Marriage Equality Tops Gov’s Agenda O’Malley introduces same-sex marriage bill

By Rev. Meredith Moise On a sunny Tuesday in front of the governor’s mansion, Gov. Martin OUT January 27, 2012 | Volume IX Issue 19 O’Malley publicly talked about his support for the same sex marriage A Few Words with Sue Hyde bill. The governor sent the bill to the Maryland General Assembly for Director of the Creating Change conference consideration on Monday, January By Dana LaRocca “participating in grassroots political activ- 23. Surrounded by Sue Hyde has been working ity than there were 20 or 30 years ago. So clergy from across with the National Gay and Les- we’ve seen a real explosion of interest and the state, Gov. bian Task Force since 1986. activism on the part of, not just of those us O’Malley explained She was the news editor at Gay who work at LGBT organizations, but peo- that the bill is about Community News in Boston ple who live their lives in all kinds of work providing protec- from 1983 to 1985. Prior to that, environments, school environments, reli- tion for same sex Gov. Martin gious environments and bring their LGBT she worked in St. Louis, Mis- couples and their O’Malley souri, on a number of different activist energy to those places and spaces. families. organizing projects producing I think that’s a real difference between now According to the governor, “All women’s music and women’s and then.” of us want the same things for our cultural events. For about sev- She explains that change is the result children; we are bound together by en years, she organized a wom- of a rise in a general level of confidence. a common thread.” The mood was an’s athletic program and wrote “As more non-discrimination laws have upbeat as Sen. Richard Madeleno re- for the local Gay and Lesbian been passed and more and more people sponded to the governor statements. News Telegraph, in St. Louis. come out and more and more companies “As a parent you know your child will Baltimore OUTloud asked and corporations and educational institu- find love and you don’t choose who her how activism has changed tions and religious institutions take posi- that is,” the Montgomery County dem- since her early days in the tions of support for LGBT people, our abil- ocrat declared. The governor also re- movement. ity to be visible and to identify ourselves minded the crowd that other states There are a lot more peo- has really increased. have moved forward with marriage S ue Hyde ple now who are interested in —continued on page 3 equality. Gov. O’Malley said, “Other states have found a way forward, and we need to as well.” O’Malley A Conversation with the makers of This is What Love in Action Looks Like addressed concerns voiced by vocal religious opponents of the bill. born and raised there, that blog entry I called up some people “This bill guarantees protection and I went to White Sta- that went to White Station as students of religious liberty and equal rights Message in a Bottle tion High School, which and they had already heard about it and under the law,” the governor as- By Dana LaRocca is the same high school that Zack went they were friends of this kid; Zack. sured those present. This session’s This is What Love in Action Looks Like is to. I knew several friends of his that were So immediately, we started doing re- bill has a number of exemptions for a moving documentary about a 16-year- still in the school at White Station back in search. faith communities and religious or- old boy whose parents sent him away to 2005, and just somewhere out of nowhere, —continued on page 15 ganizations that object to gay and a “pray away the gay camp” in Memphis I read a blog in Mem- lesbian couples. Rev. Sam Offer, Tennessee. The film was six years in the phis about this teen- a Unity Fellowship minister who making, and it premiered in Baltimore on ager being forced leads the state marriage coalition’s Saturday January 21, at the Creative Alli- into a place that was black church outreach, believes that ance. Baltimore OUTloud spoke the prior designed to change Gov. O’Malley is very sincere in his evening with the director, Morgan Jon Fox, sexuality through re- pledge to support marriage equal- and co-producers, Peterson Toscano and ligion. ity. Rev. Offer recalls, “There was a Bruce Garrett. At that time, I lot of good energy coming from the Meeting in a small booth in the down- didn’t know anything governor this morning.” This minis- stairs corner of the Mount Vernon Stables about Love in Action. ter believes that the governor’s sup- and Saloon, a lively discussion ensued. I had heard about port will make a difference in pas- Morgan Jon Fox delved quickly into the a place like that in sage of the bill. “I am very hopeful genesis of the film, Memphis but I didn’t that the bill will pass,” he notes. Morgan John Fox: We all have differ- know, it’s like I heard Rev. Offer believes that Mary- ent routes into it and that’s what is exciting,” about it in passing, —continued on page 4 he said. “I’m from Memphis, Tennessee, so as soon as I read news // LOCAL

Sandy Rawls Speaks Out don’t have anything else to rely on. This city hasn’t given them anything now we By Dana LaRocca problem. can talk about it diplomatically, or, or we Co-Publishers Jim Becker • Jim Williams Sandy Rawls is arguably the matriarch of “As far as this prostitution thing that’s can get the ACLU involved, or all these [email protected] transgender rights in Baltimore. Sandy is going on, we’re making progress, there agencies involved.’” Executive Editor the executive director of Trans-United. is some paradigm set up to do something She said she would even consider fil- Jim Becker Trans-United is an organization under about it. I don’t want to reinvent the wheel ing “a lawsuit against the city, because [email protected] Fusion Partnerships. a grass-roots fis- although me and council- the truth of the mat- Managing Editor cal sponsor social justice non-profit orga- man stokes had been work- ter is that we have Dana LaRocca [email protected] nization in Baltimore City. They provide ing on the issue. I don’t a protected class of Production Director resources to the transgender community know what his communi- people in this city that Bill Andriette through community outreach, providing re- cation skills are with ev- has not yet seen the Sales Director sources such as a GED tutoring program, erybody else but we have benefit of Baltimore Mary Taylor housing assistance, and helping with med- been working on the issue city supporting its [email protected] ical needs. trying to put something for- transgender citizens. Leather Columnist “I just want to shed some light on ward,” Sandy said. They have not done Rodney Burger Trans-United’s position on what’s going The initiative in Lower that. We have noth- Contributing Writers Shawn Bradley • Cathy Brennan • Terrence Brower • on now in the community and the problem Charles Village will target ing whatsoever that is Steve Charing • Jeffrey Clagett • Jeffrey Clouser • Chuck Duncan with the city actually,” Sandy said. the John’s. She said that directed at the trans • Gerry Fisher • Eva Hersh MD • Sam Kunz • Jessica Lemmo • community coming Jay Loane • Meredith Moise • Vann Mills • Colin Riley • She is pleased with recent efforts of that’s a good idea but that Gregg Shapiro • city officials in helping to end the problems it falls short. from the city.” of the targeting of sex-workers in Lower “Targeting the John’s Sandy says that Graphics Charles Village and the conditions suf- when it comes down to cis- we need to have a Joe Velasquez • Bob Wellington fered by incarcerated transgender citizens. gender sex workers hasn’t place for at risk trans- Cartoonist However, she says, the city is not doing done anything. Targeting gender people to go, Bruce Garrett ( enough. the Johns; what that does a city funded founda- Photographers Bruce Garrett • Jay W Photos • Justin Nixon She told Baltimore OUTloud, “We have is it make a ‘wow’ factor. Sandy Rawls tion, “and that foun- a relationship, but it seems that nothing is OK, they say ‘wow look dation has to look Web Editor Anja Saine happening; like being in a marriage where at them, they are getting like a drop in center, [email protected] two people are sleeping in the same house caught and they are trying to find pros- or transitional housing unit; a partnership Managed Web Services The Fusio Group but with different bedrooms. It’s like ‘what titutes and they’re getting caught!’ It’s a with another agency. We need a founda- 866-322-7498, are we in this relationship for’ if we can’t great deterrent, it’s a good deterrent to tion for people to spring from, so they can National Advertising Rep capitalize on it, and our people are in keep people out of the community. But blossom and become who they really want Rivendell Media need.” meantime, guess what, they still got a to be in life. But they can’t become who 908-232-2021 Recently, as reported in the December whole bunch of transsexuals standing they want to be in life if they are dealing Founders 30 issue of Baltimore OUTloud, represen- around with nothing to do. They’re not do- with people who just want to throw them Jim Becker • Joe Berg • Mike Chase • Lee Mooney (1959-2007) • Jim Williams tatives of the transgender community met ing sex work anymore so now they’re go- out of the community, they’re in and out of with Major Tapp-Harper of the Northern ing to tear the community up now they’re prison they are not getting a career they Baltimore OUTloud District to start a dialogue concerning sex- going to start vandalizing the community are not getting an education.” P.O. Box 3640, Baltimore, Maryland 21214 “We have to start looking for funding,” 410-244-6780 workers, primarily transgender, in that dis- because now they are no longer working. trict. Sandy is pleased with that initiative; That is just putting the wow factor into the she said, “and we’re going to have to look she says that she doesn’t want to “reinvent issue.” at it also in a way that we can get corpo- Additional Information the wheel,” but that it will not solve the Sandy says they will continue to stay in rations involved that support transpeople Baltimore OUTloud is published every other Friday by Pride and employ them. We need to look at the Media, Ltd. in Baltimore, Maryland. Readers comments and that pocket called unsolicited materials are welcomed and may be sent to: editor@ “the stroll” because ways we do the outreach, take referrals All materials appearing in this newspaper that is where they from Chase-Brexton, take referrals from are the property of Pride Media, Ltd. and may not be reproduced without the written permission of the editor. feel safe because Women Accepting Responsibility (WAR), they are together. Trans-United, Central Booking, and the Meanwhile mem- Prostitution Diversion Program. bers of that com- “It’s all about them getting on their feet munity want them and taking flight,” Sandy says. “You arrest out. Baltimore the John’s, the John’s are going to go away. OUTloud asked if But if you keep them in that neighborhood Councilman Carl they’re going to tear the neighborhood Stokes had taken up. Nobody should be on the street trying

a stand on the is- to find a place to live for months and then The opinions expressed in Baltimore OUTloud are solely those of sue. She said she when they get into a shelter they’re still dis- the writers unless otherwise indicated and do not necessarily reflect hadn’t gotten “that criminated against by the damned staff. And the views of Pride Media, Ltd. vibe” from him yet. people say, ‘Well the staff is trained.’ The But if she did she staff is trained; that doesn’t do any good © 2011 – All rights reserved Chair of the Board of Trustees – Jim Becker said she would tell when it comes to subliminal discrimination. President – Jim Williams him, “‘Carl, lets It’s very real and it’s something that people Secretary and Treasurer – Mike Chase think about some- get away with.” thing, these girls —continued on page 3

2 q BALTIMORE OUTLOUD January 27, 2012 • news // LOCAL

S UE Hyde Sandy Rawls Speaks Out – continued from front page – continued from page 2

“There are a lot of companies that are and a gay man from Guiana; talking of Here, in Baltimore City, we have an not end discrimination. way ahead of the laws where they do busi- course from their own experiences in their ordinance that is supposed to protect Sandy Rawls is going to do something ness so there are many companies that own countries,” she explained. “Also on transgender citizens from discrimination in about it. Baltimore OUTloud asked her if have nondiscrimination policies in place in the panel is Cary Alan Johnson, who is the employment, housing and public accom- she was concerned about creating more states where there is no statewide nondis- executive director of the International Gay modations. Activists are working hard to anger in the community. “It’s not about crimination law,” she said. and Lesbian Human Rights Commission. pass a similar law statewide. A law, how- making people pissed off making people Asked why she thinks companies are He will be moderating, and kind of guid- ever, does not end the suffering of the angry,” she said. “It’s about what’s right, ahead of the law on this she said, “I think ing, the conversation. I think that will be most marginalized among us, who lose if we are ever going to become that we for companies it’s a recognition that they really exciting because we haven’t before their families, their homes, and are left to dreamed about, let’s stop dreaming about want to build for themselves the best work- focused that much time and attention and do whatever they can to stay alive. It does it and make it happen.” t force that they can. Excluding people on done a spotlight on international issues.” the basis of sexual orientation or gender When asked about Secretary of State identity is counterproductive to bring- Hillary Clinton’s December 6 speech to the ing together for themselves the best and United Nations, Sue said, “It was fantas- brightest people. I think for them it’s a very tic really fantastic and such a big surprise simple decision, it’s sort of a simple calcu- when I got the little notification about that lation that we lose more than we gain by speech. By her delivering that speech I discriminating against LGBT people in the thought, ‘Oh Human Rights Day – maybe workplace. It’s true that even when poli- she’ll do a paragraph on LGBT people.’ The largest annual gathering of activists, cies or laws are in place they’re not always But, no, it was the entire speech, quite organizers and leaders in the LGBT movement abided by, but the fact that they are there amazing.” does give a person recourse if the policies Also new to the conference is that aren’t followed.” they have arranged to take a large group January 25–29, 2012 Sue is particularly pleased that Ben- to Washington D.C. to lobby members of Hilton Baltimore Maryland jamin Jealous, the current president and Congress. “We have not done that before chief executive officer of the National As- in large part because we have not been in sociation for the Advancement of Colored close proximity to the nation’s capital for People (NAACP), would speak at the open- over 20 years.” Sue said. “So that’s a pret- Don’t miss all the action. ing plenary session on Thursday evening. ty exciting feature.” Register at the door! The mayor, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, and This is the second year that the confer- Come by the Baltimore Hilton today! Maryland’s First Lady, Katie O’Malley, were ence has offered a large element of pro- also scheduled for the Thursday session. gramming for people who work within faith The mayor’s office has been working close- communities. It is called “Practice Spirit, ly with the LGBT community on several ini- Do Justice,” and comprises about 32 dif- tiatives and Katie O’Malley’s December ini- ferent sessions. tiative to combat bullying in our schools are There was some controversy on the Build Power Take Action Create Change seen as more than passing commitments to interwebs a week prior to the conference many in the LGBT community. that there was a lack of lesbian inclusion. Gold & Platinum Conference Sponsors New to this year’s conference is a That problem was addressed, “particularly greater focus on international LGBT rights. by the strength of a request from one of “On Saturday we will be doing a ple- our host committee co-chairs, Meredith nary session on international LGBT orga- Moise. We added to the schedule a lesbi- nizing issues with a transgender woman an caucus that will take place on Saturday from Malaysia, a lesbian from Uganda, evening at 6:30,” Sue said. t

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BALTIMORE OUTLOUD January 27, 2012 • q 3 news // LOCAL

Besides Hart, who is CEO of Hart Phil- Marriage Equality Tops LGBT Biz Group Launches in B’more anthropic Services Group, the other mem- Gov’s Agenda bers of the board of directors include: MCC – continued from front page By Steve Charing founder and president of MCC, reviewed co-founder and chairman Scott H. Marder, On January 19, a new networking group, how and why the organization was formed. Partner, Duane Morris, LLP; Christopher land’s LGBT community and allies need the Maryland Corporate Council (MCC), was “Never before, have so many gay and lesbi- Apple (MCC vice president), senior man- to support the Gov. O’Malley in this ef- launched at the Hotel Monaco in downtown an business professionals gathered together ager, Ernst & Young LLP; David J. Downey, fort. “We need to continue our focus [on Baltimore. The 501c3 non-profit organiza- in mutual solidarity,” he stated in his remarks. Jr. (MCC secretary), senior vice president the legislation], prepare for a possible tion ( was founded “Tonight we take stock in the amazing levels / principal, Cassidy Turley; William Jones, referendum and support Gov. O’Malley out of a desire to provide a professional and of support our straight broth- (MCC treasurer), as he moves forward [with the bill in the business-oriented networking, scholarship, ers and sisters afford us here officer /branch General Assembly],” urged the minister. community service, mentorship, and educa- in Maryland, while we hope manager, SunTrust The campaign for same sex marriage in tion opportunity in Maryland and is aimed at this will be the year we are Bank; Charles A. Maryland, Marylanders for Marriage Equal- LGBT and straight ally individuals. personally granted equal sta- Berardesco, senior ity, was formed in July 2011. According to the organization’s website, tus under the law. We blend in, vice president and The campaign is actually a coalition of “The Maryland Corporate Council is the we succeed, and we lead. This general counsel, civil rights and social justice organizations, new standard in LGBT business and corpo- is where the Maryland Corpo- Constellation En- including Equality Maryland, the American rate networking. Established as a statewide rate Council will become the ergy; Sophie Dage- Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Nation- non-profit organization and dedicated to glue that binds our LGBT and nais, director, Balti- al Association for the Advancement of Colored bringing together top-level LGBT corporate straight ally small business, MCC President Ted Hart more Civic Site and People (NAACP). There are also churches photo: Michael Key / Washington Blade executives and thought leaders for network- nonprofit and corporate lead- Initiatives, Annie E. and clergy who are working with Marylanders ing, business advancement, educational and ers together.” Casey Foundation; for Marriage Equality. Members of Metropoli- charitable events.” A full slate of activities is scheduled Heidi Hansan, partner, Miles & Stockbridge tan Community Churches, Unity Fellowship The sponsors include: Constellation En- throughout the year with the exception of P.C.; Katheryn King, regional vice president, Churches, Catholics for Equality, and Mary- ergy Group, DLA Piper, Duane Morris, LLP, July and August. These include several US Bank; Michael McManmon, partner, land Faith for Equality, among others. Miles & Stockbridge, Ernst & Young, Mike events involving professional mentors and Ernst & Young LLP; and Kevin Naff, owner / Both the Human Rights Campaign McManmon / Ernst & Young LLP, Legg Ma- young professionals, a number of commu- editor, Washington Blade. (HRC) and the National Gay and Lesbian son, Venable,, Washington nity or charitable events, a pride networking Mark R. Fetting, chairman and CEO of Task Force (the Task Force) have provided Blade, David Downey / Cassidy Turley, and event, mixers, and a variety of business- Legg Mason delivered the keynote address financial and human resources to the mar- Chris Apple / Ernst & Young LLP. oriented educational seminars. Six board focusing on the importance of acceptance riage coalition. At the two-hour event, Ted Hart, co- meetings are also scheduled. and diversity in a successful workforce. The conservative faith community com- Other speakers included Howard County prises the bulk of the opposition to the Executive Ken Ulman and Equality Maryland marriage equality bill. The Roman Catholic Board Chair Lisa Polyak. The session con- Church, conservative churches in the Afri- cluded with an hour of networking. can American tradition, and rightist elements Over 200 attended the launch. “We have in the Islamic and Jewish community have 11 members on the board and over 100 been outspoken opponents to the bill. Del. memberships already committed,” Ted Hart Emmet Burns (D-Baltimore County) and Del. told Baltimore OUTloud. “This was very ex- Don Dwyer (R-Anne Arundel County) have citing to have such strong support before we been the visible faces of the opposition in the even launch.” Maryland General Assembly. Hart added, “I think the need and the de- According to state senate leader Mike sire for this sort of organization has existed Miller, these groups are likely to form a for a long time. Several attempts have been strong coalition against marriage equality, made. What is different about this effort is petitioning the bill to referendum. If the bill the business plan developed, the business does go to referendum, the question of same orientation, and the senior level support re- sex marriage will be on the November 2012 cruited and committed.” t ballot. t

4 q BALTIMORE OUTLOUD January 27, 2012 • news // LOCAL Gender ID Protection Passes Bradley Manning Faces in Baltimore County Military Court Martial

T owson, MD – This week Baltimore Coun- that dream more possible for transgender Military officers orchestrating proceed- Authority, include the most serious charge ty Councilmembers Tom Quirk (District children in Baltimore County, who are at ings against PFC Bradley Manning have of “aiding the enemy.” Legal observers who 1), Vicki Almond (District 2), Kenneth N. much higher risk for suicide, unemploy- referred all charges that were considered followed the Article 32 proceedings noted Oliver (District 4), and Cathy Bevins (Dis- ment and homelessness,” said Catherine during last month’s Article 32 proceedings that military prosecutors never provided trict 6) introduced county legislation that Hyde, the coordinator of PFLAG Howard- to a general court martial. Investigating evidence of how these materials suppos- would prohibit discrimination on the basis County’s Transgender Parent Network. officer Lt. Col. Paul Almanza rejected a edly harmed national security. of gender identity and expression in the “All hardworking people in our state, request from lead defense counsel David “These charges contradict the ad- areas of housing, employment, education, including transgender people, should have Coombs to consolidate the 22 charges into ministration’s own impact assessments public accommodations, or financing. This a chance to earn a living and provide for three charges, expressing which showed that these bill was immediately applauded by the lo- themselves and their families. Nobody concerns that the military WikiLeaks revelations cal chapter of Parents, Families & Friends should have to live in fear that they can is over-charging PFC Man- posed no threat to our of Lesbians & Gays (PFLAG) and Gender be legally fired for reasons that have noth- ning. national security,” said Rights Maryland (GRMD), an organization ing to do with their job performance. I have “We’re disappointed but Kevin Zeese, a legal ad- dedicated to enacting similar statewide seen the result of this kind of discrimina- by no means surprised,” viser to the Bradley Man- protections. “The passage of this bill, from tion and it should not be allowed in Balti- said Jeff Paterson, a lead or- ning Support Network. PFLAG’s perspective, will work to create more County,” said Sharon Brackett, board ganizer for the Bradley Man- “But since the Obama a society that is healthy and respective of chair for Gender Rights Maryland. ning Support Network. “The administration appears diversity. PFLAG envisions a society that ”In recent polling, 63% of Marylanders investigating officer showed dead set on railroading embraces everyone, including those of di- support adding comprehensive protec- no concern for the conflict of Bradley Manning through verse gender expressions, regardless of tions. Gender Identity protections are on interest caused by his dual their show trial, we can’t sexual orientation or gender identity. Only the books in 15 states, the District of Co- employment with the Justice expect them to allow with respect, dignity and equality for all lumbia, and over 140 municipalities includ- Department, or the taint of such critical evidence will we reach our full potential as human ing Baltimore City, Montgomery County, bias arising from his com- or testimony to be con- beings, individually and collectively,” said and now Howard County covering 43% of mander-in-chief, President sidered. This evidence Mark Patro, chapter president of PFLAG Americans. We are seeking those protec- Obama, who publicly de- could have shown that Baltimore County. tions to be extended to all Marylanders. clared Manning to be guilty these materials were im- “As parents of transgender children we Baltimore County following on the heels of long before he ever had his Bradley Manning properly classified.” want the same thing for our children as all Howard County passing the same protec- day in court.” The new convening parents want: we want them to be happy, tions offers us tremendous momentum at Lt. Col. Paul Alamanza, authority Maj. Gen. Lin- to get a productive job, and to move out the state level going ahead,” added Brack- the investigating officer who referred the nington is expected to make a final rec- and support themselves. This bill will make ett. t charges to court martial, refused to recuse ommendation on these charges in about a himself on the grounds that his employer week, with the court martial anticipated to – the Justice Department – is pursuing a resume in three to five months. separate investigation into WikiLeaks. He Hundreds of supporters marched and Obama Touts Economic Plan was also criticized for allowing all of the demonstrated in support of Bradley Man- military’s witnesses and evidence to be ning outside the Article 32 proceedings at in State of the Union Address presented, while prohibiting all but two of Fort Meade last month. the defense’s witnesses from testifying, as Organizers say that the Obama admin- b y Kent Klein “The defining issue of our time is how well as evidence that could exonerate the istration can expect even larger numbers at As he faces a tough re-election campaign, to keep that promise alive. No challenge accused WikiLeaks whistle-blower. the court martial. t President Barack Obama devoted much is more urgent. No debate is more impor- The recommendations, which now go Courtesy of the Bradley Manning Sup- of his annual State of the Union address tant,” he said. before the Special Court Martial Convening port Network. Tuesday night to his plan to speed the U.S. The president said it is time to reclaim economic recovery. what he called “American values.” President Obama went before a sharp- “We can either settle for a country ly divided Congress and a concerned where a shrinking number of people do re- American public to promote his ideas for ally well, while a growing number of Ameri- boosting economic prosperity. cans barely get by. Or we can restore an “Tonight I want to speak about how economy where everyone gets a fair shot, we move forward and lay out a blueprint everyone does their fair share, and every- L:L:A8DB:NDJGA:II:GH# for an economy that is built to last – an one plays by the same set of rules,” he economy built on American manufactur- said. ing, American energy, skills for American Mr. Obama’s plan includes tax breaks % MAIL workers and a renewal of American val- for companies that keep jobs in the U.S, a ZY^idg5WVai^bdgZdjiadjY#Xdb ues,” he said. new Trade Enforcement Unit to investigate To reassure a worried middle class, the unfair trade practices in other countries, OR WRITE "ALTIMORE /54LOUD president stressed one of the main themes support for clean energy industries, tighter E#D#7dm(+)%!7Vai^bdgZ!BVgnaVcY'&'&) of his re-election campaign: reducing in- financial regulation, and programs to help come inequality and making the economy send more Americans to college. t more fair. – Voice of America.

BALTIMORE OUTLOUD January 27, 2012 • q 5 b eyond the beltway compiled by Jim Becker stream media (MSM). This means that we may end up with an Obama-Romney Mass. Governor Obama opposes matchup. For those who know best this is holds Trans rights worrying because we already know how restrictions the Romney machine excels at obfusca- bill ceremony on rights tion. This is a man who managed to fool the entire Commonwealth and get elected Boston, MA – An ebullient crowd gath- W ashington, D.C. – The White House, in as governor in the bluest state in the na- ered at the Massachusetts State House on response to a Washington Blade inquiry tion. Thursday, Jan. 19 at 11 a.m. to celebrate about the possible vote to repeal same- Romney and his reptilian press Gov. Deval Patrick’s ceremonial signing of sex marriage rights in New Hampshire, spokesperson Eric Fehrnstrom know how the Transgender Equal Rights Bill. The bill, WA bar association said that Presi- to play by endlessly working the MSM’s which was approved by the House on Nov. dent Obama “be- two chief weaknesses: 1) they see provid- 15, 2011 and the Senate on Nov. 16, was discusses needs of lieves strongly ing balance only as presenting everyone’s signed into law by Gov. Patrick on Nov. in stopping laws point of view on equal footing, no matter 23. The bill legally protects transgender LGBT elders designed to take how blatantly one side might be lying, and Massachusetts rights away.... 2) MSM journalists tend to protect people residents from S eattle, WA – The GLBT Bar Association While the presi- who look and feel like them. discrimination Foundation of Washington (QLaw Founda- dent does not Take the recent controversy over the in housing, em- tion) is scheduled to present a community weigh in on ev- Romney campaign’s denial that he was ployment and education event focusing on legal issues ery single action ever as strong a supporter of LGBT rights credit. facing elder members of Washington’s LGBT taken by legisla- as he appeared to be during his U.S. Sen- Tr a n s g e n - community. This presentation is the third in a tive bodies in our ate campaign against Ted Kennedy. der Massachu- series of community education panels pre- country, the re- There is absolutely no denying that Gov. Deval Patrick setts residents sented as part of Project OUTreach, an ef- cord is clear that Romney said, among other things, that and LGBT al- fort by the QLaw Foundation to provide legal Barack Obama the president has he would be better than Kennedy on gay lies bearing video cameras, legislative information to community members through- long opposed divisive and discriminatory rights. He said it in an interview. aides wearing political buttons, and moth- out Washington State, according to officials. efforts to deny rights and benefits to same- This newspaper has as proof the front ers holding children wearing rainbow ban- The event is titled “GLBT and Growing sex couples,” said White House spokes- page – a story and front page I helped to danas crowded the chamber at the State Older: Legal Issues in the Golden Years.” person Shin Inouye. “The president be- edit and lay out – specifically stating those House to hear a series of speeches from According to organizers, the event will in- lieves strongly in stopping laws designed very facts. activists and politicians prior to the bill’s clude presentations by a panel of preemi- to take rights away.” I remember having discussions at the signing. Many of the speakers said they nent attorneys. ‘Panelists will discuss a The statement doesn’t explicitly ex- time we ran that story that it all appeared saw the passage of the bill as a great vic- wide range of legal issues that GLBT el- press support for same-sex marriage or to be a little too good to be true, but that it tory, an example of courage, collaboration ders face, including long-term care financ- mention New Hampshire. At the same was nonetheless big news and it belonged and tenacity that embodied a victory for ing, planning for incapacity and death, and time, the statement doesn’t include lan- at the top of the front page. There also ex- civil rights. “This is about what happens unique concerns that impact GLBT people guage found in previous White House ist Romney gay pride flyers more than one when people turn toward each other in- as they age,’ QLaw officials told Seattle statements on marriage that states should former campaign worker says are legiti- stead of away from each other,” said Pat- Gay News. A podcast of the event will “determine for themselves how best to up- mate. rick. “I signed this bill as a manner of con- be available at hold the rights of their own citizens.” Such Nonethe- science. I want to thank you for turning this mittee, along with podcasts of the QLaw language was included in the White House less, Romney bill from an idea into a law. This isn’t the Foundation’s previous community educa- response to the North Carolina anti-gay has managed last fight to be reckoned with,” said Patrick. tion panels on bullying in public schools marriage measure that will be on the ballot to tamp this “There is unfinished business in the de- and LGBT parenting issues. Support for in May. story down in partment of doing right in the community.” Project OUTreach is provided by a gener- The vote to repeal the marriage law in the MSM sim- For Gunner Scott, executive director of ous grant from the Pride Foundation. New Hampshire has become an issue in ply by saying the Massachusetts Transgender Political The GLBT Bar Association of Washing- the presidential race. Both former Massa- the political Coalition (MTPC), the new law will prove ton Foundation exists to bridge the divide between the LGBT community and legal chusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Texas Gov. flyers were Mitt Romney transformative for many members of the Rick Perry spoke in favor of repeal prior not approved transgender community, which numbers professionals. Through its programs, the to the primary there. (Washington Blade – by Romney. likely more than 33,000 strong in Mas- foundation seeks to educate the public and Chris Johnson at As for the interviews he gave in this sachusetts. “This law is about affirming the courts about LGBT legal issues and newspaper – just ignore those long enough rights,” said Scott. “This law is for people empower community members through in- (and his former support for a woman’s right who think they can deny us those rights... formed access to the legal and judicial sys- to choose), and the MSM reporters will This piece of paper is not magic, but for tems. In addition to Project OUTreach, the Boston gay paper: move on to something sexier. many of us it is the result of hard work that foundation’s programs include a summer Is Romney really These are the same tactics that Rom- will change our lives.” grant program that offers summer intern- ney will use if he makes it to the general Speaker of the House Bob DeLeo said ship grants to law students to work on proj- a reptile? election. his first event as speaker was a MassE- ects that benefit the LGBT community and/ The question is: will the American elec- quality dinner in February, 2009. There, or people living with HIV/AIDS. The foun- Boston, MA – After winning in neighboring torate be fooled as easily as Bay State he said, he spoke about how he hoped to dation also offers, in conjunction with the New Hampshire, former Massachusetts voters when a right-wing ultra-wealthy cor- someday pass a transgender equal rights King County Bar Association, a monthly le- governor Mitt Romney lost in South Caro- porate raider insists he a moderate who is bill. “It took a little longer than I thought gal clinic that provides free legal advice on lina to Newt Gingrich. Notwithstanding this worried about jobs and the middle class? it would, but bottom line, we got it done,” LGBT issues. For more information, visit setback, Romney is considered the front- (Bay Windows – Jeff Epperley at Baywin- said DeLeo. (Bay Windows – Emily Cata- (Seattle Gay News runner and most moderate by the main- neo at – Shaun Knittel at 6 q BALTIMORE OUTLOUD January 27, 2012 • b eyond the beltway

“For many years I tried to fit into the box of “When we first started planning our Santa Barbara. For additional information Panel drops LGBT heterosexuality. I tried my hardest to cre- civil union, we had no idea that it would about the Mark Bowland Leadership Fund persons from Ohio ate heterosexuality in my life but this also come to this,” Bernstein said. “We weren’t or ASU LGBTQA Services, contact Chris created a lot of shame, a sense of failure, asking the association to change their be- Schlarb at [email protected] or refer bully bill and discouragement. Nothing I did seemed liefs. We just wanted them to give us the to the ASU Scholarships webpage Schol- to change me into a heterosexual even same opportunity to use a beautiful space scholarship/1861 (Echo C olumbus, OH – Just a few weeks after though I was in a marriage that included that we had seen open for public use.” The Magazine – at Equality Ohio sent an e-mail to members heterosexual behavior.” Yup. He’s gay. couple filed a complaint with the Division and supporters expressing optimism for Smid was executive Director of Love in on Civil Rights, which in 2008 found proba- the coming year, the Ohio Senate Edu- Action until 2008, where he claimed his ex- ble cause that the association violated the Hungarian cation Committee put forward only two- gay Christian ministry could “restore those nondiscrimination law. The case came be- thirds of the anti-bully bill introduced by trapped” in homosexuality. In the June 23, fore Metzger, an administrative law judge, constitution bans Rep. Nickie Antonio in the state House of 2005 issue of for his finding. Representatives. The bill, which passed Bay Windows, Alliance Defense Fund, which is repre- same-sex marriage the committee unanimously, requires that then-editor Su- senting the association, said it is consider- school districts provide comprehensive san Ryan-Voll- ing its next steps, which could include an Budapest, Hungry – Hungary’s ruling anti-bullying training and provisions to mar brought to appeal. “The government should not be right-wing Fidesz party, which came to protect students against “cyber-bullying.” light the plight able to force a private Christian organiza- power with a two-thirds majority in the par- But the part of the bill which enumerated of a 16-year-old tion to use its property in a way that would liament last year, has pushed through a categories upon which protections can be Tennessee teen violate its own religious beliefs,” said ADF new constitution that vastly increases the based – including sexual orientation and who came out to Litigation Staff Counsel Jim Campbell. power of the party leader, Viktor Orban. gender identity – was removed. his parents and (Philadelphia Gay News – Jen Colletta at Tens of thousands of Hungarians – includ- Equality Ohio pointed out in a press re- was promptly ing LGBT activists – have taken to the lease after the January 10 vote that 18 per- shipped off to a streets in protest. Among other changes cent of students in districts with policies that reparative ther- the new constitution bans gay marriage do not enumerate categories feel unsafe, apy program Scholarship at and fails to explicitly protect LGBT peo- compared to only 2 percent of students in has struck a ple from unfair dismissal or hate crimes. districts with policies that include enumera- Matthew Shepa- Arizona State open It also appears to ban abortion by saying tion. It also noted that students in states rd-like chord that fetuses must be protected from con- without enumeration in anti-bullying laws among bloggers to LGBT students ception onwards. Simultaneously, a Family report the same levels of bullying as those John Smid and Memphis- Protection Bill was passed which defines in states without any bullying laws at all. area Tennesse- T ucson, AZ – A new scholarship at Arizona the family unit as heterosexual and says The three parts of the bill were introduced ans. The incident lead activist to demon- State University will help LGBT students that preparing for family life should be part separately in the Ohio House of Representa- strate in support of the teen. (Bay Windows pay for the cost of their college education. of the school curriculum. In addition, the tives, so enumeration may still pass in that – Sue O’Connell at The deadline is Feb. 7 to apply for the first bill stipulates that media services should chamber and be accepted by the Senate. Mark Bowland Leadership Scholarship. broadcast programs that respect the insti- “It’s been a long 48 hours, let’s just put it that The scholarship recognizes “the contri- tution of marriage and family. way,” said Ed Mullen, executive director of butions of young adult leaders and indel- Hungary decriminalized gay sexual Equality Ohio. “Our hope was that all three NJ judge rules ible impact that their efforts have on the acts in 1961 and allows Gay couples to reg- would be rolled into one, but enumeration against church over present and future,” according to the ASU ister their partnerships, but does not allow was left out. It would have been easier and website. The half tuition scholarship is them to adopt. Since 2002, it has had an quicker had it been added as an amendment same-sex ceremony open to juniors who are attending school equal age of consent and gay people may or a substitution bill to what was in the Sen- fulltime and identify as LGBT or question- serve in the military. Tamás Dombos, of the ate. We’ve always known it was going to be O cean Grove, NJ – A judge in New Jersey ing. Applicants will be screened by a com- Háttér Support Society for LGBT People, an uphill battle to get things passed,” Mullen last week ruled against a religious insti- mittee of student leaders and professional told Gay Star News that “Despite such bad noted, pointing out that the hearings provided tution that sought to prevent a same-sex organized by ASU’s LGBTQA Services. news, there is a ray of hope, LGBT rights is usable data going forward. “Now we know couple from using its beachside board- Applicants must have a 3.25 grade point now a mainstream issue embraced by the t who is for it and who is not for it, and we know walk pavilion for a commitment ceremony. average. Other factors considered will in- opposition.” (Seattle Gay New – Scott who to approach in a targeted way to change Judge Solomon Metzger found Jan. 12 that clude demonstration of leadership and fi- Wittet at their vote,” he said. “I think there is definitely a the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Associa- nancial need, according to Chris Schlarb, chance of it going forward. I can’t say yet how tion violated the state’s Law against dis- LGBT specialist at the university. Multiple optimistic I am that it will pass, it’s too early crimination when it denied a lesbian couple scholarship recipients may be considered to tell.” (Gay People’s Chronicle – Anthony access to its pavilion, which it had been by the donors and there is a possibility of These news notes have been compiled, Glassman at renting to heterosexual couples for wed- renewal of the scholarship. with permission, from the online version ding ceremonies. At the time complainants The scholarship honors the life of Mark of various newspapers and other web Harriet Bernstein and Luisa Paster applied Bowland and is being funded by his fam- sites. We thank these publications for to use the pavilion in 2007, Metzger said ily. Bowland, a native of Colorado, was a allowing us to bring you their news sto- Surprise! the structure was functioning as a public 1996 graduate of ASU’s College of Nurs- ries. Usually the reports have been sig- Another ex-gay is accommodation, subject to the state’s non- ing and Health Innovation. He died unex- nificantly edited and you can read the discrimination law, which includes sexual pectedly at the age of 44 in 2010 in Santa full story by going to the web site men- no longer ex orientation and gender identity. Additional- Barbara. After graduating from ASU, Bow- tioned following the item. Comments ly, Metzger noted the association had a tax land worked as a nurse for two years, then are strictly the opinions of Jim Becker Boston, MA – John Smid, the former ex- exemption from the state, which requires earned a degree in interior design from and not of Baltimore OUTloud or Pride ecutive director of Exodus International’s nonprofit entities to open up their property Scottsdale Community College. He started Media. oldest ministry Love in Action, now says: for “public use on an equal basis.” his own design firm in Paradise Valley and


quarter century – longer than any counter- people tend to respond more progressively Americans the right to civil marriages. NOM part in the country. Miller has represented in these polls, which could have artificially has so much clout that Republican presidential his district (Calvert and Prince George’s upped the pro-equality numbers. candidates signed a pledge to support a consti- counties) as senator since the Ford admin- Moreover, the survey did not target tutional amendment that would define marriage istration after being elected to the House of likely voters. The same groups that Miller as between one man and one woman. Other OUT Delegates during Nixon’s term. mentioned, including African-Americans groups representing Catholics as well as Afri- Spoken Numerous politicos and journalists be- who are expected to turn out in large num- can-American mega-churches are also eager lieve that Miller is the most powerful person bers because of the presidential election, to thwart the bill or overturn it in a referendum. Steve Charing in the state, even more so than the gov- are not yet convinced that marriage equali- This is not to suggest that the pro-equal- ernor. Heck, they named the senate office ty is good for the state and families or does ity coalition under the banner Marylanders building after him and he’s not even dead. such a change comport with their religious for Marriage Equality is not motivated. There Miller knows Maryland, and he knows beliefs. Older citizens, who more likely op- are a considerable number of dedicated in- A Question of politics like no oth- pose same-sex dividuals and organizations working hard to er. Is he on target, marriage, tend secure marriage equality in the state. however, in predict- to vote propor- As Delegate Luke Clippinger (D-46th Motivation ing doom for the bill tionately higher District) told me, “The coalition has field that would legalize in their demo- organizers in key districts. The coalition Just as the 2012 General Assembly was same-sex marriage graphic than also has the benefit of polling, of media about to begin, Maryland Senate Presi- in Maryland? Is he younger voters advisors, of people with state-wide politi- dent Thomas V. “Mike” Miller said on the correct declaring do – once again cal experience, and of a finance commit- Marc Steiner radio show that “a coming that the “other side tilting the scale tee that has already raised a considerable together of evangelicals, Catholics, Afri- is more motivated”? against marriage amount of money. All of these things…are can-Americans” will oppose the marriage- He may have a equality. essential parts of a successful campaign equality measure. “If it goes to polls, the case. A recent Gon- Based on and they are already in place.” It is going other side is more motivated, and I think zales poll taken this this analysis to require a high level of volunteerism and they will get their voters out, and I think it month indicates a alone, the mar- financial contributions by LGBT individuals goes down to defeat.” two-percentage point edge favoring same- riage equality scenario in 2012 is not as and allies to win the battles ahead. Like him or not (I don’t), Mike Miller, who sex taken among registered voters in rosy as some believe, thereby validating opposes same-sex marriage, is an astute Maryland – well within the margin of error Miller’s assessment. “Is Miller on target in politician. The conservative Democrat has and thus a statistical tie. However, many And there are other factors. Rather served as Maryland Senate president for a folks rightly believe that on social issues, than waiting for marriage equality to be le- predicting doom for the galized in Maryland, many gay and lesbian couples tied the knot in Washington, D.C. bill that would legalize or in the other states that allow it. Attorney same-sex marriage in General Douglas F. Gansler’s opinion in 2010 that said Maryland should recognize Maryland?” those valid marriages conducted in the other states influences couples to marry elsewhere. So the motivation may not be As we have observed on the national as strong as it once was. political stage, motivation can be crucial. Although the total increased by 50 To that point, the Republican Party will percent, the estimated number of gay and likely be nominating a candidate who is lesbian couples – 17,000 according to the flawed and not loved by their base but he 2010 census – is a fraction of the entire is perceived to be best positioned to defeat LGBT population in Maryland. (In Balti- Barack Obama. more City, there are approximately 2900 “The opportunity to beat a polarizing such couples.) incumbent is a powerful motivating force,” Among those couples, not all are seek- wrote Nate Silver of in ing marriage for a variety of reasons. And the New York Times. many of those who are unattached do not We need to get motivated here – even ever expect to be married. This also tamps those who don’t see marriage in their fu- down the motivation of the pro-equality side. ture – to do what’s right and just, and ul- On the other hand, the opposition is indeed timately to prove that Mike Miller’s asser- very motivated. Well-organized and well-fund- tions are nothing more than hot air. t ed groups like the National Organization for Steve Charing’s OUTspoken blog is at Marriage exist solely to deny gay and lesbian

8 q BALTIMORE OUTLOUD January 27, 2012 • bona fide gender-related identity and the con- with project Head Start, one of our goals was to will go along to get along. They always do. sistent, public manifestation of that identity end sex-role stereotyping so that children could The amendment process is tedious, and in the gender-related appearance of an indi- grow up to be exactly who they wanted to be. once that process results in a small “win” for vidual regardless of the individual’s assigned In those days people still referred to “lady doc- the other side our position weakens, if even sex at birth.” tor” and “lady lawyer” as pejoratives for females just symbolically. Then they will go after pub- This is “feel good” language, it doesn’t who stepped out of their “place.” lic accommodations, and some proponents of leave anyone out. Those children are all grown up now, and this bill have been willing to sacrifice public Part of the definition we can toss out, the some of them are creating laws to codify those accommodations in the past. If we end up fol- part that goes on between the ears, nobody old timed stereotypes into Maryland law. Ahh, lowing the example set by Massachusetts it can discriminate against you because of how the rebelliousness of youth! Maybe next year will start a pattern for other states to follow. Gender Identity Bill you identify inside your brain. The “assigned the liberal democrats will propose a “stay at This bill is the result of a lot of hard work on sex at birth” part is unimportant too. Nobody home mom” law, requiring women who show the part of a small group of people. The miss- Comprehensive knows what your mom’s obstetrician called a “consistent, public manifestation” as moth- ing element was the open public discussion of you the day you were born. ers to stay at home until the children reach the the language. Had that discussion taken place But Vulnerable So let’s take out the meaningless words age of majority. we might have crafted airtight language that and see what we have left. I hope that liberal democrats will think would be hard for the opponents to attack. For A comprehensive gender identity anti-dis- “Gender identity” means the consistent, twice about enacting a law that codifies sex- instance, we could have addressed the issue crimination bill Senate Bill 212 was dropped public manifestation of that identity in the role stereotypes. Conservatives will continue of intentional fraud, which is really what most on January 20. The trans scouts are gathered gender-related appearance of an individual; the complaint that this leaves the door open to opponents are most concerned about. Or, we around the campfire singing “Kumbaya” and in other words, it’s all based on your looks. places that are distinctly private and personal. could have been more radical, and moved the the scout leaders are reassuring them that all The definition is based on appearance The LGBT press will quote their most outland- discussion toward a broader discussion of sex will be well, and that Uncle Martin O’Malley will only, since “identity” is internal, it cannot be ish claims as preposterous; and they are. discrimination. However, that would be too old look out for them too. The roar of the campfire proved or disproved. Opponents, and even However, this vague definition makes those school, almost as bad as trying to eliminate and the gleeful sound of transfolk singing, and supporters, are likely to amend this vague claims easier for legislators to consider. sex-role stereotypes. all is right with the world. definition, and that process takes time. The A more specific definition would lower the A more specific definition would have a Deep in the forest the wolves have gath- more time that is spent with amending and controversy and give the bill a better chance. better chance of passing. It doesn’t matter if ered, they have picked up the scent of the bill, voting on the amendments, the more likely This language works right into the hands of our “we” like the definition. What matters is what the succulent scent of a vulnerable bill with the bill will fail. opponents. It is an open invitation for amend- definition “they” will vote “yay” on. deliciously vague language. This year’s defini- The language requires a “consistent public ments, and that means we will be allowing the That said, it is delightful flowery language tion of gender identity is the vaguest we have manifestation” of a sex-role stereotype, “Gen- people who like trans people the least to define with a dose of Latin thrown in to make it sound seen yet. der-related appearance,” is just that, a sex-role gender identity. After they offer those amend- legalistic. But is it passable? “Gender identity” means a persistent, stereotype. Back in the day, when I worked ments, some of our “allies” in the legislature It’s all about being passable, isn’t it? t

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BALTIMORE OUTLOUD January 27, 2012 • q 9 around the world. constitutionality of state Jim Crow laws man- Around the globe, girls and wom- dating racial segregation (eventually over- en are treated like property and sport. turned in Brown v. Board of Education). We would think that the West is more en- Ladybug’s With regard to marriage equality, many Crossroads lightened. Political supporters of other aspects of “gay rights” Chronicles However, closer examination shows a Smackdown balk – such as civil rights protections in hous- persistent and resistant stench of misogy- Cathy Brennan ing, employment, credit and public accom- Rev. Mother Meredith Moise ny. From sexual harassment to date rape, modations – at extending marriage rights the lives of girls and women is the West because of religious convictions or other can be just as precarious as our sisters in personal beliefs about what marriage means. the East. We are routinely sexualized for When Will Indeed, undue pressure has been put on Afri- A Sister’s money and exploited. can-American lawmakers to support marriage Lest a woman think she can es- We Be Wed? equality, in part by appealing to “separate but Anguish cape this hatred through corporate lad- equal is not equal.” der climbing, the ugliness is there. By the time you read this, Governor Martin Separate but equal is not equal mes- There has been a lot of buzz this week in Check the Clarence Thomas and Her- O’Malley should have introduced the marriage saging ignores, however, that the Maryland regard to women’s issues. The Washing- man Cain debacles, if you forgot. equality bill to great fanfare in the Maryland General Assembly could, in fact, adopt legis- ton Post published a story about how black Then we come to the LGBT movement. General Assembly. Maryland’s GLBT com- lation that would provide that marriage, wher- women viewed themselves. A letter from a One would think that our community would munity has been ramping up for this moment ever defined in Maryland law, includes “civil black woman to the black church made its be much more open and affirming to wom- since the painful collapse of the marriage unions,” and that “civil unions” means a union way around the internet regarding the insti- en. The sad truth is that our movement is a campaign in the House of Delegates in the between two people of the same sex. Indeed, tution’s misogyny. Then the anniversary of great reflection of society at large. Lesbian 2011 session. People in our community and Cheryl Glenn, a Baltimore City delegate who Roe vs. Wade made headlines. and same gender loving women’s issues beyond are bracing for a rigorous debate as represents in part the gay-saturated neighbor- I find it curious that when many of are often not discussed or explored, save GLBT organizations and their supporters do hood of Lauraville, proposed civil unions as an us talk about women’s issues, it really is for niche, academic discussions. Where battle with the antis amassed to remind the alternative to the marriage bill last session. only in the context of reproductive rights are the wholesale discussions about lesbi- public at large that “Gay Marriage” will dam- Why do gays resist this? Why do gays and not comprehensive human rights. an health issues and economic disparities? age society. unquestioningly accept that is Separate but One morning, I read a new story about an Where is the movement to secure sound It is no secret that marriage equality sup- equal is not equal? Iranian woman killed in Texas because parental rights for lesbians outside of the porters are banking on the governor to do the Political observers note that there seems of her open advocacy for the end of the context of marriage? How about a compre- heavy lifting necessary to pass this legislation, to be a divide in the GLBT community along present Iranian regime and its treatment hensive study on the lives of lesbians and notwithstanding the formation of the Maryland- racial lines. Indeed, some of the most vocal of females. This story is a painful reminder same gender loving women across race ers for Marriage Equality coalition. It’s also no opponents to a civil union compromise in the that women remain an oppressed majority and economic status in 2012? t secret that any marriage equality legislation GLBT community have been white gay males. will almost certainly be successfully petitioned Perhaps they chafe at the notion that anyone to referendum. Indeed, Delegate Aisha N. would consider them to be anything less than Braveboy attempted to amend the last year’s a “first class citizen”? Perhaps they are used marriage equality legislation to make the bill to getting what they want because of their contingent on a referendum. Indeed, there is white male status? much debate over whether marriage equality Which brings us to “The Goal”? What is would survive a referendum. the goal of marriage equality? Is it to ensure Over the next few months, you will hear that white males feel “fully equal”? Is it to en- certain themes repeated during this de- sure that same-gender loving couples have bate. These themes help us discern what access to the full panoply of rights afforded to exactly marriage equality will accomplish, for heterosexual married couples? Or something whom, and how we arrive at the goal (howev- else? er defined). One common theme you will hear If we want to ensure that same-gender is Separate but equal is not equal. This mes- loving couples have access to the same rights saging intends to spurn attempts to advance as heterosexual couples, we can accomplish civil unions as an alternative to marriage. this through civil unions. Further, opponents Marriage supporters have made clear that seem less likely to petition a civil union bill to they believe it’s “Marriage or Bust” because a referendum, thus ensuring that our communi- so-called “separate but equal” strategy – such ties can access protections sooner rather than as civil unions for gays – hearkens back to later. Further, a civil union law would place the Jim Crow era in which government seg- Maryland firmly in the camp of states that regated facilities between whites and African- recognize our relationships – an important, Americans. Sure, the “separate but equal” not-to-be-overlooked fact if we consider that, refrain has a certain liberal appeal, but there ultimately, the U.S. Supreme Court will have are historical issues with its applicability to the its say on this issue. marriage equality debate. One, Jim Crow was The quest for marriage equality has never “separate but equal” – Jim Crow was drained significant resources – in terms of constructed to reinforce racist white notions time and money – from other important mat- that African-Americans were inferior to whites. ters facing our communities. Relationship rec- There was nothing equal about it – African- ognition for same-gender loving couples is im- Americans had the worst of all facilities. The portant for our community, no doubt about it. U.S. Supreme Court invented the fictional It’s just that many of us are unconvinced that doctrine of “separate but equal” in the immoral “Marriage or Bust” is what we need to achieve Plessy v. Ferguson decision that upheld the this goal. t 10 q BALTIMORE OUTLOUD January 27, 2012 • gender rights maryland Equality maryland Trans Folk in Scouting Marriage Equality in Maryland Sharon Brackett Rocket weekend. The troop would join the by Carrie Evans Organizations like the NAACP-Baltimore, As legal protections for trans people are Maryland Delaware Rocketry Association The 430th session of Maryland’s General the ACLU of Maryland, Human Rights being debated in Baltimore County our (MDRA) on the eastern shore of Maryland Assembly began January 11, 2012. This is Campaign, SEIU-1199, Progressive Mary- friends in the opposition, namely Dr. Ruth and participate in daylong rocket launching. the year we expect the legislature to pass land, and Equality Maryland have joined Jacobs and her organization, Citizens for Since I am a rocketeer I would lead the out- marriage equality. forces to coordinate our efforts to pass a Responsible Government (CRG), have ing. Therefore, I did, my first as my “new” self The effort to secure the freedom to the bill. The coalition approach is a win- come out of the woodwork to complain with the Scouts. The reaction of my Scouts marry for same-sex couples in Maryland win. For a small statewide organization about trans people taking their rightful to my new “presentation”, nothing. Bupkis. began in 2004. A lawsuit was filed on be- like Equality Maryland, having these part- place among all parties in society. I have Nada. Like nothing had ever changed. My half of nine same-sex couples and a sur- ners has been very helpful. We are able to to take exception with one of the claims in oldest son, soon aging out of Scouting, came viving partner of a 13-year relationship. share and expand the work it takes to pass their propaganda. Truth be told, I take ex- with us and helped the younger Scouts. The The lawsuit argued that the denial of mar- this significant legislation. To work along- ception with most of their claims but in this reaction of the other leaders was all positive riage licenses to same-sex couples was a side the staff of these organizations is in- case I will deconstruct just one example. and friendly. Let me quote the present Scout- violation of Maryland’s constitution. vigorating and inspiring. Our common goal The quote reads master: “Thank you, In 2007, Maryland’s highest court dis- of achieving marriage equality in Maryland as follows: “The Mary- Sharon, I do not agreed with this argument and forced the keeps us unified and focused. land Assembly reject- know how we would issue to be fought on the legislative front. Marylanders for Marriage Equality has ed a similar “gender do this without you.” In 2008, the first bill to expand access to been able to achieve so much more than identity” bill last year Some have marriage to include same-sex couples was any single organization could. We have when it realized that challenged why introduced in the General Assembly. been able to produce powerful videos fea- the Boy Scouts could I have remained The lead Senate sponsor, Gwendolyn turing Marylanders (and people with Mary- be forced to hire in Scouting. The Britt, unexpectedly died days before the land connections) speaking up for equal- cross-dressing wom- answer is simple. session began. Several of her colleagues ity. We have dispatched field staff across en as Scout leaders.” I prefer to make signed on as co-sponsors to honor her the state to knock on doors and organize I am a “recover- change from within. memory. Since that time, support for the phone banks in key districts, and we are ing” Scoutmaster. Pri- These Scouts and bill has increased – both among legisla- working to make our Lobby Day in Annapo- or to transition, I was Scout leaders now tors and the general public. In 2011, the lis on February 13th the biggest yet! When the Scoutmaster of have a positive ex- bill passed the Senate. we pass marriage equality on 2012 it will my local troop where ample of a trans This year the effort to pass the bill has be a collective victory for every coalition my son was a Scout. person among been greatly enhanced. Our governor, member and for the families of Maryland. I was trained as a them. If I am not Martin O’Malley, has made this measure To find out more about our coalition and leader in Scouting there, then they one of his priorities. With his strong com- view the fantastic videos in support of mar- and later went on to have no reference mitment to all Maryland families, people riage equality visit Marylandersformarria- become an instructor point. My presence are taking notice. Additionally, in July t of that same training, creates change, my 2011, several organizations came together The author is executive director of as well as completing absence does not. to form Marylanders for Marriage Equality. Equality Maryland. the highest level of The last point in training in Scouting, the Wood Badge. For this debunking is the claim that the bill last those in the know, I am an “Owl.” year died because of Scouting. What a fic- At the time of my transition, I sent an tion. It died because the senate president Baltimore County Forges Ahead on Gender Rights open letter to the members of my troop. I killed it in a procedural vote, the history of offered to completely step away from the which is well documented. So my message by Mark Patro ty and the community organizing group: troop. The troop, wanting to make sure that to CRG is: Get your facts straight, and if you Towson – On Tuesday January 17, 2012, The Esimorp Coalition. they had followed policy and procedure noti- are going to make claims about trans people the Baltimore County Council meeting The opponents followed their now fied the district level (county) and then noti- and the things we do, or don’t do, please at came to order at 6pm, shortly after learn- scripted routine trying to fill the Council fied the council level (regional, “Baltimore”) least make some effort to provide evidence. ing that Councilman Kenneth Oliver added members with scary stories of what might about my transition. The response – it was In addition, as we dissect each of these his name to bill 3-12 as a cosponsor. The happen if this bill were to pass. They total- a troop matter. A similar process was con- claims you are going to find that there just bill now has four cosponsors including Tom ly ignored the fact that many in the LGBT ducted with the Methodist church that spon- isn’t any supporting evidence, and most of Quirk, Cathy Bevans and Council Chair community are still discriminated against sors the troop. The church administration what you say is fiction, based in fear. I say Vicki Almond. on a regular basis. The most passionate responded, “We have trans clergy, this is not respectfully, prove it. There were about 120 people in atten- and articulate supporting statements were an issue.” The bottom line is there is nothing in a dance including a Girl Scout troop of about made by Catherine Hyde, Dana Beyer, Therefore, the decision about my con- trans rights bill that forces anybody to do thirty girls and their troop leaders. The girls Sharon Brackett and Jenna Fischetti. tinued participation in Scouting was left to anything other than the right thing. My expe- lead the pledge of allegiance at the begin- Mathew Munk’s powerful and emphatic the adults I had worked with over the last rience has shown that if you give most good ning of the proceedings. Supporters of the speech drew a thunderous round of ap- few years. Their decision – they asked people the chance to do that they will. This bill made themselves obvious by wearing plause. me to stay on, and as a registered adult bill insures that the playing field is level from purple. The working session is scheduled for leader. The reality is that the vast majority the start and that, like my Scout troop, peo- Many supportive groups were present February 14th at 2pm. If you want to speak, of “Scouters” are all volunteers. There are ple, employers and organizations will value and testified: Gender Rights Maryland, you will need to be signed-in by 1:45 p.m. very few paid professional Scouting lead- you for what you bring to the table, and noth- PFLAG of Baltimore, Howard & Carroll PFLAG and Gender Rights Maryland en- ers. ing else will matter. t Counties, Equality Maryland, TransMary- courage you to attend and speak up for In September 2011, I led a Scout- The author is board chair Gender Rights land , Young Democrats of Maryland, the your civil rights. Be in the chamber wearing ing event that I had created with my troop. Maryland. Rainbow Youth Alliance of Baltimore Coun- purple if you support the bill. t

BALTIMORE OUTLOUD January 27, 2012 • q 11 health & wellnesS

• drug use, especially methamphet- amines, but also cocaine and opioids like heroin and Percocet • many prescription medications, espe- cially two categories of blood pressure medi- Open Wide cations: beta blockers and thiazide diuretics ask Dr Eva • emotional problems, including anxi- Dr Eva Hersh ety, depression and stress • lack of sleep • performance anxiety: If you are con- cerned that you will not have a firm erection, Penis Questions that worry can become a self-fulfilling proph- ecy, leading to more problems with erections, for the New Year leading to more worry, in a vicious cycle • aging: there is ongoing decrease in Dear Dr. Eva, the firmness of erections as men grow old- Guys sometimes wake up with an erec- er. This is a progressive change, gradually tion. We call this a piss hard-on and go to increasing with age – not something that the bathroom, and it goes down. Is there happens suddenly when you turn 50. really a difference between this and an • low testosterone: low testosterone erection caused by sexual arousal? affects sexual drive or interest more than Mike it directly affects erections, but the low- ered interest translates to less stimulation, Dear Mike, which causes decreased erections. There is no physical difference. Men have Now, about the clearer ejaculate (cum): erections periodically through the night as part sperm contribute to the whitish color of of the normal sleep cycle, and these are not ejaculate, so it is possible you are produc- necessarily associated with sexual dreams. ing less sperm. This is not related to the Because of these normal sleep erections, men quality of erections. Men who have had va- often wake up with erections whether they sectomies have no sperm in the ejaculate, need to urinate or not. Erections go down with but they have no change in their erections. urination because it is near-impossible to uri- Unless you are wanting to have a child, this nate when fully erect. Men can sometimes uri- is not something to be concerned about. nate with a partial erection but they often need to use a lot of pressure to get the urine out. So Dear Dr. Eva, people think it is the urine or urge to urinate I have (always) had that causes an erection, but it really isn’t. a ring of little bumps around the base of the Dear Dr. Eva, head of my penis, like a I recently turned 50. My erections aren’t as tiny ruffle. My previous hard as they used to be (still hard enough to partner thought it was have sex) and I notice that the fluid that comes cute and accepted it out is more clear, when it used to be more white. as part of me. My new Is there something wrong with me? partner thinks I have Worried warts and is insisting we use condoms. What Dear Worried, do you think? There is not necessarily anything Decorated S pot the spots wrong with you. This is worth a discus- sion with your health care professional, Dear Decorated, because there are so many things that can Please see the photo. Is this what your cause decreased erections. They include: penis looks like? If so, you are the proud pos- • vascular problems: lack of blood flow sessor of pearly penile papules. (See, even to the penis, caused by cholesterol block- the name is cute!) This is a normal variation ing the arteries in the shape of the glans (head of the penis). • smoking tobacco, which causes nar- It is not a form of warts. However, there are rowing of the arteries in all parts of the so many good reasons to use condoms that body, including the penis. This lasts for 90 I suggest you go ahead and use them, even minutes after each cigarette smoked! after you explain to your partner that PPP’s • nerve problems: erections require are not warts. Good reasons to use condoms: good function of the nerves to the penis, HIV, syphilis, herpes, warts, Chlamydia, gon- which can be damaged by diabetes or viral orrhea, and more! t illnesses such as HIV and chronic hepatitis Eva Hersh is a Baltimore family phy- • alcohol use, which affects both libido sician. Email her at editor@baltimoreout- (sex drive) and physical function 12 q BALTIMORE OUTLOUD January 27, 2012 • Visit us at If You are OUT, then You are IN with Us! “ALL ARE WELCOME!” EmmanuEl God with us St. Michael The Archangel Catholic Church all of us 3701 4th Street, Brooklyn, MD 21225 without ExcEption 443-869-5548 sunday sErvicEs Sunday Mass 9:30am and 12:00 Noon 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM A Parish of the New Catholic Church of North America


A Reconciling Congregation with open hearts, open minds, and open doors.

Being a lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered person is a gift from God! Mt. Vernon’s Church of the Arts we invite You to Join Us for two Unique sunday worship experiences … 811 Cathedral Street at read Street FeBRuARy 12 • 10 AM Mount Vernon’S ChurCh of the artS Catonsville High School Steel Drum Band Playing Mardi Gras & Classical Music FeBRuARy 26 • 10 AM Celebrate Black History Month with a Service of EMM2011_Outloud_Feb.indd 1 1/28/11 11:25 AM Gospel Music Directed by Robert Cantrell AllAll AreAre WelcomeWelcome Grace United Methodist chUrch St. Bernadette 5407 N. Charles St. at Northern Parkway Roman Catholic THE BALTIMORE Baltimore, MD 21210 • 410-433-6650 Church ETHICALSOCIETY www.GraceUnitedMethodist.orG SUNDAYS AT 10:30 A.M. — FREE & OPEN TO ALL Spot the spots Our Weekend Mass Schedule: SATURDAY 5:30 p.m. JANUARY 29 SUNDAY “Urban Food Access in Baltimore” 9:00 a.m.,10:45 a.m., 12:15 p.m. FEBRUARY 5 Contact Ann McDonald, Pastoral Life Director “The Morality of Capitalism 410-969-2785 and Free International Trade” 801 Stevenson Road - Severn, MD 21144-2299 410-969-2783 306 W. FRANKLIN ST., STE. 102 Unity Fellowship Church of Columbia Our Services are held at: Locust Park Neighborhood Center 8995 Lambskin Lane, Columbia, MD 21045 Come Celebrate with us! The Byzantine Rite Old Catholic Church is pleased to announce Rev. Dorothy Harris, Founding Pastor the opening of our Cathedral of Saint Antony We are no longer at First Unitarian. Divine Liturgy is now Saturdays 2 PM at Long Contact us to Join our mailing list: [email protected] Green Center, 115 E. Melrose, Avenue in Baltimore, MD. For more information, contact [email protected] or 443-691-4926.

BALTIMORE OUTLOUD January 27, 2012 • q 13 CELEBRATE THE SEASON Live r ly A ts // screen SAVOR AND GIVE THE GIFT OF FITNESS! Parton and Latifah make a she’s not much of an actress, and you nev- Joyful Noise er once forget that you’re watching Dolly Parton, but she gives the role of G.G. a b y Chuck Duncan down-to-earth realness even with all of the The small town of Pacashau, Georgia, outlandish (for a small Georgian town) hair has fallen on hard times, but the people and makeup. are counting on the Divinity Church Choir That’s not to say you ever forget you’re to lift their spirits by winning the National watching Queen Latifah either, but she Joyful Noise Competition. The choir has also brings a nice earthiness to the har- always known how to sing in harmony, but ried mother of two (the son has Aspergers the discord between its two leading ladies Syndrome) with a husband who keeps run- APPY HOU now threatens to tear them apart. Their ning off to the military when things at home Join now and receive a R Y R! newly appointed director, Vi Rose Hill get tough. Keke Palmer and Jeremy Jor- 1-month gift member- FO Meet adoptable (Queen Latifah), stubbornly wants to stick dan also come off as real teens and they S animals from MAS Rescue with their tried-and-true tra- do have some nice * U the first Tuesday of Every month ditional style, while the fiery chemistry. Now, the ship for a friend! from 5:00–7:30 at Meadow Mill! G.G. Sparrow (Dolly Parton) choir members may N Beer, wine, compimentary thinks tried-and-true trans- be a bit over-the-top *Offer expires Dec. 31, 2011. I O appetizers and puppies! lates to tired-and-old. and one cliché after *Certain restrictions apply. J (Kittens, dogs , and cats, too!) Shaking things up even another, but that’s more is the arrival of G.G.’s what you get with the rebellious grandson, Randy comic relief roles. (Jeremy Jordan). Randy Of course, the has an ear for music, but main selling point of • 410.235.7000 he also has an eye for Vi the movie is the sing- Rose’s beautiful and tal- ing, and what glori- ented daughter, Olivia (Keke ous singing there is. Palmer), and the sparks be- “Man in the Mirror” tween the two teenagers are has become one of causing even more friction my favorite Michael between G.G. and Vi Rose. If Jackson songs, and these two strong-willed wom- Palmer and the choir en can put aside their dif- just raise the roof of ferences for the good of the the church with their people in their town, they – and their choir rendition… and made my eyes well up with – may make the most joyful noise of all. the beauty of the voices and the emotion I’ve been around long enough to know Palmer put into the song. Latifah’s solo, by now that the movies that get stuck with “ Jesus,” is also lovely as she sings a January release date are usually not all alone in the church late at night. There’s a that great. There have been a few excep- very cool bit of direction during the number tions to that rule, but generally you can as the camera dollies around Latifah at a pretty much count out the January films piano to reveal the formerly empty stage as being “must see.” But, every once in filled with a “heavenly” choir. a while, a film comes along that you feel Dolly also has a beautiful solo, a love will be a dog and it totally catches you song that G.G. and her late husband used off guard. For me, Joyful Noise is one of to sing and waltz to in the yard, “From Here those movies. It’s not a great movie by any to the Moon and Back.” The moment was means, full of cliches, stereotypes, and heart-achingly beautiful as G.G. and her more than enough schmaltz to tug – no, grandson sang the song in the present as yank – on your heartstrings in the hopes her memories played out before her (and of wringing out a few tears here and there. our) eyes. I get all verklempt just thinking You can almost think of this as Glee: The about it! Gospel Episode. The plot of Joyful Noise is simple, to be But this sometimes cynical movie-go- sure, and it won’t win any awards (although er found something endearing about the Parton’s songs may be up for some here whole enterprise, and yes, I did find my- and there), but it accomplishes what it set self wiping away a few tears at just the out to do, and that is entertain for a couple right moments. Sometimes I can be an of hours. This is a movie that you can just old softie. The movie works not because sit back and enjoy and forget about your of its by-the-numbers script, but because troubles, and who knows, maybe the world of the casting. Dolly Parton herself admits will seem a little brighter afterwards. t

14 q BALTIMORE OUTLOUD January 27, 2012 • Live r ly A ts

Message in a Bottle to be an news story, a hot news story, but go as adults, so that this program even had continued to film. – continued from front page I think also there’s just this deep... these is- a youth program was shocking even to me I I realized as a filmmaker, it’s kind of like, I sues were not known. went to this program back in ’96-’98. had always made films that I had written and People like Peterson had been working It was in January or February of ’05 directed and had never made a documentary We started to read Zack’s blogs and he and informing people about ex-gay issues when I was in Birmingham with a BBC crew before, but I suddenly realized... it’s kind of had posted all of these rules in detail, many for several years. and the guy had just spent a week at Love a filmmaker’s dream to suddenly have like of which had never been publicized before, I ended up becoming a spokesperson for in Action and I said “Oh what’s going on? I an exclusive of this international news story. specific ones that were not supposed to be the media and stuff, primarily out of neces- don’t know what’s been happening there.” The trick part was that I was also, out shown, they were rules that were given to sity. I always looked at this as Zack’s friends He said, “I was sitting there with these of necessity, sort of a spokesperson for the his parents. He copied and pasted them in a sticking up for him. I feel that’s a really im- youth, with adults, as young as like 15, and protest. MySpace blog, (a social networking website portant message in this, these kids sticking this one 16-year-old girl was told that her I was both a part of the protest, helping that used to be around a long time ago). up for a friend of theirs. lesbianism was as bad as some guy who to organize it as well as being the face of it Pretty quickly during that process I heard Ultimately, the protests went on for ten was involved in bestiality.” every day, but also documenting at all times. about Peterson [Toscano] and heard that he weeks, it was literally every day for two It just so blew my mind because this was I continued to archive and use stories had written a play and that he was a former weeks, every single day, but then when it got a program that never dealt with youth and that were happening as well as just film any- client of Love in Action. expanded for Zack to be there for a total of so at that point, I kept asking people about thing that was happening at all times. We decided to stage a protest, which eight weeks. Then it would happen periodi- it, kept asking people in Peterson: And one of the was going to be at Love in Action’s facilities. cally, two times a week or so, and Peterson Exodus, which is the big great things he does in the I found out about this on a Saturday came down and this became a bigger thing. umbrella organization, films is he intersects, he splic- and through the research that we did, very We brought in as many people as we could. and they kept saying es, what is the fancy film term quickly we found out about this program that Janelle Treibitz was the only person who “You have to talk to John for what you do? Zack was going to be put into, a two-week really knew [laughs] what the hell she was Schmid.” Morgan: What exactly? program called Refuge, it was a program doing. She was an actual community orga- Morgan: The protest Peterson: Well how you that Love in Action offered for teenagers, for nizer. That’s what she does for a living, and in Memphis became the mix in the montage of news re- parents to send their kids there. she was the one, the very first day, to send cool thing to do. ports and the protesters, and It was starting on Monday, it was Satur- out press releases to all of the media. She There was never so like it’s almost seamless? day, and we were scrambling; figuring out basically gave us all training in terms of talk- a thousand people out It’s like he’s interviewing what to do and how to do this. ing to the media. there, but there a couple someone, and then you see I’m a filmmaker; I had already made two Dana: Did she come on board herself or of days when we got close that person being interviewed feature length bills previous to this happen- did you pull her in? to a hundred but on a reg- on television and you see Di- ing, so the first day this happened I brought Morgan: She was one of those people ular basis, it was about anne Sawyer talking about it, my camera just because I thought it’s going I called, but the teenagers who were Zack’s thirty people. and so it’s great that you’ve to be a protest. It’s pretty exciting it’s the friends also knew her, we had all done the- When you look at shown all that stuff but you middle of the summer we’re all going to go ater projects together, and so at the time I a story where a teenager is being forced were also able to integrate it into the film. do this. called her she was also like, “Oh my God, no in here by his parents it’s the perfect story Morgan: There was a time too, after this There were about thirty of us that day. this is crazy what should we do?” for the media because it’s very simple; this was all over, after the eight weeks that Zack At least seventy five percent of the peo- A lot of people suddenly had a lot of teenager who’s gay is being forced in by his was there, there was a big anticipation of ple there were under eighteen, they were time and were all in the right place at this parent’s and that’s not okay. like, okay, this is finished, and Zack is get- kids in school, and I would say that almost right moment for this to be able to happen in It’s so clear-cut. ting out and the biggest media blitz kind of as many of that were straight kids. terms of the amount of, just the right number Peterson: And it sort of transcended happened, in terms of CNN and Good Morn- A lot of times in the media it would be of people, with just the right skills and avail- people’s opinions about the gay issue, it’s ing America and that kind of thing. It was all portrayed as the gay community went out ability in order to be able to put the energy like regardless of what you think about being about Zack getting out. Now what’s going to because they were so enraged, but sure, a and time into the protests as well as trying to gay or straight. happen? lot of the gay community did stand up and get it out there on the internet and that kind Bruce: Adding to that fire, I think, was There was never a big reveal; the most speak out but this was strictly an issue of of thing. that one brilliant thing that Zack did was that happened was that Zack took the blogs teenagers sticking up for their friends be- Bruce Garrett: [We] have these stereo- posting that rule book. down that he had put up. Zack put up these cause they didn’t think what was happening types of southern communities. I took a look at the rulebook and my re- MySpace blogs before he went in. Once he was right. I was just so impressed by how much action was I literally could not sleep for a was in Love in Action, you weren’t allowed Little did I know that within three days, support that Zack got from his peers. It was couple days. to use computers, any kind of media, to get like CNN is sending us emails and all the eye opening; it was like ‘Wow!’ I think that Peterson: Who you can have eye con- a link to the outside world so his blogs just news is covering this and its becoming a was my first, how do I put it? This is where I tact with; this is the kind of draconian stuff stayed up. huge international news story. first started getting really encouraged about that we dealt with when I was there for two He wasn’t updating it or anything, so Dana LaRocca: What do you think the future. years. when he was out he took them down, he pushed it to that level? I saw this kids and it was like no ques- It was so validating, in a way, to see it kind of posted a new blog, it was like ‘I never Morgan: It was a perfect storm in terms tion “This is our friend he’s gay ok fine this publicly displayed… people being shocked asked for all this attention, this just hap- of it being a media story because it was deal- shouldn’t be happening to him.” about it, because it is shocking, this sort of pened’ ing with a teenager. It was dealing with social Peterson Toscano: There is something rules and the control that they would have. As a filmmaker I didn’t really have an media, which was at the very beginning of outrageous about this particular story, I mean Morgan: The first three days the kid was ending, there was no real ending, so it was social media in terms of these kinds of web- this particular program had been around for not allowed to even look at people, they had kind of troubling for a while, I just didn’t know. sites and that kind of thing. a long time. Normally people have a reac- to keep their heads down and not make eye Sometimes things would happen with This was right at the forefront of social tion, but not this kind of visceral reaction, contact with anybody. Love in Action and I would just go film them. media and was dealing with a teenager because this was a child who was forced Dana: How did this get to become a film? I would keep filming things, but I didn’t against his will. He couldn’t speak, we were against his will. A lot people think that is what Morgan: After a few days in and real- have an ending, eventually it took another left with this modern day message in a bot- these programs are often like, but actually, izing suddenly that this was going to be a —continued on page 20 tle, there a lot of elements that allowed it they are not often. It is people who elect to bigger thing than just a one-day protest I BALTIMORE OUTLOUD January 27, 2012 • q 15 Lively Arts // screen SAVOR // music Real Steam iMusic: The Winter of Our it will feature a more shirtless Jackman) By Gregg Shapiro and, if you don’t mind a mild ringing in your Records release from 30 years ago. Escort’s In Real Steel (Touchstone Home Entertain- ears, there are probably worse ways to Discotheque respectful cover of the late-seventies classic ment/DreamWorks), set a few unspecified waste a couple of hours. Bonus material “Cocaine Blues” further emphasizes the vin- years in the future, down on his luck boxer on the two-disc Blu-ray/DVD combo pack By Gregg Shapiro tage vibe. As does a Doctor Buzzard-style Charlie (an occasionally shirtless Hugh includes bloopers, deleted and extended Wayward Fire (Modern Art), the funky flame disco remake of the 1937 tune “A Sailboat Jackman) has been reduced to doing the scenes, featurettes and much more. of a debut disc by The Chain Gang of 1974 in the Moonlight.” Escort is hip to the calen- county fair circuit with his gigantic, fight- Set in mid-1990s Turkey and Italy, (a.k.a. the versatile Kamtin Mohager), is a dar, and songs such as “Starlight,” “Why Oh ing, RockEm, SockEm-style robot Ambush. Steam: The Turkish Bath (Raro Video), gay musical mash note to ’80s synth Why,” the Casablanca Records Charlie, who owes everyone money, gets filmmaker Ferzan Ozpetek full-length fea- pop from beginning to end. While style “A Bright New Life” and deeper in debt when Am- ture debut, tells the story the subject matter (a break-up) “Karawane,” timeless though bush is gored by a bull in of Francesco (the hot is no reason for dancing, TCG they may be, belong to today’s the ring. Alessandro Gassman), ’74, keeps the beats free flowing discos and dance-floors. To add insult to inju- who has inherited a and the funky bass line snap- Even though the first three, ry, Charlie’s ex-girlfriend hamam from his itinerant ping. So what if you’re dancing brief songs on Out of Frequency Caroline, the mother Aunt Anita. Francesco with tears in your eyes, just try (BMG Rights) by Copenhagen of his 11-year-old son travels from Rome to to keep your feet and pelvis still export The Asteroids Galaxy Max (Dakota Goyo), has Istanbul with the inten- when you hear the mind-blowing Tour, sound like a series of false kicked the bucket, and tion of selling the Turk- “Hold On,” as well as “Devil is a starts, the 15-track is a he has to make an ap- ish bathhouse, but once Lady,” “Taste of Heaven,” “Undercover,” “Ethi- frequently rewarding, spaced-out, retro-pop pearance at a custody there he is smitten with cal Drugs” and “Tell Me.” Mohager, another update delight. “Major,” a sassy and brassy hearing. Sensitive father the people, the culture straight dude with a serious appreciation for spine tickler is followed by the exuberant figure that he is, he has and the bath. He also the power of the BPM, has a bright future on “Heart Attack,” a cardio-disco sensation. no trouble handing Max finds himself attracted to the club circuit. “Cloak & Dagger” comes across like the lost over to Caroline’s sister Mehmet (Mehmet Gün- On An Album by Korallreven (Acephale), theme song to a sixties Cold War spy thriller, Deborah (Hope Davis) sür), the son of the fam- Swedish electro pair Korallreven complete with horns and whis- and her loaded hubby ily who ran the baths for also gives a tip of the stocking tler, whereas “Theme From 45 Marvin (James Reb- Anita. cap to the 1980s on tracks such Eugenia” is a pseudo-psyche- horn). For a sum. The problem is that as “As Young As Yesterday,” delic trip. “Mafia,” about “the bad While Debra and Marvin are off globe- Francesco is married to Marta (Francesca “The Truest Faith,” “Keep Your boys of Russia,” pays the funk trotting, Charlie temporarily looks after d’Aloja). As it turns out, Marta is having an Eyes Shut,” “Comin’ Closer” forward, while “Suburban Space Max. And wouldn’t you know it? The two affair with Paolo (Alberto Molinari), and and the mini chill-out epic “Co- Invader” is guaranteed to mess virtual strangers bond over a series of mis- when she surprises Francesco with a visit min’ Down.” They also sound with your brain. “When it Come haps, mayhem and more. Max turns out to in Istanbul, divorce papers in her purse, like they are keenly aware of to Us” is heartbreaker with a be a quick study, not only when it comes she is in for a surprise herself. For all of its their responsibility to keep elec- beat, worthy of the application of to training fighting bots, but also in making sexual intrigue, Steam is rather unsteamy. tronic music both hot and cool iridescent lipstick and wet-look friends (and enemies) and influencing peo- It’s more of a love letter to Istanbul (espe- in the 21st century. Guest appearances by go-go boots. Appealing, if dark, closer “Givin’ ple in the sordid world of robot boxing. He’s cially as we watch Marta falling in love with The Concretes’ Victoria Bergsman and the It Back,” does just that. also got some pretty smooth dance moves. the city) and the vaguely foreshadowed whack-a-doodle Julianna Barwick also do If you saw the pared down (two members) Together, they’re almost unstoppable. violent ending feels a bit rushed. Still, it’s much for the duo’s credibility. acoustic Graffiti6 tour in late 2011, you might This surprise box office blockbuster is worth seeing, especially as an example of Is anyone else out there having as much be surprised at the dance-oriented direction as loud and violent as anything in Michael early work by an important gay filmmaker. fun as Brite Futures on their album Dark Past of the band’s full-length debut album Colours Bay’s bag of tricks. After all, it is about DVD special features include an Oz- (Turnout)? Previously known as Natalie Port- (Capitol). Songs such as “Stone in My Heart,” boxing robots. The ending leaves plenty petek interview, a 20-minute doc about the man’s Shaved Head (really!), Brite Futures t “Annie You Save Me,” “Stare into the Sun,” of room for a sequel (and with any luck film, the original trailer and much more. hasn’t lost their sense of humor in the course “Free,” “Stop Mary” and “Lay Me Down” are of the name change, a fact that is immediately undeniably destined for the nearest dance obvious on dance beat driven opener “Baby club or party. Can’t you just picture the eager- Rain” about “how you make a baby.” “Kissed ly awaiting paws of a salivating DJ or remixer Her Sister” details twin trouble and “Jag In A rubbing together in anticipation? Jungle” is such a pure dance party anthem it’s Possibly the most bizarre and challeng- bound to make LMFAO jealous. Ditto for “Best ing of all the discs here, Keep Your Dreams Party Ever (So Far).” The “black light fantasy” (Modular) by Canyons can also be the most of “Cosmic Horn” sounds like it owes a debt to rewarding. Unwilling to be labeled as a dance the B52s, while “Black Wedding” will have you duo, the Aussie pair makes music that makes checking your mailbox for your invitation. your head spin, along with your body. From Lead singer Adeline Michèle and head the bouncy and brassy French disco of “Cir- songwriters and musicians Eugene Cho and cadia,” to the rhythmic gallop of “My Res- Dan Balis are the core trio of “disco orches- cue,” the acid house flashback of “See Blind tra” Escort on their self-titled Escort Records Through,” the slithery funk of “Blue Snakes” debut. When the disc begins, with the Latin- and the visionary “When I See You Again,” beat of “Caméleon Chameleon,” you might these are the kinds of “dreams” you wake up think you were listening to a track from a Ze remembering. t

16 q BALTIMORE OUTLOUD January 27, 2012 • Live r ly A ts // art Diversity of Art-Making at UMBC’s MFA Thesis Exhibition By Michael Farley tails, and character. The artist’s hand elevates the single a drag queen on Hal- MFA candidates in UMBC’s Imaging, Media and Digital cinder block from an anonymous part of a whole to an loween, Seley causes Arts program Meghan Flanigan, Gary Kachadourian, Tim object worthy of study. Through skillful draftsmanship, the the viewer to reconsider Noble and Ali Seley will exhibit off-the-rack aluminum downspout becomes as one’s standard of beau- their thesis work at the Center for complex and patinaed as a corinthian column. ty and what it means to Art, Design, and Visual Culture. Kachadourian’s pantheon of the everyday is per- “look your best”. I have been fortunate enough to haps most remarkable for its ability to create a Meghan Flanigan visit the CADVC several times meditative space for the viewer rather than overt- and Tim Noble are the over the course of the elaborate ly politicize or dramatize the experience. Unlike IMDA candidates who An in-progress preview of installation process and am struck so many contemporary representational artists, perhaps best exemplify Kachadourian’s Apartment by the diverse practices of the five Kachadourian manages to navigate the semiotic the program’s unique Complex artists sharing the gallery. minefield of image-making without forcing an integration of technol- Gary Kachadourian, winner of agenda upon the viewer. One is able to appreci- ogy and fine art. Noble’s the 2011 $25,000 Mary Sawyers T wo of Ali Seley’s ate the draftsmanship and surreal experience of interactive or kinetic sculptures explore alternative means Baker award, recently exhibited self-portraits the space and bring his or her own viewpoints on of communicating data (be sure to check out his robotic at the Baltimore Museum of Art. housing, class, modernism, or any other associa- chalkboard). Megan Flanigan’s piece I Will Disappear To Fans of Kachadourian’s immer- tions the work evokes- without being told how to You combines installation, video, and performance to con- sive installation there will be delighted by his work at the consider the images. An artwork with the the strength to in- sider the relationship between two bodies in space. View- CADVC. Kachadourian meticulously draws the seemingly spire the viewer, yet the subtlety to let the viewer construct ers can experience the piece as a video installation, or par- mundane objects and places that comprise the built envi- his or her own narrative, is rare. It is this elusive quality that ticipate with the artist at selected times: Friday, January ronment and enlarges them to life-size xerox prints. Near- makes Kachadourian’s work so successful. 27, 12 - 1 pm; Saturday, January 28, 2 - 3 pm; Wednesday, ly a third of the cavernous CADVC has been wallpapered Conversely, Ali Seley humorously politicizes the per- February 1, 12 - 1 pm; Thursday, February 2, 3:30 - 4:30 with his reproduction of a garden-style apartment com- sonal everyday in a series of photographs parodying the pm (immediately prior to the opening reception); Friday, plex. One is simultaneously disoriented and impressed beauty products and procedures many women feel pres- February 3, 12 - 1 pm; Saturday, February 4, 2 - 3 pm; by the scope of his work. The interior walls of the gallery sured to endure. Seley photographs herself against a Tif- Wednesday, February 8, 12 - 1 pm; Friday, February 10, have been transformed into the exterior of the structure, fany’s-Blue wall after subjecting herself to various appear- 12 - 1 pm; Saturday, February 11, 2 - 3 pm; Wednesday, complete with TruGreen-Chemlawn-perfect grass on the ance “enhancing” rituals taken to extremes. Acrylic nails, February 15, 12 - 1 pm; Friday, February 17, 12 - 1 pm gallery floor, instantly recognizable as one of the ubiqui- spray tans, and false eyelashes are among the signifiers The Imaging Media and Digital Arts annual thesis ex- tous low-rises that pepper North Baltimore and older sub- of beauty or femininity that become subverted through ab- hibition will host an opening reception Thursday, February urbs. These place-less places, which would hardly merit a surd repitieron. Seley transforms herself beyond “attrac- 2nd from 5 to 7pm. The work will be on display at UMBC’s second glance when encountered in our day-to-day lives, tive” into a slightly sinister creature like a cautionary tale Center for Art, Design, and Visual Culture until February suddenly become a delicate composition of textures, de- out of Greek mythology. Channeling Cindy Sherman and 18th. t GLAAD Announces Annual Media Award Nominations The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defa-’s “Black and Transgender: Eliza Gray (The New Republic), and “The (NBC), Degrassi (TeenNick), Drop Dead mation (GLAAD), the nation’s LGBT media A Double Burden,” and Lady Gaga for her Secret I Don’t Want to Keep Anymore” by Diva (Lifetime), Glee (FOX), The Glee advocacy and anti-defamation organiza- Born This Way album. Janet Mock as told to Kierna Mayo (Ma- Project (Oxygen), Gun Hill Road (Motion tion, announced on January 19 the nomi- Spanish-language nominees include rie Claire). Both Albert Nobbs (Roadside Film Group), Pretty Little Liars (ABC Fam- nees for its 23rd Annual GLAAD Media Ricky Martin for his album Música + Alma Attractions) and Tomboy (Rocket Releas- ily), Shameless (Showtime), and Tomboy Awards. By recognizing and honoring me- + Sexo, telenovelas Las Aparicio, ing) offer compelling and (Rocket Releasing). dia for outstanding images of the LGBT Los Exitosos Gome$, and El Úl- groundbreaking stories Three of this year’s nominees fea- community, the GLAAD Media Awards timo Matrimonio Feliz, news pro- about gender. ture transgender author and activist Chaz serve as a benchmark for the media indus- grams Noticiero con Paola Rojas Both The Late Show Bono: Becoming Chaz, Dancing with the try and complement GLAAD’s work to bring and Despierta América, and ESPN with David Letterman and Stars, and “Chaz Bono” Late Night with LGBT images and stories to Americans. Deportes’ SportsCenter. Conan received nomina- David Letterman. Among the nominees: Beginners, The transgender community is tions for Outstanding Talk The nominated documentary Two starring Christopher Plummer and Ewan represented in nominees like Gun Show Episode. Letter- Spirits addresses a subject all-too-rare McGregor, Albert Nobbs, starring Glenn Hill Road (Motion Film Group), De- man’s in-depth interview in mainstream media: the lives of Native Close and Janet McTeer, J. Edgar, starring grassi (TeenNick), Becoming Chaz with Chaz Bono is being American people who identify as LGBT Leonardo DiCaprio and Armie Hammer, (OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network), recognized, along with and/or as Two Spirit. It aired on PBS as Showtime’s hit shows Shameless and The Two Spirits (PBS), Dancing with C haz a November episode of part of the Independent Lens series. Big C, Glee, Modern Family, CBS ratings the Stars (ABC), “Chaz Bono” Late Bono Conan O’Brien’s show in The New York Times received four leader NCIS, Becoming Chaz, the AIDS Night with David Letterman (CBS), which he officiated the nominations, in all three print newspaper documentary We Were Here, Dancing with “Children & Teens Caught in the wedding of longtime cos- categories: Outstanding Newspaper Col- the Stars with Carson Kressley and Chaz Wrong Body” Anderson (syndicated), “Kye tume designer Scott Cronick and his part- umnist (Frank Bruni and Maureen Dowd), Bono, the wedding of a gay staffer on Allums” Outside the Lines (ESPN), “Led by ner David Gorshein. Outstanding Newspaper Article (“Even on Conan, David Letterman’s interview with the Child Who Simply Knew” by Bella Eng- Several nominees featured portrayals Religious Campuses, Students Fight for Chaz Bono, CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360, lish (The Boston Globe), “Transitions” by of LGBT youth including Days of Our Lives —continued on page 18 BALTIMORE OUTLOUD January 27, 2012 • q 17 Lively Arts // personalities

AN INTERVIEW WITH GAY WRITER ROBERT LELEUX can’t persuade me that she doesn’t secretly believe that there are cameras somewhere [laughs]. She sort of con- fun gay uncle [laughs], even to the older people in my life. ducts her life as though there is already a movie version. Living Proof It’s one thing to flit in for a couple of weeks or months and I loved On Golden Pond. It’s one of the things that I was do that hard, on the ground caretaking. It’s another thing thinking about when I was writing this. I thought, wouldn’t By Gregg Shapiro to do it day in, day out, day after day. The difficulty of it it be wonderful if Jane Fonda could be my grandmother. In The Living End (St. Martin’s Press, 2012), gay writer multiplies exponentially. My mother did that. It gave me She could play the next stage of that (movie) role. I’d love Robert Leleux’s second memoir, he brings the reader the perspective that not only people who are experiencing it if Michael Urie (played me)…I’d just love to be Michael up close to the experience of caring for a loved one with end-of-life or extreme illness scenarios, not only do they Urie. Any nearness to him in any form would be great for Alzheimer’s disease and the toll it takes on family and need caretakers, but caretakers need caretakers. It’s very me. My mother’s a toughie, because my mother would friends. With loving care and respect, Leleux tells of his easy to lose your way in that forest of caretaking. It was always be Judy Garland in any circumstance. grandmother Joann’s illness, providing firsthand insight a blessing to spend as much time as I did with my mother GS: How about Liza in a blonde wig? into the effect that Alzheimer’s not only has on and mother-in-law, who’s actually RL: That works. Although I can’t see her as Jane Fon- her but those around her. To his credit, Leleux doing quite well now, when they da’s daughter [laughs]. keeps a level head throughout and even suc- were going through that. I also GS: After two books about family, have you begun ceeds in infusing the tale with much-needed worked hard to distract my mother to think about your next book project? doses of humor. I spoke with the author shortly and take her out for pedicures or RL: Writing about yourself is the hardest thing I can before the publication of the book. to the theater as often as I could. think of doing. I’m sure there are many harder things that Gregg Shapiro: In the chapter, “Hello, I Because there’s no harder work, everyone does every day. It is truly difficult and requires a Must Be Going,” in your new memoir “The I think. great deal of refocusing of the spirit because you have to Living End, you write about the 2008 New GS: A little less than half- be looking over your own shoulder and you have to keep York Times essay that you wrote about your way through The Living End, your own reactions in check to see the larger experience. grandmother Joann and Alzheimer’s. Was you say, “As a writer, I was well This is all to say that I really hope I won’t be (writing about that the basis for the book or had you, by aware that, to a large extent, a family) in anything else that I ever write [laughs]. Hope- then, already begun to write the book? story is happy or sad because fully, I’ll make up some fun, wonderful thing. I was helping Robert Leleux: That’s a great question. of the way it ends.” With subject a friend, who asked me to read over the novel she was Both, I suppose. I can be a very slow writer. It’s a matter such as this, which also working on and I sort of got into it. I thought, this is where meditative process for me. The wonderful thing includes a hard won reunion, it’s at, man! This is fantastic! You don’t have to write about about a (New York Times) Modern Love piece did it increase the pressure to your grandmother. You can’t make shit up! This is terrific is that I know exactly how long it would have to Robert Leleux come with a suitable ending? [laughs]. t be. It’s a wonderful way to force yourself to tell RL: I had the ending first. I had a complete narrative. I knew that I had a story that I was the sensation that we were living in a fairytale in which desperately longing to tell and I had no means of framing some sort of extraordinary, magical occurrence had been it. I thought, “I bet if I framed this as a Modern Love piece, enacted in our lives. I wanted to find some way to talk I could compel myself to give it some sort of structure.” about that because I think even the most optimistic of us GLAAD AWARDS GS: Did you have a specific audience in mind while go through life feeling the more things change, the more – continued from page 17 writing The Living End? they stay the same. People never really change, they are RL: Yeah, because the world is dying for stories about who they are. If someone said that to me know, it’s likely old ladies [laughs]. I heard Meryl Streep talking about that I would just nod my head in agreement because it’s Margaret Thatcher and playing old Margaret Thatcher. so imbedded in the way I see the world. And yet, that was Gay Identity” by Erik Eckholm), and Outstanding Newspa- She said there’s really no group less tended to or spoken so not my experience. Now that I have written about it and per Overall Coverage. to than old ladies. Maybe commercially it’s not the smart- talked and read about it in public, I am so humbled by the Rod McCullom’s article in Ebony, “Making it Work,” est idea, but I love older ladies. I’m that kind of a gay guy. number of people who come up and say that the same received a nomination for Outstanding Magazine Article, You sit me next to some old lady with a mouth on her thing happened to them in the last five minutes of life. How and his personal blog, Rod 2.0, received a nomination for and I’m a happy fella. My grandmother would definitely extraordinary is that? Outstanding Blog. fall into that category [laughs]. But what I’ve been struck GS: In Chapter 7, “Twelve Miles of Bad Road,” you “As media continue to tell new stories about LGBT by – I’ve now read from this book twice and I’ve talked a write about humor and why Southerners are funny. people and families, a majority of Americans now support lot about it – what I find extraordinary is that, it speaks to Would you say that you agree with the “tragedy + time full equality of LGBT Americans,” said Mike Thompson, a wider audience than I ever would have imagined. Not = comedy” equation? GLAAD’s acting president. “This year’s nominees en- only have almost all of us been touched by Alzheimer’s in RL: I’m afraid I do [laughs]. I so wish it was otherwise. lighten and entertain, while spotlighting the diversity of some way, we’ve all had the experience of someone we Phrased in a more empowering way, you have no control our community. Audiences expect to see their own worlds love changing with time and extreme old age. I’ve been so over anything that occurs in your life. There’s almost noth- reflected in media, and today more than ever, those in- moved by the way that people have spoken to me about ing, as far as the circumstances of your life goes, that is clude the lives of LGBT people. Viewers know that LGBT it. It makes me incredibly happy to know that the way I’ve determined by you. It is a humbling human fact. We do characters and stories are simply natural extensions of, written about it, in some way, seems to rekindle people’s have control over the way we tell the story. If you can find and glimpses into, their own experiences from across memories of people that they’ve loved very much. a way to keep the dignity of the situation and to honor America.” GS: In addition to dealing with your grandmother what has occurred, but can also make it funny, I do feel The GLAAD Media Awards ceremonies will be held Joann’s Alzheimer’s, your mother-in-law Yvella also that it is one of humanity’s ways of winning [laughs] and in New York on March 24, 2012 at the Marriott Marquis became ill, increasing yours and your husband Mi- being victorious over circumstances. in Times Square; in Los Angeles on April 21 at the Wes- chael’s roles as caregivers. Did this experience pro- GS: The Living End has a cinematic quality to it. tin Bonaventure; and in San Francisco on June 2 at San vide you with a newfound or enhanced respect for If there was a movie version, who would you want to Francisco Marriott Marquis. Special honorees for each caregivers, who are often considered to be unsung play Joann, Yvella and Jessica? city will be announced in the coming weeks. t heroes? RL: I love that question. Because my grandmother A complete list of GLAAD Media Awards nominees RL: [Laughs] It’s God’s work. I got to be this kind of loved the movies, it was her great passion. And my mother may be found at 18 q BALTIMORE OUTLOUD January 27, 2012 • are negative thinking patterns closely re- lated to depression, anxiety, and stress. Here they are: all-or-nothing thinking, see- ing a negative event as a never-ending Getting pattern of defeat (overgeneralization), dwelling on negatives (mental filter), dis- Unstuck missing positives, blowing things out of BAR GUIDE Gerry Fisher proportion (magnification and minimiza- tion), emotional reasoning (“it feels that way to me,” regardless of evidence to the contrary), should statements, criticism (la- No you beling), and blaming yourself or others in- BAltImoRE BAltImoRE HARRIsBURG, appropriately (personalization and blame). PEnnsylvAnIA Shouldn’t! (If you’d like a four-page summary of this Back Door Lounge Leon’s material, send me email, and I’d be happy 5801 Pulaski Highway 870 Park Ave When people seek my services as a life to forward it to you.) (back of Gold Club 410-539-4993 the Brownstone & career coach, it’s usually for big ticket So, back to should statements. Here’s entertainment complex) 412 Forster St Harrisburg, Pennsylvania items. They want help with a career transi- the formula for clearing the brush of should 410-483-3356 mixer’s tion, a weight-loss program that will keep statements out of your life: (717)234-7009 it off in the long run, a jump start to their • Notice when “should” or “must” or 6037 Belair Rd dating life, or ways to manage a problem some other similar word appears in a BaLtimore eagLe 410-599-1952 relationship. thought or in something you say. 2022 North Charles Street 443-524-3333 staLLions For many people, they understand • Practice changing the thought so that Port in a storm 706 N 3rd St what they want and basically how to get you’re still being honest about the strug- 4330 E. Lombard St it. But, as they say, “it’s the little things gle you face (no Pollyanna affirmations!), Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 410-563-0465 (717)232-3060 that can bring you down.” Or distract your but use new words that feel better – more cLuB 1722 attention. Or sap your energy. Or make flexible, empowering, hopeful, caring, and 1722 North Charles Street station north things appear more complicated than they manageable. 410-727-7431 have to be. If you’re having trouble noticing your arts cafe gaLLery 704 strawBerry So, a large part of my job is helping own self-talk, then practicing mindfulness 1816 North Charles Street cafe clients to take a machete to “the [emo- will help you with the first step. (Contact 410-625-6440 704 N 3rd St tional] underbrush,” so they can get on cLuB Bunns me for mindfulness handouts.) Harrisburg, Pennsylvania with the task of having the Here is an example of 608 W. Lexington St. (717)234-4228 job, health, or partner they doing the second step: “I 410-234-2866 the Quest desire. This brush removal should get back to the gym” involves building skill in becomes “I think I’d really 3607 Fleet St. nePtune Lounge Drinkery relaxing, focusing, concen- like it if I got back to the 410-563-2617 268 North St trating, and finding enjoy- gym” or “I think I’d like how I 203-207 W Read St. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania able ways to get through look and feel if I got back to 410-225-3100 the rowan tree (717)233-3078 the day and to work toward the gym” or “I’ve decided to 1633 S. Charles Street long-term goals. get back to the gym” or “I’m the gaLLery 410-468-0550 In this column, I’d like to choosing to get back to the LiQuiD 891 inc 1735 Maryland Ave. 891 Eisenhower Blvd share a way to chop away gym.” Notice that 1) You’re 410-539-6965 one type of weed that blocks our paths and still addressing the problem of being out Harrisburg, Pennsylvania makes it difficult to move forward: should of shape, and 2) You have the same ex- triPLe LLL (717)939-3590 statements. A should statement is anytime act goal regarding what you want to do hiPPo 227 W. Chase Street – in your thinking or speech – you say, “I about it. It’s just that you’re speaking from 1 West Eager St. 410-539-4806 should….” For example: “I should call her.” a place of power and choice, and you’re 410-576-0018 “I shouldn’t be such a grouch.” “I should being more respectful and loving toward Pw’s sPorts Bar yoRk, redo my resume.” “I shouldn’t eat that fat- yourself. & griLL tening food.” Should statements include all Now, some of you might be think- granD centraL PEnnsylvAnIA the words that mean basically the same ing that stopping yourself from saying 9855 Washington Blvd. N. 1001-1003 N. Charles St thing: must, have to, need to, gotta. “should” once and changing it to “want to” Suite N cLuB xs 410-752-7133 Laurel, MD 20723 Let me pause to give you some brief or “choose to” won’t make much of a dif- 36 W 11th Ave background information. Sixty years ago, a ference, and you’d be right. It would be 301) 498-4840 York, Pennsylvania brilliant man named Dr. Aaron Beck discov- like me cutting one weed away from the (717)846-6969 ered that bad moods and negative thinking overgrown path and noticing that it won’t Jays on reaD patterns go hand-in-hand. He also discov- help me to move forward. But, do this four, 225 W. Read Street ered that you could change your mood by five, or six times a day, every day, for a 410-225-0188 changing your thoughts. Without the nega- week and then a month and then a year, tive thinking, bad moods lose their “fuel” if and you’ll clear the path of good clump of you will, and they fade or disappear. weeds. Work on the other nine cognitive In the eighties, Dr. David Burns devel- distortions, too, and you’ll notice that mov- oped an easier, more organized way for ing down the path toward your goals feels people to detect this negative thinking and easier and smoother. t turn it around. He identified ten “cognitive Learn more at BaltimoreLifeCoachGer- distortions” (a clunky term, I know), which BALTIMORE OUTLOUD January 27, 2012 • q 19 Live r ly A ts // out on screen

Message in a Bottle a lot of thing and I just had to wait to get – continued from page 15 it right. I never felt that I had the story; I never felt that I had the clarity in order to really tell the complete story. six years. It was just such a huge project that The other side of that is that we actual- having it incomplete made my entire life ly had Zack to turn 18 to give his consent. feel incomplete. I just feel grateful, Bruce Peterson: There was stuff going on helped out a whole lot Peterson helped out behind the scenes, two years later the ref- a whole lot. Having support over the years uge program was discontinued. The adult to just get that done was so vital. program continued, but after all these pro- Dana: How do you distribute a film like tests and everything they were no longer this? going to take youth in the same way they Morgan: The big first push has been did. I continued to do research to find out screening it at over 20 festivals around the what is going on there and I finally got country, so that was the first push. In June, some. [I] found out about some inappropri- 2011, it premiered in San Francisco. We ate, unethical but nothing illegal, stuff that now have a distributor, TLA Releasings, was happening. I was concerned that there and they are going to put it out this June, were youth and adults together in this pro- 2012. gram, and how inappropriate that was. Dana: They bought it? So I discovered about a year later about Morgan: a young man who was 16 who was in the They bought it, yeah, they didn’t actu- program met a man who was an adult and ally pay me for it [laughs], if people buy they continued a relationship afterwards. I the movie, we will get money back. This is don’t know if it was sexual or not but, it was the most money I’ve ever spent on any of romantic, and this was the kind of thing my films but it’s also the least I care about that was OK, this is highly inappropriate, money being returned, because it’s so Grand Central Nightclub 1001-1003 North Charles St. Baltimore, MD but it’s not illegal, so I used it as leverage much more important than that. t 410.752.7133 Visit us on Facebook to get them to change their rules so they For the complete interview, go to Balti- would no longer have youth and adults in session together. Bruce: There were bits and pieces. It was a little blog that kind of like was the headquarters or the go-to place for infor- “The Shawnna Alexander Show” mation about what was going on in the protests it was the queer action committee, Saturday, February 11th! and I don’t know if that was a LiveJournal blog or what. Somebody posted on the first day that Zack was there, the writer said there were three kids being marched around like pris- LGBT Group Cruise oners with their heads, their eyes, having Baltimore’s Favorite! to be down all the time. departing from Baltimore It was so heartbreaking, the image of Join your friends these kids. and make new ones Sept Peterson: I know from being in that onboard the Happy Hour program, you’re just cut off from the world. Carnival Pride. It is brainwashing because you don’t have 23 any other way of finding out about what is This 7-night Eastern Caribbean cruise will explore 4-8pm happening in the world except through the Daily the Turks and Caicos and filters that they give you. And I think many the Bahamas. Your food and people, when they come out, they are very entertainment will be provided, disoriented. bring your sense of adventure and It’s like you are in a time capsule for get ready for a good time! that period. Dana: I don’t know anything about Includes Private Cocktail Party making movies, so when I see six years where you’ll meet others from this I don’t know if that’s short or long, or… it group. Roommate matching is sounds long to me but I don’t know. available for single travelers. Morgan: I made a whole other film dur- $250 deposit, Layaway available 3607 FLEET STREET Check us out ing that time span. I think that I made two on Facebook different films, that were both made and BALTIMORE, MD 410-563-2617 came out with, during that time, while that (443) 458-3808 was happening. I would never spend that AMPLE PARKING • ATM AVAILABLE long on a film but I had to. I had to wait for 20 q BALTIMORE OUTLOUD January 27, 2012 • Every Gray Hair equals ONE House sold ... 30 years of experience!

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BALTIMORE OUTLOUD January 27, 2012 • q 23 IML 2011 2nd Runner-Up Anthony Rollar, for their great display of brotherhood. After Club of Baltimore) Thomas Idoux. Producer/ Owner of ABW, Inc. and American the MAUL Party I was off to the D.C. Eagle There were some issues last year when Leatherman 2000 Dean Ogren, Owner of the for a nightcap or two. the Centaur, M.C. moved their big leather D.C. Eagle Ted Clements, from San Francisco Sunday, January 15 brought the main weekend from the smaller Washington Pla- Mr. Hayes Valley Leather 2005 Jay Harcourt, event. After a beautiful brunch that was in- za Hotel to the 834 room Hyatt Capitol Hill. and from Pittsburgh the Head Judge, Mr. Mid- cluded with the MAL package, it was time Last year leather folks had to deal with other Atlantic Leather 2011/ IML 2011 1st Runner- to attend the Mr. Mid-Atlantic Leather 2012 events also being held at the Hyatt during Up Doug Pamplin. Contest. As I said earlier, the cost of putting MAL Weekend. Plus there were the fashion After the Opening Reception, the D.C. on an event of this magnitude is staggering. police telling leather men to put shirts on boys of Leather held a Just the thought of taking over over their harnesses in the lobby. This year cocktail party and dance one of D.C.’s major hotels all MAL... OMG that Mardi Gras atmosphere of MAL’s past in one of the hotel ball- weekend for a leather function arrived at the Hyatt, as the Centaurs were rooms. I had planned to would have been unheard of able to reserve the entire hotel for the week- During what many are describing as the take advantage of the years ago. The Centaurs saved end. The lobby was a sea of hot men in vari- best Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend in MAL Bar Crawl bus, but a few bucks by cutting the one ous stages of undress all weekend. Oh my years, Mr. Pittsburgh Leather Fetish 2012 there was some much go- thing that could be cut and still God, there was so much eye candy I gained Matthew Bronson was selected over eight ing on at the Hyatt that I not hurt the event. There was five pounds! I knew it was going to be one other contestants as Mr. Mid-Atlantic never made it out of the no big name entertainment big party when the Hyatt staff turned one of Leather 2012. The title of First Runner-up hotel. at the MAL Contest this year. the check-in desks into a bar! was awarded to Mr. P.W.’s Leather 2012 On the afternoon of Sure, I enjoyed seeing Jenni- The evening of Friday, January 13 Marc Sherkness Carcione and Second Saturday, January 14, it fer Holliday, Ce Ce Peniston, brought the Opening Reception during which Runner-Up to MAL 2012 was Mr. Connecti- was time to hit the huge Sandra Bernhard, and Kathy everyone had their first chance to meet the cut Leather 2012 Matt Kenney. Also com- Leather Exhibit Hall. I felt Najimy in past years, but that it contestants and watch them draw their con- peting in the 27th Mr. Mid-Atlantic Leather like a small child at Toys not what the contest is about. testant numbers. It was also a great opportu- Contest were Mr. Double L Leather 2011 R Us looking at all the fun It was actually better without nity to meet the excellent judging panel before Allen Lerch, Mr. Rawhide NYC 2011 Jed toys and leatherwear. Also it. The contest was just about they got busy with the events of the weekend. Ryan, Mr. South Shore Leather Jay Mer- on Saturday afternoon, the nine contestants on stage. This year’s judges came from as close as the dick, Mr. Mountain Leather 2012 Paul the judges for May’s In- Mr. Mid-Atlantic Leather 1993 D.C. Eagle and as far away as the French Hayes, Mr. D.C. Leather 2011 (and a mem- ternational Mr. Leather Frank Nowicki did a fantastic Alps! Judging MAL 2012 were International Mr. ber of COMMAND, MC) Ron Moser, and 2012 Contest in Chicago job emceeing as the contes- Leather 2011/ Mister Leather Europe 2010 Eric First Runner-Up to Mr. Maryland Leather were announced for the tants competed in barware, Guttierez, from NYC International Ms. Leather 2012 (and Secretary of the ShipMates first time during a Press Party. (You will be jock, formal leather, and on stage question. 2011 Sara Vibes, Mr. San Diego Leather 2010/ hearing all about IML later.) Saturday also (Oh God some of those questions! Mr. P.W.’s brought the Puppy Party and the popular Leather was asked to give examples of times Men of ONYX Annual Cocktail Party. MAL that he had learned from his mistakes. Marc has really come a long way. I remember at- brought down the house when he included tending the ONYX Party at the Washington that when torturing someone by spreading Plaza when it was held in someone’s hotel Icy Hot on his balls, be sure to not use the room. This year it was in one of the Hyatt’s same hand to scratch your own.) I also loved ballrooms and included a leather gear fash- Mr. Mid-Atlantic Leather 2011 Doug Pam- ion show (complete with stage and runway) plin’s step down speech as he spoke about and a silent auction to benefit the Mr. D.C. his busy year and how he may not have en- Eagle 2012 Travel Fund. couraged people to spend enough money for Saturday night brought one of my fa- charities, but he did something even more vorite events of the whole year: Leather important. He was able spend lots time with Cocktails. This annual formal leather cock- people. He especially enjoyed going to some tail party dates back to 1976 at New York’s of the smaller events and encourage other Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. It is the leather event titleholders to do the same. This truly was a of the season. The Regency Ballroom of the great contest. Plus, without the filler enter- Hyatt Capitol Hill sparkled as a live jazz band tainment the contest got over an hour earlier played. There was wonderful food, open bar, than planned, which allowed me a chance to spectacular tropical floral arrangements, and hit the Leather Exhibit Hall in the hour be- even an ice sculpture of a male torso wear- fore it closed. ing a leather harness! Towards the end of the MAL Weekend ends with the “Reaction evening, there was a parade of colors, which Dance.” The 9:30 Club at 815 V St. NW included a representative from each of the was packed with shirtless men dancing many leather clubs in attendance. I would the night away. If you missed MAL 2012, hate to see the price tag on this part of MAL you really must make plans for next year. alone! (I would hate to see the price tag on my Although usually held on MLK Weekend, bar tab alone!) It was a wonderful evening. it should be noted that due to the Presi- After Leather Cocktails, the men of dential Inauguration MAL 2013 will be held MAUL (Mid-Atlantic Uniform League) hosted January 11-13, 2013 at the Capitol Hill a cocktail party in another ballroom upstairs. Hyatt. This is the week before the Martin I had the honor of presenting MAUL with an Luther King Holiday Weekend. Congratu- award from the ShipMates Club who had se- lations to the Centaurs, MC on a fantastic lected MAUL as the Club of the Year for 2011 MAL 2012! Oh my God I had a ball! t

24 q BALTIMORE OUTLOUD January 27, 2012 • People We Like Community Bulletin Board Joe Diffenbaugh February 4, aka Josie Lee Foster Towson University ment about Joe, I had both of my email ac- The Life And Science Of Benjamin Banneker counts overrun. That said volumes about Actor and professional storyteller, Bob Smith by Jay Loane how much he is admired. I even received presents The Life and Science of Benjamin About 18 years ago, when I started working a comment from as far away as Sweden. Banneker. 10 a.m. and Noon. Smith Hall Room 326. at the BGP as a photographer, I met Joe “Josie Foster, what can you say about Admission is free Diffenbaugh, better known as his alter ego a Baltimore legend?” stated Anita Minett. Josie Foster, during a show at The Hippo. “All I can say is that she has been a huge February 8 Unlike these days, people shunned supporter of new queens and though she Transgender Issues Working Group anyone carrying a camera let alone a may bring you down at first, it’s to help you The input and perspective of our transgender member of the press. However, Josie was out in the long run.” supporters is vital for the advancement of one of the few who welcomed not only me Anita added, “She has given me so transgender issues, legislation and education in our but my camera as well. much inspiration to continue my drag ca- community. The working group meets every other Joe was born into a large family (he is reer! She’s a wonderful person and hilari- January 27 & 28 Wednesday at the Equality Maryland offices 1201 one of nine) in Baltimore and grew up in ous when you get to know her. Dance at Theatre Project S. Sharp Street, Baltimore, MD 21230). 7:00 p.m. the Highlandtown area. He attended and These are just a few of the accolades I Free, registration required. For info contact owen@ graduated from Patterson received. The Collective Presents Shorts High School. “The bold and The Collective, Baltimore’s hub for dancers and In 1988, Joe came out. the beautiful is choreographers, will present a concert of works He started working/help- Miss Josie Foster” designed to make the most impact in the shortest amount of time possible. Friday & Saturday @ 8p.m. ing to dress performers at commented David Tickets: General Admission ~ $15 Students & Seniors shows and one day he de- Rorke of Sweden. ~ $12. 45 W. Preston St., Baltimore, Maryland 21201. cided he wanted to be a “Her wit is never Box Office: 410-752-8558. part of the action on stage. ending”. Usually, one gets their drag “I have known name by the name of your Josie for 2 years childhood pet and the street since branching where you lived. However, Joe Diffenbaugh out on the drag Joe just couldn’t go around photo: Justin Nixon scene in Balti- with the name “Booties more”, remarked Fait”. Lovell Woodland. “It was after my first at- February 10 It was through his good friend, the tempt at a prelim to Miss Maryland that Whodunnit for Hire Murder Mystery Dinner late Chantel McGee, who would call Joe Josie saw potential in me. She has been Celebrate Valentine’s Day with a little murder, – Jose. one of the most supportive and driving forc- mystery and mayhem. The professional traveling “It was when the movie “The Associate” es and I truly admire her. It was last year theatre troupe will present “Baldwin’s Haunted with Jodie Foster came out. As a big fan of when I competed for Miss Maryland; I said Station.” Did you hear that noise? Did the room just hers’, I decided to call myself a combina- to her ‘I hope to make you proud’. Josie was get colder? Is this restaurant haunted? Find out as tion of Jodie and Jose – hence, Josie.” quick to respond ‘you already have’.” we search for clues, interrogate suspects and solve In 1990, Joe ran in the competition of I asked Josie where were his favorite whodunnit. Doors open at 6:30p.m. Mystery and Miss Allegro and won. places to perform in. “The Renegade in dinner begin at 7p.m. Baldwin’s Station Restaurant, Then, in 1994, Joe took the dive into Rehoboth Beach. I loved it there. And the 7618 Main Street, Sykesville, MD 21784. $50/pp running for the title of Miss Hippo. Again, Atlantis. Every time I would jump onto the plus tax and gratuity includes advance reservations are required. Call 410-795-1041. he won. bar, a little voice would tell me to watch out Joe is respected by many in the com- for the beam in the ceiling and no sooner February 13 munity, not only as a performer but as a than I thought this, bam – my head hits the person as well. beam. But in the long run, The Hippo is my Equality Maryland’s Lobby Day “Josie is loving, understanding and a home.” Your opportunity to visit with your legislators and tell huge role model for female impersonators,” If you are a regular out in Mount Ver- January 29 them how important marriage equality is to you and your family stated Eric Gabbard, a show promoter. non, you can find Joe at The Hippo where CinemaP Sundaysariah at the Charles. 6:00 p.m. Join us at Lawyer’s Mall (in front of State he tends bar. He has been working there Joe and his brother Mark, who is also Adepero Oduye portrays Alike (pronounced ah- Capitol) gay, have both competed against each now for ten years. lee-kay), a 17-year-old African-American woman other. “I look out for my brother all of the “I used to help Josie with the contests who lives with her parents Audrey and Arthur February 14 time,” Joe commented. “But when we com- for Miss Allegro and Miss Maryland New- (Kim Wayans and Charles Parnell) and younger PFLAG Howard County Rainbow Youth and pete against each other, he’s on his own”. comer”, remarked Michael Serio. “He is a sister Sharonda (Sahra Mellesse) in Brooklyn’s In 1995, Josie ran for Miss Gay Mary- great friend.” Fort Greene neighborhood. Alike is quietly but Allies land America. It was a hard fight and in the Depending on who you talk to in this firmly embracing her identity as a lesbian. With the Rainbow Youth and Allies provides a safe space end, he came in second to Sabrina White. community, the reviews of Josie are mixed. sometimes boisterous support of her best friend, out for youth (up to age 22) who are Gay, Lesbian, It ultimately wasn’t a loss. To have gotten “Some people say that they don’t want to lesbian Laura (Pernell Walker), Alike is especially Bisexual, & Transgendered (GLBT), as well as that far, is a testament to the performer. I meet me because they think I am a bitch. I eager to find a girlfriend. 10:a.m. 1711 North Charles their allies. Meetings are on the 2nd & 4th Tues. of watched that night as it was my first show am just the opposite. I am an easy person St, Baltimore. You can also call us at (410) 727- the month, at Owen Brown Interfaith Center. 7246 Cradlerock Way, Columbia, MD. 7:30 p.m. Free to cover for the paper. to get along with. That is one thing I want 3456 (that’s 727-FILM). When I asked a few people to com- people to know about who I am.” t

BALTIMORE OUTLOUD January 27, 2012 • q 25 Professional Services

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C all 410-244-6780 to advertise. ppet sup lies EH LP Wanted GRPhoto APHY Free photography for LGBT events. Special rates for models and IndependentAVON SaleS RepReSentatIveS entertainers. Complete WantW chooseant to choose your yourhours, hours, your your income income,and yourand your rewards? rewards? WE W DO!!E DO!!! discretion for personal photos. Images for all your photographic needs and fund-raising $$$$$$ opportunities. Contact John Redmond/Bill Palmer AISR jaywphotos@ (443) 421-9091 / (443) 421-9090 [email protected] 410-952-6724

Call 410-244-6780 to list your business in the Professional Services directory. BALTIMORE OUTLOUD January 27, 2012 • q 27 AT THE

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