml i-' 5BB> »nd other shore enjoyments—3-day cruise back home. * ■ R l’. 1 - l • * » j » n« l.» ’A* •«*5\i* t’.» > .? - a wio b i .:c ifip-Mi of i,ur low ..rd di-, ri'tbn of, b 2 < viu * j-..•'.'.V ff- * ' »- v..*< . < /by i/r i it. - .•-,i<- fb.i.t i- -u ', - are red taliep .nbpr.irily end Picture this vacation in your imagina­ ' ’* ■ V.l i - .? *’ .v. ■ ' t./i ■’ u • ’’ ,it ”!’> u \ cb.iic up, n 55h; .1 » t a •■ntiui e !!Pi’ 'ail .r'sbii’;’. * * I tion: a 3-day cruise down the Atlantic 1 ' •in - -A ’ lit' an *,y that ■Ii. - Ire v the : r m-,i--to i ii"r, the ‘'r.i.'d'i . i.i'; Coast—eight days at a beautiful Florida V* — • ’ ’ ! U' ^Lf . * * ..V f 1 . h:i>, ,ii A . ::d Op ig *. tin il'ght of iice.'-’n ,f. n. hotel. Every hour filled tvith the charm « ( . * 'i’ ••IT. fi.ev Lear. 1’ • y ' -1 •,) olid the It i ’ - V • •» r . • n L r • of new scenes, the delight of summer -A,’ s 4 I,;".' ’ ’ii- . 11-i -•,-ti„i b o.i.ip- "» : mo. c t:,e 1-i.ilfV. Steamer transportation, round trip overhanging the great green sweep of Steamer berth and meals T- L •1 * ■ »•;-* DU*' “ i‘. I ’• y-j . ■ the ocean, and balmy nights of tre pical ", Automobile transportation s. /.« rr. ■. ur , *' (* « • . 1 .n -' ' ■ : . r, i .iv.-.: tll.NT ft. HOI SI'S AND < HI’DRF.N allurement. Hotel accommodations—room and meals ” t » * • > * «. I i-M.*. 5*,? i r, . vi f 1 - .. Specially arranged entertainment W :i v. i s . t.‘l . I .rui t , : t 1 u : . ■ ,5 Picture from your experience uhat t • . r * t* .i i. . */ >1 .. !. ?. !..< I'lL Yes, all of it for S1C0 V *1 , ) • : . - r ' »' • i.v I •• • ’ ?" IB- inn .i'. wi’i: ‘1 e Jai;.,b ni w: v,:.' r- ‘ rent ! , ■-<<- urd • ; . rt- this would normally cost, and then get 4 ■.r u* vf i. t: •’! ; au* > .r : g : — i- !" nisi' ’ ■ i.int- 11. i .c With t iiV’.-'i :!ifi|. : • »t , g the surprise of your life rvhen you learn Then, too, there are tLc .(’i L. Ii.i.g’-.re j.Htfittij f;,;,i :,'..itih.f:ori ir I'.tii, ilv di — Yes, $100for all of it: transportation, mighty saiihsn and leaping tarpon. I i- v<‘. i si i.a: t niy;nfi« ' ,;.p of iu.-,.i(- thire ; rr li.ih.-irn," iffi:-’ r, , t-n-tru, five -„InD. p. and time. your pocketbook. HeteissiiiL;, vacation,cost­ ing httle more than living at home. f i ,.a?> s„ fn.r r iff. e f, r-.a! :e if make- matters worse. Ti.i r«al i -fate t.i ard , f Hunting!, n Hi , L. Cai.foi’- And it gives you a chance to see for yourself hf i.:...wi *> a* !.< .- ' i tri.* E.,t t.e iit Summer “The Season” at Hollywood the wonder of the most falkcd-aht ut spot in the nia, rnfr.tb. pu -til a ii-il'dhji th..t it-- rr.cr..I.rr-‘ wiuhl t ’u ti a* i.e i- gfff.rg-t :r: *.' tranurfUueotthebeach orc tsttbcirl t j,Et A it by mailing the coupon asking ftr complete information MOVIE MONEY ' 4 ’lb- t'.n.id the ti.I.h-- i:: tat iatidloi . 3VLY 2fiTU • ' l ■' -i ‘ 1 g ’ 1... T .1 . I*’ .. 5MEI I. 5N( E E'iDIA NLLDI H HERE Average temperature during summer AUG. 11th - ' ' • - ‘5 I...;'. #..■ ’ .1. . ok 84 degrees—every day a June day AUG.25TU ' . ? • ■: .• c ■ .. .. 'ii ' ’ < ■ .5 ;• Il do: . . .r? 1, ! .. ,1 : ! • . 4 1 ' l . - I • ' , ...l : » 1 ai ‘ .. :• ,: • t d...... i ’ - da •'< f, , !■"; ” t.i h.n O', ..A , • i.t ’...... , ,d Hojxwvood '1 ’. •' -i * i .,, •,. tut; • f. r ft ai . • i. 'Florida's AlUYear Hesort City’ • • . • t .f. t ,, ,, < t,„ . ' iprn.f M- • I'*'1 «‘l il. 1 * J fe * L„ e 5, ’ •’ .* ’.1 ' i..l ;•'"•■••:-. ,.w 5 ... 1 , ini- / ' i •<< ,i"i.i- • •.••.', p . - * ! "*• i. T i > r t . , • , L . i f ,■ ...... r -ssMnllijt 6 V ..tBVa i.i.i 56 * t jML 16 c b b t> e » s.i u5E?Z«ii

»*’ •jhT*- ....\ __ » - -rnlV < Mail TJw Coupon Xo-.v! VAC'AiH >.

1 i, i. L .. Allot •!.Htillywoc.’.:,i,.t5if.'-u.-i n - '!■• ,P 1 A, -.!.'f,';l?ep.,fft.:vtit 1 , ' 'j , ,:L tl-1I --• ' - i - r ■ i« n ,* i > i.i ...... i ol, k Suite 3C3, National < 'hvR! J,;, Tvc ,v Yi 'tic t s., i—l. . ,.■• ;Le p.ipd,, Fjp;i i,,,e siiuoii L'airk"’., VI,,n I iCft I’achar J IE Dh.l.i.h if bin idu,! . Ah.fi v.if'.cg. ,p ' 12,*i Bi'vl&ton f-ctf'et, Hiv‘i/i, Nj-.cs, <>,lined Lvo-if have an {.ii.Iiu’atiee or , Leisbt i* not, pp 1 Pcntityhan’a A’.?,; nd i\ ardws fi. *..••» v.-'f -coRRI, d ‘i jjld : ’.NYAN'f il.'' 1 'nsa.-e v. -j,. 1.. " i AefancLiOv - e '■.. i -fl.'-1 . li a: a s. < r< La:.*, a , *, •/ ; y toi!i"; .a i i.i! , o/f rtaide t..a. Lit.i o i It i. b A oKi'.i.'cf, tie j. ey -ard ’p. ::»• t a'd idedia- c.", ’n?INK 17' ftVLE,


TWO UMPIRE SYSTEM private allowances that would accrue Mr. Curtis W. Spicer of this town CARD OF THANKS and death of my husband, who de­ Classified Advertisements to pupils living on a given route probably holds the record for fishing Dear friends, I wish to think you parted this life June 26th, 1925. FOR SHORE LEAGUE will justify the same. catches so far this season, In four for your kindness during the illness Mrs. Oliver Calloway For the coming year, transportat­ trips made recently Mr, Spicer caught HONEST DOLLAR FLOUR IS THE ion allowances will be made only from President J. Harry Rew Called BEST at 59c per sack, so are our own the time of the approval of the ap­ 29 large bass the largest weighing Meeting. Teams Repres­ make feeds. Bran at $2.10 Middlins at plications. C pounds and B ounces This is the $2,50—500 pounds less, Also our own ented At Salisbury. Prompt compliance with this not­ largest fish reported caught near One Day Excursions to the Seashore make Laying and Growing Mash. ice is urged for the sake of those Laurel this year. The fish were cap- W. T. Records & Son. who are to be served. TO BEGIN MONDAY State Board of Education tnred by the reel and rod method in FESTIVAL—THE St. PAULS M. P, J. 0. Adams, Business Manager streams around Laurel. Church will hold a festival July 14, The whole matter of disputes be­ tween umpires players and managers HARDWARE OF EVERY KIND- ATLANTIC CITY of the Eastern Shore League was thro Small & Horsey. uglily aired at the meeting of Presi­ FOR RENT—DWELLING CORNER WEDNESDAY, JULY 22 dent J’ Harry Pew and the presidents Central and Clayton Avenue, A. H. Phillips. TUESDAY, AUGUST 18 of the clubs in Salisbury on Wednes­ day. All clubs were represented but FOR SALE—ONE RIDING GUL- SPECIAL TRAIN via Delaware River Bridge without change of cars. Easton. tivator for sale cheap.- Carrol M, Elliott. Eastern Standard Time The meeting voted to place into ef­ A. M, fect on Monday the double umpire sy­ BRING YOUR EGGS TO US. IIIGH- T J 1 ...... 6.45 “ 4.00 est cash prices paid. American stem which was approved before the Stores Co...... 6.5S “ 3.85 season opened but not enforced be­ ...... 7.00 “ 3.85 cause which was approved before the FOR SALE—1923 BUICK SIX ROAI) “ Salisbury ------_ „ .. ____7.15 3.75 stter in A-I. condition. George A. season opened but not enforced be­ u Delmar -. -w— ______7.35 “ 3,50 cause of inadequate funds. Each um­ Culver, Milford, Delaware, A Martha Washington Sewing Cabinet make;, “ Laurel ------...... 7.47 “ 3,50 pire Will he assigned to a town ,to FOR SALE—LOT EMPTY BARRELS; Arrive Atlantic City (South Carolina Avenue),. 12.11 I*. M. remain a week and later shifted to a- and wooden boxes all sizes cheap.' a splendid Birthday Gift and is one that every Returning special train leave? Atlantic City (So, Carolina Ave.) nnther town in the circuit. W H. Cook. I Advocating harmony among the woman will appreciate. All of her sewing is in one 7:30 P. M, dubs in the interest of clean sport. FOR SALE—HOUSE FOR RENT1 place and everything at her linger tips. THE STANDARD RAILROAD OF THE W ORLD Graham Gunhy, former head of the and trespass notices. Apply State i Salisbury club, asked that meetings' Register office. of the six dubs he held at frequent intervals. FOR RENT—3 ROOM APARTMENTi Nathan’s Furniture Store Pennsylvania Railroad According to the new ruling now All modern conveniences. Apply Mrs j Blanche Marvil. J when Laurel fans visit games on Mon­ SEAFORD — CAMBRIDGE — SALISBURY THE STANDARD RAILROAD OF THE WORLD day they will see two umpires work­ FOR SALE 1922 OAKLAND SIX ing. This is expected to cut out much touring just overhauled Price R225. of the wrangling that lias recently Apply Russell Gauntt. taken place. It is claimed one umpire cannot work a game successfully. NOTICE—CASH PAID FOR FALSE teeth, dental gold, platinum and discarded jewelry. Hoke Smelting S Refining Co.. Otsego. Michigan. J3-tf PROGRAM FESTIVAL—THERE WILL BE A festival at Tindall’s camp on Sat­ Waller Theatre urday Evening July lltli. Every body welcome. TO-NIGHT— FOR SALE—ONE BARCO TENT 14 “Top Of The World” x IB feet, used only three weeks. Will sell cheap. Apply Paul M. Bar­ James Kirkwood, Ann J. Nil- nett. Ison, Thrill drama. ADDED— FESTIVAL—MT. ZION M. E. SUN- comedy. day School will hold a festival on the Church Lawn, Saturday evening SATURDAY— July 18th. Richard Talraadge in LOST—NEW DARK GREY UNDER arm bag, on Georgetown-Laurel “Sporting Grit” highway, contained check anti sum of Harry Langdon in “All Night money. Reward if returned to The, State Register Office. ______Long" and Idaho No. 8. iotp FOR RENT—fi ROOM HOUSE, ALL J entertainment. modern conveniences on 5th street. ■ Possession immediately. Apply Char*; Monday & Tuesday— i Ids V, Rodney. 1 Sackcloth & Scarlet FEMALE HELP WANTED—“LAD-* With Alice Terry, Distinctly ies—To finish Silk Underwear atj a woman’s picture. home by hand or machine—Part or; ADDED—Comedy, full time—Enclose stamp for reply. ’Keystone Mills, Amsterdam, N. Y, Thursday— NOTICE—ALL Rtt.t.S NOW OWING Johnnie Hines in to Ralph Sisters must he paid by “Conductor 1492 ..Inly 15tli as on and after that date jail unpaid bills will he placed in the The Grip of Welcome! It’s Waiting for You Comedy-- -Drama. ADDED hands nf a collector. Ralph Sister?. Comedy. Comedy night. Laurel, Delaware. ’TOR SALE—ENTIRE STOCK OF< GET YOURSELF READY FOR THE GREAT One show each night at S.ti.". merchandise now located in st, re Prices 25 and llie. Two sis »vs ;«? Ralph Sister?, Store eatt be rent- Saturday. Trite? and , TYPEWRITERS—RIBBONS—CAR * i bin Paper. Alt makes used type-j , writer? at reasonable prices. Ribbons» Laurels *i* Oeta. j each—dozen. Carbon pap­ July 28, 29, 30, 31, and Aug, 1 er $2.06 per bos ICO sheets, Test paid.; iROUlLLOT TYPEWRITER CO.S 23: ;S. 16th St., Philadelphia. ‘ Lime and Cement A Week of Holidays for Country People A Week of Opportunities for City Folk : FOR SALE—A NICELY MARKED' CEMENT BLOCKS bull calf, bom June 8th, not of an ■ imported cow by a sire of noted an- BE AND EXHIBITOR AND A VISITOR , cestry. Farmers price. J. IL Ham-5 . pshire £ Son, near Leonards Mill. J BIG EXHIBITS A BIG CROWD j Starting at 35 A. AS. Special harses? racing. ’Satifhury-Delntar State Road. '■ SPECIAL FEATURES FOR EACH HAY L SATURDAY [WANTED—MAN WITH CAR TO TUESDAY AUTOMOBILE RACES, GOING TO BUILD sell complete line quality Auto Tires land Tubes. Exclusive Territory. Ex­ CHILDREN’S DAY—AB ehihlren under 16 admitted FREE. BIO RACES A BIG TIME USE perience not necessary. Salary $300. Grand Stand Free to evirji.-?, per month. Millstone Rubber Com-j Lowes Cotwreie Sleeks WEDNESDAY AtfRICULTCRAL. ART AND SCIENCE ; pany. East Liverpool. Ohio. j Fastest Racing during the Fair. 316(0.00 Free-Far-AH end t-sfier EVERY HOI R ctt(W K-FI LL OF SOYtETHlNG DOING Every Block sold with a fCAMP—JAMES CAMP NEAR LAI -: Last race?. OuaraHteo, rel commence? on Thursday July! THURSDAY TO RE SEEN AND REMIMSERED. ; 26th. There will be an evangelisti THE BIG DAY FOR EVERYONE. LIVE STOCK RARAISE. S. LLOYD LOWE ifrom Baltimore Md. The camp will; Y f u are specially invited to ce.ma and see the SIGHTS, Sotiietking doing alt the H«w. Nat a« idle mnsent Hold over .two Sunday?. The , amp is s THRU IS ATTR ACIIONS. 1MCREMENTS. LESSONS. Phone 41 ana 12S [going to he enlarged this year,if. The. FRIDAY MIRTH AND PEOPLE, Laurel, ^cI- fpwte fee will be IB cents...... * FARMER’S DAY. BIG PARADE DEPICTING AGRHT I.TCRE Transportation Of School Children1 PROGRESS IN DEL AWARE. . It will reilr.t credit ta j-ottr sand ta?!e end wisdnw. Arj'lha'i.u:? for Iramp.-r!;,:!..-.: Mo,..!,! be filed at once witli J. O. I Ada, Ilu.in,'? Manager, State Varied Big CANCER CURED II ar.i .o' E<1.. ' i Ltr* "..I w than two wile? Positively without : ■ h.i. i. of above the sixth grade Features Acts ’peratios: l»y medicine &- j \O:,. ; i-* re tiun three mile? ft. .ns; lone, huRtlretls of cafe? ’a .1 .*’-. f w> nirCK-'ie.are included.> Twice Daily •need. J r, . i ’I, whether ,-f so? they High Class Ifty fevf-r. Boss tftld W- 1 lie.., • j y mu-Iy veceived an ullowua. e, B < r. r n.it they have prevkae-*-, Vaudeville Rrewerhs iy* e-ttro/2. '...i.l J i n a ' .’ha,d bus, Call or Write j hi.,' jr< icr Aimn wore placed in. ! the ha I.. Z U :«< her? in every district SpectacJar Every Pcnnaylvnnin Health 1«- j j In t! i S.«te hi Aijv* the ck.se of school ■ sslfcttfe i i.':i4 ..;h,.>? may ceenwl from the tin-J Evening J,Itr :gi..d. i Stunts 3925 OtetlW St i | c iv State* R.ibrJ t;i Edaratiaa will■ Philadelphia, Pa. , t, J r.v, ? f, tetange contract trans, j Come! See >U; p..i..bui.tr'the total of the> J



INVENTORS Send us Your IDEAS and we will, ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE Search the records of the Patent Office and report to you our opinion as to whether or not you can obtain a patent on your invention. Nock Bros. We have assisted thousands of in­ Your vision may be fairly good and ventors in DEVELOPING and PER­ yet—glasses worn temporarily—will FECTING their IDEAS before filing afford your eyes relief and comfort. their application papers in the Patent Let us make up a pair of “rest glas- Office. We can assist YOU. le” for you. Take Advantage of This FREE Offer ’ ! N. S. Hoffecker Write Today for Optometrist VALUABLE INFORMATION Market St., Laurel, Del. GIBSON & FOX .- 305-J MeLachlen Bldg. Washington, D. C

BANK STATEMENT CLEARANCE Report of Condition of The Sussex Trust Company at Lewes, Laurel and Milton in the State of Delaware at the dose of Business on .Tune .30. 1923. RESOURCES Loans and discounts ______I,807.028.7(’ Overdrafts ______245.67 SALE Investments (including premiums on bonds) _____ 1.071,798.93 Bank house (including furniture and fixtures)____ 27,451.94 Other real estate owned______7I.12S.77 Due from banks------20,215.55 Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank or other reserve agents ______..______113,350.":; Checks and other cash items______3,807.1)8 Cash on hand ,______37,208.12 Started Thursday Morning, July 16th. 1925 Trust Funds Invested ______..__ 416,952.15 Total resources ...... 3,600,318.1!) LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in...... 4____ 150,000.00 Surplus ...... 200,000.00 Thursday morning, July 16th., Offers the mostamazing opportunities for huge savings. Undivided Profits (less expenses and taxes paid).. 43,621.64 Due to all banks______3.775.50 Twice yearly only this store presentsthese outstanding Sale Events. They are Big Friend- Individual Deposits (including Postal Savings) .. 2,705,168.61 Trust Funds ____ 497,752.44 making Sales, with our big stocks to choose from at price reductions, unquestionably Total Liabilities ...... 3,600,318.1!) genuine. Fvery Purchase is backed with our Guarantee of satisfaction, exactly the same State of Delaware, County of Sussex, ss: I, H. D. Williams, Cashier of the above-named bank, do sole­ as though you paid the regular prices. mnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. H, D. WILLIAMS, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of July. 1925. HARVEY M. PHILLIPS. Notary Public Correct—Attest: Clothing Prices Tumble Amazing Opportunities HARRY K. FOOKS W, T. Jones W. C. Truitt in tills big Quick Clearance. Our entire stock of ,‘J- For Huge Savings in Our piece wool suits including all Woman’s Shop Society Brand on Second Floor

Selling The BEST Suits and others. It's an exceptional selection of line suits in correct models and choice fabrics. All PRICES TUMBLE For A Little LESS tin- new styles for men and young men.

Is the Teason for the crowds you $22.75, $29.75, $36.75 dm Croup of 5’J anti Broad Cloth Dresses to see in the A & P stores. $:>IUJ1) to SliiLOr, Dualities Your Neighbor buys at the A & F and saves—'Why Not go at $2.75 You? Value- up to $7.95 ENCORE RELIABLE SHOE-PEG All Hot Weather Suits One Croup of If) Silk Ores-; Spaghetti i CORN Are Tagged for Quirk Clearance. Bin On>- the Sming Big. i go at $9.75 Tropical Palm Beach Mohair CAN Values up to $19.75 gc | CAN 1 gc Miit- Suits Suits to $22.75 NPl.ll.) (o $14.75 M2.5IJ to SJ9.75 P & G WHITE NAPHTHA SOAP 6 CAKES 25c Bargains In Children’s Dresses Straw Hats To Go In A Hurry and Boys’ Wash Suits FREE—-one cars of Bab­ ! Grandmothers bitt’s cleanser with the purchase of owe con of ; ■ *■$1.75 Bread Babbit’sLye Y; ur < hoi; eo: all Ladit.- Hat- LARGE m WRAPPED 7C $2-45 12c LOAF - ■ , Values to $s,75 I Bv ,y,l the Shirts You’ll Need HIRES GINGER ALE OR ROOT SEER 'p-3‘41 » t’5ar. Dractic Reductions Ladies’ Silk and Voile Underwear EXTRACT BOTTLE 18c Ladies’ Silk Hose and Children Socks


CAN 19(, 8 az Jar 7c The Nock Brothers Co.




Baker Confessed To The Kill-! New Buying Shed Proves , Artillery Work, Map Reading, And Infantry Drill Will Make ing Shortly After Being Cap­ .Great Advantage To Far­ Up Most Of The Work During The Two mers, By Saving Time. tured By The State Police Weeks Of The Camp. DID NOT INTEND TO FIRST CANTALOPES BRING GOOD PRICES 41 ENLISTED MEN AND 3 OFFICERS MAKE UP THE KILL BAKER CAMP OF BATTERY “A” AT FORT HANCOCK, N. —~ ~~ Buyers Are Demanding Thai Gives Detailed Report Of Justf They Be Left On The Vines Target Practice Almost Daily Makes The Work Of Unusal In­ How He Killed The Man To Until Ripe And Fit To Eat. test. _Men _Are Happy, Healthy And Exceptionally All Visitors At The Snow, Well Provided For At The Camp. Hill Jail. This week has been the busiest week , of the cucumber Season. Twenty-eight' i carloads were shipped from the Lau- . (By Staff Correspondent) After an exciting chase on the state re] station during the first four days ■ FORT HANCOCK, N. J. July 24 (Special)—Forty enlisted men -ml highway from State Road to Hare’s of the week. Last wek was nearly up I three officers of Battery “A” 2«l.-t Coast Artillery Battalion «»f Laurel are -' 'iirner, a distance of nearly two miles to this record thirty-two being ship­ rapidly settling down to their work in this encampment and bee-ns.iiig real -hate Policemen Ziegler and Carpen­ ped in the entire week. Up until last1 soldiers. ter, at 12.45 o’clock Saturday morn­ night a total of 75 carloads of cucum­ Artillery work, map reading .plotting and infantry drill have been held bers had ben shipped from here. so far and it is quite probable at this time that this work will continue until ing, arrested James Baker and Blan­ The price averaged up around fib to che Ellingsworth, the latter’s sweet­ 70c per bushel hamper until Wednes­ Lieut. Earle M. HoHen Copt. Fred L. Marvil i the °f the camP in Saturday August 1st. at which time the soldiers, heart, both 21 years old, of Salisbury, day and Thursday when the glutted tannc-il by the sun, will entrain again for their home town. Laurel. Md., in information received fifteen j market together with the rather poor Ilk’ above are two of the officers in command ofBattery “A? which is The hoys arrived here Ia?t Saturday at ft o'clock and immediately made minutes prior, to be on the lookout quality of cucumbers drove the price spending two weeks from July 18th to August lst.» at I^ort Hancock, N» J. • themselves at home in the comfortable barracks provided for that purpose. for a pair who Were being sougth by down to 25c per hamper. The third officer of the battery is William Torbert, Jr., First Lieutenant. They sleep on. cots with matresses and pillows and the food has been above the Maryland authorities in conection One of the greatest improvements t ——-----:------:—■ par for an nrrav training camy. No with the brutal murder early yester­ in the handling and marketing of farm i yi/Vf tjv vjw * TYTsK A /"llPfl LAUREL POLICE complaints are heard and this camp day afternoon of James A. Carey, 78 produce was made here a short time |4| Il Ik |?| A Knl Alii* w REV. C. M. KELSEY ; is the best yet, so the militiamen state. years old, a farmer of near Whaley­ ago when the brokers constructed a 1 VU1K Flft ftlllf ff WftRlf Private McDowell is the only meir- ville, midway between Salisbury and buying shed and employed an auet-' 1)U yUlvIY uVnix’ijer that has seen the inside of the Ocean City, who was clubbed to death ioneer to sell the cucumbers and can-! OF LAUREL RESI­ IS SPEAKER AT ------hospital and after a two day visit and robbed of $3,100. talopes as they were brought. Sev- \ Capture More -Than 1 Gallon be is again on the drill field with the So quickly did the wheels of justice era] hundred wagonloads of produce J . . —...... , .rest of the men. move that within two hours after are sold at the stateion every day dur- j DENTS RECENTLY ROTARY CLUB Of Liquor Fifteen Minutes ) Co, MartihtiaIp, post commander the capture, the detectives were in ihg this part of the season and rapid j After It Arrives. ■ has extended every courtesy to the of- possession of a signed confession from selling of produce not only means a ------I fleers and men and the first three days Baker, in which he admitted murder­ great Saving of time on the part of Miss Jennie Neale, L. H. S., Gives Fine Address On Club’s LIQUOR FROM SALISBURY ! instruction lie assigned regulars as ing Carey with a club and then rob- the farmers but also means that it Alumnus Marries Elon Motto “Service Above Self” ______i Instructors to help the men on the bing him of the money which he car­ can be shipped sooner and probably Hitch. In Classifications Program, Minnie Goslee, colored was arrest-! p,otli"« a"d ^e 6 inch gun. ried in a bag in his trousers pocket. bring a higher price. Before this im­ ed yesterday afternoon by Chief of i Captain Marvil Is the Battery com- The girl, who denied any knowledge provement it was not an uncommon Police Hickman, assisted by H. H. Gib- j ™nder’ Lieut Torbert is in charge of of the crime, is being held as a ma­ TWO WEDDINGS TOOK sight to have all of the streets leading PLACE ON JULY 11TH. C. G. WEST WAS IN son, following a report of one of May-' ^ ’e ?un aad R>eut Holden has the terial witness. At 2 o’clock Saturday to the freight station completely block CHARGE OF PROGRAM or Farlows detectives that she was i„ P’'.tt,ng room force in command. All morning the pair in the custody of ed with wagons of the farmers loaded, _ _ , , , possession of a large amount of liquor. ?arb t‘Fther a,,d l!le work 18 vwy Sheriff Purnell, were returned to the with prqiluce brought here to be sold. jGrace Carmean And Glenwood About Twenty Of The Local Mayor Farlow bad a tip that a ship- 3nt£rt'f‘t2'’E> Snow Rill, Md., jail. Very often also a farmer would sell' Phillips Married At Salis- Members Will Attend The The Battery commander station in According to Baker's statement and ■ at a sacrifice rather than wait to. go! bury, And Alice Dickerson | ment was due at the Goslee res­ Charter Presentation At Mil­ idence in what is known as Wolfe a look out between the two guns sel­ confession to the police here, his sig. thru the line and give all the brokers. ___ i And Harlan J,J. Hill Married. ects his target and phones to the ob­ nature witnessed by Troopers Zieg- an opportunity to bid on his products. ‘ ______— ford Tonight, i Alley and lie had one of his men on the lookout for it. Fifteen minutes servers stationed several miles from ler and Carpenter and City Detectives The new scheme not only saves him * The mnrrhirr of ,li« Jennie Neal the battery in observation towers. The Rotary Club was entertained after the liquor was placed in the j house the Goslee woman was arrested They catch the target in their glass Sf AViB 2, <*•' "•«- at their regular meeting in the Hotel I by the town officers. Ten hnlf pints and report hack to the plotting room. be,, tieeuslomed to ™„,lo» l.nte|bet„e tb, be,™. beto„. It I, Rigbie Monday evening by the Classi­ Here on a large hoard with mechanical sums of money, Friday afternoon, for sale, of whiskey were found ill tile house This Is a great help to the,par,(.1I!t!;p Greenwood. Bel, yesler- fication Committee. Charles West jJ hidden in a lard ran and covered with de vices, is figured the exact number between 1 and 2 o’clock, Baker said honest farmer who always brings In • of yards, the target is from the bat­ "I saw the old man sitting along the good products by keeping the quality i XtotSwiiI hv the' p?v F M CHft was in charge of the program. In his l some hog feed. All of the liquor was remarks he made an inter- ' tery. This requires only a few- sec- railroad tracks, with his head down of the entire earload. was performed by the Rev. F.M, Clift opening remai-KS oe maoe ao t,lk(,n ,lV t|,„ ilR evidence, and chewing tobacco. I took a stout J A few loads of cantaloupes came ",f"r'Xin/during the tm eating comparison of the feeling be- G()sl , h,|{. , , oiiils and the results are phoned hack tween rural and town people of today;, , , , f b , ,, , to the Battery Commander who has elub about two feet long and between in yesterday. One load of good mel- ’ * 4* ‘ ’ r’iifCa m.,thf r and and a generation ago. He next m-,, (,(i wj{h . , refus(,(] iv(. the figures place on a black hoard. two and three inches in width, and bos and $1 for standards. The farmers, So r okenwnnd The traduced the speaker of the evening , ti)(( (>f These figures are taken by the struck him over the back of the head, J,os and $1 for standards. The farmer J ' f Greenwood. The luiiu.uuo. mt iiirmir, j.jmpjp wjjj ;!n(,rl,i their honeymoon in Rev. harlesM. Kelsey, who.gavea|I , i{ t m gun commander anil the gun is aimed veiy mtereapng address on the clubs Sa,fs, ,t js atid n t accordingly. The work is very graduate of Laurel motto "Service Above Self. In firm. „» transparent interesting and te, doubt after tlr- ging o the a tuition of t ie menib rs a|)d waR *ral.cfullv spa!((J lm,'f ,lin< men get hack to Laurel and tell of about seven miles distant. I was'The farme who bringa'in green melon's® ’* ± driven to her home by Mr. Hastings, will receive a price in proportion to 1"Vander of the Boxwood^ ul the club motto he staled that wha wb,ofc bottles. She stated at her their expcricin ts the Battery will have we remember about all of our great „ h h w f a waiting list ready to sign up. of Salisbury." , the quality of his produce. It lias 1 1 manaK< r flC the Boxwood Paul ■ try Farm, where they will reside. men $»ui*h as Washington, Lincoln . tho liquor. Magistrate Spicer plated No real niumunition has been fired It Was reported in Salisbury that; been the custom in the past to pick JVi son, ami many others was the.^ l)rt(]t.r $lf)(|0 bai, s|](1 yet but tin- nrtiilei ymei: are scheduled Carey was believed to have had 87,03(1, everything that had a net on it in or- PHILLIPS—CARMEAN fact that they served their country a-, fin(,d Jn {Ju. t(,wn ]oeI , VP;;terdav to get in soi„e re :sl practice' today. about him when he was killed. „<• der to get the benefit of the high The marriage of Miss Groce Car- Ihove (heir own interests. He said; a{trtnw,„ wW,p This will be eery interesting and th had recently sold a great deal of corn prices early in the season. The re­ that if all the members would live up men will hnv. a chance ! > see just am! had not banked the money. ■ suit of thia plan is that the price of mean. daughter of Sir. and Mrs. Chas. to get bail. If rhe is unable to give Cnrmean to Glenwood Phillip!', son of to their motto they Would leave the,t)ip t,aj|‘;.kp wi|'| be sent t v bat it means to be its action. The confession then continues: aP is forced down within a few davs George- The Wiliiili.gtot. Every Evening is Mrs. Carrie Phillips, both of this town world a little better than they found ■ f(lWn t„ await fhP term ,f court . “After coming back to Salisbury we j far helow the profit line. The wise it. ______carryir.g -toss... re.the c.imp most hired a taxicab and went to Laurel;’farmer is the one who leaves his mel- took place as the Salisbury Methodist Episcopal Church, Friday evening The set rotary reporte d that the every ;u;} L-iiuti people can sec­ fiete I secured a taxicab from Harley ons on the vines until they ate fit to average attendance of (!:•• elub fi r ure iaidifb.rad e-sssip new- Fn.m this Hickman, to whom paid $50 to drive be eaten, .July 17, at 7:“O i.’cluet;. The bride LITTLE CREEK SUNDAY 1 Wore a tan ensemble suit with hat t the month of June was PLOT per rent. lleWsdapi:. to Philadelphia, The neat thing I ————-...... --—----- match and they were accompanied Riving the club sixth place in atteml- Parents ef !■ oys ;i< tin- , ti byre knew we were arres'ed by flee state SCHOOL CONVENTION ale r. .o.e. ted {., v.r.t, tele .'to1!:. *• BIRTHDAY SURPRISE only by Air. and Slip. Ralph Swain an; e in their division. indite." also of thia town. The following members will nt-[ -——— ------Letter fi at t,.!,«• local: a gt. -,t d...s When searched the pair had in thtoy AM Mf)0 rflfirrn After spending their honeymoon in tend the meeting at Milford Friday ;Sh Georges Church Is Scene t.. tiles,, ret-!! I;,.;,.. > Hot' ■><> wk-- ■ have possession $.1OR0.PB and a saitru.m v™ lHKiJi vuiiVEin Ocean City Md. they will tc side in the night at which time the Milford dub, . , «* ,« a Uee hl. .•ere to cay ? f’lb-d with new clothing. B ub ;d- will officially receive their charter:' Ol Annual Meeting Of juit- here. ' fitted to purchasing clothing in Salis­ ______Tutherly apartment: on Central ov- Mariy Friends Of Seaford, Del- 'nw- Mf- a I,iral ‘ orptn* Hr, J. Roscoe Elliott, Charh s G. West, day School Workers bury amounting to nearly 8200. J. Wiley Treught. Hr. Gayl Hitch, At-, ------——-— mar, Wilmington, And Lau* “r’ ____ The girl, when arkr-d how mucii M’,w<5w“n\'SUPPER WAS SERVED TROOPER HOLT MAKES money she carried hr nt forward and rel, Were There. HH.L-tHt KERSON Elijah E. Woottcn. Charles Horsey,5 Milled twenty-one $100 bills from her » I . .. L.—M’3* A?iw- K. Hickerson and Htn- George IL Otwell, Charles Wootton,' , ,, , ,. , , DIFFICULT ARREST -toelsuig, LAST THURSDAY EVENING 1.>!1 J, Hill »>f tills town Wore married Christopher Ellis. Norman S. Hoffc-i T,“' J'u’!,}a5f St5:'”'! l"srt‘n- “Officers, I don’t know any more ———....* ;,t Thaii-fi. Md.. July Uth the Metls- Rer, George T. Purnell, A. K. Williams * H-n "r kittle Creek Hundred was Rd.; about this case than you do, honest T A very pleasant surprise party was r-odist Episutpal yni=»aagv by & v. Waiter T. Smith. L, Ray Otwell, Mix4at she St. George s Churdi near Lays, 1 Has Race Of More Than Tert dmi’t" began the Ellinsworth gild !m ;n f>[ t1iP fifth.; t(;Mhda:- M'-lcii: Wht alley. Following •» wed Lang. William E. Valliant. Jack Edie.' Tuesday afterno-n and evening, Miles Before Capturing He told me h» father had sold hi- Wiltot Co, at ding* trip tn Philadelphia an! Wil­ and John H .Elliott Only tw, mem-. R(,u £ w> w.s, farm and gave lum half the money. ppar Laure, ,as5 T!lOTSt,av mington the (oiiple will b« a? i. in bersj wm’ alMf’ii? Huiry Nesbitt a r Reckless Driver. He gave me the $„,t00 to keep until the guests present'were; Mr. New York Cits*. is spending his vacation in New York ’ t'a-tor of the Tin- nr. g:;;.,: «o go to Philadelphia, where he Paid. ont, Mrs x B 0,j/pa!. Mr. aniI SjM. State, and Money Williams. began at 2 »AS ,i in the uftena,--. FINED $150 AND COSTS he wanted o visit his aunt. Twenty nwrles Messick. Mr. and Mr-. Paul BACON-H ALTER. : and continued i aw, j „ „r -:r.,c the marriage e.f their daughter DRUNDEN DRIVER Hew the gitl said she wan out m fllr(J. Ja)ws McAllister tMiss Maggie Wifeon of Geometowu. durakly :;ftcri'i.,'!i. :nrdiftg to the cv- Julienne Elfeibeth to Gt-urge Walter s.sejtoe he suksaisscjRiikmi-s. ,j t-» Vngiidvato ,1«t- IlP^ n't I- of Belmar; Mr. and on Saturday, July lltlt. 15»23 at R,. •k WMC HIMnA B"rkf F< when he iiklceJ 7 wader arrest Carlo* Austin a y.iwus Ov-hcd her tv go to Philadelphia. with pp; fJHia, Mr and -Mrs. J. B. Elliott. _____ -___ ------« .. «,» * ♦*. . . ..Education Work in the Wilmington Poluue Officers Are Dotemmed ^.,,,^. iWi (, man of BrUgevkh. Holt stated tint him. where he wanted to visit Mr. and Airs. Hiram Culver. Mr. and CAMP ADMISSION WILL he was patrollii'f tim highway north­ “U.,,1Y ♦ , . , , ... .Mr.-, Samuel Horman, and children. an tttpf in T. "re™ .... , Po I got ready and went with him Mr. mid Mrs. Herman Word, JIr. and BE BUT 10 CENTS ward litwe,’• Broi.',T e:’.’.• tiled Mf8> tiwif, Mw_ Gilbert pte«9 Mf tnadt‘t0 ing Hm switching fr.m mw> side ef FOUR OTHERS ARRESTED-stre*.erb. address w.m -w -Bible the road to the oilier. His s;;sp:«.i5JS tae couple from T.autei to the point daughter, Margaret of Wilming--a record breaking crowd at the Del* ...... Study” while Hr. Liudluitst spoke tv where they were arrested he was 5nf«»'ton? mm. Nellie Fennel, and son of marvia Camp to be belt ur Mnores nmu-etl tn to the condition vf the w-d by Bill Warner, telegraph oper- };P]mM.. y,P Misses Boris and Satlie Crow midway between Laurel mid Several attests were made Fatur-jthe teachers of the older grade.- < n * driver, he wheeled his moto,rcy\le ator at the Laurel station, that n coup* plISPj,t K]sfe Messick, of Seaford; Bcs-’’ ’luring the latter half nf Ang­ day, by Chief of PoFce Hickman, as*’the “PraMcnw <>? Youth and H>-w i. nt<«md as: the ear p-wt d him and le desired taxi service to Philadelphia. sjt> fuR-pG ^rha Colver, til-o Law?. Stony improvements have been sisted by State Highway Policeman < j{ept Them." gave e’ asc. Austin apparently saw the ftffew followed bins, t.'eoi step- Believing the eouple wanted to g«> tijMott, Birman Collins? Randall mad'’ during tlw* past few weeks, in- AAishclk iw B.'.c, :fi .v.n. a ccdcwd The evening address was given by ssttlefnf'tit •>? l aurel. ping ms the ga* resu-hc. U s'.de !o;.d there to to married he consented to ^'ard. Eduard Arvey, and Samuel eluding a ww gate which makes a , iRev. Esse! Park'1 Tkonsas. t.a.-t >c the.trip. Hic&matt paid he was given Rofehmc-nta e,insisting of v«-ry ottrac.'iw entrance. Contrary James Wright mid John Anderson ; t ofere lb fit ret:?.! eVei'e'!.;, . h'e.n. t„"n t’ii> dirt read lie epf .1 fi.r JO imlc?. with ntSl^“ I*1® If'P- . ... ■ it -- cream and take and lenn.n.-’d;' were a »iun«? that the price i.f admission {were arre-tad f, r feeing drunk and dis' Centenary M. F. (iiureh «f tic town Baker win ndmuftr paying Hie- ^.j-ved v. Hi 1 e 25 rents, the committ.ce wishes' orderly at th“ Bipt'st revival n»ef-«»n th>‘ subject “Wori.oi* i.e-eter Holt after him. file latter firing his tiiian S5fi m'J: «I wanted to get there ' ______it underatced that the it.lr.iis .ion wiliftopi Wnp ield in B;Wos,{«ttn. CK«. With G,.d.” revolver {wire. in. the air »».... r.n matter what it east’* nB(j Mh(< cimrics Hoffman and ie the same as in farmer years. Ifiiren licPIiieTds red Eva GiD: were aD ; Reports were given by. the various t.. -.top tue man, tost Austin ------—------goiiCharics'Jr.-r.-trnnedto their Sn.me cent", with charge for mi?<.nm!.i!w. These mresto ted to the arrest «f;reefetarie. togaRltag the dewlap- didnot «-.p. Knit raid, until fee nearly Bi’rosfe.l fi.r fiehting. weni of Bunday Sekeal work in their «p.-e! fen car i nteruig a woods tear Mr and Mrs. C. T. Beal! and family West Englewood. N. d, this week '* Rcto-c Wiu.h-r" ni'.o'ci.l.'iS'fil. win eha- respective chnrekea during the past a branch. Metv Molt tank him a pris- of Evanston Hl., are the guests nf after spending sow time here as Hw Mrs. Ruger Ward os.d daughter, Mr?. Jftta Oldfield and seifi, Mrs. C. r,to af , pera’-fig e. car While fee was: year- ® imaged beL-re Mag- Mr. and Mr.-:. Mix tong. F^w.aus parents. Mr- under the Influence of FaueR The ■ A ehieken and kara sapper was sc-e* istrate Pailbps. fmeday evening, ana iwid Mrs. L. W. Marvel cm West Street C. Ellis and turn are ettendlnir the Y. tatter wn? fined SMW. with east?, at a»wd by «>e Wfei «f the Church at given the privilege cf^ervmgte- Miss Ewlvn tag h»* been enter- They «ep> nreaniptinird fey Richard P. B. Encampment which is feeing bsarine Before Magistrate Ftdeer Fat-ifi oYlnc-k to all who attended the m.'tnontftsffi jail or pay«« $1BO fine taking Mbs Warmer Markevtnf Mar- tad Ihm^ d Marvel, who will epend held at the “Ocean House," at Lewes atiil posts, ills license was also re- eington. this week „ reme timet with them. Delaware. ilids- aftentoen. 5 ventaw, free of charge. THE STATE REGISTER, FRIDAY, JULY. 24, 1925.

The 75,00 acre expense os the Siu- ' To get the child to eat new foods, REOXON ARRESTED ON ing been issued for his return to the CRABBER IS FINED CHILD FEEDING , introduce them with small amounts Maryland authorities, he was deliver­ epuxent Bay was almost evacuated I such as a teaspoonful the first day, FORGERY CHARGES' ed by Deputy Sheriff Coy to Sheriff FOR DREDGING today of the usual fleet of crab dred­ i and increasing the amount slowly, IS BFGINNING A , Thompson of Harford county where gers while more than a score of water 1 Regularity is of paramount import­ men journeyed to Snow Hill to wit­ ance to the growing child. He should Taken Into Custody By Bud | 'le w*’l he f°rccd to stand trail on the Failure To Establish Resid­ charges that have been brought ag- ness the trail. GREAT SCIENCE i eat by the clock. His little system Coy, Georgetown Sheriff, ence Costs Windsor $10 i should be as regular as a machine, T . , ainst him. At Snow Hill, Md. Ocean City crabbers are also up in and will he if given the proper care Assisted By State Police , It is understood that Deputy Sheriff arms over the allegations that Vir- Kathryn Allen White, An Ex-1 and attention, ------— ' Coy has ben following the movements William Windsor, of Deals Island, gina dredgers, forced by the dearth WANTED IN MARYLAND) of Bloxsom for some time, and his ar of crabs around the east coast of pert In This Work Gives rest, it is said, was brought about was fined $10 in the July term of the Virginia to seek other territory, are Advice To Parents. [ Harvey Rodney, who lias been re- Clence AV. Bloxsom, a young white' through a elever piece of work on his Worehester County Circuit Court this now expoliting the Sinepuxent Bay, ------j ceiving treatment in the Methodist I man, of Militon, this county, wanted i part. Bloxsom lias been wanted by week for failure to establish residence These alleged poachers are termed WHAT FOODS CHILD- Hospital in Philadelphia for the past) by Sheriff J. W. Thompson of Har-jthe Sussex County authorities for in this county while dredging for “crabieggers” by the native watermen REN SHOULD HAVE " weeks has returned home greatly ford county, Md., for alleged forgery! sometime. Private AVardle of the crabs in the Sinepuxent Bay. Judges who say that the Virginians often ______, improved. and counterfieiting in Belair, - Md.,: state police force assisted in making Robert F. Duer and John R. Pattison dredge the spawn crabs and fail to Vegetables Are Very Import­ many months ago, was taken in cus-! the arrest. wereon the bench. return them to the water. ant For Even Young Child­ .Mrs. Marvil Elliott is spending some tody by Deputy Sheriff Bud Coy of :-----——-——T——;—- ren And At Least A Quart time in Drexel Hill, Pa, Georgetown. Extradition papers liav-1 QfMilk Per Day Is Consid­ ------t.______! ered Best, |) ?

Mothers, yours is a great rcspon-J sibility. The future health of yonr Yon can enjoy this children depends largely upon the at-; fentinr. and care Rivet. t-i it now. While a child is an v.'tini budding his, Imdy, he should U -cmt.lied with the e weir very best building materials. If you 1 were ii’niding a you u 'hid - it that r.. Uoinb'y-*or, uM •• t iwd in its {••.••«■■o/itioo. Thus with child's f. "I. J y. .:r self that what hi- is eatiti'-f is g din: to build firm strong teith ai.l sturdy muscles. For a child between the ages of 2 ./ and fi, the daily food needs include 1 quart r.f mill, in some form, green ve­ getables, fruits and hard foods. This; is merely the suggested basis for his diet. A careful mother should con-! suit her physician as to the special OSS The Beaten Bath food requirements of her child. * The real charm of touring lies in of exploration and discovery. It is It is particularly important that the leaving the main-travelled highways the one satisfactory means of travel child consume at least a quart of milk and exploring the thousands of allur­ for these narrow roads—light—yet a day in some form or other. Milk) ing side-paths. These dirt roads and so powerful that it will bring you contains lime, vitamins, building and 1 trails lead to spots of rare beauty through—easy to handle—sturdy regulating material needed for health, The better sort of Jewelry, which we offer for yottr unvisited by the throng—where and economical. and growth. The lime is absolutely better camp-sites may be found- essential for the building of bones choice here, is the kind of Jewelry you can enjoy. It has finer fishing and lovelier scenery. It will carry the whole faniily and and teeth, and no child can grow pro­ the saving in cost often pays for the perly without an abundant supply of j the quality appeal you will like. Ina Ford car, you can enjoy the thrill entire vacation. this material. The protein in milk, ' which is the muscle building material is the very best quality possible. Doctors now prescribe vegetables to very young babies. They contain min i N. S. HOFFECKER erais and vitamins tha't are neces­ sary to health. Leafy green veget­ Jeweler ables should he served every day.) Cook the vegetables properly and they Market Street Laurel, Delaware will conserve their nutritive elements. Runabout >• - $260 Tudor Sedan - $5S0 Do not bail vigorously in a large a- Coupo - - - * 520 Fordar Sedan - 660 mount of water. Cook in as little Ott apart cats damountAbie rima and stutter arc JJ5 extra.. water as possible, if you cannot cook italUalte balloon tires $25 extra. AUpricaa f, o. b. t)etroit» them by steam. Steaming is th” best method possibie as absolutely all of SEE ANY AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER OR MAIL THIS COUPON tiie nourishment is retained by the ve­ getable. But if you haven’t a pre;.- Touring Car Flense tell me how 1 can secure a Ford Car ou easy payments f.ute cooker, cool; with a very little Buckwheat and Clover water, and keep tin* lid on. The llavnr is best preserved if salt is not aildetl Adareaa„...... _ ... ______■ ...... __ _ till just before removing from tlie fire. Do Not Feed One and Starve The Other City. ______. ______—State . _ „ ------,______When vegetables are conked its this Alnll this coupon io way, tiiey appear very gieen and *290l\ .iui' o -fr, b or can­ ned. Tin statural ■ ngar.- are the best hint f. r tin- v mug wu bread. Butter tui - Drives The Better Bargain ? r-fltnte •- - i?.;iW mt be u-‘.i r.s they do i oj'.fai'j tl.o but*, r f.d width is ■ to’t 3 for him a i give; k. has any ready money and never knows just where il I f .Tf't < t - ,r hi ■ ’av. . 1 IIP v,;?er s. yrreu by a ✓ all -went. «I i ; wit": hi. :.g,. i.p.l ■...nh -.-.p Would Yoi- Starve Your Children? k r- \ r ; i s ... dt tl.e 15 y i, ■ .r in Another man has a savings account. He also has —.rt ... a checking account and keeps track of his spending. i' .t, 1; ai-^ut AY/HY cjta'r'.y yoa wcu’d—n6t’ An occasional bond finds a home in his saferly deposit ttxir c/.idrcn's PUBLIC SALE -,1, \\ x.i; \i ?t,.'ve V'. ■:,/ box,-. When he really wants something he buys it. And Or VALL AIH.E— I because he chn afford ft he buys good things. It isn’t I V. ■ :.i-:.\r,f m.;;t i.y, .r.-preatwand that he makes any more money than the first man. eal Estate til.’ fl !-'*!,;t fi -L'.av? O’ • p >v.m? I ;* an« $ ik.y'I! «:..ikc a n 1? t. . yma d^sng v.ii z Sitnpfy by taking care of his money he gets more out TKt'RSIlU. 3ID. ".’HI. ID27 z ■ j ;-,.a to inaku thh.m ; unc l’ -'. tk 1 z of it. I H.-S’.-Jig do. ;b-i V. .■> ■ I’-'.-' z I.. '..id H. • t -at. La-.irc! z Who drives the better bargain? The man who J. H. ; 1 ■ '• A oa? < '"n, yonr pom.. ■,;. ar C. ■'••.i’f ■ors.-I frock z .1 t: -1 . 'Av • <"■ im m:v taknic' tk. am? al h’i ' • ■ 5 V.,- buys many things of little value and has no money left J. P .- , f / d • -j y,,j i-Ttfiny k.'.vk v.kat tl..yan; t.< >. Ifr-1, ;-,w or the man who takes care that the fewer things he; fic - a.' k;. ' '•!- u-i • c-l 'i- yr ; .as’Ju.i’dskii will ijcvt-r ;r.,ke a t-a vour FAY-: I buys are really worth having? We will gladly help 1 Fui-iitu'.- rale itarlir.g fib fa-, -. Chancesarothf-v’Himoi tkef' if.lv -p.cutter I P. I’.L nf > ‘ ?' >' ' st-'anij-i- v.ho took .-f: • < t f tk • • t’... > a did. yon to answer the question whenever you may wish to A ? *; J' k I I wirt bo I. come in. \V.. O i,hi,.i' itafi.i'.i , mvti Zef ms help with ^oar *i - r>, - L f 'u’r : !.<■ ..n. r.'.< firm rerlilizer requitementst ■ r-i ! I Jp ■ -.f-. t l’l- !• . VALLIANT THE PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK .A » p. id- tk.-- ; d ■k.- FSjrtT’LiZER < - ; i' I '.'.I, i'.- 1,Vi-. • S-.f- tv- b-i.vdfd J.'-uP i . ,t fur* “The Bank of Service Since 1903” ’.ban'' 3"Viii m-d.-.n r.sd antique afol COMPANY ,i v.bi pay !,'•» «•. nttr-iitl Ikmo ralcv. LAURREL, DELAWARE ’ Far Pattic-JUi* r eft MARGARET R. GftEEX, Owner Wtf. S. PVSFY, Realtor 5 Mwne T.wtirtJ, Dclawsrr-. THE STATE REGISTER, FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1925, OCEAN QTY scribers strongly in favor of the sec­ D. S. MASONS PUN Lodge, that was evidently at work in brought into existence as a monument be held within its walls would in it- ond venture. Legal papers were re­ that city in 1730—the first American to a unity of American Masonry, and self’help to make that unity more cently drawn by Staton and Whaley, FOR BI-CENTENNIAL lodge of which we have records. Mas­ the mere fact that a celebration would close and enduring.” HAVE $25,000 attorneys of Snow Hill, and the first sachusetts may desire to, set the date signatures were attached to the doc­ in 1933, to recall the founding of the FISHING PIER ument last week. Elaborate Plans Are Being Made 'For The Holding Of first lodge at Boston in 1733. Although no definite site has been “But there cannot be any serious The Event determined for the pier it is thought difficulties on this score when the fact First Of The 250 Shares Was that the location in front of Town­ itself, and as a whole, is such as to WILL BE HELD IN 1930 Sold Last Week. Will Be send's Drug Store will he the favor­ make details a mere matter of incon­ Big- Attraction. ed one. The name Ocean City Pier, Plans for the celebration of the 200 ! sequence. : or something similar, is proposed. anniversary of American Freemason- J “ft would be most appropriate for LOCATION HAS NOT At the present time Ocean City all grand bodies to unite in celebra­ ry are soon to be announced according- tion at the George Washington Na­ YET BEEN DECIDED vacationers fish from the surf in front to the Builder, a national organ of1 of the hotels or from the old pier, part tional Masonic Memorial when the Masonry. time comes. That memorial was of which has been washed away, and Vacationers Now Have To Fish Elaborate exercise will be held at! never rebuilt, Others make up parties From Surf In Front Of the George Washington Masonic Mem-; Hotels Or Go To Sinequsent tand K° down tlle Sinepuxent Bay to orial in Alexandria, Va., as a part of ‘ Bay To Enjoy The Sport >ioy tlw 8l’0ft The ol'eeti°n of a the nation-wide observance. I . . T, n . ; modern and convenient place would “There may be a disagreement con-’ While At The Resort. ... , , ______- i provide cheaper and more accessible cerning the date,” says tile editorial, i What We “Philadelphia may wish It to be held I A new $25,000 pier for Ocean City I Accomodations. Such an addition Place Your Car , . , , . (would also prolong the season and in 1930 in remembrance of St. John’s Do For was the topic of general discussion, hj.ing tQ We sportsl„en who j in Our Care last week at the Maryland resort, have never been attracted here before, when the first stock in the proposed The Ocean City Board of Trade and Your Eyes corporation was sold. Fourteen Mayor McCabe are boosting tlie new CHICKEN and WAFFLE You can he sure that every needed adjustment and names, from Wicomico, Worehester, ^r, R ,J- Townsend, one of the Examine them painstakingly, aetnv- repair will be taken care of in a manner which will : ately and scientifically, Rurnish—at and Somerset, beaded the list of sub- Promoters of the project said Supper prove most satisfying to you. The cost of such service scribers asL w jack Lynch, Optometrist ( Central Avenue 250 shares of stock, having value of $100 each. The returns from | 'I’ P’ LaWS’ CharleS ten nominal charge n^a to t’he puHic > Laurel, Dela. Market St., Laurel, Del.! LAUREL, DELAWARE fox* the privileges of the pier are to be of Ocean City, the Rev. Francis S. turned over to a sinking fund, making! the affair self supporting. j RlChal'd- Such a corporation was formed a- J * ’ '______' ______bout 8 years ago, but before final ar- j ' rangements were made. America’s; Mrs. Howard H. Dickerson, Mrs. entrance into the World War blocked , Harvey W. Hastings, Mrs. Clara Mar- further progress and the scheme fell vel, Mrs. Blanche Collins, Miss Min- througli. Interest in . the project was J no Walson, and Miss Glady Dickerson again revived early this spring, how-; visited the Y. P. B. Encampment at ever, with many of the original sub- j Lewes on Tuesday.

1 2


l FRESH EACH DAY The Grip of Welcome Z It’s Waiting for You JJ Making this store yottr source of supply for Veg- GET YOURSELF READY FOR THE GREAT efables is better than having? a garden of your own. 5 You always get the choicest of the market’s offerings £ here, y- Great Kent & Sussex Fair j C, H. GIVENS I | Matket Street Laurel, Delaware Harrington, Delaware July 28, 29, 30, 31, and Aug. 1

A Week of Holidays for Country People A Week of Opportunities for City Folk BE AND EXHIBITOR AND A VISITOR will Happen SIG EXHIBITS A BIG CROWD Slatting at 11 A. M. Special harness racing. SPECIAL FEATURES FOR EACH DAY SATURDAY M TUESDAY AUTOMOBILE RACES. OU hope, and jo do tve, that you never have to bfc “towed home** CHILDREN'S DAY—Ail children under 1G admitted FREE. Bit. RACKS A BIG TIME but “accidents wifi happen.” A slippery road and a fehrirf> curve Grand Stand Free to everyone. —broken steering gear—or any of many different rombmOtidns ef unfortunate circumstances may Send any one < f us off Use WEDNESDAY agricultural, art and science Yroed—or a broken wheel or a locked rear end rtiSy make it necessary Fastest Racing during the Fair. $1060.09 Free-For-All and other to Kft tip one end or another of the ear to bring it to the shop for repairs. fast races. EVERY HOUR CHOCK-FULL OF SOMETHING DOING We have a completely equipped emergency Ccr^lcar thia fct jrttarf «nc? remember that Vtii car to at yonr act vice day e,nd THURSDAY TO RE SEEN AND RE.M7MBERED. nfgfiit Merely lckj^hnnet and it tcill immediately beke^t to THE BIG DAY FOR EVERYONE. LIVE STOCK PARADE. Ion are vpiviallj invited to come and see the SIGHTS, y&nr arstafancc. Something doing nil the time. Not an idle moment Oiir charges for such Service ace very low and above oil, the IHEH.IS’ ATTRACTIONS, AMUSEMENTS, LESSONS, fact that our emergency car is equipped with ctMahtcy Crane FRIDAY is yottr assurance that we will “get your ear in** without the FARMER’S DAY. BIG PARADE DEPICTING AGRICULTURE MIRTH \ND PEOPLE. danger of farther damage, Which sometimes hAppe^ w,hen a PROGRESS IN DELAWARE. It vv ill reflect ertd’.t on your good and wisdom. thfcapWe crane sre »tcar nyonr bcme-mcidc wsrSco crcnc

was standing near the new bridge THE STATE REGISTER BOOSTING THE COUNTRY j ANOTHER RECKLESS Classified Advertisements just north of Laurel when Mills went *‘Y LIVE PAPER IN A LIVE TOWN” Some people make quite a job of ridiculing Chambers j DRIVER ARRESTED of Commerce, Rotary Clubs, and other like organizations ! a- thru in his Essex. He drove thru’ Published Every Friday Morning By because they exist to “boost” their home communities, i HONEST DOLLAR FLOUR IS TLIE town at a high rate of speed and the BEST at ode per sack, co are our own Heweth Mi^ls Of Cambridge I state policeman followed him inimed- THE STATE REGISTER PRINTING COMPANY, But after ail aren’t some of these seif appointed ~o«ke feeds. Bran at S2.H0 Mkldlins ni-j Taken After A Six Mile I lately on his motorcycle and man- AT LAUREL, DELAWARE guardians of culture a bit superficial? The editor is of $2.-tU—500 pounds less. Also our own: j aged to overtake him just before he (he opinion that a broad view of this American character­ make Laying :.t:d (,rowing M..'h, ' Race, Managing Editor W. T. Records f: An. ; crossed the state line into Maryland. EARLE M. HOLDEN istic...pride in the home town—will convince one that it •iWAS DRIVING 60 MILES j Pusey stated that ha had to drive 65 lias a very definite and valuable place in upbuilding of Si,-ill PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE FESTIVAL—THE SI. PAULS M. P.! —;------_ 'miles per hour to overtake the Essex, (i MONTHS—73c. 3 MONTHS—30c a better country. Church will hold a festival July 14. [ Heweth Mills of Cambridge, Md., mhjs Avas brought before Magis­ Before we can have improvement we must have ' I was arrested near here Tuesday after- trate Spicer of this town and fined pride. The old well known saying might be changed to IIARDIVAK E OF EVERY KIND- FOREIGN REPRESENATIVES Small Ac Horsey. j noun by State Police II. A. Pusey on $25 and costs as this was his first of­ read, “Pride goelh before improvement.” and “boosting” .'a charge of reckless driving. Pusey fense in tin’s state. The Adcr.ift Co., 017 Shipley Street, Wilmington, Del. is merely an expression of pride. FOR SALE—ONE RIDING CUL- American Press Association, 223 West 39 Street, New Think what it means to have thousands of small tivr.t. ■ for sale el •?::n. Carrol M. York, N. Y.t N. W. Ayer, Adv. Agency, 398 Chestnut Lili.dt. Stii-it, Philadelphia. Pa.: P“, cb..k-r--Penrd Co. Munsey . ilii s scattered throughout the width and breath of the Building, Baltimore, Md, land i ll ‘•boosting to build themselves up industrially, BRING YOVK FG> s TO US. HIGH- ftiminirciallv, and intellectually.” We can conclude th. est I'l-M- ■ ■id. American Store.- C .. t’lilplt VPilMM,. .11 I.Y 21, 11123 word intellectuully, because bcNne w-: -r.ve culture We : l set about tin must have pro-verity--bvl’eve a nat’i-n i-t p y. \LE--P'.’ Al R K SIX ROAD Pin pi! Hit F 11I R IN 1 1 11 INC'.’ (:cd: of imprm ing it-eP’ mentally, im ie.i iv must first in A-t • ”• . Ge,... Mi'f.vd. I-... ,1,PV '1.1.1 't'V.li soilv.tiiig lU’llL be pic.-remus and eomforiable. The -peed of growth and ih.-cli piiu-nt in our cour­ , • .1 - V > tly is ait.aidev- it i„ one <•? »’«> gp.:de; t romances to ’.’l lit cAi.F.- 1 < .T V HARR LI > cl ■ T A , ' -is. .... - m ea nil history, dml one filing that hat contributed much list V y’ ,;ze.» rlu'ar ■ - , ■ . » : 31 : > I i il ‘ lY * 1 e?' ! L»’ ’' ’.in •* Uvltol' a H J- to the dm-,»!,o,merit Is the i-ride good citizens take every- ,« \ t-< l(,c , t ’■* > t fi ,r *. (t ■ 'ir > o the progress of their • ••’• . onimurrt’es. So t . those citizens of Leiiri ! who are proud of the ■OH ’ t.E - H'l’’ 1 'LR It "NT Pl ..s,. s. , ,1 >, ,1.1 - . >1 1 n-to.rn • 1-’ town md rend'- to boo; t evert ih’tnr that make for pro­ ’ id ' XT-pp -j „ O,. . , i. r - :> -- n I wi"’”e : - gress we say: keep mi. You are contributing your bit to K., irve.-tivalv au>! rather he W"l- (he improvement of ottr town -oiu! to the growth and up­ IO". HEN I’—5 U’ART*IENT i-, ! . d ■ ; r th-y v ill >.’«!>•' building of »ur nation. l.M.lc’U CJI Am,i.” Mrs 1 a • r. u . u. L’ aiciie Marvil. Before You ,u-. ■ n -J...1 i , uoiigh io desire to DTK) P\YS THE REN I”.’ summer l yu.ps f.,r boy.-- who other­ „ FOR SALE 1922 OAKLAND SIX i bob. :be poor, pre The next time a peddler rings your door bell, or you !il>uring just overhauled. Price 5200. i wise would n„t haw a vavatii-n, and provide f„r the nick; receive a catalog from « mail-order bouse, remember) a ppjy Gnuntt. : Start Planning but we feci there should be some systemic way of hand­ who it is that beam the overhead of business expense in I ______ling this situation. your town. The merchants of Laurel pay rent, taxes,! NOTICE—CASH PAID FOR FALSE- The ih’st thing to think about when planning to Every solicitor on the road lias many expenses, and employes and general overhead expen:-.'’, besides keep teeth, dental gold, platinum and build a home is the plan of paying for it. Through a must draw a salary of some kind. All the money that up their share of community work. They are entitled discorded jewelry. Hoke Smelting £ Refining Co., Otsego, Michigan. J3-tf plan of systematic savings, you can easily accumulate is spent in this way is not going to the cause for which to your trade and patronage. The peddler does ne t pay any reasonable amount for a home. When you have it was given. die cent in rent, he does not even know the citizens a portion of the required total, we will advance the Our town should have some organization, thru which here,be does not help this community grow. and he cares FOR SALE—ONE BARCO TENT 14; x 16 feet, used only three weeks.- balance so you may have your home and enjoy it while our contributions could be paid, an organization which less. He wants your money, and if you are not wise Will sell cheap, Apply Paul M. Bar-; saving the balance. would take the time and trouble to investigate tlie organ- he will get it. What doe? be leave you in return ? Some- nett. hifvre a contribution was made. shoddy goods to mourn over after he has gone to the Such an organization would accomplish a num­ next town or out of the state. LOST—NEW DARK GREY UNDER ( ber of things—it would he economical in that it would The mail-order house does a little worse than that. arm bag, on Georgetown-Laurel i do away with the thousands of solicitors and their ex­ It pulls property {in the form of money) and prosperity highway, contained check and sum of! THE BANK pense, our money' would be used to promote most good. out of tlie town into the big city. There arc not two money. Reward if returned to The i IVe suggest that an organization of the churches for just sides to this great question of buying at home. It is not State Register Office. The Sussex this purpose would he the proper way to solve this big argument we want. This newspaper does not dispute problem. Then the next lime a business man is called or even intimate against either the intelligence or com­ FOR RENT—6 ROOM HOUSE, ALL mi he could simply say we have an organization here munity loyalty of its renders. Ail it witnls to do is give modern conveniences on 5th street UWREt which handles all such contributions, just call on Mr. . . these gentle reminders of the duty c-acb and all of us Possession immediately. Apply Char­ Another valuable help which could tome from this organ­ owe to our own local industries and business bouses. At les V. Rodney. Co. isation would be that beggars could be handled in tlm times we all forget. Trust FEMALE HELP M'ANTED—"LAD-' same manner. This duty to our home town is not written in law statutes; no town or city ordinances tell you where to ies --To finish Silk Underwear nt, Imine by hand or machine-Part or trade or what to buy, and no wild (light of the imugmal- A PLAIN TALK ON VANITY ... „„ , ... j full tilin'--Enclose stump for reply urn can conceive that they ever will. The appeal will!Keystone Mills. Amsterdam, N. Y. boll (ill I.m" wnv:! (he eultnn, the crows have to he made and the response will have to come from j ■———------:'b the nun. thi fimay freeze the <>r- a eomnuinity eonseiiiurness and loyalty to home. Like-i TYPEWRITERS--RIBBONS—CAR - ei'.ik v, wise, a corresponding duty rests with every business! b"n I’ni'er- All makes used type- .ry, . '1 o p, • • ’,i- j < i tin lumber. and the drouths WHAT COMES AFTER still have with ns «ne greater man of Laurel to so conduct his bn-dni'.-'s and render I writers:.!. rtasmiahle prices. Ribbons i’f. Gu , aitii. 1 nt wo hi' ft-rviee that lie will merit the confidence of ’’r/';'p’’f ', ry i ■ tl-.i m «• the i,, ionic > iiuffie and that is citizens ami justify the : pn-als that are^.mrtanHy mt”l« 1 R0VH.LOT TYPEWRITER "( a,'S' THE “FLU” ',«■ f ( [,’e <.2 (' ,”i .irr-toiiuiy, -..till it i- vny m ins beball. I he ”.e '.o'li-vo ho >•-■ doing mid tins is | g ]q(j, . Pliikidehihiu. Z'V .io. tVe arc 1 » ro , r It-s pniity. Daughter wily hi’ ‘dloUld sia’ieed. j__ . ______M, . • h t m ■ t havivo new and d'iTe'vnt dns - fi r - - - - }FOR SALE- A NICELY MM’KFIl Friday Heallb Talk No. 3 every i nl F.i-h r ly will not do without a brand t hull 1 ttlf. In t .t .Time s-th, out i t at: THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF THE MAIL ORDER 5i imp oft ! t ,w t v a • in- of t: -h d By Df. J. A. Wiikcr D, C, Itr-w v'ct < f L; ill. u '•■ . '.hiio mt mat.he them with a . • -ripo of porfc-tlv good nar- HOVSE 'eii-fr'.'. U.i'ti.’t' 1 r:i-i-. ,T. IL Jlm.’.- ’.il' i *i:,t . 1 f'l., ”• : t st; r< ft .->,ii. m.ir Leonard* Miii Mi st iff thiv-u vvhu lu.vc survived a oft, io, ,i ti t: > a.ifo t!;o di.cili’d, 1. v..u shall sell your farm produce fa- cash, wlr h Sati-Li'i •l!-'b-i.:r Sinic Ru.d. ;-eveie attack uf the "FLU,” i* umial mef- Ah.: * ‘ v, •:<' liv ng i.f vend his income and you ran, for w»* buy nothing front you. lii'd.e were empbi.ved in effecting tlie "re- 'MANTLD-MAN WITH CAR TO euverv” will testify that a train - Uncle Ben Says te,;, ti.i (a’i-i - We andTu’-e. Fz.elu.-ive Ttrriloi y. Uv methods almost anything can ilevelup. ♦eurvt-p at f.ur command fo rebuff the gossipymiMded in- :5. You shali send your r,H,ney to us in ndvmn e, so; This is w> because tlie “FLU.” in a con­ •If (he old sajutiR* perier.ee «->t wtessary. Rafury dividual wh.a pews at os with a c-r- eye if Hongs are we ran buy the goods from the factory with your mon­ dition due to decreased resistance power as nboKtl br&ritr io per month. Millstone Rubber Com­ correeti'* Nephew pet exactly “op to snuff?' We stem «t,b lo have sense ey; you may have to wait a few weeks, hut that is our pany, East Liverpool. Ohio. a result of inlerenee with nerves at the ur young tedie enough to* he sensible, and not Plwmff enough to stand business method. spinal column. Drugs employed to suppress dreijteo arc hecom, "what the neighbors wilt think.” We have gone mad in ■L You shall get help from your nearest city or CAMP—LEWES CAMP NEAR l.AV- symtonm do not correct the cause, hut may {rift *»jtlier all the trying to do like, act like, l"'-k like, the millionaires that village to build good wads, so you may easily haul our rel eommenets nn Thursday July drive the effect elsewhere. lime/* 30th. There will he an evangelist •ac eentr.inly are cot. goods from the depot, so do not ask help from us—we from Baltimore Md. The vamp will Plain, but true; not Puritanical, but common sense. don’t help to build good roads, hold over two Sundays. The camp is The correct method of combat­ The sfeflfs fils, let ns ««ar it. Some day, somebody will 5. You may buy r-hurch hells and alter untt-nsils going to he enlarged this year. The tame along and say the right thing, bring a solution of ing the “FLtP* is to restore the from us, and send the money in advance—that’s our rule. gate fee will be 10 ce nts. now of vital energy over the nerve wisiflr w here and now confess a failure. Sometime, d. You shall get all the help you can from tlie bus­ lines to normal, by removing the will invent! a slegatt that will set as all to think iness men m your neighborhood; although we may have interference with those nerves. If Stsjj. oad say the magfe words that we will alt follow; and more profit from you than they have, it is against our Chiropractic is employed, the an­ then, if war pride will let us. we will all come back and swer to "What comes after the rules to give to your churches. PROGRAM "I'T-U”? is "HEALTH." Jess iher., vanity. 7. You shall convert your neighbors also to your faith in us, for we have room for wore money, Wallet Theatre nisiKp'^- RECOVERS FROM "FLU" AND R. You shali look at the pretty pictures in our eat-; EARS EFFECTS OF PREVIOUS ATTACK WHO IS THE HOME MERCHANT ------Jog as often as you can, so as to strengihen your desire! TD-NIGMT— “1 tools sick with influenza an the Tim borne sunlxHjf. Who is fie? He m the t-bap for things you do not need, hut which you may order with! Johnie Hines In night of April 5th. The medical vifto gives -j (Kdit v.ht-a you fire financially broke, and other goods to save freight. Send us all your ready cash Chiroprtdfcrt^J’^*’ doctor said I had irritation of bron­ Conductor 1492 earth j »««t w/tl y».» aw able to pay. so that you may not have any Mt to buy necessities front corrects chial tubes and lungs which co'uld j}CDtec«t He is the chap who ratt-ts y<.« at the 4#t.r witfi a your home dealers. - ADDKD-Comedy. easily develop into pneumonia. I makes ex'bat.ges when you are Hint satisfied with what ft. You phajj believe is us rather than your home grew worse, and on April Olh, we railed a Chiropractor, fn less than von few- Uuebf. business nun, for we want your trade. We get to he- IS . fii’ •: vL.. ' ■ at ?L> r vifii milli..n.-i:r, ? on y.,ar suppoiL Don't I e bluffed. SATCRHVY— two weeks I was able tu walk about '•ar 11ft- < ■' u 1"tl J Bif - -fi” {l“••md--” Id. Vt.'j 'hall i all on ft.c tn-h.e-.s people in v,-ir the house. Since 1 began taking Pnil I Iinni pven iM adjustment? I have taken no med­ .5 i r ,i‘ nga.n. (. < own vuinity for he’ll and t .edit if you meet with hard i ■ Vib -i- .ft-. 5 X.i* •»« J* 1 :.k and v'ikrz- ■. ft's y.iur t.iorey we want; We don’t “The Bandits Baby’* ic inr, have felt no had efforts and „ a! i < kr ,w y..:i 'U'.k i t»,.!P ord< r at" :u,»iu’>.mi(d hv e,!-h. - J)«r Kang f imicdt— Idaho No my return to slTCttgUt has been 'J Yelcrt t CU' 9. rapid. I considered my recovery ail r 1.- 2. \ 3 ; r, . J Him Sov.'Ci' ik w the more remarkable, bteause, ac­ THINK I F DYER cording to several physicians, I a,.! - Mi:r;(,;:y ft lusday— under the magnify. dluj. <>!.'• d Ej.a.ii de -rvi • have had endocarditis since suffer­ ing1 from influenza iti IfllR, and am a?.' T?- ’ ian v.l , I ■ i 1 vie left. “Goose Hangs High” f ■ J u 1 talk' fu 'i>’o be * way'u ge* down to • -,rt; •-e- 1’/. Fir.rhf diicrtt s car.nst now entirely relieved of same." ?• r / *’i< ry ty in $ 1» * r.e 1 I'.'ilti,. * , !.'li’c ;/ r Si - The gii'it tnv-rii.v.i tamily pic- teKsmii F y-.’ti'.icl Mrs. James If, Foltcn, Chlropraetie r\ .i i •• tart, all lor 1 .isle. AC.lfH fejH— 1;, t LrEfRxftt Research Bareatr Nfafeswent No. n. 2113.-M. * K- ? y j) * .i i»« k ,.u, ..a -6.1 V.v f nmrdv. ' ASiYSfe , ?, ik vti MisrVf >ff„; mm m.d be to. piTSSWK .« x The your appointment '.2.1 I • 1 !5'f? m tl'.l "f !•» 1? \ . . n \J1.4 k ft ’> A uppemn'efefjw f..r HEALTH cats he day ,"j S.i,',w that fvmy d-Eur you s<5-1 mil as iiaif-k. made by tr leplwntog Laurel '..j' i :r.r. km.i.m. :... ,-i: 1'(-i-t nit to.« - ::ft.toft m.fti J t, >-!i 11...' •!. . tl.lf'h-tt.if'h- VOI'glvoi'gi »», ftp ill ft. r.m 1.’ John Barrymore m v,,«s* it. ’ 3 d ,11 .r here ? V» ,r iJi.,?t 1 tomb. t.air. path. “Beau nto-.rne!” ly s.'.thmft, whin y.,u nr.d y'-ur wl:i>~r nmnlv. As,J (Im.T you I.tu.w Ext the ffrowth ar.d prosperity -of your over.-oat, Dr. J. A. Wilker tir- L-w;: ur.d .i.m.-.mify dr-pf.'sa very largely upon the Us Jf kef-ps one out in thq,, • n; but t f haying r.-n* Central & ClAyton Ave. Laurel, Dela, •si, »-< ■ i nr.4 fiforpeiKy e-f tfic fiome lacre-fcwt? ©06 fit dot?- the far,;.'. Due Show Each Night at SiOT Office Hour*:—-1 to fi:30 to 8:30 P. M. j Thur, fi.nn v-(,,pte lodge w t-Hy by t&0 appearawt? ef oat. man who found the -mt a m >dej r,f indurtry Prices ?.» and 16, Two Shows S; Tues., «L.re* ard t-fe ffegJW of efttr-rprise shown by «ar nter- was a pit flk-her WUW.R the grub. Saturday prices 29 and 16. ahrd Sat. Other lime* by appointment only. rh»r.U-, And OUT *»«« MH2K-JjMrt« fMStJtjt fcOCGBcd UfllCSS Little hoys who won’t tell the truth aie, liable, to he,. Telephone 272 b»~e folks give them kjral Mppotf, com fishermen or golfers cy jwKtjcMfis, &f V{5£23 THE STATE REGISTER.FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1925.

The Handclasp of Friend

This is a friendly town because it is made up of friendly people. As

you become better acquainted with the folks here you will recognize

and appreciate the full meaning of this friendliness. As business men

we welcome you to our stores. Make free use of the conveniences

we have for your use. Through this printed word we extend the

handclasp of friendship with the hope that we may be able to see you

soon in person and shake you hy the hand.

Central Avenue Garage Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. Peoples National Bank A. S. Williams Nock Bros*, Salisbury Valliant Fertilizer Co. Ellis* Garage Sussex Trust Co, N* S. Hoffecker Boston Shoe Store C. H. Givans Nathan Furniture Store, Salisbury, Hotel Rigbie E. A. Barnette Co. Mitchell’s Garage j Miller Bros,, Wilmington Long & Short Hyman Gordon Eastern Shore Gas & Electric Co. Laurel Candy Kitchen Waller Theatre Wootten & Moore E. Homer White Shoe Co., Salisbury- Kennedy & Mitchell, Salisbury

COME IN & GET BETTER ACQUAINTED THE STATE REGISTER, FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1925 BOOZE RAID IN j SYLVESTER HEAD OF HFNIftPFN I IFF CHARD J jurcd when ho lost control of his auto-'is said, that for a short time there velop. Latest reports are to the effect mnw we fears th8t swne tw he is gettins elone nice,y' AMERICAN LEGION SEAFORD PROVED ------it EightKight gashes are said to have bibeen I Favor Better Schools But Op- Forty Stitches Required To inflected in the right leg, and it is 3t . s Close Eight Gashes In One said that forty stitches had to be TO BE A SUCCESS 1 pose Special Session Of Leg­ i Of His Legs. taken. islature To Reconsider It Daisey was taken to the Beebe Hos- Centenary M, E. Church Several Arrests Were Made OVER'i'’,“'' 11 ■f"1' treatment, and it MACHINE TURNED I ESSEL P. THOMAS; Minister And Five Gallons Of Liq­ MEETING AT REHOBOTH; Blinded by vivid Hashes of lightning uor Was Confiscated. PATENTS ! Consecrating himself and asking during (he serve electrical storm Sunday, July 26th., 1925. The Last Sunday Ser­ every member «> fthe American Legion which swept the central section of low > vice of the Summer, INVENTORS Send us ONE ESCAPED BY JUMP­ ; to do the same Thomas V. Down, of 1 (r Delaware, John rntisey, one of the j ING THROUGH WINDOW ' life guards at the Cape Henlopen Sta-' Your IDEAS and we will, 11 A. M. Good Music. Mr, Thomas will speak. . Philadelphia. Path rial liaison ofti.-et , tl.>ii, on Thursday night was badly in- ABSOLUTELY J-’REE OF CHARGE of the Anurican Legion, made a , •------o,the records of the’’ "Patent ' J Two Were Locked Up In Geo­ Ofilcp and report, to you our opinioru'Z Seven—Thirty rgetown Jail In Default Of f'reaa; vLa Saturday nt the annual <■>’r.-i otk-u '-f the Ih lawar** Ikv; ion ;i. to whether or n t you ean obtain a $1000 Bail Required at A CHAS. E. MARVIL patent on your invention. s Hearing Before Magistrate m .-.a--- ii?.‘ claims if ex-soldi'rs Wo have assisted thousands of in- A—The Big Sing. Phillips Of Seaford. iyhtoned out immediately. House Mover (vui-.ors in DEVELOPING and PER-'* B—Organ Numbers that Help You To Worship. T:i< convent ion rsfu-ud t. endorse a 1FKCTING their IDEAS before filing Z C—The Minister will Speak. uY.'f-r;;! To*1:”’, i IlitrL- n o7i7i«7' ;.. T’n;v< L . aG eJ-sd building urogram, hut L; evening, July29th. There has been an average attend­ eiamr F’ilIUWit.V ill? \'eL,'37N:‘--. '7-Ji- (Lise hotter schools, They nF • we-- Write Today- for Lime and Cement fes’d. Yv’PHani mid I'bow v, , d i-solutions decrying the ctn-mpT VALUABLE INFORMATION ance of 169 at these services since Conference. Attend '•Ut'fitwti Nil I’V ’Tt uisf rate to di'-rease the present Lue ;f tie- •T:- r K. Phillir-.-- in -if .‘••my or navy. CEMENT BLOCKS GIBSON & FOX .. this last service of the summer. i;n. L- okth Beach. Ale - Ay,’ .w 's 3‘f ,-J McLacblen Bills. r . 7V4iV e-i'itrej -‘r'tU? T fit pla.-f- for the U»-xt convention. To if Y’r-Aor.gt> n, Th ;-<‘y t1; mfNua:- ficers elected were: f'm.iitmrde:'. hurl *;d ./.bout fiv" • •' iifii»XH-:,tinu'L- Syh'o.-ti-r, itarr'n rton; - v «.o ?.l!'nnh f*-- ttierc. F>;‘ Fit’s-* trir t<> or. d.-y, L. Hohm ''■•Ydnilngi:m; chap- ’.VUiaa-'s hiur-i- -7. "fib” r> f.tikd u- Inin Kev. William Gy-.-o-m \en CastL SAVE fe.J ::ny f-nvF:‘1:7 evident1'.1, kn ie-v b-rlan, Swevin-o. Wiiminctor • 7 iiie rJpkf :ju y lU-.d.- p»-< t-iid kb S', ’ycant at arms. 'La.-w Eoeh-y. Wu *71 <‘ecus',.j;, WnllaufS v.;.-- up mingf'.n. Ltrir.- and '.vhetf Flay inquired <■•*' 'd-- v.-hY' ’..bert.' he v/as*. sh“ <’ailed •air t" hii i 'Lu fee . fneer< v.\ re tb.Tr and

In tew minute* e ' ititi’s said card seniethh iiopfinjr ‘’rf'iu Attention ’d tail’s window *n. tne tTeund and i n investigation found fma* full ON HOME FURNISHINGS! ttles and one hr hen h'-ttF » liquor. At Chew's place they also secured 10 A. M. to4 P.M.S tunvieting evidence, rnnsequentlv he and Williams were plated under ar­ TO RECEIVE TAXES irh rest and ludd for the Federal Court. July-...... 15th.i* They will have a hearing before I’n- Hendrixs<>n’s Office. ited States Ci mmissicner McCann, at GREENWOOD, Thursd -, July inth, ? > Wilmington, August 10. The officer.** Hotel. have been after Williams for swme- ; SEAFORD. Priduv, ,Iu 17th. J. K. AUGUST SALE t'r.'e. Phillip's Office. f HILLSBORO, Satuida July 16th, * f Hotel. ? V .HILLSBORO, Snturda July 16th. Is Now On In Full Force ?J3 CANCER CURED Hotel. ® DELHAR. Wednesday July '22r.d. Stone House. All kind.-: nf Carici‘1’ SELBYVILLE, Thumb , July 23rd Cnrul Pfe-ifio-ly -,•, itnouf Town.-end's Offne, nperitfitin: by nxlii'inn LEWES, Friday, Julv JSth. Cutter's h'i lone. hundr' du <'■ c-c. Office. Reductions 15 to 50 Per Cent tit cured. Laurel. Saturday, Julv doth. People.-. 'G Hay fever, Rn«e cold eas­ Bank. ily I'tired. BRIDGEVILLE, Wednc-day, July 2!’. Columbia House. Just a Meagre Example of the Great Savings it Call nr Write REHOBOTH, Thursday, July fiihh, «»> “ i»*i*i*'* *" *• ?r Pennsylvania Health In­ W. S. Ferrell’s Office, ii' HILTON, Friday, July r.lst, Sussex $295 Three-Piece Hohnir stitute Ik.nl-. This SkS Three-Piccc Tap- Hl'1.511 Three Piece Vel­ rsfrv Living Room Suite our I.ivingrnom Suite Lhing Room Suite 3925 Chestnut St Pay Now! Delays are Sometimes ;P $2‘ Overstuffed Velour Expensive This- is a luxurious suite Dai enport Suite Philadelphia, Pa, 'l,ni: J! !: Jratitiful liftlo 'Jin: is a very attractive including an inimen.se 6(1 in. HH. A. LONG. , im-liiding u dot-p vi ad d Receiver OfTnxes .■ nite nii ltiding a large 7:1 davenport, < large fireaide Tin's suite includes a mas­ i ■ lufortiibb’ 'd mill, ‘ i ttn . inch davenport, dcep-i oafcd. chair and arm chair, equip­ sive !IO inch davenport bed, a at’i il'.r'r .’id rub"-, wi'u and ruotny, villi rontov;ib)e ped witli removable and le- davenport by day and a bed vei.-itde 1 pring i v hions with >* > .it’l i,‘bo ’.ubogatiy fri.iiK- :- priltg ejshioii.!, large fire­ by night, a large arm chair Illf !!‘tf I i n 11 . .11 tlpl|<.!■ side chair and arm ehair, at open ppi-ing edges, deep spring sea!- and backs. Th: and rocker, ail equipped witli ti ll'd in a ,it:c grade ,.f Iuh t tjuipi ed with removable f-dry and are offered eper. ir.ng lU-bliTm, spring scat! entire inite i.; uphol tend in removal le spring cushions, iailv redan il for our Augu .* and backs, upliolafered in fine moltair. It is offered dep spiing teat and back a Sale only, complete t.i velour. complete during our August Special August Sale prite sale only at $12.50 $97.50 159.00 $109.75

$65 1-ive-Picee Walnut Din­ SII6.75 Four-Piece Bedroom ingroom Suite $176.75 Ten-Piece American . Walnut Dining Rnom Suite Suite. Exquisite Four-Piece French This is a wonderful liar- SI 19.75. Wnlnnt Bedroom Suite. :L- gain; This suite includes f: •jTliis is a very beautiful This suite includes a large ‘ii x 54 inch extension table It include? a large buffet, suite, including a full sized and four

_W;iiit- Lr., r,-{ LiiP.iunt slide to tiiisd Inc n, Mahogany Windsor (hairs Beautiful Coxwell (’hairs, lVnlnnl Bate-Leg Tables, t;u: I.ii;;* lbs ni: L;--.’I ke '.#•( nj.d , h-t-t; Four Po.lcr Beds $23.75 $39.7.5. $14.75 ■ilP' D.O. t!.R i.ti i.n; C r 1;JI I,('1- $9.75. tUB1. Abd F-v’ hii-j't.■ ncl? r d 1 »,g i.-ai. iba : of th«* or.’; 't i >' livingroom „i» hall i.s Witt:, ui a di.ul t i.r.i’. of the ‘Largo six-leg di linctive dir' i'o <’I'J. ft,.,i.d R' x«,-j f 11 j’- t.iai d. .1,1 , fui; -I’, ?..• ..i.„jbt( -,-.ith -J . i„, .J taxnrinn ; and > or,if, if gato-h & tnb’c-1 in beautiful • ‘ y<< ,..n i');< ;;h id fnlciai.. p anc .ml id ,-: i.y fin: k- Wi :d or ,i:a:r. d, t p n oted aide- ( hairs to be found. Do r walnut fiiiirb. This io a nal ofi'ortunity f, !.,y i.lrh ; :a,d ( p. 1 and roomy, vcbo.r np- '•’i.-3; . i >. c ••• b H„'i, } ttii'ul piece of fur.dtme at at; H.i;. v hi :.t 11 ::l *.i v.,n W I.i bihu-, spring ii.n.'n.-e- t x- cptb iii lly I,'A/ price. IS.- SAVAGE ELECTRIC WASHER t’ w. Ih-n’t ’iil’is thisl uc to -(e them toi,u,ii,,'.i.>

P k< ’. '• !,'•! It . '• J V, I, {’,,■/ ..


The Season’s Greatest Novel of Marriage “The Golden Bed” World’s Greatest Btgr By WALLACE IRWIN $■ Produced as a Paramount picture by CECIL B. DeMILLE from a screen adaptation by era Reynolds, Liiliam Rich, Warner Baxter Jeanie Macpherson with Rod LaRocque, V Theodore Kosloff and Julia Faye in featured roles. (Copyright, 1924, by Famous Player-Lasky Corp.) 1250Freight and Tax Extra

SECOND INSTALLMENT near play as the Holtr.es knew at that ing like young men everywhere. Quite tor the HUDSON COACH time. Even in his latter years Admah i obviously they had not shaken the The wagon jolted on. ila resumed Througkout Hudson’s long-time policy of giving greatestvalue looked back upon the Fort as an en­ money-box that day, for nickles were for tire money, this is the lowest price, the finest Hudson, the her pipe, Jo his empty stare, Admail chanted pleasure garden, infinite in scarce. One of them—a tall one with greatest value Hudson ever offered. Only Hudson’s exclusive his seat on the forbidden throne. variety, Upon its brow dwelt a par­ a pimple on the bridge of his Roman advantages of the famous patented Super-Six principle com­ Straight ahead stretched the City, al­ ticularly sordid tribe of negroes. nose—bought a bag of peppermints, bined with the world’s largest production of 6-cylinder cars ready plumed by the rich black smoke Their habitations were more like nibbled and exclaimed, makfe it possible. By greater margins than ever before it is in industrialism. Grey, violet and roy­ kraals than houses; aggregations of “Say, buddy, whah d’ya git them today the “World’s Greatest Buy.” al purple it lay across the River, its chicken coops, battered vehicles, lean- at?” feet touching turgid waters which a ling towers of stovepipe, all walled in “Ma makes ’em,” replied Admah. foggy sun had turned to sullen gold,! with strips of corrugated iron or old “You don’t say!” Through the iron struts of the Bridge ( doors, salvaged from Some former 1 “On a gravestone,” Admah’s pride [he boy could see stout white steamers wreck. At a wilder windier corner of! exPlam. their side-wheeled paddles working the plateau the Gipsies pitched their ■ a gravestone. The conduct- gallantly as they plied up and down. eamps in Spring, grazed their shaggy i w’s S0Kgli“g eyes were quite sole- UpI p therne river theyrney swept toward Cinurn-1 ponies, flaunted their dirty shawls - ™a as. tucked :i handful nf candy •innati, bearing great hogsheads of J of indigo and Vermillion, plumed the iinto J1’’ large, plastic mouth., “On a tobacco. Down tlio river they plied j horizon with the smoke of their camp- j ireavestone. They sho don taste with freight’and passengers toward J fire’s while their shapeless womenfolk: lint ports on the wider Mississippi . mushed down the hill to trade black' , “thers of the band seemed m- . . .Admah’s father had often promis- magis for the small change of com-'*™ . ™ mock, but hen the boy was ed to take him on a trip down the Big merce shuffling away the tall conductor stop- Water—.Memphis, Cario, New Orleans! Life on the Fort was Romany, quite ; pc,,T , W1“l tlnc a('viee —what names to remember! m contrast with the ant-like______orderlin-' ___ “LookT,nn1' yuh, son. nDon"”''’t y’all make Fa had often promised that. He ess of the Nordic people just below? douglitnuts up yo way? We boys got was dead now. . . . But . Admah never forgot the queer > Powerful taste fer doughnuts, Bolow the Falls the boy could see spell which the negro dwellings cast Admah took the idea for what it Hudson - Essex World’s Largest Selling 6 - Cylinder a yellowish gargle of water slow and upon him. They were architectural; was worth hack to Ma Holtz who gru- dangerous. They found Pa Holtz ’ accidents, as lacking in design or con- i mbled and acted on it. Under a re- there four days after he disappeared. ' tinuity as the ramblings of a crazy; v*sed program Ja sold doughnuts and Everybody had thought it a good brain. They had charm, a kindly ap-1smal! aPPIe Pies in the car-barn zone CENTRAL AVENUE GARAGE thing for Ma; he had been a drag and peal to fancy. Weather bad toned ' while Admah, wandering further afield a___ drunkard______and a free______thinker. But___them uniformly to a handsome Van-[ in the bob-tailed car every morn- Admali had always been little on Pa’s! dyke brown. When smoke arose from as far as the school district down­ William J. Quillen, Mgr. Phone 1 50 Laurel, Del. side. Corn whiskej' never made him j their mad chimneys, chickens flutter- town. Ma’s peppermints gained quick cross. He stood a lot of hammering, j e,d over the jimberjawed barrivades, popularity at the High School. But just like the surface of a rock quarry jhttle dark figures darted in and out business was always best at Miss that resists siientiy, then comes down j laughing the elfin laugh of Africa, Martineastle’s School for Young Lad­ with a crash. . . these ceased to be mortal places. ies. At that great brick barrack, de­ Admah looked down at the garg- There dwelt the Leprechauns, voted to improving the daughters of ling water below the Falls. His eyes; To the North the Fort had its pract the privileged class, there was more filled with tears, as they always did ’cal side. Prom a bluff Admah could j small change in circulation than nt the J when he thought of Pa for a long i look down on the soap works, boiling i bumbler seats of learning. Miss Mar- j time. And this was stranger, because i a,l day and tainting the air with its i tincastle, it is true, set up barriers Pa had been a bad man, a neglectful j heavy smell. Wagons of raw between the salesman and the custom-' husband and an indifferent father. animal matter would lumber up to! or. Her tall iron fence was like a row; one great door; out of another neat,* of javelins, forbidding intrusion, ) CHAPTER •'! fresh boxes would be trundled forth to i Hut Admah, strategical by nature, • be piled on trains, The method of it ‘ found a way around the wall of spears j Their city house stood on an emin-’!uul the homely magic appealed to J He soon tired of slipping candy! t.nce, ; this boy ambitious to own a hundred through the bnrsnnd being scolded by; This statement, magniloquent in its 1 burs of solder. The idea of piling; a watchful spinster. So lie took to' simplicity, might serve its purpose in things—Identical things —one upon a-1 the back alley and made the nequain- a real estate prospectus; in the less'uother struck fira,in his imagination, lance of Solomon, cross-eyed heir of! romatie light of fiction it calls for an! To P'h* up solder bars, to pile up boxes David, Miss Martineastle’s colored ian ‘ apology. For the breast of Mother!tn Mack great dollars mountains high itor. Solomon's daily commission was 3*day crufce dow n -7*dav test and recreation at Florida’s Nature may swell graciously to he 1... In the artless sentimentality of small; one slightly damaged beg e’’ All-Year Resort City. SaiUidinnd tarpon fishing—Golf— Bath* adorned with jewelled ornaments, or boyhood he could see himself spending candy would do the work. And for ing, and other shore cnjoyments‘~3*day cruise back home* her face may wither to a hag’s and on•a fftoat deal on his mother, arranging , this he would dart into the alley with; her raw cheekbone frow a wen to bertt an that she needn’t be worried and a handful of nickels and dimes, load trimmed With a single bristlv hair, jawing all day, fix It so that she could himself with half the Holtz supply and Picture this vacation in your imagina­ The Holtz house stood uid twelve dol- (Ttl BE CONTINUED) rank low in the surrounding earth; n! lata for the old horse mid drove him little plateau, gently rolling, where; to death in six months. LINCHENSTEIN CATCHES • afternoon suns slanted silver-gilt on • A feature of Dutch Hill, sec end only dry grasses, blowing in the wind, to the Soap Factory, was the Ear Barn THE LARGEST BASS There were no rellca to be found, save Here a troupe of jolly rovers, who in rusty piles of tin cans, already i,u r-. the languors of Spring changed grea- Vie Liehenstein of Wilmington ed­ ging with the soil,- they might have; uy blue cents to denim shirts, sfaMed taldished the record for cafeiung fish ! been dumped there by Admiral Noah! their mules at night and by day rum- la,t wlicn j,p 7S on some unrecorded visit, Admah and'Med along the tracks in small yeihw , ,fi ... . ' .To and Eddie Stek-the Steks lived 'bobtail cars, grandfather.3 of the fab- in the litf’e house which linked arms led Toonerville Trolley. Eddies Stek, lake. He had fished for nearly four | with the Holtzs on the right—used to; wise in the world's wiles, told re-mark-' hours without a bite when lie landed, dig up these cmiR and roast them over , able stories of these car eonduefors this big one. Two others were caught j bonfires. When the flames died down! who, according to Eddie, were pirati- at t]l(, E.,nip thw wWvIl 8WW. they would search the nshes for little .cal hy instinct and wealthy to a man. . ,, . pellets of solder which they would I Eddie himself had witnessed their evil *'«* t L’ 'tn7 ® melt again imd run into wooden: deeds one day whep he hid In a eye- the guest vf Alton Vvw.t. -n, both utu. moulds, creating hard, bright bats. |«w«a> grove nt the lonrly end of the. dents nt Dehiv.aie t j liver,, it y. He. resembling silver bullion. These had;blue denim take den the pkm: m,:;ev ■SVa.i .m-comvanieil I.y W„nt>«n nt the Mail T^his Coupon Now! r market value per peii'ul in the est- box and shake a handful of ruckles in- jiru',p hnatiou of ft junk man who lived at T,. h’s brown straw hat. Fishermen f«v.e, all nco-pRckatJ BM.;., Mi ilivmioq of the treasure, ’the instinct which bring flower-girls ' ______12d Bavbton Stwot, Ihw:.. i. Ms “f ’mv ifl’ lie right smart of a time,”, to the carino at Monte Carlo...where Peftiwykania Aw.y:. i B-- > ;h suggested Eddh> Btek. !money flows like water there is at-, Mias Pauline Ruiusy. who under-;' As’.-.a; -■ Ci'v Mabbo. But 1”1! have five dollars,”i ways’» 'h’M *r the parasite.. He went an operation at the P niiwdn, declared Admah, j found several «f the reputed pirates llurpltal m> Monday f r appendi/itD, j These raft-felting parties were as {Singing popular songs and skylark- to reported to be improving rapidly. 4 THE STATE REGISTER, FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1925. Miss Doris Clapham) of Princess The dinned included an excellent’ blymen for the excellent work they ill at Ms home near Laurel. Ann was a guest of relatives in town LEGISLATORS menus and the service was nil that did during the session. Representat­ Miss Virginia Hastings is spending the Belhaven Hotel is noted for. Our- ‘ ive Louis A. Drexler, of Bethany the week in Centerville and other this week. ing the banquet music was furnished , Maryland towns with friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Riggin and ANNUAL REUNION by the Seneca Screnaders of New! Beach, said he thought it a good idea York. One of the amusing incidents for the legislators, after elected, and Mr, and Mrs. John King spent last daughters are occupying a cottage at Mrs. George Marvel and Miss Betty Oalc Orchard this week. of tlie evening was the presentation of1 before the regular session, to get to­ week-end with friends and relatives in AT REHOBOTH May IJorter were guests of Mr, and Wilmington. Miss, Catherine Coliine spent a part a mysterious box to Speaker Henry ( gether to get acquainted and to study C, Downward and bis bride of a few 1 Sirs. Jnck King, the first of the week. Mrs. John Kenmure of Brooklyn, of the week at the Y. P. B, Encamp­ some ot me problems they will have week's, The presentation speech was I Mr. and Mrs. Harvey D. Williams N. Y„ arrived in Laurel this week to ment at Lewes. Members Of 100th General As­ made by Representative (Mrs.) Flor-, to solve so they will not be strangers are occupying their cottage at Ocean take a series of chiropractic adjust­ Dr. S, Williamson is spending some sembly Gathered At The Bel­ ence M. Hunhy, , to ono another and igorant of their City for a couple of weeks, ings from Dr. J. A. Wilker and will time here as the guest of Dr, and Mrs work when the General Assembly act­ haven Last Saturday. She gave the box to Mrs. Down­ Mrs, Mettle Benson spent tho first stay about a month at the residence of J. A. Wilker. ward and there were demands that ually gets under way. part of tho Week in Wilmington visit­ Dr. Wilker. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Moore of -In* open it, This Mrs. Downward did Brief speeches were made by Sen­ ing friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. White and Mr, Collingsworth, N. J. lias returned af­ BANQUET WAS THE rather gingerly and after digging in­ ator William F. Allep, of Seaford; Mrs. Elijah Carmean was taken to and Mrs. W. B. Gordy spent ter spending several days as the Senator I.eRoy Kramer, of Wilming­ MAIN FEATURE to a lot of paper she finally brought the Milford Emergency Hospital on Wednesday witli friends in Cambridge guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. I-I. Allen. to light two little dolis. There was a ton anil Representative James C. Has­ I Wednesday for treatment, Mrs. E. F. Bell is spending Some­ George Pusey and Raymond Elliott tings, of Newark. . i David W, Ralph, ex-representative time with her son in Washington, D. were week-end visitors in Newark and Party Motored to Oak Orchard general laugh and then calls for a .prerh, Mrs. Downward thanked the After the dinner there was a dance. of tiie state of Delaware is critically C. Wilmintgon. In Yacht, Also Bathing, Dan-, ■hmi't's and Speaker Downward made Yesterday the members were taken cing And Other Entertain­ n few humorous remarks. for n boat ride to Oak Orchard on Benjamin F. Shaw's yacht. Nearly HClTlCiTjTlVlv «/»-»> IvtvtvJvJvJvJvlv 4 VI ► I w »w I'v iT’iTl.-I v, t v . w4vi. 1 suhiir tins v.i.ulil not he their last wccting. ,T.> is spending a few weeks here as the i !>-:f which., ti> 'W,'- .‘-V' l'i'tai'V id Mate '! nvl,,r bdlowed cue.A of hn hruihei' Brinkley Boyce j I f'l bj’ {Ij«» .‘Until It! 'I’lItlulUL' “t ’I."- and he I'omiiicnde.t ihe General A teem ami family. (All Emery Shirts) law malar.-'-, J heir absence w.is tl«" largely to tkv fact that they '.own'. - . - ...... — ii imjifs'dl'k' i'v leave tlu iv finin'] Hi mi S'atui'dav. Aliiny n!‘ tlmse v> i; *: ould not get to the baiitjiict ram." Starts Friday, July :■,) KeE-both Sunday b> spriid too ti. ; i renewing old acquaintances mining i A&P QUALITY •J: their fellow meml’M's, several not h:;\ - j KENNERLY & MITCHELL Stages Largest ing seen ow another since the I.egis- in the A & P hi lature adjourned in April, ; The chief feature of the reunion j was a banquet Saturday evening.! Stores, Quality Shirt Sale Since The World War served in the Belhaven dining room, j Representative George Sehold, of j takes on a bigger meaning and it Wilmington, the chairman of the | $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 Shirts joint House and Senate committee means rich health, giving food val­ named to arrange the affair, being to sell for the toastmaster, Governor Robert P. ue, and the utmost in purity. 2.00 Robinson and Secretary of State Wil­ liam G. Taylor were the guest of $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Shirts honor, Many of the members were SWANSDOWN accompanied by tlieiv wives and some I to sell for $1.50 by a few friends. Cake Flour PKG 35c All materials are included—Repps, Madras, Broadcloths, Soisettes. In all colors, white included Both collar attached and neckband. 100 dozen shirts in this sale. GOING TO BUILD IONA CUT ALL STRAW HATS except (Panamas) now $ 1.75 LIFE BUOY Bargains Throughout The Store USE STRINGLESS Lowes Concrete Blocks SOAP Every Block sold with a BEANS Guarantee. 3 CAKES J7C Salisbury Maryland S. LLOYD LOWE 3 cANS 25c Kennedy & Mitchell 3: Phone 41 and 128 $ Laurel, Del. A&P BAKED BEANS 3 23c -\S\%\\\5\\\\YS\^>v\SX\\\S\S\SSS\SSS\\YV^\\X\\%\*\\SSS\SSSSS\SS\\-'t\%\\5SXXS\'%\NV< 1! H CLOTHES PRESSED— Grandmothers HIGH ROCK Is CLEANED—SCOURED JULY CASH <» Bread Ginger Ale S2 —AT— LARGE w 3 bot 25c Shur-Stnile Pressing Shop WRAPPED (C Over C. C. Ellis* Store LOAF Plus 5 Cents Deposit on Each Bottle. Discount Sale LAUREL, -£- DEL. a&p peanut Butter s oz* jar jc ON SHOES SB BROCCOLI HERRING Now Going On At “The BIG SHOE STORE” $ r; The Italian Greens ROE percan 19c 10 to 20 Per Cent Off Seeds Now Ready


For Particulars see. Market Sired LAUREL DEL :■ On all footwear during the month of July, ex- Hi Laurel, Delaware y; cept Arch Preservers, Now is the lime to buy ifi Hi :i & a real good quality shoe or slipper at a real saving During This Special £ of money. In addition to this special discount sale Pricing of Newly Styled :OL we have put several good style pumps on the bar- r' - J V Ft; gain counters to sell at $1.00 to $2,75 per pair. Beautiful Dresses / i v >1 Those who know our quality footwear know that when they Yon tun buy wind yon will need for ? iji buy our shoes and slippers at the above price they are buying a the tnmiriK month-; <‘;t decided MrtiniS:’. in piift.. Tiileri thf time suoii to see them. $ real bargain. When you see them you will buy more than They are new, beautiful and oronorchally f ;ii one pair. Come early while you can get your size. priced.

Sale Now On and Will Last Until August 1st, 1 E. Homer White Shoe Co.



Many New Features To Be Added To The Regular Program Of Great Commoner Had Retired To Take Afternoon. Nap And1 The Camp, Including “Days” To Be Observed By Died While Asleep, His Family Being Unaware The Surrounding Towns. That Death Was Near, DR. GEORGE W. COOK WILL HAVE CHARGE OF REMARKED TO MRS. BRYAN “I AM SO SLEEPY” PROGRAM AND VIGNEULLE WILL DIRECT MUSIC AND WENT TO HIS ROOM TO REST Arrangements Being Made To Take Care Of The Multitudes Had Finished A Tour Of Speaking At Several Nearby CitiesI That Are Expected To Attend, And The Grounds Are And Was Preparing To Make A Fight For Fund­ Being Beautified And Enlarged. amentalism In The Country.

On Sunday August Ifith the Delmarvia Gampmeeting will open its gates ! ST. PHILIP’S P. E. CHURCH William -kiinings Bryan, who many years ago as “Tim Boy Orator of h> the public, and the day will mark the opening of what is expected to hej 9^ structure has been remodeled and refinished, a new the Pla'ii-” with his “('mss of Gobi’’ speech won a Dfiunciutie Presidential the most successful season of any eampmeeting held on these grounds, which; building now standing on this spot. nwniimtinn ami a bi.'ibig place before the American a.,bile, is v.ito formerly known as the Laurel-Bethel camp grounds. The end came Bunday nftteraonn while the C,.nin;,.n« r was st.-eplng in tha The entire program will be under the supervision of Dr. George XV. Cook, Old Building Of St. Philip’s P. E. house of Richard Rogers,«vhv*0, whichmum hadl**M* been OJIMK'WIIassigned Ihim’Ull r. A. C, Broyles, who examined the body, stated death was caused by a imp been chosen by Prof. Vigneulle, ■------—------— ' hemorrhage vf the brain, resulting in apoplexy. lie was f'5 y ears old. Extensive arrangements have been made by the Campmeeting Associ­ The work of rebuilding St. Philip’s! m!lhls :in,, n win h) ’ James McCartney, family chauffer, was sent by Mrs. Bryan at F. ation for the accomodation of record crowds, and every care has been taken ue Ethte cTyjSsreomKana:h~in- ,he M. to wake her husband. McCartney sheik Mr. Kryun tiv'cc in an attempt t. to see that nothing is omitted that will tend to promote tile comfort of each arouse him and then noticed he was not breathing. Rushing to the home of A. person visiting the eamp, Ample instead of a framed'wooden building lcnd 1,Kll,t.v t0 tIle 'li!'(!n -■ B, Andrews, a neighbor, the chauf-" parking space has been provided, there now stands on the spot a lovely | Within a few days the interior de­ four called for physicians who reach­ DELAWARE STORY where cars can be parked with safety BATTERY “A" brick structure, although the old buil- j curators will start work on the inter- ed the home within a few minutes. and convenience. ding was never removed from the! ior of the building and several changes ! The doctors said Mr. Bryan probably Improvements to the tabernacle, the sPot. will be made in the mural decorations. bad been dead thirty or forty minu­ TO BE TOLD erection of new and modern cottages WILL BREAK CAMP Instead of tearing away the old the color scheme being changed to tes. and the beautiful entrance to the church budding and builders have ad-, blend with the surroundings, Burial was made in Arlington grounds, together with other touches ded a brick veneer which entirely Rev. Whitehead, rector of the par- Cemetery, as Mr. Bryan, who was a IN PICTURES of beauty and adornment lend charm SATURDAY A. IB. covers the wall, and the roof lias been isli is expected to return from a liion- to the already natural beauty of the recovered with fireproof shingles til’s vacation September 1st., and it Building Wii! Be Erected At grounds, which is one of the most Laurel Contingent Will Leave colored to blend witli the brick used is planned to hold the first services beautiful spots ill the State. The on the Walls. The old spire still re- about this date. The Philadelphia Sesqui- beautiful grove of maple trees, plant­ Camp Hancock In Early Centennial, ed a few years ago is rather inviting, Morn, Arriving Saturday ns the trees have attained such pro­ JAMES BAKER, GYPSY WOMEN ADVANTAGES OF STATE portions as’ to make then valuable WELL PLEASED WITH TO BE POINTED OUT for shade as well as for the adorn­ THEIR TREATMENT ment of the grounds. CAREY MURDERER OBTAIN MONEY This enmpmeeting is one of the old­ Thousands Of Visitors Are Ex­ Men Showed Up Well In Dress pected At Each Showing Of est in the State and was formerly Parade And Made Some known as “Moore's Camp" the name HELD FOR COURT BY OLD GAME These Pictures. later being changed to “Laurel-Bethel Good Records In Practice Camp." A few years ago the camp, With The Big Guns. Tim wonderful story of Didawai. due to war conditions, was not held At Trail In Berlin, Md,, Baker They Blessed The Penny But from the time of the early settler- £ nd a reorganization of the associat­ (By toll' Correspondent) And His Sweetheart, Plead Robbed The Wallets And through (he various periods of advan­ ion was thought necessary. At the FORT HANCOCK, N. .1, July ill. “Not Guilty” . Kept The Dollars. cement of the Stale uu to tlm presetr organization of the new body the •—(Special) Battery "A" fifilst Coast time will lie pdil hv a moving pictur name of the camp was changed to the Artillery Battalion of Laurel will WILLIAN JARMAN, BER- OFFICER HICKMAN at the Sispii-Ceiiteniiiiil in T’hiltidel- phi-i next jour. This is one of th. “Delmarviii Camp/ el'eiUnd iireshlJ c'ari>' foinocrow morning LIN WAS FIRST WITNESS DETAINS GANG brail, of Seaford, was elected presid pt'o.icets decided on by the Sesipj’. nnt, and he is assisted by un able corps after a two weeks encampment in ( tntciniiul Commission of Delawar­ •if directors. thin fortification. Testimony Of Several Witness- Advised By Town Officials To b&M es a tin am. of showing the hundred-* The annual encampment this year es Lead Up Td The Finding' Leave The Town And State U ILIUM Jl’XMM.S BRYAN • I thousands of visitors to the k.xno.-- The men have learned how to be Of The Body. will be marked by a rather unique real artillerymen and thio week they And Not Return. ition the advantages enjoyed by rest, u'hinei in the Hpani ii-.l inert, an Wav. dent- of Delaware. program, if the tentative arrange­ fined real service ammunition in the ments ns announced by Dr. Cooke arc Janies Baker, alleged. idayer. »f A wholesale flimflam wise wa- ,pi'n- ...... U'VITai times lsi ’.-l. e :{res-ed u dc.ire It will lie -l vivid picture tory >: carried out. It is planned to have sev­ big guns, Capl. Marvil and Lieut., j1!)lp, t|l(. afternoon July. i,;ifd<- fn,stated Mon,lav- when Chief t„ be bni-ie l there. Delaware's nrogr.-s- in the last 1-* eral days set apart during the session Torbert each laid n problem to fire to nt.rni.« the screen th’ io be observed by neighboring towns. and this was put across in fine order I j3WnM, Tuesday, wav bold without ymg „f gypsiec time were pa-sing dor a strenuous program nim-o he .‘■•Irides' that have been made by th - There will be Laurel Day, Seaford uenf thole three weeks ago to assist littb- Diamond state fjom mi indust­ and many lilts were made. Because hail for Justice AIfr.il W. Allen, ami fhroURh t|)e town an- fh.pped I" rial. agriciiltliri 1 end edit, atioiia" Day, Delmar Day and other "Days” of the expense of firing the guns, the |remanded to the Wnrehester County RaJMt, )m t,.p unsu„„.,.tinc. hi the prosecution of John T. Scopes, w hen succittlittl programs will behe retuler-render-' - - » - - - — - - ■ , T pi w.,ri; tneir game mi tne unsiisiieetnig. found guilty of violating Tennessee's standpoint. This “movii" will also b> Cook’s phenomenal success « t»«l "they things only Ifi largel£‘‘<«» ‘h ,d Wright, proprietor of the in‘spBku^^eti£’inXseStoZ sheiis w«e tod...... ibei^'^'"^^ anti-evolution law. He appeared in one of gnat histwRa! value and i Wright Bros., meat •.dove, and George excellent spirits, however, and was is pi op.-isi d to r-iake it one that can b during the past year has gained for ’ Results of this firing showed that i ant1 r.npi. fa(?t wa;likpw> C. Spiwr, mt employe in the store planning to launch a great campaign used :e- a text bool; for !e.ali'iig th him mrjny friends and it ts for the pur lil(, 1rt s!!(tlIs wiui,i have sunk any U,l to the Worcester jail to await the were victims of the gypsy queens be­ this week in behalf of fiuuk.iui nfai- children of Delaware the trie, story fore they were apprehended. i: hl. ••f the ndvanee*; --!.! •)' the!.- !. ,m FXnfc 2?ood'eommmmthhMm - »W «"*’ «*’*’« df cisi,’n "f Allen Which was The party traveling in high powered Mrs. Bryan, who has been an inval- state. Iti i.uikiiig ’Is p: nre st-.-ne- motor cars, stopped in front of the id a number uf years, I,rarely stood will in- <£ ,..! ii! :d! at. . ;1., stat Wright Bros., meat store, when two Hie idiock of her husband’s unexpect­ to properly j ..rfray ti.i hid ‘ trial, ag­ of ftie women entered the store and ed death. She iainu-diafely took i-Jiai- ricultural and <-du. s’; .ual activities R’lmor has been circulated that a mu’" <’” me imp appearance Nnowvu.j ...... - ...... asneuasked air.Mr. npirerBpitcr amiand Wrightwrigm toio give g,-go ,,i.ft mner.iffnner.il ariangeiuentnamngeiucnta amiand ree- of the stilt* . < barge "f twentytfive eemn would be On TueMny they hail quite an a««l-(R-H « ^l«”'»CXenfeI H a tMn' ** w5«’’t w ”f Ow' AH of the pbu.M In,vo m.t be, o work­ made at the gate for admission to the fence to witness the results and many, ’• TI* was ri present, «I by ..n(, ,n.in(; „!e (,;i!,r!p!, R( hi(.E Aft,,. vJt|i u. tfo. psl,w. ed oaf a.- yet out tlw t-, - • «.'. w ii ■ rounds but theVrumoru"wgrntMd- reservp officer were here. Not many'*ttwn*J*“J?1 being given a small coin tie.-v r,>ad« c-ssitate an e’.pi'r-ivo build7g at th loiinus. nut tnt se rumors are greioiu Imu-over bemuse oPSnoW II,11, and Curtis W. Long said sympathy. mystic signs apd asbeil that tie- melt “I an, happy that my husband died I'xiio-i;i.!; 1;i..I- th, let then, put the coins h ick into the without suif ering and in peace." she picture ilai. and id. •■ be o-.iiib:* space. It will piobably in- r. '-aildina mu W morohiT ” ! States Attorney Bdmand L. Johnson wallets, whete they Were t« be car­ said. ried for three weeks’. After they Hi-: las- i ids -O i . r. a . he enti led with a facade - a replica of one of th? •ts ,n Vdit be made Mo etooe wm Tim instructors attached with Bat-«conducted the prosecution List,‘I’:,al buildirg.: of D.-kivv,,!,. s* maikto^ibto Cnra^; “f £’» «**,«*S” ,aw t!’e were permitted to d-t this they Went file room f. r Id-’ jrij.. w. ,>-: “I an, , ... , . their wav, s.nd it was tl.i-i. that sleepy.” .,- von.rs o,„, ocro oltorf tfcilt be WOtk SllOVVll 1>V tllO TOt«. Battery "A „ Mm and Wright do, ov, red Before b \.-«t t„ ib i-p, Mr. Bi WILLIAM C LITTLETON ' ’ " the largest outfit in camp. Be- ;t i Oteir W. ft,r Spi. el’- mu.'t' Vvu-i iiW auteftraphtti tv,,* Iti-okM fur Jutl&u made to protect the property of visit- SURPRISED BY FRIENDS > • while «n the grounds. cause Of the fel t that no emergency Uke Jnstice., ...fiecs to the Municipal • j,-i£)rs n,‘„i WtiglitV fi ef d-d- -l« hr, T. Rauh-f. uh., pre.-Mi d u» th. r-ai.-ts the i ompanit a here are rather budding. Thw e,mM not aci-.mm,»dat. ■, .'-'lopes' tr,;i.:. Tile bool.-, v.ei'e "Tl:»- A lory pita--;,,it soi-pris,- party was ..mall. The Laurel militiamen always’the crowds and a large throng loit. Before Ihe nomads could leave town y,-ven tjucsti. ns in Disputi” mid “In •. ini. j«i lmser of t’a- nstii i.-ythb,!. S. S. CONVmON innkei! v"o,5 urday ami d live, ;. • •- ncke- ut XX'ir.- I.--t: Mr, and Mrs. Ray Betti mi.i Colleys M. E. Chui-ah, In as Buttery "A” had. • ratoa-J tracks opposite t,m he.d m „gi!s; tJlp women, the nien. v be',.,.- . Io Ja , 7 ' . Sr. Bry;.:: ds.at-b;,-!'. Mirk .-.f Br'-h'- vsT; Ms- Charge Of Rev. Bailey. Any member that did not attend' wh’th he working uliout 2 ocleel: p, t,.pm tetniT.ed t • I\.v m Chas,a'».or..i and Mrs. i-ld-.-al'd lb a. d this ramp missed a real tu-at and ’ »n the afternoon. An hour U -•!>...; ,hi, traB> where !.< had tbo T.:gi; Ira ail,I Miibr, vf S-,tfcV,i; Mrs. Fh'-.’S HAD FINE PROGRAM yin;/' tvorjilcirfuJ itai’nn.'j’e Thf* men< Avn.ter J«r;-t, u nt-ipjnntinf; far-. tin* xuvii Ik-feli l.e left ('haf,Mr. Curd ma? sii!, George. ,.f I’i’.iJiidi ’ph.’.i: t nnJh-ipf their iitniuiy wiH \F Bryan .iohled A. XV. I.e.-:.Iy, >nvner > f Vs. ;md Mi . Charb-- (Jult-om ■ u.l CtovvWiYWYi t i rothat they hiav hnvu the V r.ervou.. -W*** u through the mi,? r.< ? rU’.n** the Hot, 1 at v-liicii be st. pped, and ip .Hid: on. (r-oi’cc Lit;!, XI,s. Deb wwl. ,;rd a ahoat the uro^\ Uost exekumed that A from Hebron : t; t"d several ofki-ss. f..r breakfast. Mr. il.di Bivi.sm'.n: Mr.-. Lis.'>.:v Carry. f*n»l iimidud Sunday Hchonl Convention hoard. They want to >• i.tii.o tin-,hej-nw a deadunati lying :n too va. ;; s,v.-oni;n bad w..r'.< 1 the same trick Lisslj aocomp.uthd him to Dayt." bangstn'. Miss Tla-ma, ; f Piijypf .on; ■•.a:: held in JlcColtvy’s Methodi; t Fp- instruction they haw had here. Jarman mid Best started...... toward .• -cr,, ,}iat. {pWl«■•<•» .:•••,,.S| .tj ;r.iiit!rtlj c„t.w, *»!rtva’ .. and daring the trip the i.-miu. tier ex­ Mr, nt-.3 Mr. , Sc-arsy H. Culver and ■ pel Clurcl' There-we--an after- The troop;, will in nil probability the M»ot and to.eifi-et-andint,,nation.; wifj, ,lu;tP a largo sum „f money. pressed bis determination to "S-o th» • George lil'.il ('li;;,-I<-s. of Delmar; 7 S - , „•«, mrive mi the toft Saturday nftew,o..w< Awn-adung the b,.,ty Jarm:.,, rv<<>g-‘ ______c!!.1-.' tbroaea.” Mr. Bryan showed no Mr. ami M -. Jo'm XV, ilv.-.r-; -md ....on and evening s-e.vuws. ... , . . . pbitn.lnieed it as that of Carey. The body. evidence >•>’ bad h -alth, Mr. Lessiv I';:.;’.-.'?., t l-..y,l M.Lei. Hark,: Following program was arranged: awj frrt)n Philadelphia to Lan- iyinist face downwind. Jarman • COMMISSIONER HEARN id but ro.'-iarkid t>i,i: bo w.-e wfi'er- and John. Jr.: Mi-, Mary Hasting:'., AAeranon Pension—2M devotional s, eahete-,. Mrs. Clayton XX Lite aaj daughter. s. Knee, led by the JRev. John T. Bail- attached‘to the regular train. the body, but noticed merka ,m the ; ------While t'k.alaneega.Mr. Krym: Mi-. Blanche: Mr. and Mrs. Luke R. ♦ y, pastor of the Georgetown First' Photographers from Philadelphia! Rtmd lust indicated scuffle. He ■ Thec.h.re S. Hearne, faunty voin-ivowpletcd arrangement t'.cc publics- and sou, XVilliam; Mr. and Mrs. ■t\i’2r » ts. ,vix papers will be on band to fake photo-! said that lie saw no weapons and,^toiunef.of XVicomico County. Md„ tionofthcspeccishowastokavc dc- Tlioi.,:,:, I’liiilips and dautdUer, Doro­ Meilmdw. Iftitestant LhWfi,, - f,,ra„],s at the Philadelphia station. : Id not tell ,1'few pockets had ton j nn.j ftlMi'rr president of that body.. Hvered ibirim-. tbo «-l..sinK b.>a" = of thy: Jli.-s Blanche Dick, ■isuii; Mr. uiH presentation of new plan of nrganiza-! S'ifidl, and that they did n.tt teuch the ;,,::,,„wlv escaped death Monday after- th-- Beopes’ ease. He v,a- knviib' if Aiiiti.-d Mils ■ niid <»raud«UuWruu UhatoyvillK*»raM », when on autnm»jhile in winch prated Da tbv, Amial-O ;;:u’ Vcy-tu .G’ •. Xuttif' 1 Is- was the role «ee<»p.’Ht, was struck'c.-ag-v and its d-d”.-ry ut- t" i.ia'.-l; ltto;.'Yb, Yl’.C it-U-'f t t* tvv tot'-\*;V •f r. ..id iicuu it'vi ■ ,i.j va!i:.a?»ir- y?- eitMnaowedby^^ (Continued c.n Page Hight > d.-moli.J.* d by It, C. and A. p'o due ■ ■ fhs i.;«tio,i-w hie b;u:l« ____------..... — . ropg.-r fmhi No. Jit., as a pf;.d,‘ cross- against med.-riosm ’ilalinc.; be hiiib t I>1<.'./.it’i-.i! o’. v-SS first LheodoroK L-imeUw,,jwi WjMa a vtn . e ».» « ». nnn'iv miles past of Salisbury. Alth.>ugl, Mr. Bryan appeared I-! si„t<,ig f t’v VetA'i J V.X-1’ e,imt, “Xotme Peoples XXovk, t»a*„,ie(t at tt(l Il0n)P (>f her parents Sun-' MRS, id LA ( AbMc.AN Thrown from the auto by the iro- is, ss-ed Ss- idth, he realized it was served. ehet, Miss Lila Carey, Georgetown}'day afternoon. Mowing’a «ho«abort illill-, Mrs. Lula CarmeaR. wife of Elijah!pa.«. Mr. Hearn wan only manned, noeemw f>r him to v-sverve hi.« •—...... —...... third, ’•Children’s Work,” teacher, j ncsa of typhoid fever. She is survived j Carmean. died at the Milford Miner-! Am! at- the hospital it was found that strength. During last week he visit- Mrs. Victor tHitch.-.is and ia-i-?k. Miss Xfeof.’io q WilsmcS40 recess: 'by hwhnSbandand two children, Fu- gency Hospital Bunday evening after! he had not suffered injuries of any ed Dr, Raymond Wallace, in Chatta-1 ter. Miss Catherine, Sw. Them,--re - - - «RL '• » BWaj services were held in Cen-, a brief illness foddowing a stroke of • nature. The locomotive was crippled neoga, who informed him that he had, Hastings and O-m ehtc-’v Miss Xbr- .Ltd, classes resume work; 4.115 con-" tenary «. R. Ctatefe Tuesday fitter*; apoplexy. Funeral services were held! by the bursting of air pipes when the a slight dilation <.f the heart, with ar- ’ wuwitt, J* Wflmin’ n y<»s* yntlon rex\Bsemble», announcements noon, Rev. E, P» Thosutii «ffiefeUng-year-old threshing! September 2nd., 1925, at 10:30 A indicate how well they are do­ mington Must Be Inspected _ machine operator, of Ridgely, was in- M„ is the time selected when the fol- ■ ing the job. Before Being Taken Fro«j'jsiantiy lulled Monday afternoon, on I lowing program will lie rendered. Their Latex-treated Web The City. 1 t!ni fa,w Jop! b r“ha11; w‘ar B»d-( ru£us p. NoMe> Esq,t will presicie,; Cord construction gives them ______geWwn, that county. A pitchfork; Harry W, Davis, Esq., will have! wear-fighting quality that The first waterspont ever known 1..;"“^"“^^from hm hands hv a swi- charge „f the music. Rev. J. H,! ill. li* . 1 Tf JV riTlVDlinr* ilnwpp hfilf nn.1 tV.a b«»T»- &_.c__ > stands up under the hardest liavc appeared oft the Delaware kind of service over all kinds was reported at. OtUmwa Friday. of roads. week by fishermen, who were out, on i tW his sku„ w ~ ;i(1(lregses. flt. For heavy service in all sizes the river during t'n, afternoon, just t'mii broke over ' , i will give weieonnng words; in choose the U. S. Royal Cord; previous t > tin .-ton, • H'.o inut- and vegetable •.’•rowers addition to which a great-grandson of for extra heavy service on larger that section. ______pxviduw to Wi’- Ennals Davis, Rev. Charles Herbert cars, buses and light trucks—« ,e, , • ■ , i • t.v ’. 1,,’n^’:'a ^AV« 5Id., will de- the (J. S. Bus-Truck Tire; for „ V e • , A‘ “I'**’ ■ r(.r I /•••'«/ ll"“ tut U-y bring liver a ..petin! address. MeMuwst Protest d ( Li,. ... U..-i5,:i,.k This in>,»■,.««,n service is giv- A picnic and a -ocial afternoon specially severe service on light anve. ML. near •"‘;‘t-.id. Us «., at Pr„nt anJ f-fturv!l WiJ_ • wiH fu,JoW tht, t.xwdiie8 (lf th(J 80V. cars the U. S. Royal Cord Extra «> pastor, fl..-rho Re..Rot. 0. <«.,11. BnBrc.v, • w • •> „„„ut„n, Delaware, from u a. m. un- enth lie-union of these families win. Heavy in 30 x 3^/2 Clincher leave ofo- absenceub-eme during August.Auni.-t. Mi. ,t j T,rfw and 32x4 Straight Side- Brewer ami his family will spend ■tiiv .vrviee, hut they simply drive-burg in the l7th„ Century. In 1781 ♦line nt Fairfax._____ Va. _ d*w there with their l\ids of empty they united in building’ the ancieiP G,™, ...... ■»“«™ M '"“‘Js1™ ’WGSSr'10 vlirate its ,',i)th anivrrsary >■« Au-.______. . n.ula, gust 7, with n« all-day picnic at Rich­ ardson Park, just mirth of Dover. 'Buy U. S. Tires from The granges throughout the state will likely he extended an invitation to join in the golden jubilee. William A. Easom Laurel, DeL Rev. George T. Alderson, Pastor of Asbury M. E. Church, Wfinunfcton ap­ pealed to the Board of Health of that UNITED STATES TIRES ARE GOOD TIRES city, recently for help in getting rid of bed hugs, which are said to come from the vacant house No. 220 Wal­ nut street, adjoining Asbury parson->| age. Herbert Lafferty, of Centreville, re­ ceived several severe cuts and bruises ANNOUNCIMG OUR FIRST ANNUAL and Russell Mayberry sustained an injury over the eye that required three' stitches, last Saturday night about 11 o'clock, when the motorcycle they were August Sale of Fine Furniture riding and a leant driven by a colored man collided. Own Your Own Home And this is the ideal time to furnish your home—to buy that odd piece that you That the annual Queen Anne's have wanted so long. Our stocks are new and complete and everything goes oit sale County Horse and Cattle Show next Let us Fiance your New Building, or if you are at prices from month will he larger and more elabo­ buying property already built we can help you on that. I rate than at any time since the as-r<- ciation was organized is revealed this Write the Association for particulars or call at the Sussex Trust Company’s Bank and file your ap­ 10% to 40% regular Price Week in extensive preparations (hat 'I are being made by officials of the'- plication with Miss Ruth L. Lloyd. Assistant Secretary. A few of the things that mean a material saving to you are shown below. show association. Buy or build a home and pay for it the same as you IsU Smiths Island (’amp Meeting will would pay your rent. open Saturday, August 1st., and will i continue ten days. Dr. and Mr-, Hyat ; Singing Evangolif tf «f Audubon. N.i J„ will have complete charge of the' flp Laurel Building and Loan pSc

GOING TO BUILD Association iK'r^ h

USE Laurel, Delaware L • x v« Lowes Concrete Blocks Every Block sold with a Guarantee. Beautiful Bed Room Suites in a great variety of styles and finishes, including I ROYAL 1 Mahogany, Walnut, Bird’s Eye Maple, Green or Blue Decorated Ivory and Parch­ S, LLOYD LOWE ment; Suites that rvill harmonize with any ..color scheme. 1 Phone 41 and 128 ELECTRiC CLEANER Suites formerly $488.00 During Sale $340-00 Laurel, -s* Del. Gets All the Dirt By Air Alone Suites formerly $335.50 During Sale $235.00 Masterful Performance Suites formerly $236.50 During Sale $155.00 H the outiilandintr fi at- Extra special Suite was $199.50 During Sale $115*00 CLOTHES PRESSED— ure of the Royal Eivrt- ric UIc.'iikt! You v. ill / * CLEANED—SCOURED find it a revelation of Speed, Ka-e, and Th»>- „at— roughne-i in h >w ■ < i *.'1- tiing I Shur-Smiie Pressing Shop f And on;- -.y.-t"‘-. Over C. C. Ellis’ Store Distributed Payined makes ownership LAUREL, DEL. east' that you ean’r ai ford io h.- without < r of these \ Royals. Phone f*,p {. (••• - CHICKEN and WAFFLE ration. Ab. .,>/ ■ Out entire stork of Dining Room Suites "O on sale—And our variety Is so great Supper oblkraf infi; that we ran pimme the PWnt, exacting buyer. French and American Walnut, one and fwo-tune effcHv and Italian finishes—Suite-; of mn;-.-jve construt lion and suites of Every Sunday Night long, graceful lines. Each one of these sidle;- v,ilt add a touch of distinction to your ram.

HOTEL R1GB1E Suites formerly $325.00 During Sale $225.00 Laurel, -J* Dels- Suites formerly $235.00 During Sale $155.00 Suites formerly $197.50 During Sale $110.00 i i Extra s peciftl Suite was $425.00 During Sale .$285.00 Ours Is the largest excusive furniture store en the Shore and wo cat> Vnl, CHAS. £. MARVIL L price, service and ottahty that others cannot touch. can sne ^0H Let us solve your home furnishing pecLkma. House Mover >t ■

Laurel, Dele. i> ■

Lime and Cement Easters Shore Gas & Electric Company “Always at your Service” CEMENT BLOCKS DELAWARE li 112-114 Dock Street Salisbury, Maryland THE STATE REGISTER, FRIDAY, JUDY 31, 1925

the church will be thrown open for The Laurel (Del,) High School i will be expected to register and as the guests. Band will furnish music during the {soon as this is done a souvenir will All guests are expected to take their day. j be given. Hundreds of invittations The Season’s Greatest Novel of Marriage lunch, hot coffee, lemonade and ice Games and sports will be provided, have been sent out to members and! water will be furnished free of cost, j for the young people. Every guest friends of the family. “The Golden Bed”

By WALLACE IRWIN for the ESSEX COACH Produced as a Paramount picture by CECIL B. DeMILLE from a screen adaptation by era Reynolds, Lilliam Rich, Warner Baxter Jeanie Macpherson with Rod LaRocque, V Theodore Kosloff and Julia Faye in featured roles. (Copyright, 1024, by Famous Player-Lasky Corp.)

THIRD INSTALLMENT “The newspapers called it a failure 1 gold of an Italian figurine. Margar- in tobacco,” said Dr. Wig-gin, ! et’s eyes were the more beautiful; Newer awl wore aggessive houses “Of course. De mortuis nil nisi— I they had the candid quality of crystal were springing up everywhere, mark­ and you preached the sermon.” ■ against warm grey velvet. Flora ing a recent real estate boom. Their "I never thought Cato would come Lee’s were shut with hazel—the you- red brick facades, red sandstone trim­ to that,” reflected Dr. Wiggin. thful portriat of General Horatio mings and bulging towers save them ™h®JoS I’cake, Continental Army, showed tl;e look of monsters, flushed with an- i ghter married Garnett Peake.” ger, swollen with righteous iwlignnt- 1 "There was never anv harm in Sully eyes like hers, ucetuiniing possibly ion. On the whole Admah preferred, Livingstone," said Dr. Wiffgin indul- for his record as a duellist and an in­ tijem to the pallid gray mansions with ' frently. stigator1 of duels. From infancy that balconies of iron filigree. They had ' “There was a good deal of wear and dash of hazel gave Flora Lee an ad­ the air of wealtth. Only rich men ;teai' to any neighborhood she lived in. vantage. r .uld have walked up their sandstone 1 Remember how she threw Sum Mac- steps and banged their stained glass i Millan’s engagement ring into a vae- Old ladies of the town will still tell ' r-- r j duors. 'ant lot because Sum wouldn’t fight you stories of Roland Peake, gang- And such a philosophic tour had i Jim Howard ? The niggers have been lender and gentleman, a straightlim- i.ruught him one* morning to the door ■ diggin’ in that lot now for ten years. ( bed boy who had inherited good looks C of All Souls’ Church. . .. Queecr how! trying to find that ring. And the day from both sides of tire house. If a l, a *3 c* that picture hud lingered in his mind.] slle was engaged to Garnett Peake corner statue—one of the cast iron . . .The nigger mammy totin’ that i rode her horse up the Court House divinities left in rueful rows along the baby acrost both hands like it was a! rteps—on a bet, of course. But it’s Square after the Centennial Exposit- The largest .ales c? 6-. .. ?r litillion dollars worth of pound cake, A tong flight of steps!” ion-—was pulled down amidst muffled the easiest riding and steering cars siaspiv reflects 'i-.t :: f -.x ever built—the finest in Gosh. . . And look at the lace on the' “Ram sent her a bucket of calf’s 1 twilt shrieks, or if a garbage can was recognition oc greatest car- vai. baby?. , . brains as a wedding present,” said Dr. causually dumped into the buggy of performance, appearance and On a Sunday morning when Ma had Wiggin solemnly. I always thought the unpopular Dr. Vetey, or if an ice Built on the famous Super !X workmanship. We believe it is taken Jo to her Baptist church and R a very poor joke." cream freezer was abstracted from principle, the patents f.me the met economical car in the world to own and operate. Admah had stayed home, because his , “Just another case of the weaken- Miss Sunshine Buckner’s back stoop account for Hudson’s famous t■e- shoes weren’t blacked, he wandered up! ’nK cell. In the old days Garnett the day of her All Souls’ Auxiliary liability, brilliant perfortnan.. ’< ,v it holds the greatest price to the' Fort.— -Throwing...... himself among would have called Sam out. The Sat- reception, the Ileiicon Park neighbor- and long life, are responsible :w sumas don’t fight like they used to.” hood would waste no time in searching , nt.ige with the finest quality the dry grasses, he lay moodily on his the same qualities in Esaex. Ii is ! • tv» offered. stomach, and from his height enjoyed “That’s lucky,” reflected Dr, Wig-, for the criminal. Punitive expeditions a twisted view of the City which en­ gin. "Seems to me Sally’s been lots would go directly for Rol Peake, Hudson-Essex World's Largest Selling 6-Cyiinder Gars chanted him with its places. Life to quieter for several years.” ' The Satsuma Clan settled its own the small boy is usually objective. It “Children,” said Dr. Kurniss, disputes. It never quite condemned is the romance of action. But some­ “Seriously?” Dr. W'iggin raised his its members, young or old. As for times into his dream comes a flash of i "oavy brows, Rol Peake, swasbbuckeer at the age CENTRAL AVENUE GARAGE, ' Phone 150 self-analysis, transitory and harmless > Biologically, She married too of nine, he was commended for his W. J. Quillen, Jr.,Mgr. Laurel, Dela. as heat-lightning. What had got into:young. That’s one of the grudges I: spirit. He promised to he a brilliant him that day when he saw the haby (bold against you, Henry; you lead; improvement on his father, who had 0073) with all its lace being carried into the j these little girls from the cradle to j seldom shown his mettle. General big church ? Gosh, thought he. It the alter and expect me to repair the (Horatio Peake who rode a white horse was only...... a haby after all. And..... what damage, Sally did surprisingly well i trt the Continental Army, Colonel would bo be doing, when Kg wad a with the first two, hut the last one’s Conde Peake who strode a big hay nian, walking into a christening with given her trouble.” in the Mexican War, the second Hor- a stovepipe______hat on, ___just to__ have___ his i “But that was five years ago, Lot’s atio Peake, who tamed a coal black baby sprinkled by one o’ them high-: see—I christened her in 1891.” charger and took orders from no liv- toned preachers? He’d have some-j “Cato’s death was a real shock to ring wan but Lee, sir. . , These, the thing better ’n that to do with his' Sally. She was enough like the old grandfathers, had bequeathed to Rol 14Wo. time. Yes, sir. iman to earn a lot for him. And the Peake a heritage of glory a good He would. He knew he would. i youngest baby----- n spring board, but a rieketty easy chair ! “Let me see. There are three of In his youth he was associated with CHAPTERS 'em, aren't there?” success of a gallant and showy nat- i “You ought to know. They all go we- He appealed to the average mind WcatioaDays One afternoon at the hour of what t to your Sunday school.” * Even Judge Peake, bis living grand- e.nd chess Dr, Furniss, who had offiei-' ”1 remember that little red-headed father, was found unworthy of Rol’s •’ifuq ■ 3‘dav cruise down coe«t 7-dav test and recreation at Florida's ated at the birth of Sallic Livingstone one—” effulgent future. Once the youngest . All-Year Resort City, buikish and tarpon fishing—Golf— Bath­ Peake’s three ehldreii, sat sipping his "They’re all reddish-haired like the«Captain in the Confederate Army, the! ing, and other shore enjoyments— I-day cruise back hame- bourbon with Dr. Wiggin, the clergy- Livingstone?. Can't you remember; Judge, since his second failure to urii- r’un who had christened them. They!what you sprinkled holy wafer on? ieve the United States Senate, was J n enpied their accustomed eornor in But 1 know the one you mean. The settling down {settling down into a nil- j Picture this vacation in your imagina­ f!«- old Pickwick Club, which still re-, little one. She’ll he tidin' a pony up erit, rather crabbed old man, merely j tion: a 3-day cruise down the Atlantic t-ntied something of its ante-bellum f the City Hall steps before she's twen- another pit ture.-quo feature in his fine! Coast—eight days at a beautiful Florida eir, conceding little to the hurried Yan |fy one, on I'll never bet again.” historical library, hotel. Every hour filled with the charm kcefetn of 18M. On the o« asions, Dr. Furnics finished hi.; second glass of new scenes, the delight of summer Q uiieii Dr. Furtiiss and Dr. YViggin rat} of Pearl of Nelson, arose heavily and CHAPTER eTtt inclusive thus, toping like gentlemen, import j eon suited his fat gold wedelt. It was and shore recreations, or the restof deep, cut things were scttlh d in the affairs half past five. In Rol Pcakeki in.yh.ihd General, unbroken sleep. Days of turquoise shies Steamer transportation, round trip « f that society which they served with; “While we’re „« the . nbjert,” he Hunter Living.-donc ? till held for him-j overhanging the great green sweep of Steamer berth and meals honor, the one ministering to its body, j drawled, “it reminds we that t’ve ? elf an eighteen were tract of hind Cun- i the ocean, and balmy nights of tropical Automobile transportation tie other to It? sou!. j promised to .re Sally before supper verging on Helicon Park's statue-{ allurement. Hotel accommodations—room and meats guarded residences, Omicr.I Living-! Specially arranged entertainment “I tell you, Alee,” the clergyman time.” Picture from, your experience what •..ao roiling nut in his best pulpit v,,i- 5to they separated, these two middle stone was the only moi tai living whu'i Yes, all of it for SICP is, "we can’t bold out forever. Some j aged men whose professions polar op managed to inspire the Peakes wifli' this would normally cost, and then get •k.y the distillers and the brewers wilt pnsites intefieehialiy, equally concerna,W degree of awe. General and Mrs,; the surprise of your life y.-hen you learn Then, too, there ate the days of finest fishing 5 c marrying our daughters and cunt- the two honest moments of civilized; Livingstone who were to the childrens, you can enjoy it all for $7,15 a day. on the Florida coast, Now is the season when sportsmen travel to Fieri da Just to capture the ing into gentlemen’s homes just life—birth and death. By force off eyes far older landmarks than the bet-" Yes, $100 for all of it; transportation, '-.he------» .Theology on the one hand and Biology ?1,nB d*ffe th*? 15,vcr> 1)pM a5(,'nf mighty sailfish and leaping tafpua. "Into the Satsuma Clan?” asked the ton the other each had contributed , world and made laws accord- betth and meals on steamer, room and Even climate, the land of carefree life with meals at hotel. Evety regular vacation its colorful panorama of sea and land, its fasci­ doctor with an incredulous smile.” ! share toward holding the Peake their mvnpleasure. It was the nating sunsets and gorgeous wights, beckon you "Satsuma what?” counter-question-’ ily upon its eminence. J;'pntLr:1.s ', 1W« andgirls of- expense to Holly wood-fcy-the-Sea, there —and at a cost ot Slw. <1 Dr. Wiggin, You damn our soc-* the Livingstone km (and a very fe.w and hack again. Hard, often it is, to select the tight place for My with a fine pagan name.” CHAPTER fl «’»'*■ m^ds) he allowed to enter It is a vacation opportunity of u life­ tt vacation, one that offers much, and still fits "Why not?” At tin’s the little doe- 1”s g™™18 thetc during the your pocketbook, Here is such a vacation,cost­ for rolled his big head on his short When Flora Lee Peake was qyp daylight hours. His rose and clematis time. ing little more than living at home. neck, "The South has always been'years old she and her sister, Margaret; ^"ges. running all around the domain And if gives you a chance to see foryoutself Summer "The Season’* at Hollywood the wonder of the most faiked-about spot in the pagan, sir, Henry, you old rascal,! were enough alike to be twins—twins, concealed the shaty teeth of barbed countty~The Florida Southeast Coast. loar eis Hoe-in ecclesiastical who. htr some freak of Dr. Furnlss’ wire, a menace to all commoners. His Summer is the season to enjoy Hoi!ywtwd-by- you’re just as pagan ns ecclesiastical; who, by same freak of Dr. Furniss’ Re.llire this remarkable chance, and reuiite Hit law will allow—” pet biology, had been born in different gates were supposed to be guarded by the-Sea at its best. Surf bathing, and the en­ negroes; a broad vein of tolerance in trancing life at the beach are at thclt height. A it by mailing the coupon asking for complete “Take care, Alee—” tJr. Wiggin; sizes. To ray that they came into prevailing wind {iota thesoatheast Mowing off information. began it sevetly, then mellowed and; the world like dolls would be a spread the African nature made possible a the broad expanse of the ocean gives Florida** u Y-v. ’« - . t asked, “But where does the Satsuma ting insult; but in infancy there was n smalt adventure which weaves thinly All-Year Resort City. a summer temperature un­ < km cmne in?" - bisque perfection about Hie -famous matched in this tounfty- Just-right temperature, qeithet too eobl notwohot,bothday and night, Make your reservations “H’s Japanese," admitted Dr. Fur-: Peaks sisters. At a very early age, permits the vaeationisttoteap the full unfctokeft naw focone of the three ""s, "but it applies.” The Katsunia the dolls became imps and a eontin-! pleasute of a sojourn by the sea. scheduled sailings, «’an conveys ideas; the right to rule, i tia! scandal to their elder brother, hereditary privilege, unquestioned an- Roland; he was a good fellow, a good; COOPER REUNION { JULY 2S1H Imrity. hn only a half-bred Satsu- smoker, a good fighter wlw never war-1 Average temperature during summer AUG, UTil ma," he went on with a smile, and Dr. led a shade from the conventional' NEXT THORSPAY j 84 degrees—every day a June day AUG, 25TH P.ipgiii knew what he meant -Hie eld- coloring of his class. *r Ftirnius had been a carpet-bagger,! Roland Peake was fen when Flora - vn-iving after the Givi! War. "Pm Pee was five; Margaret aged eight, Mei'nliei-s Of The Family Will | •■.fly a half breed, but I realize my;was Hie spirited sister. Like a little Meet At Columbia For ’ ;. iwer,” ’ rebel she stood up to Rol, naming Iu> » Annual Event. 5 AltAl'ear Resort Gits111 Dr. Wiggin folded bis hands: it was; tyrannies by their awful names. The I like thhe clasping of a slid! tight a-‘Mad; jury of nurremcMs, who sat * i ’« V reuiid his broad perron. Dr. Furniss. ’ a iieni-h to Helicon Park ami tried tin ! MAW x NEW FEATURES I'u thought, was talKDg too much f»r! ease-’ <>f the day. used to refer to» ...... —- Hie fashi.inable phyricialt of his high- Margarcf as tho child who favored her.. The fifth annual Cooper reunion J !v loiiicriabk'parish. But Alec was a Ma. “Mm so ha-ad!” old Linda would will lie held io the grove at Mount! i,'l! a v asaKritoi • iunuctcr. He tu.d always bwn lived" moan proudly. She should haw known j Herman, Jlethndi u Protestant Chur.! es &F 11 5 -s-r, ■ Lr his whiui.u'eat turns- and !!;n» uf that p.-ritid in the develop-!develop. I eh, C d:ia h.’.s. Del., c.;i I i e.r A";- flan was a good phrase. •.•••.-Hi Hie Pc;-.ke Li’, la fl. 1 "But y»\ol -..«£■< is-sisu," per:-.-si, 1t’>.« mis,-.! not without tf-epidili•>« -that'. F»r the lust four years the re-i Fh-r.s I, .' W’-.nM turn out to !«• stud- unions have i>C‘-u Ic’d nt the ft. me -i vt„r, “is a muper «? lii»!>gy, the ------i'*" ...rinvM way about wtryHiiitg 5a. Sntuima ". Us lari tie tij’hlfvd. I.iiuftt was nwTohn H. l!..oper, w-ls.» bet s ui H: - .,!•! chief:' breed tWwMwa out »•’' n >:-■ !.::t u p er.- ;;..pi,s, > . f>..,per !.-..mi' I,;-.,! :U ('d'1-..d.i.:. •' ferfeifod : piviln-rlitv; 5k.? we Hie y«>a?!« ninmittw tn clear the gi-ove near tnc. That's what Lapneiicd to Cato Livin;;- Address; Hoiiywood.by.thcSea ,c '-I’ V’sSf vie W'.ne." wan over old Linda discovered her; eluirelb prepare a dmnii'i;.; room f Touting Department "He became a cell, you memi?" niSatcfco mid renewed her faith in n; and other ronvenit in c.-i, t Suite 100, National City Bldg,, New York City asked Dr. Wiggin, blinfiiiiK his tilth* physical Fatnn. I The oseereiaen wiil begin pr.u.iptHy; ttpq l’c.ck.’.td IUdg., -Philadelphia plephnnFa eyes. Stature c.sidi', Hie Peake girl.? dif-f nt 10 o'clock in the grove. At II ( '"No. He'became n collection ofifered only to subtleties, Physically j t hick memorial nervhes wilt he held J JO Bovtston Street, Hv-iteu, Mass. bored cells. The brain celhi went wr Flora loo was a shade the finer; a}at tfhe family cemetery and « lineai’f Pcnnsylvaala- Ave. and Boardwalk sfirwe muj commanded flato to wldpe ‘ pan r blond, softer uhtamuT, smaller < descendant of the family will deliver i Atlantia City out the whole mess, thenweivea in-‘boned. Her hair waa »«t so heavy {the oration. { rinded, with a forty-four ballet,” !ns Margaret’s hut it held fhe pallid; A huge dining hull at the rear of1 THE STATE REGISTER. FRIDAY. JULY JI. 192-3 ' the Boards of Agriculture from dif~ Utile has ken said about the feline that prowls the wood 1 ferent states. They are accurate and TOE STATE REGISTER and holds at night, creeps upon the small game without WILUABI BRYAN LOCAL COMPANY “ *. LIVE PAPER IN A LIVE TOWN” j. very interesting. giving it a chance for its life devours it or leaves it mai­ CLAIMED BY DEATH ISSUES BOOKLET Other interesting facts are contain­ med and wounded. The eat has a decided advantage over ed within the book, among them being the dog as it goes, aK>ut its vrorh muselessly and sneak’ AS HE WAS SLEEPING Publiriie,! Every Friday Morning By Compiled By The National As­ an article on “Fooling the Hessian IKE STATE REGISTER PRINTING COMPANY, up«r’s potutry v..rd .-uiKrs by bus pilfer­ Local Fertilizer Company and the advice given in the booklet ing. and several tunes ins weight in. younc poultry is de- physician5 n» refrain from ir valuable to the wheat grower. L .IP ’.i. HOI 111 N Managing Editor i-i.iifr strenuous active w.". id . W«u- MANY LOCAL FEATURES >tr<.,vu durma- tne year. His meow and cry at right are mivisea against an address Mr. i uaJiv as hideous as that of the and his bite and van had planned f*>r Ihko'. die on STATE EXAMINATIONS ». J’Eli ANSI M IN ALVCd! .wratrh are >u<* as duuroreus. A neat booklet treating upon the Mt’VriK ’75c. I iKlNJHS- ’Uk- • follow mg Minday. feruhzution of wheat is ueing dis­ OF SCHOOL TEACHERS Why not. .-".uf action to mJ til'.- t \u these iirnie- .dr. Brvan delivered the speech but i tributed by the Valliant Fertiliser sirable felines. AVho »n? htx mi tin* ?- . that wouh ■ 1 u id tea minutes, telling his Company, of this town, to their pat- xke State Board of Education will I'uRKI^N RKPKLSFN i- ’ oe .-aljali!:- :> tlm* I ■ k 1 to emserv Id r.'Bs in this and other states. The hold teacher?-* examinations on Fri­ . ’ o: i. advertisement of anv brand No, 1 Schoo!. Wilmington. \ - tt. k ', i * rb- <-ri i •.»:«. I\... I' ’ p<. I -■•<«. 5Il’n-iy < >i.f TR I? : V ’ * r of fondmer, tne only sembkue “• ad­ ik’Vei If igh School. ,U« »a »« i tb< ( vertising being the imprint of he Georgetown High School. Euncuig. Lmti.iiur!-, Aid, ■tc. 1 ’ ihv ,d m i . 1 iirm’s name on the back page . Seaford High School. I >«:atmtirs train several shires, m- for Colored Teachers: A Li i '-'t.L citiumg Delaware, lire given m tim Hover Colored School. nl v. i 1 >»» cry iritcu io * ( amhdatos may take the exanun- . .»:VtilC-dl-t I ■ -<*s vccie secured fr* in the 1 abv I aTrnm-at the centres most convenient ” 14 * v;i w > i Tl riuf . ru t ’ • •’ i * n J J ’ vto n P m , T**' 1 L’P“) I ’ a PW‘ '’, k T:< .■ « r 1 .uk d b . 1 < i i ml Mr. I *k art r " G* d ’ mud / i*l prov-ti his It r ’I a sin. rm- ' / ;.iso >■; •;■’. .nd in the «v.m- i .Mr. Cry mi '..a- making for Old 1 & K' bg’on. ’ Anr ch.uren servj- LI t V I X t I V .1 ► I'T r .vi»t man m ;rm ••. Mr. Brvan returned to his home a g n 1« - ’ ,t p ct d a i ..t-rv v. b Mi’. Bivi.n and Mr. and r : ? t a- i dx.K 1 HP 'l Regers, he had dmn-r. He ate IO, - , V, lute.a is. Darwin him •r h-' ideals and defended .. meal and was in »,ne of h:s jovial ai . I: ’d > «_i t ■.s’LiH-n aitnnuch he dcMered m th< 'b .. ml iv ‘aut’h* from rhildho.ni to i i ti.-. Before adang a nap he called “Origin of >r ^.c-” * ,.!• ' • rnbP, why bi’ f arkr-nfa ever the bmg distance theories should -b-(L B Gigi u- h *»•’»,. ' anyone, •* fe- i’-A: aofiut ids sueech. ’i'll' i will F..D- '.‘B’’ gleot x.oko k Hlien -emcone defines « volution accurate \ and in accom Meh was being published. H'tr< w.n . -i y who tbro.gr. ..puuio i:di. aha id 1 w ith < < ,ua-. m coi ’Cierc a and veil estarmshed ideas of Mr. Kryan told bis wife that he had there were millions who .oved anil respected him. HL A Drink You’ll Like uivinitv net ban- all fit lions will come to rest. i'-vt r felt better in his life and was rk.ee in the land will be hard to hi! and although ms i’t-ady to take his fight for fundameii- achievements may not havt been as gieat us the gnat- taibm fo the country. EARTHQtAKES ‘ > tst his memory will be n-.»rei jv 1 and h’~ He told of his trip to the Holy Land At least ever j’ one who has tasted Double Choco- name will g<. dniiia (artli'iii.'.ke. Every day in the year an aver­ th: writing he had planned. He then remarked that UI am so sleepy.” and age ef :!(l live.- are snuffed nut by the autnmiibiie alone. en',„’r"."i’l Ids room shortly after d too. Next time j-ou are by here, drop in and order laj THE LO(‘AL THEATRE ur a total of (’5,25" person.-- met aeeidental death from i,’e]„ck. one. all eauses last year aetnrdinR to sovernment figures. Hrs. Bryan was on the porch of the If Aristotle were living today he would scarcely re- Immense property damage resulted by the shake-up home and could see her husband on c gnize the instittition which he and h*s preci ding philo­ and even one life is too precious to lose. But earth- the bed. About 4:2(l Mrs. Bryan felt sophers helped to develop the theatre. Orginally, as we I|-I.d;c' aie j e.-ul arly notable bf of thier uneann- h' ? htr hand had been asleep lone know, the theatre was for religious exer os as well :e. inc.". No place on the giohe can claim immunity from enounh and sent Met artney, who also Blue Tea Room S f*-*- tie drama ..nd the rfi i in’eiputiu* art*. B:T in fh-u. Turin ..ring N.w Aork fitv nevt! Might as /"“Gh\?7"”’“ ’“r?,”sal tins age if vp(.rjab/aG the Theatre has < unit* to mem a place (if ainu^e- Laurr piriG Ab o l»e>. uum Oiere is- in every Lcy v. twice be mdiced le* wa? not ’dedda .«»’?*.!::• *. H/ 'f*ia «p*' * *' dt .n.r. ‘fiat bhlU bre/ t u (.( ire : aernmfdiHb, to overcome, breathing. it ‘i» r ».r end ' waGi m tt.«- on-turf- own.1 f :* Wit t>i ’.ith NiJubv Htr*- it is a gamble Mr Thya’i t*dd friend- tha? while rd '».#■ '* t. . \:rl i .p»< - "i in andiint v thi curd a 1 again t ■T,» give v.p i- Me glad her husband bad pa 5cd 7b.* e.b.b be n.'-v-.' cak'F'S iiiipi'h ivf, what .. 'iM <. >. i t lai’f al Muff ‘ai'cty from natural avA i ea«. fully and v.ithert pain, »z Me ; »**♦ d hb deuH- at a Hna* vhe:1 Good Foods r> if -n , r ‘ p *i1 i.o* , ,/ •? i; i.f 1 ’ * 1,'< ’’ ■ fa*:!’1. Th«» fe.M Mtu itim Re Tdvr ‘ 1 . 'i‘ Ai a g’-eat at G.. S’’-* f k . »g - a* ka wn i ■ 'l l {■!■ V i'JI »A a hocMdah; , . j tv ere. wrdrii ». ui panned. Mr. Bryan in Good Health ’b*.jT‘.u’ pr>! V bad I n he buy of bis life :asf! 1 ■ ■'' '* ; ’ wii i:u.,r J a.* \ *t d. i > Hr the town’:- h r !:•» • p-.r- •• » l i r fi* prr:v i: *♦». a* J . . ,«» '.♦h Hie rjo’ 4 b’* ae half ;-tafj in honor BAKED BEANS 3 “*« 25c The K.ingal’*' i-f a-ji i. ; ' ■’ ' f‘ MJ in gl M Cl a.d;, i.f the .’l M. p d<. ; ”g . * - •»!. '' ' i-d i h " re* : 'V,?b laughter a* d tbr fi of -.it- iiiul * iimuF. vJfh music Etely ■ r >tc<'hut ;.t il (...uh-ti wi re p.’ * H I/ ar f a« > M: a .t H ' n. tve-’, d t* - ::bd v»you<< dnm mg. Irua «; r :iff< r ;;r. up i.f lies- EARLY JUNE v* ’V hr.g life, dejcrids h'-w muMi '.*•» * t a Len»i*:ful T«r»aor\. Titp< .tr •!-.(- nuCfat ruifL.w ,>f fxrLaile «ul- ZA-REX •t yaur mind eff Snp s cibue* thn g- ef life, the human crowd. h-rs. f*i hcsv c The mingling i.f i,k j.- emi wnmen in groups i r > ;•• -.-.'I PEAS THE PURE HEAB MEN T ELL NO 'I ALES i r,aiiIs mill all vying xvith mi’i other to fee who can make SEAFORD WOMAN the mo t hiikou- and unnatural noist s. pelting rash other FRUIT SYRUP The » a* avtug ‘4Ibad »i/„ ft i! t,*» *'i!( ** :* a true with diify japir ir reiug a near insulting ae- ti, • . c- £ ;c. b’jt a dtad l»u lnews, dot >. ar.d if h a <.oxruw/ul lale ATTEMPTS SUICIDE PINT on 'ariop, allow -. ilrinl.n.g .*.dT that will taupe an u-amtuinl jug 29c If td! . H t *-f a i. a-’rr i,.a!.agrr wh u wa« en- eoiulition of the mind, cannot leave an ennobling feeling 3 CANS 25c :.t t»« g< ub i.g m th? same Hd rut. refining to put or even a real Joy. These are the arfifitnl Joes and no* Failure To Secure Position As ■w itbu^ ihte Id-; i-erk, l.f’.cr inlurfGng and nogk-.'t- Music Teacher, Miss Coul* lusting ».r satisfying. WALDORF g Lb <-db. te » : J d the j rpt i.»#bt ef hn bill*’. bourne Uses Pistol. I* ttil * f g*./nk i .i +be thil a.t ud- ad 1 WE NEED MORE tU’BBER > of Li»? IllOthlg# ditt' fti» CnUht to ti.e l*llbb'J Af tic P i:!m-da Hi -jntuL S'. L .»!. g h«cr 1 ♦ s» !»f*r,..rd tha* ,t»h : o 1 vne «a.- A* :. would ray, if Great Britain La? a hurv- the i Midifion of Mis*^ Gran Toilet Paper 3 R0LLS 20e fi :?* a‘. k, ar J ’ < :i!d 1° pt‘-’'awd a/ H.e L/»i.ie mm. pMy on the VH-iliIk rubbtr mi?,ply and the Vnltcd CoiilUmu, of Kcnfmib vU ^mi- Hah’Mi A & p a ... -e .ea f'.irle figure H.au *i.r a a:I older L»»u •' u i orncr r.n the i.tt y r.r f ri d:(;: nf fpp v.t.iId, day ut'chipttd Mikbky if ?»*»<*(< J Grandmothers h’1 about u;d apply - un f xn trade :a.d rvfryb* dy j'b*,nlJ be puppy. *Mry ?..ti»r.dd. Phy.Miiaji I- ? tf.c* ’Id :;**’«T -1» L : 1 la i‘» bxiy i,*. ■ -bn i - for tfcp Updla k,bd tb . fcVf- " v h< f<-v,-wr > v. M;- CHILI T f i ! v.b ; !i( i? v : :. ? » M * v aul! d “fb, l b i'.i r an u p b lv< d Py u b f i'D statcisif nf. Trade ad- (Titilbupruv, a very f cMtdv man, ti.v dnvdd'i' «: Captain Bread > .* ; ?.«! Tj. ■ ,’hM I mK, < i .J’ ii: f: .m *- tbr dsMukV..’ nbit.iu hipi . ?,d !.fr- Jiu*k.»a 1. fu’.i ‘•|H I* »u * be i T»,;jg(., b/o p*.v. Mp. B ;/»»*t C.cjU. ,:<||' d . d I f. : 1 *«c , a.’* r b..d I •> \ r.ihg i c.- veaf- !b .M. • w. ?i SAUCE I’.::, !i’\ pi » . : la n.-adc f T’» S. t-f gi’f.v M:* LARGE ny k r I DV <-,f at ? d . M;?* ,r ttc’ Fall L * b A'uaal v.g l • n» WRAPPED /C rubber, »>v ’« a T , vj '■"■'1 ' ’!*r„,? I> :t' ’ ” nld in Ii: V * v.bb h i LOAF B0Z.B6T lgc • i. r •’ *e» b.s o' * n -k al- f P Mi a ;t* ,1 r . ■ »■ .,f Hi , ip. :'*» II .‘Milfifctvd. »■ t A i , r? - ». ♦ ; «? - Mi i' ba* fu 1 1 ’ a. At d lJ»,.cF ,v u . i:,! v.-vUii. U? 1” r f . J iPlmJ, ab b ' -i ! f.. ViA. ♦ ( Is o if .1 j. ' A e P h VPRi 1 \ VIKjN TOR' t'Mf.p r fid lobct neii Peanut 8 m- "R ;,1 1,. CATSUP °°Z„BOT- •' \ ii »». ,* id ? f tlr» i tic. .ill 1‘ o’ . ", > : *■ Butter 11c M ’ I u u ! u u.y . . ii 1 !. I : 11 >• id ■ , e 15c 1 5 ’ ’H » bi I . . d •<■ of hii- ,e • • ” . ’ r ” i,.f ; b - 1 -:;e ... ' , ; ", 1. '.'in • i , , HERRING i ■ ‘•..Lie ii I, • St 1 bottle " • l! h »■; ami«.T.r.: i •.. . to t hi. Otep 23c,s [40c V. ir ’. I OF ! i!i: f A’l ’, h fi, !i ’Is 1,1's ,.U ’ll’l 'II d.r d.. l! »,,!• ( >• • 'Rce ™ 19c I'. I- eonril ry. l' ‘ I ■!. o ‘io.,1 !l . 1 i i .. 1 ....3,’j 1 ' .isi A!, ’ ri. 1 . , o -ifto if i". d 1 th.i* pi. I.. , Iir) sho.tiy ..hi *. U .t.g ".I O , I’.l • 1’- .IV A retBH f IV. TMH sit”, .11, II i'- O v, ,,, ; • A P APPLE A -Dr P GRAPE „ ri , .r i '• 1. *. V g ;3 Ii.ilg !, ' .ii > n-a i * 1. 1, i.f 'hat the pi. ,,,di .i>,t I. 11 w , '■ f'u SAIO cam ISc Mf'p PINT nga ,; r , „u t. ■ f ,t .f ’> V* ’ 1-5 lir.’I ! to**' I,, d- ; it\ ;. i .if ir i f 'ha ", ; J. ti I ; . i, • ’in v f, mid the in ... i ’■ :• “ ■ .i Ootii th.- mu nine ha ,.o t i. df the k.-.i.. •!’ ti. • i.iining h.d.; ry r,c . ,..r ill the I, olrt Wltil th" Woin.d ‘u ii J- hi,;. ! ..cl IL- lohi'r Ji'ai1,,- i j ■ .,, f o a > ;■ 1; ,■ \ I., » l.?.'i htr ii ' aid .-.age to workiijcn, ;.ip i,-.e :;rele: cat? Li A>„.h..a, la f ;vi, ar,.1 v.I.fv„ ijlmt/iiithuiif)Pl.HM,in in gelgull, J, pi).rid- { nW to fheb ','v h: THEREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC ®c. pi: 1 : i ir will ,1< 41'oy vir, (..epi-, ?,!„■ cwl Lad ur s.nnn), 4., j.fr font w ul, jjy m.imef an N-t'avth, ■' i • I u •oi.i.'S.c :*i Matk-i UWM b i h. •- D;hif''I'Jifi'el, nil I o.ih'l t.i:. Dr labor r..,} j”, • t r i s.t f, v i«j,jilts, f wa i hinted ui'-ler ia-r ri.'h t , ■!> ! ll ri.J" ,!o ' I '‘if l' i.vpA’ hnl t -.-d tasit... ■ rhoidilfT Haile, *HKEE SIZES. MANY STYI mportant! This is a popular priced range which has been a l4

Sold By Beginning August 1 st to THOS. R. PURNELL 15 th inclusive we will give 10 per cent, dis­ MADE BY BUCKWALTER STOVE CO., RC lng this sale a ton of Anthracite Coal or the count on all purchases The Originators of the Plain Range and the First Mam Ranges in America, talent in price thereof will be given FREE of $1.00 and up. rery purchaser of a Heatrola.

Sale from August 1st to 15th Farming Implements Varnishesa Mowers, Reapers, Rakes, Drills, The right finish for ev for floors, walls, woodwork Plows, Harrows, Forks, Shovels, automobiles. THOMAS& R. PURNELL You can do the work y< Hoes, in fact everything that a far­ results,—with KYANIZE. GEORGETOWN, DELAWARE and get a half pint can of i mer needs. Floor Enamel FREE with ^^freeZ cent brush to use it with. I free copy of “The Charm o:

“The Charm of Painted Furni­ ture** is the title of a new book Thomas I just published by the makers of Household Necessities KYANIZE. It tells how to refash­ GEORGETOWN ion old, naismated pieces of furni­ ture into suites of the new, fash­ ionable hand painted styles. Cheer­ We carry a complete line of En­ ful pieces for bedroom, colorful 'he New Way dining and breakfast room suites, cou attractive hall tilings and bright 1 Full y2-Pint KYANIZE ameled Ware, Aluminum Ware, spots of color for every room, in 1 Good lj/-> in. brush, bris the house. Tells what furniture of Heating . Dishes, Knives and Forks, Kettles, to select* how to prepare it for Total value t-S, refinishing, how to refiniph and Value of tl redecorate.' Pots and Pans, Refrigerators, Wash Pay in casi Describes also the wonderful new KYANIZE Decal Transfers, A full half pint of KYAN Boilers, Linoleum, Oil Cloth, Tubs, the modern way of producing 40c will be furnished ins “hand painted’* decorations-*—In desired—ox- one of each, • an instant, nt trifling cost and value $1.35, for only 50 . Buckets, Brooms, Carpets and every without experience. needful household article. 'Il'I

Stoves at last, ladi

A small furnace placed above the floor will heat your home comfort­ ably this Winter on less fuel. It will do the work of several stoves and Coal and Wood Stoves of all kinds. Beauty in a Kitchen heats connecting rooms the furnace way of moist circulating air. Rare beauty is obtained in even so homely an object Gas and Electric Stoves. The rounded comers, satin finish body and symmetry o: Come in and see this wonderful Don’t buy a heating system until lew heating system which is the we have shown you how a furnace toria a striking appearance. atest development in the stove in- placed above the floor utilizes all lustry. The vitreous porcelain the heat, cuts down the fuel bill enamel finish is as easily kept and does the work of several Jean as a piece of furniture. stoves. Articles for Farm Use Can be installed in a few minutes, Does not require a basement 1 1-2 Horse Power to 8 Horse flown THOMAS R. PURNELL, Delaware Power Gas Engines. Harness, *ons, Carriages, Collars,

Mowers, Bicycles, Hames and Your Best Traces, Leather of all kinds.

This Year Any article that you want that we

urchase America’s Finest Stove or Range haven’t in stock, we will order for August 1st to 22nd you at same price and at same dis- cotint, delivered direct to you.

Don’t forget 10 per cent, discount You will be proud to have your guests see your kito on all purchases of $ 1.00 and up. Allen’s Victoria The New Round-Cornered Rangel With Three Ovens In designing this new range old ed in the end o^ ideas to which stove makers have is controlled by clung for years w’ere disx-egarded. mitting positivJ The Victoria is a radical departure the fire at all f T. R. PURNELL from old ideas of stove construction. struction, no There is no front door for ashes or draft must pass ■ fuel. No pouch in front or above fire The materials ROUND OAK 10 BEDFORD STREET to allow aii* to seep in and check the extra heavy ta blaze. Only one door through which Here is a rang Stoves and Ranges aii' may enter, and it is sensibly plac- time. he purpose of this short announcement is to invite investigation. Let GEORGETOWN, DEL. your judgment decide. Let us present the complete proof—if you will please. Thomas R. Pi omas R. Purnell, Georgetown, Delaware —i 7*331

encing August 1st and continuing until August 15th, anyone purdhasii^ o the amount of $1.00 or over, 10 per cent, discount. Manufacturers c oods will be at T. R. Purnell’s Store to demonstrate. Come and examin nothing to look.

4 THOMAS R. PURNELL io Bedford Street Georgetown, Delaware

VISIT OUR QUICK MEAL RANGES SO EASY TO KEEP CLEAN! Sc, 50c and $1.00 TABLES VZOUR Quick Meal Range —how easy it is to keep clean, * wipe its glistening Fusenamel surface with a damp cloj FOR rhinute or two is all it needs.

And how this range does cook several different styles and a and bake. Come in and let us eled in the most popular a al Bargains give you an interesting booklet to match your kitchen. Stoj that tells you all about these splen­ and look at our display of did features. Comers Will Have Their Choice Meal Ranges and have us el Quick Meal Ranges are made in their wonderful features. HOMAS R. PURNELL Thomas R. Purnell, IWN DELAWARE Georgetown, Delaware

Put New Comfort Fail to Visit the Dasco Booth Into Your Home The dread of winter has been, removed from thousands of homes throughout the ,e demonstration at Purnell’s Store and see country. Winter comfort has been secured in those homes by using the ESTATE IIEATROLA os the heating system.

Fuller demonstrate what can be done with The Ileatrola is a new heating plant which is installed in one of the living rooms on the first floor. This removes the only essential necessity for constructing basements under small homes—enabling a great saving in the building costs of a new home.

The Ileatrola can be installed in your present home practically as easily as setting up a stove. And remember this, the Ileatrola will heat your entire house. It will give you every comfort of furnace heat at a great saving in cost and operating expense. IIEATR01 Big 15-Day Sale August 1st to 15th y item sold is hacked up by a gilt-edge Save Many Dollars By Buying Now mtee. You can’t go wrong when you Take advantage of this opportunity. Now is the time when the shrewd buyer is preparing for the ter. And he is saving a lot of money by his foresight. Buy a Dasco Here is YOUR chance. We will hold a 15-day sale of Estate Heatrolas from August 1st to 15th. special sale each purchaser will bo allowed a 10 per cent, discount from the standard price of the Ileatrola,

Prepare now for next winter, the Ileatrola will put new heating comfort into your home. You owe it 1 For Sale and Guaranteed by self to come in and let us explain all the details of this wonderful heating Bystem.

[DMAS R. PURNELL THOMAS R. PURNELL "TOWN .... DELAWARE Authorized Heatrola Dealer Georgetown - . . Delawari THE STATE REGISTER, FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1925

have returned from a five-weeks visit1 Mrs. Laura Rodney, who has been ectors. There were present: G. Lay- Classified Advertisements with relatives and friends in Ulster f visiting relatives in North Laurel, has ton Grier, George H. Hall, R, Arthur EOCAJL and Sullivan counties, New York. ,' returned to her home in Elizabeth Derricks(mi Col. Theo. Townsend, City NG 'PENING& HONEST DOLLAR FLOUR IS THE Mr, and Mrs. Carmel T. Moore and Ode Megee, of Philadelphia, who i Chas D. Murphy, Wm.J3. Valliant, W. S. Simpler, Gov. J. G. Townsend, Har­ BEST at 69c per sack, so are our own Mr. Theodore Elliott has returned daughter, Ruth Elinor, and Mr. AVil- has been spending several days with limn Horsey were week-end guests of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr, and ry Viven, Louder N. Hearn and Wm. make feeds. Bran at $2.00 Middlins at after a visit with friends in Denton, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Phillips, of Del- Mrs. John Megee, in North Laurel, Plans are being made to accomodate 52.40—500 pounds less. Also our own C. Smith. and Ridgley, Md. mar. Jias returned to his home in Pliiladel- The Directors visited the Hospital a record breaking crowd at the Del- 'jinake Laying and Growing Mash, Miss Flossie Elliott visited friends Mr. and Mrs. Chas. G. Blades are j pliia. and made a survey of the needs of the marvia Camp to be held at Moores T_ Records & Son< and relatives in Philadelphia and Wil­ spending some time at their summer' Mr, and Mrs. John Waller are spen-l , . . Grove midway between Laurel and mington this week. residence in North Laurel. i ding some time with relatives in Lan- ■ Institution, after which they attended Seaford during the latter half of Aug­ HARDWARE OF EVERY KIND— Mr. and Mrs. William Hitch, of Ches Miss Clnyborn Parrow, of Lynch-1 caster, Pa, a dinner at the Windsor Hotel. ust. Many improvements have been Small & Horsey. ter, Pa., are visiting friends and re-; 1)urg.j Va„ is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Committees were appointed to ar­ made during the past few weeks, in- latives in town this week. | j. Carlton Hearne, in North Laurel. range for repairs to the nurses home eluding a new gate which makes a ’ BRING YOUR EGGS TO US. HIGH- Mrs. Victor Wright is spending; a j. Marivl Elliott, of Drexel Hill, Pa., HOSPITAL BOARD very attractive entrance. Contrary; est cash pr!ces paid. American few days with her brother and sis- was a. week-end guest of relatives in adjoining the Hospital, and to look to a rumor that the price of admission ; Stores Co. ter-ln-law, Mr, and Mrs. Fields town. ELECTS OFFICERS after the decorating of the Hospital will be 25 cents, the committee wishes ■_____ , _____, ______Hastings, in Crisfield, Md. Mrs. w. p. Hastings, of Berlin, Md., it understood that the admisssion will I FOR SALE LOT EMPTY BARRELS building. Miss Kathleen E. Spicer, of Echo- has been the guest of her son-in-law ! A report was read from the Otis he the same as in former years, 10 j and Wooden boxes all sizes cheap, both Beach, is spending the week with and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Enthusiastic Meeting Of Mil- i rents, with no charge for automobiles, i AV II. Cook. her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Cur- Murphy. Elevator Company making suggest­ ford Hospital Board Of j ions for the installation of an up-to- tis Spicer. _ Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Nesbit have Directors. 1 Several fishing parties from Laurel, FOR RENT—5 ROOM APARTMENT Mrs. Blanche Marvil and Mrs. Ar- returned from a motor trip to the date automatic elevator. The install­ have been reporting large catches of All modern conveniences. Apply Mrs I (hurur V. Register motored to Piiila- Northern States, ation of tlie elevator will make pos­ fish at the river and ocean resorts. Blanche Marvil. | delphia and Wilmington the first of' C, II. 1). Culver, of Asbury Park, MAKE PLANS FOR BAZAAR Weakfish, hardheads and kingfish have sible the use of four more rooms on rvw oatto nun DA»<-n inwOTi 111j the' week.------Mrs.---- — Marvil...... will spendhere the th first of the week altend- been caught. A shortage of crabs FOR SALE—ONL BARCO 1EN1 11 , week-end with friends in Philadelphia.! ing the funeral of his niece, Mrs. A...... meeting j. ...of77! the Board7 ...... 7 of ...... Directors. i1 the third floor. These are very much which are used for bait has made it x 10 feet, used only three weeks. The family of Morris Leibmvitz wilt Blanche Culver Merritt. ' of tlie Milford Emergency Hospital needed, as from tune to time tlie fa- rather inconvenient for the fishermen, Will sell cheap. Apply Paul M. Bar­ move to Baltimore, where they will Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hastings and was held in tile office of tlie I.. Docilities of tlie Institution have been Ocean City, Sid., being about the only nett. make their residence after August children of Paxtang, I’a., visited re- Caulk Company on Tuesday, July 2R.|taxed to tlie limit. spot where it is possible to catch 15th. Mr. Leibowit;: will remain in ; btives in town this week. al 1:30 I’. M. This was the first m-s i-i New Committees were appointed, crabs. The rough waters have sent! pog RENT B ROOM HOUSE, ALL Laurel and uuiiGuuv his shot* repair i Brinkley Buyve and family have re- ing under the direction io Hie m.v | and tlieri ’vill bo a rood deal nf ne - mine of the less hardened sportsmen 1 modern conveniences on 5th street. business. at bis stand on Market street ■■ turned fruln a'visit with relatives and ‘ President. The attendance indiea^eti i ivity around this Hospital m tin1 near t > the shore with the dreaded sea­ Mrs. D. AY. Stauffer and children i friends in Bowers Beach. a real interest on the part of the Dir- j future. sickness. Possession immediately. Apply Char­ les V. Rodney. Unless there is rain within a few lays the cantaloupe crop will he bro- FEMALE HELP At ANTED “LAD- •I' uglit to an end, with only a very' ies—To finish Silk Underwear at small percentage of a full crop. The; home hy hand or machine—Part or vines are parching in the hot suns and full time—Enclose stamp for reply, the fruit is ripening prematurely. Keystone Mills, Amsterdam, N. A'. & Local brokers were paying as low as cite dollar per carrier for the lopes TYPEAVRITERS—RIBBONS—CAR - | bon Paper. All makes used type- SAVE yesterday morning at the local freight depot* and" tlie "flavor "of ‘the ‘fruiTis I writa's at reasonable prices. Ribbons said to he far below the standard for'$N00 eaclt $9.00 dozen. Carbon pa.p- this section er 52-00 per box 100 sheets, Post paid. ROUILLOT TYPEAVRITER CO., 23 Arrangements are being made by! S. 16th St., Philadelphia. HOME FURNISHINGS! members of tlie Laurel Firemen’s------ON Band for an excursion to Sandy Hill, FOR SALE—A NICELY" MARKED Md., on Sunday August 8th. The trip 1 hull calf, horn June 8lh, out of an will be made on the gasoline yacht; imported cow by a sire of noted nn- "Deiaware” and the day at the resort. fpsWy Farntere price, J. II, Ham- II will he spent in fishing and bathing.1 psitire & Soli, hear Leonards Mill, Brothers Greatest This is ah annual event of the Fire-1 Satisbury-Delmar State Road.______o '«e.s®ary- nry r <» are bought from local truckers and Pcr month. Millstone Rubber Corn- ll <1 are paid for by weight. The extreme- Pa,iy> ^nsl: Liverpool, Ohio, AUGUST SALE s ly low prices paid in the city markets ‘ makes shipping the cukes unpi-o- j.-qr SALE fitable to the farmer. 100 Acres of timber and cordtvool $ , will cut 2000 cords of marketable $ The I avid Grayson ( uh, composed wood fwm chopWnl. & Is Now On In Full Force ot members of the Agriculture Class RiverRjvev with right nf way and shore i” of the Laurel School, ate camping this n, T.jm c,.om ! week at Oak Orchard. Members of U ,,'tm7 k«t,,.t.tn State Road, 12 miles front Cambridge. the club have leased a cottage at the Bargain for quick buyer. Sussex resort, and the trip was made Matthews & Company, (tj- in autos and trucks. Robert S’. Brock Reductions 15 to 50 Per Cent Cambridge, Md. 1 ir $ teacher nf Agriculture in the Laurel School, is acting as camp master. !•!* ili CARD (IF THANKS iti J: The Centenary M. E. School spent AVe wish to thank through the Hi Just a Meagre Example of the Great Savings Hi yesterday at Oak Orchard on tile an* damns of this paper our friends and' hi :e ntal picnic. Officers, teaelii ts and neighbors for their ninny acts of kind-t- i:.S. i !.t- ■’ •* !■ s ei.i-s and a bed Company, Millington, that tlie new arnt ehair and racier, with and nn,my. ?eitt»vaije spring eushii ns, largo fire­ vet -tide sj ring vitsiiisn., wi’S- by nigh: hife_-e tnm ed::!:s fire house of the firo company, attractive mahogany frames. ,.J« ti ■.-pritig edges, decs would lie formally dedicated oil Wed* WOMAN IS BITTEN BY Tite three pieces are uphols­ side chair mid arm ehair. ali J'l equip;;' ,1 vvph equipped with t -v aid- .-pring ‘eats : 'id backs, "i'i's- -.e.-day evening, August 2'k A MAD DOG ti- tered in a fine grade of tap­ entire suite is •.■tt:'silstvr-.i in -pring ei:sh;;n.s. estry and are offend spec­ spring i ushintts, spring seats If is and backs upholstered in meduiir. i.fi'er, : tup -.jiSiTtg ■ es.T .sm ially reduced for tittr August t'..|.tph te- e’ :: ■ !g eeur Auc’i-s TO DEDICATE Gl MBORO CHURCH Lina Collins, colored, of Lincoln’hi Sale only, complete at veh'ttr. a! A-tga-f Sale 5't; ■ City, was attacked and 1 ,itten hy a dog, ij’t ah' t ttly $169.75 The new M, E. Church located at>t supposed to he suffering from the ?: $12.30 $97.50 159.00 ill Jumhoro will be dedicated on Sun- rabies Monday. The girl did not,;<- 'ay with an all day service. The sew know the animals conditions at the'$ ■ u'pit will he filled by Rev. C. L, time, but when informed later that the, ;lj dog was thought to he mad she is! r!t Moore. ______said to have become hysteriacl. She isfc tan into her home and attacked and J ill $63 Five-Piece Wnlnnt Din­ $118.75 Four-Piece Bedroom IRVING S. HENRY hit her mother. The father and bus-AY ingroom Suite $178.7.5 Ten-Piece American I'xquLsite Four-Piece French Funeral service for the late Irving band, AVashingtoft .Collins, with some?pi AValnut Dining Room Suite Suite, Walnut Suite. N. Henry, a prominent farmer near neighbors, helieveing both women !;!: This is a wonderful bar­ $119.75. .This is a very beautiful Ralphs, who died Thursday from an were made, locked them together in a -fj| gain! This suite includes a This suite includes a large uttaek of typhoid fever, were held at room in the Collins home. Medical Kri ssatc, ashiding a full sized 44 x 54 inch extension table It ineludes a large Iiuitef. sser, full size Low-end i-.v "he late home Sunday afternoon, in- assistance was being sought for the|tji and four chairs with genuine bnw-cr.d ht-d, dresser, at­ ure ik sor.ii-ir.ck.-cd china eh set. ferment.. jt in "VMt. if A PleasantVx x a.. X. eemetry.r two women.f-. vv , , , leather seats. The entire' tractive chest e»f eirawers and i i d, immense ehifforobe and & console server, extension pieces are in the Tudor per­ semi-vanity. This suite can full size vanity, ail it be.v.t- iod design in American wal­ table, five etrainghb chairs i.£> el,tamed in either walnut tiful Frtt'.ch walnut. Offered nut finishes. Other pieces and one arm chair with gen­ c, a.p't :<• fcf ti.-.' August Sale may be had to complete this <■? ivory finishes. August Sale uine h ath< r scats. A wonder cnly a? “ ' " ' ' •<- suite. These five pieces are fut i.argin! prite .. t » » offered at only $67.30 $159.75 if S3?.5O A

v Mahogany Windsor Chairs lb .i-tiful Coxwell (Tiair-. AValnut Gate-leg Table-. I’onr Poster Beds S25.75 $9.75. '$',9.75. $15.75 Exact replicas of tin* orig- J- The iivii:gr,.s;.: ,.y hull is AAkkmit ndoai.t kite" six-hg iihtii.oi inal viiliitiifll design, full six- no* t'KapIete without in hvaatiful mahogany finish- X Windsor ehair. deep ' cat, ,; es. This is the real l„v,f price ’< mid ;,..c.,,y wiflt :,r?.is: ms! for there bed?. •< they v.'ll : p’s s'! to ;.n; n» ipr.ng c. S’ Place Your Car U.-’A In Orr Care Yoin-itn be stirc lT::t every Dt-r.-poj ttejiAtup.qjt ai.tl Terns Free $ repair will be teltfii ere ft/ ift.st .cannei' which will {li'rtvy tiuwt •.-atssfyinir to you. '/Le « stivh Sit-Gee fe Delivery u ?.•; voiy irtiit'. Slifi if MUf-h the life <>f youri-:;'fi. to :;i

'•24 Years «tf Sal isfetlery Service" Yea NINTH AND KSNG STREETS WILMINGTON. DEL. fee sj: Central Accmw. | LAMEL. DELAWARE THE STATE REGISTER, FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1925

shall bo translated into English, writ­ miflRFn RANFllT member of Battery “A” wasrsfi'BlG INCREASE IN Savings in Delaware batiks have- in­ WORLD HERO ten on one side of the paper—type­ vULUliLV DrilWIl back here last Friday night from Ches creased $2,049,585 since the last re­ port made to the commissioner on written if possibe—and transmitted ATTEMPTS HOLDUP Before leaving it is alleged that Phil- BANKING DEPOSITORS with the winning list properly certi­ December 31. The total amount In ESSAY PRIZES fied by the principal to the Chairman i ------lips sold his army rifle and other eq------savings accounts in all banks is $42,- <>f the Committee of Award, Dr. Aug­ 1 Stretches Himself Accross! uipment and then left the state with- gavjngs Jn State Banks Increase 979,348 for the first six months ns FOR PUPILS ustus 0. Thomas, Augusta, Maine, H, out obtaining; permission from the pro­ compared to $40,929,703 for the last S. A. Road In Effort To Stop Cars $2,049,585 According To six months of 1924. But Was Soon Arrested, per authorities of the Battery. He "Illanhs to bi' t'Uid out and signed refused to return and he was finally Latest Reports. i Delaware thriftness is shown in that $1200 In Prizes To Be Given by the school prito ipal in transmitting • brought by Otto Donoway just before 90,124 persons have savings accounts To Pupils In Secondary And ’ the essays may !«■ obtained singly or CARRIED LOADED PISTOL leaving for camp last Saturday. MANY THRIFT RESIDENTS | in this state, A11 other depositors Elementary Schools in qumitity upon application to the _ Phillips was taken to camp with 'number 03,210. National ('■ottivil for Prevention of Hold-tip men have used many ruses the rest of Battery ((A,” He will be Liabilities of Delaware banks for Delaware lias 159,"Ill hank (I'TMisit- War, 5s2 Seventeenth street, N. AV.. down the peninsula since the improv­ frii-d by court martial when he returns the first six months of this year were ESSAYS ON TWELVE Washington. D. C. S. A. fima (’amp on a charge of desertion trrs, according to th« report fur the 8105,053,828 as compared to the lia­ ed highways have hen in use to stop first six months of this year as ram- GREATEST HEROES autouts. hut it remained for a negro iiL'i larceny. Phillips is married and bilities for the fast six months of last piled by Harold W. nor.-.cy, State year which were SI04,194,203. This io rsil'ie o'' C, tlvin Matthews, bn • »wo sniall children. He was fov- Banking Commissioner. This is is a net increase in liabilities of SD­ of ( one' rd, to pul! tile latest and pro- lc'-rh’ a farmer near Laurtd.^ Local Prizes Will Also Be an increase of ,",818 over the mnther MI,620. hablv (! " ' !• It' * ’ yet reported Given To The Winners In uf depositors for the last si;; month;: In addition to savings deposits there STARTSJN AUGUST hivhw.'iv uu ’ h>-rities, Mat- The Local Contest And The ■ I' 1921, ending December 21. For were demand deposits of $36,781,703 ■ , r • net t,i. . J retched him- DELAWARE BEACH Be r Will Compete In The that period there was 155,519 depos­ and V, S. deposits of $453,249 for tite h ')-i it" Blades-Con- State Content. Good Weather Has Et.vreo itors. first sjx months, ending June 30. I i igfo . i el IV :iuday morning. tJ. The f'dal resources of the Jn banks The Contractors To Rush 'lip deed. ,h ibi/ ruse nl- and their brandies as reported to the tv G- l- now tu-- The Work. I I ■ i i ;. Be;:, I: T rilpllllv 2'UItlmg State flanking Commissioner are kind. NOTICE f I) d iht’ I ■'.reebc.VH l.'i'I. , ' 'Hi' • .i 'i' ’ il," f,- mt. ci 0.15,82,!, as compared to SUM, 191,20.! GOOD CONCRETE RCA.X V„ 1 e rd: iv timrnin.tr ■ or the hist six months of last year, Aly w ile, Bessie Messick, having left .•aw ’ne win IvT-r e.ri-css I he hi/rh- ei:"; "il HI IL- IVifnlkll'lt V US 'I pl'tl Wll 'ibis is n nit increase of si,Mil.020, my iicd and hoard, I hereby fotewam wny, hut uistf ad uf .-duptdtnj ro aseert- ■ j,, , 'i.'l tic wtik-c!)i[. This was cviil- Kesources a/ shown here from secur­ ail iH't -ons against trusting, as I vili the t n ic i ahi v.hsj. was the math r. drove around IN.t, Ca, lle-I’enn- •lile El 'ITV 1 <■>. - , 'eg me tins' v.wl; when hmiil- ities and cverv other item handled by pay no debts of her contratcion. h =u ai d top H'ted Th'sr discovery. the hanks of the State, Robert Jlessiel., 1111 , > n \ r i >i'- Mate- Ha ll .va". Tt'i’mier. Jos Holtl t i "ciipli1 cLsjt"ii the resort evorv U l.r ■ ,,, ,)](, wh" had tiITmL* a id a vary Imsy day SlP'dav. •h’iV.'’id to tW Scene.: . •■si c,lent Whim: is one of the id He I' taid ’ K' i; . r<-’-•.?H lyinj.” across Id iaiti'ins nt Delaware Beach. 'i t.. n e ' , , ■It,, the hie'j.v.-uY. fo iaouiumf* from his f ■ fieations .-tel -u-uo • •• -to ; I 1. Ti a large ;|,„i clean beach. n.’.vrHni" aonroached the fiup- v.i I •i:. ♦ ■ a»-buetien v been carried pe: . d htpT.v a Hi ,S utiouxly, and pot i .nlilifinn t" s.-.li wafer imiLc I'l, Htphjh'. Hie ndJfnHH’L at : b; thing si, tlf! dl ’ : . . J 1 ■' : 'l" l ee ’ up ?’ the a.rjip r n im- ru-arv when the latter 1 > . iuH Urm’. n, ct W '.v \ nr., fn v D re being hehl every riiitrs- .111) . I , I • a. ’l reach d i- r a ica.’v, r from his poc­ d 1 3 Salurdnt ’,iglits v.ith niusiv human In ’"t"’. ue"' r weer.-,', deem­ I * i i , ' <• ” *. ”, L H’a wt-a- kets, Covcvinn toe man Holt took* him f ed " t I ", ' .'lO.'O.ee.lUr " . . : ■ TlnT. Y.'liii il ]■■<.' t'liiJtb'il them t'l nli bv ■ H bite’s I),'re ,'serena,let's, u prisma i- and locked him up in the. Tie rams aiii'r -he '.. * to' * i . * 1 • r . ai 't i'd i ih<» Work, t- v.n kail mii;! ?-!.-ndav morning, when c.mu,s are proving eoilsideKitton I’l n ouh'y - oor. 'IE* t'-tLf !', ff r ;al. connvetiu t in- a is s. for til" cl-.i'.ilren, csjieeisillv he was «4*v»-n a. bearim? la-fore Map:-, the ddren's aeter: i2, t • "i I'ie.-.- and o - . It' PL r .it with Hit* main itr. > v d bdarte Jah?e> K. Phillips, When sear-! playground, which is J devotion to ureu* I'li'i,' las torn ('uhipleMHl. Tins is but a paft 1.’i d by the iJd a.-, va 11 as the t (died Matthews was found to have in • yonni!'. sfritctive work for lounuunv a ner- -tiuit and \v*nd; tvns carried his possession a loaded revolver. Hej itvintjif i ti:.iou"r. ia>t week, The concrete work on tin* LaT Sunday fund automobiles were could nive no reason for lying across i Paris 1 about “A, To determine till' Twelve cl'ent- New Castle >itb« «>f the river was star: (he highway, other than that he was ar(„ the resort in parking cst heroes. Knelt -i-Jjo .l thi'ottgli its ed early this week ■ leepy, and Magistrate Phillips held i c,m;v,', Since the opening of the new j principal or acting principal may sub­ Tlte work at New < astle lots at- (55(10 ],ail for court, in de- j ■ road from the dnPont High- mit one list of twelve natiies. The fracted milch attention, tor it was;£auj^ tlf which he wns committed to Delaware Bench, there h:t; '£ twelve names submitted l,y the great­ started hut recently, while the work j Georgetown Jail, daily increase in traffic over if.! r est ntnuhtr of schools shall constitute mt the New Jersey -ide was started!______the flnul list. ‘ Aut'oists an- anxiously awaiting the 'PHILLIPS IS HELD d “B, The eoiupelmg essays. With the list may he sent on., essay on each completion of the new line and al- i FOR DESERTION | VEGETABLES of these heforis written by a pupil of ready hundreds have been disKHppnin- Glasses the school. The twelve equal prizes fed after making the trip to New; ______of $100 each wiil b" awarded for the; Castle and Pennsville to find that the w Reoughf Back Here From i line has 11 "t started service yet. I Was BrouSnt »»« from) for best essay on em it of the twelve j Chester, Pa., last Week FRESH EACH DAY heroes chosen as above. Essays shall' Taken To Camp. - VO:; Temporary not exceed 200 words in length. AH The local Rotary (Tub had as its Ip 'u ib k i'l Making this store your source of supply for Veg­ essays as finally .submitted must be honorary guest last evening,... Hon,...... Wil, j Use | in English, preferably typewritten and liar.i S. Gordy, Comptroller of Mary-1 CHARGED WITH LACRENY etables is better than having a garden of your own. ■.■ of ghe -es, g. You always get the choicest of the market's offerings All lists and essays n.v • he in the But fi'.oro are thousands of eases J? here, hands of the chairman of the Com- were gkissis, tewhere glasses, tent* R mittve of Award on or before World porai r •_•(.„>, -..mild relieve dtsvont- g Goodwill D:t.V, Mav I'gd. They irtrt, antetyunee i.ttd distress. J Will m-t ! «• : I'm i 1 Kiitor your eyes with “rest,'* glasses R the proton of ,1,1 c, >e u',*ti e Buckwheat and Clover C. H. GIVENS Av.av!. N. S. Hoffecker 6 Dr. Ant i I, (1. II' . Van Market Street Laurel, Delaware Moini'. V rf \ .1 • ■ ■ i I ,,, ,, Do Not heed One and Starve The Other Optometrist & of till' f i t, ' ■ 1 j,,. Market St., Laurclt Del. r nlh' r ' j |„> i Ati'l' u: ■ !|> of FEED BOTH fi.WWWWWWWWWWSSSS.WWWWSNWWSNSSSNWNSNNS'. t'..i'1'.o ci. 11, , . » :-vb*i,d- i , 1 t • • p* 5 ,1,100 'I It Takes A Special Dependable Fertilizer r lb- ' ■ 1 tfi’d. To Feed Both~\VF MAKE IT “AH : ■ .. .1 r . hr: 1 v, • ; 1 ’ ’ »!.■ -v i. . ’ . it 11 ■ r • ■ t." t Who ; od t, q ! . ?!<1: , tl’, ■ 1 T Vf-OH V ... . V If r j * HT'- Drives The Better Bargain ? ‘-CaiL: *. -H* • * ^i5f1 f ?/ G-r,. ■ Gnatiif . H G- *■ :.,i] ---r- One man spends his money in a steady flow, on f ti 1* d< ♦ It ’. fl: * ‘ I *- / things that strike his fancy as he goes along.. He buys chnkii . . .! ,t. , in lie rottoidetf d. many things, hut none that are very good.-. He seldom '•(kni'f v,:!i,f.tr.'-r - d ructive mil d:u:gi-r--'; . To ‘ertn has any ready money and never knows just where 5l (xampk' f'.r ti.e ?•<• - h. -.11 be ni.fife a veil all went. t. 'ti. Would You Starve Your Children? th« 0K4i1.1I ’f Another man has a savings account. He also has I - ■‘ • a checking account ahd keeps track of his spending. HY vettiHH’i.a art! i *, ? . / .at An occasional bond finds a home in his saferly deposit '.■a- - t'.tiii’t •< WL<,:» j, , t , box... When he really wants something he buys it. And i because he can afford it he buys good things. It isn't w‘-A; t ( ’5? ' i1;’,;- that he makes any more money than the first man. 1'..”. • *r ‘ »T ■' ■_ 1, C 15 •/ Simply by taking care of his money he gets more out I of it. I Who drives the better bargain? The man who ’s . '"t • ’ --. I: ■’ , » • . < • buys many things of little value and has no money left - - • ’ iT or the man who lakes care that the fewer things hr [(■>> •„ .* S.,.' .... ’ bitvs ate really worth having? We will glatffy help you to answer the question whenever you may wish to come in. L' i tlQ ilt F r.t./i m. ; if,.»e-' teqvi} cmcnlco I VALLIANT K FERTILIZER i COMPANY “The Bank of Service Since 1903”

1 *u;, >i .ki.fitD.l LAURREL, DELAWARE this rthdkl fe fi.a t-. .t.cf- MaMMMRMMII t?:ay that 5,s L«n hand- I kt on cadi of U.cm? IxttUfi Sittota THE STATE REGISTER, FRIDAY, JULY S3., 1925

1 J I

I i i I i £ 1 i i i V$ I * if. I $ s \ I ALLI ANT 5 The Name To Go By I i 1 I $ I % I $ I I FERTILIZER $ I \ 2 § I I I j p I $ p I \ “29 bushels of wheat per acre average on my poorest V, ! I wheat field.” I I “31 1-4 bushels of wheat per acre, had it not been so dry i believe it would have been 40 bushels.’’ ! I \ Nothing theoretical about these two statements, just plain s i I facts, and both these crops grown on Delaware soil this year, both \ I unsolicited testimonials. 1 i \ These two farmers, like many others, talked “Wheat Fert­ 1 ilization” with us, and then took our advice, with the above re­ i I I sults. £z I It will be a pleasure to talk fertilizer to you, drop us a post­ $ ✓z i, al and we will call on you personally. Z $ } We don’t make a fertilizer formula, we build it according z5 i to the land and previous crop. i■* z I I Think, Mr. Farmer, Think—Then write us. z i I i i i*

! \ i , I I $ £ izer \ % I it 5 i g QUALITY FERTILIZERS” i Factories: Laurel, Del; Milford, DeL I I I I •5 l I I % ASWSV


JAMES BAKER, 1 stick smd as he felled the shot bag Street, Salisbury, Md., and her mot­ of bills "as big as my arm” and a | full of money fell from his pockets her, Mrs. Elizabeth Kelly, smaller roll. CAREY MURDERER f the Sheriff said, Some time prior to the day of the Baker’s attorney did not argue ! Mrs. Joseph Taylor said she slaying, Mrs. Ralph testified that the ease before the Justice and the HELD FOR COURT : saw Baker pass through her yard at- they had heard Blanche Kllingsworth State’s Attorney and Mr. Long made remark: “Jim is going home to sell only brief remarks. 2 o'clock of the afternoon of the trag- j,;s fa,.m anj whcn he comes back he (Continued from Page One) edy. She lives about 300 yards from j w,-|j j,e Ionded." Asked what he would tile scene of the crime, she said. Bes- llp jotujed with, she replied money, the RESULTS THAT LAST! X sir Jarman, aged 10, said that she had witnesses said. Dr, Ira I), Tingle, of Berlin, next PPPn men up t|R< tra(.iIS fighting, She stated that on the afternoon Proven By Laurel People to testify stated that he examined the Witnesses presented by the prose- of the crime Baker came to her moth­ Thousands of kidney sufferes have body Friday and again Saturday. Ile/'ution against Blanche Ellingsworth er’s store to pay a bill of $6 and from tried remedy after remedy with only f-' found a cancerous infection on the Mr>. Helen Ralph, ,11*1 Locust fiis overhall pockets he took three rolls temporary benefit. That’s mighty dis. u t enraging! But one kidney remedy back of the nock. This is said had .Jhas earned a reputation of lasting A Piano in the home means joy in the lien opened by “some tdtml iiistru- —ji| 5 results and. there’s plenty of proof roent” and a bruise extended from the =3 s==. right here in Laurel, home and a Gulbransen brings it every g Read the experience of one who used top of fii" vertebrae was fractured. = One Day Excursions == 1 nun's Pills years ago and now makes a day in the year. Whether you want a causing instant death, he believed. =3 =. 1.0 endorsement even stronger. 5i West had left his heme at in-si p. gg ~ It. C. Jones, 6th st., Laurel, says, tj straight or Registering Piano nothing com­ 3=5’“My back has been so lame and sore >’ hunt bees in tile I’eromoke ; ==§[ us the past that I have been laid up, :g pares with a Gulbransen. They are na- | ’t“ G 1. and ’■ ’ipr’n, a’ =! At times it was all I could do to a s! straighten. Whenever one of these nt- & tionally known and nationally priced. railroad tracks discover—! <},. tacks came on I have always used & k.-ing in ia>. north she -■! A BB| l’nan's Pills and they have never $ Nathan’s Furniture Store He W ’1 ;l,t ‘b- ’ B' failed to give prompt relief.” S Si SEVERAL YEARS LATER Mr. did to.t stop t invest a-an . TUESDAY, AUGUST IS SEAFORD —- CAMBRIDGE —- SALISBURY | .. .ting wilts that lie ‘•wasn’’ SPECIAL TRAIN cia Delaware River Bridge witlioul change man." Jarman st" tin p, i- B b.‘vwWdnZ}“ Shiv’"* “”d tlM"' TEE STANDARD RAILROAD OF THE WORLD av e id..' 1‘ of cars. a-—. , ‘ ...... ' Eastern Standard Time {< Bahor and hi t’r, • i S is’ A, M. , :i bad aoticaie -isiev.hat do’,car tve Loretto ... ., (t.1.5 1.00 3> until Jarman gave Ids testimony. !!>•• 1: gf Eden . ___ _ 6.53 3.85 25 burst hit’) laughter at In- reman,- g| Fruitland . .. 7.BH 3.85 and began a whispered conversation. =5 Salisbury - - .. 7.15 3.75 They exchanged remarks for the it- = Delmar___ ... 7.35 3.50 niaindvr of the hearing a- different g Laurel ___ points in tin- testimony was discu-- 3g 7.17 3.50 sed, ' S Arrive Atlantic City (South Carolina Avenue). .12.11 P. M.___ Mrs. Mary II. Baker, daughter of = Returning special train leaves Atlantic City (So. Carolina Ave.) file slain man stated that she la.-t saw = 7:30 P. M. 2’ her father the day prior to the murder sg She also explained how he was ar- = THE STANDARD RAILROAD OF THE WORLD customcol to carry bis money in a 35 “shot bag.’’ S= & When searched following the arrest. s= Pennsylvania Railroad I Baker had $3,08O.t>3 Sheriff Wilmer fg 8. I,. Berlin, testified. lie later obtain- =, ed $20 of the $50 paid the taxi driver 3 as fare from Laurel. Del., to Phil­ adelphia. The Sheriff also reviewed f the stages of investigation and the August Sale of Footwear confession he said Baker had made at the Wilmington police headquart­ ers following his arrest. Just what you have been looking for-the chance to buy smartly In the confession Baker said lie hit 1- the aged man over the head with a stylish Footwear at prices much less than you usually have to pay. a It is a sale worth attending. PROGRAM $ 35 Waller Theatre LONG & SHORT di Beginning To-night LAUREL, “The Peoples Stare” DELAWARE Last Showing— John Brummel in “Beau Brummel” It is worth seeing. ADDED—Comedy. It’s Purely Business ... i.. 4 ......

SATt'RDAY— Richard Talmadgp in When you go in to talk business ‘The Mysterious Stranger’ with a business man, it is only ADDED—Comedy & Final Ep­ isode of “Idaho,” business on his part to inquire Popular Boston Shoe Store Mar ! about your financial rating. He Monday & Tuesday— wants to know that you are able Styles Thomas S. Brimer, Manager PlTCCS “The Marriage Circle” With Florence Vidor—Marie to carry out your part of the con­ LAUREL, DELAWARE $ Provost— Monte Blue—Adolpe tract. Plan now to be able to Menojou—Creighton Hale and I Harry Myer-. show a satisfactory rating by Glance nt thia caste and >on I . will know it !« a special—a mas­ Starting an account with The Sussex Trust Co. We, have a lot of miscellaneous shoes, oxfords, tennis shoes I terpiece. Mis- it and you will regret if. and pumps which we will offer at sacrifice prices for the next ADDED—Comedy.

Thursday — week. These are not shop worn stock, but the v&cy latest in 4; Zane Grey's The Hi “Code of the East” Sussex style, comfort and material. Below are a few of the many bar­ Owen Moore and all star fasti- ADDED—Comedy. gains to be had at the only exclusive shoe store in Laurel. i One Mton each night at ^.05. i’rices 25 and Hl. Two Ehows Saturday, i’rices Trust Co. Black, white and brown Men’s Women’s, Mfsse’s and Children’s F 2fi and HI." kL and Boy’s Tennis Oxfords, former while tennis Oxfords and Pumps 4: 3: price 95e, note some with black trim and strap 4’ were $3.50, now <».M-’ Hr. I «J a’ Women’s grey suede, beige suede 9Sc j and patent leather one-strap Pumps Lol of Women’s Oxfords and ; I Protection were $6.00, now Pumps, one and two-strap effects, $1.95 Goodyear welt, to sell at V, Black and grey, suede, and corded 95c Su in Pumps, former price, $6.00 Lot of Women’s black, grey and i i j; beige suede Pumps al lotions and $1.95 9Sc l.c'.t I oth protect Lottf Misses and Children’s pal- Lot Mens and Boy’s work and neautiry the skin are to -.c iV.undin • h ’ very complete i.leather, brown patent, red kid dress shoes that formerly sold at di-’Jay of Toilette requisites at thbuJure.* Practical­ and "an calf Pumps, were $2.5©, $2,50 and $3.50, now now ly a’! welM: own brands are here. 95c $1.95 Lot of Young Men’s Dress Shoes 11> s-J ChisJrcn’s patent La­ with iwiad, medium and equate toe id. . - H th.nbbsrheels,were in light and dark fan. Former price WILLIAMS PHARMACY Sd. 'PJt, n, w $4,50 and $5.00 now I is OEU ■•-x-y ur.uns from a u’ikuist- lj ’Mi-'... ,7 . ’ Childfen’s LAUREL. DELAWARE Ii 'ht-» tis.Ki while, one-simp Pumps, former price •I >• $1.50, now 50c,

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