I Am an Omnivorous Reader (SHJ Summer 2019)
“I AM AN OMNIVOROUS READER” Book reviews by Lisa Burscheidt, Paul Gillings, David Jones, Paul Thomas Miller, Valerie Schreiner, Nicholas Utechin and Roger Johnson Sherlock Holmes and Conan Doyle in the Newspapers: commentary and scholarship? I should say that I have an Volume 4, January-June 1894. Edited and Annotated article in this volume. E\ 0DWWLDV %RVWU|P 0DUN$OEHUVWDW /HDK *XLQQ DQG The main point of these — and other such publications 0DWW/DIIH\ Gasogene Books ,QGLDQDSROLV ² LV WR VHH WKH ZRUGV 'R\OH ZURWH RU FURVVHG RXW RU SS SEN ZKDWHYHU ,I \RX FDQQRW IDFH SORXJKLQJ WKURXJK WKH ,ZDQWWRNQRZZKRµ³12%´ZDVIRU,GRQRWOLNH handwritten text, you are given an accurate transcription KLP$FROXPQLVWIRUWKH/RQGRQMRXUQDO The Echo , he and detailed annotations. The latter are by Phillip Bergem, ZURWHRQWK-DQXDU\³>+ROPHV@EHFDPHDWODVW ZKRKDVEHHQSURYLGLQJWKLVVHUYLFHVLQFHDQGLW a bore, and many heaved a sigh of relief not only for LVDGPLUDEOHDQGSDLQVWDNLQJZRUN HVSHFLDOO\VRIDUDV themselves, but also for Mr Doyle’s reputation, when the the annotations are concerned, comparing six different famous detective met his match, and fell over the cliffs SULQWHGVRXUFHVRIWKHVWRU\ LQWKH5KRQH9DOOH\²GHDGDWODVW´,VKRXOGSUHIHUWR 7KHRWKHUFXUUHQW¿[HGSRLQWLQWKHVHULHVLV5DQGDOO have met the journalist for The North-China Herald Stock, who tells the history of the MS and highlights 6KDQJKDL ZKRZURWHHOHYHQGD\VODWHU³7KHUHZLOOEH anything of especial interest — I enjoyed his page on genuine sorrow among English-speaking peoples at the a paperclip indentation and a fastener head! Welcome GHDWKRI6KHUORFN+ROPHV´ contributors with papers on subjects ranging from sailors There are so many journalistic gems in this, the fourth and rum, to domestic abuse in the Canon via the Canadian volume in a series that at its present rate of publication 3DFL¿F5DLOZD\LQFOXGH%RQQLH0DF%LUG:DOWHU-DIIHH will stretch to mid-century! Boström and his colleagues and Ross Davies.
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